Checklist - Participant

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Autism Support Team

Checklist of Structures, Logistics and Teaming Considerations

Team Structure and Norms

The team is multidisciplinary and includes a variety of professional roles such as EC

Director (or other EC leadership member), EC specialist(s), Speech/Language Pathologist,
Occupational Therapist, EC teacher, General Ed teacher, School Administrator/Principal,
School Psychologist, other other relevant roles.

The team has an established purpose that directly aligns with capacity building for
evidence-based programming for students with ASD. (i.e. written purpose which could
include mission and vision statements)

The team meets on a consistent basis, with the majority of members in attendance. (i.e.
meeting on a monthly basis)

The majority of the team’s activities are focused on proactive capacity building efforts. (i.e
PL, coaching)

Meeting norms have been established (i.e., being prepared for the meeting, being on time,
avoiding interrupting, off topic ideas/questions will be placed in a “parking lot”) and are
reviewed on a consistent basis.

Team members have knowledge and skill in terms of autism and evidence-based
programming (UDL, SDI, HLPs & EBPs) for students with ASD.

Team Roles and Meeting Logistics

There are team members designated to

- Act as facilitator or chairperson
- Schedule meetings and organize meeting agendas
- Capture minutes during team meetings
- Serve as timekeeper during meetings
- Coordinate communication for the team with other teams, groups, or personnel
- Collect, share and maintain the documented work of the team (e.g. a shared drive,
shared folder, team website (Google site), Canvas repository, etc.)

A consistent meeting date and time has been established.

A meeting agenda is ready and available during the meeting.

Next steps or actions steps are clearly and equitably assigned to team members.

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