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During this quarter I have developed my understanding and ability to recognize the presence of

global and political issues in text. After I did the activity on identifying signs of toxic

masculinity in Glengarry Glen Ross I learned that there can be a deeper meaning of certain

issues in pieces of literature. The activity helped me to identify and extract pieces of text from

the play and see how they could correlate or mirror global and political issues. I became much

more aware of the global and political issues being shown through a doll's house and the lying

life of adults. During this semester I was able to make connections between the themes of the

text and how they are shown through the characters. I was able to connect the two big themes

of The Lying Life Adults to the novel There There and A Doll's House. The theme of

struggling with identity was shown through the two texts, The Lying Life of Adults and the

novel that I read last semester. These connections showed that certain themes can be shaped

the same way in literature. Last semester two of my main goals were to improve my writing

skills and learn how to make connections between texts. Throughout this semester I have

focused on my writing and using the feedback to make my writing more interesting and

engaging. I have been able to connect different pieces of texts whether they are plays or novels

which I have improved much more on since last semester. My next target is going to be to

analyze text better to find more depth than just surface information and meaning.

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