III Reviewer Q3-1

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Introduction to Research  Obtrusive – manipulates the

‘Re’ – again and again
 Non-obtrusive –
‘Search” – to find out something inconspicuous/discreet
 Qualitative – non-numerical
-the process of arriving at a dependable
(summarize, categorize, interpreting,
solution to a problem through the planned
words, narratives, interviews, FGD,
and systematic collection, analysis, and
testing, measurement, objectivity)
interpretation of data.
 Quantitative – numerical (statistical
-advancing knowledge and promotes analysis, graphs, charts, table,
progress to enable man to relate more surveys, questionnaires, checklists,
effectively to his environment testing, measurement, objectivity)

-process of asking questions and answering

them either by conducting a survey,
Defining Research Project
observation or experimentation in a
structured logical manner WHAT is your research? Sum up in one
WHY do you want to do the research?
Purpose of research
WHO will be your participants? Type of
-extends knowledge of human beings’ social
people and possibility for contact
life and environment
WHERE are you going to conduct your
-reveals mysteries of nature
research? Where to carry out research in
-establishes generalizations and general geographic and venue
laws and contributes to theory-building in
WHEN are you going to do your research?
various fields of knowledge
Within your time scale
-verifies and tests existing facts and
Importance of Research Title
-aims to find solution to problem (socio-
economic, health, organizational, and even  Attract readers and make visibility
human relational problems  Provides a concise summary of the
research content

Types of Research Types of Research Title

1.Descriptive – interprets finding impartially
 Basic – add to existing body of
with open mind
Ex. Role of gut microbiome in Ex. Effects of natural forest and tree
chronic disease: Narrative review plantations on leaf litter frog assemblages in
 Applied – solve an immediate, Southern Brazil
practical problem
Ex. Effectiveness of art integrated 2.Declarative – states main finding and
strategy on achievement in points a bias, hence best avoided
mathematics of secondary students
Ex. Novel flight style and light wings boost -addresses gap in rrl
flight performance of tiny beetle
-builds on existing research
3.Interrogative – contains query and the
-proposes new understanding of the topics
ability to sensationalize the topic
Questions and Objectives – sets the
Ex. Microbial defenses against mobile
expectation for other parts, formulated
genetic elements and viruses: Who defends
depending on discipline, topic and focus
whom from what?
and aim should be clearly stated

A good research title…

Background of the Study
-predicts the content
+ establishes context underlying the
-interests the reader research
-uses keywords in a particular field + contains rationale, key problem statement
and overview of S.O.P
+ introduce unaware audience to its
Research Title answers:
What will be researched?
+ explores study builds on refutes findings
How will the topic be researched? from previous studies

With whom? – population

Where? In what context Points to Consider in Writing B.O.S

*SHOULD NOT EXCEED FIFTEEN (15) 1.Start with strong beginning – define
SUBSTANTIVE WORDS research topic and identify target audience

AVOID: A study of, An analysis, An 2.Cover key components – explains

experimental investigation theories, concept, terms and ideas that are
3.Maintain a balance – b.o.s is focused on
Elements of Research Introduction important details and appeals to broader
Topic and Context – introduce your topic audience
giving background them show why the topic 4.Include historical data – borrows from
is timely/important historical context and relevant background
Focus and Scope – geographic, time 5.Explain novelty – provide explanation
period coverage, demographics of that helps understand research better
community, themes/aspect
6.Increase engagement – build a strong
Relevance and Importance – give an story around central theme
overview of the current research citing rrl
and how you will the address a problem 7.Avoid ambiguity – (same with 6)
gap, focus on practical implications
8.Discard unrelated themes – steer clear
-help solve practical or theoretical problem from topics unrelated to key aspects
9.Avoid poor organization – make  debates conflicts and
background in chronological manner contradiction0
 look for pivotal publications,
 gaps
Literature review
4.Outline the structure in Chronological
-survey of scholarly sources structure (thematic, methodological,
theoretical, )
-overview of current knowledge, identifying
relevant theories, methods and gaps 5.Write the RRL (introduction, body,

Importance of Literature Review

Writing Research Objectives
 Familiarizes with current state
 Ensures you are not repeating  Research Aim – main goal or
 Identify gaps in knowledge and overarching purpose, broad and
unresolved problems introductory
 Develops theoretical framework and
Ex. Investigate factors associated
with partner violence

 Research Objective – specific

Steps in writing RRL research topics/issue, builds main
theme in research aim
1.Search for relevant RRL
Ex. To examine whether alcohol
 make a list of key words, consumption is associated with increased
 search for relevant sources, partner violence
 use Boolean operators (and
or not)  Research Questions – key issues
to be focused stated in form of
2.Evaluate and select sources – questions
 ask what is the problem, Ex. Is alcohol consumption
 key concept and how are associated with increased partner violence
they defined
 what are key theories,  Research Hypothesis – prediction
models and methods? does it of relationship between two or more
use established frameworks variables
or take innovative approach? Ex. Higher consumption of alcohol
 What are results and will be associated with incidents or partner
conclusion? violence
 How does it relate to other
3.Identify themes, debates and gaps – Writing Research Objectives

 trends and patterns,  Identify major focus of research –

 themes, describe aim achieved through your
 Break down research focus –  Write S.M.A.R.T. – specific (clearly
narrows scope specifying aspects defined), measurable (qualify ‘n
you want to examine quantify), achievable (feasible),
relevant (useful and meaningful),
time-based (stays on track)

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