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A: Vincent wait for me, don't hide in your room, let's talk about what happened at the pool.

V: I am angry at all these people who look at me as a weak person with no future, Anton, why did you
win again? In spite of all my efforts, I can't do it, all the schools refuse me, I can't pass the exams
because I am facing people like you, perfect students,

A : Vincent, you are my brother, let's stop this competition between us, you know that I am a winner
thanks to the selection made before I was born, don't worry about what others think, they should
look at all the efforts you make, you never give up,

V : Right, I was born naturally, my parents didn't select my genotype, I have my weaknesses and you
were made "in vitro" to have as few defects as possible and to be profitable for the company. I'm
tired of all my efforts leading to nothing, I would like so much to be like you, why did our parents
refuse the selection for me?

A : It's true I'm better than you, I always beat you, but in spite of your defeats you always start again,
you don't give up, you are brave, you are my brother, and I love you

V : how can a perfect being like you love someone like me ?

A: you are my brother, my big brother and nothing can erase that.

V : you say that but how can you support a brother who can't run, swim as fast as you, who tires very
quickly and who misses all the entrance exams

A : I was lucky to arrive in second year and that my parents accepted the selection, it's true I like to
win, I like to be in the light but we are a family

V : a family ? You think I feel like I'm part of a family, I'm the last one in everything, you're the
parents' favorite, they've never looked at me the way they look at you,

A : of course, the parents are proud of me, but you are their first child, they didn't want to make a
selection for you and they accepted you as you are with your faults and your weaknesses
V : yes but you beat me every time, at each defeat I read the disappointment in their eyes and I see
well that they know that I have no future in this society which selects the human beings to have the
most perfect beings possible

A: it's not only the sports and intellectual results that count, you are their son, they love you and
want your happiness, you are my brother. Let's think about the future, our future

V : ok, we are brothers, we are a family but I will never be able to do the job I want to do, my future
is in the stars, in space

A : what do you want to do ? Tell me your dream

V: I want to be an astronaut, to see the stars up close, almost touch them

A : I will help you to realize your dream, let me help you, together we are stronger, we will break
down all the obstacles

V : I don't want your help, you will never be rejected by society, I will never be able to do the job I

A : I will help you by all means to become an astronaut, let's unite, your will is a force and I will be
able to use my capacities to reach your goal

V : you will do all this for me? You will be by my side in this battle.

A: yes, blood is the strongest bond, the two of us will establish a strategy so that you can pass all the
tests and enter Gattaca but let's keep it a secret, let's not tell the parents if it fails, I don't want them
to get into trouble.

V : ok let's make our plan to counter the genetic tests

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