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Varela: Hello, good morning everyone and have a great day.

This is
welcome to a new installment of news from your favorite news
program “spill the tea”. from Talcahuano city. Greetings from (falta
nombre aca) (name) Varela. Let’s begin

Today we start with the news that has monopolized the

attention these last days, have very interesting news about an
exceptional phenomenon that occurred in Israel and it is about the
cure of a very harmful disease that is leprosy. We will talk about the
case of Eliseo, the successor of Elijah and Naaman, the general of
the Syrian army who had this disease. For this we have our star
journalist Ignacio Sanhueza who is already on the ground. Hi
Ignacio! What happens there? Dinosaurs. Could you tell us about

Ignacio: Hello Francisca and good morning everyone. As you said,

today we will talk about a very particular case of leprosy that is very
surprising. We are with Eliseo who was the one who healed the sick
man, Naaman. Tell us Eliseo, how did it all happen? How did you
heal Naaman?

// jelou Francisca an gud morning evryguan. As yu said, tudei wi wil

tok bout a veri partiquilar queis ov leprósi dat is veri sorpraising. Wi
ar wid Eliseo ju was di guan ju jild de sik ma, Naama, tel as Eliseo,
jau dirit ol japen? Jau did yu hil Naama?//
Felipe: I was seeingtalking with our God, Jesus Christ, in my
houses’s yard the birds inat my house when I found out that the
king had torn his clothes, so I knew that he had to help. God took
care of everything, he was my guide and through me he spoke with

Ignacio: I see. And you, Naaman, how did you feel when you were
// Ai si, an yu, Naaman, jau did ju fel guen yu wer jild?//

Joaquín: Well, I was very sickingthinking that and I wanted to get rid
of the illness quickly. While bathing in Tthe Jordan River I could feel
the wonder of God.

Ignacio: And what did you do afterward?

//an guat did yu du afterguord?//

Joaquín: I wanted to give him a gift but he didn’t accept it.

Ignacio: Why didn´t you accept the gift, Eliseo?

//guai didint yu acsept de gif, Eliseo?//
Felipe: I didn’t accept his gift because I didn’t see it as right. But I
prayed for him that the Lord, my God, would have mercy , because
he was losing his life, but God has saved him
I didn’t accept his gift because I didn’t see it as right. But I prayed
for him that the Lord, my God, would have mercy on him.

Ignacio: The story is very moving, this shows that the love of God is
greater than anything. With this we end the interview, thank you.
Go ahead studioes. Let's go back to the news studio.

// de stori is veri muving, dis chous dat the lov of gad is greiter dan
enizin. Guid dis we en de interviú, zenkiu. Lets gou bak to de nius

Francisca: Without a doubt a very nice story, we hope he liked it.

See you in another report, goodbye!

Deberían cerrar con algo así: (OPCIONAL)

Let's go to a commercial break, we'll be back soon.

 3 WH /H QUESTIONS (QUESTIONS (van señalados)
 2 ORACIONES EN PAST SIMPLE (aparece varias oraciones en
pasado simple)

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