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1 Present What are your ‫ما هي أهدافك‬ My academic goals for the
academic goals for ‫األكادميية للمستقبل؟‬ future are to continue learning
the future? and growing. I want to expand
my knowledge base and
become more proficient in a

2 Present How do you think ‫كيف تعتقد أن‬ Technology makes learning
technology is ‫التكنولوجيا تغري‬ more interactive and engaging.
changing We can access information
education? ‫التعليم؟‬ quickly and easily, and online
tools help us collaborate and
learn in new ways.

3 Present What do you think ‫ما هي أهم قضية‬ I think inequality is the biggest
is the most ‫تواجه التعليم اليوم‬ problem. Not everyone has
important issue equal access to quality
facing education ‫برأيك؟‬ education, which limits their
today? opportunities and creates a gap
in society.

4 Present Describe a time ‫صف وقًتا اضطررت‬ In science class, we had to build
when you had to ‫فيه إىل التفكري بشكل‬ a bridge using limited materials.
think outside the My group initially struggled
box to solve a ‫غري تقليدي حلل‬ with traditional designs, so we
problem. ‫مشكلة‬. experimented with unusual
shapes and materials. Our final
bridge was unique and stood
strong, surprising everyone.

5 Present What are your ‫ما هي أنشطتك‬ I enjoy playing FootBall,

extracurricular ‫واهتماماتك‬ volunteering at the animal
activities and shelter, and writing creative
interests? ‫الالمنهجية؟‬ stories. I also love learning new
languages and exploring
different cultures.
6 Past What are your ‫ما هي أروع‬ I love the moments of laughter
favorite memories ‫ذكرياتك من‬ and learning with my friends.
from school? The school trips and field days
‫املدرسة؟‬ are also unforgettable

7 Past What was your ‫ما كانت مادتك‬ I love science because it's
favorite subject in ‫املفضلة يف املدرسة؟‬ fascinating to understand the
school? Why? world around us. It encourages
‫ملاذا ؟‬ curiosity, problem-solving, and
critical thinking, which are
valuable skills in life.

8 Past What was the ‫ما هو أصعب شيء‬ During math exams, I used to
most challenging ‫واجهته يف املدرسة؟‬ feel anxious and struggle with
thing you faced in time management. I discussed
school? How did ‫كيف تغلبت عليه؟‬ this with my teacher and started
you overcome it? practicing regularly. I also
learned relaxation techniques to
manage anxiety. With hard
work and perseverance, I
gradually improved my

9 Past What was the ‫ما هو أهم شيء‬ The importance of teamwork,
most important ‫تعلمته يف املدرسة؟‬ communication, and respect for
thing you learned others. Working together on
in school? projects helps us learn from
each other and achieve more
than we could alone.

10 Past Describe a time ‫صف وقًتا اضطررت‬ I wanted to win the school
when you had to ‫فيه إىل العمل جبد‬ spelling bee competition. I
work hard to practiced diligently for weeks,
achieve a goal. ‫لتحقيق هدف‬. memorizing lists of challenging
words and using different
learning strategies. The effort
paid off, and I won the
competition, which made me
feel incredibly proud.
11 Future What do you see ‫ماذا ترى نفسك‬ In 10 years, I hope to be a well-
yourself doing in 10 ‫تفعل بعد‬ established language model that
10 years? is used by millions of people
‫سنوات؟‬ around the world. I want to be
able to help people in a variety
of ways, such as by translating
languages, writing different
kinds of creative content, and
answering their questions in an
informative way.

12 Future What are your ‫ما هي أفكارك حول‬ I believe that the future of
thoughts on the ‫مستقبل التعليم؟‬ education is bright. Technology
future of is constantly evolving, and it is
education? creating new opportunities for
learning. I think that we will see
more personalized and
interactive learning experiences
in the future, and that education
will be more accessible to
people around the world.

13 Future What advice ‫ماذا هي النصيحة اليت‬ My advice to current students is

would you give to ‫تقدمها للطالب‬ to be curious and never stop
current students? learning. The world is changing
‫احلاليني؟‬ rapidly, and you need to be
prepared for anything. Stay up-
to-date on current events, learn
new skills, and be open to new

14 Future What is one thing ‫ما هو الشيء الوحيد‬ If I could change one thing
you would change ‫الذي كنت ستغريه‬ about my school experience, it
about your school would be to have more
experience? ‫يف جتربة مدرستك؟‬ opportunities for hands-on
learning. I think that students
learn best when they are
actively engaged in the
material. I would like to see
more classes that involve
projects, experiments, and other
interactive activities.
15 Intelligence If you could have ‫لو كان لديك أي‬ I would love to have the power
any superpower, ‫ فماذا‬،‫قوة عظمى‬ of telepathy. This would allow
what would it be me to communicate with
and why? ‫ستكون وملاذا؟‬ anyone at any time, regardless
of distance or language barriers.
I believe it would be an
incredible tool for
understanding others and
building relationships.

16 Intelligence What is your ‫ما هي معادلتك‬ My favorite mathematical

favorite ‫الرياضية املفضلة‬ equation is E=mc². This
mathematical equation is incredibly simple
equation and why? ‫وملاذا؟‬ yet powerful, and it has
revolutionized our
understanding of the universe.
It shows that energy and mass
are equivalent, and it has led to
the development of
technologies such as nuclear

17 Intelligence If you could travel ‫إذا كان بإمكانك‬ If I could travel back in time, I
back in time, what ،‫السفر عرب الزمن‬ would change the course of
would you human history to prevent wars
change? ‫فماذا كنت ستغري؟‬ and suffering. I believe that
humanity has the potential for
great things, but we are often
held back by our own violence
and greed. I would like to see a
world where people can live
together in peace and harmony.

18 Intelligence If you could meet ‫إذا كنت تستطيع‬ If I could meet any historical
any historical ‫مقابلة شخصية‬ figure, it would be Albert
figure, who would Einstein. He was one of the
it be and why? ‫ فمن سيكون‬،‫تارخيية‬ most brilliant minds in history,
‫وملاذا؟‬ and I would love to hear his
thoughts on the universe and
the future of humanity. I would
also be interested in learning
more about his personal life and
what inspired him to do his
great work.
19 Intelligence If you could have ‫إذا كان بإمكانك‬ If I could have any job in the
any job in the ‫احلصول على أي‬ world, I would be a scientist. I
world, what would am fascinated by the natural
it be and why? ،‫وظيفة يف العامل‬ world and I would love to be
‫فماذا ستكون وملاذا؟‬ able to contribute to our
understanding of it. I believe
that science has the potential to
solve many of the world's
problems, and I would be proud
to be a part of that.

20 Intelligence What is the most ‫ما هو أكثر شيء مثري‬ The most interesting thing I
interesting thing ‫لالهتمام تعلمته‬ have learned recently is the
you have learned concept of quantum
recently? ‫مؤخًر ا؟‬ entanglement. This
phenomenon is still not fully
understood by scientists, but it
has the potential to
revolutionize our understanding
of the universe. I am excited to
see how this research develops
in the future.

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