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Struggling with writing a thesis on the topic of dress codes? You're not alone.

Crafting a
comprehensive and coherent research paper on dress code policies can be a challenging endeavor.
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The Reconstruction era began in 1865 after the Civil War as an effort to readmit the confederate
states into the Union. Full description Save Save Essay - Should College Have Dress Codes For
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Page You are on page 1 of 9 Search inside document. Girls are always at fault for being a distraction
to other students with the clothes they wear. The biggest boost was received when President Bill
Clinton catapulted the issue to national prominence in January 1996 when he officially permitted it
during his State of the Union Address. People keep wedding photos for years, and the advent of
social media all but guarantees that any photo you appear in is up for good (darn you Facebook!).
Retrieved from Kraft, J.A. 2003. Society’s Perceptions and Attitudes Towards School Uniforms. Retrieved from. In the same way, emphasis on fashionable dressing may lead to
competition among students and result in violence. Dress and behaviour codes are important because
they help to create a professional atmosphere and promote positive behaviour. State Year State
Population Total violent crimes Violent crimes %. While possibly fixing a person attitude and
negative traits it may also alter one 's personality. III. Suspension of students within the purview of
this dress code shall be made by. It is widely accepted that a uniform encourages a respectful attitude
towards the school environment and learning. Keep on browsing if you are OK with that, or find out
how to manage cookies. While proponents disclaim any negative effect, opponents argue that
uniforms and dress codes do not cater to an individual’s comfort, as different types of people feel
comfortable in different types of clothing. On the other hand, the male students do not even get half
of what the female students do. A business formal dress code is supposed to show a high level of
professionalism and provide a good public image of the business. Proponents argue that uniforms
help students concentrate on academics, claiming that they concentrate so much on their wardrobe
selection that it draws their attention away from learning. Resources Dive into our extensive
resources on the topic that interests you. It allows students to express their individuality and
personality so we don't all feel like we are the same people. A hairstyle should not have to be a
radical political choice (Chutel), as simply it is only hair and students should be able to have the right
to express themselves with their hair if they pleased. Access your favorite topics in a personalized
feed while you're on the go. When dress codes were first established they were for maintaining
discipline and order for the sake of protecting students. Things that can help their children learn to
the best of their ability are suitable and things that can hurt their chances of getting good education
are unacceptable. When it comes to dressing for success, you've got a ton of options. I'd rather have
a dress code and be reassured that I won't be in violation of any rule. If you are looking for Pro Dress
Code Articles you've come to the ideal location. In conclusion school dress codes are extremely
sexist and racist. The cost poses a negative factor as the expensive uniforms are not used outside the
school environment. People of all ages have drifted from dressing for practicability and are now
presenting themselves in ways that serve as reflections of their personalities. Fullscreen Sharing
Deliver a distraction-free reading experience with a simple link.
Imagine going through the hassle of trying to figure out what to wear every day, dress code would
minimize or even vanish those time consuming worries. Critics say students, representing young
people in general, are increasingly expressing their attitudes, in large part, by the clothes they wear.
And after a counter-protest by another of the three girls Lengel lectures e want you decently dressed
when you come in here For all the readers know Lengel himself is. Dress code policies have been
implemented throughout schools for as long as I can remember. Although despite having such power
to enforce and punish these breaks in dress code, administrators or staff members are not allowed to
censor a student’s expression because they are in disagreements with the student’s message.
However, you must know about the campus placement interview, so the campus placement guide is
required to learn all about the interview. When setting dress code policies, it is also vital to consider
the interests and needs of the employees. On the other hand, if you strongly oppose it, imbue your
reader with a clear thought that implementing academic dress code is a light form of infringing
human right to the freedom of self-expression. School dress codes are very unfair towards female
students which is very unfair and sexist. The education officials protested that a state of continuous
confrontation had been created between school authorities trying to do their duty by producing an
environment conducive to learning, and students rebelling against the restraints of acceptable,
protected behavior (Pedzich). Nothing at all, when they’ve got all of these skimpily-dressed girls
walking around. Gentil has a simple answer, “We are not trying to accentuate our bodies; we are
trying to come to school in the most comfortable attire that we can in order to be able to focus
without worrying about how much we are sweating in our jeans. Body grooming is also a very
crucial part of a smart, casual Business dress code. These outcomes do not match the qualities
employers look for. Mullins states, “As a mom, I see these codes as subtle messages being sent to my
daughter to be ashamed of her body. In one school district after another, school uniforms are
proposed as the solution. Dress codes have not been proving to help students academically,
behaviorally, or socially which means there is no valid reason to have one. Upload Read for free FAQ
and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd.
By clicking “Check Writers’ Offers”, you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. A school
dress code is a set of rules on how a person can dress. But today, there are so many interpretations of
formal and business casual that it can be easy to look sloppy or over-dressed if you're not aware of
the environment. Many people find that it is the hardest part of the hiring process. The author states
that the Several States in the United States and school boards have introduced dress codes and to
some extent school uniforms to deal with girls dressing in provocative clothing at high school. The
biggest boost was received when President Bill Clinton catapulted the issue to national prominence
in January 1996 when he officially permitted it during his State of the Union Address. There is a
close relation between dress codes and uniforms that comes without the benefits. You can Find and
Download or bookmark the Pro dress code articles files here. In a student survey, a sixteen year old
declares, “all I have to do is grab some khaki bottoms and a white shirt with a collar and I’m out of
the house” (Wingert, 1999. Qtd. in Kraft, 2003). The time wasted on consideration of what to wear
to school may be constructively used to complete homework. A child is valued for her abilities, and
not for the worth of her clothes. Considering the large number of hours they spend daily in school, a
dress code or uniform policy stifles their desire to express their attitudes. But this is a very simplistic
way of looking at the issue.
The uniform does away with badges of gang identity, such as aggressively painted jackets,
bandannas, or chunky jewelry. This was due to the economic conditions in the 1950s and 1960s
which lead to clothing designers to target students, and the social upheaval in the 1960s where
students dressed in the means of individual and political expression. Experts point out that during
the turbulent 1960s and 1970s when crimes were said to be at very high levels, there were no public
school dress codes or uniforms. When these periods are compared to the more sedate 2005, one sees
that the crime rate has actually increased. A uniform dress code reduces violence on the school
campus, increases the self-esteem of students and contributes to improved academic performance. At
school, there is no time wasted on debating the appropriateness of clothes, and specific items, such
as colors and tattoos. Laura Mullin, a published playwright and writer, wrote an article called “Why
I’m Ignoring My Daughter’s School Dress Code,” about the time she was told that her daughter had
broken dress code rules. Forcing students to adhere to a dress code can have the undesired effect of
reducing a childs ability to adapt. A 1994 peer-reviewed study found that students in uniform were
perceived by teachers and fellow students as being more academically proficient than students in
regular clothes. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital publishing.
It is easier for students to arrive punctually at school as a uniform dress code eliminates the need to
spend time on choosing clothes and accessories every morning. There is still away to be both
fashionable and respectable at the same time, be creative. Kuhlmeier (1988), involved the publication
of a high school student newspaper. People now are accustomed to using the net in gadgets to see
video and image information for inspiration, and according to the title of this article I will talk about
about Pro Dress Code Articles The district superintendent while admitting that banning images on
clothes raises concerns about the restriction of political and religious speech announced his intention
to move soon toward implementing uniforms in the. In which, schools have dress code policies to
regulate these things as well. In addition, many less fortunate families depend on clothing donated by
others, or buy from second-hand outlets: in their case, uniforms are very expensive necessities (The
Public School’s Parent Network). A hairstyle should not have to be a radical political choice
(Chutel), as simply it is only hair and students should be able to have the right to express themselves
with their hair if they pleased. A business formal dress code is supposed to show a high level of
professionalism and provide a good public image of the business. They may not agree but they will
feel respected and hopefully that respect will be returned. Your Pro dress code articles image are
available in this site. As a few advantages dress code promotes a more sophisticated learning
atmosphere reduces social pressure and can reduce the prevalence of such violent or promiscuous
behaviours. Female students have a much harder school dress codes which makes it hard for them to
be comfortable. Yet more recently students and parents are beginning to protest against these
policies. It indicates a way to close an interaction, or dismiss a notification. At Joy Christian School
the dress code in the last year has dramatically changed, getting more and more lenient as the years
go by because of students refusing to follow it. Another positive effect of a uniform dress code in
schools is the improvement in the students’ academic performance. If you're a member of the board
or meeting with a member of the board, boardroom attire is most appropriate — regardless of the size
of the company. The Seven Steps. Learn the Basics and Make a Positive Impression Know Who You
Are and What You Can Do Do Your Homework and Come Prepared Answer Key Interview
Questions with Ease. Articles Get discovered by sharing your best content as bite-sized articles. An
added bonus, from the parents’ point of view, is the elimination of the need to invest in expensive
clothes at the beginning of each school year. School dress codes are very unfair towards female
students which is very unfair and sexist.
If you are looking for Pro Dress Code Articles you've come to the ideal location. It is here that the
moral foundation and intellectual capabilities of the child are built up. Professional dress in
healthcare is typically clean and pressed scrubs or a lab coat. Expensive and fashionable clothes are
often the cause of inciting less privileged children to resort to theft and violence. Dress codes include
hair length and color clothing school uniforms body art and piercing insignias and jewelry. This is a
smart casual business outfit that portrays decency without any compromises. When girls push back
on dress codes they are demanding to. When it comes to dressing for success, you've got a ton of
options. The statement that “leggings are not pants” has been a term I’ve heard since middle school,
and is similar for other students in different districts. You can use essay samples to find ideas and
inspiration for your paper. Teams Enable groups of users to work together to streamline your digital
publishing. It caused greater controversy as no white girls were seen being tested. School dress
codes originated among English private schools but have only recently become a reoccurrence in
American public schools. Proponents state that the expenditure of a student’s family on clothes for
him or her will be lesser with the dress code or uniforms in place, as it essentially requires just two
pairs (the minimum) of clothing to suffice for a school term. Dress codes, while usually regulating
boys' slovenliness, tend to police girls for how much of their bodies are visible. Forcing students to
adhere to a dress code can have the undesired effect of reducing a childs ability to adapt. Learning to
be a clothes horse is not the best preparation for this! References. Critics counter that students not
required to follow a dress code or uniform would not, for example, wear speedos (boys) or bikinis
(girls) to school. Self-expression is essential during the developmental stages of a child, and if
freedom to it is denied, then it would have an adverse affect on students, leading them to search for
and indulge in less favorable methods such as over use of makeup, acquiring tattoos, using hand
signals, or inviting danger by flaunting expensive jewelry. A. A student with hair of such length or
style that it creates classroom or school. Critics say students, representing young people in general,
are increasingly expressing their attitudes, in large part, by the clothes they wear. This is 100% legal.
You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Joy Gentil, a
student at Seabury Hall, wrote an opinion article for her school’s journalism class called “Dress code:
Uncomfortable Learning Attire”. Dress and behaviour codes are important because they help to
create a professional atmosphere and promote positive behaviour. Critics argue from another view
point, saying it is like telling students that if someone does not have an identical uniform, he or she is
different (not as good) as them, and his or her company should therefore be avoided. Public schools
in the U.S. have been assigned the authority and accountability of educating students properly while
continuing keeping in existence a well-behaved and result-oriented environment in which learning
can thrive. A good example is an Islamic religion that requires their women to wear a veil (hijab) that
cover every part of their body apart from hands and faces. Students are expected to come to school
with proper attention having been given. School dress code is a set of regulations for students for
wearing their uniform during their being at school and on official school events out of school. Dress
code, Education, First Amendment to the United States Constitution 722 Words 3 Pages Dress code
has been the biggest topic between the Board officials and parents.
Having a dress code (such as a uniform) is expensive and has no use outside of school. Dress Code
Con Dress codes are a small part of an entirely bigger issue rape culture. Professionalism in nursing
includes displaying a high level of competence, adhering to ethical principles, maintaining a positive
attitude, and being accountable for one's actions. VII. The time, the specific location, the type of
activity going on, and whether the. C. A student who fails to maintain personal cleanliness,
grooming, or neatness of. Rheological analysis is a technique used to study the flow and deformation
of materials. They may or may not have a job opening at the time you interview with them. It is
reported that “academic achievement is compromised when attendance, punctuality, attention to
instruction and grades suffer as a result of preoccupation with clothing” (King, 2002, qtd. QR Codes
Generate QR Codes for your digital content. You never really know who you will meet that will
make an impact on business dealings. School dress codes originated among English private schools
but have only recently become a reoccurrence in American public schools. Pro dress code articles are
a topic that is being searched for and liked by netizens today. Schools are not meant to be fashion
shows, where students parade on a cat walk, or battlegrounds where they violently compete for
dominance. Uniform dress codes in schools reduce violence, raise self-esteem and improve the
students' academic performance. Fullscreen Sharing Deliver a distraction-free reading experience
with a simple link. However, you must know about the campus placement interview, so the campus
placement guide is required to learn all about the interview. If you're a member of the board or
meeting with a member of the board, boardroom attire is most appropriate — regardless of the size
of the company. The above figures show that the violent crimes rate is much more in Louisiana (and
New Orleans) as compared to California (and San Francisco), due to which there is a higher
percentage of schools in New Orleans reacting to the overall crime picture (as compared to San
Francisco) by implementing the uniforms policy. Indeed recently has been searched by users around
us, maybe one of you. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word
definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. Did you know that the first school dress
code law was established in 1969 by the U.S. Supreme Court? Since as long ago was 1969, there has
been laws that force students to change their clothing. If you don’t care for yourself how can you
care for someone else. The chips in the nail polish could harbor bacteria. It is essential to enforce
uniform dress codes in schools. Does the idea of going to a job interview make you feel a little
uncomfortable. The Importance of a Dress Code for Professionalism 2019-01-29. Access your
favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. These dress codes are very unfair to
girls worldwide. It's like a masterclass to be explored at your own pace. They can use their real
identity or pretend to be someone famous.

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