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Nina Mehler

Pre-Clinical Student Log

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 1
Child 1 1/25 ELA: Filling out get to know me This student is eager to learn,
Strengths- they love to do the work, and
Did good at coming up with ideas always try their best but they
and was super excited to write have some confidence issues
Weakness- and second guess everything.
They had trouble putting ideas on They struggle with certain
paper, when it came to writing the things but their determination
words they didn’t know where to will make things easier.
Math: Identify Addition and
Subtraction within a problem
Was able to search for keywords
and knew that more means to add
and subtract is taking away
Had some trouble reading the
story as a whole, could search for
keywords but reading the story
was a struggle

Child 2 1/25 ELA: Unlike student 1, this student

Strengths- has a great understanding of
Did great at coming up with things what is being taught but they
to write about and putting it on are lacking interest in it.
paper was easy They get distracted by things
Weakness- easily and when they aren’t in
Had trouble staying on task, every the mood to work it can cause
new question we covered had a problems with other students.
story that came with it and it took
a while to complete.
Understands what words to look
for within the story to identify the
Gets the work done but getting
focus on the actual problem is an

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 2
Child 1 2/5 ELA: Look at the picture and This student makes good
identify the letter it begins with corrections when they are told
Strengths- what they did wrong. With b
Was able to look at the picture and d if you say that it isn't d
and sound it out to identify the they immediately realize where
beginning letter they made the mistake and
Ex: Dog /D/ /O/ /G/ correct it.
When it comes to writing they
struggle with b and d. They tend
to flip them around and can get
confused about which to use
Math: How to look for the
numbers and operations in story
Was able to identify the
operations better after working
last week, was able to identify the
struggled with remembering to
put the numbers in the order they
are stated, this comes with some
struggle with subtraction when
they are putting smaller numbers
minus the larger number

Child 2 2/5 ELA: Look at the picture and With this student, I think that
identify the letter it begins with they need to be given the bare
Strengths- minimum supplies. When they
Was able to identify the begging are given extra paper they will
sound and place it in the proper scribble and cut it up so
space eliminating these extra
Weakness- distractions will cause them to
Didn’t take the lesson seriously, focus better.
was messing around with the
scissors and glue, and was cutting
up unnecessary tiny pieces
Math: How to look for the
numbers and operations in story
Identifies the operations and the
numbers, and was able to set up
the problem properly.
Did overall well with this, only
weakness was it was a longer
lesson so they were getting antsy

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 3
Child 1 2/12 ELA: Heart word quiz This student needs to work on
Strengths- their confidence when it comes
Did well with writing the sentence to doing things, when they are
portion, knew what needed alone they are worried it is
capital, and added proper wrong but even when they are
punctuation. having to do things with others
Weakness- they question their answers.
When writing words, they get
confused when sounding out.
They will repeat parts of the word
they have already written.
Ex: want Wanant
Math: Solving story problems
When in the group was able to
follow along and get everything
Had some struggle with reading
when it was their turn to,
stumbled over some words.

Child 2 2/12 ELA: Heart word quiz If this student did better
Strengths- following the class expectations
Got 100%, spelled all the words it would be less of a problem
correctly, and wrote the sentence when teaching with them. They
with correct punctuation tend to distract others or shout
Weakness- things out that are upsetting. If
When the test was over and they this could be controlled then
got their grade, the expectation is they won’t cause a class
their name gets called, they go get distraction.
their paper and put it in their
cubby. This student gets their
paper and then walks around and
shows off everything that they get
100%. This hurts some student's
feelings and they don’t
understand that they can’t brag
like this.
Math: Math: Solving story
Did good sitting and paying
attention, for the most part,
followed along, and was able to
complete the problems.
Expectations for answering
questions are a quiet body and a
quiet hand, they have to sit still
not talking hand up and wait to be
called on. This student had some
problems shouting out.

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 4
Child 1 2/19 ELA: First, then, next, last Student loves being read to,
Strengths- this can be a good thing when it
Had a good understanding of the comes to future classes where
order to use these in, knew that they will have to read more.
when retelling you say first, then, The only thing preventing them
next, and lastly. from reading now is the lack of
Weakness- confidence that comes with it.
Had some trouble remembering
details. Couldn’t remember small
things about the story like what
they did or what the character's
names were.
Math: Drawing pictures from
story problems
Had an understanding that if the
story is about 8 apples to 5 apples,
and the picture has to include a
tree with 8 apples and then
another with 5.
Had some confusion about
addition and subtraction, they
would know they had to subtract
and could do it but when asked
what operation did you do they
said subtraction

Child 2 2/19 ELA: First, then, next, last Something that works instead
Strengths- of yelling at the student for not
Remembered everything that working is by rewarding others
happened in the story and was for doing a good thing. The
able to list the details in the order student realizes they aren't
they occurred getting rewarded and tries to
Weakness- change it.
When the story was being told the
student didn’t pay attention to it
unless they were being called on
or told to pay attention. They still
understood everything but should
be listening
Math: Drawing pictures from
story problems
Understood that when adding you
need to add more of the item and
subtraction was less or taking
Didn’t draw proper pictures that
went with the picture, if the story
was about an item they were
supposed to draw those items, Ex:
dolls, basketballs, and people.
They just drew circles for
everything which does the trick
but it doesn’t provide the visual
aspect that the teacher was
looking for
CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:
with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 5
Child 1 2/26 ELA: Heggerty Lesson This student does great when
Strengths- following classroom
Knew exactly what to do and did expectations, they know exactly
great following directions what their teacher wants from
Weakness- them and do it.
Had some confusion with certain
words but did well getting back on
Math: Addition/Subtraction
coloring sheet
Completed their work quietly and
was able to finish in a timely
Tended to add or subtract one
more than they were supposed to.
If the problem was 8+4 they
would say 13. I think this comes
with the confusion of counting
using the number line. They
would skip or double-count
Child 2 2/26 ELA: Heggerty Lesson This student does very well at
Strengths- math, they have little confusion
participated the whole time and when deciding on the
helped me out when I was operation and know how to use
confused the number line. If they could
Weakness- prevent getting off task they
Tried to help other students too would be able to finish the
but it was causing a distraction work.
and getting people confused
Math: Addition/Subtraction
coloring sheet
Was able to solve the problems
on their own with no help which
made coloring them easier
Had some trouble sticking to the
task, even though they could solve
everything easily they would sit
and do other things.

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 6
Child 1 3/11 ELA: Retelling This student's confidence in the
Strengths- classroom has grown since I
Answered all the questions I had came here, they do better at
and was eager to help me when I talking in front of the class and
asked answering questions. But when
Weakness- working in a group and a
When it came to retelling within student wants to take charge
their group and acting out the they tend to be pushed towards
story they were shy and nervous the back and don’t speak up.
to participate
Math: Story Problems
Followed directions and was good
completing the story problems
It had been a week or 2 since they
practiced story problems and you
could tell they needed a refresh
with it.

Child 2 3/11 ELA: Retelling When it is a lesson this student

Strengths- finds interesting they
Sat and listened to the story well, participate and sit and listen. It
paid attention, and understood is great to learn what they like
everything we discussed so when I teach I can try and
Weakness- make it easier for them to stay
When it came to the group work on task.
this student wanted to be in the
leader role which is difficult when
everyone plays an equal part. Had
a hard time getting them to work
without them being in charge of
their group
Math: Story Problems
Remembered everything they
learned from when the class
covered story problems before,
did all of the work correctly
Didn’t listen to directions was
confused when we got started but
once they were explained again
the student did everything

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 7
Child 1 3/18 ELA: Heart word quiz If this student realized they are
Strengths- capable of doing things on their
Did better with these words the own they would do great. They
they did with the last heart word spend a lot of time asking
quiz I gave. Sounded out and questions they already know
didn’t repeat any parts of the and just want reassurance.
Confidence was still not great, the
learned helplessness with
individual works follows through
every assessment.
Math: Measurement knowledge
Remembers a good amount from
when they did measurement with
paper clips which is a good
introduction for using rulers
Knew what to do but couldn’t
remember the terms and what
things were called.

Child 2 3/18 ELA: Heart word quiz Even though the student
Strengths- second guesses their work it is
Again got 100% on the test, has a good to know they are taking
good confidence level when it the time to make sure it is
comes to spelling the heart words, correct and wants to do it
you can tell this student practices correctly.
Second guesses, the student will
write it correctly, erase, think out
it and spell it correctly again
Math: Measurement knowledge
Even though they were not
listening they did not cause a
distraction to others.
Don’t know what they knew
already or doesn’t know because
they were not following directions
and turned in the questions with
nothing done.

CHILD Day of the WEEK Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

with DATE Weaknesses

Observation 8
Child 1 3/25 ELA: Making Inference It was great to hear this student
Strengths- speaking up when the ruler was
Did well with this lesson, not being used how they were
immediately understood what taught. It shows how their
they were being asked, and confidence has grown so much
completed everything with ease. and it is great to see.
This student has learned
helplessness when it comes to
individual work, they ask
questions over everything when
they are working alone but are
fine when it is a group
Math: Measurement
Spoke up when they thought the
ruler was being used wrong
Had some confusion between
inches and centimeters. For this
lesson they used centimeters but
by looking at the measurements
you can tell inches were used for
Child 2 3/25 ELA: Making Inference I was very impressed with this
Strengths- student's sharing, when they
Completed their work with no get put with partners it can
distractions and completed it cause problems because they
timely can be bossy but this time it
Weakness- went smoothly and I was very
Didn’t want to participate in group impressed with them
work, wouldn’t raise their hand
and when called on didn’t want to
Math: Measurement
Worked well with the other
students and didn’t boss or try to
take over. Shared the ruler
Had some confusion with using
the ruler and placing it. Left some
gaps at the bottom

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