Computer Science 1

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1 The website of a school allows visitors to download JPG, MP3, MPEG and PDF files.

The video clip is compressed using lossy compression.

Explain why lossy compression is suitable for a video clip, but not suitable for a text document.


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2(a) A microwave oven is controlled by a small, specially built CPU.

The table below shows some CPU instructions and what they mean.

CPU instruction Meaning

00001000 00010100 Add 20 to the timer
00001000 00000001 Add 1 to the timer
00000100 00000001 Subtract 1 from the timer

Using examples from the instructions above, state what is meant by:

(i) an opcode


(ii) an operand


The time displayed on the microwave oven is represented as two 8-bit binary numbers, one for the minutes
and one for the seconds.

For example;
“8:20” is stored as 00001000 00010100
“15:45” is stored as 00001111 00101101
(b) Show how the time 5:30 will be stored.

(c) 00001000 00010100 can represent either the instruction for “Add 20 to the timer” or the data for the time “8:20”.

Explain how the CPU can determine whether it represents an instruction or data.


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3 Explain why data is stored in computers in a binary format.

4 Kofi uses his computer to record an audio file of himself playing his guitar.

He emails his recording to a record label. He uses lossy compression to produce the music file.

Explain two reasons why using lossy compression is beneficial.


5(a) Order the following units from smallest to largest:

GB bit PB byte nibble MB

(b) Convert the decimal number 191 into an 8 bit binary number.


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(c) Convert the hexadecimal number 3E into a decimal number. You must show your working.


(i) Add together the following two 8 bit binary numbers. Express your response in an 8 bit binary form.




(ii) Identify the problem this addition has created.


6(a) Complete a 2 place right shift on the binary number 11001011.

(b) Explain the effect of performing a 2 place right shift on the binary number 11001011.


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7(a) Add the following two 8-bit binary numbers.

(b) An overflow error can occur when adding two 8-bit binary numbers.

Describe what is meant by an overflow error.


8 The number 62 could be a denary number or a hex number.

(i) If 62 is a hex number, calculate its value as a denary number.

You must show your working.


(ii) If 62 is a denary number, calculate its value as a hex number.

You must show your working.


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9 Numbers can be represented in denary, binary or hexadecimal.

(i) Convert the binary number 01101001 to denary, showing your working.


(ii) Convert the denary number 154 to binary.


10(a) Files are often compressed before they are sent over the internet.

State what is meant by compression.


State one advantage of compressing files before sending them over the internet.


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(b) Two types of compression are lossy and lossless.

State which type of compression is most appropriate for each of the following and explain why it is appropriate.

(i) Downloading the source code of a large program

Type of



(ii) Streaming a large video file

Type of



11(a) Add the following bytes.

(b) State the problem that will occur if a computer is to store the result as a byte.


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(i) When sending text messages using a mobile phone, people can choose from hundreds of characters, called
emoji, to insert in their message. An example of an emoji is .

The Unicode character code for the emoji in hexadecimal is 1F64A.

Convert the hexadecimal number 1F64A to binary.

The first three hexadecimal digits have been done for you.

Hexadecimal: 1 F 6 4 A

Binary: 0001 1111 0110 _______ _______


(ii) Explain why mobile phones that can send emoji would use Unicode instead of ASCII as their character set.


13 Convert the binary number 1011011 to denary. Show your working.


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14(a) A computer records an audio file of someone playing a guitar.

Complete a 2-place shift to the right on the binary number 11001011.


(b) Explain the effect of performing a 2-place shift to the right on the binary number 11001011.


15(a) The ASCII code for the character J is the denary number 74.

Write the 8-bit binary number for the ASCII character J in the following boxes:

(b) Give the hexadecimal number for the ASCII character K.
Show your working.


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16 Layla is an artist. She draws images by hand. The image is then scanned and stored on a computer.

Layla uploads her images and videos to a website.

(i) Explain why Layla compresses the images and videos before uploading them.


(ii) Layla wants to reduce the file size of the images and videos by the largest amount possible.

Identify the method of compression that would be most appropriate. Justify your choice.

Compression method ..............................................



17 Give two reasons why computer scientists use hexadecimal to represent numbers instead of binary.


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18(a) Computers make use of electronic switches called transistors.

Describe how transistors can be used to store a value in binary.


(b) Azmi says, “hexadecimal is used because it takes up less storage space in the computer’s memory than binary.”

Tick one box to identify whether Azmi is correct. Justify your answer.

Tick (✓)



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(c) Binary shifts can be used for multiplication and division.

Draw one line from each shift on the left to its correct outcome on the right.

(d) Add the following 8 bit binary integers, giving your answer in binary.


19(a) Identify how many unique values can be represented by 4 bits.


(b) Perform a binary shift of 3 places right on the binary number 10001110.


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20 A student compresses all their documents before emailing them to their teacher.

(i) Give two benefits of compressing the data before it is emailed.


(ii) Explain why lossy compression may not be appropriate to compress all of the student’s files.



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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 When the file is compressed some 3 The first bullet is for the idea that
detail / data / quality / resolution is something is lost in the compression
lost… process.
… which is not noticeable in the video The second bullet is for the idea that the
file / video still viewable with lower video file is still usable with this loss.
quality The third bullet is for the idea that the text
… but would make the text file file is not usable.
unreadable / lose meaning or

Total 3

2 a i (Part of the instruction which) specifies 2 The answer must refer specifically to the
the operation to be carried out operation to be carried out and not the
e.g. 00001000 = add to timer / instruction as a whole.
00000100 = subtract from timer

ii (Part of the instruction which) supplies 2 For data, accept number / integer.
the data / address / value needed for
an operation
e.g. the number to be added /
subtracted from the timer / numerical
example from the table (00010100 or

b 00000101 00011110 2 All 8 bits must be correct for each byte.

1 mark per byte

c Instructions and data are fetched at 1 Award the mark for:

different points of the fetch execute
Instructions and data are kept in The program counter points to the
separate parts of the memory (by the address of instructions
operating system)

Total 7

3 Examiner's Comments

A number of candidates were able to make

the connection between the use of binary
and the design of computer circuitry which
is what was being addressed. Many other
candidates made some relevant point
which allowed them to gain one of the
marks, but missed this crucial link.

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

e.g. 2

Circuit only needs to check for two

states / uses switches…
…electricity flowing or not flowing / on
or off / 1 and 0
…resulting in more reliable circuits.

Total 2

4 Lossy means the decompressed file is not 2 1 mark for each bullet.
identical to the original… (1 mark for identification of the effect, one
…the difference is unlikely to be noticed by mark for an explanation)
Lossy will decrease the file size …
… so it can be sent via e-mail

Total 4

5 a bit, nibble, byte, MB, GB, PB 1 1 Correct Answer Only

b 10111111 1 Correct Answer Only

c Working; (3* 16) + 14 OR 00111110 2 1 mark for correct answer, 1 for valid
62 method of working

d i 0000 0000 2 Correct Answer Only

1 mark per nibble

ii overflow 1 Correct Answer Only

Total 7

6 a 00110010 1 Correct Answer Only

b The number is divided by 4 2 1 mark per bullet to a maximum of 2.

Loss of accuracy …
… the bits on the right are removed
… the bits on the right are removed

Total 3

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

7 a Answer: 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 Examiner's Comments

One mark per nibble
This part posed no difficulty for most

b There is an extra carry / bit 2 Examiner's Comments

As number cannot fit into 8 bits
Result is greater than 255 / 11111111 In this part, while most candidates showed
some understanding of what an overflow
error is, fewer were able to give a detailed
description for full marks. Using the context
provided by the question (that we were
dealing specifically with the addition of 2
8-bit numbers) might have helped some of
these candidates to achieve the second
mark. Candidates continue to confuse the
terms “number” and “digit”. In most cases,
this did not affect the candidates’ mark as
their meaning was clear in the context of
their answer, but in some cases it can be
so ambiguous that the examiner is unable
to determine the candidate’s level of

Total 4

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

8 i 6 * 16 + 2 / 0110 0010 2 Accept working where candidates write the

98 least significant bit first in their binary
representation (i.e. 01111100) as long as
this is clear (e.g. by showing the place

Examiner's Comments

Most candidates who attempted this part

correctly converted between denary and
hex, and vice versa. The most common
error was the use of the hex digit “D” for
the denary number 14. Some candidates
omitted this question, although their
performance in other questions suggested
that they should have been able to make a
reasonable attempt.

ii 62 ÷ 16 = 3 r 14 / 62 = 0011 1110 2 Accept working where candidates write the

3E least significant bit first in their binary
representation (i.e. 01000110) as long as
this is clear (e.g. by showing the place

Total 4

9 i 64 + 32 + 8 + 1 2

ii Answer: 10011010 2 Allow 1 mark for 01011001

(one mark per nibble if partly wrong)
Examiner's Comments
Candidates usually perform well at binary
conversions and continued to do so this
year which is pleasing to see. The majority
of candidates obtained full marks

Total 4

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

10 a Reduce the size of the file. 1

Transmits more quickly / uses less 1 Accept other valid advantages to do with
bandwidth sending files, NOT storage

Examiner's Comments

This question was generally answered well

by most candidates.

b i Lossless compression 3 Explanation must follow from the type of

The code has to be exactly as it was compression given.
originally written
… or else it will not work. ?Examiner's Comments??

Middle ability candidates were largely able

to show their understanding of lossless and
lossy compression by identifying which
was to be used in the scenarios given, and
stronger candidates were able to also
justify why. It was pleasing to see
significantly better performance on this
topic than in previous sessions, suggesting
that centres have heeded to the advice
given in previous reports.

ii Lossy compression 3 ?Examiner's Comments

Achieves higher compression / smaller ??
file size / faster streaming than lossless When candidates were justifying the use of
Video can still be viewed at lower lossy compression for the large video,
quality (from the data compressed). most stated the fact that the loss of detail
was relatively inconsequential but only the
most able candidates went on to add that
in addition it provides better compression
ratios than lossless to give a full

Total 8

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

11 a Correct answer: 2 Examiner's Comments

Most candidates had no difficulty with the

portion of the binary addition where there
was no carry, but weaker candidates were
less sure about what to do about the carry
with some even using the digit 2.

Award marks for:

1 1 1 0 0 0 for bits 5 to 0
0 0 for bits 7 and 6.

b there is an overflow / a carry left over 1 Examiner's Comments

after the addition / does not fit into one
byte. It was unfortunate that a good number of
candidates did not simply use the technical
term (“overflow”) – however, those who did
not use this term were still able to get the
mark by giving an accurate description of
an overflow error.

Total 3

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

12 i 1 mark each 2 Allow 100 for 4

Examiner's Comments

This question was answered well,

candidates were able to correctly convert
the numbers into hexadecimal. Those
candidates who could not convert to
hexadecimal were still often able to get the
conversion of 4 correct.

ii Unicode has more characters / space 2 Allow the opposite for bullet 1 i.e. ASCII
(to store the emoji) does not have enough space
Unicode is 16 bit / 1-4bytes compared
to ASCII’s 7/8 bits

Allow any acceptable format for Unicode

e.g. 1, 2, 3 or 4 bytes long Allow numeric
quantities in place of bits / bytes for bullet 2

Examiner's Comments

Many candidates had a good

understanding of the differences between
the two languages, the most common
response being that Unicode could have
more characters. Fewer candidates went
into further detail to explain why this was
the case. Some candidates got these the
wrong way, and stated that Unicode was
used because it would take up less space.

Total 4

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

13 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Award working mark independently of final

AO1 1b answer but must be correct (e.g.
91 (2) 1+2+8+16+64 // correct binary headings
Correct working shown. with correct binary underneath)

Examiner’s Comments

As in previous years, conversions to and

from binary are now done extremely well
by the majority of candidates.

This question used a 7-bit number.

Candidates are expected to understand
that this can be dealt with in many ways,
including filling the unused 8th bit on the left
with 0 or counting each digit from the right
as increasing powers of 2.

It was pleasing to see that so many

candidates understood this and were able
to give the correct answer of 91.

Where mistakes were made, this involved

candidates either adding a 0 to the right of
the least significant bit or assigning bit
values from 128 on the left which means
that the answer is doubled.

Total 2

14 a 00110010 1 Correct Answer Only

(AO2 1b)

b Divide the number by 4 2

Loses precision (AO2 1b)

Total 3

15 a 01001010 1 cao

b 1 mark for adding 1 to J: binary 01001011 2 Allow 1 mark for converting J into 4A
// converting J to hexadecimal and adding without adding 1
1 mark for answer 4B

Total 3

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

16 i 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2

Reduces the file size…

…takes up less space on the server
Faster upload to server
Faster download for users

ii 1 mark for lossy 3 Award FT marks for justifying lossless

1 mark per bullet to max 2 appropriately to max 2

Lossy will most likely reduce the file

size by a large amount than lossless
Lossy will remove data that is not
noticeable // the changes will allow for
further reduction without the user

Total 5

17 1 mark per bullet to max 2 2 Mark response as a whole.

Easier/quicker to communicate / enter / AO1 Do not accept answers simply describing

write / read / remember 1b(2) what hexadecimal is.
Less chance of input errors // easier to
spot errors “easier to understand” or “easier to use” on
They are smaller / shorter its own is NE
Easy to convert between binary and
Hexadecimal BP3 (smaller) must refer to size when
written down, NOT size when stored which
is unaffected)

Total 2

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

18 a Transistor has two states 2 Allow values for BP1

1 represents on, 0 represents off
Each transistor stores one bit
Multiple transistors used to store a
binary value

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

b Incorrect ticked 2 1 mark for identifying issue, 1 mark for

Data cannot be stored in hexadecimal reason why.
// all data is stored in binary // Allow FT for BP2 if candidate agrees but
hexadecimal is a shortcut for computer provides further clarification that shows
scientists they understand.

Examiner’s Comments

It was showed that many candidates did

not understand the use of hexadecimal. All
values in a computer system are
stored/processed using electronic switches
(transistors) and these can be represented
for humans as binary, with 1 and 0 being
switches that are on or off.

Hexadecimal is a short cut for

programmers to represent large binary
values in a shorter amount of space. For
example, a large binary number 1010 1001
1111 0011 could instead be represented
as A9F3. This does not change how the
underlying value is stored in the computer,
but simply makes it easy for the human
user to communicate or use.


All data in a computer system is

stored/processed using on/off switches
known as transistors.

Hexadecimal is an alternative way of

representing the state of these switches,
NOT a different method of storing data in a
computer system.

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

c 3 3 marks for all connections correctly made

2 marks for 2 or 3 connections correctly
1 mark for any connection correctly made

d 1100 1100 2 1 mark per nibble. Each pair of nibbles in

question can be added individually so no
requirement for FT marks.

Total 9

19 a 16 1 Correct answer only

Examiner’s Comments

There were a range of responses to this

question, commonly 15, 8, 4 and 2 were
given. Candidates who gave 15 often had
calculations to identify the highest number
that can be represented in 4 bits; missing
the number 0 that can also be represented.

b 00010001 1
Examiner’s Comments

This question was often answered well with

many candidates correctly shifting the
number. Some candidates attempted to
include a binary point to show where the
binary numbers moved to. This is not part
of the specification and should not be

Total 2

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

20 i 1 mark each to max 2 2 Mark first answer in each section

Reduces file size Examiner’s Comments

Takes less time to transmit // faster to
upload // faster to download This question required candidates to
Requires less storage space (on the consider the reasons why the data is
server/device) compressed before emailing it.
May otherwise exceed email storage
Uses less bandwidth to transmit Many candidates answered this well with
Uses less data to send (e.g. mobile most identifying the reduction in file size
data) and that this allows the email to be
received faster.

Some candidates were not precise enough

in their response. For example, stating ‘It is
faster’ without identifying what is faster, in
the context of the question this would be
the compression is faster and hence

Some candidates gave the same point

multiple times i.e. the transmission of the
email, by stating that it could also be
downloaded faster. It can be downloaded
faster because the transmission from the
email server to the computer is faster, and
hence the same reason.

A second common response was that ‘It

takes up less space’, space on its own is
not enough because the candidate is not
identifying what this ‘space’ is, for example
it could be space on the screen. For this
question candidates needed to identify that
it was the storage or memory space.

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

ii 1 mark each to max 2 2 MP2 is for identifying that the files contain
text and they cannot be compressed with
Data will be permanently lost // not all lossy
data is recoverable
Text files cannot be compressed with Examiner’s Comments
Teacher requires the original/high This question required application to the
quality image/video/sound files question to demonstrate candidate’s
understanding. The compression is used to
compress all of the student’s files in the
question. This includes a sound file, text
document and image.

Lossy is usually appropriate for images

and sound, but is not appropriate for text
documents. Some candidates were able to
identify this appropriately but some
candidates inaccurately stated that the
letters would be blurry, or some of the
letters or words would not be displayed.

Lossy compression would not change the

display of the letters and would not select
words to be removed, instead the file
would be corrupted.

Total 4

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