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Struggling with the complexities of writing a thesis on the Civil Rights Act of 1964?

You're not
alone. Crafting a comprehensive and compelling research paper on such a significant historical event
requires meticulous research, critical analysis, and coherent argumentation. From delving into
historical archives to synthesizing various perspectives, the journey of writing a thesis can be

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 marks a pivotal moment in American history, signaling a monumental
shift towards equality and justice. However, unpacking its multifaceted impact and implications
demands a thorough understanding of historical context, legal intricacies, socio-political dynamics,
and cultural ramifications.

Navigating through vast amounts of literature, interpreting primary sources, and conducting
empirical studies are just a few challenges researchers face when tackling this subject matter.
Moreover, constructing a coherent thesis statement and organizing the plethora of information into a
cohesive narrative requires skillful craftsmanship and attention to detail.

Amidst these challenges, seeking expert assistance can be invaluable. At ⇒ ⇔, we

specialize in providing tailored academic support to students grappling with complex research
projects. Our team of experienced writers and researchers are well-versed in the nuances of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and can offer invaluable insights, guidance, and assistance throughout the thesis
writing process.

From formulating research questions to refining arguments, conducting literature reviews to crafting
methodology, our experts are here to streamline your academic journey and help you achieve your
scholarly goals. With our dedicated support, you can navigate the challenges of thesis writing with
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Don't let the complexities of writing a thesis on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 overwhelm you. Trust
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Whites in the southern states were not happy and set upon finding a loophole in the Amendments.
One of the changes was the Voting Rights Act of 1965, where the literacy examination and voter
disqualification were removed from the policy. The Civil Rights Act 1964 One of the most important
acts or laws passed is The Civil Rights Act of 1964 which addresses the racial discrimination
inemployment, education and other issues in life. EEOC was later created under Title VII for
implementing this law. But it was a wonderful signing ceremony in the East Room of the White
House where Johnson went on live television and explained the rationale for the bill and then handed
out something like more than 70 pens afterwards. However, opposition to discrimination on the basis
of sex had been growing even before Smith’s amendment. In 1987, the Civil Rights Restoration Act
was implemented. PURDUM: Well, in the end he moved forward because events forced his hand.
And that is a massive grassroots lobbying campaign by churches, synagogues and interfaith groups
of every stripe who were lobbying members, particularly members of the Senate, from Midwestern
and Great Plains states who did not have many black people in their states but had a lot of
Methodists and Catholics and Baptists and were susceptible to pressure from religious leaders. On
May 5, Senator Hubert Humphrey (D-MN) began full-scale negotiations with Dirksen. Also, there
was an increase in the Black American attendees in colleges, which were roughly 2,300,000 in 2003
compared to the 300,000 in 1964. Therefore, it is important for the employees to be responsible and
report any harassment witnessed at an early stage in order to prevent it from escalating. But the
second thing was that he was restrained and it must've taken enormous act of will to restrain the
force of his personality from meddling too much, because he knew that his former colleagues would
resent very deeply if he tried to be senator and president at the same time - that the roles are different
and they knew that and he knew that. Title VII reflected the enactment of a national policy which
would assure equal employment opportunity. The Little Rock and James Meredith cases both reached
a point of violence where the president of the time had to send in US Army troops to break up the
commotion. Were there divisions about whether it was strong enough. Segregation as social
phenomenon is defined as systematic denial of opportunities for particular population group
(Segregation, 2009). Beginning 1960s federal civil right laws were created and it had remedies
against employers who fire employees because of race, disability, religion, national origin, etc.
(Halbert and Inguli, 2011). In this capacity, Celler strengthened and broadened President Kennedy’s
civil rights bill and worked with Representative William McCulloch (R-OH) to successfully
shepherd the bill through the House. The Civil Rights Act was designed to eliminate discrimination
and sought to produce action that had not previously taken place. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Among its most important achievements were two
major civil rights laws passed by Congress. He went on to address the country in a nationally
televised address, saying the law was a challenge for the United States to “eliminate the last vestiges
of injustice in our beloved country.”. Photograph, ca. 1968. Prints and Photographs Division, Library
of Congress (165.00.00). So while he personally was appalled, I think, by segregation and was - also
felt it gave America a very big black eye in the Cold War, he was horrified at the exploitation that the
Soviets were able to make of the situation here at home, he was very cautious about moving too
quickly. The changes he sought undermined the proposed Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission (EEOC). The first would have enforced the right to vote in federal elections, and it
would regardless of race. From the analytical perspective, the major provisions of Title VII can be
summarized in the following principles. According to Peter Louis Goldman, author of a book about
Malcolm X, said the Muslim activist slipped into the back row of one of King’s news conferences.
And you can see in the White House secret recordings that Johnson made his frustration with his
fellow Democrats.
Humphrey and the Senate Majority Leader Mike Mansfield thought that would be a bad idea, that it
would only - it might actually kill some of the older senators. The third would allow the attorney
general to bring suits to desegregate public schools. Schofield, P. (2005). Hasty employers could be
resigned to compensation. With this on hand, on June 6, 1963, President John F. New York World-
Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library
of Congress (184.00.00). So that also is a very poignant - I mean, the two of them really combined to
pass this landmark legislation and by the end of King's life they were really not speaking. For
example, one of my favorites, there is an exchange between Senator Russell Long of Louisiana and
Strom Thurmond of South Carolina about whether or not it was unfair to use cattle prods on
demonstrators. The opposition of the southern bloc was due to their fear of being ousted in their
seats when their fellow Southerners would learn that they approved the bill. Title VII of the act
created the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to implement the law. Rosa Park’s
case was the most famous case of the time. So what they ended up doing was co-opting the march
and essentially taking over the part of the organization that involved government entities and the
police and the military and so forth; and making sure that it could be efficiently and effectively run
as possible and that it would be a success. There have been attempts to enact the legislation to
protect lesbians, bisexual and gay workers from discrimination but the Congress has failed to protect
workers from discrimination based on sexual orientation. TODD PURDUM: In a very real sense, the
Civil Rights Act of 1964 created modern America, the things we take for granted today: people in
restaurants and hotels and motels and transportation enjoying it regardless of race; the things my
children take absolutely for granted. However, Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963
which could have caused a delay in the passing of the Act. After earning bachelor and law degrees at
Columbia University, he opened a law practice in New York City. This facility denied the rights of
admission to Black Americans, in direct violation of The Civil Rights Act of 1964. Another alteration
was done in relation to abolishing discrimination in housing privileges. You know, this would be a
very important thing to do. As chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, a post he held
from 1956 to 1978, Eastland blocked civil rights legislation, claiming in 1966 to have defeated 127
such measures. This act enabled ALL citizens the right to enter public accommodations; such as
parks, restaurants, libraries etc. In 1965, Mississippi had almost 76% of the total Black voters in the
United States, which was considered as a great leap of change in the nation. Kuchel was reelected in
1956 and 1962, and was Republican whip from 1959 to 1969. As a result the Voting Rights Act of
1965 was passed the following year. To implement and administer the provisions of Title VII, the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) was established (EEOC, 2004). He earned a
B.A. in political science at the University of Minnesota in 1939 and an M.A. at Louisiana State
University in 1940, then returned to Minnesota to teach college. The act outlawed segregation in
businesses such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels. And it shocked President Kennedy, and it
shocked the country, and frankly it shocked a large segment of the American population who did not
live in the South, who did not have large black populations in their states or areas, and it pricked the
conscience of really right-thinking people all over the world. The ceremony and the president’s
remarks were broadcast live on television and radio at 6:45 p.m., on July 2, 1964. Typed letter.
NAACP Records, Manuscript Division, Library of Congress (167.00.00) Courtesy of the NAACP.
He entered the University of Minnesota to study law but left to serve in World War I.
Nicholas Katzenbach, who was the deputy attorney general at the time, told me shortly before he
died that he did believe that part of the impulse among members of Congress for passing the law
was not necessarily highly idealistic but was in some ways practical, to kind of calm the waters and
put an end to these demonstrations, which of course continued all throughout the '60s and in some
ways, you know, spiraled out of control later on in the decade into riots. In 1922 he was elected to
the U.S. House of Representatives, where he served for fifty years. Johnson just a few hours after
House approval on July 2. To make such a drastic change required a lot of convincing by the
members of the House Of Representatives. Segregation as social phenomenon is defined as
systematic denial of opportunities for particular population group (Segregation, 2009). The employer
can use this technique to obtain information needed, but should not use the information in the
decision to select the employee. During many decades prior to the year 1964, there were very few
Blacks in corporate America. After earning a law degree from the University of Georgia in 1918 and
serving in the state General Assembly, he was elected governor of Georgia in 1930. He conceded in
early January 1964 under the threat of a discharge petition and public pressure. GROSS: President
Jonathan told Hubert Humphrey, who was trying to move the Civil Rights Act through the Senate
and get it passed, Johnson told him, you can't pass the bill unless you get Senator Everett Dirksen,
and in order to get him, you have to give him a piece of the action. New York World-Telegram and
the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection, Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress
(176.00.00). Senator Everett Dirksen (R-IL) worked with Senator Mike Mansfield (D-MT) to offer a
substitute amendment. Hubert Humphrey made a deal with Hickenlooper and three of his allies to
substitute it for the Mansfield-Dirksen jury trial amendment in exchange for their cloture votes. To
obtain information relating to race without discriminating the employee is by using separate forms or
even keeping the information about the race of an applicant separate from the application form. In
1975, the 1965 provision was extended to seven years and there was a permanent ban of the literacy
test for voters. Well, in that era, we must remember the Congress, and particularly the Senate, was
completely controlled by the Southern delegations, who were adamantly opposed to integration. And
you can see in the White House secret recordings that Johnson made his frustration with his fellow
Democrats. This year marks the 50th anniversary of its passage. This paper 'The Civil Rights Act of
1964' tells us that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is historically significant because it encompasses the
rights and privileges of every individual in every field in the United States. However, the experience
of technically trained Blacks during the 1940's and early 1950's began to be different. Teaching with
Documents: The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission,
(1964). And you write letting Hoover build his file on King was the price the Kennedys paid for
protecting the president's political future and the civil rights bill's prospects. It made concessions to
Dirksen on occasion in language and substance, but the provisions of the House-passed bill remained
basically intact. Retaliation Retaliation is one of the mistreatments employees faced in America, but
luckily Section 706 (c) assigns EEOC to oversee enforcement proceedings in case of an illegal
employment practice that occurs in a state (Kohn, 2011). Summary. GAO Publishing, Retrieved Nov
25, 2010 from. As an initial matter, it must be conceded that DWI Leisure Group is almost certainly
bound by the provisions of The Civil Rights Act of 1964. GROSS: If you're just joining us, my guest
is Todd Purdum. The Ku Klux Klan, revived in the 1920s, was a racist group that made their belief in
the lack of equality between blacks and whites known through marches, beatings and the lynching of
black Americans. However, there were profound changes that led to the enhancement of the rights of
Asians, Blacks, Latinos and women. King was immediately taken to a nearby hospital but was
pronounced dead at 7:05 p.m.
The minority group mostly used the filibuster in order to delay the passage of the bill. Most
employers with at least 15 workers are covered by the EEOC. The tribunal made an award of six
months' pay, less credit for money actually paid in the first week of the notice period. “As all HR
professionals know, one answer is: when it's a constructive dismissal - that is, when a serious breach
of contract by the employer caused it. However, the pro-civil rights group, led by Senator Hubert H.
So, you know, you can go page after page of that kind of stuff. The Little Rock, James Meredith and
Linda Brown cases were all produce of the segregated schools situation, although the Supreme Court
passed a law against them in the Brown vs. His successor, Lyndon Johnson, a southerner from Texas,
insisted that the bill be passed without any compromises. The amendment stated that every
organization that partly received federal funds must legally follow the anti-discriminatory law.
Johnson stated that he opposed any changes to the bill. As President Johnson said, this was a long
journey to freedom. Prior to the Civil Rights Act, the protection of rights has been conducted based
upon court precedents and there was little if any punishment for not following to desegregation
policy norms. Thus, the Civil Rights Act formed a legal ground for ceasing segregation practices and
discriminative trends and provided mechanisms to monitor and sanction government, education and
private organizations and institutions for non-compliance. The act outlawed segregation in businesses
such as theaters, restaurants, and hotels. There are union contracts that require organizations to set up
procedures for addressing grievances and ensure employees are guaranteed due process at the work
place (Sham, 2010). As a result the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed the following year.
GROSS: Did the Kennedys try to vet any of the speeches. For example, one of my favorites, there is
an exchange between Senator Russell Long of Louisiana and Strom Thurmond of South Carolina
about whether or not it was unfair to use cattle prods on demonstrators. And as a symbolic matter,
Humphrey gave Dirksen tremendous credit at every turn. The Little Rock and James Meredith cases
both reached a point of violence where the president of the time had to send in US Army troops to
break up the commotion. It became a window for Kennedy to understand how racism and
discrimination could lead people to hurt and even try to kill children. In this capacity, Celler
strengthened and broadened President Kennedy’s civil rights bill and worked with Representative
William McCulloch (R-OH) to successfully shepherd the bill through the House. Image: AP Photo By
Heather Timmons Published July 2, 2017 “Those who are equal before God shall now also be equal
in the polling booths, in the classrooms, in the factories, and in hotels, restaurants, movie theaters,
and other places that provide service to the public,” US president Lyndon B. He joins Fresh Air 's
Terry Gross to talk about the legislative and political battle to get the civil rights bill passed. GROSS:
So once the civil rights bill gets out of the Rules Committee and onto the House floor, the concern of
the advocates of this bill was that it would be watered down by segregationists who would add
amendment after amendment, making the bill weaker. That was their nightmare, that somehow there
could be scenes of violence playing out on the streets of Washington. He was born in 1929, and he
met his tragic death on 4th April 1968 (King and Carson 5). It is believed that in this case, the
allowance for religious practice as advocated under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act 1964 could be
invoked. The filibusters lasted for 52 days and almost all senators gave their speeches for two to
eight hours. This act enabled ALL citizens the right to enter public accommodations; such as parks,
restaurants, libraries etc. A Working Code of ethical and legal practices centering on Title VII of the
CRA could be a working paper for employers which seek to identify and address areas of conflict
between employers and employees and seek reconciliation and remedial actions to minimize the ill
effects of implementing changes. GROSS: The centerpiece of it. Yeah. PURDUM: Really the heart
of the bill.
Recruiting, Hiring and Advancement Section 703 Part A protects workers during hiring process, and
it states that it is unlawful to discriminate an employee with respect to compensation or any other
privileges of employment. Discrimination based on Race, Color, religion, and nationality In the
beginning of 1960s, most Americans knew the potential of having equal protection was to be
fulfilled in the fourteenth amendment. The Ku Klux Klan, revived in the 1920s, was a racist group
that made their belief in the lack of equality between blacks and whites known through marches,
beatings and the lynching of black Americans. They were joined by Attorney General Robert
Kennedy, Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach, Commerce Committee Chairman Warren
Magnuson, and Republican senators Kuchel, Hickenlooper, and Aiken. PURDUM: Well, it passed
the Senate on June 19th and then it had to go back to the House for a final passage, so that was July
2nd. In 1950 he was elected to the Senate and in 1957 elevated to minority whip. Although it did not
resolve any problems of discrimination, the 1960's marked a period of intense activity of protecting
minor rights by the Federal Government. University of Texas at Austin (2013), which stated that
“racial balancing,” far from advancing civil rights, is a “patently unconstitutional” justification for
race-conscious policies. We're talking about the passage of the Civil Rights Act. Of course the other
side of that coin is if the civil rights workers themselves, if King and the movement had known the
degree to which the Kennedy administration was complicit in this bugging, the Kennedys would
have lost all credibility with the pro-civil rights movement and would have, you know, it would have
been an absolute political disaster for them. However, opposition to discrimination on the basis of
sex had been growing even before Smith’s amendment. But what they don't tell you is that by taking
the money, you the suburbs will be forced to gentrify your neighborhoods with low-income racially
diverse high density housing. Conclusion Change, in every angle, brings positive and negative
results. Dirksen and his staff had developed more than seventy amendments covering every title of
H.R. 7152. On May 13, the group reached a tentative agreement. Moreover, an employer may not
assign the employee based on their race and color. The Civil Rights Act was designed to eliminate
discrimination and sought to produce action that had not previously taken place. This website is
hosted and maintained by the John F. Segregation. (2009). Report from Alameda County Public
Health Department. The copyright law extends its protection to unpublished works from the moment
of creation in a tangible form. GROSS: The centerpiece of it. Yeah. PURDUM: Really the heart of
the bill. If, on the other hand, a company was known to support segregation, no Blacks would apply.
And this effort was led by a young woman from the Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers
named Jane O'Grady(ph). And you can see in the White House secret recordings that Johnson made
his frustration with his fellow Democrats. For Mauldin, who promoted equality, the cloture vote
marked progress toward passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The fight is on. We will need every
vote that we can get.”. He entered the University of Minnesota to study law but left to serve in
World War I. Whites in the southern states were not happy and set upon finding a loophole in the
Amendments. LGBT inviduals, if discovered by the government, are likely to face intense pressure.
The Civil Rights Act 1964 One of the most important acts or laws passed is The Civil Rights Act of
1964 which addresses the racial discrimination inemployment, education and other issues in life.
GROSS: So when the bill is in its early stages, the March on Washington happens, and in the
planning stages, President Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy, who was the attorney general, were very
worried about the march.

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