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Country: Federal Republic of Germany

Delegate: Isabella Lira Echegoyen

Grade and Group: 2A

International Court of Justice (ICJ)

General Information

Topic A:
Topic B:

Tuesday, November 22nd 2022

General Information:
Germany, a country in north-central Europe that encompasses the most important
physical regions of the continent from the foothills of the Alps to the north through
the varied landscape of the Central German Plateau and then through the North
German Plain.Germany is on borders Denmark in the extreme north on the Jutland
peninsula. On the eastern and western sides of the peninsula, the Baltic Sea and the
North Sea coast complete the northern border. This border reflects Germany's loss
of eastern territories to Poland, agreed upon at the Yalta Conference .The
German-speaking peoples, which include the inhabitants of Germany and Austria,
and most of Switzerland and Luxembourg; small parts of France, Belgium, the
Netherlands and Italy; and the remnants of Germanic communities in Eastern
Europe - are extremely heterogeneous in their ethnicity, dialects, and political and
cultural heritage, in which the difference between Protestantism and Roman
Catholicism has played an important role since the Reformation and Catholic
opposition. Reformation in the “16th’’ century.The birthplace of the modern printing
press and influential schools of philosophy and art, Germany has long played an
important role in Western culture, and the arts have been central to Germany's
self-perception. Historian Hagen Schulze claimed this in.


The central and southern regions of Germany have forested hills and mountains cut
by the Danube, Main and Rhine valleys. In the north, the landscape flattens into a
wide plain that extends to the North Sea. Between these extremes, Germany is an
incredibly diverse country.Germany's location in the heart of Europe shaped its
history, both good and bad. ‘It borders nine neighbors, more than any other
European country’. Germany's largest and most famous forest area is located in the
southwest near the Swiss border. This is the Black Forest, a mountainous area full of
pines and firs. The Danube, one of the longest rivers in Europe, originates from this
forest.Unified Germany consists of 16 states (Länder in the plural; Land in the

Germany | Facts, Geography, Maps & History. (2022, 16 noviembre). Encyclopedia
singular), three of which (Berlin, Bremen and Hamburg) are city-states. Bavaria is
the largest state with more than ‘‘82’’ million inhabitants and a total area of ‘’137,800’’
square kilometers.Germany is one of the most densely populated and urbanized
countries in Europe. Germany has five different geographical regions that are very
different. The Zugspitze highest mountain in Germany, ‘9,717’ feet near Garmisch is
the country's highest mountain.The River Chief is a tributary of the Rhine. The
Danube flows east for ‘2,725’ miles to meet the Black Sea in Romania. Germany's
largest Lake Bodensee (Bodensee) is located on the border of Switzerland and


The two German countries were admitted to the United Nations on September ‘18’,
1973’. In addition to the Federal Republic of Germany, the German Democratic
Republic was also represented in the New York General Assembly from that day.
Although the delegations of the ‘133rd’ and ‘13’ .the member countries were only
separated in the room by a narrow corridor, they were actually two worlds apart. In
the following years of membership, there was only one common proposal: the
creation of a German translation service. Agenda ‘2010’. Al parecer, el País resisted
the effects of the Great Recession relatively well. Many observers attribute that
success to Agenda's reforms and industrial capacity. However, a closer look reveals
a completely different and murkier picture. Germany had to pay a heavy price for the
gains: increased inequality at home and debt crises abroad.When the SPD and the
Alliance ‘90’ Greens formed a coalition government in ‘1998’, Germany reached a
new milestone. For the first time, an ecological party ruled the country. The
seven-year government of this alliance was led by two figures: the chancellor
Gerhard Schröder and the vice-chancellor and minister of foreign affairs of the
Greens Joschka Fischer. The latter, despite his leftist past in Frankfurt am Main in
the ‘1970s’, enjoyed international respect and great popularity among Germans of all
political persuasions.

Alemania en las Naciones Unidas. (2018, 13 abril).
Alemania y la crisis: victorias pírricas | Nueva Sociedad. (2013, 1 julio). Nueva Sociedad | Democracia y
política en América Latina.

Government and Politics

The structure of the Federal Republic of Germany is a federal state and a

parliamentary democracy. The Constitution states that all government power comes
from the people. The people, in accordance with the legislation, grant these powers
to the parliaments (Bundestag and national assemblies). State power is divided into
legislative power (legislature), executive power (administration) and power
responsible for administrative management. Justice (fairness). In terms of etiquette,
the Federal President is the highest representative of Germany. In terms of etiquette,
the speaker of the Bundestag is the second highest. The Federal Vice President is
the President of the Bundesrat, a position held annually by the Prime Minister of one
of the ‘16’ federal states. The office with the most political power is the chancellor.
The chairman of the Federal Constitutional Court is also one of the highest
representatives of the country


Germany must take a leading military role in Europe, the country's defense minister
said, emphasizing how Russia's war in Ukraine has changed Berlin's strategic
thinking. Christine Lambrecht made her remarks as Ukraine continues its
counter-offensive in the east of the country and Russia vows to continue the
offensive until all military objectives are achieved. The war increased pressure on
Germany to increase its contribution to the western alliance, despite historical doubts
about playing a larger role since world war ii. ‘5’ made skepticism about the military
a kind of virtue. But he said that Germany could guarantee peace and freedom to its
people only if it abandoned its old self-image and defined security as the central task
of this country . echoing chancellor olaf scholz's signature speech this year, the
defense minister said germany must meet the nato target of spending ‘2’ percent of
gdp on defense in the long term, not just in the next few years. we must avoid a
Germany | Facts, Geography, Maps & History. (2022b, noviembre 16). Encyclopedia Britannica.
Chazan, G. (2022, 12 septiembre). Germany outlines aim to take up leading military role in Europe.Financial
situation where in a few years we cannot afford to maintain the equipment we are
buying now, he said, reiterating plans to create three combat-ready military divisions
by the early ‘2030s’. The success of Ukraine's counteroffensive, which has
recaptured more than ‘3,000’ square kilometers of land from the east, also fueled
expectations that the west would increase arms supplies to kyiv.

Economy and level of development:

Because Germany has many economic actors, achieving sufficient growth, balanced
foreign trade, stable prices and low unemployment required a high level of
coordination. Several advisory bodies unite the federal and state governments, the
Deutsche Bundesbank, representatives of companies and local governments, and
trade unions. In addition, the federal government presents an annual economic
report to the parliament, which includes a response to the annual assessment of the
expert council and an overview of its economic and financial policies. Although the
free market operates in Germany, the federal government plays an important role in
the economy.Germany's economic liberty score is ‘76.1’, making it the 16th freest
economy in the 2022 index. Germany ranks 11th out of 5 countries in the European
region, and its overall score is above the regional and world average. German
economic growth slowed from ‘2017’ to ‘2019’, turned negative in ‘2020’ and
returned to modest levels in ‘2021’. The country's weak economic performance over
the past five years has become more acute.’2017’. since the rise of freedom. moved
to the Mostly Free category for the first time in the history of the index. Financial
health and business freedom are solid, but scores for government spending and the
tax burden remain low. COVID-19: As of December ‘1, 2021, 102,183’deaths have
been linked to the pandemic and the government's response to the crisis in
Germany. ranked ‘8th’ in terms of its strictness among the countries included in this
index. In ‘2020’, the economy shrank by ‘4.9’ percent.

Germany | Facts, Geography, Maps & History. (2022b, noviembre 16). Encyclopedia
Science and Technology:

Germany is a world leader in research and university education. This is shown by the
third place among the most Nobel laureates. From physics and chemistry to
automobiles and consumer goods, Germany leads the world in innovation with its
world-class universities and research institutes, as well as major technology and
data industries. The technological sector is one of the most important economic
sectors of Germany. With an annual turnover of ‘€178’ billion in ‘2021’, the IT sector
is a significant driver of the economy - and growing steadily. During the war years,
contemporaries had already invented expressions such as machine war,
mechanized battlefield ,engineering war or "chemical war" to describe the warfare
they experienced. Innovations or adaptations to conflict such as airplanes, ships,
submarines, tanks, poison gas, and less obvious but more effective weapons and
explosives stand out in the collective memory. But the truly revolutionary changes
occurred at the organizational level, leading to a new collaboration between
scientists and engineers, industry and military leaders,
theAcademic-Military-Industrial Complex. Most of it was created thanks to the
dedication of experts.


Germany is a multicultural and religious country. It is important to understand that

apart from the main Christian religions (Protestantism and Catholicism) and several
minority faiths, about a third of the people in Germany are atheists. The Christian
Church, including both Catholicism and Protestantism, is the dominant church in
Germany. However, many other religions such as Islam, Judaism, Buddhism and
Hinduism are also popular in Germany. The main religion in Germany is Christianity,
and about two-thirds of the population identify as Christians.However, the number of
people who actively practice Christianity in the form of going to church is much

Science and Technology (Germany) | International Encyclopedia of the First World War
(WW1). (s. f.).
Religions in Germany. (s. f.).
smaller. About half of Germany's Christians belong to the German Evangelica
Church (a combination of Protestant religions including Lutheranism and Protestant
Calvinism) and half to Catholics. About ‘2%’ of the country practices other Christian
religions - mainly Orthodoxy, including both Eastern and Eastern Orthodoxy.


● Chazan, G. (2022, 12 septiembre). Germany outlines aim to take up leading military

role in Europe. Financial Times.

● Germany | Facts, Geography, Maps & History. (2022b, noviembre 16). Encyclopedia


● Religions in Germany. (s. f.).

● Science and Technology (Germany) | International Encyclopedia of the First World

War (WW1). (s. f.).

● Alemania en las Naciones Unidas. (2018, 13 abril).


● Alemania y la crisis: victorias pírricas | Nueva Sociedad. (2013, 1 julio). Nueva

Sociedad | Democracia y política en América Latina.

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