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Theorem of the imperfections of the Omegaverse

"Didn't you know that this happens when you come to this room?"

Ryusei Kijima laid down Itsuki Shinohara with a neat face and an indescribable smile. Itsuki
didn't like Kijima, who used abominable honorifics to himself as an omega in the alpha theme.

"That's because you said you had something to say..."

Even in this situation, Itsuki desperately rejected Kijima's kiss. If he does not do so, Itki will
simply be ruled by Kijima. In front of the overwhelming aura of the upper class, Alpine Kijima,
Itki has no way to do anything.

"Don't you hear that you're stubborn?"

I'm well aware of that. Even if you resist anyway, you'll be excited. I knew it, but I couldn't hug

"…I feel like it right away, considering I don't like it."

Kijima smiled singlely and lifted Itki's chin with his fingers. When he saw Itki with his booing
eyes, he licked his lips slightly. Itki's body trembled.

"…really, so sensitive."

Kijima sighed meekly and kissed his thin lips. He tasted his lips with a force of prey.

His kiss is so clever that he can't resist it. The tongue's persistent embrace of his tongue made
Itki unable to think normally.

Dangerous… Do it… Ah, Ki… Feeling, Good……

Unconsciously, Itky responded to the kiss.

"Oh, wait... No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no."

When his hand touched his trunk, Ituki, who had been in a daze, came to his senses.

"…you're standing up."

The hand that stretched out to stop was caught in the opposite direction.

"Now, touch it yourself."

"That's it. That's it."

I forced that hand into Ituki's half-staff. When I held it with my hand, Ituki's was sensitive.

"Have you developed it?"

Itky shook his head.

"Hmm? Can't you touch it yourself?"

Kijima whispered grumpily and suddenly began to unbuckle her belt.

"Moo, what do you do..."

"I need to make sure I'm not really erectioned."

Isn't that crazy?

"Well, stop..."

But before Itsuki stopped him, Kijima quickly unbuckled his belt and zipped it down. His pennis,
protruding vigorously, was bent enough to look sick.

"Mr. Itzuki, you're cute."

When he saw it, Ki-jima bent his eyes.

"Can I touch it?"

Today, I waited for an answer for some reason on the subject of my usual answer or not.

"You can't?"

Itky bit his lips without saying a word.

"If you want me to touch you, say so."

Woo, don't make me laugh........ Ituki's eyes glared at Kijima saying so.

"I'm flinching. Don't you want me to touch you?"

Itky closed his eyes tightly.

"Cute, holding back like this..."


"Please. Now ○ lick me."

"Noo, who..."

"Or would you like to touch it yourself? That would be nice. Show me Mr. Ituki's self-defense."


"…Even your face is sexy."

Kijima said so and began to torment Itki's nipple over his shirt.

"I don't want to..."

My body caught fire with a itchy sense of pleasure.

"I don't like that…"


"Ma, touch me…"

I finally said it, but Kijima replied with a grin.

"I'm touching it"


Itky almost protested casually, but took a slow deep breath and murmured small.

"…not there…"


"Oh, oh... yes...!"

When he bullied the nipple on the other side, Itsuki moaned moistly. I can't stand it
anymore…… The shackles of reason have been lifted.

"Don't bother me, monster..."

Weeped and blamed Kijima.

"Shamelessly… you know…"

I couldn't figure out what I was talking about myself.

"…Mr. Itzuki…"

"Don't lose it, you bad guy........."

At the moment he frowned at Ituki's ragged face, he frowned.


I sighed.

"That face is too much..."

Kijima looked a little annoyed and hastily loosened her belt.

"You provoked it."

I pulled out an excited pennis and got close to Itki's pennis. Itki was frightened by the heavy

"What, what...."

Kijima grabbed Itki's pennis and rubbed it into his own.


At the first touch, Itki was chilling.

What, what, what is this…….

"Oh... Oh... Yes!"

I didn't even imagine what kind of expression I was looking like. Somehow, I just couldn't stand
it, so I desperately pursued the pleasure. Kijima's eyes, which suddenly came into my sight,
were distorted with pleasure, and I was chilling again.

My eyes met him at that time. Kijima smirked and licked his lips. At that moment, I fell into the
illusion of being dominated by him. Itsuki was embarrassed.

There was a strange happiness in the whispering voice.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!"

Due to the stronger friction, Ituki settled down.

When did you meet Kijima? It was roughly half a year ago. Itsuki recalled the beginning of what
triggered it.

"I'm used to it now..."

I answered briefly, but I didn't get used to it. Again, it was Itsuki who wrote a detailed plan
from the pre-presentation stage, and his boss presented it as if it were his plan.

The parent company hired it and presented it to the client. In addition, Ituki made the revision,
but it was not called the actual presentation.

Even if you look at the data distributed to clients, the names of the employees of the parent
company were lined up at the center of the project, and only the names of the bosses were
printed in a small print at the end. Ituki's name was nowhere to be found as a contract worker.
Even if a commercial is created through Ituki's project, there will be no performance left. There
are even times when he cannot participate in the filming site.

As a result, he did not have a good performance even though he turned 30 soon. Still, I had no
choice but to consider myself lucky to be involved in commercial production.

Large companies are also required to have a minimum number of contract workers, so Itki,
who has not attended college due to economic reasons, cannot even apply. In the first place,
popular industries such as large advertising agencies are flooded with many applicants, so even
if it is not Omega, the door is narrow.

Itsuki's company also has many applicants despite its poor employee treatment. If you
complain that your name is not listed in the plan, you will immediately terminate the contract.

I don't want much. That's the mindset I need to live as an Omega.

The process of this CF, which started with his own plan, leaving his hands and completing it
into someone else's work, was complicated, even if he got used to it.

Ituki is in charge of chores in the field and has no authority to interfere in filming. Still, I always
wanted to see what kind of commercial it would be. On this day, the staff was busy preparing
drinks for the staff and wiping the wet floor with filming.

When I was about to finish filming, the studio was buzzing, but Itsuki was busy cleaning, so he
didn't even pay attention. When I saw high-ranking people from my parent company rush to
meet me, I thought he would probably be a client executive. He has nothing to do with himself.

"…President Keima is here."

"Look, Anna with me..."

The voices of the staff murmuring were also heard by Ituki.

"Ugh. You're so handsome..."

"You're tall."

At their conversation, Ituki also inadvertently turned to her gaze.

Model Anna and a handsome man who chatted... You can see that it is Alpha at a glance.
When you do this, you often meet Alpha in filming, but it is very different from Alpha that you
have met so far.

The client of today's CF is Kijima Logistics. Kijima Group is a global conglomerate. Among them,
Kijima Logistics is in charge of the tip of the distribution sector. The person smiling with the
models over there is the CEO, the president.

"It's a big deal that the boss came in person."

"It's so cool to finish..."

the most prominent privileged class in alpha.

What should I say, this crazy handsome man… Not only handsome, but handsome from the
skeleton. I'm so full of confidence all over my body that I'm fascinated by it.

Itzuki is not the only one. Many people are paying attention to her. However, she was calm
and calm. Not only Anna, the main character, but also models and talents gathered around
Kijima as if they were being dragged by a magnet.

Among them, the omega model seemed to emit pheromones as much as it was at this time,
but Kijima did not raise a single eyebrow.

That's cool.

The director and sales manager went to greet Kijima. The normally condescending director was
extremely low-key. What was surprising was that Kijima did not treat them arrogant, but
responded with an easygoing attitude. Maybe that's what the real privileged class is.

As they talked, they moved toward the wall where Itki was.

Uh, it's coming here.

It was then.

"Ugh, what is it........."

I inadvertently closed my eyes at the flash. Immediately after, I felt severe dizziness and the
ceiling shook.

Huh? What's this? Earthquake?


Unable to withstand the next shock, he collapsed on the spot as if he were collapsing.

A complete blackout.

There, the consciousness stopped for now. Itki could not tell how long it had been.
"…Mr. Itsuki…!"

I heard a voice calling for myself in the distance. I don't know what happened. I was
suffocating, and even though I opened my eyes, I couldn't see because the surroundings were

"Are you okay? I just called an ambulance..."

Uh, who...?

The blurred vision became clearer. I managed to recognize someone who was looking at me.

Uh... Why...?

He was so bright that he frowned reflexively. The great alpha I saw earlier was looking down at
him with a worried look.

Imagen 1

I was surprised and couldn't speak. Meanwhile, emergency personnel arrived.

"From here, there's a hospital that's our affiliate..."

Kijima spoke to the emergency crew.

"I see."

"I'll get in touch with you from my side."

Kijima fell from Itsuki as he called on his cell phone.

"I'll get in touch with you later, Itki."

He nodded vaguely to what his colleague said, but he couldn't understand his current situation
well. I just knew that he had interfered with the filming. How long did it stop? I was really
ashamed to think about it.

While receiving treatment from an emergency responder, a conversation between the female
employees of the parent company, who talked as if to listen, caught Ituki's ear.

"That's great. I can't believe you fell down in front of Alpha and tried to attract attention."

"Omega is really scary."

"It's completely self-inflicted blackmail."

What are you talking about? If you remember correctly, those people are joining the company
by parachute. I heard it from a salesperson at my parent company who I worked with a few
times. He said he would appear on a topic where he was not good at work and flirt with
handsome talent on filming days.

I've been implicitly asked before if I'm going to use pheromones to get a job. That's funny.
Don't make your mouth water on a subject you don't know anything about. I...

Oh, I'm so excited that my stomach... Oh, I'm about to feel nauseous again. Mess, it's bugging.
"Mr. Itzuki? Are you okay? Mr. Itzuki!"

The first responder slapped him on the cheek, but he couldn't answer. As he became a little bit

I don't remember anything after that.

…I had a strange dream. It was exceptionally bright and shiny around me.

Do you think it's heaven... No, wait... Is there anyone?

I can hear your voice. It was Japanese, but I couldn't understand it well. A voice that seemed to
have something closed. Then I gradually became able to understand it….

"…the cause seems to be a miscarriage."

My heart fluttered at the stark word.

"That was 9 years ago?"

"According to the record, yes."

Whose voice is this...?

"You haven't had any rut since then?"

"It's a rare case, but it's not unprecedented."


Are you talking about me? No, more than that, where are we?

"…This data suggests that it was in a very dangerous state. If it had been taken too late, it was
possible that it would not have survived."

It's data?

"Vital levels are normal, so we'll keep an eye on them."

Vital? Is it a hospital? Then is the doctor talking about it? I wanted to check, but I couldn't open
my eyes.

"First of all, the drip continues..."

"Can you examine me? Maybe I'll know something..."

"Yes, I will put down my order."

"Let us know the results immediately…"

Little by little, the voice became smaller and the door was closing down. Are you getting tested
The miscarriage they say 9 years ago definitely happened to me. It's a terrible memory. I
couldn't control my rut properly, so I got hit by Alpha. I got pregnant because I didn't take
contraceptives because the side effects were severe at the time. After that, I miscarried a
month later.

At that time, I tried not to think about things as much as possible. Because I feel like I'm going
to panic just thinking about it. It was such a tremendous experience. I suddenly suffered from
severe abdominal pain and headache and wandered around the boundary of life and death for
three days and nights.

It was fortunate that I fell in the hospital waiting room, but if it was home, I wouldn't have
survived as the doctor said earlier. A week later, my consciousness returned. At that time, I
had already miscarried.

Since then, Ituki's rutting season has ceased. Even if you have been freed from the hassle of
rutting, you never know when you will rut again. I have been tested several times after my
miscarriage, and I am still undergoing regular checkups, but I still don't know the details.

After a while, the knock sounded and the nurse came in.

"Itzuki, are you up?"

My eyelids are still heavy. But I opened my eyes slowly.

"Do you remember getting on the ambulance?"


The nurse checked the instrument, put it on the chart, and raised the bed.

"Uh, this is…?"

I thought it was a hospital, but it was like a hotel. Why? But when I calmly looked at it, it
seemed that the hospital was right.

"This room is..."

Thinking about the cost of devoutness, I felt like I was going to faint again.

"Look, I can't pay for a hospital room here."

The nurse laughed at Itki's words.

"That's fine. This is the only room available, so you don't have to pay the difference."

"Uh... is that so?"

"If the general hospital room is empty, we are supposed to move it."

That's a relief.

"I've organized the clothes Mr. Itki wore here."

There were neatly folded clothes on the sofa a little away. I also saw a cell phone on it.

"Hey, give me your phone... for not contacting the company..."

The nurse smiled and brought him to the bed.

"Here, the phone..."

"That's all right. You must be bored. Your charger is here..."

He also took out a charger from the drawer. Ituki politely greeted him and checked his e-mail.
Some of them were sent by the landlord.

Please contact us

I wondered what it was about, but I was surprised to check the missed call. The homeowner's
incoming records were full. This has never happened before. When I called in a hurry, she
answered right away.

- Mr. Itsuki? Oh, thank God. You weren't home.

She sighed with genuine relief.

"…Hey, what happened?"

- It's a fire! Our apartment is burned down, too.


- It caught fire in the back house. No, it was half burnt, but it was all flooded.

Chi, what do you mean flooding? My computer... The data...

- I have insurance, so I'll be able to pay for it. But I'm sorry, but I have no choice but to break it.

Oh, my God.

- Oh, the police are here, so I'll call you again.

The landlord hung up in a hurry. I looked up the news on my phone because I didn't know the
situation. There were several injuries due to a big fire, and some of them were seriously
injured. The damage seems to have increased because it was a place where houses were
concentrated in a narrow alley.

I was stunned, and the doctor came in with the nurse who came earlier. His intelligent
appearance looked like Alpha. It was written on the name tag on the chest.

"How are you, Mr. Itki?"

Anyway, it's the worst…

"You don't look good. Sakata, take down your bed again..."

Upon hearing that, Itsuki shook his head in a hurry.

"That's all right. I'm in for a little bit of a shock right now..."

"The house is on fire..."

Unknowingly, I showed my cell phone to Ichiyo.

"This article…"

The nurse also looked in.

"Wow, but I'm glad you're hospitalized."

"Well, that's true…"

Indeed, it is fortunate among the misfortunes that he did not do so, given that the victim has
come out…but still…

"Oh, I'm sorry. I said something strange."

At the nurse who urgently apologized, Itki shook his head small.

"No, because if I had been at home, I might have been more seriously injured."

I mean it, but there was only a sigh now.

"Still, all of a sudden..."

What should I do? I can't believe this happened when I didn't have much money... But I can't
help but lament it. Anyway, I have to find a new house. When I'm hospitalized

No, but even if I'm discharged now, I have no place to go back. For the time being, I have no
choice but to sleep at work.

"Sakata, would you please leave your seat because I have something to say with Mr. Itsuki?"

The doctor spoke softly to the nurse. When the nurse left the hospital room, Ituki was left with
Ichijo alone.

"…It's kind of weird to tell you this at a time like this, but I'm actually working on the
mechanisms of omega."

"Omega research?"

As expected, was that person the conversation earlier?

"I looked up past records because he didn't come back to consciousness right away. I also
looked at the data then."

In order to share information such as allergies and chronic diseases, medical records are
strictly managed in the database. Doctors are authorized to access that information, but they
protect personal information by recording who accessed what records.

"So, if Mr. Itki cooperates, I can provide you with a place to live."


No, you shouldn't rush in so easily. The price of collaborating on research might be a house
with surveillance or something.
"…What is cooperation specifically…?"

"Blood collection once a week and an interview once a month. Other than that, would it be like
a CT and MRI scan every few months? You can do it yourself using a kit, so you don't have to
go to the hospital."

"Well, is that it?"

"Mr. Itki's case is very rare, so it is well under study. It seems that you have provided the data
so far, but I would like to collect it in more detail. I will also do a case."

Case… My saliva went gulp down.

"We offer rooms to other Omega collaborators. We are as considerate of privacy as possible
and quite big as we can. We do not have separate bathrooms, so we share a common
bathroom, but we do have an empty room right now…"

The apartment I now live in was only equipped with a shared shower room.

"What about surveillance cameras?"

Ichijo smiled quietly at Itki's question.

"You have a lot of imagination. If you're anxious, please actually go and look around and
decide. If you can take in the camera and the wiretap…"

Ichijo didn't ask very enthusiastically. Still, I left my business card. I would be more grateful if
you could provide me with a room while I was looking for a place to move. If you make a
strange request, you can leave the room out.

In addition, the doctor working in this hospital has his own social quotes. If I study omega, I
could understand that omega, which is not as rutting as I do, would be a great subject of study.
I've never benefited from omega, but this would be okay. Maybe a crisis will turn into an

Judging from this, Ituki picked up Ichijo's business card.

"Mr. Itzuki, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Kiriya, who will take care of Mr. Itzuki."

Ichiyo, who appeared in the hospital room on the day of discharge, brought a gentle and
beautiful man.

"It's Kiriya. I work as a private secretary to Kijima."

"Uh... If you say "Kijima", do you mean "Kijima CEO?"

Why don't you do that?

"Kijima is supporting Mr. Ichiyo's research."

Oh, so...
Kiriya was not in a business suit but in a casual jacket and no tie style, and she had a soft smile
on her face. Rather than a handsome man, she is a beautiful woman. Ichiro left the hospital
room after entrusting Kiriya with the tasks.

"Then shall we go?"

"Hey, I'm still out of hospital. The nurse told me to wait here..."

"It's already done."

Kiriya handed Itki a statement issued by the hospital.

"…uh? This is…"

The total amount was zero yen.

"The cost of the inspection and other expenses were treated as research expenses, so you are
not obligated to pay."

"Well, let's go..."

"The hospital has issued a statement, so I'm sure."

That would be the case, but...

"I've heard about the fire. You've had a hard time."

"…I haven't actually seen what happened to the room yet…"

"Is that so? I have prepared a room with the least things I need, but let me know if you're
missing anything."

"…Thank you."

There was a black Bentley on the rotary in front of the front door. As Kiriya approached, a
driver in a black suit got off the driver's seat and opened the door. He was tall and had a good
physique, so he looked like a bodyguard rather than a driver. Square black

The pupils over the rim glasses looked at Itki as if they were complimentary.

"…Mr. Aki. Excuse me."

Despite Kiriya's attention, the driver only smiled.

"Get on."

Kiriya urged Itki. It was spacious inside the car. Sitting on the leather seat, the feeling was also
the best.

"When will you come back to work?"

Kiriya asked implicitly as the car departed quietly.

"If possible, from tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow is Saturday."
"…Maybe the boss will go to work on Saturday too."

"Is that so?"

Kiriya nodded quietly. I called her at work several times. However, she suddenly took a week
off during the busy period, so when she returns, there is enough situation that Itki's desk is not

I was scared that I could get up. So I wanted to go to work on Saturday.

The car exited the boulevard and entered a quiet residential area. As I went up to a hill after
passing through the residential area, the car stopped in front of a large door.

Oh? No way...

The door opened automatically, and Bentley entered slowly. As I passed through the tree
forest, the front was wide open. The car stopped in front of the front door.

"Thank you for your hard work."

I was stunned, and Aki, who got out of the driver's seat, opened the door. Itsuki got out of the
car and looked up at the building.

K, It's big. It's even a Western style mansion. It was built around the Meiji period.

"This way."

The place Kiriya guided seemed to be a separate house.

"It used to be a building where the butler family of the Kijima family lived, but when Kijima
moved here, it was completely remodeled."

"If you say don't... Mr. Kijima?"

Itky shouted in amazement.

"…Didn't you hear from Mr. Ichizo?"


Kiriya frowned very briefly, but immediately returned to his original soft expression.

"There must have been an error in the delivery of information, I'm sorry. This is Kijima's

No wonder...

The annex is a two-story building with a bathroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen on each floor.
There are three rooms on one floor, and now half of them are said to be empty.

"Please use the room you want."

Kiriya summoned Ituki to one of them. It was a room with tables, sofas, and cabinets other
than the bed, but it looked empty because it was so spacious. I could see the wonderful garden
at a glance from the large window. I couldn't believe a room like this was free.
"Hey, can I really live here?"

"Do you like it?"


"It's a relief."

Kiriya smiled broadly.

"Then I will guide you to the main house."

The exterior was the same as when it was built, but this side was completely renovated to
make it easier to live except for columns and spiral stairs. The first floor also had a spacious
living room, dining room, bathroom and audio room.

It's luxurious.

And the second floor was Kijima's private space.

"You are free to use the facilities on the first floor. The separate bathroom is for one person, so
it's not as spacious as here."


I was overwhelmed because it didn't feel real. When I got an offer from Ichijo, I had imagined a
dormitory-like view. And that was enough. Such an image of poverty collapsed.

"Oh, that's right. All the rooms are cleaned by the housekeeper, so you don't have to do it
yourself. The meals are made by the cook."

The conditions are so good that it's rather suspicious.

"Do you mean providing meals?"

Kiriya giggled.

"Yes, it is. The annex is small, but there is also a kitchen, so you can use it if you want to cook

"…I'm glad I can't afford it."

At this point, it is okay to be suspicious. If I could live in a place like this, I would be able to
endure it regardless of whether it has a surveillance camera or draws blood every day.

"This is the restaurant."

It was a sophisticated cafe-like space. Idol-like men were preparing lunch. As Kiriya
approached, they greeted one after another.

"Hada, did Katsuya come today?"

"Yes. I'm learning a new recipe."

"Can I ask you to come if you have time?"

"I'll be fine now."

A boyish young man called Hada hurried to the kitchen.

"Are they people who live here?"

Itky asked Kiriya in a small voice.

"No, it's commuting. The staff is actually commuting. The chef is…"

While talking, a tall man wearing a T-shirt appeared.

"Long time no see, Mr. Kiriya. Huh? He's...."

"I'm going to introduce you. I'm Mr. Itki, who is going to live here from today."

"Oh, that person?"

"Mr. Itsuki, this is Mr. Katsuya, the exclusive chef."

He was a handsome man who seemed to look good in cooking clothes, and he was tall and
looked like a model. However, he looked like a store manager in Izakaya because he had a
towel around his head.

"I heard it's Omega..."

Huh? What is this person...

"…Mr. Katsuya, it's rude to say that all of a sudden."

"But I'm curious."

Katsuya strode up to Itki and sniffed below his ear. Itki bit back in a panic.

"It really doesn't smell at all. Omega has pheromones coming out even if it's not rut season..."

Uh, is this person Alpha by any chance? He is definitely tall and has a very handsome face.
When it comes to rutting, even beta can sometimes feel pheromones, but alpha is the only one
who feels a small amount of pheromones in other situations.

In other words...

Does it mean that Kijima is an Alpha who is so amazing that he can sing Alpha as an exclusive
chef? I felt that he was in the upper class, but...

"That's why Mr. Ichiyo was the subject of the study."

"Huh, but there's a possibility that you'll get rut one day, isn't there?"

To Katsuya's question, Itsuki nodded small.

"…it looks like it. I don't know when it will be and it may continue to be like this…"

"Yes, but beware of Mr. Aki when one day comes; he is very dangerous during a hit."
"Huh? If it's Aki, that...."

Was the driver also an alpha.

"It's usually hard to resist if you lay it down with that physique, but during hits, it's going to be
explosive until you're shot."

Saying that, Katsuya laughed irresponsibly. Then Kiriya comforted him as if he was amazing.

"That's all right, because you can lock the door."

Is it that kind of problem? But anyway, he doesn't get angry. More than that, not only the chef
but also the driver uses alpha

I was surprised by Kijima. Besides, it wasn't just the chef and driver.

"Shall we eat first?"

At Kiriya's recommendation, a man with slim stature and short hair entered the restaurant
with the small boys as he sat down at the table. The boys, who had mysterious charms, looked
like omega to none.

"I'm hungry..."

"Wow, Mr. Katsuya has set it up today."

A beautiful boy with soft curly hair like a beautiful girl and a blonde but surprisingly pretty boy
like a rogue student.

"They are Igarashi brothers and they are still high school students. They live in another
separate house in their garden."

When the brothers found Ituki, they were shocked and hurriedly hid behind the tall man's
back. There is nothing to avoid so blatantly…

"Chiyomaru, older brother with curly hair on the left. Saemonnosuke, younger brother with
blonde hair on the right."

Chiyomaru? Saemonnosuke...? Did the name "Kiraki" (an expression that refers to an unusual
name in Japan) go up to the ancestors because it went too far?

"They are fraternal twins. They can communicate with dogs, so they are also in charge of
raising dogs."

Katsuya stepped in as he poured wine into Ituki's glass.

"And it's Shaw, the housekeeper, who acts as a breakwater for twins."

The muscular arms from the tank top were all the way to the capillaries. The abs must be split
into six, too. Is that a housekeeper?

"Shogo is a graduate student majoring in system information engineering and is a developer of

an unmanned weeding machine or cleaning robot. And the security system here...."
A cleaning robot in system information engineering seems to be studying artificial intelligence.
Is he also an alpha? Anyway, it seems that he is not an ordinary housekeeper. Still, he is
employed and working in this house as Aki Katsuya and Mamachanji.

Itsuki gulped down. Alpha is the dominant side in the first place. Of course, there are individual
differences among alpha, but at least Akina Katsuyana Shogo is considered to be among the
top alpha groups in terms of appearance. If the relationship is between superiors and superiors
within a company, a housekeeper is a profession commonly called an employer.

Don't pretend to be an alpha male. Is that how amazing Kijima is? It reminded me of the time
when I collapsed on the set.

My heart was beating so fast. Huh...? Did you react to Kijima back then? My body got hot when
I was conscious. No, no. It must be just a coincidence. But…

Itky became completely perplexed and decided not to think any more.

In confusion, Ituki went to work the next day. However, the boss did not come. Therefore,
after leaving work early, a fire broke out

I went to see an apartment. Unfortunately, there were very few things that were fine, so I just
bought clothes to change right away and went to a new house.

"How was it, Itsuki?"

When I responded to Kiriya's call and went to the main house, Igarashi brothers were also
there. I was a little embarrassed because the two of them stared at me.

"Wrong. I should buy a computer too..."

At that, Saemonnosuke jumped up.

"Shogo has a lot of computers. Some don't use them."

"I got it last time, too. Should I ask?"

Huh? Wait… The two ran out without hearing Ituki's answer. Kiriya smiled when she saw it.

"That's a big deal. Two people are showing interest in others. I've been on guard for about half
a year."

"Yesterday, you looked at me with very suspicious eyes..."

"You must have been observing yesterday. They are usually blatantly hostile to Omega in the
first place, so when you think about it, your attitude is unusual."

"Is that so…"

It would be better than antagonizing, but I didn't know how to react.

"More than that, I don't think I have the right clothes to change..."
Kiriya pointed to several corrugated boxes in the room.

"I've chosen the right amount, so use it if you like anything."

Huh? This much? I thought it was what he was wearing, so I looked at one of them and it was
all new.

"It's a prototype. Someone I know runs a clothing company."

Does that mean it's free?

"There will be other items in it, so don't hesitate to use it."

After saying that, Kiriya lined up the table to make it easier to see. There were shoes as well as

"I asked you to send only what I could send right away, so if you need anything else, there's a
catalog inside."

"Thank you."

"The size should be roughly right."

Kiriya unpacked the package and looked at Itki.

"I think you'll look good. Try it on."

When Kiriya changed his clothes as recommended, the twins returned with Shogo.

"…doesn't it suit you?"

Kiriya asked Saemonnosuke.

"It looks good on you, Mr. Itsuki is pretty."

I inadvertently heard a chatter. I've never heard of pretty.


When Saemonnosuke asked Chiyomaru for consent, he smiled.

"Yes, I think that flower pattern would be fine."

No, no matter how much that's impossible...

"If you're going to wear it to work, it's modest..."

The two looked into the cardboard box and began to discuss it.

…you're not listening at all…….


Shogo suddenly talked to him, and Ituki was slightly daunted.

"…Do you prefer a laptop or desktop?"

Ituki delivered the specifications of the machine he had used so far.

"There's something appropriate about that."


It's a little old, but it's better not to be the latest model because of the software problem used
by the company.

"Because I'm in the room… I can bring it anytime."

"Thank you."

I was so thankful that not only the clothes but also the computer would work.

First of all, I went to Shogo's room to look at the computer, and the twins and Kiriya carried me
clothes. I refused, saying I was sorry to do everything, but the twins did not listen to Ituki.

Shogo said he was the housekeeper of the mansion, but that meant he was in charge of the
housekeeping company. Shogo's job was to monitor and detail the robot he designed to clean
and do the laundry. And not only Shogo, but Katsuya and Aki did the same.

"What about you, Kiri?"

"Kiriya is a beta."

Oh, I see.

"But Kiriya's parents and brothers are Alpha."

It felt complicated for some reason, but it turned out that Kiriya was not very alpha-like. Apart
from that, the relationship between Katsuya, Aki, and Kijima was very interesting.

Aki was an executive of a security company run by his father, and Katsuya was the owner chef
who ran several restaurants. The security company is said to have signed a contract with
Kijimaga since its predecessors.

In other words, they themselves are in a position to care for people, and Kijima contracts with
their company to take care of the housework. In addition to the separate room, there is also a
separate house for them.

…In short, that's it, right? Something like daimyo and his servants. If Kijima is Date Masamune
(the famous daimyo who was in power during the Warring States Period), then Aki is
Shigenaga Katakura (the vassal who served Date Masamune. He is the son of Katakura
Kagetsuna), and his father is Katakura Kagetsuna (the vassal who served Date Masamune. He is
Shigenaga Katakura's father).

Is it more complicated? But then, you don't have to have a room in a separate house.

The answer came across in an unexpected form.

After Ituki resumed his work, he was busy to handle the backlog for a while. The salary was
annoyingly low compared to the employee because he was in an unstable position as a
contract employee, and despite having no decision at all, the workload or
The level and responsibility were treated similarly to employees.

It is nonsense to say that if you have the ability, even omega will be recognized. If you have the
ability, you are forced to live at the bottom of society, and if you have the ability, you are just a
convenient being who can make it cheap. If you look below, there are many people other than
omega who are less fortunate. That doesn't give you any comfort.

He couldn't even go home for the last three days because of the preparation for the
presentation that his boss had entrusted him with. When I lived in an old apartment, I thought
it might be better to sleep at work than go back to an air-conditioned room, especially in

However, once I arrived at Kijima's mansion, I realized how cornered it was. Therefore, I was
more dissatisfied with this canned state than usual. So I decided to leave work early, refusing
to hand it over to me.

"Why should I do such a thing!"

Itsuki complained as he pressed the bicycle pedal at full speed. After coming to Kijima Manor,
Itsuki commuted by bicycle. This is because the distance to the company was much closer, and
the bicycle was faster considering the subway transfer and waiting time. It was a proper
exercise and, above all, helped relieve stress.

"Don't be ridiculous that you rushed into organizing that data in the first place and haven't
finished it yet. You're paid twice as much as I am on a topic with no motivation or ability!"

I was even told that it would be nice for a contract worker to get all the overtime pay. It's
natural to calculate your salary as an hourly wage. It's not my fault that they don't get all the
pay. If that's a complaint, complain to your boss.

I was more angry when I recalled it.

"Ugh! Let's stop!"

Tomorrow, I decided not to do anything stupid like going to work on the weekend, but to go to
an art exhibition that I had always wanted to go to. It's a job where you compete with ideas, so
if you neglect your input under the excuse of being busy, you will be exhausted immediately. In
addition, it was a pleasure to be able to return home earlier than usual and have dinner today.

Because Kijima's return home is late every day, someone from the chef was always in the
kitchen until 11 o'clock so that he could eat at any time. However, because Ituki's return home
was always late at night in the first place, I have yet to meet Kijima at this mansion.

Kijima reportedly owns several apartments other than the mansion, so he doesn't necessarily
come to the mansion. I wanted to say thank you and thank you, but that opportunity hasn't
come yet.

At any given time, Ituki went straight to his room without stopping by the main house. But
today, I unsecured the main house because I wanted to make sure I could eat.
"I'm back."

I just said hello without being aware of anyone specific, but there's no answer. This mansion,
according to Kiriya, has minimal staff

He said he didn't have any. Still, there were a few such people residing there anyway, whether
it was security or a water level.

On patrol? Itky thought so and headed to the restaurant. Something's off… It was still before
ten o'clock, but there was no one in the kitchen.

"Hundreds of millions...."

I thought I could have dinner for the first time in a while… When I opened the refrigerator,
there were many kinds of dishes that I could just heat up.

"Let's go."

I was told that I could eat as much as I wanted because it was prepared not only for Ituki but
also for people who were late to return home.

When I took out the bowl to check what kind of dish it was, I suddenly smelled an
indescribable sweet smell. It looked like some kind of reverberation… It wasn't a refrigerator.
Itsuki casually checked behind his back.

What is it? It's like a mixture of sweet fruits and flower scents... Sweet and strangely attractive

I flinched my nose because I wanted to smell it one more time. And I came out of the kitchen,
sobbing as if induced by a sweet scent. Is this the living room? The scent quickly became
thicker. The sweet scent mixed with an unexplained scent.

Huh? This is dangerous. It's too late when you think about it that way.

"Oh... Oh, yeah..."

This voice… I could hear it clearly even to Ituki in the hallway. My saliva went down.

"Oh, no... Oh, oh, yes...."

Lee, this voice is the Igarashi brothers........

"Sigh, there... ..."

Chiyomaru's cute voice...

"Sae, Ryu Sei needs to wash it properly."

Oh? Not Chiyomaru but Saemonnosuke? What's more, Ryu Sei... Mr. Kijima? And that sounded
like Mr. Aki's voice.

"Shake your back even more Chiyo."

"Aang, Mr. Katsuya, it's too rough…"

I was confused. What the hell happened?

Still, I couldn't move away from there. As I approached carefully, I could clearly see the view
inside the living room from indirect lighting.


Itsuki hurriedly raised his hand to stop the screams from being about to go out. On the sofa,
Kijima and Aki were bothering Saemonnosuke between them.

Oh, my God.

Aki grabbed Saemonnosuke's waist from behind and shook his waist. Saemonnosuke was
burying his face in Kijima's trunk as he was stuck by Aki. On the other side, Chiyomaru sat on
Katsuya's lap and gasped.

"Come on, sae. Try to use your tongue more."

Kijima grabbed Saemonnosuke by the hair and made him stay deeper.

"Wow, Ryu Sei is also a sadist..."

"If you wash it well, I'll put two together later and send them to the peak."

"Ah...say, I love that. Last time I went to Shogo and mine with a lot of excitement."

At that, Saemonnosuke's body wriggled.

"Chiyo, why don't you wash the sachet?"

Katsuya urged Chiyomaru, who was burned out by himself. The surroundings were suffocating
because of the thick pheromones of omega and alpha.

Itsuki closed one eye without realizing it. No matter how much you don't get angry, your
sexual desire has not completely disappeared. Although it is much lighter than others, I
sometimes self-defense. I can't stand it for a moment when I get such strong stimulation. Even
if I wanted to turn my eyes, I didn't fall down against my intention. My body temperature went
up and my breathing became stuffy.

It was then. I met Kijima, who was being pellaed by Saemonnosuke, and I was in the illusion
that Kijima's eyes shone gold.

De, have you been caught...?

Kijima fixed her eyes on Ituki, who had hardened as if she had been paralyzed by a nightmare,
and made her lips look provocative

I licked him.


A chilling electric current flowed on his back. Itki sank on the spot.
Do, you have to run away.

The blood was focused on the center.

What's this feeling?

I rushed out to the garden and ran as if I was running away to the detached house. I almost fell
because my feet got twisted in the middle. I managed to get to my room and locked the door

I can't believe he did that in the living room...! No, but he got a glimpse.

My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to make an error. I grabbed the center tightly,
which remained agitated, unabated.


No matter how much I shook off the scene I just saw, it stuck to my mind and did not

The omega pheromones scattered by the twins make the alphaes crazy. The twins are even
more furious, eating up Alpha's fenis. At the same time, the alpha also mixes with the twins in
a circle.

Itki quivered and settled down. He closed his eyes for a moment and let go of his excitement.
But his body's fever still didn't cool down.

"This is a big deal..."

I have to do something... I tried to take a cold shower with that thought, but it didn't work.
Itsuki was forced to stand and grab his own.

"Yes... Ugh..."

I breathed deeply and rubbed what had already been done. Even if I tried to erase it, the scene
came back a while ago, and my body got hotter and hotter. Kijima's eyes captivated him, and
his tongue… The moment I imagined it, my hands became wet.

"What are you doing..."

Still, thanks to a little subdued, I came back to my room on a trudging basis.

"Oh, I haven't eaten..."

Now that he couldn't even return to the kitchen, Itki drooped his shoulders.

Was this what Ichiyo said about omega research? Is it okay to stay here like this?… Wouldn't it
be better to go out before getting involved in something dangerous.

Despite that thought, he opposed it in a different place than his reason. I was embarrassed by
his own feelings. However, Itky fell asleep as a result of his usual accumulated sleep

I think the reason I woke up was probably because I was hungry. Still, my head was refreshed
thanks to a good night's sleep after a long time.
I'm thinking of going to the art museum as scheduled, but I have to eat first before that. That
happened last night, but I headed to the restaurant hoping that breakfast was prepared as
usual. Anchae didn't have any lingering scent, just as what happened last night was an illusion.
However, as last night, there was no sign of popularity.

Is there a whole holiday?

It felt a little strange, but it was new that there was something I didn't know about this house,
so I went into the kitchen without much concern. I felt a little better when I was looking for
food in the refrigerator.

"That's right..."

After coming to the mansion, Ituki heated the dish in an airtight container, loaded it on a tray,
and headed to the garden to do what he wanted to do. I ate breakfast feeling like a picnic on a
mat in the shade of a tree.

"It's refreshing."

Such luxury is uncommon. It is surrounded by high-rise buildings about a five-minute drive

from the mansion, and the sky is so wide here.

It wasn't a freshly made dish, but it was still delicious enough, so I emptied it all in an instant
with my hunger added. That's the best. I'll have breakfast in the garden on my day off next
time. With that in mind, while I was eating pudding for dessert, I realized a black lump was
speeding toward me.

"Uh... Me?"

The dogs barked furiously and got up in a hurry.

"Ha, don't...!"

Several dogs surrounded Itzuki and growled as if they were about to rush in.

Wait, why...?

I threw it from afar, wondering if it was because of pudding, but the dogs didn't even look. I've
never done this before… A cold sweat came down my back.

Then, a sharp whistle sounded. Then the dogs stopped barking right away. When I looked
toward the sound, a man in a black shirt and jeans ran.

Are you the owner of Kijima?

"Stay! Good boy, yes, Down."

The dogs fell on their stomachs after receiving the orders. Kijima approached the dogs and
looked down threateningly. Itsuki was dizzy with the overwhelming aura and unknowingly
squinted his eyes.
Dogs understand their superiors and know who their boss is. They never disobeyed and were

"…You must have surprised me."

Conscious of his gaze toward him, Itki's heart beat fast.

"A, thank you…"

He responded in a panic, but Kijima, not a suit, had a very different impression, so he was
completely shaken.

"It was Mr. Itzuki. I was late in greeting."

"Me, me. I haven't seen you very often..."

Itsuki bowed his head deeply. He will meet Kijima for the first time since the shooting.
According to Kiriya, he owns several apartments in the city other than this mansion, so he
spends about 15 days a month here. That's why he couldn't continue to see her.

"How do you feel? Are you used to it?"

"Oh, yes."

"If there is any inconvenience, please do not hesitate to tell me. I will instruct Kiriya to

With a perfect business smile, he was shrewd everywhere. His smile seemed to soften his
excessively handsome appearance. It was refreshing as he covered up the spirit that
overwhelmed the dogs earlier.

Of course, I didn't see any pyeon-rin last night. I even think I misread it. Thanks to that, Ituki's
heart also calmed down.

"No... nothing uncomfortable at all..."

"I see. That's a relief."

Kijima smiled brightly and then lowered his gaze to the mat Itki laid out.

"…Is this a picnic here?"

Kijima looked at Ituki with a playful expression. It was so attractive that Ituki's heart, which had
calmed down, was pounding again.

"Well, it's... it's because the weather is nice..."

"I see. Sometimes it's good to eat outside."


When the distance suddenly narrowed, Itky unconsciously tried to pull back and slipped his

"Burm... ..."
Kijima wrapped his hand around Ituki's waist, which almost fell, and supported him.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry, sin. . .

While speaking, I smelled a strong scent from Kijima and Itsuki felt a dazed dizziness. I was
exhausted and fell into Kijima's arms.

"What, what, what is this…"

Words popped out of my mouth without realizing it. There was a fierce light in the eyes of
Kijima, a gentleman until earlier.


He pulled up the tail of his mouth as if it were funny, and put his nose under Itki's ear.


When I sniffed, Itki's face turned red.

"That's it. That's it."

I tried to push it out casually, but Kijima didn't budge.

"It doesn't smell at all."

His words in a murky voice made Itki unable to do this or that.

"Let me go."

I resisted in a tearful voice.

Imagen 2

But Kijima licked his earlobes without falling from Itki.


A chilling sense of pleasure soared and Itsuki's body lost strength. Itsuki, who was pathetic,
shook his head.

"Stop it...!"

"Can I really stop?"

Kijima answered teasingly and looked into Ituki's face. He closed his wicked eyes and pressed
my lips on Ituki's lips.


My head became dizzy when I sucked my lips several times without even having a time to
breathe. Alpha-specific pheromones flowed out of Kijima. You cannot refuse as if you are
obsessed with the pheromone.

My tongue got tangled. Itsuki responded to the tongue without being able to rebel. The center
was pounding.
"Did you have an exfoliator?"

Kijima took off her lips and looked at Itki's scrap with grumpy eyes.


Itky turned red to his neck.

"…Did you stand when you peeped yesterday?"


"Did you see us do it with twins?"

Again, he was caught. Itsuki was embarrassed and shied away from his gaze.

"You could've kept watching. They get even more fiery when others see them."

Itky gulped down his saliva.

"…Do you want to join Mr. Itsuki? I may wake up."


What are you talking about? Kijima didn't answer and licked Itki under his ear again.

"I don't want to, that…"

As I poked it with the tip of my tongue to stimulate it, I felt it gradually getting wet.

I've experienced this before… It's been a long time… Yeah, it's similar to how I felt when I got
rutted. No way……

A mobile phone rang from the back pocket of Kijima's pants at the perfect timing as if he was
helping Itki in confusion. Kijima answered the phone while kicking her tongue.

"…yes, it's me."

Itsuki hurriedly tried to get away from him, but he grabbed his wrist. Even if he tried to shake
off his hand, Kijima smiled single and refused to let go.

"Yes… yes, I see."

Kijima, who hung up the phone, pulled Ituki and kissed her lightly.

"Unfortunately, that's all for today."

whispered lowly to the relieved Itki's ear.

"Don't be beaten by another man anyway."


"Well, it'll be fine, but you seem to be an exception in many ways…"

What do you mean it's okay? What do you mean exceptions? No wonder it's rude.
"I'm looking forward to it a little bit."

Kijima left that comment and walked away with the dogs.

"What? What do you mean expectation? What's the exception? Are you making fun of

Itsuki grumbled after Kijima disappeared. By the way, the reaction of his body earlier was on
my mind. I didn't feel the pheromone of Alpha since I stopped rutting in the first place.

Once a curious alpha seduced him, a strong sense of disgust arose. However, Kijima's caress
was embarrassing and not unpleasant at all.

No, rather... No, that's not it.

Itsuki shook his head in a hurry. I think it's better not to think much about this. It was a day off
after a long time, so I packed my bags to go out as scheduled.

Since the art exhibition is a holiday, there was a long line even before the opening. I managed
to enter Ituki after waiting for about an hour, but there were too many people to enjoy it
leisurely. I went to another art exhibition, but they were not as good as I expected.

After that, I went to a few bookstores, but I was completely exhausted after being hit by
people. I was going to eat dinner outside, but I returned home early because I didn't want to
be in a crowded place anymore. There was still no water level in the mansion. Still, I headed to
the kitchen because I thought there would still be food in the refrigerator. I smelled something
good in the kitchen, where I thought no one would be there.

"…Who's there?"

Feeling popular, Ituki looked inside as he spoke.

"Excuse me."

In the kitchen, Katsuya, wearing a T-shirt and jeans, was working on it.

"Oh? It's Mr. Itsuki, right? There was one."

"…I just came back."

"Do you want some, Mr. Itsuki? I'm going to grill meat today. You won't be able to eat it in a
decent shop."

There was a chunk of bone on the cutting board.

"Huh? Meat..."

Katsuya grinned and drank wine from the glass.

"It's going to take some time because I'm going to grill it from now on."

"…are you okay?"

I accidentally swallowed my saliva.

"Absolutely. I'll give you a lovely meal. I'm sorry, but can you help me set the table? I'm off
work in the kitchen today."

Is it because the twins are making a hit? However, they didn't ask and readily accepted.
Accepting Katsuya's favor, he took a shower first and then returned to the kitchen. The
delicious smell of grilling meat made Yatsuki's stomach growl.

"…I'm sorry. I didn't have lunch."

Katsuya giggled and pulled out a flat plate of asparagus marinade from the refrigerator when
he spoke with a blush. After serving it on a plate, he added pea puree.

"Let's talk about this for now."


I poured wine to Ituki, who hesitated.

"Eat lightly. Go to a restaurant."

It's been a long time since I served it, but I thought it would be rude to refuse, so thankfully, I
ate it at the restaurant with a plate and a cup.

"Wow, wow....."

As soon as I took a bite, I was shocked as if an angel was blowing a trumpet right in front of
me. How can you believe that asparagus is so delicious? It also went well with fresh sparkling

"It was very delicious."

Itki returned to the kitchen with an empty plate and greeted him.

"The Igarashi brothers don't like vegetables, but they eat this. I usually let them eat on their
own, but when they're rutting, they have to eat a balanced meal."

At the light explanation, Ituki nodded vaguely.

"Can you leave this on the table?"

As Ituki was preparing according to Katsuya's instructions, Aki and Shogo, who held the twins
lightly, entered the restaurant. I slightly lowered my gaze as I felt I should not see it.

"Hey, are you okay? You guys are too much..."

Katsuya pulled out her chair as if it were amazing.

"No, I'm half asleep because I just slept."

As Aki responded to Katsuya, he sat down Saemonnosuke.

"Huh? Mr. Itsuki? Are you helping me?"


Itsuki replied with a wry smile to Aki, who seemed to notice his existence late.

"Katsu, can I help you?"

"That's enough. Let's eat more than that. Feed him properly."

"I got it."

Aki fed the cold water soup carried by Itsuki into Saemonnosuke's mouth. Shogo took care of
Chiyomaru silently. Both of them are eating quietly, but they seem to have never noticed Itki
was there.

"Eat some too, Mr. Itsuki."

"No, I'll eat later..."

"Really? Then first of all, give this presale to the twins..."

Presale… I think I heard it somewhere…

Oh, I saw it on a special broadcast of Mont Saint-Michel. It's the finest lamb grown on tartar.

Huh? Wait. Alpha feeds Omega twins lamb, what are you kidding? Alpine To them, twins are
lambs themselves.

"…They both like meat very much normally, but they can't eat beef when they're rutted. But
they can't stand it if they don't feed them."

He didn't bother to touch the meaning of the word "I can't stand it."

"So is it lamb ..."

"Did you think you were in a fratricidal war?"

Katsuya watched Ituki with fun.

"…do you know that?"

"No, I've tried various things, but they only eat presale. It's true."

Itky shook his head with a sigh and flew a bone-attached presale.

When the beef was cooked, Katsuya dismantled it nicely with a knife. Katsuya was seated, so
Itsuki joined.

"Thank you for the food."

After politely gathering hands and saying hello, I almost jumped up after taking a bite.

What is this? I'm glad I didn't eat out... It was so delicious that I was suffocating.

Itki casually jumped in. Not only Itki, but everyone was so into meat that they became reticent.

"What about you, Ryu Sei?"

Aki, who had eaten the meat, brought up Kijima's name as if he suddenly remembered it. Itsuki
stopped his hand without realizing it. This is because he remembered Kijima he met this

"I went out a while ago. He's not coming back today."

After Katsuya answered Aki, he glanced at Ituki.

"More than that, Mr. Ituki is really calm."

"Ah… yes, I thought that too."

At the words of Katsuya and Aki, Itsuki frowned in embarrassment.

"What do you mean, Taeyeon..."

"No, that's... It doesn't get you even if you look at the twins, right?"

I can't believe it.

"The two of them react to each other's pheromones completely overlapping in rut, so they
spray pheromones that are so powerful that they can't even work in beta."

Aki explained.

"That's why the staff has to give them a vacation, too."

"…First of all, I'm Omega too…"

Itky replied, thinking that it was common sense for omega to not respond to omega's

"You know what? Omega doesn't react to the twins' pheromones, but on the other hand, their
pheromones and our pheromones mix and react even when they're not rutting."


"Mr. Itzuki, you're completely nonchalant."

Then I suddenly felt a sense of incompatibility. Because I remembered smelling their strong
pheromones in the living room last night. I even felt the lingering scent of the twins. And this
morning, Kijima had alpha pheromones… So that happened.

…but I couldn't feel anything now.

"But rather interesting."

Having felt that Aki's gaze was mixed with sexual nuances, Ituki was slightly wary.

"There's a city legend that the pheromones of the keen omega are great, have you ever heard
of them?"

Awakening… Kijima recalled saying something like that.

"I heard sex is amazing..."


"I really want to taste it."

Aki stuck out his tongue and licked his lips as if provoking. Katsuya criticized Aki.

"Mr. Aki. You'll be in big trouble if you hear that."

"I know. In short, I just have to touch it first, right? Mr. Ryusei is generous over there…"

"Well, if that's the case..."

What is this atmosphere? This atmosphere is so unpleasant. Wouldn't it change the subject?
Shogo shouted out loud at the same time as Ituki thought so.

"…Mr. Aki, one more drink."

He held out a glass while staring at Aki with an expressionless eye.

"What? Why would I..."

"One more drink."

Aki woke up with a sigh as he looked at it while maintaining a blank expression from beginning
to end.

"Okay. I was wrong. I'm sorry."

Aki bowed his head to Ituki half-heartedly and held up a bottle of wine.

"…I'm sorry, too. I'm running away from home at this time of year."

Ituki, who also received Katsuya's apology, was a little embarrassed. He was taking care of the
twins who said nothing happened when he looked sideways at Shogo. Ituki also ended the
story here after accepting their apology.

Still, my chest was still stuffy.

The rutting season is over in a week. The cycle of the rutting season varies greatly by individual,
but it is common every three months. Itzuki was also a three-month cycle, but it was a long
time ago. Because of his positive personality, Itzuki has accepted it favorably, saying that the
annoyance of the original has disappeared rather than the disappearance of the original.

But I felt like I would look back on what I had lost when I saw the twins seem to be enjoying
the omega. And I suddenly thought about the future. I think about who I will live my life with

I don't think I can. Maybe I'll continue to live alone like this.

I don't think it's lonely, but there are times when intense anxiety comes in. It's because your
life is unstable. This mansion is also a temporary residence. You have to leave someday, so you
have to prepare for it. There is nowhere to rely on.
On the way to the mansion in a dark mood, a brilliant black Bentley beat the bicycle Itzky was

Is it Mr. Kijima...? Since a few days ago, Ituki's time to go home has accelerated. In the
aftermath of the parent company's problem, Ituki's company was also investigated by the
Ministry of Employment and Labor. Even a formal investigation was forced to reduce overtime
due to attention. It was bitter to see the reduction of overtime pay, but once the meeting was
prolonged, it was welcomed that the problem was corrected a little.

The Bentley I saw earlier was standing in front of the front door, and a person believed to be
Kijima got off the inside. Kijima in a business suit with the porch light was its skeleton, posture,
and perfect silhouette. Itzuki couldn't take his eyes off him. Itzuki looked like a poster from an
old French movie I saw one day. Itzuki admired that and set his goal for his current job.

Cool… I wondered what he was fascinated by, but he was so cool that I couldn't help it.

"Did you come home now?"

Kijima seemed to have been waiting for Ituki, so he talked to it as it approached.


Itky replied, feeling anxious.

"What about your meal? If you haven't eaten yet, let's prepare it together."

"Ah… I beg you, I beg you…"

Kijima smiled brightly and nodded.

"But first shower........."

Itky said, "I was sweating because I came here on my bike.

"Take your time."

His heart was pounding more than before with his bright face. It must be a business smile, but
his heart was in a mess because he was so attractive. I hurried back to my room and took a
shower, but I was aware that my body had heated up.

Is that the upper class alpha.

Itsuki now knows it, too. Kijima is different from other alpas. At first sight, I am fascinated. The
omega-temperatures within me that I forgot a long time ago show strong reactions to Kijima.
When the twins were rutted, they didn't feel anything even when they were present with
Katsuya and other alpas. However, he reacts to Kijima.

Itsuki turned the water in the shower into cold water and waited for the heat to cool down.

"How come..."

I managed to run away, got dressed quickly, and went to the restaurant, but no one was there.

"Oh, Mr. Itsuki. Mr. Ryusei is coming soon, too."

I sat down after listening to Katase, an assistant chef, who came out of the kitchen.
"Tonight is a fish dish. If you don't like it, do something else..."

"No, I like it. I eat everything."

"That's a relief. I'll get it ready right away. Would you like a beer first? We've got a cold drink."

"What should I do? Alcohol is not that strong, but I don't hate it either. I want to drink it, but I
heard a voice behind my back when I was wondering if it might be brazen.

"There's a die-ginjo from the brewery of Eyze, right? Let's go with that."

It was Kijima.

"Good. It'll go well with grilled jade bream."

Katase smiled broadly and prepared it for his assistant, Kino. Itsuki thought that grilled tilefish
was like a high-end bar, but decided to take this opportunity.

"I heard Mr. Ituki didn't eat much here. Are you declining?"

When asked by Kijima, Itsuki shook his head in a hurry.

"No, it's not that. I'm late, so I put sleep before meals..."

"Then do you have dinner at work?"

"Yes, it is."

I replied thinking yes if I could call it a meal.

"Have some breakfast before you go."

Kino was concerned about Ituki by serving a bowl of tofu.

"…Thank you. Every time I cut myself to a close time…"

"Don't you have breakfast?"

"No, even in the morning at work..."

Bananas or convenience store rice balls.

"Shall I make a lunch box? If it's just a sandwich, I can prepare it right away."

"No, on purpose..."

"Even if it's a rice ball, it'll be better than a rice ball at a convenience store."

Kino repeatedly recommended Ituki, who declined.

"Don't say no, I do that when I don't have time."

When Kijima said so, Itki began to wonder whether he would accept the proposal or not.

"Excuse me… may I ask you…?"

"Yes! If you eat it at work, it'd be better to eat it in one bite."

Kino smiled broadly.

"Then starting tomorrow? When will you leave?"

Kino immediately asked about Ituki's schedule.

"I'll make lunch. There's a staff member who specializes in that."

Somehow, I got a lot of help. I watched Ituki, who was completely entrusted with his lunch
box, with a smile.

"What do you do on your day off?"

Kijima's fingers, neatly trimmed to the tip of her fingernails, brushed the glass.

"I sleep all day... Sometimes I go to art exhibitions... But I had to stand in advance a few hours
before the opening of the exhibition. Last time, I went there right before the opening and
there were so many people that I couldn't even see it properly. They said they're going to do it
until this week, so I'm going to go there again."

"…Tokyo Museum by any chance…?"

Itsuki looked up and saw Kijima.


"It's sponsored by our company, so we can ask you to show us outside the time."

"Am I, really?"

I jumped up without realizing it. Kijima laughed when she saw Ituki like that.

"You should be so surprised."

Itki flushed and plumped on a chair.

"I saw it before it started, but the brush touch is delicate, so if you don't look at it up close,
your charm is halved. Even so, if you look at it up close, there's a human fence, so you should
look at it properly."

"I can't help it. I suggested to the director that we set a limit on the number of people and do it
on a time-based basis, but he said he would deal with it in a way that makes the book better
because it's practically impossible this season."

"…It was certainly a well-made illustration, though…"

"Well, that's why the reason for going there in person becomes ambiguous."

"I understand it's hard to postpone the season because some of the artworks were lent by
individuals. However, TV made a special feature of the event, which was a hot topic even
before the event. It was really frustrating."

Itky, who recalled that time, frowned. Kijima giggled at him.

"I'll tell the secretary tomorrow. May I ask Mr. Itsuki's e-mail address?"

Itky hurriedly took out his cell phone.

"Our company also transports art, so we have a connection to a larger museum. So if you have
any plans you are interested in, feel free to let me know."

I did. I just remembered that Kijima Logistec also has an art transportation service sector.

Anyway, I'm very lucky!

"A, thank you."

"In fact, in the past, I had a post-production of S in this mansion, but now I have left it to my

At the artist's name, Itki swallowed his saliva.

"The security system of my grandfather's mansion is at the level of a national art museum."

I realized how great Kijimaga is.

"Sometimes we have a viewing party inside, so if you're interested, I'll tell you to be invited."

"Boo, please...!"

Whether you think it's brazen or not, you should actively ask for these opportunities.

"Grandpa will be happy to see someone who is really interested. Recently, there have been
many invitees who are happy about scarcity rather than interest in the work itself."

Kijima smiled bitterly and put down the cell phones that had been registered with each other.

"Well, I don't know that well either."

While saying that, Kijima had art knowledge beyond the level of liberal arts and was well aware
of the background of the artist's work that became a hot topic.

Itzuki, who enjoyed the conversation with him more than he thought, seemed to have drunk
too much because he was a little excited. He thought he knew how much he drank, but when
he woke up after eating, his feet stumbled and he hurriedly grabbed the back of the chair.


Kijima, who immediately ran to Itki, tried to lend his hand.

"Very well, that's fine."

Ituki, who was a little surprised himself, jumped up and felt dizzy.


The ceiling is spinning... the floor is tumbling.

"Are you drunk?"

"No, that can't be…"

"Kino, bring me water."

Kino hurriedly handed over the glass. Itsuki drank it because it was water that was given.

"I'm sorry."

I was embarrassed for some reason.

"Do you feel sick..."

"No, that's fine; once it's settled..."

"I'll take you to your room."

Meanwhile, Kijima forcibly picked Ituki up.

"Well, there... ..."

No matter how drunk he was, Yatsuki, embarrassed, struggled.

"It's dangerous, so please stay still."

After a gentle rebuke, Ituki stopped following.

"Kino, open the door..."


Kino headed to Ituki's room first. Right next to him, Ituki's body, which smelled Kijima's body,
heated up again.

If it's this close, I can hear Kijima's heartbeat. Not only is the heart in chaos, but my breathing
is also unstable. For some reason... It's hot. I didn't know if it was because of Kijima or because
I was drunk.

Without being embarrassed by the messy room, Kijima laid Ituki to bed.

"I'll prepare a wet towel right away."

Kino left the room.

"I'm sorry. I must have drunk a little too much..."

Kijima's big hand covered Ituki's forehead. Lee, I think this will make the fever worse.

"Do you have a fever?"

Kijima, who received a towel from Kino, rushed back, put it on his forehead.

"I'm sorry, sin..."

I felt good because it was cold.

"I'll do the work afterwards. You can step back."

Kino immediately left the room at Kijima's words. When I was alone with Kijima, Itsuki was a
little nervous.

"Look, it's all right now. I'm sorry to trouble you..."

"…As expected of Omega."

Kijima's eyes narrowed.

"With such wet eyes, is it tempting?"

Kijima's fingers caressed Itki's lips.


I tried to shake it off in a hurry, but I got dizzy again.

"Are you okay?"

I made eye contact with Kijima, who looked at him anxiously. Feeling as if he was being seen
deep, Ituki hurriedly avoided his gaze.

"Somehow, the reaction is good..."

Kijima smiled bitterly and wrapped his finger around Itki's finger.


My heart thumped. I was kissed in the middle of nowhere. After sucking my lips several times, I
cut my teeth and pushed my tongue in.

Dangerous… I feel dizzy. Something was about to spill over.

Uh, uh... what?

"…It's a dirty face."

Kijima, who took off his lips, spoke as if teasing. He tasted his lips again before Ituki could
refute. While Ituki forgot to resist and was swept away by pleasure, he took off his shirt

"Because there was a disturbance last time..."

The smirking Kijima fumbled his finger at Ituki's nipple.

"What… Yes…"

I was going to tell you to stop, but I couldn't. Before that, I moaned incredibly moist.

"…a cute voice."

Oh, no. That's not the intention… Itky bit his lips in shame.

"No, that's so cute."

Kijima frowned faintly and shook his head lightly.

"You'll be eaten if you show such a reaction."


"If it wasn't for me, I'd be eaten alone."

What do you mean, eat?

"I don't have a taste for teasing people who are drunk."

As Kijima said so, he stuck out his tongue and rolled Itki's nipple.

"Ha, you're doing it…"

Itzuki, who was teased to the core, refuted.

"…It's just making me feel good, right? It won't be exciting, so don't worry."

"I don't know what I'm telling you to feel safe. Still, I couldn't strongly reject Kijima's caressing.
Kijima obscenely stabbed the nipple, and the other nipple shook with her finger. She checked
Ituki's reaction by raising her eyes only.


In fact, Ituki, who desperately kills his voice by covering his lips with the back of his hand, was
not resisting at all. Omega tends to appear frequently to be so insensitive to pleasure that it
quickly wears off. I thought it was dangerous somewhere in my head, but the idea did not
dominate Ituki.

Kijima was all good. Itsuki didn't even notice that he opened the front of his jeans. When
Kijima's hand came into his underwear, the dimmed Itsuki jumped up as well.


It was revealed that it stood upright. Kijima squinted his eyes and touched Itki's Penis with his
long fingers.

"Do you feel good?"

While caressing ahead, I rubbed my nose under Ituki's ears. As I clipped my earlobes, there was
a thrilling electricity flowing through Ituki's back. I was distressed because I thought something
would overflow.

"Oh, oh...."

Itky said no.

"Oh, stop?"

When Kijima's hand, which was touching his own, stopped, Ituki looked up at Kijima in a panic.

"If you want me to stop, I don't have to..."

It's too much to quit now... Itzuki looked at Kijima with tearful eyes.
"What do you want me to do?"

A grumpy eye looked down. Itky bit his lips again.

"Red, Lee..."

He begged in a husky voice, avoiding his gaze. Kijima's eyes were distorted as if she had choked

"You mean, do you know that even if it's stuck now, it's your own money?"

He replied with a sigh. Itki's body trembled.

"…I don't do it. It's really mean."

Kijima resumed caressing after saying as if she was amazed.


Itky was again overcome with pleasure and let out a sweet groan.

"I can't believe you're in your late 20s..."

Kijima licked Itki's neck. Chilling waves came in. Itki settled down with Kijima's caress.

"…this is enough without anger. What will happen when you wake up…"

Kijima took a wet towel from Ituki and grumbled while wiping his palms. Ituki drooped and
stared blankly at such Kijima. But immediately, intense drowsiness poured out and closed his

"If you sleep like that, you'll catch a cold."

However, I couldn't open my eyelids because they were too heavy. After sighing, Kijima
carefully changed her clothes and covered her with a blanket.

"…I can't believe you're three years older than me."

He murmured with a face that seemed absurd, and admired, and then fell out of bed.

"Good night."

Kijima came out into the hallway and ran into Aki while going down the stairs.

"As expected of Ryu Sei. You're fast."

Aki grinned.

"…I haven't eaten yet."


Kijima glanced at Aki.

"…don't touch me without my permission."

"I know."

Aki replied with a smile. Kijima, who has no intention of catering to Aki, changed the subject.

"Can Aki go on a business trip next week?"

Aki's expression immediately became serious.

"If you wish. I thought you liked Omiya recently."

"Omiya is good, but I'm relieved that Aki is abroad."

After smirking, Kijima looked at Aki with eyes that could feel the ruler's presence somewhere.

"…Okay, I'll keep it that way."

"I look forward to your kind cooperation."

Although Kijima is friendly to Aki and other employees, the master-slave relationship between
them never wavers. So, when I go on a business trip to an area with poor security, I ask Aki to
escort me. It's not that I don't trust Omiya's skills, but it's incomparable to the sense of security
when Aki escorts me.

Aki's family is a family that never misses out, but because of this, he had great loyalty enough
to continue to work with Kiki for a long time. Their company is built on that foundation.

"Oh, it's Mr. Itzuki!"

When Itki entered the restaurant, the twins were eating. The two welcomed Itki and
encouraged them to sit next to them.

"Today is Chinese food. The sashimi and meat are delicious!"

"I like crabs and eggs for soup. And gyoza dumplings."

It's been a long time since I talked to two people. There is no time to meet them because Itki is
not often in this mansion in the first place. From this point of view, he looked younger than my
age. They are completely different from the two people who witnessed the ugly scene.

"It's a big deal that Mr. Itsuki is eating here."

The twins were delighted. Somehow they followed Itky well.

"Today's scheduled meeting has been canceled."

Itsuki asked Kino, who brought something to drink, to do the same thing as twins.

"Oh, Kino. Thank you for the lunch box. It was delicious."

"Thank God. I was told that I don't need it tomorrow."

"Yes, I'm working outside the office tomorrow."

The kitchen is rotated by several people, so we use the line group room and request it
I was sending information.

"…Mr. Itzuki, you don't seem energetic for some reason."

Chiyomaru's point surprised Itsuki.

"Isn't it because Ryu Sei isn't in Japan?"


"Oh, I see...."

No, what are you talking about? It happened, so I have to be aware of it. But I haven't seen
him since, so I tried not to think much about it.

"This business trip is a bit dangerous. It's not strange when there will be a coup."

"But it's okay because Mr. Aki went with me. If anything, Mr. Aki might be in danger."

"Wait. Why is Mr. Kijima coming out...? I can't believe he's on a business trip in the first

Itki quickly denied the two's story because he couldn't understand what was going on. What's
more, a coup?

"Oh? You didn't know."

"Well, I guess you didn't tell Mr. Itki because you didn't want to worry him."

Again, I couldn't understand the reason.

"What about Shogo? Is Shogo on a business trip?"

Itsuki forced himself to change the subject.

"Shogo is having a conference next month, so I'm stuck in the lab all the time."

"We're going to bring food later. Would you like to go, Mr. Itsuki?"

"…why would I…"

"We just got our license. So we're practicing."

"No, don't take me on a drive like that…" Itky grimaced his eyebrows inwardly.

"I'm renting Shogo's car now, but we're going to save money and buy our car together. I'll give
you a ride, Mr. Ituki!"

"…Thank you."

Thinking about whether he was doing a part-time job, he answered in moderation for now.
Still, they made me feel a little relaxed. Chiyomaru's point that he looked weak was wrong

It wasn't. Of course, it had nothing to do with Kijima.

This is because a respected senior, who is rare today, confessed that he will retire soon. The
senior is a good enough creator to be nominated and commissioned by a client, and He has
learned a lot of work himself.

I was offered to go with him because he would be independent. He has already spoken to
several clients, it is said. I was pleased with the recommendation of my respected senior and
wanted to follow it if possible. However, I couldn't accept it complacently if I thought it didn't
work out.

I have often heard that I am in debt because I have become independent, but it has not
worked out well. Unlike themselves, seniors and a few colleagues who start with them have a
lot of track records and connections. They are people who can somehow find their next job
through that network even if they fail. However, Ituki is not. No matter how hard I think about
it, the risk is too high. Recognize your skills for the first time in a while and

I asked him to do it, but he refused, so I disappointed him.

If you let your guard down, your life will fall to the bottom immediately. I usually don't think
about it, but I have no choice but to be aware at times like this. I felt a little lucky when I came
to this mansion, but I still realized that I should not forget the reality.

Thanks to Kijima, I'm living without worrying about meals and rent, but this kind of luck can't
continue. Kijima's whims are only now. I shouldn't quit my job now, even if I'm treated

Still, it was enough reason to be depressed because I thought that creative work would
definitely decrease if an excellent senior quit.

"…Mr. Itsuki, Mr. Ryusei is fine."


"Ryusei will return home safely because many people will protect you."

At Chiyomaru's wild words, Itsuki smiled bitterly. Anyway, the twins don't listen to Ituki's story.
I thought so and let it slip away.

While the three of them were eating, a lunch box to bring to Shogo was also completed. The
twins started getting ready to go out.

"Let's go with Mr. Itsuki. If you ask Shogo, you can tell what kind of condition Mr. Ryusei is in."

"No, not much about Mr. Kijima..."

"Shogo's research is also related to Ryu Sei's work."

I get confused when I keep listening to the story of Don't Stop Kiki. So I didn't want to think
much about it. However, I couldn't reject the twins' bulldozer-like recommendation and
followed it together.

But within a few minutes of getting in the car, I was deeply remorseful.
"Wait, don't accelerate suddenly!"

"Ah, you can't step in such a place!"

Chiyomaru's driving was so rough that Itsuki, sitting in the back seat, casually shouted. But
Chiyomaru didn't mind and accelerated fast.

"It's okay. I learned how to drive from Aki even before I got my license."

Saemonnosuke looked back in the passenger seat. What kind of driving did you learn? It's not
like you're running away from a terrorist. I wanted to shout that, but I couldn't even tackle it
anymore because I thought I was going to bite my tongue.

Chiyomaru, who was driving for a while, suddenly slowed down and turned the alley. I was
wondering if the university was in this place, but the car stopped in front of the vacant lot.

"Huh? What's this?"

Chiyomaru ignored Ituki's question and gave Saemonnosuke, who was sitting in the passenger
seat, an eye.

"As expected, it's a vacant lot."

"It's real..."

"It's... it's... right?"

"Yes. …. Hey."

It was hard for Itzuki to hear what the twins were talking about.

"I'll be back after a quick look."

"Follow me, Mr. Itzuki."

"Huh? Me?"

Seeing Saemonnosuke get out of the car, Itki opened the door in a hurry. Seeing that Itki got
off, Saemonnosuke reached out to him.


"Hands, hold me."

Itsuki hesitated and grabbed Saemonnosuke's hand.

"Here, what..."

"I'm just taking a photo of my phone."

In a corner of the residential area, a cell phone was put into an open space large enough to
hold four nearby houses, and a sign reading "Planned for Sale" was stamped.

Right after that, I went back to the car where Chiyomaru was waiting. Where is this place and
why he took the picture? Ituki wondered, but somehow
I kept my mouth shut because it wasn't an atmosphere where I could ask questions without

Saemonnosuke got in the back seat, saying he would be next to Ituki. Chiyomaru started the
car, ignoring Ituki, who was confused.

"Now there, where the facilities we were."

Saemonnosuke, who sat close to Ituki, opened his mouth.


"Civilian children's facilities. There we were sexually abused."

The words that came out so unimpeded that Itki was speechless.

"The director was fine, but there was a person who made child pornography as a secret among
the employees."

Chiyomaru added as he drove.

"It's Shogo who rescued us from there."

"To be precise, I think we sang shogo."

After saying that, Saemonnosuke grabbed Itki's shirt tightly.

"Shogo took us right to his house. But the people who abused us had connections with
Yakuzawa corrupt police, so Shogo couldn't handle it alone. That's why Shogo asked Ryusei to
protect us. He managed to get out of there like that."

Itsuki said nothing and gently hugged Saemonnosuke's shoulder leaning on him.

"I've been at Mr. Ryusei's mansion ever since. It's been four years already."


"I didn't like it because I'd been having it before. I didn't feel good at all, I was in pain. But my
head got messed up when I got rutted and got hit by the same thing, so I was most scared to
feel good."

Maybe it reminded me of that time, Saemonnosuke trembled.

"That's when I felt sorry for myself as an omega for the first time. I can't resist being raped
because I feel good, I don't like that even if I die. So I was going to run away anyway because I
could die."

The pain of the two was so great that Itki could not say anything.

"I'm really happy now. Shogo has never forced us."

Saemonnosuke said flatly. In other words, it was done because they wanted it…

"Oh, it's Shogo!"

Shogo, who came out to meet them at the university's main gate, raised one hand. When
Chiyomaru pulled over, Shogo put his license with his license plate on the wiper and climbed
into the passenger seat.

"Mr. Itzuki, I am sorry to have caused you two to get involved."

"Huh? No, it's not..."

Chiyomaru drove slowly to the parking lot with Shogo's guidance.

"Shogo, are you taking a bath?"

"I didn't do it yesterday. I'm going to do it soon... Do you smell it?"

"A little... but it's a smell I like."

At Chiyomaru's words, Saemonnosuke also sniffed.

"I'm feeling a little racy..."

Saying so, he grabbed Shogo's hand and smelled it.

"Sae, you have Mr. Itki..."

Shogo lowered the car window with a wry smile.

"I'm sorry. I don't even have much time to take a shower..."

"No, I'm not..."

While I was mumbling and answering, I arrived at a parking lot close to the research building.
When I entered the laboratory, the twins were greatly welcomed. Cheers erupted in a
luxurious lunch box.

"Shogo, Ryu Sei, did you hear when you're coming back home?"

"Ryusei? I didn't hear you."

"Can you investigate? Mr. Itsuki is worried..."


What are you talking about.

"No, I don't really..."

"Okay, let's look into it right away."

"No, I'm not worried."

Even if Itsuki said so, Shogo ignored it neatly and sat down at his desk.

"…Oh, this is where I went half a year ago, so you don't have to worry too much. If you want to
contact Mr. Aki..."

"You don't have to go that far."

Shogo contacted Aki whether Itsuki stopped it or not. Why are these people so disobedient....

"This afternoon... it's local time, but they'll be moving to their next destination in the next few

"…I see."

Itky replied, exhausted.

"If you need to contact me after that..."

"No, I'm fine now."

Itky responded firmly, emphasizing a little. And he turned his arrow to the twins to change the

"Hey, why don't you show me the picture you took earlier?"

"Oh, that's right!"

Saemonnosuke recalled the photo and hurriedly showed Shogo his cell phone. Shogo's
expression changed a little.

Itki roughly sensed the atmosphere and left the laboratory, saying that he was going to the
bathroom. It was already late, but this research building was all lit up here and there. He said
with a bitter smile, "It's the same thing that I'm struggling anywhere."

When they returned to the lab after a while, the twins were already ready to go back and were
waiting for Itki.

"Mr. Itki, please take good care of the twins."

Shogo, who escorted him to the parking lot, bowed his head to Ituki. Shogo knows what he's
thinking because his emotions are hard to show on his face

It's hard to say. Still, he was always polite. Maybe it's because he's older than me.

"I just got in the car..."

"…They told you about the facilities, didn't they?"

Shogo looked straight at Itki.

"Uh... Is that a problematic behavior?"

"That's not it. Those kids have never told that story directly to anyone other than me. So I was
a little surprised."

It became difficult for Itzuki to answer that.

"…I won't tell you where."

"I didn't worry about that, because others already know."

Oh, so is he....
"Of course..."

"It means twins trust you. Please don't forget that."

At the words with a blank face, Ituki didn't know what to answer for no reason.


When Ituki was about to say something, the passenger's car window went down and
Chiyomaru showed his face.

"What are you doing? Are you going to go back with Shogo?"

Shogo opened the door for Itki with a wry smile.

"Oh, Mr. Itzuki. Buckle up."

After saying that, Saemonnosuke started his car slowly. Unlike Chiyomaru, what he thought
was safe driving was only a short distance from the university campus.

"I forgot to say it, but I'm more of a speed freak than I am."

It was only after he had already accelerated furiously. With his eyes tightly closed while
clinging to the seat, Itky was forced to think about other things constantly and try to escape

After listening to the twins' tremendous past, I felt a little refreshed because I didn't think it
was a big deal to worry about my workplace.

After that, I went to the museum after the closure, which was wanted by Kijima's secretary,
and exchanged business cards with several officials as well as watching them slowly. As I
chatted with them, there was a flow that seemed to cooperate with each other in future
commercial productions, and Ituki unwittingly expected it.

When I boldly offered to have a meal with him, he readily accepted. It is difficult to make
connections because many of Ituki's work ends internally. Therefore, this was a wonderful

Itki exchanged contact information with them and hurried home. When I returned to my room
and was taking a shower, Kino sent me a line.

"Ryusei is back."

Huh...? Suddenly, I remembered the last time and my face turned red. It was late, so I thought
about what to do, but I decided to say hello to the museum, so I dried my hair and headed to
the main house.

"Oh, Mr. Itzuki."

Kino, who was organizing the kitchen, talked to me.

"Mr. Ryusei is in the living room."

"I see."

I heard Kijima and Aki's voices in the living room inside.

"…Excuse me."

The two of them saw Itzuki at the same time as Itzuki spoke to him.

"Well... you're back."

Kijima smiled at the greeting and advised him to sit on the sofa.

"Then I'll say goodbye..."

Aki stood up.


There were whiskey bottles and empty cups on the table.

"Enjoy your time."

Aki spoke to Ituki with a meaningful face and went outside.

"Would you like to drink it, Mr. Itsuki?"

I shook my head firmly because I remembered what happened last time in Ituki's mind.

"No, I'm still going to work tomorrow."

"Then water..."

Kijima poured ice and mineral water into a new glass when she saw Ituki who had just taken a

"Hey, actually, I went to the Tokyo Museum today. After the closure. Thank you for your
convenience in many ways."

"…Did it help you?"

"Of course."

"That's a relief."

Kijima smiled and emptied 10,000 cups while drinking.

"In fact, I have a present for Mr. Ituki."


Kijima put a package of paper on the table.

"I stopped by San Francisco on my way back. I had a moment to spare."

"This is..."

"Aren't you going to open it?"

Looking at the shape of the package, I could expect it to contain a canvas. Instead of hesitating
Itsuki, Kijima unpacked the package.

"This is…"

An oil painter who lived in San Francisco and was one of Itky's favorite artists.

"I thought it wouldn't be too big to hang it in the room."

"…why is this…"

Kijima laughed at the question.

"When choosing a housemate, we investigate to some extent."

He agreed that he would, but he was a little curious about how far he knew about himself.

"But I can't get anything like this."

"It's just a souvenir..."

Considering the average value of the painting, it's never expensive. But in Itki's sense, a gift
worth thousands of dollars is a little bit more than a couple

It didn't make sense. However, his sense of money was so different from that of Kijima in the
first place.

"There's no one around me who wants it, so I can't get it back. If you don't like it, you can even
put it up for auction on the Internet?"

"…It's not that I don't like it…"


Kijima replied coldly. His expression did not change, but it is not strange to say that he was

"I'm sorry. You chose it for the first time in a while..."

"You don't have to worry. I did whatever I wanted. That's how gifts are. Don't you buy them
lightly without considering other people's tastes or circumstances?"

Maybe Kijima has the sense to buy a local cell phone strap. I think the sense of money will be
different by that much or more.

"Well, if you're not going to take it, you should dispose of it in moderation."

Saying that, while getting off the canvas from the table, he hit Itki's glass, which he had not
touched, and collapsed.

"Oh, I'm going to get wet..."

Itsuki hurriedly set up a cup, pulled out some tissues on the table, and wiped the water off the
"It's okay, I'm going to dispose of it..."

"If it's enough to dispose of it, I'll..."

The canvas was taken from Kijima, who handled it roughly. Kijima pulled Ituki's arm like that.

"Oh, what..."

Itsuki, whose balance was broken, climbed on top of Kijima.

"Mr. Itzuki is funny. I must say he is not honest."

He grabbed Ituki, who was trying to correct his posture, and poked his finger into his hair.

"No, let go..."

"I heard from Shogo that Mr. Itsuki cares about me."

"Well, that's…"

It's also misunderstanding.

"It's not like that..."

"Isn't it?"

Kijima looked Itsuki in the eye.

"Go, it's close..."

His eyes were inadvertently turned away by the sarcastic look on his overwhelmingly
handsome face.

"That's because Mr. Shogo misunderstood..."

He struggled on Kijima's lap to run away, but it must have backfired.

"What do you mean misunderstanding?"

As Kijima asked, his hand was wrapped around Ituki's waist.

"Hey... ..."

I licked Ituki's embarrassed ear and smelled it. That alone heated Ituki's body.

"…Well, not yet?"


"But you have a wild face..."

Looking into Itki's face, he grinned and licked his lips.


His body trembled. Kijima smiled and looked at the food.

"Ittsuki looks simple, but it's not true, right?"

As soon as the words were over, he grabbed Itki's chin and kissed her like a bite.


The coercive kiss left Itzuki helpless, unable to catch his breath. His tongue tangled and took
Itzuki's reason away. Itzuki's reason was compromised a long time ago and there was no room
for resistance.

"…look at this, it's just mushy…"

Before I knew it, I took off Ituki's shirt, which was weak, and grabbed the pointed nipple.


"I like to touch my chest..."

What? What are you talking about?

But before arguing back, Kijima put it on the nipple.


Itsuki inadvertently twisted his waist, but it also seemed to tempt him.

"Don't you like being sick?"

The place where it was erected was gently rolled with its tongue this time.

"…stick to your skin, to your tongue."

whispered while licking the nipples.

"I'm going to be 30 soon, but I'm elastic. Is it Omega?"

Itki can't know that.

"It's pretty because I don't use much here either."

After saying that, he reached out to Itki's lower body.

"I got an erection when you licked the nipple..."

I fiddled with my front over my thick jeans.

"Do you lick this part, too?"

As if waiting for Itki's answer, I fixed my gaze on him. Itki ran away from that gaze. If you rush
in this way, everything will be revealed.

"Don't you like being a fella?"


"…there's no way I don't like it."

Kijima giggled, changed her posture, and sat Ituki on the sofa. Then, he loosened his belt and
pulled his jeans down to his knees with his panty.


When his fingers touched him directly, Itki's Penis wriggled in Kijima's hand. Kijima went
between Itki's knees and buried his face in the center.


The groan almost leaked out. Itsuki hurriedly covered his mouth with his hand.

"Voice, my..."

At the commanding words, Itki gulped down his saliva.

"If you don't cry properly, you won't be able to settle."

After speaking in a cold voice, I put Itki's Pennis in my mouth again.

"Ah…, uh…!"

Imagen 3

When Kijima orders him, Ituki cannot resist. Still, he desperately killed his voice, but it was
already leaking out one after another.

"Oh, me, come out...."

Tough by the unfamiliar stimulus, Itsuki pushed Kijima's shoulder.

"Let go, let go....."

Kijima tried to push Kijima away with tears, but Kijima tightened it with his lips.

"Oh, well...."

Itsuki gave a short groan and settled down in Kijima's mouth.


Watching Kijima spit out what he had sprayed into the tissue, Itsuki bit his lips.

"You're going to do it this time, right?"


"You feed me semen and that's it?"

He made it and told me to let it go. And he didn't eat it. He spat it out. The swear words

Occupied but got a violent kiss before pouring it out.


When the saliva flowed in, Itki swallowed it reflexively.

"…a kiss mixed with your semen."

"Oh, really..."

I spread the distance and rubbed my lips with the back of my hand. Kijima laughed as if she
was having fun when she saw Ituki like that.

"Drink mine, too."

After getting up from his seat, he unbuckled his belt in front of Ituki's eyes.

"…Come on, open your cute mouth."

After lifting Itki's chin with his hand, he put his thumb in his mouth. Pennis, who was pulled out
of his pants, shook in front of Itki's nose.

"Would it be too much?"

He grinned and looked down at Ituki and pushed a thick, upright one into his mouth.


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