Sales Letters

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Sales Letters

You have just manufactured a new product (an electronic testing device, a fuel injection mechanism, a
fiber optic cable, or a high-tech, state-of-the-art com- puter). Perhaps you have just created a new
service (computer maintenance, automotive diagnosis, home repair, or telecommunications
networking). Congratulations! However, if your product just sits in your basement gathering dust or your
service exists only in your imagination, what have you accomplished? To bene- fit from your labors, you
must market your invention. Connect with your end users. Let the public know that you exist. The
question is, how? If you have un- limited time, money, and personnel, you can try telemarketing or
door-to-door cold calls. However, a more time-efficient and cost-effective way to market your product
or service is to write a sales letter. You write a sales letter once (which saves money) and then mass mail
it (which saves time). To write your sales letter, you will have to include the letter essentials dis- cussed
earlier in this chapter, maintain an effective technical writing style with a low fog index, and avoid
grammatical and mechanical errors. You will also have to accomplish the following objectives.

Arouse Reader Interest

The introductory paragraph of your sales letter tells your readers why you are writing (you want to
increase their happiness or reduce their anxieties). You also tell your readers what you are writing about
(the product or service you are mar- keting). However, studies tell us that you have only about 30
seconds to grab your readers' attention, after which they will lose interest and toss out your let- ter. To
lure readers into your correspondence, you must arouse their interest imaginatively in the first few
sentences. Try any of the following lead-ins.


In business since 1992.


Each of our mechanics is ASE certified.


We've sold over 2 billion widgets.


Over 3.000 corporate managers and supervisors have benefited from our training services.

Make Your Readers Act

If your conclusion says "We hope to hear from you soon," you have made a mistake. Such a weak
conclusion forces you to stare at the phone, twiddle your thumbs, and hope for a customer response.
The concluding paragraph of a sales letter cannot let the reader off the hook. Do something to make the
reader act. Here are some suggestions.

• Give directions (with a map) to your business location. Provide a tear-out to send back for further

• Supply a self-addressed, stamped envelope for customer response.

• Offer a discount if the customer responds within a given period of time.

• Give your name or a customer-contact name and a phone number (toll free if possible).

Use an Appealing Style

Your sales letter should not only convey the necessary information but also pre- sent an appealing style.
Consider the following requirements:

• Use verbs. Verb usage, or power writing, will give your letter punch.

• Format for reader-friendly ease of access. Highlight through white space, underlining, boldface,
bullets, numbers, and so on.

• Achieve audience recognition and involvement through you orientation. • Show ease of use. Sprinkle
the words easy and/or simple throughout your correspondence.

 Imply urgency. Use the words now, today, soon, or don't delay to force the reader to immediate

Figure 6.12 shows an example of a successful sales letter.

Gulfstream Auto

1101 21st Street

Galveston, TX 77001

May 31, 2005

Mr. Carlos De La Torre

1234 18th Street

Galveston, TX 77001

Dear Mr. De La Torre:

Thank you for of your recent letter. I am pleased to inform you that Gulfstream will happily replace your
defective shock absorber according to the warranty agreement.

The Trailhandler Performance XT shock absorbers that you purchased were discontinued in October
2004, Mr. Blanton the mechanic to whom you spoke, incorrectly assumed that Gulfstream was no longer
honoring the warranty on that product. Because we no longer carry that product, we either will replace
it with a comparable model or refund the purchase price-you make the decision. Just ask to see Mrs.
Brandsgard at the automotive desk on your next visit to our store. She is expecting you and will handle
the exchange.

We appreciate your business, Mr. De La Torre, I'm glad you brought this problem to my attention. If I
can help you in the future, please contact me.


Holbert Lang

An anecdote - a brief, dramatic story.


It's late at night, the service stations are closed, and you have just had a blowout on Highway 15. Don't
worrs. Our new Tire-Right will solve your problems!

A question - to make your readers read on for an answer.


"Where will I get the money for my kid's college education "How am I going to af ford to retire?" "Will
my insurance cover all the medical bills?" You have asked your self these questions. Our estate planning
video has the answers.

A quotation - to give your letter the credibility of authority.


"Omit needless words, technical writers say. If you can't, let us help you. Write Now, our new office
communications service, can help you write your in-house newsletters clearly and concisely.

Data -researched information, again ensuring your credibility.


You are not alone. In fact, if you are at least 25 years old, you are in the majority. To. day, 51 percent of
our students are older than 25. So why not enroll now? Our college offers the nontraditional student
many benefits.
Develop Your Assertions

In the discussion paragraph(s), specify exactly what you offer to benefit your audience or how you will
solve your readers' problems. You can do this in a traditional paragraph. In contrast, you might want to
itemize your suggestions in a numerical or bulletized list. Whichever option you choose, the discussion
should accomplish any of the following:

• Provide data to document your assertions.


Eighty-five percent of the homeowners contend that...


Seven out of ten buyers said they would…


Ten thousand retired metalworkers can't be wrong!

 Give testimony from satisfied customers.

The Job Corps of Blue Valley, Titan Co., Amex inc., and the Southwestern Parish swear by our

 Document your credentials-years in business, certification of employees, number of items sold,

or satisfied customers (this last point overlaps with our suggestions regarding data).

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