Medicine Walk Chapters 1-4 Questions

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Medicine Walk Chapters 1-4 Questions

We read chapters 1 and 2 yesterday in class, today you should be reading chapters 3-4 and
answering the questions below.

1. Where does Frank go to visit Eldon?

Parsons Gap.

2. Why do the kids in Eldon’s town yell at Frank and call him names?

3. What is the name of the woman Eldon is with when Frank finds his rooming house?

4. What type of burial does Eldon ask Frank to give him?

5. Why does Bunky caution Frank against going to his father? Why does Frank decide to
go despite Bunky’s warning?
Name:_________________________ /17

6. What skills does Frank possess that allow him to survive in the wilderness?

7. How does the novel make use of imagery to describe the town where Eldon lives?

8. What in the novel hints at Frank’s connection to the land?

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