Reading N Writing Reviewer

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Patterns of development in writing already knows.

Contrast may be used to explain how

the new concept is different from the old one, how it
Patterns of Development -A pattern of development has its own identity.
is the way the essay is organized, from one
paragraph to the next. 7.Cause and effect
A cause tells us the reason why something happened
thesis statement clearly identifies the topic being while an effect tells us the results. A topic for a
discussed, includes the points discussed in the paper, cause-effect paragraph starts with a situation or
and is written for a specific audience. condition.

1.Narration 8..Problem-Solution
➤It tells a story • A problem in general is an unsatisfactory situation
-It relates an incident or a series of events that leads that causes troubles or difficulties. Therefore, it
to a conclusion or ending. needs a solution, a way to deal with the situation so
-It tells the readers when, where, and what that the troubles or difficulties are removed.

A narrative paragraph contains action verbs and

transition words that indicate time or sequence.
transition words used to signal time or sequence

• Description gives information of what a person, an
object, a place, or a situation is like. It appeals to the
reader's senses; it makes the reader see, hear, taste,
Variations of the problem- solution pattern
smell, or feel the subject.
• Problem-Solution- is a straightforward approach
• A descriptive paragraph has concrete and specific
• Problem-Cause-Solution- the cause of the problem
is identified and analyzed before a possible solution
is presented.
Two types of description
• Problem-Process- Solution- the process or
Objective-provides a factual picture of something
procedure is discussed extensively.
Subjective shares an impression or feeling
9.Persuasive Paragraph
A persuasive paragraph intends to convince readers
Definition explains a concept, term, or subject. Its
to do or believe in
main purpose is to tell what something is. It consists
of three parts:
1. State the issue. This will serve as a background
(1) the term, concept, or subject to be defined;
information about the topic.
(2) the general class to which it belongs, and
(3) the characteristics that differentiate it from the
2. Have a clear, strong and specific argument
other members of its class.
3. Support your arguments with a well-researched
4.Exemplification is one of the most common and
effective ways to show or explain an idea or point
4. Lastly, write a conclusion.
5.Classification refers to sorting or arranging

6.Comparison and contrast

Comparison attempts to help the reader understand
a new concept by likening it to one that the reader
Words with Unwanted connotations - There
PROPERTIES OF A WELL-WRITTEN TEXT are words that take on a meaning specific to a
1. Text organization- it makes a text easy to context. Some writers might not be aware of
read. It prevents the reader from becoming these connotations, so they end up using
confused by a jumbled of words, sentences, and language that is unintentionally confusing,
paragraphs that are in no particular order.. comical or even offensive to readers.
Technical or Highfalutin Words- Writers want
TECHNIQUES: to sound smart by using words that are very
 Physical format- is immediately technical or have deep meanings.
apparent to the reader. It is seen in
how the text physically appears 4. Mechanics - are conventions that have to be
considered in writing.
 Signal words- are textual cues that
Some of these conventions are spelling,
readers can use to follow a text.
punctuation, and capitalization.
 Structure- provides the framework upon
which the text is organized. SPELLING - When you write, always make sure
It consist of the following: that you are consistently using one standard
 Beginning: introduction, thesis statement, with regard to the spelling of your words.
 Middle: supporting details PUNCTUATION-is the act of using a system of
 End: conclusion, summary, final message symbols such as the comma, period, quotation
marks, question marks, etc. that are used to
2. Coherence and Cohesion- Coherence and give structure to and organize a text
cohesion make your text easier for your readers
to follow and understand CAPITALIZATION - is the act of writing the first
letter of a word in uppercase while the rest of
 Cohesion is the connection of ideas to the the letters are in lowercase.
central concept of a text. .
 Coherence is the relationship of ideas
between sentences

A text with cohesion has a central concept or

“glue” that hold all the different ideas together..

A text with coherence has ideas that are

logically sequenced in a way that is easy to
follow for the reader.

3. Language Use- Proper language use allows

you to capture the message that you want to
convey to your readers
However writers sometimes encounter
problems with the following:
Misused Words- A writer might sometimes use
a word incorrectly, and this occurs when the
word does not mean what he or she thinks it

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