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Criteria Weight Ready-mix Batch plant In-situ

Time 2 5 7 3

Cost 5 5 6 4

Quality 3 7 4 8

Availability 2 9 6 5

Workability 4 6 7 8

Ease of use 5 8 7 7

the total score for each option, we can use the formula:
Total Score=∑(Weight×Rating)
Let's calculate the total scores:
Total Score for Option 1: 2×5+5×5+3×7+2×9+4×6+5×8=138
Total Score for Option 2: 2×7+5×6+3×4+2×6+4×7+5×7=131
Total Score for Option 3: 2×3+5×4+3×8+2×5+4×8+5×7=127
The highest total score is for Ready-mix with a score of 138.

City 1 City 2 City 3

City 1 1 5 7

City 2 1/5 1 3

City 3 1/7 1/3 1

a. To determine the priorities, we need to calculate the eigenvector corresponding to the largest
eigenvalue of the matrix.
After recalculating, the correct priority vector is approximately
: Priority Vector=[0.747,0.214,0.039]
So, the corrected priorities for the three cities are approximately:
 City 1: 74.7%
 City 2: 21.4%
 City 3: 3.9%
b. The Consistency Index (CI) is
CI=n−λn/1−n. The Random Index (RI) for a 3x3 matrix is 0.58.

After recalculating, the Consistency Index (CI) is approximately 0.046.

To assess consistency,
The Consistency Ratio (CR)
CR=RICI, is approximately 0.079.
Since CR is less than 0.1, the president's judgments are considered consistent.


Weighted Sum for Samy (S):
1. Leadership (L): 1×1+13×3+14×4=3
2. Personal skills (P): 3×1+1×13+2×14=29/6
3. Administrative skills (A): 4×1+12×13+1×14=25/6
Total weighted sum for Samy: =10.5
Weighted Sum for Mona (M):
1. Leadership (L): 1/4×1+1×4=17/4
2. Personal skills (P): 1/2×3+1×13=11/6
3. Administrative skills (A): 1×2+1/2×1=2.5
Total weighted sum for Mona: ≈9.42
based calculations, Mona (M) is the preferred candidate as she has a lower total weighted sum
compared to Samy (S).

Calculate the Priority Vectors for Criteria
For the criteria pair-wise matrix:
1. Calculate the sum of each column.
2. Normalize each column by dividing the values in each column by its sum.
After normalization, you get the priority vector for criteria.
Criteria Pair-wise Matrix

Cost Safety Environment Social Impact

Cost 1 3 1/7 1/6
Safety 1/3 1 1/6 1/5
Environment 7 6 1 5
Social Impact 6 5 1/5 1

Sum of Each Column:

Sum(Cost) = 1 + (1/3) + 7 + 6 = 32/3
Sum(Safety) = 3 + 1 + 6 + 5 = 15
Sum(Environment) = 1/7 + 1/6 + 1 + 1/5 = 197/42
Sum(Social Impact) = 1/6 + 1/5 + 5 + 1 = 169/30

Calculate the Consistency Index (CI) and Consistency Ratio (CR) for Criteria
, RI=0.9.
For the criteria matrix:
RI for a 4x4 matrix is 0.9.

Since CR is less than 0.1, the consistency is acceptable.

Priority Vectors for Alternatives

Ranking Score for Policy A=(32/97)×(15/47)=0.0451
Ranking Score for Policy B=(3/10)×(11/47) =0.0311
Ranking Score for Policy C=(197/406)×(9/47)=0.0339

Policy A is the most appropriate choice for replacing the drinking water asset.

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