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1(a) A set of logic gates are connected as below.

(i) Complete the Truth Table below:

A B Cin S Cout

1 1 1
1 1 0
1 0 1
1 0 0
0 1 1
0 1 0
0 0 1
0 0 0


(ii) Explain what the circuit does. You should refer to A, B, Cin, S and Cout in your answer.

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(i) Write a Boolean expression equivalent to S.


(ii) Write a Boolean expression equivalent to Cout.


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2 A software development team is writing a word game.

The team is using Rapid Application Development.

Describe the Rapid Application Development process.


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3 The internet uses a set of protocols referred to as the TCP/IP stack. The TCP/IP stack consists of four different
layers, each with its own set of protocols.

(i) Explain why protocols are important on a network.


(ii) State the name of the four layers of the TCP/IP stack.


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4 Shreya is a web developer who creates webpages for a variety of different companies.

Shreya has received a webpage written in HTML shown in Fig. 2.1.

Fig. 2.1

Some of the formatting requirements for this webpage are shown in Fig. 2.2.

Formatting Requirements
Class/ID Text font-family colour
History of the BBC
Beeb times green
Micro Computer

Model A
model arial red
Model B

Fig. 2.2

Write the CSS Shreya needs to display the webpage so that it meets the formatting requirements stated in Fig

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5 Users are able to search for and find a ticket website using a search engine. Search engines can use indexing
and ranking.

(i) Describe how a website is indexed by a search engine.


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(ii) A search engine can use the PageRank algorithm to determine a website’s ranking. The PageRank algorithm
utilises a damping factor.

State what is meant by the term ‘damping factor’.


(iii) Give two other factors that affect the output value given by the PageRank algorithm for a website.


6 When Imogen creates programs in a high-level language, she makes use of libraries.

(i) Explain what is meant by a library, giving one example of when one may be used.


(ii) Describe one advantage of the use of library files to programmers.

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(iii) Describe one disadvantage of the use of library files to programmers.


(iv) Explain how linkers are used during the compilation process.



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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

1 a i 4

1 Mark for rows 1 and 2

1 Mark for rows 3 and 4

1 Mark for rows 5 and 6

1 Mark for rows 7 and 8

ii – Circuit adds two bits (and a carry bit) 4

together / is an adder.
– A B and Cin are added together
– The result is given in S
– And a carry bit in Cout
(1 per –)

b i 1 Accept XOR instead of ∨

Accept instead of ∨

ii 2 Accept XOR instead of ∨

Accept instead of ∨
One mark for ((A∨B) ∧ Cin)
Accept AND instead of ∧
One mark for ∨ (A ∧ B)
Accept OR instead of ∨

Accept + instead of ∨

Total 11

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

2 – Prototype is created (1) 4

– (Evaluated and) feedback used to (AO1.1)

inform next iteration (1)

– Any changes are made (1)

– Process repeated until…(1)

…prototype becomes final

product. (1)

Examiner’s Comments
(Max 4) Most candidates gained some marks on
this question but few achieved full marks.
In general responses lacked attention to
detail and clarity of expression. Centres
should advise candidates that the number
of marks awarded for questions gives an
indication of the number of points required
in the response.

Total 4

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

3 i - Allowing them to communicate 2 (AO1.2)

- By ensuring all devices follow the
same rules/standards
- So they interpret data/signals in the Examiner’s Comments
same way
(1 Mark per -, max 2) Most candidates explained what a protocol
is rather than why they are important on a
network. Candidates should be
encouraged to apply their knowledge to the
question being asked. Some candidates
gained credit for correctly explaining that
protocols enable devices to interpret data
in the same way, allowing them to

ii - Application 4 (AO1.1)
- Transport
- Internet
- Network Interface/(Data) Link/Physical Examiner’s Comments
(1 Mark per -, max 4)
Most candidates achieved three or four
marks on this question, the layers were
accepted in any order. Those who did not,
invariably scored zero marks.

Total 6

4 1 mark per bullet up to a maximum of 6 6 Example:

marks: AO3.1 li.model {
(6) color: red;
Correct syntax for css class for font-family: arial;
“model”(including opening and closing }
curly brackets) #Beeb {
Correct syntax for css id for “beeb” color: green;
(including opening and closing curly font-family: times;
brackets) }
Correct syntax for setting the font
family to arial for class “model” Ignore if li is not put in front of .model
Correct syntax for setting the font Reject if any other tag is put in front of
colour to red on class “model” .model
Correct syntax for setting colour to
green for id “beeb” Responses written in HTML mark as NAQ
Correct syntax for setting font family to
times for id “beeb”

Total 6

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

5 i Web crawler /spider visits site 4 AO1.1

Either be selecting it from an existing
list or following a link.
Records information
…such as text / metatags / etc
Records the position of each word
within the page
Storing them in an index
Follows links to other sites
Robots.txt file can be used to instruct
web crawlers

ii A value between 0 and 1 1 AO1.1

Probability that a user will not follow a

iii Number of links to target site 2 AO1.1

PageRank score of those sites (linking

Total 7

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Mark Scheme

Question Answer/Indicative content Marks Guidance

6 i Sections of code / program file 3 Maximum 2 for definition, 1 for example

Written by other authors / already AO1.1

written (2)
Containing useful routines (1)

Suitable example (e.g. GUI routines,

databaseaccess routine, encryption,

ii Save time… 2

…because no need to rewrite code AO1.2

Use expertise of others..

…to complete tasks that require

specialistknowledge / abstract away

Has already been tested/the

programmer doesn’thave to test it

Making debugging easier/saving time

iii May (significantly) increase size of 2

compiled file…
…as library contains many routines
that aren‘t beingused.

Not written by the programmer

…so introduces uncertainty / require

further testing /programmer needs to
spend time familiarisingthemselves
with it

iv Links the main program to libraries 3 Accept terms static and dynamic for bullets
2 and 3, but only if these are explained.
..can either include them in the final AO1.2

..or get the executable code to point to

the externallibraries

Total 10

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