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Crafting a research paper on human cloning necessitates a meticulous approach due to the intricate

ethical, scientific, and societal implications involved. From establishing a coherent thesis statement
to conducting comprehensive research and structuring arguments, the process can be daunting.
Scholars often grapple with synthesizing diverse perspectives, analyzing complex data, and
presenting original insights.

Moreover, the depth of understanding required to address the multifaceted aspects of human cloning
adds to the challenge. From the scientific nuances of genetic manipulation to the philosophical
debates on individual autonomy and moral considerations, delving into this topic demands a
thorough grasp of various disciplines.

Constructing a well-organized research paper outline serves as a fundamental step in navigating this
complexity. It helps delineate the key points, organize supporting evidence, and maintain coherence
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A natural clone is created when an organism reproduces asexually e.g.: yeast. A natural clone can
also be created accidentally when an animal has identical twins. This will be done by means of
genetic intervention. Since cloning is going to happen anyway, the government should accept it and
regulate it to try to see that it is used to benefit the most people. Thank you!!! This has helped
immensely with finishing touches on my Prezi. This part also needs another enzyme, called DNA
ligase, considered as a molecular glue. With the assistance of this type of cloning alleviation of the
risk of immunological rejection can take place as an individual’s own genetic elements are used in
this treatment. The first thought of cloning and human cloning came about when the first Scottish
scientist cloned a sheep named, 'Dolly' (Human Genome Project Information 2004). Scientists fear
that applying any of the above cloning techniques to humans will have devastating affects on the
clone such as malformations or diseases. If there is a change in the genetic code the hormone
produced is different and doesn't work correctly. It has been suggested that undermining the
individuality or uniqueness of each human being may undermine respect for human life. The
possible medical advancements to the human race might be endless. The planet will be equally filled
with both female and male genders in the future. Another form of human cloning is DNA cloning
which is even regarded as molecular cloning or cloning of the gene or recombinant DNA technology
which is used to refer to the procedure through which multiple replicas of an individual fragment of
DNA is created (MacKinnon 139). Therefore the senescence clock was reset, allowing dolly to have
a normal life span. Science is based on experimentation and observation, while religion is based on
faith and things that cannot be proven. In most cases, the sequence reads the same forward on one
strand and backward on the complementary strand. However, human cloning will undermine human
individuality. Because they will not have the same environment and experiences as the person from
which they were cloned, a clone is more like a younger identical twin with a personality all of its
own. The virus can be genetically engineered to remove genes that allow it to multiply and cause
disease. Scientists from different institutions are having trouble while agreeing with the controversy
due to the belief of science advancements originating from free access to genes. Next the egg is
placed inside the uterus and child birth takes place. Through an extensive as well as the collaborative
process, the business leaders in the Caux Round-table principles developed the CRT principles for
businesses in order to embody the aspiration of principled business leadership. However, he cannot
do this without the support of Congress. Most imprinting errors occur when embryonic stem cells are
being cultured in laboratories. 6. Through cloning there is the possibility of compromising
individuality, creativity and freedom. The costs involved in conducting any form of cloning
including reproductive cloning is quite high and a lot of money has already been wasted on research.
This reproduction through cloning is close enough to other common reproduction and genetic-
selection practices that it should not be treated any differently and given as an option. They could
clone one of themselves and have a healthy baby with their genes. Many scientists feel that if we eat
these foods they can create many problems like diseases for us in the future. When these gametes
join, the new organism begins to develop. A sexually produced organism will have a genetic make-up
that is a combination of both of the parents.
Research even proved that out of the total number of claves produced through cloning, one out of
every three has ended up dead and after they were cloned, they were abnormally very huge (Sateesh
600). There are two types of cloning: natural cloning and artificial cloning. This reproduction
through cloning is close enough to other common reproduction and genetic-selection practices that it
should not be treated any differently and given as an option. The egg is then implanted into a
surrogate mother and then a cloned baby is produced which is genetically identical to the donor. This
intends to set up potentially explosive showdown with no certain outcome in the Senate with it
considering the legislation regarding Homeland Security. So therefore, cloning is an order from the
Satan and that means it is sinful and bad to clone. Artificial cloning is of many different types, (1)
DNA cloning (2) reproductive cloning or the cloning of an organism and (3) therapeutic cloning.
After development of the patenting rights, research on these genes became formal. Therapeutic
cloning involves cloning an embryo which is then used to generate stem cells. This would lead to the
discrimination of minority races in the procedures in favor of other fairly accepted races. One of the
key features of each human being is that they represent a combination of genotype and interaction
with the environment, which is unique. Similarly, the monopolistic nature of these tests leads to
increased prices. The scientists believe that the procedure is not as monstrous as people made it
sound (Zavos). Microinjection is the use of a fine needle to inject DNA into the nucleus;
electroporation is an electric pulse causing temporary holes in the membrane allowing the fine DNA
strands to enter the cell. Two processes takes place in during the reabsorption process. This is what
leads to the development of illnesses even with a healthy diet or exercise. When the recombination
stage is complete the DNA molecule is ready to be introduced into a host. Internet resource. Jones,
Phill. Stem Cell Research and Other Cell-Related Controversies. They can clone that arm and put it
back in place so that the body will accept it and won’t think of it as a threat. In effect I believe that
cloning can have many advantages to an extent but human cloning shouldn't be allowed because the
sacrifices required are too great. There has been a lot of controversy over whether these foods should
be consumed or not. Without synchronized cell cycles, the nucleus would not be in the correct state
for the embryo to accept it. New Delhi: I.K International Pub. House, 2008. Print. In the field of
biology Cloning is used as a term used to refer to the procedure of production of populations that are
similar to each other and are identical to each other in the context of genetics. Through the later
process, water is able to drag with it some solutes such as sodium and chlorine ions and other water-
soluble substances through the process called solvent drag. The doctors will clone the healthy heart
cells and inject them in damaged hearts. Many religious groups and people believe that 'man should
not play god'. Essay On Does Artificial Human Cloning Challenge Ethical. You can download the
paper by clicking the button above. But this may never come about if there are laws prohibiting
cloning and its research.
According to the website of university of Utah, the failure rate of SCNT cloning procedure is
between 99.9% - 97%, this means that out of a total of 1000 attempts to conduct cloning only, 1 to 3
attempts end up being successful and the remaining ones fail (Utah, 2012). Her death reopens the
debate on cloning and its problems. She is the worlds most famous cloned animal. By this means, the
paper presents the ethical considerations of reproductive human cloning, argues the significant
causes of concern and brings into the picture a nursing point of view on the subject of human
cloning. There are those with religious beliefs who think that taking antibiotics or receiving blood
transfusions is wrong, but this does not stop the rest of the world from receiving the benefits from
them. Doctors can also eliminate strands of DNA that cause deformation and diseases like Down
syndrome to ensure that a healthy child is born. 5. Animals can also be cloned with human genes so
that their organs can be used for human transplants. E.g.: the British company IMUTRAN is mass
producing hogs to donate organs. Normally therapeutic cloning is termed only as This is not correct.
In most cases, these individuals are below 18 years of age since most judicial systems recognize
individuals aged 18 and above as adults. Then there are people like Dr. Richard Seed, a Harvard
graduate who made headlines in 1997 when he claimed that he was going to attempt to create a
human clone and had willing participants. First, a cell (the donor cell) was selected from the udder
cells of a Finn Dorset sheep to provide the genetic information for the clone. It is therefore essential
to utilize the technology only for therapeutics and not for generating replicas. Somehow the donor
cell had to be forced into the Gap Zero, or G0 cell stage, or the dormant cell stage. Research on the
length of survival of clones has failed because all the clones that have been created have failed to
survive for a longer period of time (Sateesh 600). In some situations this could lead to cancer and
many other dangers such as abnormalities in development and premature ageing. It can be a
statement of goals of the business, the reasons as to why these goals can be attained, and the plans
that can be used to attain the set goals. This photo relates to human cloning because when you clone
a human you clone the DNA. 7. SOURCES Google images Haiku Deck images Ellie Sweiger. All
cells have a built in senescence (death) after a certain number of cell divisions; e.g. a normal life
span for an ewe is around 11 years. Next the egg is placed inside the uterus and child birth takes
place. Scientists believe that by cloning, any damage caused by illnesses can be repaired. Other
concerns arise from the fact that animals, which have been successfully cloned are few. In the field
of biology Cloning is used as a term used to refer to the procedure of production of populations that
are similar to each other and are identical to each other in the context of genetics. Proteins that are
produced from recombinant DNA molecules are called recombinant proteins. Reproductive cloning
would involve making cloned humans, for couples. If you want to know how to write an
introduction (or an introductory paragraph), then you've come to the right place. According to a
response developed from the directors, approximately 22 patents had a relevance towards the limited
tests. These issues can be solved with the assistance of therapeutic cloning (MacKinnon 151). This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. This
could even happen to the entire human race if everyone on earth had the same genes. 0. In a way it
would be inhumane to clone people because clones will not be considered as individuals or humans.
Addition of an enzyme called DNA ligase, which takes part in DNA replication in cells, permanently
joins the DNA fragments when the sticky ends come together. Some people believe clones would be
seen as lower class citizens. “Clones would be created, at least in part to fulfil the will of another
human, exercised without consent”- (David Byers- “an absence of love”). Krystal Green Pro Cloning
Research Paper Pro Cloning Research Paper Lesly Lockwood To Clone or not to Clone The Ethical
Question Joseph Farnsw.docx To Clone or not to Clone The Ethical Question Joseph Farnsw.docx
turveycharlyn Similar to Human cloning ( 20 ) Human clonning.
Reproductive cloning is conducted by injecting genetic elements obtained from one individual into
the egg and then the egg is stimulated with the assistance of chemicals and electricity. Cloning has
several advantages associated with it, but most of these advantages are still being research and
tested and after huge amount of expenditure on research and wastage of material, scientists have
resorted to the fact that cloning has failed to achieve its results in an effective manner. We use
cookies to create the best experience for you. These oppositions arise from religious sectors who
believe that God created the universe and cloning works against this notion. Because we are only
interested in the transformed host cells It is necessary to filter the non-transformed cells out. Most
multicellular organisms undergo reproduction by sexual means, which involves the contribution of
DNA from two individuals (parents), making it impossible to generate an identical copy or a clone
of either parent. Through waste removal substances such as urea, uric acid, bile acids and ammonia
takes place. Linked Genes Violate the Law of Independent Assortment 69. On the other hand, most
proteins found in the blood plasma have a negative charge. Molecular cloning is the study of the
specific proteins involved in cell division. Scientists are working tirelessly to figure out ways to
clone humans. Should cloning be used for sterile couples or for homosexual couples who want
biological offspring. A clone will not be exactly the same as the original person. First, a cell (the
donor cell) was selected from the udder cells of a Finn Dorset sheep to provide the genetic
information for the clone. It is the need of time to give a thought for the promotion of human
cloning only for therapeutic means and not for fun or for reproductive processes. These are
transcellular route (where some particles in the glomerular filtrate passes through the cytoplasm of
the proximal convoluted tubule to epithelial cells and get out through their bases), the other process
is paracellular route (where water passes through the joints of epithelia cells of the proximal
convoluted tubule) (Porth, 2009). The process is thought to be of therapeutic or reproductive
importance. The moral rights of human beings even if they result to difficulties in research must be
respected (Dworkin). One to eight hours after the removal of the egg cell, an electric pulse was used
to fuse the two cells together and, at the same time, activate the development of an embryo. These
plasmid vectors contain many short DNA sequences that can be cut with different commonly
available restriction enzymes. This is known as a palindrome. (b) The restriction enzyme makes
breaks in the DNA strands, and (c) the cut in the DNA results in “sticky ends”. Interphase 45.
Meiosis I 46. Meiosis II 47. Errors in Meiosis X. This will lead to the saving of many lives in the
future. This type of cloning is important to people who for example, lost an arm. An argument
against human cloning is no one is sure it’s safe and it may create defects in the human gene pool.
DNA cloning or gene cloning DNA Cloning is a process where a gene is taken from one animal and
inserted into another animal where it can be used and studied. During the period of 1990s, the
process of reproductive cloning was utilized in order to create identical clones of mammals such as
sheep and pigs and one of the most famous examples of this activity was the production of Dolly
(MacKinnon 56). MacKinnon, Barbara. Human cloning: science, ethics, and public policy. Stem cells
can also be used to get organs for organ transplants. Her death reopens the debate on cloning and its
problems. She is the worlds most famous cloned animal.
There are two types of cloning: natural cloning and artificial cloning. In this process the scientist
who clones the child ensures that it gets that particular gene from the parent who does not have the
illness. There are other options through which the problem of infertility can be resolved, but those
methods do not necessarily work for every one (MacKinnon 13). FUN FACTS ABOUT CLONING
It's like a mini you They have the same look as you You know what they are going to look like
without worrying about diseases 6. According to a response developed from the directors,
approximately 22 patents had a relevance towards the limited tests. In the field of biology Cloning is
used as a term used to refer to the procedure of production of populations that are similar to each
other and are identical to each other in the context of genetics. It is one of the respiratory organ in the
human body. The ethical ramifications of cloning, especially with regard to humans, seem to defy
easy limitation. In the case of organ transplantation, when cell lines are created through cells of
another human being, the changes of the cell lines being rejected are quite high as the patient’s body
will easily recognize proteins from foreign body and attack the cells that have been transplanted. The
twentieth century scientists developed genetic engineering, In combination with cloning such genetic
material was able to bring about the desired change in a plant's genes. Cloning organs and tissues
would be a great advantage to society and would lead to many lives being saved. However, he
cannot do this without the support of Congress. Today, doctors can be able to detect problems in the
unborn child long before their delivery date. After cutting the DNA strands we then start pasting.
Chromosomes can also determine a person’s sex (gender) and the chromosome that affects this is the
“Y” Chromosomes. With the assistance of this kind of cloning, pluripotent cells can be removed
from an individual’s body (MacKinnon 12). I was worried about how the essay would turn up but
this is exactly what wanted. It is clear that cloning holds many advantages for people but many
believe it defies the laws of nature. Viruses can also be used to inject DNA into the nucleus of the
cell. Disorders such cancer require continuous innovations and research. The success rate of
reproductive cloning at the time was very low. However, human cloning will undermine human
individuality. During her lifetime, she had a lot of diseases such as arthritis and recessive lung
cancer. Some governments have begun to accept the possibilities of stem cell research and have
invested their money in the process. Another piece of DNA cut on either end by the same restriction
enzyme could attach to these sticky ends and be inserted into the gap made by this cut. After you get
these, you will then have to remove the nucleus from the human egg donor, and you will need to
fuse the human egg donor and the cell (of the person that is going to be cloned) together. Researchers
have figured out that out of the total number of attempts made to produce clones, 90% have ended
up in failure and out of a total of 100 nuclear procedures of transfer; one has ended up being
successful (Ornl, 20120. The major argument supporting my belive is that it will undermine human
individuality. However, human cloning will undermine human individuality. Each of these gametes is
haploid, meaning they contain one set of chromosomes in their nuclei.
Can the scientist program a dog so it can talk like a human. DNA Cloning is usually done for
research.e.g: it can be used to study a gene that causes disease in an organism and modify it or
remove it to prevent that disease. Despite the patenting of these genes, public gene database reveals
that a high number of scientists pursue their research on these genes aimed at developing the NA
segments and their representation. Mitochondria contain their own short segments of DNA.
Movement of water between the interstitial fluid (located in the extracellular fluid) and the
intercellular fluid involves a two-way osmotic flow that is equal in both directions (Porth, 2009).
Many people are worried about the effect cloning would have on society, they are worried that
cloning may be used for eugenics- people may try to create a superior breed of people. Introduction.
Now that the use of or analysis of field data for an actual product. But if you are like me and are
truly interested in science and cloning in general, please keep reading. Legalize human cloning is in
the heart of the debate world, was proposed legalizing therapeutic cloning as the only way to
investigate, with chances of success, the basic criterion for funding such programs as the main
objective being to find treatments for incurable diseases. During the period of 2006, FDA approved
the usage of cloned products such as plants and animals for dietary purpose of individuals living in
US. Since cloning is going to happen anyway, the government should accept it and regulate it to try
to see that it is used to benefit the most people. Now you chemically cut both vectors along with the
GI using a certain enzyme, called restriction endonuclease. Background Knowledge: )- Human
cloning: First explored by Spemann in the 1920's to conduct genetics research, nuclear transfer is the
technique currently used in the cloning of adult animals. The scientific explanations for the successes
still present loopholes. These techniques have been tested for many years and most results are
failures but people fear that one day cloning humans will be possible. Later several countries started
banning the process in order to put a stop to the process of reproductive cloning for human beings.
There are four steps involved in the process of DNA cloning, these include, fragmentation in which
string of DNA is divided, the next step is the ligation part in which different parts of DNA are glued
together in a sequence that is desirable, the third step is recognized as transfection, in this step the
newly created DNA is inserted into cells and the last step is recognized as selection in which the
those cells that were transfected successfully with the DNA are selected (MacKinnon 116). Like in
the case of dolly the sheep the clone is not always identical to the donor. Previously, it was not
known if an adult nucleus was still able to produce a completely new animal. This report will outline
the advantages and disadvantages of cloning and show religious and ethical views on this topic. The
possible medical advancements to the human race might be endless. PROS It's like a genetic twin
Cloning a human could be used in research The organism that os created looks identical to the person
being cloned The clone has the same DNA as the person being cloned Photo by ???? 4. The cell's
DNA is then removed and the egg is enucleated. This way of producing life has been successful in
animals, but research for the usage of this method among human beings is still on going. This is
because the human cloning process has led to many notable achievements and also significant losses
in equal measure. Factor VIII is also one of the proteins involved in blood clotting and is deficient in
a group of haemophiliacs - sufferers of Haemophilia VIII. Cloning can help resolve the issue of
fertility among those whop are sterile and have failed to produce children. Ian Wilmut and his
colleagues, who cloned Dolly, have come out so strongly against human cloning. For example, a
leukemia patient would not require a sibling with a tissue match for a bone-marrow transplant. In
this way, any DNA fragment can be spliced between the two ends of a plasmid DNA that has been
cut with the same restriction enzyme ( Figure 10.6 ).
Conclusively, the study revealed that patents have strong negative impacts on the cost of tests and
access to genetic information (Calfee 32). Human cloning can lead to some of the expectations
getting fulfilled especially in medical areas such as organ replacements. In most cases, these
individuals are below 18 years of age since most judicial systems recognize individuals aged 18 and
above as adults. Morally it is not supported as the opponents believe that human beings cannot take
the laws of mother nature in hand and one cannot play the role of the Creator, God of the universe.
After the enacting laws gene patenting rights, basic research on BRCA1 and BRCA2 had
significantly increased. Furthermore, because a human clone is and should be thought of as a regular
human, they are entitled to have the same basic rights as everyone else. In the United States at least,
there is supposed to be a separation of church and state, so anything having to do with God should
play no part in law making. The human cloning process has not been left behind in this measure.
Ritchie, Campbell, McWhir and Wilmut, I. “Sheep cloned by nuclear transfer from a cultured cell
line” Nature, 1996. Upload Read for free FAQ and support Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel
Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. In the field of biology Cloning is used as a term
used to refer to the procedure of production of populations that are similar to each other and are
identical to each other in the context of genetics. Researchers have not only cloned sheep like dolly
but they have also cloned other animals like cats, monkeys, mice, goats, pigs, rabbits, etc. The
discovery has been made and curious scientists are not just going to leave it alone. MacKinnon,
Barbara. Human cloning: science, ethics, and public policy. In the case of Cystic Fibrosis an aerosol
inhaler is being developed which will allow sufferers to take in the missing gene into the lungs by
inhaling artificially formed spheres known as liposome. On the other hand, most proteins found in
the blood plasma have a negative charge. Engineered Negligible Senescence), one of the considered.
Each group of researchers has its own specific technique. There are those with religious beliefs who
think that taking antibiotics or receiving blood transfusions is wrong, but this does not stop the rest
of the world from receiving the benefits from them. This leads to the death of lymphocytes therefore
the sufferer has no immune system. These custom papers should be used with proper reference. The
process of making identical copies of living matter like cells or organisms is termed as cloning.
Scientists from different institutions are having trouble while agreeing with the controversy due to
the belief of science advancements originating from free access to genes. CONS Cloning humans
could be dangerous Something could go wrong You never know what is going to happen It is
concerning to some people If everyone looked the same people wouldnt feel unique anymore 5. The
term human cloning includes numerous methods that are used to produce genetically identical copies
of humans. Infertility has received its fair share of media coverage. Proteins that are produced from
recombinant DNA molecules are called recombinant proteins. When a staggered cut is made in a
sequence like this, the overhangs are complementary ( Figure 10.5 ). Mitochondria contain their own
short segments of DNA. This will be done by means of genetic intervention.

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