Vowel Diphthongs Consonant The Sound Safari Activity

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Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality



Objective: To enhance awareness and proficiency in recognizing and producing vowels,

diphthongs, and consonants in spoken language.

Materials Needed:
 Whiteboard or Flipchart
 Markers
 List of words containing various vowels, diphthongs, and consonants
 Audio recordings or examples of words with different sounds


1. INTRODUCTION (5 minutes):
Begin by briefly reviewing the concepts of vowels, diphthongs, and consonants with the
class. Provide examples of each and explain their role in spoken language.

2. WARM-UP (10 minutes):

Engage the class in a warm-up exercise where they pronounce different vowels,
diphthongs, and consonants individually.
Encourage them to focus on correct pronunciation and clarity of speech.

3. SOUND SAFARI GAME (20 minutes):

 Divide the class into small groups.
 Explain that they are going on a “Sound Safari” to hunt for different sounds in
 Provide each group with a list of words containing various vowels, diphthongs,
and consonants. You can include words of increasing complexity to challenge
 Instruct the groups to identify and categorize the sounds they hear in each word
as either vowels, diphthongs, or consonants. They can write their findings on the
whiteboard of flipchart provided.
 Encourage collaboration and discussion within the groups as they analyze the
sounds in each word.
 After the allotted time, reconvene as a class and discuss the findings. Have each
group share examples of words they identified and explain how they categorized
the sounds.


 Provide each student with short passage or a list of sentences containing words
with various vowel, diphthong, and consonant sounds.
 Ask students to practice reading the passage aloud, focusing on correct
pronunciation and clear articulation of each sound.
 Encourage them to pay attention to their own speech and identify any areas
where they may need improvement.
 Optionally, you can play audio recordings of the passage to provide examples of
correct pronunciation and intonation.
Excellence | Service | Leadership and Good Governance | Innovation | Social Responsibility | Integrity | Professionalism | Spirituality

5. WRAP-UP AND REFLECTION (10 minutes):

 Facilitate a brief discussion on the importance of clear articulation and
pronunciation in oral communication.
 Ask students to reflect on their own speaking skills and identify specific areas
they would like to improve, whether it’s vowel pronunciation, diphthong clarity,
or consonant articulation.
 Encourage them to continue practicing outside of class to further develop their
oral communication skills.
This activity not only reinforces the concepts of vowels, diphthongs, and consonant but also
provides students with practical opportunities to apply these concepts in spoken language,
ultimately improving their oral communication skills.

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