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Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222 – 232

On the estimation of characteristic indoor air quality parameters

using analytical and numerical methods
Christos H. Halios, Costas G. Helmis ⁎
Department of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Athens, Building Phys 5, University Campus, Athens 15784, Greece
Received 20 December 2005; received in revised form 6 March 2007; accepted 14 March 2007
Available online 26 April 2007


Indoor exposure to air contaminants penetrating from the outdoor environment depends on a number of key processes and
parameters such as the ventilation rate, the geometric characteristics of the indoor environment, the outdoor concentration and the
indoor removal mechanisms. In this study two alternative methods are used, an analytical and a numerical one, in order to study the
time lag and the reduction of the variances of the indoor concentrations, and to estimate the deposition rate of the air contaminants
in the indoor environment employing both indoor and outdoor measurements of air contaminants.
The analytical method is based on a solution of the mass balance equation involving an outdoor concentration pulse which
varies sinusoidally with the time, while the numerical method involves the application of the MIAQ indoor air quality model
assuming a triangular pulse. The ratio of the fluctuation of the indoor concentrations to the outdoor ones and the time lag were
estimated for different values of the deposition velocity, the ventilation rate and the duration of the outdoor pulse.
Results have showed that the time lag between the indoor and outdoor concentrations is inversely proportional to the deposition
and ventilation rates, while is proportional to the duration of the outdoor pulse. The decrease of the ventilation and the deposition
rate results in a rapid decrement of the variance ratio of indoor to outdoor concentrations and to an increment of the variance ratio,
The methods presented here can be applied for gaseous species as well as for particulate matter. The nomograms and theoretical
relationships that resulted from the simulation results and the analytical methods respectively were used in order to study indoor air
phenomena. In particular they were used for the estimation of SO2 deposition rate.
Implications of the studied parameters to exposure studies were estimated by calculating the ratio of the indoor exposure to the
exposure outdoors. Limitations of the methods were explored by testing various scenarios which are usually met in the indoor
environment. Strong indoor emissions, intense chemistry and varying ventilation rates (opening and closing of the windows) were
found to radically influence the time lag and fluctuation ratios.
© 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Mass balance equation; Analytical solution; Deposition rates; Ventilation rate; Exposure; Indoor chemistry; Urban Aerosol

1. Introduction

During recent years, the understanding of the mecha-

⁎ Corresponding author. Tel.: +30 210 7276927; fax: +30 210 nisms that control indoor pollution is of increasing
7295285. interest among the scientific community, as a result of
E-mail address: (C.G. Helmis). the growing concern related to the effects of indoor
0048-9697/$ - see front matter © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232 223

exposure on human health (Jones, 1999). Indoor expo- aspect of the indoor environment was employed in order
sure to air contaminants, especially to those that penetrate to theoretically deduce the ventilation rate between the
from the outdoor environment, depends on a number of indoor and outdoor environment for a totally inert pol-
key processes and parameters such as the ventilation rate, lutant (Switzer and Ott, 1992).
the geometric characteristics of the indoor environment, Time lag and indoor to outdoor fluctuation reduction
the outdoor concentration and the indoor removal have been recognized and extensively studied in other
mechanisms. A number of theoretical models have fields of building physics, with respect to thermal
been developed for the assessment of indoor air quality comfort (Yam et al., 2003), but their influence on indoor
(Shair and Heitner, 1974; Nazaroff and Cass, 1987, 1989; air quality with respect to indoor pollution has not been
Switzer and Ott, 1992). The basis of these models is the explicitly described. The objective of this work was to
mass balance equation, which describes the relationship demonstrate two methods, an analytical and a numerical
between sources emitting pollutants into an enclosed one, in order to study the time lag and the fluctuation
well-mixed compartment, the physical parameters of the reduction of the concentrations in the indoor environ-
compartment, and the pollutant concentrations as a ment. The differences between the two methods were
function of time. Applications of theoretical models explored with the aid of statistical methods. A second
have led to useful conclusions regarding indoor air goal was to utilize the results of both methods in order to
quality (Freijer and Bloemen, 2000). create nomograms and theoretical relationships that can
One of the main indoor removal mechanisms results be used in order to describe indoor air phenomena and
from the interactions between the pollutants and the estimate the deposition rates in the indoor environment.
fixed indoor surfaces (walls, floor), and is parameterized The methods were applied to a dataset obtained from the
with the deposition velocity (Nazaroff and Cass, 1987), Urban Aerosol project in order to estimate the indoor
or the first order decay rate (Shair and Heitner, 1974). deposition rate of sulphur dioxide in a one room apart-
Deposition of a specific pollutant indoors depends on ment. The significance of the studied parameters was
the material of the surfaces, indoor parameters related examined from the exposure assessment perspective.
mainly to humidity and temperature, and the ratio of the
indoor surfaces to the volume of the indoor environment 2. Numerical approach
(A/V ratio). Even though technologies exist to directly
measure the deposition rate, they are often difficult to The numerical method involved an application of
implement due to the large number of the contributing the indoor air quality model MIAQ (Multichamber
factors, or their cost. Thus many studies have focused on Indoor Air Quality model), which has been used in
the determination of the deposition rates using exper- indoor air studies (Nazaroff and Cass, 1987, 1989;
imental data of simultaneous indoor and outdoor mea- Drakou et al., 1998). MIAQ is a general mathematical
surements that are often available in indoor air quality model for both indoor aerosol dynamics and the con-
studies and they are based on the application of the mass centrations of chemically reactive compounds in indoor
balance equation under specific assumptions (Jamriska air. It accounts for the effects of ventilation, filtration,
and Morawska, 2003; Yang et al., 2003; Smolik et al., direct emission, deposition onto surfaces, and coagula-
2005; He et al., 2005; Thatcher and Layton, 1995; tion for particles. It also accounts for heterogeneous
Thatcher et al., 2003). removal, and photolytic and thermal chemical reactions
On the other hand, a number of specific parameters
concerning indoor pollution still remain unclear. One of
the above parameters is the time lag between indoor
concentrations and outdoors when a rise of outdoor
concentrations is detected. A time lag of this type is
often observed in experimental data and has been reg-
ularly reported (Zhu et al., 2005; Hussein et al., 2005;
Morawska et al., 2001; Koponen et al., 2001; Jones
et al., 2000; Freijer and Bloemen, 2000; Ekberg, 1996)
but not studied in detail. Another aspect that has been
rarely studied is the “smoothing” of the indoor concen-
trations, i.e. the reduction of the fluctuation of the indoor
concentrations compared with the respective outdoor Fig. 1. Time evolution of the indoor concentrations, given by the
values (Freijer and Bloemen, 2000). This particular MIAQ model, along with the outdoor concentrations.
224 C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232

for reactive gasses. Model results have been validated per hour — ACH) and duration of the outdoor con-
against experimental data (Nazaroff and Cass, 1987, centration pulse.
1989; Drakou et al., 1998). In Fig. 1 a typical example, representative of the ones
In the present study the outdoor concentration was obtained by the numerical approach, is presented, that
considered to have the form of a triangular pulse. This gives the time evolution of the indoor concentrations
approach is valid for some pollutants, for example NO, (output of the model) and the outdoor concentrations
for which the time evolution in the outdoor environment (set as input in the model experiment). In this example a
is similar to a triangular pulse. The ratio of the fluc- one room compartment with a 30 m3 volume and a total
tuations of the indoor concentrations to the outdoor ones of 60 m2 indoor surfaces was considered, with a venti-
and the time lag were estimated using MIAQ outputs for lation rate of 1 ACH while the deposition velocity of the
several values of the deposition velocity (measured in pollutant was considered to be 2 × 10− 4 cms− 1. The
cm s− 1), the ventilation rate (measured in air changes outdoor concentration is a triangular pulse that lasts for

Fig. 2. Nomograms that describe the relationship between the time lag, the deposition velocity and the ventilation rate for different duration of the
outdoor concentrations. a. and b.: the duration of the outdoor pulse is 7 h. c.: the duration of the outdoor pulse is 5 h. d.: the duration of the outdoor
pulse is 3 h e.: the duration of the outdoor pulse is 1 h. In a. isolines corresponds to 10 min. In b., c., d. and e isolines corresponds to 2 min.
C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232 225

three hours with a peak value of 70 ppb while the longer than 60 min. These findings are in agreement with
calculated indoor peak value was 48 ppb. The time step the results of other studies (Shair and Heitner, 1974;
for the model runs was set equal to 1 min. Freijer and Bloemen, 2000).
From this figure a prominent time lag can be es- In Fig. 3a, b, c and d the respective nomograms of
timated of the order of 37 min that was considered to be the ratio of the fluctuations in the ventilation rate-
the time interval between the outdoor and indoor peak deposition velocity plane are presented. Fig. 3a, b, c, and
values. It is also apparent that the indoor concentrations d correspond to 7 h, 5 h, 3 h and 1 h durations of the
are more “smoothed” compared to the outdoor ones, outdoor concentrations. The ratios of the indoor
indicating that the fluctuation of the outdoor concentra- fluctuations to the outdoor ones increase for an increase
tions is higher compared to that of the indoor air. The of the ventilation rate assuming constant values of the
fluctuations of the concentrations were estimated by deposition velocity and period of the outdoor concen-
means of the concentration range under different ven- trations. On the other hand, the deposition velocity has
tilation and deposition rates. Homogeneous chemistry the opposite effect: the decrease of the deposition
between the various pollutants was again considered to velocity values increases the fluctuation values as the
have limited importance when compared to other factors ventilation rate is kept constant. The fluctuation ratio
involved. gets higher as the outdoor pulse lasts for longer time
Results from the MIAQ model, analogous to the case intervals. Results agree with the ones found by Switzer
previously presented, were obtained for various values and Ott, 1992 even though their approach was applied to
of the ventilation rate and the deposition velocity. The a non reactive pollutant and thus no deposition was
deposition velocity was considered to have values in taken into account.
the range between 2 × 10− 4 cm s− 1 to 2 × 10− 2 cm s− 1 in
accordance with the values found by Cano-Ruiz et al.
(1993), while the ventilation rate ranged between 0.01
ACH to 40 ACH according to Said (1997), even though
ventilation rates of the order of 0.01 are not found in the
building environment (Maldonado, 1998). The simula-
tion results were then used to create nomograms that
give the dependence of the time lag from ventilation rate
and duration of the outdoor concentration pulse for
different deposition velocities.
In Fig. 2a, b, c, d and e nomograms of the time lag are
presented. These nomograms are presented as time lag
isopleths in the ventilation rate-deposition velocity
plane. Fig. 2a, b correspond to 7 h duration of the out-
door concentrations, while Fig. 2c, d and e correspond to
5 h, 3 h, and 1 h respectively. These nomograms allow
the approximate graphical computation of the time lag as
a function of the ventilation rate and the deposition
velocity. Time lag values decrease as the ventilation rate
increases, pointing to the fact that the outdoor originating
pollution enters more easily to the indoor environment.
On the other hand, time lag increases with the decrease of
the deposition velocity for the same ventilation rates. The
influence of the ventilation rate on the time lag is more
prominent for small values of the deposition velocity,
and the decrement of the deposition velocity enhances
more efficiently the time lag values for small ventilation
rates. It is apparent that the time lag increases as the
period of the outdoor pulse gets longer. Thus, for 7 h Fig. 3. Nomograms that describe the relationship between the ratio of
the indoor fluctuations to the outdoor ones, the deposition velocity and
duration of the outdoor concentrations, time lags of the the ventilation rate. a. Corresponds to 7 h duration of the outdoor
order of 200 min may be observed, while for 1 h duration concentrations and each isoline is 0.1. b., c., and d. Corresponds to 5, 3
of the outdoor concentrations the time lags can not be and 1 h respectively and each isoline is 0.05.
226 C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232

3. Analytical approach The Eq. (4) is a global attractor (Yam et al., 2003) and
is the sum of three parts. The first part represents the
The analytical approach is an extension of the ap- contribution due to internal sources, or homogeneous
proach proposed by Shair and Heitner, 1974 and chemical reactions; the second part gives the influence
analogous to the one employed for the calculation of of the time lag development and the third part decays to
the thermal mass into buildings (Yam et al., 2003). The zero as time increases (Shair and Heitner, 1974). As the
mass balance equation for a well-mixed indoor envi- third term decays to zero, the solution approaches the
ronment (concentration gradients are neglected) of following periodic relation:
volume V and surface A was considered. Air enters r e
with an airflow rate q0, P0 is the penetration rate of the Ci ¼ þ 1=2 DCsinðxt  bÞ ð5Þ
d x2 þ d2
pollutant, Ci and C0 are the indoor and outdoor con-
centrations respectively. S is the net rate at which the
pollutant is added due to internal sources (direct emis- If the various pollutants do not undergo significant
sions) and Ho is the net production or loss rate due to chemical reactions and there are no indoor sources active,
homogeneous chemical reactions. The pollutant's depo- then the first term is negligible and the time lag can be
sition onto indoor surfaces is parameterised with the use expressed as
of the deposition velocity vd. Then the general form of
b ¼ 1=x arctan ðx=dÞ ð6Þ
the mass balance equation is according to the following
relationship: and the indoor reduction of the concentrations fluctuation
VdCi =dt ¼ qo Po Co  qo Ci  vd ACi þ S þ Ho ð1Þ can be expressed as:
The above equation, taking P0 to be unity (Freijer and  1=2 ð7Þ
Bloemen, 2000), in a more convenient, non-dimensional x2 þ d2
form can be written as:
Both parameters are functions of the frequency ω of
dCi =dt þ dCi ¼ eCo þ r ð2Þ the outdoor concentration fluctuation, the parameter ε
that accounts for the ventilation of the indoor environ-
where: ment (measured in air changes per hour — ACH) and
the decay rate due to the deposition onto indoor surfaces
d ¼ qo =V þ md A=V ; e ¼ qo =V and r ¼ S þ Ho=V : (expressed as the product of the deposition velocity with
the ratio of the indoor surfaces to the total indoor
The solution of the above equation is: volume).
Z It is worthwhile to mention that the mathematical
expressions of the time lag and the ratios of the indoor to
Ci ¼ eexpðdt Þ expðdt ÞCo dt
0Z outdoor fluctuations can be generated by the complex
number z = δ + iω in which the imaginary part accounts
þ expðdt Þ expðdt Þrdt þ Cio expðdt Þ ð3Þ
for the period of the outdoor concentration, while the
real part stands for intrinsic indoor characteristics. Time
In the following, the outdoor concentration is taken lag, as expressed in Eq. (6), is the argument of z divided
to vary sinusoidally with time following the equation by its imaginary part, while the ratio of the indoor to
Co = ΔC sin (ωt), where ω is the angular velocity of outdoor fluctuations (Eq. (7)), is ε divided by the mod-
the pulse, an hypothesis which is valid for certain pol- ulus of z. Thus, it is suggested that the complex number
lutants, such as O3 (Shair and Heitner, 1974; Sabersky z that accounts for the combined effects of both the
et al., 1973). It should be noted that the previous outdoor and indoor environment could be useful in
representation of C0 is valid only for values of ωt N 0. theoretical studies related to indoor air quality.
Substituting Co = ΔC sin (ωt) in the above equation In the following paragraph, results obtained by the
then: analytical approach are presented. For simplification
reasons an ideal naturally ventilated compartment with a
r e surface to volume ratio equal to 2 (A/V = 2) and with no
Ci ¼ þ DC ðdsinðxt Þ  xcosðxt ÞÞ
d  x2 þ d2  indoor sources was considered. In Fig. 4 the combined
xe r effect of the ventilation rate, the deposition velocities
þ DC  expðdt Þ ð4Þ
x2 þ d2 d and the duration (period) of the outdoor pulse on the
C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232 227

deposition velocity and the ventilation rate being

constant the fluctuation ratio is positively related to
the ventilation rate. The same stands for the relationship
between fluctuation ratio and deposition velocity with
constant ventilation rate and outdoor pulse duration. In
general, the plots of the analytical method qualitatively
and quantitatively agree with the respective results es-
timated using the numerical approach. The relationship
between the two approaches will be further examined

4. Comparison between the two approaches

In order to examine the agreement between the

Fig. 4. Time lag obtained from the analytical solution as a function of analytical and the numerical methods, a comparison was
the ventilation rate and the deposition velocities, for different periods made between the time lag and fluctuation calculations
of the outdoor pulse.
using Eqs. (5) and (6) and the respective values that
were obtained using the numerical solution. Due to the
time lag is presented. It is evident that the time lag is different form of the outdoor concentration pulse in the
negatively related to the ventilation rate when the depo- analytical and the numerical methods (sinusoidal and
sition velocity and the duration of the outdoor pulse are triangular respectively), the two pulses were considered
kept constant and the same stands for the relation be- to have the same magnitude and the same volume of the
tween the time lag and the duration pulse. The same is contaminants, i.e. equal area below the curves (dimen-
the case for the relationship between the time lag and sions were concentration and time). The comparison
deposition velocity for constant values of the ventilation was established by means of the Pearson's correlation r
rate and the outdoor pulse duration, while the opposite is and the p-value of the Wilcoxon two-sample test of
true for the relationship between the time lag and the subgroups of pairs of time lag and fluctuation ratios
duration of the outdoor pulse with constant the depo- estimated with the analytical and numerical method. The
sition and ventilation rate. In Fig. 5 the ratio of the coefficient r gives the quality of a least squares fitting to
fluctuations of the indoor concentrations versus the the data, while the Wilcoxon method tests the statistical
outdoor values as a function of the ventilation rate and significance of the means of the time lag (or fluctuation
deposition velocity for different periods of the outdoor ratio) values calculated with the two methods. In Table 1
pulse are demonstrated. It is apparent that with the the estimated values of the Pearson correlation coeffi-
cient r and the p-values of the Wilcoxon two-sample
test between subgroups of results obtained by the two
methods are presented. Each subgroup includes 30 pairs
of time lag and fluctuation ratios calculated with the two
methods, taking into consideration the same values
of the deposition velocity, the ventilation rate and the

Table 1
Pearson correlation coefficients (r) and Wilcoxon p-values between
subgroups of results obtained by the two methods
Deposition velocity (cm s− 1)
0 0.0002 0.002 0.02
Time lag r 0.996 0.996 0.998 0.999
Wilcoxon 0.00006 0.00003 0.00002 0.00003
Ratio of indoor r 0.989 0.990 0.996 0.999
to outdoor Wilcoxon 0.01401 0.01013 0.00016 0.00002
Fig. 5. The ratio of the fluctuation of the indoor concentrations versus
the outdoor values obtained from the analytical solution as a function
of the ventilation rate and deposition velocity for different periods of The duration of the outdoor concentration pulse was set equal to 7 h.
the outdoor pulse. All r-values are statistically significant at p b 0.005.
228 C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232

duration of the outdoor pulse. Results clearly show that procedure can be found elsewhere (Halios et al., 2003;
there is an excellent correlation between results obtained Halios and Helmis, 2005).
by the two methods (r values higher than 0.9 for all the The time dependence plot of indoor and outdoor
cases). Also, from the p-values obtained by the concentrations of SO2 for the period 18/3/2002 17:00
Wilcoxon two-sample test it is apparent that there are LST to 19/3/2002 0:00 LST is presented in Fig. 6. The
no significant differences between the two methods in indoor environment had surfaces that cover an area of
each subgroup, indicating that results obtained from the 139.2 m2 with 66.6 m3 volume, thus the A/V ratio is
two methods are from the same population. 2.1 m− 1. The ventilation rate was measured to be 1 ACH.
The outdoor SO2 concentrations resembled a sinusoidal-
5. Estimation of the indoor deposition velocity like pulse with a period of 12 h. The time lag was
estimated to be 17 min (outdoor and indoor peak values
The theoretical relationships and nomograms ob- occurred at 18/3/2002 19:49 LST and 20:06 LST re-
tained by the two methods can be applied to exper- spectively) and the concentrations range were estimated
imental data in order to estimate the indoor deposition at 11 ppb and 39 ppb for the indoor and outdoor envi-
rates. The time lag and the fluctuation reduction can be onment respectively. From relationships (6) and (7) the
easily estimated from concurrent indoor and outdoor deposition rates were calculated to be about 7 × 10− 4 s− 1.
measurements. The nomograms presented at Figs. 2 The indoor environment was a one room apartment in
and 3 can be used in order to approximately estimate the a 30 years old apartment block. The floor was wooden
deposition velocity in the cases that ventilation rates are and part of it was covered with a synthetic carpet.
known and constant. For example, if a time lag of the Relative humidity ranged between 25% and 30% during
order of 30 min is observed in the time series of a the time intervals presented here. The deposition velocity
hypothetical pollutant and the ventilation rate is mea- value for SO2 was estimated to be 0.033 cm s− 1 and is
sured to be 0.95 ACH then from Fig. 7a the deposition within the range found in the literature (Nazaroff and
velocity can be estimated as 0.01 cm s− 1. Cass 1987; Grontoft and Raychaudhuri, 2004) for the
In the following, an application of the method is same values of relative humidity and similar materials of
described, in order to estimate the indoor deposition rate the indoor surfaces.
of SO2 corresponding to a sinusoidal outdoor pulse. The
SO2 concentrations were measured in the indoor and 6. Exposure assessment
immediate outdoor environment of a one-room apart-
ment in Athens during the Urban Aerosol experimental From Fig. 1 it is apparent that a 3 h outdoor pulse
campaign, in the winter of 2002. The Urban Aerosol lasts for 7 h in the indoor environment. Consequently,
campaign aimed at the characterization of air pollutants the exposure of the inhabitants to outdoor originating
and PM both indoors and outdoors and the associated pollutant lasts longer in the indoor than the outdoor
actual human exposure in selected European urban areas environment. According to Monn (2001), “integrated
(Lazaridis et al., 2001). Details about the experimental exposure can be calculated by integrating the

Fig. 6. Time dependence plot of indoor and outdoor concentrations of SO2 for the time interval 18/3/2002 17:00 to 19/3/2002 0:00 (Urban Aerosol
experimental campaign).
C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232 229

Fig. 7. The ratio of the exposures in the indoor environment to the outdoor ones, as a function of the ventilation rate for different periods of the outdoor
pulse and deposition velocities.

concentration over time”. In order to explore the effectively in the indoor environment (exposure ratios
combined effect of the time lag and the fluctuation lower than 0.4). Thus, the indoor environment protects
reduction on the human exposure, in the following we the inhabitants from the exposure to pollutants of high
present the ratios of indoor exposure to the outdoor ones deposition velocities more effectively than from those of
for different values of the deposition velocity, ventila- low deposition velocities. It is apparent that the duration
tion rates and durations of the outdoor pulse. Exposures of the outdoor pulse does not influence significantly the
were calculated by integrating the indoor and outdoor indoor exposure.
concentrations, like the ones presented in Fig. 1, over
time. The results are presented in Fig. 7. It is clear that 7. Limitations and extension of the method
for the scenarios examined (pollution is introduced from
the outdoor environment indoors) indoor exposures are In the presentation of the analytical method, it was
always less than the outdoor ones. For ventilation rates stated that Eq. (5) is valid for values of the exponential
usually found in the indoor environment with closed part of Eq. (4) very close to zero. In order to stress the
windows (less than 1 ACH) the exposure to pollutants limits of this assumption, the time evolution of each of
with small deposition velocities (less than 0.002 cm s− 1) the three parts (the periodic, the exponential and the sum
is greater than 80% of the respective exposure outdoors. of them) for various values of the ventilation rate and the
On the other hand, pollutants with high deposition deposition velocity was calculated. In Fig. 8 results for
velocities (higher than 0.02 cm s− 1) cannot penetrate ventilation rate with values 1 ACH and deposition
velocity with value of 2 × 10− 3 cms− 1 are presented. For
reasons of clarity, all parts were allowed to go negative
as well as positive. It can be observed that the third term,
that initially has large values, rapidly decays to zero,
allowing thus the left hand term of Eq. (4) to be a
function only of the second term (the periodic part). It
should be noted that the exponential term decays more
slowly as the deposition velocity and the ventilation
rates get smaller. Thus, it should be expected that this
approach gives reliable results for relatively high values
of both the deposition velocity and the ventilation rate.
Up to this point, only idealistic situations have been
considered and our methods account neither for indoor
sources nor for chemical reactions. Complete absence of
chemical reactions is a strong idealistic assumption
which in the majority of cases is not met (Weschler and
Fig. 8. Time dependence plot of the second and third term of Eq. (4) Shields, 1997). In the presence of significant indoor
and their sum. homogeneous chemistry or direct indoor emissions, the
230 C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232

Table 2 assumed that the indoor temperature was 297 K and

Statistical values of the simulation considered for the numerical the simulation location was set to Los Angeles. The
experiments with photochemistry and reaction rates calculated by the
maximum outdoor photolysis rate was calculated by the
model to be 0.53 min− 1. This value is calculated for the
Statistical values NO NO2 O3
simulation location during midday and under clear
Mean (ppb) 9 42 12 skies, and is in accordance with the values reported in
Standard 11 20 15
Mc Rae et al. (1982). The model calculates the indoor
(ppb) photolysis rate with the methodology described in
Min (ppb) 1 0 2 Nazaroff and Cass (1987). The same methodology was
Max (ppb) 50 70 60 recently incorporated by Carslaw (2007) for the devel-
Reaction rates NO + O3 → 23.68 ppm− 1 min− 1 opment of a detailed chemical model for indoor
NO2 + O2
pollution. For these calculations a light attenuation
NO2 + h.ν → Time dependent Mean value
NO + O 0.05 min− 1 factor is required as input to the model. This factor
max value corresponds to the attenuation of the outdoor light as it
0.13 min− 1 is transmitted indoors through windows. Following
min value Nazaroff and Cass (1987) and Drakou et al (1998), we
0 min− 1
assumed that 70% of the visible light and 25% of the
UV component is transmitted indoors. The model cal-
first term in Eq. (5) cannot be neglected and thus Eqs. (6) culated reactions rates are presented in Table 2. The
and (7) are not solutions of the equation. But, in cases outdoor and indoor concentrations of NO2 resulting
when chemistry or indoor emissions are small enough from this numerical simulation are presented in Fig. 9.
compared to the other term of the equation, fractions (6) Even though indoor concentrations are higher when
and (7) are solutions of Eq. (5). In the next paragraphs reactions are taken into consideration when comparing
different scenarios that are usually met in the indoor to the no chemistry (basic) scenario, the ratio of the
environment will be explored, in order to signify the fluctuations during the two simulations is very close
importance of these remarks. (0.68 for the basic simulations and 0.71 for the chem-
Consider that the example presented in Fig. 1 refers istry scenario). The time lags observed during the two
to the time evolution of the indoor and outdoor concen- simulations are equal. It should be stressed though
trations of NO2 and that mean indoor and outdoor NO that there are instances when indoor chemistry could
and O3 concentrations have the values that are presented radically alter the diurnal pattern of the concentrations
in Table 2. Numerical experiments were performed, leading thus to completely different time lags and
analogous to the ones described in the previous par- fluctuation ratios.
agraph, but in this scenario, chemical reactions among In Fig. 9, the src_1 and src_2 indoor concentrations
the three pollutants was taken into consideration. It was refer to results from numerical experiments during

Fig. 9. Time evolution of the indoor concentrations under different scenarios, given by the MIAQ model. chem corresponds to numerical simulations
when photochemistry was taken into consideration, src_1 to simulations with direct indoor emissions from four cigarette, src_2 to direct indoor
emissions from one cigarette and vent to simulations with varying simulation rates. Basic corresponds to numerical simulations with no chemistry or
direct emissions and with constant ventilation rates. Details are discussed in the text.
C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232 231

which indoor sources of various strength were taken particles are not resuspended, they are physically and
into consideration. Indoor sources correspond to NO2 chemically stable, and there is no coagulation, the
release during cigarette smoking and it was assumed source and sink term may be neglected and the so-
that the NO2 production was 0.79 mg per cigarette lutions to Eqs. (6) and (7) can be extended to include
(Moschandreas et al., 1985). During src_1 scenario it particulates.
was assumed that four cigarettes were smoked between The methods can be applied to rooms with a com-
300 min and 320 min, while scenario src_2 refers to the bination of natural and mechanical ventilation, as well
smoking of one cigarette from 300 min to 305 min. No as recirculation of the indoor air, adding the respective
chemistry was taken into consideration. It is apparent terms in the equations described above.
that the daily pattern of indoor NO2 concentrations is
distorted when compared to the daily pattern observed 8. Conclusions
during the basic scenario. This deviation is more pro-
nounced during the src_1 scenario when completely In this work two characteristic parameters of the
different fluctuation ratios are observed (1.12 and 0.75 indoor environment, the time lag and the reduction of
for src_1 and src_2 respectively). During src_1 sce- the indoor fluctuations, were theoretically examined
nario there is no time lag observed. In the same figure with the aim of numerical and analytical solutions of the
the time evolution of NO2 concentrations with varying mass balance equation. It was found that the time lag of
ventilation rate is presented (vent). It was assumed that the indoor concentrations versus the outdoor ones is
during 180 min–240 min the ventilation rate was 0.2 inversely proportional to the deposition and ventilation
ACH, during the time interval 300 min–360 min 6 rates, and proportional to the duration of the outdoor
ACH and during the time intervals 240 min–300 min concentrations. On the other hand, a decrease in the
and 420 min–500 min 10 ACH (values usually met ventilation rate and duration of the outdoor concentra-
when the windows are open). Ventilation rate was 0.5 tions results in a rapid fall of the fluctuation ratio of
ACH during the rest of the day. It is clear that the indoor to outdoor concentrations. The deposition rate
fluctuation ratios are substantially greater and the time decrease results in an increment of the fluctuation ratio.
lag reduced to 5 min. It was found that the complex number z = δ + iω that
The methods presented here can be applied to accounts for the characteristic time scales of both the
particulate matter penetrating from the outdoor envi- indoor and outdoor environment could be useful in
ronment as well as to gaseous pollutants. Time lags have indoor air quality theoretical studies.
been observed in experimental time series of aerosol The results obtained by the two methods were com-
particles (Hussein et al., 2005), as well as of gaseous pared and found to be in fairly good agreement. Sen-
pollutants (Freijer and Bloemen, 2000). Furthermore, sitivity tests of the analytical methods showed that
Eq. (1) has been modified to size specific mass balance results obtained for very small values of the deposition
equation with respect to aerosol number or concentra- velocity and the ventilation rate should be examined
tions in a number of studies (Hussein et al., 2005; Riley with caution. The nomograms and equations presented
et al., 2002; Zhu et al., 2005; Smolik et al., 2005). here are valid for constant ventilation rates, weak indoor
Eq. (1) is then modified as follows: emissions and negligible chemistry when compared to
the effect of deposition and ventilation. Under varying
VdNi ðnÞ=dt ¼ qo Po ðnÞNo ðnÞ  qo Ni ðnÞ ventilation (opening and closing of the windows), strong
 vdi ANi ðnÞ þ Q  J ð8Þ indoor emissions and significant chemical reactions,
results from the methods presented here should be
The index (n) indicates that the equation is valid for considered with caution. In such cases, the time lag
the particular size range (n), V is again the volume and A values may vary with time, or not be observed at all.
the surface of the indoor environment, q0 the airflow When the methods are applied to particulates, the pen-
rate, P0(n) the penetration rate at the specific size range, etration factor for each size bin should be evaluated
Ni(n) and N0(n) are the indoor and outdoor concentra- carefully.
tion at the specific size range respectively. Q is the From an exposure perspective it was found that the
source strength and J is the sink strength. The last two indoor environment protects the inhabitants from the
terms account for direct emissions, resuspension, co- exposure to pollutants of high deposition velocities
agulation, growth, nucleation and chemical transforma- more effectively than from those of low deposition
tions. Then, d ¼ qo Po ðnÞ=V þ vd A=V ; r ¼ ðQ  J Þ=V . velocities. For ventilation rates usually found in the
Assuming that there are no indoor particle sources, that indoor environment with closed windows the exposure
232 C.H. Halios, C.G. Helmis / Science of the Total Environment 381 (2007) 222–232

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