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A Story of Epic Proportions: What makes a Poem an Epic? —


Elements of the Epic Hero Cycle

Student Name ___________________________________________________ Date ________________

Element Example

The main character is a hero, who is Gilgamesh. He possess superhuman strength, fast
often possessed of supernatural healing, aging immunity and many more supernatural
abilities or qualities. abilities.

Gilgamesh is charged with the quest for immortality. His

The hero is charged with a quest.
main goal was to conquer death.

When searching for immortality, Gilgasmesh meets Enkidu

The hero is tested, often to prove the who was created to end them. The two fight but soon they
worthiness of himself and his quest.
form a new friendship.

The presence of numerous mythical A companion/help would be Enkidu. His special abilites
beings, magical and helpful animals, whould be the power to regenerate and restore himself
and human helpers and companions since his is made out of clay.

The hero’s travels take him to a In Gilgamesh's adventure, he goes to a twin peaked
supernatural world, often one that mountain named Mashu. The names means foreign land or
normal human beings are barred underworld.
from entering.

He encounters many gods that try to stop him from

The cycle must reach a low point reaching immortality.
where the hero nearly gives up his
quest or appears defeated.

Gilgamesh beats the gods and there is now hope.

A resurrection.

Gilgamesh beats the gods and reaches immortality. He

Restitution. Often this takes the form has accomplished his goals.
of the hero regaining his rightful
place on the throne.

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