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1029/2009JA014719, 2010

A global positioning system–based climatology for the total

electron content in the ionosphere
Remko Scharroo1 and Walter H. F. Smith2
Received 3 August 2009; revised 29 May 2010; accepted 9 June 2010; published 22 October 2010.
[1] The total electron content (TEC) in the ionosphere is an important factor in the
propagation of radio waves. Since 1998 the coverage global positioning system (GPS)
observations has been sufficient to monitor the TEC globally. We have used the
global ionosphere maps provided by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory to devise a new
ionosphere climatology (NIC09). The climatology fits the GPS maps to 4.5 TECU,
more than twice as well as the IRI2007 climatology. The use of the global mean TEC as
the input parameter reduces scaling errors and long‐term mean errors in the model. For
climatic studies of sea level measured by satellite radar altimeters, it is necessary to
go back before 1998. During the earlier years of radar altimetry, we use TOPEX dual‐
frequency altimeter data to reconstruct the global mean TEC or use the solar radio flux
(F10.7) as a proxy. The comparison of dual‐frequency altimeter data with the GPS
maps demonstrated that about 8% of the TEC extends above 1350 km and about 14%
above 800 km. The root mean square error of the NIC09 climatology was found to be
approximately 18% of the TEC, compared to 14% for the GPS TEC maps, and 35%
for IRI2007.
Citation: Scharroo, R., and W. H. F. Smith (2010), A global positioning system–based climatology for the total electron content
in the ionosphere, J. Geophys. Res., 115, A10318, doi:10.1029/2009JA014719.

1. Introduction the centimeter level, while the building of the climate record
requires long‐term stability at the level of tenths of milli-
1.1. Motivation
meters. Neither the Bent [Llewellyn and Bent, 1973] nor
[2] Geodetic receivers of the global positioning system international reference ionosphere (IRI) [e.g. Bilitza, 1990,
(GPS) signals measure phase differences on two distinct 2001] climatologies were able to satisfy those demands
frequencies in order to eliminate the path delay that results [Schreiner et al., 1997; Zhao et al., 2002].
from the refraction of electrically charged particles in the [4] To be fair, the NIC09 climatology is not aimed at
ionosphere. The delay of the radio waves is proportional to replacing the IRI models, which provide much more infor-
the total number of electrons per unit area (known as total mation than just the total electron content. Those models
electron content or TEC) along the path between the satellite predict density profiles of many ionospheric species, which
and the receiver and is inversely proportional to the square is far beyond the capability of the climatology discussed in
of radio wave frequency. Hence, the difference in path delay this paper.
on the two different frequencies can be used as a measure
for the TEC along the slant range. 1.2. Global Ionosphere Maps
[3] The creation of the NOAA Ionosphere Climatology [5] By combining near‐simultaneous measurements from
2009 (NIC09) was driven by the need for accurate iono- a global network of high‐quality GPS receivers to various
spheric path delay information for single‐frequency alti- GPS satellites, it is possible to map electron content glob-
meters prior to the broad availability of GPS dual‐frequency ally. The process of converting a multitude of TEC mea-
data. Those earlier altimeter missions of the single‐frequency surements to global maps of vertical TEC is described by
era, Geosat (1985–1989), ERS‐1 (1991–1996), Poseidon Mannucci et al. [1998] and Komjathy et al. [2005]. The
(1992–2002), and ERS‐2 (launched 1995), are highly impor- vertical TEC (or simply TEC in the following) is the number
tant for the construction of the long‐term climate record of electrons in a vertical column of unit base area, generally
of sea level change. For oceanographic and geophysical expressed in TEC units (1 TECU = 1016 electrons/m2). The
applications, we are looking for a measurement accuracy at TEC depends highly on solar activity, is larger near the
geomagnetic equator, and generally peaks at around 1400
local solar time.
Altimetrics LLC, Cornish, New Hampshire, USA. [6] In 1998, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) started
NOAA Laboratory for Satellite Altimetry, Silver Spring, Maryland,
USA. the production of global ionosphere maps (GIM) of vertical
total electron content based on GPS slant‐range observa-
Copyright 2010 by the American Geophysical Union. tions. Initially, a global network of nearly 100 GPS stations

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Figure 1. (top) The global mean total electron content GTEC (daily values at 2000 UTC), correlates well
with (bottom) the solar radio flux value F10.7 (daily values at 2000 UTC, red dots), particularly when the latter
is smoothed with a 40 day boxcar filter (blue line). The 12 month running average of the sunspot number
Rz12 (brown) and the global ionosphere index IG12 (green) are input parameters of the IRI models.

and 27 GPS satellites contributed their data through the Rz12 and IG12 are only available at least 6 months after the
International GPS (now GNSS) Service (IGS). The set of fact, making IRI less practical for real‐time applications.
selected GPS stations has meanwhile increased to 180, Although it would be feasible to feed IRI2007 with monthly
receiving data from 32 GPS satellites. In this paper we use indices, this was not how IRI2007 was designed. We pre-
the final JPL GIM product available approximately 7 days ferred to provide our comparisons against the model without
after real time [Komjathy et al., 2005]. modifications, as it would be applied by most users.
[10] In contrast to the slowly varying Rz12 and IG12
1.3. International Reference Ionosphere input parameters, IRI2007 also includes some dependency
[7] Prior to 28 August 1998, the lack of accuracy and on the 3 hourly geomagnetic index Kp, but this only applies
spotty global and temporal coverage of GPS measurements during geomagnetic storms [Coïsson et al., 2006]. Thirteen
were such that no JPL GIM maps could be reliably com- harmonic coefficients model the variation of TEC during the
puted. For earlier periods, altimeter data products rely on day, which is comparable with the 2 hourly update rate of
climatological models, such as Bent or IRI, to model the the GIM maps. Similarly, the 12 monthly sets of coefficients
delay of the radar signal through the atmosphere. Although are sufficient to capture the annual variations of the TEC’s
the IRI model of 1995 (IRI95) [Bilitza, 1997] is probably the dependency on the input parameters. However, the 76 spher-
most well‐known and commonly used, we chose the most ical harmonic coefficients that model the spatial variations
recent version (IRI2007) [Bilitza and Reinisch, 2008] for our provide only a far coarser spatial resolution than the GIM
comparisons. maps.
[8] The IRI models have some serious drawbacks com-
pared to the GIM maps. Naturally, climatological models, 1.4. Method
like IRI, do not estimate TEC from any in situ data. Instead,
[11] The length of the period of JPL GIM maps, over
they base their TEC estimates on one or more related global
10 years or almost a complete solar cycle, allows us to build
indices. While the TEC is prescribed as a function of time
a TEC climatology with the same spatial resolution as those
and location, these indices are the only external input to the
maps and a temporal resolution at least equal to the IRI
models. This climatology could also reproduce much higher
[9] In the case of IRI, the input parameters are monthly
frequency variations in TEC, provided an input parameter
values of Rz12, the 12 month running average of the sun-
can be found that is most closely related to the TEC and
spot number, and IG12, the 12 month running average of the
allows for variations in solar activity shorter than the 1 month
global ionosphere index (see Figure 1 and Perrone and De
update rate of the input parameters currently used in the IRI
Franceschi [1998] for a discussion of these different indices).
models. For the new climatology to be a useful addition to the
As a result of the yearly averaging of these two input vari-
JPL GIM maps already available, that input parameter should
ables, the IRI model cannot resolve the effects of variations in
allow the estimation of TEC prior to 1998 as well as at least
solar activity at shorter time scales. Moreover, final values of

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Figure 2. JPL GIM map of total electron content on 1 April 2000, 1100 UTC. The east‐west curves
follow geomagnetic latitude and mimic the preferential direction of the progression of the ionospheric
features westward with time.

some time into the future for which no JPL GIM maps are yet sions that are not at all apparent in the GTEC time series. The
available. 40 day smoothed solar flux does show enough of a correlation
[12] Section 2 describes how the JPL GIM maps of 1998 with the GTEC values to further study its use later on in our
through 2008 were used to create a climatology. Section 3 article.
compares the climatology against the GIM maps, the IRI2007 [15] The most suitable input parameter for a TEC clima-
model, and independent dual‐frequency altimeter data. tology, however, is evidently the GTEC. This sounds like
Section 4 discusses how the climatology is extended back in cheating, since in order to compute the GTEC we already
time to periods prior to 1998, so it can be applied for the have the TEC at every grid location, so why bother using a
improvement of the sea level time series of earlier single‐ model? In addition, how would we obtain a value for GTEC
frequency altimeters. Finally, section 5 provides some con- prior to 1998 or into the future, in order to run the clima-
cluding discussions of the results and applies the NIC09 tological model for those periods?
model to some pre‐1998 test cases. [16] There are some significant advantages to using GTEC
as input parameter:
2. Building an Ionosphere Climatology [17] 1. The GTEC is, by construction, closely related to
the TEC, making it relatively easy to model the spatial and
2.1. Input Parameters temporal dependence of TEC on GTEC. As is shown later, a
[13] Recently, the global mean total electron content linear fit between the two, varying with time and location,
(GTEC) has been identified as a sensitive indicator of solar provides an adequate model of TEC.
activity [Hocke, 2008, 2009]. The GTEC is determined as [18] 2. A linear dependence of the local TEC values on
the area weighted average of the 2 hourly JPL GIM maps and GTEC facilitates the creation of an unbiased climatology,
is, apart from a scale factor, equivalent to the global electron such that the global mean of the climatological TEC is the
content (GEC) pioneered by Afraimovich et al. [2006a, same as the global mean of the measured TEC, a direct result
2008]. As Liu et al. [2009] point out, the advantages of GTEC of the Gauss‐Markov theorem. This is certainly helpful when
are that it is expressed in the same units as TEC, does not studying global trends.
require the introduction of yet another unit, and easily com- [19] 3. This procedure separates the problem of creating a
pares to the TEC. climatology from the selection of an appropriate proxy for
[14] Figure 1 shows the two main solar indices used in the solar activity to be used as input parameter to the clima-
IRI models alongside GTEC. This clearly illustrates the tology. In a later step we can select a proxy (or proxies) for
inability of IG12 and Rz12 to follow the sometimes rapid GTEC and the way they should be filtered. In fact, the
variations in GTEC. The solar radio flux at 10.7 cm wave- selection of the proxy can vary depending on the period and
length F10.7, shown also in Figure 1, is measured at the (the quality or temporal resolution of) the available proxy.
Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory near Penticton, More about that in section 4.
British Columbia, at local noon (2000 UTC) and continues [20] The GTEC itself displays variations with periods
the observations made before 1996 in Ottawa, Ontario. The around 27 days, the rotational period of the Sun, as well as
measurements are represented in solar flux units (1 sfu = seasonal variations. For a discussion of these features and a
10−22 m−2 Hz−1) and are normalized to a common Sun‐Earth comparison with GTEC derived from the IRI model, we
distance of 1 astronomical unit. As an input parameter, the refer to works by Hocke [2008, 2009] and Afraimovich et al.
solar flux will need some filtering, since it contains excur- [2006b, 2008].

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Figure 3. Relation between the global mean TEC and the local TEC near Greenwich, United Kingdom,
according to the JPL GIM data. (a) Individual values at 0400 UTC during the months of April, from 1999
through 2008, and the least square linear fit of the data. (b) Same as in Figure 3a, but for the months of
December, from 1998 through 2008. (c, d) Same as in Figures 3a and 3b, with values at 1400 UTC.

2.2. Global Ionosphere Maps Global comparisons with TOPEX data during the solar
[21] We will use the JPL GPS ionosphere maps as “truth” maximum of 2000 also identified the JPL GIM model to
input for our ionosphere modeling. These TEC maps are perform the best among five GIM solutions [Feltens, 2003;
based on GPS slant range observations between the constel- Orús et al., 2003].
lation of GPS satellites and 100–180 GPS sites of the Inter- [23] The JPL GIM maps start on 28 September 1998 at
national GNSS Service (IGS) and other institutes. Currently, 0100 UTC, followed by another map every odd hour until
several institutes submit their inverse solution of the total the end of 1 November 2002. Starting 2 November 2002
electron content back to the IGS. These solutions are all re- 0000 UTC all GIM‐producing institutes decided to provide
presented in 2 hourly maps of TEC concentrated in a single their maps on even hours instead. To simplify the creation of
layer with a resolution of 2.5° in (geocentric) latitude and 5° a climatology, all the earlier maps are interpolated to even
in longitude. The GPS satellites are high enough so that the hours. Since the main features remain relatively stationary in
TEC maps can be considered to contain the entire electron a geomagnetic reference frame tied to the position of the
content in a column integrated from the Earth surface out to Sun, they appear to move approximately west by 15° per
infinity. A sample of such a TEC map is shown in Figure 2. hour in a geocentric reference frame. The interpolation to
[22] We have chosen the JPL GIM maps as input for our even hours thus improves by interpolating between points
exercise since they resemble dual‐frequency satellite altim- 15° west and east of the target longitude. To account for the
eter data slightly better than the GIM maps from institutes like fact that the features follow the geomagnetic reference frame
CODE (University of Bern) and UPC (Polytechnic Univer- rather than the geocentric reference frame, interpolation also
sity of Catalonia). The difference is in the solution strategy: occurs between slightly adjusted geocentric latitudes, fol-
while the CODE maps are based on a truncated spherical lowing the grid lines illustrated in Figure 2.
harmonic expansion [Schaer, 1999] and are susceptible to the
Gibbs effect, the JPL maps are created using bicubic splines 2.3. Relation Between Global and Local TEC
[Iijima et al., 1999], which are better able to represent the [24] In order to study how the global mean TEC affects the
TEC field [Scharroo, 2002]. In addition, in order to maintain local TEC at any point of Earth, we have taken an arbitrary
a long‐term stability of our model, the GIM models should grid point in the GIM maps near Greenwich, United Kingdom
preferably be unbiased, but certainly not change its bias (0°E, 50°N), and plotted the local TEC as a function of global
during the course of the decade. This requirement also mean TEC. In Figure 3a only the values at 0400 UTC during
excludes the CODE and UPC GIM time series, since both the months of April are shown. The other panels of Figure 3
suffer a jump of about 5 TECU in their bias with TOPEX show the values for different months and time of day.
dual‐frequency measurements, in September 2001 [Scharroo, [25] Clearly the data groups into various clusters with a
2002] and January 2000 [Orús et al., 2003], respectively. more‐or‐less linear relationship between TEC and GTEC

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Figure 4. Illustration of the five‐dimensional TEC climatology. The foreground shows the monthly and
2 hourly global grids at times of high solar activity (GTEC is 70 TECU). In the background are the solu-
tions for low solar activity (GTEC is 10 TECU).

and a different slope depending on the hour of the day and where a and b are piecewise linear functions of longitude l,
the month of the year. The steepest slope is at 1400 UTC latitude , month m, and hour of day h, i.e.,
(also local solar time) dropping to a minimum at 0400 UTC
(Figure 3b). The variation of the slope during the day is far m ¼ t mod 12 month
: ð2Þ
from harmonic, as it is modeled in IRI2007. The best way to h ¼ t mod 24 h
capture its variation is probably to estimate twelve 2 hourly
solutions of slope and intercept for every month and linearly
interpolate between them. 2.4. NIC09 Climatology
[26] The linear trends in Figure 3 do not pass through the [29] In section 2.3 we have seen that the TEC varies lin-
origin. This suggests that there is some “background” TEC early with GTEC, and that the intercept and slope of the
distribution that does not scale with GTEC. linear variation depends on time of day as well as the month
[27] The GTEC‐TEC relation varies from month to of the year. Equally, these parameters depend on the loca-
month in a much less consistent manner. During the day- tion as well. This results eventually in a five‐dimensional
time (1400 in this example) the slope varies very little climatology that can be interpolated in space, time, and
throughout the year, yet during the night (0400 in this GTEC to obtain an estimate for the TEC at any location on
example) the slope is much larger during the summer sol- Earth and at any time for which we know the GTEC. The
stice than during the winter solstice, owing to the elevation five dimensions, illustrated in Figure 4, are as follows:
of the Sun. This suggests that, similar to the IRI models, [30] 1. Longitude. The same longitude nodes as the GIM
we have to determine 12 monthly solutions of slope and TEC maps are used (spaced 5° apart). The 73 grid nodes in
intercept for every 2 h slot in local time. Note that the intercept those maps range from 180°W to 180°E, where the latter is a
also varies, meaning that the local TEC is not necessarily zero copy of the former. The climatological solution at these points
when the GTEC is zero. In other words, the global TEC map is the same as well.
includes a time variant component that is not directly scalable [31] 2. Latitude. Again, the same latitude nodes as the
with GTEC. GIM TEC maps are used (spaced 2.5° apart). The GIM maps
[28] Realizing that the slope and intercept will also vary do not include the polar latitudes 90°S and 90°N. To obtain
from location to location, the climatology can thus be written a truly global solution, we fill in these latitudes with the
in the form, average of the solutions along the 87.5°S and 87.5°N par-
allels, respectively. We thus have 73 nodes in latitude.
[32] 3. Month. Twelve monthly vertices determine a
TECð; ; m; h; tÞ ¼ að; ; m; hÞ þ bð; ; m; hÞ  GTECðtÞ; ð1Þ
piecewise linear function. The year is divided into 12 equal

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Figure 5. The red dots denote the TEC near Greenwich at 2000 UTC according to JPL GIM. The blue line
is the climatological fit. The residuals have RMS of 2.6 TECU. The gray region represents the model’s TEC
range for GTEC values between 10 and 70.

periods, and a grid node is placed in the middle of each period. expressions in terms of a GTEC at 10 and 70 TECU. In this
Each TEC observation falling in between those nodes con- way at each of the 72 × 71 locations 12 independent 2 hourly
tributes to the nodes on either side of the epoch. This means fits determined by 12 × 2 parameters are solved for. The root
that the monthly solutions have to be solved simultaneously. mean square (RMS) fit of each of those models is stored,
The placement of the nodes in the middle of the monthly resulting in 12 global maps (one per each 2 hourly period).
periods, rather than at the beginning, is not totally arbitrary; [36] If we were to use the original TEC maps (at mixed
the monthly grids used in the IRI models also refer to the odd and even hours) as input, we would have to estimate the
month centers. In case of IRI, however, the months are cal- 2 hourly, longitudinal and latitudinal dimensions simulta-
endar months, rather than the equally spaced periods in our neously, leading to one set of 72 × 71 × 12 × 12 × 2 para-
solution. meters, which would require excessive amounts of memory
[33] 4. Hour. Twelve 2 hourly vertices determine another and time to compute.
piecewise linear function. These vertices are at even hours [37] Figure 4 illustrates the climatology by mapping, in
UTC and coincide with the epochs of the “synchronized” the foreground, 24 global TEC predictions during high solar
GIM TEC maps discussed in section 2.2. activity. From top to bottom the daily progression of the
[34] 5. GTEC. Two levels of GTEC are solved for, a low Appleton anomaly along the geomagnetic equator can be
level of solar activity corresponding to 10 TECU and a high followed. From left to right the monthly solutions highlight
level corresponding to 70 TECU. This is equivalent to esti- seasonal variations such as the increase of TEC during the
mating an offset and a slope of the linear variations discussed respective hemispherical summers.
above. Each TEC observation contributes proportionally to
both parameter estimates depending on the GTEC at that 2.5. Climatologies Compared to JPL GIM
moment. [38] Figure 5 illustrates the performance of the climatol-
[35] A weighted linear least square solution can be deter- ogy at the point near Greenwich at 2000 UTC. The shaded
mined for each location and each even hour. All GIM TEC background shows how the likely range of TEC values
observations at that location and hour are fitted in a manner varies throughout the year, with the lower end marking low
similar to equation (1), replacing a and b by the equivalent solar activity (GTEC is 10 TECU) and higher end marking

Figure 6. The red dots denote the TEC near Greenwich at 2000 UTC according to JPL GIM. The blue
line represents the IRI2007 model. The residuals have RMS of 6.0 TECU.

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Figure 7. Root mean square difference between the JPL GIM maps and (top) the IRI2007 model and
(bottom) our TEC climatology over the period of September 1998 to December 2008. The overall (area
weighted) RMS differences are 10.7 and 4.5 TECU, respectively.

high solar activity (GTEC is 70 TECU). Clearly, during the [41] Figure 7 shows the local RMS difference between
winter months, TEC remains much lower than during the JPL GIM and the IRI2007 and NIC09 climatologies, respec-
summer months, even when solar activity is high. In June, tively, determined over the period of September 1998 to
the local TEC at 2000 UTC runs roughly par with the global December 2008. NIC09 improves upon IRI2007 particularly
mean value, while in December it does not exceed 30% of that along the geomagnetic equator, where RMS differences have
value. dropped by a factor 3. The global RMS difference dropped
[39] The blue line in Figure 5 indicates the climatological from 10.7 to 4.5 TECU, equivalent to 2.33 and 0.97 cm on
TEC based on the GIM‐derived GTEC at that time and Ku band range measurements. The respective global RMS
compares well with the observed TEC (red dots). The dif- differences are plotted against time in Figure 8. While the
ference is larger during high solar activity but relatively improvement is most striking during the period of highest
unbiased when averaging over periods of a month or more. solar activity (2001–2002), it remains significant even during
The RMS difference between the climatology and the GIM periods of low solar activity. The improvement is also larger
maps is about 2.6 TECU, which translates to a 0.57 cm path in the Arctic than in the Antarctic, likely owing to the reduced
delay error on Ku band altimeters. GPS coverage in the Southern Hemisphere.
[40] A comparison between JPL GIM and IRI2007 is [42] We have to realize, however, that the comparisons
shown in Figure 6. Particularly during times of higher solar between the climatological model and the GPS “observa-
activity, IRI2007 systematically underestimates TEC and tions” are not sufficient to provide a true error analysis. First
fails to follow major variation at time scales shorter than of all, the comparison is not independent, since the model was
1 year. The RMS difference is about 6.0 TECU, which based on the GPS data we compared against, and second the
corresponds to 1.31 cm Ku band path delay. The mean GPS data themselves are only a gridded reflection of the true
difference is 4.5 TECU (0.98 cm). variations of the ionosphere. For an independent analysis we

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Figure 8. Daily root mean square difference between the JPL GIM maps and the IRI2007 model (red)
and our TEC climatology (blue) as a function of time.

bring in in situ measurements of the electron content as boxcar filter, similar to the process suggested by Imel
measured by dual‐frequency satellite altimeters. [1994].
[47] 2. Since the altimeters fly at a much lower altitude
3. Independent Verification than the GPS satellites, they capture only part of the iono-
sphere. We therefore need to scale down the GPS‐derived
3.1. Dual‐Frequency Altimeter Measurements TEC to compare against the altimeter‐derived TEC. Despite
[43] The measurement of sea level by satellite radar alti- assumptions or assertions to the contrary [Schreiner et al.,
meters requires, among others, the correction of the range 1997; Iijima et al., 1999; Komjathy and Born, 1999], this
measurement for ionospheric path delay. Operating at the needs to be done for the higher as well as the lower flying
Ku band frequency of 13.6 GHz, the delay amounts to altimeters.
approximately 2.18 mm for a total electron content of 1 TECU [48] 3. Altimeters provide a far coarser temporal sampling
[e.g. Schreiner et al., 1997; Chelton et al., 2001]. Given our of local ionosphere phenomena than the IGS network. In
stringent accuracy requirements set forth in section 1.1, we addition, Sun‐synchronous satellites sample the ionosphere
need to retrieve TEC to the level of about 5 TECU at any time only at two distinct local solar times; in the case of Envisat
and place and require global and temporal means to reach error at approximately 1000 and 2200. Hence, the dual‐frequency
levels as low as 0.05 TECU. altimeters only provide a subsample, not a synoptic view.
[44] By measuring range on two different frequencies,
dual‐frequency altimeters provide a means to directly esti- 3.2. Scaling the GPS‐Derived TEC to Altimeter
mate the total electron content between the satellite and the Altitude
sea surface and thus correct for the path delay incurred on the [49] In order to use the GPS‐derived TEC for lower flying
primary Ku band (13.6 GHz) range measurement. The dual‐ altimeters (like Envisat at 800 km), it needs to be scaled
frequency altimeters of the TOPEX, Jason‐1, and Jason‐2 down to the lower altitude. Iijima et al. [1999] suggest the
missions, all flying at approximately 1350 km altitude, following formula:
operate in the Ku band and C band (5.3 GHz). The lower
flying Envisat mission (800 km altitude) operates in the Ku TECIRI95<800 km
band and S band (3.2 GHz). The TEC below the altimeters is TEC<800 km ¼ TECGIM ; ð4Þ
TECIRI95<1400 km
determined from the difference between the range R at the two
frequencies f, where TEC<800 km is the TEC below 800 km at a given time
2 2
and place, TECGIM is the GIM TEC interpolated at the same
fKu fC;S RC;S RKu time and location, and TECIRI95<800 km and TECIRI95<1400 km
TECalt ¼ 2 2
; ð3Þ
fKu fC;S k are the TECs below 800 and 1400 km determined by the
IRI95 model. This formulation suggests that there are essen-
where k is a constant of 0.4025 m GHz2 TECU−1. In other tially no free electrons left above 1400 km, so that no scaling
words, the altimeter‐derived TEC (in TECU) is 82.3 (TOPEX, is needed for the higher flying altimeters (TOPEX, Jason‐1,
Jason) or 26.9 (Envisat) times the range difference (in m) on and Jason‐2). Iijima et al. [1999] explain that the rather
the two frequencies. arbitrary altitude cutoff stems from the fact that the electron
[45] Three problems arise in the direct comparison between density in IRI95 is excessively large above 1000 km, pre-
the GPS‐derived models and the satellite altimeters: venting the TEC from actually converging with increasing
[46] 1. The inherent noise in the altimeters necessitates the altitude.
smoothing of the altimeter‐derived TEC along track. For [50] The new NeQuick topside electron model [Coïsson et al.,
this we used a 35 s (approximately 200 km) along‐track 2006], available in IRI2007 and applied in this study,

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Figure 9. (top row) Comparison of TEC below GPS altitude (20,200 km; abscissa) and the TEC below
altimeter satellites (1350 km for TOPEX and Jason‐1, 800 km for Envisat; ordinate) as determined by the
IRI2007 climatology. Colors indicate the normalized data density of samples along the altimeter ground
tracks over the period October 2002 to March 2003. The solid blue line denotes the best fit linear relation
between the two TEC estimates and nearly masks the entire data spread. The dashed blue line is the 1:1
relationship. (bottom row) Comparison of the TEC interpolated from JPL GIM maps (abscissa) and the
TEC measured by dual‐frequency radar altimeters (ordinate) over the same period.

does not require such cutoff and can be safely integrated up even a few more percent of the electron content extends
to the GPS satellite altitude because of its rapid decrease above the altimeters than the IRI2007 model indicated. The
in electron density above this altitude. Thus, we went on nonzero intercepts of the linear trend identify insignificant
to compare two quantities derived from IRI2007 over a C band range biases and a larger S band range bias (150 mm
6 month period: the TEC below GPS altitude (20,200 km) for Envisat, consistent with Otten et al. [2006]) compared to
and the TEC below the altimeter satellites (800 or 1350 km). the primary Ku band measurements. In the following, we
The result (top row of Figure 9) clearly illustrates that there have corrected the C and S band ranges and scaled the GIM
is at least 6% TEC left above 1350 km and about 11% above values down by 0.925 (for TOPEX and Jason‐1) or 0.856
800 km. More strikingly, the ratio between the two quan- (for Envisat), in accordance with our findings.
tities is basically constant, seemingly independent of time,
location, and solar activity. 3.3. Comparison Between Dual‐Frequency Altimeters,
[51] Although the NeQuick model may not apply in the GIM, and Climatologies
plasmasphere, its integral converges rapidly at higher alti- [53] In Figure 10, the dual‐frequency altimeter measure-
tudes. The alternative of cutting off the integration of the IRI ments of TOPEX, Jason‐1, and Envisat are compared with
models at the TOPEX altitude, as suggested by Imel [1994], the interpolated GIM maps and the NIC09 and IRI2007
clearly results in a further underestimation of TEC, for a climatologies along two long passes across the Atlantic
model that already underestimates TEC. Ocean. Although GIM does not provide a perfect match, it
[52] To further this point, we also compared the TEC follows the main features in the along‐track TEC to within
measured by dual‐frequency altimeters and the GIM TEC 20 TECU (4.3 cm of equivalent Ku band delay), even during
(Figure 9, bottom row) with very similar results. The linear the high solar activity of 2002. While NIC09 is not expected
relationship between the altimeter and GIM TEC fits to to perform better than GIM, there are the occasional passes
within 6 TECU, with scaling factors of 0.925 for TOPEX, for which NIC09 actually comes closer to the measurements.
0.915 for Jason‐1, and 0.856 for Envisat. This suggests that The RMS error in Ku band path delay of less than 10 TECU

9 of 16

Figure 10. Examples of model results and measurements of TEC (left ordinate) and Ku band ionosphere
delay (right ordinate) along two long ocean‐only passes across the Atlantic. Dots indicate dual‐frequency
altimeter measurements. The model results from GIM, NIC09, and IRI2007 are shown as lines. The
numbers in the legends indicate the RMS difference between the measurements and models. (top) TOPEX
and Jason‐1, 6 March 2002 around 1500 UTC. (bottom) Envisat, 20 December 2002 around 1200 UTC.

Figure 11. Global RMS difference between the results from various models and the dual‐frequency
altimeter measurements of TOPEX and Jason‐1.

10 of 16

Figure 12. Comparison of the TEC measured by Jason‐1 (abscissa) and its difference with several mod-
els (ordinate): JPL GIM, NIC09, and IRI2007. Colors indicate the normalized data density over the period
October 2002 to March 2003. The solid blue lines denote the RMS difference between models and mea-
surement as a function of the measured TEC. The dashed blue lines indicate the best fitting linear error
model, by which the RMS error is proportional to the measured TEC.

(2 cm) is typical for this period (see also Figure 11) and is 4.1. Fit to TOPEX Measurements
acceptable for most ocean applications. IRI2007 performs [57] We recognized that while we do not have accurate
significantly worse, generally underestimating the TEC GTEC values before 1998 at hand since we do not have global
around the equator and producing more erratic results toward ionosphere maps, we do have TOPEX dual‐frequency altim-
the poles. eter TEC observations going back to its launch in September
[54] A plot of the time series of the RMS difference 1992. Unfortunately, the global coverage of TOPEX is insuf-
between the models and altimeter measurements (Figure 11) ficient to determine GTEC by simple averaging, certainly not
affirms the relative accuracy of each of the models and also at a 2 hourly rate we are accustomed to with the GIM maps.
suggests that the RMS errors in the models are more or less However, when we invert the NIC09 model, we can estimate
proportional to the TEC itself. Indeed, Figure 12 shows GTEC through a least square fit to a limited amount of TOPEX
that the spread of the differences between models and mea- dual‐frequency measurements. This procedure is similar in
surements increases more or less linearly with increasing strategy as the one proposed by Komjathy et al. [1998] to
TEC. A regression analysis demonstrates that the RMS error update the IG12 input to IRI95 in order to better fit the
of the GIM TEC (or ionospheric delay) is approximately TOPEX TEC observations. After some experimentation, we
14%, the RMS error of the NIC09 is 18%, and the RMS error found that we can determine sufficiently accurate estimates
of the IRI2007 is 35%. That means that, for periods where of GTEC every 2 h using a sliding 24 h window of TOPEX
the IRI2007 model is the only alternative, NIC09 potentially measurements.
reduces the error variance in the ionospheric delay by as much
as 70%.
4.2. Filtering Solar Flux
[55] Figure 12 shows that the climatologies have a ten-
dency to underestimate higher TEC values, IRI2007 signifi- [58] Before 1992, the closest global parameter we have to
cantly more than NIC09. This is to be expected since the the 2 hourly GTEC is the solar radio flux at 10.7 cm wave-
climatologies are tuned to model the more common low TEC length F10.7, as observed in Ottawa on a daily basis since
conditions, often at the expense of the infrequent occasions of 1947. Afraimovich et al. [2006a, 2006b] also pointed at the
high TEC. And because NIC09 as a whole is unbiased, it close similarities between these quantities, particularly in the
compensates the underestimation of high TEC conditions relative amplitude of their variations, and suggested a linear
with a slight overestimation at low TEC. dependence between the two. In this section, we take a dif-
ferent approach to model GTEC as a function of F10.7.
[59] First, as shown in Figure 1 and by Afraimovich et al.
4. Extending the Climatology Back in Time [2006b], the prominent seasonal variation in GTEC is nearly
[56] One of the main goals of creating the NIC09 clima- absent from the solar flux. That leads us to model GTEC
tology was to apply it to altimeter data prior to the avail- upon flux with a climatology similar to the one discussed in
ability of accurate global GPS data, prior to the start of the section 2.3, i.e.,
GIM TEC maps in 1998. Our choice of GTEC as input 0
GTECðm; tÞ ¼ cðmÞ þ dðmÞF10:7 ðtÞ; ð5Þ
parameter would seem to make it impossible to do this, as
not enough GPS data are available prior to that date to where c and d are piecewise linear functions of month m
compute those values. However, we found two ways to only. An attempt to include the subdaily variation in this
determine the GTEC by alternative means: inferring it from climatology failed since there is no systematic variation
TOPEX dual‐frequency altimeter data or filtering the solar of the GTEC during the day. Liu et al. [2009] identified a
flux values to obtain the equivalent GTEC value.

11 of 16

Figure 13. Despiking the solar flux values. During geomagnetic events at the end of 2003, the (top,
green) observed solar flux increases much more than the (top, red) GTEC. After correcting the (bottom)
solar flux for large ap values and filtering, the (top, blue) adjusted solar flux and GTEC become more
linearly related.

similar linear dependency between the global mean TEC October and at the end of November 2003, coincident with
and solar flux. two geomagnetic events indicated by high values of the
[60] Second, the measured solar flux exhibits large spikes planetary geomagnetic index ap in the bottom frame. At the
during geomagnetic events to which the GTEC seems same time the GTEC stays low, even dips, during the geo-
impervious, if not even negatively affected. As Figure 13 magnetic upsets. This kind of behavior is consistent with the
(top) shows, the solar flux rises strongly at the end of apparent saturation of GTEC versus solar flux when F10.7

Figure 14. Filtering the solar flux values: blue, running box‐car filter; green, empirical weights; red,
impulse‐ramp filter.

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Figure 15. Comparison between the GTEC inferred from three data sources at the end of 2003: JPL
GIM maps (red), TOPEX altimeter measurements (green), and solar radio flux (blue).

reaches values over 200 sfu [Liu et al., 2009]. From the GIM maps, the GPS‐based GTEC has the highest temporal
relative size of the peaks in F10.7, ap, and GTEC, over the resolution and the near‐global coverage of its input data
entire 10 year period, we established an empirical correction suggests it also has the highest accuracy. It is followed closely
factor to the solar flux that brings it closer to a linear relation by the TOPEX‐based time series, which represents even
with GTEC, as presumed by the climatology. The corrected the sharp excursions during the geomagnetic upsets of late
solar flux is determined as October and late November very well. Table 1 shows the
comparison between the GTEC reconstructions from the
F10:7 ¼ F10:7 ð1 0:000031 ap 2 Þ; ð6Þ GIM maps, the TOPEX dual‐frequency data, and the solar
flux over the period of 28 August 1998 (start of JPL GIM)
where ap is the average of eight 3 hourly values during the until 8 October 2005 (end of TOPEX). The errors in GTEC of
last 24 h preceding the flux measurement. The ap term con- the latter two approximations are only 5% and 7% of the total
tributes to the aforementioned saturation of GTEC at high GTEC variation, resulting in the same increase in error of the
solar activity. TEC estimates. This gives confidence that we can use this
[61] Even then, the GTEC proxy thus obtained exhibits time series without much degradation in the outcome as input
remaining excursions around geomagnetic events and rem- parameter between 1992 and 1998; Figure 11 confirms this.
nants of the 27 day solar rotation cycle not observed in the
GPS‐based values. Therefore, we decided to filter the now 4.4. Other GTEC Proxies
despiked flux even further and adjust the filter such that [64] As discussed earlier, the modeling of GTEC on solar
our climatological GTEC result best fitted the GPS‐based flux is quite difficult. All of the subdaily temporal resolution
GTEC. First, a running boxcar filter was attempted, result- comes from linear interpolation between daily values, and
ing in one that is noncausal, running from 35 days prior to the accuracy certainly degrades around geomagnetic events.
5 days after the requested time, as shown in Figure 14. Next, Nonetheless, this time series remains a very viable stand‐in
weights were estimated to all flux values during 50 days to prior to the TOPEX mission and during the periods that
iteratively obtain the best fit to the GPS‐based TEC. The TOPEX data were not available (while the satellite was
results shown by the green line with circles in Figure 14 switched to the single‐frequency Poseidon altimeter).
suggest an impulse‐ramp filter as drawn in red. The impulse [65] Liu et al. [2009] have shown that there is an even
is tapered in order to avoid discontinuities in the filtered flux closer relation between F10.7 and the solar extreme ultra
values at 2 hourly intervals. The filter makes the GTEC violet (EUV) in the 0.1–50 nm wavelength range as mea-
variations lag behind those in F10.7, which is consistent with sured by the Solar EUV Monitor (SEM) carried on board the
the approximately 2 day lag observed by Afraimovich et al. Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). However, since
[2006b, 2008] and Maruyama [2010]. those measurements start in 1996, that does not allow us to
[62] In summary, the resulting 2 hourly GTEC estimates extend GTEC back any further than the TOPEX measure-
are obtained by (1) despiking the observed flux by means ments do. As a proxy for EUV, the Mg II index also relates
of ap as in equation (6), (2) filtering (and interpolating)
the result with the impulse‐ramp filter of Figure 14, and Table 1. Comparison Between GTEC Reconstructions (28 August
(3) applying the climatological coefficients of equation (5) 1998 to 8 October 2005)
to obtain the estimated GTEC.
GTEC Reconstruction Mean (TECU) RMS (TECU)
4.3. Comparing Different GTEC Solutions JPL GIM (total signal) 31.90 33.79
[63] Figure 15 compares the three time series of GTEC TOPEX‐JPL GIM 0.19 1.61
Solar flux‐JPL GIM −0.10 2.40
during the last 3 months of 2003. Being based on the 2 hourly

13 of 16

Table 2. ERS‐1 Crossover Difference Reduction suggest that the error variance in the ionospheric correction
Crossover RMS (cm)
drops by about 1 cm2, thus improving the sea level data by the
same amount.
Satellites Period With IRI2007 With NIC09
ERS‐1/ERS‐1 Apr 1992 to Sep 1992 8.83 8.74a 5.2. Improving Geosat and ERS‐1 Sea Level Time
ERS‐1/ERS‐1 Oct 1992 to Apr 1993 8.92 8.83b Series
ERS‐1/TOPEX Oct 1992 to Apr 1993 7.03 6.94b [68] The Geosat single‐frequency altimeter mission oper-
NIC09 uses GTEC inferred from F10.7 and ap. ated from 1985 to 1989, although during the last year the
NIC09 uses GTEC inferred from TOPEX. coverage was so much degraded that a global mean sea level
cannot be computed with sufficient accuracy. Figure 16 (left)
well to GTEC [Ma et al., 2009]. Most recently, Maruyama presents the time series of the Geosat altimetric mean sea level
[2010] found that the EUV output of the SOLAR2000 as well as the mean ionosphere delay, demonstrating that
model [Tobiska et al., 2000] correlated well with regional when the NIC09 climatology is applied instead of IRI2007,
TEC observations in Japan. Particularly, the two outputs E10.7 some rogue excursions in the sea level time series (during
and SEUV are promising as proxies for GTEC prediction. 1988) disappear. As a result, the downward sea level trend in
[66] Another viable option to extend GTEC back in time reduced by 1.9 mm/yr.
is to integrate the electron density profiles from the world‐ [69] The ERS‐1 mission started during high solar activity.
wide network of ionosondes to obtain local TEC measure- Because the IRI2007 model significantly underestimates
ments and then infer the GTEC in a similar way as we have higher TEC levels, the resulting mean sea level is far too low
done with TOPEX data. Ionosonde measurements have an (Figure 16, right). When using NIC09 instead, the sea level
even more restricted altitude range, so topside modeling will time series is drastically flattened and reduces the average sea
require special attention [e.g., Reinisch and Huang, 2001]. level trend by as much as 2.5 mm/yr.
[70] A complete assessment of the reliability of the sea
level trends would require an investigation of trends in the
5. Applications instrument calibration and all other geophysical corrections
that is beyond the scope of this paper. Our point is simply
5.1. ERS‐1 Crossover Difference Reduction that NIC09 makes improvements over IRI2007 that are sig-
[67] The ERS‐1 mission was launched in April 1991, nificant in the context of altimetric sea level.
during the period of high solar activity. The first few years
of the mission are therefore a good period to test the 5.3. Other Applications
improvement of the ERS‐1 sea level data as a result of the [71] Outside the realm of satellite altimetry, the new cli-
introduction of the NIC09 ionospheric corrections. For this matology can be applied to various radar sensing techniques,
analysis, we use the statistics of the sea level differences at in which the range or phase shift caused by ionospheric
crossing tracks of ERS‐1 with itself (single‐satellite cross- particles plays a role. For example, in synthetic aperture
overs) or with TOPEX (dual‐satellite crossovers). Table 2 radar interferometry (InSAR) ionospheric variations from
shows that the RMS of the sea level height differences at one image to the next show up as a planar phase trend in the
crossovers systematically reduces when the ionospheric cor- resulting interferogram [e.g., Tarayre and Massonnet, 1996;
rection is switched from IRI2007 to NIC09. These reductions Price and Sandwell, 1998]. Although in case of mapping

Figure 16. Global mean sea level time series as measured by (left) Geosat and (right) ERS‐1 and the
global mean ionosphere delay using either the IRI2007 or NIC09 climatologies.

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seismic displacements such trends can be removed by assuming [78] Acknowledgments. The GPS ionosphere maps used in this
zero displacement in the far field, this technique cannot be study are produced by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (http://iono.jpl. The IRI2007 climatology and their input parameters Rz12 and
applied when studying large‐scale land subsidence. In the IG12 are made available by NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (http://
latter case, the C band images should be corrected for phase The F10.7 solar flux observed at the Dominion Radio
shifts due to ionospheric perturbations. Particularly, InSAR Astrophysical Observatory and the planetary geomagnetic index ap are pro-
vided by NOAA National Geophysical Data Center (ftp://ftp.ngdc.noaa.
campaigns of the ERS‐1 and ERS‐2 missions will greatly gov/STP). The contents of this paper are solely the opinions of the authors
benefit from this new climatology. and do not constitute a statement of policy, decision, or position on behalf
[72] Additionally, the NIC09 model can be used for any of NOAA or the U.S. Government.
application that the JPL GIM or the IRI2007 climatology is [79] Zuyin Pu thanks Attila Komjathy, Klemens Hocke, and the other
reviewers for their assistance in evaluating this paper.
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