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There’s Not Enough Electric Fans in the Classroom

General Statement: The issue of insufficient electric fans in the classroom is a growing concern
among students and teachers alike.

Thesis Statement: The lack of electric fans in classrooms causes discomfort, reduces learning
productivity, and negatively impacts student health.

I. Argument 1: Discomfort
A. Support 1: Lack of proper ventilation increases the temperature and humidity of
the classroom, causing discomfort for students and teachers alike
Reference/Citation: electric fan - Students | Britannica Kids |

Homework Help
B. Support 2: With the global warming crisis worsening every day, the summers
have become more intense, making classrooms uncomfortably hot, especially in
regions with high temperatures and humidity.
Reference/Citation: How Do Classroom Fans Effect Student Learning? by

Vince Minniti (

C. Support 3: Without enough fans in the classroom, students and teachers are at
risk of becoming overheated and dehydrated, leading to health issues.
Reference/Citation: Importance of ceiling fans in the classroom –

Official Blog Page Of Superfan

II. Argument 2: Reduced Learning Productivity

A. Support 1: Heat causes fatigue, irritability, and reduces concentration and
alertness, affecting the productivity of students in the classroom.
Reference/Citation: Classroom PTA in Mandaue City to buy electric

fans due to hot, humid weather - SUNSTAR

B. Support 2: Overheating in classroom hampers concentration, which can lead to
reduced learning and retention of new concepts.


C. Support 3: Lack of fans makes it harder for students to stay focused and awake
during long classes, decreasing their academic performance.
Reference/Citation: How Do Classroom Fans Effect Student Learning? by

Vince Minniti (

III. Argument 2: Negative Impact on Student Health
A. Support 1: Overheating in classrooms can cause dehydration, heat stroke,
headaches, and other health issues.
Reference/Citation: Importance of ceiling fans in the classroom –

Official Blog Page Of Superfan

B. Support 2: Without proper ventilation, the air quality inside the classroom can
degrade, increasing the risk of asthma and allergies.
Reference/Citation: Classroom PTA in Mandaue City to buy electric

fans due to hot, humid weather - SUNSTAR

C. Support 3: The combination of heat, humidity, and lack of ventilation could lead
to a higher risk of COVID-19 transmission, compromising the students and
teachers' health.
Reference/Citation: New ‘Safe Schools Calculator’ to assess

classroom ventilation | BusinessMirror

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