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Kenneth Kaunda, born on April 28, 1924, was a prominent Zambian politician and statesman, often
referred to as the "Father of the Nation." Here is an overview of his life and achievements:

1. Early Life and Education: Kenneth Kaunda was born in Lubwa, near Chinsali, in what was then
Northern Rhodesia (now Zambia). He was educated at Lubwa Mission School and later at Munali
Training Centre in Lusaka. He pursued his education further at the University of South Africa,
studying economics and sociology.

2. Political Career: Kaunda became involved in politics during the struggle for independence from
British colonial rule. In 1949, he joined the African National Congress (ANC), which later became
the United National Independence Party (UNIP), and quickly rose through the ranks due to his
charisma and leadership skills.

3. Struggle for Independence: Kaunda was a key figure in the struggle for Zambia's independence
from British rule. He organized various protests and campaigns against colonialism, advocating
for self-governance and equality for all Zambians.

4. First President of Zambia: Following Zambia's independence in 1964, Kenneth Kaunda became
the country's first President. He led Zambia through its formative years, focusing on nation-
building, social justice, and economic development.

5. Pan-Africanism: Kaunda was a staunch supporter of Pan-Africanism and played a significant role
in the liberation movements of several African countries. He provided support and refuge to
liberation movements from neighboring countries, including Zimbabwe (formerly Rhodesia),
South Africa, and Namibia.

6. Domestic Policies: As President, Kaunda implemented various social and economic policies
aimed at improving the lives of Zambians. He introduced free education and healthcare, as well
as programs to promote agricultural development and industrialization.

7. One-Party State: In 1972, Kaunda declared Zambia a one-party state, with UNIP as the sole legal
political party. This move was criticized by some as undemocratic, although Kaunda argued it
was necessary for national unity and stability.

8. Legacy: Kaunda's legacy as a statesman and nationalist is widely recognized both in Zambia and
across Africa. He played a crucial role in shaping Zambia's identity and development trajectory.
Despite some criticisms of his authoritarian rule, he is generally remembered fondly for his
commitment to social justice and Pan-Africanism.

9. Later Years: After stepping down as President in 1991 following multiparty elections, Kaunda
remained active in Zambian and international politics. He continued to advocate for peace,
democracy, and human rights until his passing.

Dr. Kenneth Kaunda passed away on June 17, 2021, at the age of 97. His death marked the end of an era
in Zambian and African politics, leaving behind a legacy of leadership and commitment to the welfare of
his people.

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