Gun Violence Research Paper Topics

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Writing a thesis can be a challenging and daunting task, especially when it comes to choosing a topic.

One such complex and sensitive subject is gun violence.

Gun violence research paper topics require careful consideration due to the emotional and political
nature of the issue. It is important to select a topic that is not only relevant but also manageable
within the scope of a thesis.

Some potential gun violence research paper topics include:

1. The impact of gun violence on public health.

2. Gun control policies and their effectiveness in reducing gun violence.
3. The relationship between mental health and gun violence.
4. The role of media in shaping perceptions of gun violence.
5. The impact of gun violence on children and adolescents.
6. The effectiveness of background checks in preventing gun violence.
7. The connection between domestic violence and gun violence.
8. The role of law enforcement in preventing and responding to gun violence.
9. The impact of gun violence on marginalized communities.
10. Comparing gun violence trends and policies in different countries.

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Our experts will write for you an essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from
scratch. Buttressed by the fact that nearly 80 percent of the perpetuators of mass public shootings
make explicit threats, the policy has been adopted in 17 states and is the subject of bipartisan
legislation in Congress. In terms of demographics it’s the “Juveniles offenders of color, mainly
African-American and Latino, are more susceptible to acquiring guns based on their environment and
desire of monetary gain” (Rodriguez 2017). One way we can begin is in case the authorities begin
fingerprinting everybody who buys a firearm if they are qualified. It might be an ideal world when
we could settle our problems without getting angry and embracing using guns. Literature Review A
new study, led by a Boston University School of Public Health researcher, Dr. Michael Siegel,
published in American Journal of Public Health shows that U.S. states with higher estimated rates of
gun ownership experience a higher number of firearms-related homicides. Almost forty thousand
people are killed each year due to homicidal, accidental, and suicidal use of guns (Politics 7). You
can use essay samples to find ideas and inspiration for your paper. These policing concepts include
“community policing, problem-oriented policing, and order-maintenance policing, police departments
launched a variety of new approaches to chronic problems of crime and disorder” (Fagan 2002).
That is because the term is an arbitrarily defined epithet. Sometimes, the presence of firearms makes
people feel threatened and fearful, and the act has long term psychological effects on individuals
and the whole community. The majority of crimes are committed with firearms, as shown by the
2016 statistics that about 58,188 crimes can be attributed to gun violence. Baltimore is a place that
has all levels of socio-economic statuses. Urgent attention must be paid to the current level of access
to mental health services in the United States; such access is woefully insufficient. Consider the
information you have in terms you would like readers to see it out of your perspective. Ceasefire
reaches out to the community and makes a personable connection to the community. It was on April
20,1999 at Columbine High School in Columbine, it was an unincorporated area in Jefferson County
(Jeffco), Colorado, United States, close by Littleton in Denver metropolitan area. It consists of both
intentional and unintentional assault, domestic and family violence, law enforcement intervention,
homicide, suicide, self-harm, and undetermined causes (Gun Violence in America, 2018). Suppose a
state fails at exercising adequate control over the possession and use of firearms in the face of
prevailing gun violence. This is why let us give you a couple of hints on how to make an effective
research paper on gun violence. America is a country overflowing with individuals holding a great
sense of nationalism and pride. In short, neither Democrats, nor Republicans are keen in revising the
existing gun control laws. Eliminating guns in the equation is simply an element of the problem. We
use cookies to create the best experience for you. Others regrettably see a rise which has hurt their
place in the world economically and socially. To help highlight this issue that exists it can be noted
that “gun available to young people who lack skills in handling potential can be terrifying”
(Blumstein 2002). However, deliberate attempts are made to avoid such things as much as possible.
At PapersOwl, you’ll also come across free essay samples that pertain to Gun topic. California’s 8%
gun death rate, one of the lowest rates in the country, benefited from the aggregate impact of the
state’s many gun policies, many of which resulted from the doctor’s research. There’s been debate
over whether gun laws and regulations are strict enough and just what else can be achieved to lessen
such functions from occurring.
By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy. Buying or purchasing a gun
should come with an lock box or lock for gun trigger. There’s been debate over whether gun laws and
regulations are strict enough and just what else can be achieved to lessen such functions from
occurring. Conversely, counties in states with weak gun laws had the highest rates of firearm
homicide. Probably, you have noticed that the problem of gun violence is typical for the United
States. The issue ofgun violenceonly becomes relevant after a horrific event such as these, then fades
from public concern after about two weeks. Ownership of gun is restricted in most of the other
countries including democratic countries. Gun control is a set of laws established by the jurisdiction
of the country regulating the manufacture, transfer, sale, possession, modifications or use of firearms
by civilians. There are many unanswered questions as it relates to the policy arena in this area of
work.”. This is a report on gun violence in the United States of America. This is where you can
explore the broader context of gun violence, such as its impact on public health, the ethical debates
surrounding gun ownership and rights, and the societal factors that contribute to the prevalence of
gun violence. Their two year old son lost his life while playing with a firearm. Sadly, there is no way
to see in the future or see how potential solutions would pan out. Our experts will write for you an
essay on any topic, with any deadline and requirements from scratch. The most important lesson
people should learn about gun control is not buying a gun at all if you have children. This stage is
about laying the groundwork for your argument, identifying the key aspects of gun violence that you
will explore in the rest of your essay. Give me your paper requirements and I connect you to an
academic expert. It is taking away our once safe places and turning it into a place of fear; students
wondering if their school is next. A major strategy that is broadly used by law enforcement is
“enforcement and investigation into the illegal sources of firearms and disruption of the illegal
market will help reduce youth access” (Komro 1999). And then a case like the Newton tragedy;
where the target group turns out to be none, confirms the fact that the killings are much more than
just a few surface explanations may give. Some of the statistics that I learned at the session is, gun-
related deaths are now the third leading cause of death for American children. In the political sphere,
the Republicans and Democrats seem to have no desire to address the issue, which was a significant
issue throughout Obama’s administration. The debate on gun control in America has been up for
deliberation for decades. Dissent (00123846). Summer2013, Vol. 60 Issue 3, p81-86. Deduction,
Induction and Abduction in Academic Writing, (2011). Restriction Against Parolee-Felon
Associations Essay Example. These two young men probably don’t even have their gun license and
probably already had a previous record. The police officer went to his residence to arrest him, he ran
and the police apprehended him and put him in jail. Delving into this text, a clear inference
supported by my research that dates back to the 1970s can be generally termed as more forearms
leading to more homicide (Cook 21). There have been many deadly shootings with stolen guns that
have been bought off the streets. These risks are not recognized until it is too late by the juvenile in
which they may think they are going to get a light sentence.
However, the truth is asking some type of safety measures like universal background checks, cooling
off period to purchase firearms, abolishing the sale of firearms to mentally ill individuals, stopping
people who are in the terrorist lists or people with criminal backgrounds are not too much to ask and
defiantly it is not taking away guns. It is evident that gun violence and gun control are issues of
serious national importance and are worth debating. Usually, the Democrats are in favor of heavy
restrictions on guns and on the other hand, Republicans heavily resembles towards gun rights and
tend to take cover behind the 2nd amendments. So, what is wrong with this country and its people.
He could have rob a store, robbed a home or killed someone. Death is increasing from the ages 0-20
on gun violence and which is the younger generation. Answer: Anger, posttraumatic stress,
desensitization to violence, withdrawal are a few psychological effects of gun violence. Buttressed
by the fact that nearly 80 percent of the perpetuators of mass public shootings make explicit threats,
the policy has been adopted in 17 states and is the subject of bipartisan legislation in Congress.
Deduction is finding ways to support an argument whereas induction is finding an argument to
explain data. Victims only comprised 9 percent of the voices heard from. Over thirty-eight thousand
people use guns to commitsuicideeach year. Studies have shown that states with child access
prevention laws have a lower rate of unintentional death than states without cap laws. Many
innocent lives have been taken to gun violence from Sandy Hook elementary, Pulse nightclub in
Orlando, 2017 Las Vegas, Columbine High School, and all of that violence has been increasing. The
child shot himself in the head with a gun in Fresno, California. However, some scholars are not
backing the opinion expressed by Collier and other researchers completely. An extensive gap exists
between individuals who preside over gun control and rights in relation to political debate or
participation. I believe both of these tragic accidents could have been avoided only if they put their
guns on safety, took their clips out and made sure the bullet was out of the gun, or put it in the glove
department. Acts of gun violence are daily tragedies affecting people’s lives every single day all over
the globe. The goal of gun control is to prevent someone from willing to harm themselves or other
people to have access to a gun. While some regions are more prone to gun violence than others, this
is not acceptable for an entire nation to be victim to a weapon- especially if that weapon is legal. Tom
McCarthy, a national affairs correspondent for Guardian US. The only way to catch criminals with
stolen guns is to have a gun show and offer money for guns without papers and have surveillance
cameras. He shot and killed his parents Diva Jeenen, 47, and police officer James Eric Davis Sr., 48
on Friday at 8:30 a.m. in the fourth floor of his for room, while they were packing his belongings for
a trip back to their Chicago area home. There are several actions that could trigger this block
including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL command or malformed data. If you find it
interesting, read our articles about papers on gun control and a domestic violence research paper.
Even after plenty of unpleasant and cruel incidents, the authorities are not much keen in putting any
control on gun ownership or gun violence. Secondary research or desk research makes use of
information previously researched for other purposes and publicly available. He shot and killed seven
people at Red Lake Senior High School, and wounded five others. Its put America into a spiral of
fear, a lot of people don't know the extent of how its effecting are lives and the way we live. As they
watch and look, they often may have to look for a sense of hope and any perspective of living to see
another day may depend on how their neighborhood is doing and with gun violence that entire idea
becomes very grim and bleak because of the lack of access and hope.

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