Cigarette Smoking Effects Research Paper

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Are you struggling with writing your cigarette smoking effects research paper?

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this topic can be incredibly challenging due to the vast amount of information available and the
sensitive nature of the subject matter. From the physiological effects on the body to the societal
implications, there's a lot to cover, and it can be overwhelming to organize your thoughts and
research into a coherent paper.

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An attack can be triggered or made worse by tobacco smoke in people who have asthma, effects of
smoking essay. You can easily see that smoking is very harmful to your body since it may result
severe sicknesses that may lead to death. This is why smoking is the largest single preventable cause
of death in Britain, killing more people than all other avoidable dangers added together including
fire, drugs, alcohol and road accidents. Cigarettes cause the smoker to take more drugs: Cigarette
often stands first in the chain of drugs that people become addicted to in life. Smoking, including
second-hand smoke, is the leading cause of lung cancer(3). Argumentative essay topics involving
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nicotine, it is essential to get counselling services, self-materials or more to get through this phase.
Every smoker is addicted to a different combination of the “stimulants” in cigarettes, making their
personal experience with smoking and nicotine dependence unique. Most of the smokers protest
passively, but there are some who are ready to active opposition in case they feel their rights are
being violated. In addition, smoking causes diseases and conditions that are not always as fatal but
the often cause suffering and are sources of personal concern. Moreover, by not smoking, you
decrease your risk of disease which includes lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, high blood
pressure, and more. Further, it also increases the risk of respiratory tract infection which ultimately
reduces the quality of life. Even if they did get there way, to be able to smoke freely wherever,
whenever, there would still be death and cancer and that awful smell of smoke. The final
cardiovascular disease I like to highlight is aneurysm. College drinking has become popular among
all students throughout college campuses. I have learnt how smoking makes people become addictive
and hooked to the substance nicotine inside the tobacco. Due to lack of nutrients in the soil, plants
that depended on it will usually be denied the nutrients they so badly need. The more common
cancers are bladder, breast, lung, colon, leukaemia, prostate the list goes on. The outstanding writer
put all his irony and humor in this saying. According to the U. National Health Interview Survey,
quitters aged between 25 and 34 live longer for about ten years, 35 and 44 for about nine years, 45
and 54 for about six years, and 55 and 64 for about four years. The main approach farmers take to
cure the crop is usually coal, natural gas or oil. These innocent bystanders especially include children
whose physical vulnerability to such chemical impurities in the atmosphere is much higher than that
of adults. Department of Economics, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois 3. The
Biological and Psychological Impact of Smoking Cigarettes. But then the e-cigarette companies
would boom because those smokers would need to turn to something. In the workplaces, there
should be an arrangement for a separate smoking zone for smokers. That function is able to work and
achieve a particular goal. Smoking can also cause serious damages to the mouth and throat. Smoking
has been around for thousands of years, but hit its peak in the 1920s when smoking was thought to
increase life expectancy (West, 2007). Using coupons or buying on the internet are two strategies
smokers use to avoid paying higher prices.
One of the solutions, as suggested by Usman and Davidsonwould be to set the stage to quit by
mentally preparing oneself, effects of smoking essay. Data from multiple studies suggest that anxiety
disorders and depression play a role in cigarette smoking. As I mentioned before peripheral vascular
disease (PVD) is caused by the same atherosclerotic plaque that causes coronary artery disease.
Substances in tobacco smoke change the structure of your skin. Organisms that cause pneumonia
enter the lungs after being inhaled. Despite the obvious dangers and health hazards that government
health agencies have continued to relay through public information programs and advisories, some
community members who have started smoking at very young ages find it difficult to stop smoking. I
have learnt how smoking makes people become addictive and hooked to the substance nicotine
inside the tobacco. Tobacco plants demand high concentrations of fertilizer for optimal growth.
Cardiovascular diseases are diseases of the heart, the blood vessels of the heart and the system of
blood vessels throughout the body and within the brain. Cause And Effect Of Smoking Essay
Another study considered a possible role of nicotine in reducing Parkinson's risk: Some writings have
stated that smoking can also increase mental concentration; one study documents a significantly
better performance on the fetac communications technology essay Advanced Raven Progressive
Matrices test after smoking. Register for a free account to start saving and receiving special member
only perks. In addition, smoking leads to furring of the coronary arteries as the lining of the arteries
are damaged by other chemicals in the cigarette smoke, effects of smoking essay. Tobacco smoking
is an addictive habit that is becoming increasingly common. As I previously stated emphysema is
caused by smoking. Nicotine is one of the most dangerous factors of a cigarette, it can be addicting.
This increases the blood pressure, which is a major risk factor for stroke. He thinks that he would not
increase the consumption of cigarettes and believes that one cigarette in a day is just too less to
cause him any potential loss in the long run. Quitting smoking reduces the risk of many diseases
caused by the habit, including COPD, heart disease, and cancer. Free Essays and Research Papers
Persuasive Essay: Strengthening Community Do My Essay. Nicotine raises levels of a
neurotransmitter called dopamine in parts of the brain that produce feelings of pleasure and reward
(8). There is enthusiasm about looking grown up and entering into an independent practical life
among the teenagers. From these tiny blood vessels, the nicotine enters the bloodstream and travels
directly to the brain. There are many different types of cells in the body which do different jobs, but
they are basically similar. Breathlessness on exertion is eventually noticed due to obstruction to air
flow in the air passages caused by swelling of the bronchial and the presence of mucus that can't be
cleared(5). As such, every human action can be said to be based upon. The effects are temporary and
cause patients to cough, wheeze and experience shortness of breath(6). As seen in the image below,
shows the percentage of what people worldwide usually experience after smoking in a long period of
time. Less than 16% of the 633 teen smokers in a study were able to stop smoking. We understand
that studies are the foundation of success; yet they can be quite a challenge without extra help. There
are many people that do know the effects of smoking cigarette but still try to ignore the
They can reduce your craving and withdrawal symptoms. NRTs like skin patches, chewing gums,
lozenges, nasal spray and inhalers can help greatly. More free essay examples are accessible at
PapersOwl about Addiction. Deprivation reversal also explains much of best analysis essay arousal
data, with deprived smokers being less vigilant and less alert than non-deprived smokers or non-
smokers. For example during lunch breaks and after work smoking becomes like an autonomous
action. The brain uses them to coordinate the activities of many other kinds of receptors, acting to
'fine-tune' the sensitivity of a wide variety of behaviours including muscle movement, breathing
heart rate, learning and memory(11). One of the solutions, as suggested by Usman and
Davidsonwould be to set the stage to quit by mentally preparing oneself, effects of smoking essay.
This report makes recommendations for the improvement of this research and highlights gaps that are
a priority for future research. The heart is made to work faster by nicotine and carbon monoxide
from the smoke thereby straining it. Cancer is a disease where cells grow out of control and invade,
erode and destroy normal tissue (3). Moreover, by not smoking, you decrease your risk of disease
which includes lung cancer, throat cancer, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more. The cigarette
and its contents of toxic chemicals was the cause of many health risks. Cause and effect essay about
cigarette smoking Generally, the unpleasant symptoms will eventually vanish over time, with
repeated cause, as the body builds a tolerance to the chemicals in the cigarettes, and as nicotine. That
is why cancer is more common among older people than children(4). Also the death count of
smokers, and second hand smokers, would go plummeting down and I think that would cause our
economy to boom. Vaping seems to be a “cool” factor to the youth of today. They are powered by
batteries that deliver nicotine to the user through the inhalation of the water vapor (Grazier PRG 28).
Unlike some recreational drugsnicotine does not measurably alter a smoker's motor skillsjudgementor
language abilities while under the influence of the drug. Since these plants are grown in poor
countries, farmers cannot afford fertilizers. Bibliography Sources of information Books:
(1)Advanced Biology Michael Roberts Michael Reiss Grace Monger (2)AQA Biology Specification
A A new introduction to Biology Bill Indge Martin Rowland Margaret Baker. Slowly and gradually,
that company becomes an important part of the individual’s social life, and the habits of the peers
become ingrained in the individual’s personality and psychology. I believe the governments should
stop using cigarettes(tobacco tax) as a political tool for raising revenue and gaining popularity and
place an ban on the production and consumption of cigarettes. It causes fatal diseases such as cancer,
heart disease, COPD, and can also effects of smoking essay the mouth and throat. There is a
psychological dependence on nicotine, which may carry on into old age and compound the ageing
problems. The addicted body will send messages of uneasiness and need to the conscious mind. The
repeated occurrence of negative moods between cigarettes means that smokers tend to experience
slightly above-average levels of daily stress. Most people believe smoking is a sign of personal
failure. Since tobacco farmers come from poor countries, they must use the most economically
suitable option, firewood. Additionally, smoking causes a cancer that forms in the intestines rectum
or colon known as colorectal cancer and is the second leading contributor to cancer deaths in the U,
effects of smoking essay. Likewise, it is well known that the consumption of tobacco also cause bad
breath, skin unsightly, smelly clothes and hair among other things that harm our health significantly.
Starting as mainly as a part of a religious ritual a long time ago, it has become a routine thing for us.
The newly coordinated system is unbalanced and it requires nicotine to achieve an appropriate
balance of nerve pathway activity.
These cells are grouped together to make up the tissues and organs of our bodies. This may seem
simple, but the effect on the environment is huge. These are called 'triggers', scientists believe that
just like the Russian scientist Ivan Pavlov who trained a dog to salivate at the ringing of a bell. The
toxic chemicals in the cigarette smoke put the ciliated cells lining the lung tubes 'to sleep'(15).
Additionally, smoking causes a cancer that forms in the intestines rectum or colon known as
colorectal cancer and is the second leading contributor to cancer deaths in the U, effects of smoking
essay. Organisms that cause pneumonia enter the lungs after being inhaled. Introduction I. Peer
Pressure, Curiosity, Habit and Depression are the causes of. Consequently, plants are sprayed
regularly and heavily with pesticide to prevent pests and disease. Tar can also cause emphysema,
which is disease that occurs when the tar enters the lungs and the tar thickly coats the lungs.
Discussed through Smoking Essay in English for everyone who wants to quit smoking. It is not easy
to quit a habit abruptly, so set a date to give yourself time to prepare mentally. Nicotine is also
considered to be a stimulant it provides a 'pick me up' that makes smokers feel more alert, but this is
only increasing the heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate and unfortunately the effect and last
20 minutes and so the smoker is left craving another 'pick me up'. Chad Heck, owner of Crown
Vapors, said that his business has up to 188 variations of flavors (Grazier PRG 11). The cilia whip
back and forth, causing the dust- filled mucus to go up and leave the body by way of mouth. If this
blood clot moves to the brain, you could get a stroke. Gum disease and tooth loss are also common
among smokers. In plants and animals it combines with food to release energy. Like such, when any
human is smoking, then the human machine will not function properly. Another possible explanation
is that prolonged exposure to nicotine reduces levels of 'nicotine receptors' and the levels of RNA
which is used to make the receptors. Pathophysiology: Concepts of altered health states. Other areas
inflicted by smoking are the respiratory and cardiovascular system, eyes and mouth, digestive system,
musculoskeletal system and the reproductive system. However, today, the meaning of smoking has
completely changed. Then why do they still continue to apply this bad act despite being well aware
of the dire consequences. Experts are working their hardest to discover an answer on the effects of
vaping versus smoking. So users therefore are stuck in a vicious cycle, becoming more stressed and
making the user less capable of dealing with stress in any other way, which just adds to the mental
instability and leading to poverty and deprivation. It is therefore only through quitting that one
would be free from the problems caused by smoking. A smoker has an increased risk of having a
heart attack or stroke. Oxygen has trouble reaching the blood; your body cells therefore can't respire
of function properly. This results in higher blood pressure and heart rate which is the catalyst for
many smoking related diseases. The outstanding writer put all his irony and humor in this saying.
These effects can be reduced, but not entirely reversed by giving up smoking. This can be brought
back to the farms in which the tobacco seeds are planted. Not only is tobacco bad for the user, but it
can be a danger to the planet itself. Cancer, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Cigarette 1202
Words 5 Pages Topic: There have been articles in the papers over the last few days pointing out that
counterfeit cigarettes are eroding sales of legitimate cigarettes and therefore tax revenue collected on
cigarettes. For instance, the British Medical association has called upon politicians to ban smoking
through legislation that contests health issues caused by passive smoking. I would, therefore,
recommend the client to feed more on high fibre content food like cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli,
corn and more fruits. Some suggest that e-cigarettes likely confer lower risk compared to
combustible tobacco cigarettes, because they do not expose users to toxicants produced through
combustion. So the addiction to nicotine occurs because the brain compensates for the many changes
nicotine induces by making other changes. Keeping the interest of both smokers and non-smokers in
mind, there should be a ban on smoking in public places. A heart attack is that occurring during the
period when circulation to a region of the heart is completely obstructed and death of heart muscle is
occurring(6). Unlike some recreational drugsnicotine does not measurably alter a smoker's motor
skillsjudgementor language abilities while under the influence of the drug. The issue about smoking
is seriously considering it does not only affect those consuming the product but also the people
around them who inhale the smoke. Almost all people who smoke more than 20 cigarettes a day
have some degree of emphysema(13). Users of cigarettes receive nicotine when smoking a burning
cigarette. In a recent study done in the University of Houston, researchers examined whether
perceived descriptive norms moderated the relationship between temptation and drinking. Tobacco
smoking is an addictive habit that is becoming increasingly common. They require a prescription so it
is essential to talk to your doctor to get access to it. This epidemic as I perceive to call it is a
consequence of low prices, the so called image and persona that comes with cigarettes and finally the
addictiveness of cigarettes which hooks people so they cannot give up. I surprisingly discovered the
disturbing contents of the cigarette, how it contains 40 known carcogens and many other poisonous
chemicals. Cigarettes cause the smoker to take more drugs: Cigarette often stands first in the chain of
drugs that people become addicted to in life. Cigarette has lately become a necessary fashion
accessory. Of the more than 7,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, at least 250 are known to be harmful,
including hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide, and ammonia (1, 2, 5). The toxic chemicals, tar and
carbon monoxide cause air inflammation and bronchoconstriction which causes the restriction of
oxygen rich blood to the brain and causes stroke (9). They consequently incur Lastly, cigarettes
should be banned because they are very expensive to the people. To me, it’s about alternatives to
combustible cigarettes which have the highest degree of harm. First effect of smoking is it will make
smoker become addicted to it. The cigarette contents also increase the risks of one experiencing
blood clots in their circulation system. Adjustments are made to the number and sensitivities of many
kinds of receptors within the brain, restoring an appropriate balance of activity. Research has shown
that people who smoke have lower levels of concentration than non-smokers, research has also
proved that smoking lowers the mental performance of the smoker. Consequently, plants are sprayed
regularly and heavily with pesticide to prevent pests and disease.

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