Research Paper On Glass Ceiling in India

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Title: Unraveling the Glass Ceiling: Navigating the Complexity in Indian Context

Embarking on the journey of writing a thesis is akin to navigating through uncharted territories, each
step laden with challenges and complexities. When delving into a topic as nuanced and significant as
the glass ceiling phenomenon in India, the intricacies multiply, demanding a meticulous approach,
extensive research, and unparalleled dedication.

The glass ceiling, a metaphorical barrier that impedes the career progression of marginalized groups,
is a poignant reality in the Indian professional landscape. Unveiling its layers requires not only a
profound understanding of sociocultural dynamics but also a keen insight into corporate structures,
policies, and historical contexts.

One of the foremost challenges encountered in crafting a thesis on the glass ceiling in India lies in
sourcing reliable data and credible sources. With the topic spanning multiple disciplines including
sociology, gender studies, economics, and organizational behavior, collating relevant information
becomes a formidable task.

Furthermore, interpreting the data and drawing meaningful conclusions necessitate a nuanced
perspective, as the manifestations of the glass ceiling vary across industries, regions, and
demographic groups. Analyzing the intersectionality of gender with factors such as caste, class, and
education adds another layer of complexity to the research endeavor.

Crafting a coherent narrative that encapsulates the multifaceted nature of the glass ceiling while
maintaining academic rigor requires not just academic prowess but also exceptional writing skills.
Conveying the gravity of the issue and advocating for tangible solutions necessitate clarity,
precision, and persuasive argumentation.

Amidst these challenges, seeking expert guidance and support can alleviate the burden significantly.
⇒ ⇔ emerges as a beacon of assistance, offering comprehensive thesis writing
services tailored to meet your specific needs. With a team of experienced professionals well-versed
in diverse academic disciplines, ⇒ ⇔ ensures meticulous research, flawless
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In conclusion, delving into the intricacies of the glass ceiling phenomenon in India is undeniably a
daunting task, fraught with challenges at every turn. However, with the right support system in
place, traversing this academic terrain becomes not just manageable but empowering. Trust ⇒ ⇔ to be your ally in this academic journey, as you unravel the complexities of the
glass ceiling and advocate for a more equitable future in the Indian professional landscape.
To understand and overcome these barriers, the authors of the articles have used terms such as
labyrinth and small wins strategy. To browse and the wider internet faster and more
securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Here the participation of women as
public servants is equally important. This paper aims to evaluate the developing field of gender in
Management Literature and to examine how 'Think Manager, Think Male' attitude has changed over
three decades. In actuality, in spite of the substantial growth of women working in different. Sexual
harassment constitutes a gross violation of women's right to equality and dignity. Prejudice The
beginning of the labyrinth starts here with prejudices that hurt women and help men. For more
update click here - Call us - 1 727-433-9991 Address - 611 Central Ave, St. Even recognition of
merit when it comes to women is sluggish when it comes to the total number of women fellows in
the three science academies of India — 7% for the Indian Academy of Sciences (IAS), which was
founded in 1934; 5% for the Indian National Science Academy (INSA), which was established in
1935, and 8% for the National Academy of Sciences India (NASI), which was founded in 1930. In
my organization, not a single member of the senior leadership is a woman. Even though the previous
research demonstrates that women are not less ambitious than men, wrong beliefs which attribute
management to men make a kind of invisible barrier, known as glass ceiling, which prevents
women’s promotion to top organizational positions. Even if white men currently earn more on
average than women and minorities, they are not really benefiting, particularly since the expectation
is not that their pay would be reduced, but rather that the pay of women and minorities be increased
in order to achieve equality. Men are considered to be more transactional leaders than women. This
is a common question that many people have asked themselves in the past. These nonverbal
indicators of communication made the interaction somewhat uncomfortable as I was never certain
whether I was acting appropriately and in a way that would not offend. This segregation of women
into less-prestigious and lower-. Educating a woman brings about self-respect and confidence.
GLASS CEILING In India, about 43% of women constitute the graduate population in STEM,
which is one of the highest in the world, but there is a downside to this; only 14% of women join
academic institutions and universities. Countries with a fairly good ratio in terms of an equal number
of female and male researchers are South Africa and Egypt, with 45% female researchers each, and
Cuba, at 49%. Instead, she spoke about deeper, ignored issues that historically kept women from
occupying positions of authority: the glass ceiling. Author: Moon Ihlwan Presented By: Russ
Brantley and Matt Frazier The Environment of Business 2106 Sec. C. Gender Discrimination In
South Korea. If one compares the effective roles played by women and men rather than looking at
women as an isolated group it becomes apparent that each has different access to resources, work
opportunities and status. A common manifestation of this is seen where a woman who has better
skills, talent, and education than her male peers but is obviously being passed over for promotions.
On the basis of this paper some recommendations are given to promote spirit of women
entrepreneurship and helping the women to become a successful entrepreneur. The researcher has
used stratified random sampling by choosing re. John Hart Philadelphia, PA: A Comprehensive
Exploration of His Leadership Jou. Effective BMWM is not only a legal necessity but also a social
responsibility. Here the participation of women as public servants is equally important. Scholars can
use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing assignments. The Design
Thinking Playbook: Mindful digital transformation of teams, produc.
This is a cause of concern and it is happening because women managers feel that they are not being
treated equally. According to available UNESCO data on some selected countries, India is at the
lowest position, having only 14% female researchers working in STEM areas. A study on
performance appraisal of human resource management in hero moto co. This educated society has
also created awareness for gender equity. Sanyal was working as corporate executive vice president
and head of services. Moreover, this advancement has also provided ample opportunities for women
to occupy equal positions as men. The results show that Islamic concept of women empowerment
strengthened by the women?s education, education of her household members, access to media,
health facilities, less no of household members along with no fear of violence. Lack of family-
friendly workplace policies (or, on the flipside, policies that discriminate against gay people, non-
parents, or single parents). This educated society has also created awareness for gender equity.
Promoting is now widely recognized as crucial in achieving sustainable development. Here we
review some of the gender inequalities that lie behind the phenomenon of the glass ceiling. Formerly,
women in management were not considered as a sign of natural social development.
Counterproductive behavior and harassment by colleagues. You also have the option to opt-out of
these cookies. These changes resonate in Indian workplaces as well. Furthermore, it is really an
unarguable fact that rights of women and their. So that they get more empower and also eligible to
give employment to others. Even though the previous research demonstrates that women are not less
ambitious than men, wrong beliefs which attribute management to men make a kind of invisible
barrier, known as glass ceiling, which prevents women’s promotion to top organizational positions.
Or for a woman to get paid lesser for the same job that her male peers are doing des. For the authors
of the article, Women and The Labyrinth of Leadership, the glass ceiling is a barrier which
limitations are fading. For example, in IIT Madras only 31 out of 314 professors (10.2%) and in IIT
Bombay only 25 out of 143 professors (17.5%) are women. Analysis of a few leading private
universities does not reflect any significant difference. Invest in non-partisan, intersectional feminist
media. The presupposed female stereotype dominates the relationship, since it's difficult to describe
the career growth possibilities and upward mobility. The Tay Bridge Disaster presentation pdf The
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Calendar for 2024 PPT Slide Centre for Quality Sciences-Information File-2024.pdf Centre for
Quality Sciences-Information File-2024.pdf John Hart Philadelphia, PA: A Comprehensive
Exploration of His Leadership Jou. MGNREGA was one of the parts and parcel of commitments
made by the UPA government in their common minimum programme came in to force in the month
of February 2006 in first 200 selected districts of India. But opting out of some of these cookies may
affect your browsing experience. Here arises the need to investigate the presence of the invisible
glass ceiling for women and its impact on their career advancement. A moderate relationship does
exist between cooperation and female managers’ job performance. The purpose of this study was to
investigate the reasons for the lack of promotion of women to top management levels in the society.
Women also have several other problems that bring their morale down like sexual harassment,
stereotypes, and sexism that are mostly sidelined as jokes and mindless humour.
You can download the paper by clicking the button above. It also focuses on the significant effects
of the Glass Ceiling on Women Career Development (WCD) of Executive level and small scale
business level. These differences lead women to take different actions than males in similar situations
(Buttner, 2001; Fletcher, 1998). Though we find enough number of women occupying many
positions it is doubtful about women occupying the executive positions where decision making plays
The “ glass ” is implicitly placed that its existence cannot be seen until a woman gets close or “ hits
” it. It concluded that regardless of having more education than men, women are not part of high-
paying jobs. Prevailing culture of many businesses is a white male culture and such corporate
climates alienate and isolate minorities and women. Women, regardless of having the expertise,
required skills, educational qualifications, and experience, are often subjected to prejudice and bias
(conscious or unconscious) and are thus seen as incompetent in comparison to their male
counterparts. The researchers also showed that women were employed by the organization at a level
that was lower than their qualifications, or lower than men doing the same job It was hypothesized
that if the cooperation among colleagues is increased then the performance of female managers will
be enhanced. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security
features of the website. Of course, these senior leadership positions are not open very often, but
when they are the company needs to make a concerted effort to locate viable female candidates. For
the authors of A Modest Manifesto for Shattering The Glass Ceiling, the glass ceiling is not the
reason why women are holding back. They’re giving a cut-throat competition to everyone through
their hard work and diligence. Women in South Korea are slowly changing a corporate culture that
lags behind the rest of the country. Lack of opportunities for career development, tailored training,
and rotational job assignments that are on the revenue-producing side of the business. Social
exclusion of women from development is a very critical issue of economic development.In India
Women are considered as a weaker section of the society of they are considered as if they are
excluded financially, managerially and socially. However, their promotion to management positions
has not been very tangible. The act become more powerful as 33 percent of the total work will be
given to the women, it gives an opportunity to improve the socioeconomic status of the rural women.
When at the top management, many women feel isolated like outsiders. Most of. It is also important
to underline that pay gaps are also the reality of the modern life. For the development of a nation,
politics plays a vital role. The barriers may be psychological, social or organisational. Women are still
an under-represented population globally in hardcore science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM). Barkha Dutt is an Indian TV journalist and columnist. A customer preference
for white men may also help explain why white men hold. As a result of this glass ceiling there is an
inclination of women to entrepreneurship as a result of barriers to women’s advancements in
corporation (Mattis, 2004). The prime reason is gender discrimination that has unnoticeably engulfed
most companies across the world. Present status of women in India is a very complicated where
some women's are in the list of top CEOs and politics. Gender inequalities in the workplace
especially in the domain of management have resulted in the lack of efficient use of potential
capacities of women.
Workplace sexual harassment, like other forms of violence, is not harmless. In such a way, it is
obvious that the stereotypes and biases still prevent women. Moreover, this advancement has also
provided ample opportunities for women to occupy equal positions as men. On the other hand, there
is a totally different view on the. Thus, the visibility of female faculty in universities and research
institutes is significantly lower. The Omnipresent Gendered Career Pathways for Women and the
Role of Career Cou. In actuality, the position of women has hardly changed substantially in recent
years. Women as Strategic Decision Makers: A Reflection on Organizational Barriers. By continuing
we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Little or no access to informal networks of communication.
The authors' experiences with the contemporary school culture and rigorous study of earlier and
recent literature may instigates the limitations of applied polices to revise and at the same time
expands the scope of future microscopic ethnographic research in the related issues. Women in South
Korea are slowly changing a corporate culture that lags behind the rest of the country. Download
Free PDF View PDF Women Empowerment in India: An Empirical Study with Special Reference to
Islamic Viewpoint International Res Jour Managt Socio Human Women empowerment is one of the
most debatable issues in the development circles now-a-days. So the study results show that if the
cooperation among colleagues is increased there will be an improvement in the performance of
female managers. To browse and the wider internet faster and more securely, please
take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. The paper discusses the presence of glass ceiling across
different cultures and its implications. This phenomenon of hampering women's upward
advancement to senior management positions has been referred to as the glass ceiling effect (GCE).
Similarly, in 1937, Professor D.M. Bose, then Palit Professor of physics at Calcutta University, was
reluctant to include Bibha Chowdhuri in his research group on the ground that he did not have
suitable research projects to assign to women. In order to excel in the workplace it is important that
people are familiar with a. Overall preliminary findings say that this scheme has the potentiality to
boost the rural development, if the implementation, management and delivery are in good, and it's
also helped the weaker position of the women in the labour market to improve their livelihood and
status. Promoting is now widely recognized as crucial in achieving sustainable development. Bank of
America vs. Minorities. Bank of America was found to have discriminated against African-
Americans and Latinos by charging them higher fees and rates for loans from 2004 to 2008.
every walks of her life, she experiences a glass ceiling from obtaining upper-level positions. As a
result of this glass ceiling there is an inclination of women to entrepreneurship as a result of barriers
to women’s advancements in corporation (Mattis, 2004). If you are already a registered user of The
Hindu and logged in, you may continue to engage with our articles. Gender inequalities prevail in
work, education, allocation of food, health care and fertility choices. Any cookies that may not be
particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data
via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Exhibiting skills
during the day to day operations with combination and permutation of hard and soft skills can be
easily defined as performing uninterrupted employability. However gender discrimination in working
world has adversely affected the advancement of women.
In this interview with our distinguished alumna, Dr. Hema Krishnan, we present her views and
studies on the prevalence of the glass ceiling both globally and locally. See Full PDF Download PDF
See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Loading Preview Sorry, preview is
currently unavailable. Since this strategy initiates change using diagnosis, dialogue, and
experimentation, it promotes efficiency and efficiency within the organizations. The general bias
against women which arose out of suspected capability of their intelligence and their mettle in
undertaking the arduous task of research was quite common in the 20th century. The phrase is
commonly used to describe the difficulties faced by women and minorities when trying to move to
higher roles in a male-dominated corporate hierarchy. And as the first female boss of India's largest
public sector bank, State Bank of India, she knows what she's talking about. This paper aims to
evaluate the developing field of gender in Management Literature and to examine how 'Think
Manager, Think Male' attitude has changed over three decades. Silverstein, 1996). In their study,
Ragins, Singh and Cornwell examined fear of. Journal of Small Business Management, 22(1), 30-37.
The research also found an inverse connection between the glass ceiling and well-being,
organisational commitment, self-esteem, and level of satisfaction among women employees.
Effective BMWM is not only a legal necessity but also a social responsibility. This theory proffers
two perspectives regarding gender-related differences in performance. Indra Nooyi is the newly
appointed CEO of PepsiCo-the world's second-largest. In actuality, in spite of the substantial growth
of women working in different. Yet women experience barriers that hinder their career progression in
managerial hierarchy within the organisations. Women, regardless of having the expertise, required
skills, educational qualifications, and experience, are often subjected to prejudice and bias (conscious
or unconscious) and are thus seen as incompetent in comparison to their male counterparts. The
paper evaluates DEI practices and provides suggestions on advancing metrics such as recruitment,
engagement and retention of women employees. However, building a relatable, thought-provoking
and informative feminist platform requires a lot of time, effort and money. United States Senator
Hillary Clinton used the term glass ceiling in her speech to. It seems that currently the organization is
content to hire for these positions from the available candidate pool, regardless of its demographic
makeup. In our country, despite the fact that public participation in determining their fate has been
emphasized and we are seeing women's desire for more strong presence in the social fields,
unfortunately, their participation in the managerial ranks, both micro and macro levels, is very
negligible. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. But opting out of some of these
cookies may affect your browsing experience. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, Vol. 60, No. 2.
While there is plenty of advancement among women within the ranks of middle management, it is
quite telling that none of them rise to the level senior vice president, president, CEO, etc. In fact,
often specialists, when they speak about the. The conclusion drawn is that in the private organizations
of Pakistan, female employees do not bother about what male think of females as managers.
gender biases harm women’s careers as men are given the upper hand. This descriptive paper
indicates and emphasizes the women entrepreneurs as the potentially emerging human resource in the
21 st century.
Human Women in India face discrimination in terms of several political, and economic opportunities
as a result of their inferior status. The results of the study would provide a step towards the new
perspective on understanding women empowerment and glass ceiling within private universities. The
Design Thinking Playbook: Mindful digital transformation of teams, produc. The researchers also
showed that women were employed by the organization at a level that was lower than their
qualifications, or lower than men doing the same job It was hypothesized that if the cooperation
among colleagues is increased then the performance of female managers will be enhanced.
Counterproductive behavior and harassment by colleagues. According to the article, the most
effective type of leadership is the transformational style. Moreover, the conditions of work and
payment are still unequal. Women as Strategic Decision Makers: A Reflection on Organizational
Knowledge Involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing (KIRAN): A plan under the
Department of Science and Technology again to encourage women scientists in science and
technology. Hence, an attempt was made to analyse the impact of micro finance on inclusion of rural
women, selected 100 self help group members in Dharmavaram mandal in Anatapur district of
Andhra Pradesh. This paper focuses on the reality of the glass ceiling, the invisible barrier that
women experience in their upward career mobility which prevents them from reaching the top of the
organization. Since many decades women have made their presence felt in almost all positions in
different organizations. Research has also shown a positive relationship between the glass ceiling and
stress. The conclusion is that the healthcare system is a complex adaptive system, and requires
complex leadership competencies. At the same time, it is also worthy of mention another side of the
problem of the. This study is an effort to not only identify the factors responsible for affecting the
performance of women managers through glass ceiling but also to give solutions to over come from
this problems. Download Free PDF View PDF THE IMPACT OF GLASS CEILING ON JOB
KERALA International Res Jour Managt Socio Human, archana thulaseedharan Glass ceiling is one
of the major factors that influences the satisfaction of women employees which in turn is linked with
performance. Author: Moon Ihlwan Presented By: Russ Brantley and Matt Frazier The Environment
of Business 2106 Sec. C. Gender Discrimination In South Korea. A study controlled for previous job
experience, education, age, tenure, initial job level and gender showed that even levels of promotions
existed for men and women. To address this imbalance, some countries have insisted on minimum
levels of. The present empirical study aims at validating the measurement model of glass ceiling,
identifying the change in the level of glass ceiling in the Indian society, particularly the private
universities, and examining the effect of age, education, position, and income on the perceptions of
female faculties of private universities. Thank you! The term “ glass ceiling ” was coined by Marilyn
Loden, an American writer, consultant and active advocate of diversity in the workplace, in 1978 at
the Women’s Exposition in New York. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic
functionalities and security features of the website. Present status of women in India is a very
complicated where some women's are in the list of top CEOs and politics. Though, education is
traditionally a female job sector, the scenario is quite different in private universities where a glass
ceiling still exists for women when it comes to promotion or assigning a challenging task. So the
study results show that if the cooperation among colleagues is increased there will be an
improvement in the performance of female managers. It is also important to underline that pay gaps
are also the reality of the modern life. It also focuses on the significant effects of the Glass Ceiling
on Women Career Development (WCD) of Executive level and small scale business level. Various
schemes such as flexi-hour worktime, rejoining the workforce after an interim break, sections
operated only by women, etc.
Another stream of literature argues that there are innate differences between male and female
approaches to issues. The study will be exploratory in nature based on a comparative analysis of the
data gathered from various online sources. Along with work life balance and traditions, there is an
invisible barrier that acts as a challenge for women influencing their advancement. Over a period of
time number of highly educated women in the workforce has increased and in some way has
achieved commendable success in male domain of the corporate world. The “ glass ” is implicitly
placed that its existence cannot be seen until a woman gets close or “ hits ” it. For the development
of a nation, politics plays a vital role. According to available UNESCO data on some selected
countries, India is at the lowest position, having only 14% female researchers working in STEM
areas. A woman, in every walks of her life, she experiences a glass ceiling from obtaining upper-level
The existence of glass ceiling in different organizations, cultures and time p has been confirmed by
many researchers. Manufacturing has traditionally not attracted too many women because of the. See
Full PDF Download PDF About Press Blog People Papers Topics Job Board We're Hiring.
Ironically, a day later, Donna Strickland was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics, for her work on
lasers, and became the third woman to win a physics Nobel, after Marie Curie in 1903 and Maria
Goeppert Mayer in 1963. Moreover, this advancement has also provided ample opportunities for
women to occupy equal positions as men. The prime reason is gender discrimination that has
unnoticeably engulfed most companies across the world. She was then admitted for one year on
condition that her work for the year would not be recognised till the director was satisfied with the
quality of her research and that her presence did not distract her male colleagues pursuing research.
Women in South Korea are slowly changing a corporate culture that lags behind the rest of the
country. Males not only have superior statuses than women between jobs, but also within.
Organizations must develop a culture of fairness by creating practices that benefit both men and
women where the division of labor by gender does not exist and where women feel that they add an
enormous value and feel as competent as men. Finally, this study focuses towards generating
feasible suggestions of breaking the glass ceiling and propagating a transparent skill based culture in
the organizations. Another implication for organizations, it is the need to address the challenge for
women to be perceived as capable leaders. In our country, despite the fact that public participation in
determining their fate has been emphasized and we are seeing women's desire for more strong
presence in the social fields, unfortunately, their participation in the managerial ranks, both micro
and macro levels, is very negligible. Wage Gap, Maternity Leave, Toilets—They Lack Them All
Image: Hcamag A 2018 research by the University of Chicago Booth School of Business analysed
the glass ceiling effect. These attitudes are based in the history and institutional structure of society.
Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new creative ideas for their writing
assignments. Nothing is too big for God to handle or too small for Him to be interested in. While
women may now have slightly better access to entering the workforce (setting aside the everyday
casual sexism, microaggressions, and wage gap among other things), reaching higher positions is very
arduous. The study will be exploratory in nature based on a comparative analysis of the data gathered
from various online sources. The research also found an inverse connection between the glass ceiling
and well-being, organisational commitment, self-esteem, and level of satisfaction among women
employees. See Full PDF Download PDF See Full PDF Download PDF Related Papers Canadian
Institute for Knowledge Development (CIKD) The analysis of glass ceiling phenomenon in the
promotion of women’s abilities in organizations International Journal of Organizational Leadership
(IJOL) Women constitute almost half of the workforce of a society and there has been considerable
increase in women employment rate in recent years.

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