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1 Intensive Care Units in hospitals are for patients in need of round the clock monitoring and support.

Computerised systems can be used to monitor patients’ vital signs (temperature, heart rate, blood pressure and
breathing). They can then alert medical professionals to any significant changes.

These systems usually run on an embedded, real-time, operating system.

(i) State what is meant by the term real-time.


(ii) Explain why a real-time operating system would be suitable for Intensive Care Units.


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2(a) An operating system uses scheduling. One method of scheduling is first come, first served.

(i) Explain why the first come, first served scheduling method may not be efficient.


(ii) Describe one other scheduling method.


(iii) Explain why scheduling is necessary.


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(b) Explain why memory management is necessary.

(c) Paging may be used in memory management.

Describe paging.


3(a) State what is meant by a distributed system.


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(b) One facility of a network operating system is to provide security for users.

Explain two other facilities of a network operating system.


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4(a) Operating systems can use many different scheduling algorithms.

(i) State three different scheduling algorithms.


(ii) Explain the purpose of scheduling.


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(b) Memory management in a computer for main memory can use either paging or segmentation.

(i) Explain what is meant by ‘paging’.


(ii) Explain what is meant by ‘segmentation’.


(iii) State two similarities between paging and segmentation.


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5 Early computers were programmed in binary machine code. Today most programmers use high-level languages.

Identify four benefits to the programmer of using library routines.


6 A computer uses a Von Neumann processor.

Describe the fetch-decode-execute cycle that this architecture uses.

Fetch _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Decode _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Execute _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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7 See And Believe is a company that specialises in computer-generated imagery (CGI) for films.

Producing CGI requires lots of processing power and so the company has a large number of high-performance

Explain why See And Believe would use a distributed operating system.


8 A programmer spends her spare time contributing to an open source application that converts video files from a
range of formats to one which uses lossy compression.

The coding team are looking at writing a new closed source version of the application that converts audio and
image files in addition to video. They intend to sell copies of the program when it is complete. They investigate
three programming languages they could use, including:

C++, which is compiled to machine code

Java, which compiles to an intermediate code that then runs off a virtual machine
JavaScript, which runs from an interpreter in a web browser.

* Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the three options above and justify which option you would recommend.

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9 * A student, Dan, on a limited budget finds his computer is running slowly. He uses his computer for university
work and internet browsing.

Discuss what measures can be taken to improve Dan’s computer’s performance. You should explain what these
measures are, why they improve the performance and justify whether you would recommend them.


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10 A company produces digital photo frames (i.e. photo frames that display digital photographs).

Identify the type of operating system that the photo frame is most likely to use.

Operating system Tick one


11 The electricity company decides to trial smart meters. These can be connected to a computer so the user can
download and analyse records of their electricity usage.

(i) In order to be able to access all the functionality of the meter, the computer needs a device driver. Describe
what is meant by the term ‘device driver’.


(ii) In order to transfer data, the meter and computer need an established set of rules for how they will

State the term used for a set of rules for communication between two devices.


(iii) Once downloaded, the user can analyse the data.

State the type of application that the user might use to analyse the data once downloaded.


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12(a) Desktop operating systems are an essential part of modern personal computer systems (i.e. desktops and

Describe how a desktop operating system is loaded when a personal computer is first switched on.


(b) Operating systems often come with utilities.

State a utility that might be supplied with a desktop operating system to help with system maintenance.

(c) * One of the key functions of an operating system in a personal computer is to manage system resources
such as memory and CPU time. Discuss the different approaches a desktop operating system can take to
managing these system resources and the relative advantages of each approach.

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A programmer is writing a game to run on a variety of games consoles. Discuss the different ways in
which they might use virtual machines in this process and any advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

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14 Open source software has grown in popularity over the last few decades.

Linux is a popular open source operating system and Windows is a popular closed source operating system.

Give three functions of an operating system.


15(a) Julie is a university student. She is considering buying a laptop to help with her studies both at home and
university. Her friend has told her she will need to choose an operating system to run on her laptop.

Two functions of an operating system are memory management and scheduling.

State two other functions of an operating system.


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(b) The operating system Julie is considering makes use of paging to manage the laptop’s memory.

Explain one benefit of using paging for this purpose.


(c) Julie’s friend has told her she should buy a laptop with a solid-state drive that uses flash technology rather than a
magnetic hard drive.

Explain two reasons why Julie would use flash technology to store her files.

(d) State the name of one utility that Julie could install on her laptop.


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16(a) Arnold has several computing devices around his home. Each device has an operating system installed.

Arnold has a PC which has a Basic Input Output System (BIOS).

Describe what is meant by the term ‘BIOS’.


(b) Arnold has a router. It will receive data packets from other computers on Arnold’s network or the internet and
then route them on to the next step.

The scheduling algorithm Arnold’s router uses is First Come First Served.

(i) State the name of one other scheduling algorithm.


(ii) Explain why First Come First Served is a suitable scheduling algorithm for Arnold’s router.


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(c) One role of an operating system is to manage the computer’s memory.

Two types of memory management are paging and segmentation.

Describe one difference between paging and segmentation.


(d) One role of an operating system is the Interrupt Service Handler. This allows processes being executed by the
CPU to be interrupted.

(i) One example of an interrupt would be removing an external hard disk drive from a computer.

State why this would need to interrupt the current fetch-decode-execute cycle of the CPU.


(ii) Interrupt Service Handlers make use of a stack data structure.

Describe how a stack is used when handling interrupts.



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1 i The system gives a response within a 1 For 1 mark.

guaranteed time frame (1).

ii If something happens to a patient, a 2 Up to 2 marks for a valid explanation that

response must be immediate (1). demonstrates application of knowledge
Other types of system may have and understanding to given context.
delays in response (1).
This could result in a patient not
receiving treatment in time (1).

Total 3

2 a i Once a job starts it prevents other jobs 2

from being processed Examiner's Comments
A job using a slow resource (eg printer)
wastes processor time This question seemed to baffle a lot of
candidates who decided to answer a
question about priorities instead. Those
who answered the question properly
generally managed to get one mark, there
were relatively few who got full marks for

ii Round robin 2 One method only - marks in pairs

Time slice to each user in turn Accept other examples, including
Or Priorities
Length of job Highest priority first
Shortest job first
Examiner's Comments

This question was well answered by most

candidates with “round robin” being the
clear favourite response.

iii Process as many jobs as possible… 4

…in least possible time / quicker Examiner's Comments
Ensure all jobs are processed (fairly)
Maximise number of interactive users… In general, this was well answered with the
…with fast response times / real time whole range of expected responses from
Efficient use of resources / processor time the mark scheme being used.

b Organise the use of (main) memory… 3

…by converting logical addresses to Examiner's Comments
physical addresses
Allows programs to share memory / Most candidates gave correct responses to
allocate memory… this, with the majority of those gaining two
…& protect programs / data from each marks, the most popular answers for this
other were ‘allocates memory’ and ‘protect
Allows programs larger than main memory programs from each other’.
to run

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c Partitioning memory 3 cao

Pages are fixed size
Pages are physical divisions Examiner's Comments
Used for virtual memory
A lot of candidates had problems with this
question and a significant few thought that
this was concerning saving to secondary
memory. Very few mentioned “partitioning”
and it was thought that this should be fairly
standard when referring to paging.

Total 14

3 a A system which shares processing 1

(between the processors on a network) Examiner's Comments
/ shares the data between different
systems (on a network in order to This was a definition which many
reduce bottlenecks). candidates did not know and answered as
though it was a simple network.

b File handling… 4 Max 2 facilities

…allowing Access to, and manipulation
of, files dependent on the identity of the Examiner's Comments
Handling communication… Most candidates are able to state two
…controls the movement of data facilities offered by a NOS, but the
around the network (by use of agreed descriptions are less well done.
Resource sharing / resource
…ensure fair allocation of resources /
volume of printout allowed / etc
Automatic backup…
…so that data is not lost if it is

Total 5

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4 a i First Come First Served 3

Round Robin
Shortest Job First Accept any other processor scheduling
Shortest Remaining Time algorithm.
Multilevel Feedback Queues
Examiner's Comments

Generally well answered but there were a

small number of candidates who seem to
have got mixed up with stack and queue

ii To make the most efficient use of the 3

processor / resources Examiner's Comments
Be fair to all users / applications
Provide a reasonable response time A number of candidates seemed to have
Prevent processes from failing to run / taken an earlier answer to a similar
Process starvation / Deadlock question slightly out of context and implied
that the processor made sure that it got as
many users as possible. “Maximise the
number of users” on its own was not
considered enough for a mark.

b i Parts of a program divided into equal 2

size pieces Examiner's Comments
Uses physical divisions
This was answered as expected with most
candidates getting 1 mark, a fair amount
got 2.

ii Parts of a program divided into unequal 2

sizes Examiner's Comments
Uses logical divisions
As would be expected of this question, it
was the second part to the previous and
the spread of marks was the same.

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iii Both ways of partitioning / splitting up 2

Use virtual memory / backing store to
swap parts of programs
Allow programs larger than memory to Virtual Memory / Backing store not enough
run / insufficient memory on its own.
Allows programs to be stored in
memory noncontiguously Examiner's Comments

Most candidates were quite unspecific in

their responses to this part of the question,
this was aimed at higher grade candidates
and it did define the differences between
an average response and a good one.

Total 12

5 Pre-tested 4
Saves time / ready for use / pre-written
Written by an expert Allow error free as BOD instead of pre-
Written in a different language tested

Examiner's Comments

Well answered although there was a

tendency for some candidates to repeat
the response to the question above worded
slightly differently.

Total 4

6 Fetch- The next instruction is fetched 3

from main memory/address
Decode- The instruction is interpreted /
translated / split into opcode and Fetch they may describe the whole cycle
operand (in the CIR) Not translated in MDR
Execute- The appropriate
instruction/opcode is carried out on the Examiner's Comments
A lot of candidates are unsure as to what
actually happens in the fetch decode
execute cycle and some very vague
answers were provided. However, there
were a few excellent responses that did
show a good understanding of the

Total 3

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7 Any 2 from: 3
Examiner's Comments
Allow multiple computers / resources…
(AO1.1) Few candidates gained full marks on this
To be treated as one / work on the question. Many candidates described
same problem (AO1.1) general characteristics of a network
operating system rather than a distributed
1 from: operating system. Fewer appropriately
related their explanation to the scenario.
Meaning all the computers can work on
producing the same special effect.

Total 3

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8 Mark Band 3–High Level (7-9 marks) 9 AO1: Knowledge and Understanding
The candidate demonstrates a thorough The following is indicative of possible that
knowledge and understanding of a wide candidates may refer to but is not
range of the technical issues the coding prescriptive or exhaustive:
team might have considered; the material Java
is generally accurate and detailed. The One version needs be written and can be
candidate is able to apply their knowledge used on any device / OS combination that
and understanding directly and consistently has the Java Virtual Machine rather than
to the context provided and come to a well having to write multiple versions.
argued conclusion. Evidence / examples Code running on a VM tends to be slower
will be explicitly relevant to the explanation. than compiled.
The candidate provides a thorough C++
discussion which is well-balanced. Multiple versions of the code will need to
Evaluative comments are consistently be maintained for different architectures…
relevant and well-considered. …however there may be minimal
differences between them, and then just
There is a well-developed line of reasoning need compiling with different compilers.
which is clear and logically structured. The
information presented is relevant and Program will run quicker than alternatives.
Mark Band 2 –Mid Level (4-6 marks) As interpreted likely to be by far the
The candidate demonstrates reasonable slowest option.
knowledge and understanding of the Will run in any browser.
technical issues the coding team might
have considered; the material is generally AO2: Application
accurate but at times underdeveloped. The The selected knowledge / examples should
candidate is able to apply their knowledge be directly related to the specific question.
and understanding directly to the context The following is indicative of possible
provided although one or two opportunities factors / evidence that candidates may
are missed. A reasoned conclusion is refer to but is not prescriptive or
drawn. Evidence / examples are for the exhaustive:
most part implicitly relevant to the
explanation The candidate provides a Java
reasonable discussion, the majority of Multiple devices can include devices other
which is focused. Evaluative comments are than PCs (i.e. phones, tablets).
for the most part appropriate, although one People with unusual operating systems or
or two opportunities for development are architectures would have access to the
missed. application.
There is a line of reasoning presented with It makes commercial sense to sell to as
some structure. The information presented wide an audience as possible.
is in the most part relevant and supported The speed reduction compared to
by some evidence. compiled code will likely be noticeable with
such a processor intensive task.
Mark Band 1-Low Level (1-3 marks) As running on a VM coders will have
The candidate demonstrates a basic limited (if any) access to some of the low
knowledge of the technical issues the level features (e.g. access to the GPU)
coding team might have considered with which can optimise the program.
limited understanding shown; the material Intermediate code is used helping protect

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is basic and contains some inaccuracies. A intellectual property.

conclusion is made though it may not be
well supported. The candidate makes a C++
limited attempt to apply acquired Some less used architectures may not be
knowledge and understanding to the developed for as not commercially viable.
context provided. Compiled code will run quicker than the
The candidate provides a limited other options. This is likely to be noticeable
discussion which is narrow in focus. given the nature of the task.
Judgments if made are weak and Easier to get access to lower level features
unsubstantiated. The information is basic (such as GPU access).
and lacks supporting evidence. Compiled code is not human readable
helping to preserve intellectual property

Most people have web browsers so by far
most compatible option (don't even need
The slow speed may be frustrating…
…though as no user interaction is needed
this may be a trade off worth making.
Source code is visible (though can be
obfuscated) meaning it can easily be
copied and amended.

AO3: Evaluation
Candidate has used the points above to
justify their choice of language.

Examiner's Comments

Candidates were assessed on the quality

of their extended response in this question.
Some candidates did not extend their
discussion beyond the benefits and
drawbacks associated with writing code in
each of these programming languages,
therefore limiting credit awarded to low /
mid band. Those candidates who
discussed the benefits and drawbacks of
selling a closed source application written
in each of the languages with a justified
recommendation were credited in the mid /
high band. Centres should encourage
candidates to structure their response to
clearly address all parts of the question.

Total 9

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9 Mark Band 3–High Level 9 AO1.1 AO1: Knowledge and Understanding

(7-9 marks) (2) AO1.2
The candidate demonstrates a thorough (2) AO2.1 The following is indicative of possible
knowledge and understanding of a wide (2) AO3.3 factors/evidence that candidates may refer
range of ways a computer’s performance (3) to but is not prescriptive or exhaustive:
can be improved and justifies how these
measures improve performance; the Methods of improving performance
material is generally accurate and detailed.
The candidate is able to apply their – Replace CPU with faster CPU
knowledge and understanding directly and – Add more/Faster RAM
consistently to the context provided. – Add a graphics card
Evidence/examples will be explicitly – Upgrade to faster secondary storage
relevant to the explanation. The candidate – Update OS
provides a thorough discussion which is – Install a lighter weight OS
well-balanced. Evaluative comments are – Defragment the hard disk
consistently relevant and well-considered. – Check for viruses and spyware.
There is a well-developed line of reasoning
which is clear and logically structured. The AO2.1: Application
information presented is relevant and
substantiated. The selected knowledge/examples should
be directly related to the specific question.
Mark Band 2 –Mid Level The example below is not prescriptive or
(4-6 marks) exhaustive:
The candidate demonstrates reasonable
knowledge and understanding of a range – A newer CPU may have a faster clock
of methods of improving a computer’s speed and so execute more instructions
performance and justifies how many of per second. It may have multiple cores
these improve performance; the material is and so be able to execute several
generally accurate but at times programs simultaneously (or one in
underdeveloped. The candidate is able to parallel). It may have more cache
apply their knowledge and understanding meaning comparatively slower RAM can
directly to the context provided although be accessed less frequently.
one or two opportunities are missed. – More RAM means more programs can be
Evidence/examples are for the most part open simultaneously without the need to
implicitly relevant to the explanation. The use much slower virtual memory.
candidate provides a reasonable – Adding a graphics card will speed up the
discussion, the majority of which is rendering of 3D graphics as GPU has
focused. Evaluative comments are for the specialist instructions and can apply the
most part appropriate, although one or two same instruction to multiple pieces of
opportunities for development are missed. data simultaneously.
There is a line of reasoning presented with – The slower the secondary storage the
some structure. The information presented longer it takes to load files/program/data.
is in the most part relevant and supported A faster secondary storage device can
by some evidence. improve this. May choose to use flash
memory (i.e. SSD)
Mark Band 1-Low Level – OS makers often release updates and
(1-3 marks) some of these will improve performance.
The candidate demonstrates a basic – Some lighter weight operating systems
knowledge of how a computer’s use fewer system resources allowing the

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performance can be improved. Limited system to devote more to running the

understanding is shown of how these user’s applications.
measures improve performance; the – A fragmented HDD runs slowly as time is
material is basic and contains some spent finding parts of the files. This is
inaccuracies. The candidate makes a reduced by defragmenting and storing
limited attempt to apply acquired the parts of the file contiguously.
knowledge and understanding to the – Malware can slow down a computer.
context provided. The candidate provides a Removing it will improve performance.
limited discussion which is narrow in focus.
Judgments if made are weak and AO3.3: Evaluation
The information is basic and The following is indicative of possible
communicated in an unstructured way. The evaluation points that candidates may refer
information is supported by limited to but is not prescriptive or exhaustive:
evidence and the relationship to the
evidence may not be clear. Hardware improvements (i.e. CPU, RAM,
secondary storage and GPU) have costs
0 marks attached but likely to have most impact.
No attempt to answer the question or
response is not worthy of credit. The higher performance the hardware, the
more cost incurred.

(NB candidates aren't expected to know

relative costs of components.)

GPU unlikely to benefit student in this

scenario (unless their course requires
graphics processing).

Defragmenting HDD is free and so should

be performed.

Running anti-malware programs is free/low

cost and should be done as a precaution
against losing data anyway.

Moving to lighter weight software can

potentially be free if the user considers
open source software.

Examiner’s Comments
Candidates were assessed on the quality
of their extended response in this question.
Most candidates could cite some methods
for improving performance but not all
managed to then appropriately apply these
to the question. Many candidates did
recommend one or more measures
although some cases needed to include
justification. This resulted in some very

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good responses and marks awarded

spanning the range of marks available.

Total 9

10 Operating Tick One 1

system AO2.1
Examiner’s Comments
Embedded ✔
Multi-user Most candidates achieved the single mark
available in this question.

Total 1

11 i - A program/software 2
- That controls a piece of hardware AO1.1
- Providing an interface/bridge between (2)
the device and (operating) system
(1 per -, max 2) Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates stated a valid definition

for a device driver but some definitions
were too vague to gain credit at this level
of study.

ii Protocol(s) 1 cao
(1) Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates correctly stated

protocol(s) here.

iii - Spreadsheet package 1 Accept any suitable application.

- DBMS/database AO1.2 No proprietary names
(1 per -, max 1) (1)
Examiner’s Comments

Surprisingly fewer than anticipated

candidates achieved this mark. Candidates
should be reminded that the use of
proprietary names is not acceptable and
will not gain credit.

Total 4

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12 a - The BIOS is loaded/ carries out its 2

checks AO2.1
- the BIOS/bootstrap loads up the OS. (2)
(1 per -, max 2) Examiner’s Comments

Many candidates correctly referred to the

BIOS/bootstrap but then failed to clearly
describe the process.

b - Disk Defragmenter 1 Accept any sensible utility.

- Compression Utility AO1.2 No proprietary names
- Disk Checker (1)
- Virus checker
- File manager
(1 per -, max 1) Examiner’s Comments

Most candidates could correctly state an

appropriate utility program.

c Mark Band 3-High Level (7-9 marks) 9 AO1

The candidate demonstrates a thorough Memory management divides memory
knowledge and understanding of how OSs AO1.1 either by paging or segmentation.
manage resources (for this band these (2) Virtual memory is where part of secondary
should be reference to CPU time and AO1.2 storage is treated as extra memory space.
memory); Strong evaluation of different (2) It is used when physical memory space is
approaches. The candidate provides a AO2.1 limited.
thorough discussion which is well- (2) CPU time is allocated to processing using
balanced. AO3.3 scheduling.
Evaluative comments are consistently (3) Schedulers use different algorithms.
relevant and well-considered. When CPU attention is needed interrupts
There is a well-developed line of reasoning are generated.
which is clear and logically structured. The
information presented is relevant and AO2
substantiated. Paging divides memory by fixed size
Candidate has used appropriate technical physical divisions.
terminology throughout. There are few if Whilst all pages are the same size, what
any spelling errors or errors of grammar. that size is can vary.
Segmentation is dividing memory
Mark Band 2 -Mid Level (4-6 marks) according to variable size logical divisions.
The candidate demonstrates reasonable Scheduling algorithms include Round
knowledge and understanding of how OSs Robin (Each job gets a fixed time slice),
manage system resources (for 5+ Marks First Come First Served (The first job to
there should be reference to both CPU arrive is processed until completion, then
time and memory). The candidate provides the next…), Shortest Job First (The
a reasonable discussion, the majority of quickest to complete job is finished first),
which is focused. Evaluative comments are Shortest Remaining Time (quickest job is
for the most part appropriate, although one completed first but stops and re-evaluates
or two opportunities for development are when a new job arrives), Multi-Level
missed. Feedback Queue (Jobs are put in different
queues depending on their importance).

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There is a line of reasoning presented with Interrupts are signals sent to the processor
some structure. The information presented asking for attention.
is in the most part relevant and supported
by some evidence. AO3
There may be spelling errors or errors of With segmentation only the exact space
grammar in the response but they are not needed is used per program, however as
obtrusive. programs are loaded and removed from
memory there may be wasted space
between programs. Programmers often
need to specify segments.

Mark Band 1-Low Level (1-3 marks) The fixed size of pages make it easier to
The candidate demonstrates a basic allocate pages and work out their position.
knowledge of how OSs manage system Space inside a page may be ‘wasted’ as
resources The candidate makes a limited program is unlikely to take up exact
attempt to apply acquired knowledge and number of pages, however all pages can
understanding to the context provided be used with no wasted space between
The candidate provides a limited them. Programmer need not worry about
discussion which is narrow in focus. the pages.
Judgments if made are weak and
unsubstantiated. The information is basic In practice both are used in conjunction
and communicated in an unstructured way. (e.g. segmentation on top of paging).
The information is supported by limited
evidence and the relationship to the Some scheduling algorithms (e.g. SJF,
evidence may not be clear. STR) can cause starvation (i.e. certain jobs
There are likely to be spelling errors and/or never get processed).
errors of grammar, which will disrupt the More complicated scheduling algorithms
flow of the response take up lots of processor time for the
scheduling itself, taking away processing
0 marks time from the actual jobs that need
No attempt to answer the question or processing.
response is not worthy of credit. Interrupts mean that the processor only
has to worry about being needed when told
(as opposed to having to constantly check
i.e. polling).

Examiner’s Comments

Candidates were assessed on the quality

of their extended response in this question.
Many candidates explained the difference
between paging and segmentation, the use
of virtual memory and scheduling very well.
Some went on to describe the different
scheduling algorithm techniques equally
well and discussed the relative advantages
of each function. Many candidates scored
well on this question.

Total 12

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13 Mark Band 3-High Level (7-9 marks) 9 Points May Include:

The candidate demonstrates a thorough - A virtual machine is a piece of
knowledge and understanding of how VMs AO1.1 software that behaves in the same
can be used (for full marks they have (2) way as an actual computer.
identified 2 realistic uses of VMs); AO1.2 - In this case the VM on the computer
Thorough discussion of pros and cons of (2) would behave as though it were a
VMs. The candidate is able to apply their AO2.1 games console.
knowledge and understanding directly and (2) - Some VMs are used to interpret
consistently to the context provided. AO3.3 intermediate code.
Evidence/examples will be explicitly (3)
relevant to the explanation. The candidate AO2
provides a thorough discussion which is - VMs of different consoles allow the
well-balanced. program to be tested for different
Evaluative comments are consistently machines from the programmer’s
relevant and well-considered. computer.
There is a well-developed line of reasoning - Saves space and the time and cost of
which is clear and logically structured. The setting up multiple systems.
information presented is relevant and - Requires a powerful computer (as
substantiated. must run its own OS and the VM).
Candidate has used appropriate technical - The VMs need to be accurate
terminology throughout. There are few if representations of the physical
any spelling errors or errors of grammar. machine or the final code will not work
on them.
Mark Band 2 -Mid Level (4-6 marks) - Game could be written in a language
The candidate demonstrates reasonable that is interpreted to intermediate code
knowledge and understanding of how a VM and is run off a VM.
could be used and their pros and cons. - This means only one version of the
Evidence/examples are for the most part code needs be written and it will run
implicitly relevant to the explanation The on all systems.
candidate provides a reasonable - This saves time and maximizes profits.
discussion, the majority of which is - However the game will run more
focused. Evaluative comments are for the slowly than if it had been compiled to
most part appropriate, although one or two native code.
opportunities for development are missed.
There is a line of reasoning presented with AO3
some structure. - Using Virtual Machines may be a
The information presented is in the most useful tool during testing, saving time.
part relevant and supported by some - Realistically physical machines will
evidence. have to be used at some point to be
There may be spelling errors or errors of 100% sure everything works as it
grammar in the response but they are not should.
obtrusive. - Using a VM to run intermediate code
makes it easy to release for a variety
of platforms.
- But will be at the expense of game

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

Mark Band 1-Low Level (1-3 marks)

The candidate demonstrates a basic
knowledge of how VMs could be used and
an understanding of pros or cons of their
use. The candidate makes a limited
attempt to apply acquired knowledge and
understanding to the context provided
The candidate provides a limited Examiner’s Comments
discussion which is narrow in focus.
Judgments if made are weak and Candidates were assessed on the quality
unsubstantiated. The information is basic of their extended response in this question.
and communicated in an unstructured way. Many candidates offered a balanced
The information is supported by limited discussion outlining the advantages and
evidence and the relationship to the disadvantages of using virtual machines in
evidence may not be clear. games development and testing. Some
There are likely to be spelling errors and/or candidates went on to also discuss how
errors of grammar, which will disrupt the virtual machines could be used to run
flow of the response intermediate code. Some conclusions were
appropriately justified/reasoned. Many
0 marks candidates scored in the mid-level band on
No attempt to answer the question or this question.
response is not worthy of credit.

Total 9

14 – Provide a user interface 3 (AO1.1) Examiner’s Comments

– Provide System Security
– Manage hardware Candidates need to be reminded that they
– Provide utilities need to be specific when giving the
– Provide a platform from which software functions of an operating system. Ideally
can be installed/run referring to those outlined in the
– Schedule jobs specification. Responses like ‘manage
– Handle interrupts resources’ is not specific enough at this
– Manage memory level of study, the resources referred to
(1 per - , max 3) must be specified.

Total 3

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

15 a 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 3 2 Do not accept memory management or

marks, e.g.: AO1.1 processor scheduling.
Peripheral management
Handle interrupts
File management
Provides a user interface
Provides platform to install and run
Provides utilities for system
Allows multi-tasking
Provides security

b 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 2 2

marks, e.g: AO1.2
Programs/data can be held in non-
contiguous memory locations (using
virtual addressing)…
…making it easier to make best use of
remaining storage/ to avoid having to
move content around to fit in new
It allows pages to be transferred to and
from secondary storage (i.e. virtual
As random access there is no
performance drop vs sequential

c 1 mark for stating an initial reason and 1 4 Maximum of 2 marks for each reason.
mark for suitable expansion for each (4 AO2.1
marks total), e.g.: (4) Expansion points must be relevant to the
scenario stated in the question.
Faster read/write times…
… allows Julie to complete her work Accept reliable for durable on BP3
More portable/durable…
… allows Julie to be mobile between
home and university
Lower power consumption…
… Allows Julie to use all through the
day without recharge
Quieter running …
… Allows Julie to use her laptop during
lectures without disturbing

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

d 1 mark for any of the following bullet 1

points: e.g. AO1.1
Disk Defragmentation
System Clean-up
File management
Disk Drivers

Total 9

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

16 a 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 2 2 (AO1.2) Accept description of POST/Power On Self

marks, e.g: (2) Test for BP2

Stored in ROM
Tests hardware/components (are Accept loads up instead of boots up (BP3)
Boots up the operating system Examiner’s Comments
This was generally answered well,
although some candidates were vague in
their response. The concept of the BIOS
booting up the Operating System was
missed by some, but most candidates
mentioned the BIOS checking that the
hardware is operational (POST).

Exemplar 1

Exemplar 1 was given full marks. The

candidate achieved the first mark for being
clear that the BIOS checks hardware and
has provided a suitable example. The
second mark has been awarded for
explaining that the BIOS loads the
operating system. Although it was not
essential to mention POST (Power-On-Self-
Test) this is useful to explain the process
that occurs.

b i 1 mark for any of the following bullet 1 (AO1.1) Do not Allow:

points: (1)
First come First Served
Round Robin
Multi-level feedback queues Examiner’s Comments
Shortest job first Round Robin was the most popular answer
Shortest time remaining by far. Most candidates achieved the mark
although some used the example in the
question. Candidates should be reminded
to read the questions carefully here and to
not repeat answers already provided.

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Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

ii 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 2 2 (AO2.1) Accept processed instead of dispatched

marks, e.g: (2) (Bp1)

Jobs dispatched on a FIFO basis Do not accept task/data instead of jobs

Each job/packet is equal priority (BP1 to 3)
Each job/packet switch has the same
processing time Examiner’s Comments
Few candidates achieved both available
marks and most missed the concept of
jobs/packets having equal priority.

c 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 2 2 (AO1.2) Answer must cover paging and
marks, e.g: (2) segmentation for 2 marks.

Paging uses physical addressing….

….Segmentation uses logical
addressing Do not accept data instead of memory
Paging uses fixed size memory
blocks…. Examiner’s Comments
…. Segmentation uses variable length To get both marks, candidates need to be
memory blocks clear that paging and segmentation are
about allocating memory. Many candidates
were not clear on this and discussed
managing data or packets. Candidates
should be careful to use the correct
terminology for questions of this type in

d i 1 mark for any of the following points, e.g: 1 (AO2.1) Allow other suitable alternative answers.
GUI will need to remove open file Examiner’s Comments
manager windows Very few candidates achieved a mark here.
OS will need to remove open Many mentioned that the CPU would be
files/release locks busy but were not specific enough to gain
Inform the CPU to cease transferring the mark. In questions of this type,
files examples need to be specific to the

ii 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 2 2 (AO1.2) Examiner’s Comments

marks, e.g: (2) Few candidates gained both marks for this
question. The concepts of pushing and
Stacks use LIFO/FILO storage popping items was mentioned by many
As processes are halted by an ISR candidates although this was often too
they are pushed on the stack vague and didn’t link to the question.
When they are returned, they are Candidates needed to use the correct
popped from the top of the stack terms for accessing items from a stack to
So they are returned to in correct order gain the marks in this question.

Total 10

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