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Periodontology 2OW. Vol.

14, 1997, 216-248 Copyright 0 Munksgaard 1997

Printed in Denmark . All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Advances in the pathogenesis of

periodontitis: summary of
developments, clinical
implications and future directions

Purpose and rationale mechanisms underlie all forms of bacterially in-

duced periodontitis. These shared events are influ-
The purpose of this volume of PERIODONTOLOGY 2000 enced by disease modifiers, both genetic and en-
is to present the basic concepts and facts constitut- vironmental or acquired, which may differ from one
ing the current understanding of the pathogenesis of stage and form of disease to another. The clinical
human periodontitis based on the published litera- picture observed is a result of the complex interplay
ture. This chapter summarizes, organizes and as- of these events and modifiers and the microbial
sembles the most important points in the preceding chalfenge. The severity and rate of progression of
chapters and, where useful, adds new information, disease feed back to influence the nature and magni-
to further synthesize and develop new hypotheses, tude of the microbial challenge by, for example, in-
concepts and ideas and to make clinical appli- fluencing the pH and availability of oxygen and vari-
cations. Instead of providing original references, we ous nutrients in the periodontal pocket. This is a
cite the other chapters in this volume or sections new basic concept that was arrived at independently
thereof as references. Additional references are pro- by multiple observers. It provides the overall frame-
vided where new information not referenced in the work upon which this volume has been constructed
other chapters is presented. Our comments are root- (in this volume, see Fig. 1 in Page & Kornman (51)
ed in the existing literature, but we freely speculate and Salvi et al. (SO)).
beyond existing data and point out areas and direc- Various forms of periodontitis with differing clin-
tions for future research. ical manifestations, natural histories and responses to
treatment result from differences in the microbial
etiology among groups and individuals (such as dif-
ferent species or combination of species) and/or fac-
Theoretical approach tors that modify host response mechanisms or alter
innate susceptibility. The latter include but are not
The paradigm of the pathogenesis of periodontitis is limited to such systemic conditions as diabetes mel-
shifting. Periodontitis is a family of related diseases litus and compromised host defenses, hereditary fac-
that differ in etiology, natural history, disease pro- tors and such environmental factors as cigarette
gression and response to therapy but have a com- smoking and stress (in this volume, see: Hart & Korn-
mon underlying chain of events. For example, the man (23) and Salvi et al. (60)) (50). These modifying
histopathological and ultrastructural features and factors account for the differences observed in differ-
pathways of tissue destruction as well as healing and ent periodontal conditions and they do so by inter-
regeneration are very similar if not identical for all fering with regulation, activation or inhibition of vari-
forms of periodontitis. The same basic pathological ous components of the mechanisms of host response,

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

tissue homeostasis and repair. An integral and essen- The microbial challenge
tial part of this hypothesis and an aspect well sup-
ported by extensive evidence is that the components Periodontitis is an infectious disease
of host response that normally provide protection are
the same ones that accomplish destruction. Periodontitis is an infectious disease, and the major
The modifying influences may affect the age of pathogens have been identified. Bacteria are essen-
disease onset, the patterns of observed bone and tial but insufficient to cause disease. Host factors
tissue destruction, the rates of disease progression, such as heredity and environmental factors such as
the response to various kinds of therapy and the se- smoking are equally as important as determinants
verity and frequency of disease reoccurrence. These of disease occurrence and severity of outcome. The
modifying influences, such as some hereditary fac- interaction of these factors is well demonstrated by
tors, may endure for life or may be present or absent recent research findings that demonstrate the com-
or vary in magnitude of effect at various times in life. plexity of the interactions in multifactorial diseases
For example, individuals born with leukocyte ad- and include roles for specific bacteria and genetic
hesion deficiency syndrome 1,in which the patients and environmental modifymg and risk factors. Re-
are completely deprived of neutrophil protection, cent work has shown that individuals with localized
manifest recurrent enduring acute infections, in- juvenile periodontitis, but not generalized juvenile
cluding severe periodontitis, when they are very periodontitis, have elevated levels of immunoglob-
young. In the late teenage years and beyond, how- ulin G2 (IgG2), which are genetically controlled (76).
ever, the frequency of infections in these patients de- The data suggest that a genetically determined en-
creases dramatically for reasons that are not under- hanced immune response to Actinobacillus actino-
stood but are probably related to amplification of mycetemcomitans assists in limiting the disease to a
non-neutrophil-based aspects of host defense, localized clinical expression. Smoking has been
somewhat like development of collateral circulation shown to further compromise the individuals with
to heart muscle following coronary artery throm- generalized disease by lowering the IgG2 response.
bosis. This idea fits with the known high degree of Interestingly, smoking did not reduce IgG2 in the lo-
redundancy among the components of the host de- calized juvenile periodontitis group. The specific
fense system. bacterial challenge of A. actinomycetemcomitans
This theoretical approach to the pathogenesis of therefore produces very different clinical disease
periodontitis permits a better understanding of why patterns that appear to be determined by combi-
individuals vary greatly in disease susceptibility,clin- nations of genetic factors and smoking.
ical manifestations, rate of progression and thera- Important new findings and perspectives related
peutic responsiveness. Of much greater importance, to the microbial challenge are listed in Table 1. Most
it points the way to new and novel approaches to cases of periodontitis are caused by a small number
prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. In- of bacteria species. Although the subgingival flora
deed, it points towards eventual control of this fam- can harbor hundreds of species, serotypes and bio-
ily of diseases in many human populations. For ex- types, experts agree that, except for acute necrotiz-
ample, a polymorphism in the interleukin 1 (IL-1) ing periodontitis, Porphyrornorzas gingivalis, Bacter-
gene family has been identified that, when positive, oides forsythus and A. actinomycetemcomitans cause
enhances the probability of having severe peri- most cases of periodontitis (8). This is a major step
odontitis later in life by many times (31).Approaches forward for several reasons. It permits tests to be de-
to successfully controlling and preventing these dis- veloped for detecting the presence of specific peri-
eases in individuals and in populations are now on odontopathic bacteria and provides a practical
the horizon. Day-to-day practice is changing from rationale for monitoring patients and normal sub-
identifying disease presence and severity and apply- jects over time. As the capacity to identify early in
ing measures to arrest progression to a new para- life the individuals who are highly susceptible for de-
digm consisting of regenerating destroyed tissue in velopment of severe periodontitis in later life is de-
the individuals already affected and preventing dis- veloping, monitoring the flora for these pathogens
ease and maintaining health in healthy individuals. becomes doubly important. Equally important, the
Prevention is based on assessment of risks that en- fact that only a few predominant species are in-
hance disease susceptibility, progression and sever- volved in causing human periodontitis makes it
ity by affecting common, shared events in the patho- more likely that a vaccine can be developed for pre-
genesis and applying measures to reduce the risk. vention in high-risk individuals, families and popu-

Page et al.

Table 1. The pathogenesis of periodontitis: Table 2. Characteristics of biofilm

new findings and new perspectives on the
bacterial challenge Ecological communities evolved to allow the survival
of the community as a whole.
A limited number of specific bacteria are essential The communities exhibit metabolic cooperativity.
to initiate disease and fuel progression but There is a primitive circulatory system.
insufficient to explain the prevalence and severity of Numerous microenvironments have radically
periodontitis. different pH, oxygen concentrations and electric
Host factors, including heredity and such potentials.
environmental factors as smoking, are major Biofilms resist the usual host defenses.
determinants of disease occurrence and severity. Biofilms resist systemic or local antibiotics and
Subgingival microbial plaque behaves as a biofilm. antimicrobial agents.
Bacteria living as biofilms are difficult to eradicate
by antimicrobial means and are protected from
host defense mechanisms.
Biofilms are effectively managed by physical
disruption and removal.
In periodontitis, an enormous load of gram-negative are listed in Table 2. Bacteria in biofilms may pro-
bacteria is located adjacent to the inflamed tissue.
Some of the recognized periodontal pathogens have
duce large numbers of proteins and other compon-
multiple genetically distinct clonal types. Some of the ents not expressed in culture. There is evidence that
clonal types are probably more virulent than others. they exchange information, and they build complex
Bacterial transmission is common in family units.
The recognition of bacterial transmission and the
structures that contain a primitive circulatory system
increased ability to identify individuals at high risk for and microenvironments that vary greatly in pH, oxy-
severe disease have major implications in preventing gen availability and nutrient availability. Electrical
and treating periodontal diseases.
Porphyromom gingivulis can impair the local potential differences of more than 100 mV have been
neutrophil response to itself and other measured in biofilms (9). Almost nothing is known
microorganisms in the plaque by blocking the
normal adhesion molecule response. about the behavior of the periodontal pathogens I!
gingivalis, B. forsythus and A. actinomycetemcomit-
ans in biofilm structures. Elucidation of the structure
and nature of subgingival biofilms and the behavior
lations and for possible treatment of recalcitrant of periodontal pathogens residing in them provides
cases. an exciting and fertile area for future research.
The fact that plaque is a biofilm may shed light
Subgingival microbial plaque is a biofilm on why some bacterial species require the presence
of one or more other species for survival whereas, in
Costerton et al. (9) have defined biofilm as “matrix- other cases, the presence of one given species pre-
enclosed bacterial populations adherent to each cludes the presence of another. Evidence indicates
other and/or to surfaces or interfaces”. Subgingival that discrete colonies of specific species may be
microbial plaque adheres tightly to the tooth root located in intimate relation to colonies of other spe-
surface and manifests all the characteristics ex- cies and that metabolites and products may be mu-
pected of biofilms (see Darveau et al. in this volume tually exchanged.
(lo), pages 12-14). In addition, in contrast to other Microbial plaque is notoriously resistant to the
biofilms, loosely adherent and unattached bacteria normal host defense mechanisms. Gingival fluid,
are located between the biofilm and the gingival which contains complement, antibodies and all the
tissue. The recent realization that subgingival mi- other systems present in blood for preventing and
crobial plaque is a biofilm and the rapidly growing controlling infection, flows through the periodontal
body of information about the nature of biofilms in pocket, continuously bathing the biofilm. Comple-
general is one of the most important conceptual ad- ment is known to be activated, and millions of ac-
vances in periodontal microbiology in many years. tive, viable leukocytes, especially neutrophils mi-
Although the understanding of the behavior of bi- grate continuously into the periodontal pockets and
ofilms is still minimal, the concept explains many contact subgingival plaque (see Dennison & Van
aspects of periodontal disease that were previously Dyke in this volume (11)).Nevertheless, the bacteria
obscure. survive and flourish; they spread laterally and apic-
The behavior of bacteria in biofilms is remarkably ally along the root surface, causing tissue destruction
different than in planktonic cultures, and pathogen- and pocket deepening. Such behavior is understand-
icity and virulence factor expression may be en- able in terms of the known nature of biofilms in
hanced significantly. The characteristics of biofilms which bacteria are protected from host defenses.

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

These observations may help to explain why, in with severe generalized periodontitis is large. If one
some cases, the disease progresses or reoccurs even assumes the presence of 28 teeth and considers
in patients with high titers of serum and gingival cre- tooth roots to be circular with an average diameter
vicular fluid opsonic antibodies specific for antigens of 10 mm and an average of 5 mm of biofilm on
of their infecting pathogens. These observations may each, the total mouth biofilm area would be about
also dampen enthusiasm for development of vac- 72 cm2, or an area about the size of the back of an
cines for periodontitis. adult human hand. This is an enormous burden of
As with other biofilms, subgingival microbial gram-negative bacteria. Lipopolysaccharide and liv-
plaque is extraordinarily persistent and difficult to ing bacteria from the biofilms have ready access to
eliminate. Because individual bacterial colonies are the connective tissues and circulation through the
protected by one another and by extracellular ma- pocket epithelium. Bacteremia occurs during treat-
terial in which they embed themselves, they are un- ment by root planing (generally performed every 3-
usually resistant to the effects of antibiotics and 4 months to control the disease) and even during
other antimicrobial agents either applied locally or toothbrushing and chewing (4).The subgingival bi-
administered systemically. This is probably why the ofilms may provide a major and continuous source
placement into periodontal pockets of devices that of circulating lipopolysaccharide and even living
deliver enormous concentrations of antibiotics that gram-negative bacteria, which directly affect vascu-
would be expected to virtually sterilize the pocket lar endothelium and account in part for the en-
almost always yield disappointing results. It has hanced susceptibility to various systemic diseases
been well established that bacteria growing in bi- and the worsening of other diseases such as diabetes
ofllms are resistant to levels of antibacterial agents mellitus.
several times greater than those that are inhibitory
in laboratory assays. The biofilm structure may also
Multiple clonal types
account for the rebound in the pathogenic flora,
which usually occurs quite rapidly following the use Another major advance in the area of microbiology
of antimicrobial agents. of periodontal diseases has been the development
Physical disruption and removal are effective ways and application of various procedures such as the
of dealing with biofilms. This is why scaling and root polymerase chain reaction and other DNA-based
planing is a remarkably effective treatment for peri- techniques to detect extremely small numbers of
odontitis. It has been an essential and central com- bacteria in complex samples and the demonstration
ponent of periodontal therapy since the earliest that most species of periodontopathic bacteria such
times and remains so today. Its effectiveness relative as I? gingivulis encompass a large number of genetic-
to other forms of therapy is most certainly due to ally distinct clonal types (see Darveau et al. in this
the fact that it physically disrupts and removes the volume (lo), page 25). I? gingivulis alone may have
microbial biofllm. Scaling and root planing is likely 50-100 or more. Very little is known about which of
to remain the central component of periodontal these can cause periodontitis and which cannot. If
therapy for the foreseeable future. only a small portion are pathogenic, this could ac-
count for the many studies that have failed to dem-
onstrate a strong relationship between the presence
Periodontitis is strongly associated with major of the putative pathogenic species and active disease
systemic diseases
and for the relatively high carrier rate in peri-
There is now strong evidence that periodontitis en- odontally normal individuals. Major tasks for the fu-
hances the risk for various systemic diseases, includ- ture include identifying all the different clonal types
ing atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, stroke of I? gingivulis and the other major pathogens and
and infants with low birth weight (4,481.Subgingival characterizing their pathogenicity and virulence.
biofilms on the roots of teeth are likely to be an im-
portant component of this enhanced risk. As noted
Bacterial transmission
above, these biofilms are recalcitrant, they reoccur
following treatment and they contain numerous Development and application of the new DNA-
gram-negative bacteria that continuously shed ves- based techniques has also resolved other issues,
icles rich in lipopolysaccharide. A single pass of a such as whether periodontopathic bacteria exist as
curette in a periodontal pocket may contain up to members of the normal oral flora in very small num-
lo8 cultivable bacteria. The biofilm load in a patient bers that can greatly overgrow in disease-susceptible

Pane et al.

individuals or whether they are transmitted from part for observed events was described recently.
one individual to another. Several studies have Lipopolysaccharide from Escherichia coli and most
shown that transmission can and does occur among other gram-negative pathogenic species activates ex-
individuals living in close contact, such as spouses pression of E-selectin by vascular endothelial cells,
or siblings (see Darveau et al. in this volume (lo), and this triggers binding of leukocytes, especially
pages 25-26). The data indicate that when a patho- neutrophils, and their emigration from the vessels to
genic species is present, all members of a given fam- the site of infection. This early event triggers an
ily who are infected carry the same clonal type, and acute inflammatory response and the formation of
generally only one clonal type is present in a given an inflammatory cell infiltrate that, under favorable
pocket, patient, subject or family. The latter point, conditions, can eliminate the infection. Darveau et
however, is not yet well documented. Nothing is al. (10) demonstrate in this volume (page 21) that
known about the predominance of one clonal type lipopolysaccharide from P gingivalis does not have
over another or about differing growth requirements the capacity to activate E-selectin expression by en-
for the various clonal types. dothelial cells; further, it blocks E-selectin expression
These observations have major implications for by other gram-negative bacteria and their lipopoly-
preventing and treating periodontal diseases. For ex- saccharide. P gingivulis lipopolysaccharide also fails
ample, when one member of a family has peri- to elicit expression of IL-8 (a potent chemoattractant
odontitis, is periodontal therapy instituted to arrest for neutrophils), monocyte chemoattractant protein
disease progression and eliminate the causative bac- 1 and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 expression
teria in the individual sufficient? Should all family by human endothelial cells, fibroblasts and epithelial
members be tested for the pathogen or pathogens? cells. In a mouse model of inflammation, it does not
Should all family members who are infected be elicit an immediate acute inflammatory response.
treated with the goal of eliminating the pathogen These observations suggest an unusual role for P
from the entire family whether or not signs of peri- gingivulis in establishing subgingival biofilms and in
odontitis are present? In other words, is the risk of the bacterial colonization and overgrowth or bloom
reinfection and recurrent active disease enhanced of specific species. By shutting down the initial step
when other periodontally normal family members in the acute inflammatory process, I! gingivulis may
carry the pathogen? An approach of this sort may be not only permit its own rapid growth because of the
specifically implicated in families in which one or absence of components of normal host defense but
more members may be highly genetically susceptible it may also make possible the establishment and
to continuing or recurrent disease, such as those growth of other species found in subgingival bi-
with Papillon-Lefhre syndrome or any of several ofilms. These properties may be among the reasons
neutrophil abnormalities. These critical questions P gingivalis is so frequently associated with active
remain unanswered. tissue destruction.

The unique role of l? gingivulis

Numerous potential virulence factors manifested by Host-parasite interactions are in
periodontopathic bacteria have been identified and biological equilibrium
studied. Ishikawa et al. (27) describe these in detail
in this volume (pages 79-85). Among these are toxins The combative character of the host-parasite inter-
that are lethal for leukocytes, lipopolysaccharide that action is presumed to account for the episodic na-
can activate and perpetuate tissue destruction, prod- ture of periodontal disease progression. The perni-
ucts that affect immune responses and cell growth, cious sloughing of lipopolysaccharide from the mi-
and proteases that can destroy tissue and degrade crobial biofilm triggers the host release of catabolic
components important in host defense such as spe- inflammatory mediators that destroy connective
cific antibody and complement activation products. tissues. Since the attachment apparatus, once lost,
None of these factors, however, appears to account has limited ability to regenerate spontaneously, the
for important aspects of the pathogenesis: for ex- destructive process appears unidirectional, with
ample, the very rapid overgrowth or “bloom” of such greater microbial challenge resulting in more dis-
pathogenic species as €? gingivalis in the subgingival ease. At some point this destructive process usually
flora. loses momentum and subsides, presumably due to
An entirely new mechanism that may account in renewed host defenses, and thereby defines the epi-

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

sodic nature of the disease process. One of the sim- Even more sensitive markers of disease, such as bio-
plest potential explanations for the loss of disease chemical or microbiological markers, that are cap-
momentum may be the loss of attachment itself, able of detecting subclinical changes in disease sta-
which temporarily moves the tissue away from the tus have been used. Models using these more sensi-
bacterial biofilm. This change in physical relation- tive markers have provided a different perspective
ships would be expected to reduce the concentration on the interactive process than models based on
of bacterial products in the tissue, perhaps suffi- clinical observations.
ciently to allow the host to recover. Once disease Host-microbe interactions are interdependent.
progression is apparently stopped within the lesion, The biofilm has co-evolved, maintaining a symbiotic
a variable period of inactivity ensues during which host-parasite interaction. Not all people or all
very limited repair occurs, only to be interrupted at pockets are equally accommodating as hosts; for ex-
some time later by yet another episode of disease ample, deep sites provide a better growth environ-
activity. This process has been likened to a balance ment than do less inflamed shallow sites. This com-
or teeter-totter, with periods of hostile microbial plex interaction can not be easily explained or
virulence overpowering host defenses and resulting modeled as a unidirectional process, even using
in clinical tissue destruction. The analogy is com- multiple variables such as clinical signs, levels of mi-
pleted by a renewed host defensive antibody strategy crobial burden or others. We suggest that it more
to limit the microbial damage, tipping the balance closely mimics a closed system, like the cardiovascu-
temporarily in favor of the host. lar system. In fact, the very nature of the regulatory
Mathematically speaking, at a patient level a ran- processes in the body allows the system to respond
dom hit or first order model seems to reasonably ap- to external stimuli yet keep the body within certain
proximate the distribution of attachment loss events boundaries. Thus the body survives external stimuli,
that occur among all sites within a patient’s mouth. as long as they are within certain limits, because the
Thus, the distribution of attachment loss patterns of physiological process can convert these signals into
disease appears to mimic a random selection of an behaviors within a closed system. Affecting one
intraoral site for further disease progression. The fre- component of a closed system requires adaptive re-
quency rate at which these events occur within a pa- sponses of many elements. For example, in the car-
tient, as determined by the first-order rate constant, diovascular system blood pressure, blood volume,
defines how many attachment loss episodes (or vessel resistance, cardiac output and stroke volume
“hits”) occur within a certain time period. Patients are all linked interdependently, and changes in one
with more severe disease appear to have a higher parameter, such as blood volume, affect most of the
hit-rate rather than a more prolonged or aggressive other components within the system. In this ex-
period of disease progression at a particular site. ample, blood loss reduces pressure and output, lead-
This suggests that host defenses act locally to rapidly ing to vessel constriction to raise blood pressure and
re-establish an equilibrium and bring the site into stroke volume and other compensatory responses in
remission. Although deeper sites have a somewhat an attempt to maintain equilibrium.
elevated risk of experiencing an episodic hit, the nu- There is experimental evidence that the responses
merical dominance of shallower sites means that a in periodontal disease behave as if they were occur-
patient with disease is more likely to experience the ring in a closed system. It has long been recognized
episode at a shallow site. Thus, the random-hit that bone resorption is a potent trigger for new bone
model is not unbiased toward randomness with re- formation. One might expect that the equilibrium in
gard to site selection for disease progression, yet it the balance of anabolic growth factors and catabolic
remains a reasonable approximation, since the inflammatory mediators might regulate the stability
deep-site bias is relatively small, as the proportion of the periodontal tissues in the presence of a mi-
of deep sites is usually small. crobial challenge. During bone loss, one might ex-
These models of disease progression are based on pect a disequilibrium, which would manifest as an
clinical observations and are not universally ac- increase in inflammatory mediators and a decrease
cepted. For example, the burst-like appearance of in growth factors. However, at inflamed progressing
attachment loss may be due to the poor resolution sites, both inflammatory mediators and anabolic
of measurement tools. Indeed, in the last decade, growth factors are simultaneously elevated relative
data have been reported using computer-assisted to noninflamed quiescent sites. The importance in
probes and digital radiography, which lower the this observation is that this trait is a characteristic
threshold at which clinical change can be detected. of closed cyclic systems and not open-ended linear

Page et al.

models. Systems that are multifactorial with complex ensue, until the neutrophil and antibody activity
feedback often do not have linear output patterns could again bring the infection under control.
but frequently display episodes that occur at non- The pleiotropic role of IL-4 serves as a good ex-
linear intervals. Such “irregular” episodes are the re- ample of how adaptive responses might occur. IL-4
sult of summing many nonlinear functions. This induces isotype switching in plasma cells to produce
may explain why attachment loss episodes have IgG4, a more mature, high-avidity immunoglobulin
been difficult to predict at a site level, and that, in subclass produced late in the normal maturation se-
the future, neural networks or other nonlinear quence of antibody isotype switching. This antibody
modeling approaches (13) that can predict phase is not highly opsonic and hence would not facilitate
shift behavior may prove to better predict the natural clearance. On the other hand, IL-4 also serves to in-
history and clinical course of disease. Baxt (3) and hibit cytokine release from monocytic cells and can
others have shown that these models are superior to induce apoptosis of monocytes that were previously
traditional linear modeling approaches in predicting attracted and activated within the destructive period
cardiac arrest, for example. of the lesion. At excessive levels, this interleukin
Further consideration of periodontal disease as a would decrease the levels of bone-resorbing cyto-
closed system model with interdependence of host kines and levels of matrix metalloproteinases,
factors and the biofilm can also lend insight into further reducing tissue destruction. High levels of IL-
therapeutic approaches. Anti-inflammatory agents 4 also induce fibrosis and scarring - another hall-
that are known to retard bone and attachment loss mark of the periodontal lesion. Thus, periodontal
might then be expected to influence the flora, per- disease activity represents a joint or sequential acti-
haps by diminishing nutrient availability, or by some vation of the inflammatory and the antibody com-
other indirect mechanism not yet characterized. ponents of the immune response. The organisms are
Periodontal surgery, which reduces the pocket depth affected by both sides of this response: first posi-
and impairs the anaerobic ecological niche, might tively by inflammation and then negatively by anti-
then be expected to have a long-term effect on the body. This is more analogous to the interactions in a
microbial biofilm properties. Mechanical debride- closed system. This can be compared with ecological
ment, which simultaneously lowers the local mi- studies of population shifts that can occur in co-
crobial burden and boosts the host local antibody existing populations of predators and prey when
response, would not only be expected to result in they are confined within a fixed territory. Saying that
clinical improvement but would also be expected to this process is mediated entirely by the host or en-
re-establish a new state of equilibrium for the sys- tirely by the bacteria would simply propagate an-
tem. The closed behavior of the system would sug- other decade of misunderstanding. It would be like
gest that perturbations are compensated for to reach a continuing argument about whether high blood
a state of equilibrium or homeostasis. pressure is due to high cardiac output or high vascu-
In complex systems with feedback, many different lar resistance. A new appreciation for the interactive
equilibria may be achieved; otherwise the system process between the biofilm and the host can pro-
could not be controlled. Thus, changes in the flora, mote a concept of disease and health in which both
such as the acquisition of new pathogens or changes represent a state of biological equilibrium with dif-
in the host such as increased inflammatory response fering levels of metabolic activity.
due to stress, would both change the equilibrium
and initiate a series of adaptive responses, such as
gingival recession, epithelial downgrowth or fibrosis.
For example, host stress that compromises neutro- Assembling the players
phi1 clearance would permit new penetration of mi-
crobial lipopolysaccharide and antigens, which During the early stages of developing gingival in-
would stimulate an inflammatory response. The in- flammation, all the players in the pathogenesis of
flammatory process would both enhance nutrient periodontitis are prepared for their roles in the
availability to the biofilm to promote the emergence drama that is about to unfold. Resident junctional
of nutrient-limited species and diminish antibody epithelial cells and fibroblasts are notified and vari-
production locally. The penetration of lipopolysac- ous leukocytes and their subsets are assembled in
charide and bacterial antigens would re-initiate an selected proportions and activated, and very large
adaptive antibody response. The renewed round of varieties of messenger molecules that mediate cross-
inflammatory monocytic tissue destruction would talk among the cells and molecules that mediate

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

tissue destruction are produced (see Kornman et al. other components of the perivascular extracellular
(32) in this volume). Important new findings and matrix are destroyed.
perspectives are listed in Table 3. If the microbial challenge remains undisturbed, in
a matter of days marginal gingival inflammation or
gingivitis appears in most individuals. Subsequent
Summary of events: the process is iterative
host defense activities may contain the challenge, re-
Gingiva is a unique tissue. In contrast to other sulting in inflammation that is not worsening or im-
tissues, under healthy noninflamed conditions the proving, or the microbial challenge may overcome
small vessels of the subgingival plexus express ad- the host defense, allowing conditions to worsen.
hesion molecules such as E-selectin, and a continu- When this occurs, supragingival plaque extends into
ing stream of neutrophils exits the vessels and mi- the gingival sulcus, disrupting the union between
grates through the junctional epithelium into the the most coronal portion of the junctional epithel-
gingival sulcus. An estimated 530,000 leukocytes per ium and the root surface. As a consequence, a shal-
minute (predominantly neutrophils) migrate into low gingival pocket with a typical pocket epithelium
the oral cavity in periodontally healthy adults (55). forms. At this stage, there is no periodontal pocket,
These cells reflect a normally functioning host de- as there is no attachment or bone loss. The presence
fense against a low level challenge, and tissue de- of the pocket epithelium, however, heralds an es-
struction does not ensue. calation in the progression toward periodontitis. The
As the microbial challenge increases, clinically pocket epithelia provide ready access for bacterial
manifest inflammation of the marginal gingiva be- substances to shower the connective tissues and to
gins (63, 65). Bacterial components or their products activate the epithelial cells to express IL-8 and endo-
interact with the epithelium and penetrate into the thelial cells of the inflamed small vessels to enhance
underlying connective tissue. The small blood ves- expression of adhesion molecules, resulting in en-
sels immediately deep to the junctional epithelium hanced emigration of leukocytes, edema and forma-
become inflamed, resulting in enhanced per- tion of an inflammatory cell infiltrate. The infiltrate
meability and a great increase in the numbers of consists of monocytes and lymphocytes including B
neutrophils that exit the vessels and migrate through cells and T cells of both the T-helper 1 (Thl) and
the junctional epithelium and into the gingival sul- Th2 phenotype and emigrating neutrophils. Cyto-
cus. As this occurs, small quantities of collagen and kines produced by these cells and antigens from the
bacteria drive differentiation of B cells to specific
antibody producing plasma cells. A humoral im-
mune response that may or may not be protective
Table 3,The pathogenesis of periodontitis: may be mounted. At any given point, the host de-
new findings and new perspectives on the fenses may contain the microbial challenge, or the
gingival tissue as a stage for the host-parasite
interactions challenge may be reduced, such as by tooth
cleaning, and the process reversed.
The cellular and molecular response to the evolving If containment does not occur, inflammation
bacterial challenge is iterative and involves constant
adjustment and regulatory feedback. worsens and is perpetuated, and connective tissue
The epithelium plays an active sensing and signaling and bone is then destroyed (Fig. 1). Macrophages ac-
role that is involved in specific leukocyte recruitment
and vascular permeability. tivated by lipopolysaccharide produce IL- lp, tumor
The bacterial activation of the junctional epithelium necrosis factor a, matrix metalloproteinases and
initiates vascular endothelial responses that prostaglandin EZ. IL-Ip and tumor necrosis factor a
initially involve primarily neutrophils migrating to
the sulcus. activate resident fibroblasts to produce prosta-
The specific leukocyte populations in the tissue are glandin E2 and matrix metalloproteinases. Both acti-
tightly regulated by cytokine and chemokine
responses to bacterial products that enter the tissue vated cell types decrease the production of tissue in-
and selectively activate certain cytokines and hibitors of metalloproteinases, resulting in greatly
Neutrophils do not dwell in the tissue but constitute increased relative levels of matrix metalloproteinas-
the majority of leukocytes in the sdcus,whereas es. This destroys components of the extracellular
macrophages, lymphocytes and plasma cells form matrix, creating space for the enlarging inflamma-
the majority of cells in the tissue.
If the bacterial challenge is not controlled early, tory cell infiltrate. The microbial biofilm may extend
resident tissue cells, such as fibroblasts, may become apically and laterally. The epithelial cells activated by
activated by bacterial products and cytokines to
participate actively in tissue destruction. lipopolysaccharide can produce matrix metalloprot-
einases, which can destroy attached collagen fibers

Pape et al.

Fig. 1. The monocyte/macrophage (M0) plays a central bind to cell surface receptors of resident fibroblasts, initi-
role in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. Lipopolysac- ating signals to synthesize and secrete matrix metalloprot-
charide (LPS), the principal virulence component of einase and prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Matrix metalloprot-
gram-negative periodontal pathogenic bacteria, is shed einases mediate destruction of the extracellular matrix of
from the biofihn and enters the gingival tissue. It binds to the gingiva and periodontal ligament, and prostaglandin
lipid-binding protein (LBP), and this complex is recog- E2 mediates alveolar bone destruction. IL-ls and tumor
nized by the CD-14receptor expressed by the monocytel necrosis factor a directly mediate a minor portion of bone
macrophage. Receptor occupancy initiates transmem- loss. The diagram does not include proteases and in-
brane signals that activate the cells to synthesize and se- flammatory mediators produced by endothelial and epi-
crete prostaglandins, cytokines and matrix rnetalloprot- thelial cells nor by the infiltrating neutrophils which con-
einases (MMP). The activity of the activated cell is modu- tribute significantly to the matrix metalloproteinase con-
lated by hereditary factors and can be suppressed by centrations. Source: modified from Offenbacher et al. (47).
interferon y. Tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) and IL-lP

at the apical terminus of the junctional epithelium, of events, host defenses may contain the challenge
allowing apical extension of the epithelium, forma- and arrest or reverse progression, or the challenge
tion of additional pocket epithelium and pocket may overcome the defenses and enhance pro-
deepening. As this occurs, matrix metalloproteinases gression.
mediate clinical attachment loss and prostaglandin
EZ mediates resorption of the alveolar bone (and in
some cases cementum and dentin), and the gingival The junctional epithelium has sensing and
signaling effects on functions
pocket progresses to become a periodontal pocket.
The events comprising the formation of gingival The junctional epithelium has previously been view-
and subsequently periodontal pockets as presented ed as more or less a bystander that provides a barrier
above may appear unidirectional. This is not the function or curtain separating the biofilm from the
case; they are iterative, with cross-talk between the connective tissue and does little else during the de-
microbial challenge and the host defenses that are velopment of periodontitis (see Kornman et al. (32)
called into play. At any given point in the progression in this volume, pages 34-37). Most of the real action

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

was thought to occur in the gingival and periodontal guiding neutrophils to accumulate at the surface of
ligament connective tissue and alveolar bone. This the biofilm. The cells express high-affinity receptors
now seems far from the case. The junctional epithel- that bind chemoattractant molecules at the low con-
ium is engaged even prior to the onset of clinical centrations that exist some distance from the biofilm
manifestations of gingivitis, when large numbers of and cause chemotaxis. Low-affinity receptors be-
neutrophils migrate through the junctional epithel- come occupied and activate the cells near the bi-
ium and into the mouth (63). The cells of the junc- ofilm where concentrations are high. Similarly, neu-
tional epithelium express intercellular adhesion mol- trophils express high and low affinity receptors for
ecule l and IL-8, a chemoattractant specific for neu- the chemoattractant leukotriene B4.
trophils and for a small subset of lymphocytes. As the biofilm extends apically between the junc-
Intercellular adhesion molecule 1 appears to be es- tional epithelium and the tooth surface, the cells be-
pecially important to the neutrophil migration come detached and additional pocket epithelium
across mucosal membranes. Antibody specific for in- forms. The epithelial cells continue to express inter-
tercellular adhesion molecule 1 greatly inhibits neu- cellular adhesion molecule 1 and become activated
trophil migration. Among the oral epithelia, neutro- and synthesize and secrete prostaglandin EP, IL-8
phi1 migration occurs through the junctional epithel- and matrix metalloproteinases. These products
ium and the pocket epithelium to which it gives rise; along with inflammatory metabolites and compon-
and initially intracellular adhesion molecule 1 ex- ents released by the bacteria can initiate and per-
pression is limited to these epithelia. However, as in- petuate the inflammatory response in the underlying
filtrate size increases, the junctional] sulcular and connective tissues.
gingival epithelia all may express intercellular ad- For reasons that remain obscure but that may be
hesion molecule 1 (18). related to apical extension of the biofilm or to epi-
Neutrophil migration across the epithelial barrier thelial cytokine production, basal cells of the junc-
and the accessibility of antigen to the underlying tional epithelium begin to replicate and extend rete
connective tissues may be affected by intraepithelial ridges into the connective tissue and to migrate ap-
mononuclear cells. These include cells likely to be ically along the tooth root. Such migration and ex-
Langerhans or dendritic cells and specific subsets of tension can only occur when the adjacent dense col-
lymphocytes such as mucosal T cells and T cells lagen fibers attached to root cementum are de-
having a repertoire of receptors enriched for bac- stroyed and removed to create space. The fact that
terial antigens. Although the role of these cells re- the epithelial ceus can produce matrix metalloprote-
mains obscure, their populations are greater at sites inase provides a potential mechanism through
of inflammation than at noninflamed sites, sug- which pocket formation and deepening can occur.
gesting that they may engage in limiting antigen The significance of junctional epithelium-derived
penetration and in antigen recognition, processing matrix metalloproteinase in pocket deepening re-
and presentation. mains to be studied.
Following extension of the biofilm subgingivally
into the gingival sulcus, the sloughing surface of the
junctional epithelium and, at a later stage, the The leukocyte populations of the inflammatory
infiltrate are tightly regulated
pocket epithelium are in direct contact with both the
microbial mass of the subgingival biofilm or sub- One of the major contributions of Page & Schroeder
stances such as lipopolysaccharide derived from it in 1976 (52) was the observation that the periodontal
and the gingival connective tissue. The junctional lesion begins as an acute inflammation predomi-
epithelium is uniquely rich in neural elements; the nated by enhanced neutrophil emigration and for-
detailed function of these is unclear. The cells of the mation of an inflammatory cell infiltrate that soon
junctional epithelium can “sense” the biofilm en- becomes dominated by small and medium-sized
vironment and respond by generating inflammatory lymphocytes, mostly T cells. This infiltrate then de-
mediators that serve as messengers, transmitting in- velops into a fully evolved inflammatory infiltrate
formation to the connective tissues, especially the dominated by B cells and plasma cells but also con-
small vessels of the vascular plexus in the lamina taining T lymphocytes, macrophages and neutro-
propria. IL-8 may be particularly important in facilit- phils. In 1976, the mechanisms governing infiltrate
ating the transmigration of neutrophils and their ac- formation, leukocyte and subset composition and
cumulation at the surface of the biofilm. There is an cell function were not understood. Further, in hind-
increasing gradient in an apicocoronal direction sight] the structural studies that had been performed

Page et al.

were inadequate, in part because the concept of dis- In addition to the participation of specific ad-
ease-active and disease-inactive periodontal sites hesion molecules, selective migration and accumu-
had not yet been developed, and most studies of the lation of leukocytes is determined by the recently
early lesion had been conducted on specimens from discovered chemokines, a family of low-molecular-
adolescents (65). Major advances have since been weight cytokines with potent and cell type-specific
made in elucidating the details of leukocyte infil- chemoattractant properties. IL-8 is specific for neu-
tration at sites of inflammation (see Kornman et al. trophils and a small population of lymphocytes,
(32) in this volume, pages 37-43) (65). monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 for monocytes
Based on information now available, the staging and other chemokines for other leukocytes.
of the pathogenesis of periodontitis as initial, early, As inflammation worsens, the pocket epithelium
established and advanced lesions that was done in becomes chemoattractant negative and neutrophil
1976 remains basically correct, except that the early migration through the epithelium and into the
lesion, characterized by a predominance of T pocket decreases (18). A possible decrease in the
lymphocytes, is not a distinctly identifiable stage, as gradient of chemoattraction may also occur, with
gingival inflammation develops in adults. It is in- neutrophils dwelling and becoming activated within
stead observed during tooth eruption in children the gingival tissue. This could be an important event
and in the marginal gingiva of adolescents (65). In in the evolving capacity to destroy connective tissue.
adults, neutrophils and subsequently lymphocytes Cell homing may also participate in infiltrate for-
and monocytes leave the circulation and accumulate mation. There is evidence from rodents that lymph-
in the marginal gingiva as gingivitis and subsequent- oid cells specific for the antigens of periodontal
ly periodontitis develops. This process is tightly con- pathogens may specifically home from the circula-
trolled, and many of the details are now known. In- tion to the gingival tissues. Eastcott et al. (12) sensi-
teractions occur between the leukocytes and endo- tized clones of lymphocytes to antigens of A. actino-
thelial cells of the postcapillary venules that result mycetemcomitans and infused them into mice.
in diapedesis and infiltrate formation. In the initial When the animals were orally infected with the same
stages this interaction may result from mast cell-de- microorganism, the infused cells homed to the gin-
rived tumor necrosis factor a leading to the upregu- giva, but homing did not occur when the mice were
lation of endothelial cell adhesion molecules. Mast not infected. Whether such homing exists in humans
cell stimulation could occur as a result of possible is not known.
neural connections with intraepithelial Langerhans It is these mechanisms that select for infiltrates
cells (78). with differing proportions and total numbers of spe-
As inflammation develops, specific and differing cific leukocytes and their subsets. Infiltrate compo-
populations of inflammatory cells accumulate in the sition and size are not static; infiltrates are dynamic
connective tissue and in the sulcus or pocket. Neu- and change depending on changes in the subgingi-
trophils do not dwell in the connective tissue, but val microbiota that drive infiltrate formation. The
they constitute the majority of leukocytes in the sul- properties and concentrations of factors activating
cus or periodontal pocket, whereas macrophages, the endothelial cells and the nature and duration of
lymphocytes and plasma cells form the majority of receptor expression are major determinants of infil-
cells in the connective tissues. Antigen-specific trate composition and characteristics.
memory and activated lymphocytes, aELa7mucosal
lymphocytes, y6 T-cell receptor-positive cells and
CDla+ antigen-presenting cells migrate selectively Resident tissue cells become active participants in
into the gingival tissues, This is highly regulated and
is not a result of simple unregulated migration. There is another major component. One of the most
Mechanisms operate that are general for leuko- significant advances in understanding the patho-
cytes and others that confer specificity and selec- genesis of periodontitis over the last two decades has
tivity on diapedesis and infiltrate composition and been documentation that, in addition to the leuko-
size (see Fig. 4 in Kornman et al. (32) in this volume). cytes of the inflammatory infiltrate, the cells residing
The bacterial and inflammatory products that up- in the normal periodontium, including fibroblasts,
regulate selective sets of adhesion molecules on junctional epithelial cells and vascular endothelium
leukocytes and endothelial cells therefore determine (all of which function in the healthy periodontium
the migration kinetics of specific cell subpopulations to maintain homeostasis), can be hijacked by ex-
out of the vasculature and into the tissue. posure to bacterial agents such as lipopolysacchar-

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

ide, cytokines such as IL-1 or tumor necrosis factor monkeys, resulting in significantly reduced popula-
a or prostaglandins such as prostaglandin E2and be- tions (66, 69, 70). At subsequent stages, fibroblast
come major participants in tissue destruction. population sizes are restored. Whether these cells are
Well-documented events involving the gingival of the same phenotype as the cells present in the
fibroblasts illustrate this (Fig. 2). Under conditions of healthy tissues remains unknown.
health, the fibroblast genes for various collagens and
tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases are The concept of radius of effectiveness
turned on and functioning and the genes for matrix
metalloproteinases are turned off, as assessed by Gross and histological features of periodontal lesions
measurement of various types of messenger RNA. in humans give clues as to how they may develop
Genes for collagens and tissue inhibitors of metallo- and function. There has been considerable debate as
proteinases in fibroblasts in active periodontitis to the determinants of the frequency and cause of
lesions are turned off and those for matrix metallop- intrabony lesions. Garant & Cho (14)suggested that
roteinases are turned on. In addition, in the presence locally produced stimulators of bone resorption may
of lipopolysaccharide, fibroblasts produce their own have an effective radius of action, and Waerhaug (77)
inflammatory mediators, such as IL-lp. Further, fol- demonstrated that bone resorption occurs when mi-
lowing successful treatment, as the levels of bacterial crobial plaque approaches to within 0.5 to 2.0 mm
substance such as lipopolysaccharide, and proin- of the bone surface. Based on these and other obser-
flammatory cytokines such as IL-lP and tumor ne- vations (62),Page & Schroeder (53) postulated a
crosis factor a decrease, the reverse occurs. Whether range of effectiveness of the subgingival plaque (bi-
the same cells convert from an anabolic to a cata- ofilm) in generating alveolar bone loss of about 2.5
bolic state or whether the fibroblasts are replaced by mm. They stated that “when the bone surface has
a different phenotype is not known. It is known that, been resorbed to about 2.5 mm apical or lateral to
at an early stage of gingivitis, resident tissue fibro- the site of the bacteria, bone loss appears to cease
blasts are killed through what appear to be immuno- and bone production takes over, until it equals or
pathological mechanisms, as seen in humans and surpasses resorption”. The inflammatory infiltrate
also plays a role. The closer the cells of the inflam-
matory infiltrate are to the bone, the more osteo-
clasts appear and the more bone is degraded (59,
64). Tal (73) provided data supporting this hypo-
Fibroblast thesis by measuring intrabony lesions in 344 inter-
/ Gene Activation \ proximal areas and 117 intrabony pockets in 84 pa-
tients. He observed intrabony lesions only rarely
8 when interdental distances were less that 2.6 mm.
Cofiagen and other Metalloprotein&es Tho intrabony defects on adjacent teeth were ob-
extracellular matrix;
Inhibitors of I served only when the interdental distances were
greater that 3.1 mm. As Schroeder (62) pointed out,
Tissue remodeling, Tissue destru&on
lesions with dimensions much greater that 2.5 mm
are seen around single teeth not only in humans but
maintenance, healing, also in dogs and other species. There is evidence that
regeneration these are accounted for by the invasion of the tissue
by bacteria and abscess formation.
Fig. 2. The role of resident fibroblasts in health and in
periodontitis. In situ hybridizationand other studies have
shown that, in the healthy periodontiurn, the resident
fibroblasts genes for collagens and other extracellular
matrix components and tissue inhibitors of metalloprot-
einases are turned on and those for matrix metalloprot- Some people develop gingivitis
einases are turned off such that tissue remodeling, main- and others periodontitis
tenance, healing and regeneration can occur. In active
periodontitis, genes for tissue inhibitors of metalloprot- For several decades periodontologists have con-
einases and components of the normal extracellular mat-
rix are turned off and those for matrix metalloproteinases sidered the central question of how gingivitis pro-
are turned on, permitting the resident fibroblasts to play gresses to periodontitis in the belief that the answer
a major role in tissue destruction. will provide critical clues to aid in the prevention of

Page et al. ~~ ~ ~

Table 4. The pathogenesis of periodontitis: of periodontitis, these findings prompt the reassess-
new findings and new perspectives on the ment of the contribution of various factors to the
transition of gingivitis to periodontitis clinical presentation of periodontitis.
Gingivitis is generally characterized biochemically It is now recognized that multifactorial diseases,
by an increase in leukotriene B4 in the gingival such as periodontitis and atherosclerosis, usually
crevicular fluid. This is a product of degranulating have initiating factors, factors that permit or block
neutrophils in the sulcus.
Later stages of gingivitis and periodontitis are disease initiation and factors that modify clinical ex-
characterized by an increase in prostaglandin &, pression once the disease has been initiated. This bio-
IL-10and tumor necrosis factor a,which represent
an activation of macrophages and lymphocytes logical model of multifactorial disease presents com-
within the tissue. plications in statistical models unless one explicitly
Children do not demonstrate a macrophage and recognizes the underlying biological role of each fac-
lymphocyte response to bacterial plaque
accumulation, unless they have defective neutrophil tor. The process of disease initiation is being re-exam-
function. ined with recognition of the multifactorial nature of
In young adults involved in experimental gingivitis
studies, some have a neutrophil (leukotriene B,) periodontitis. The prominent pathogens, such as P
response, and some have a macrophage and gingiualis and B. forsythus, in adult forms of peri-
lymphocyte response.
The transition from gingivitis to periodontitis may odontitis will predictably emerge in the subgingival
be monitored by the biochemical shift from plaque as the natural consequence of the undisturbed
leukotriene B4 dominance to expression of maturation of the dental biofilm in individuals ex-
macrophage and lymphocyte activation products,
such as prostaglandin El. posed to routine social and family interchanges.
Some individuals appear to have a very transient The accumulation of microbial plaque in children
clinical phase in the transition from gingivitis to
periodontitis. Others do not appear to undergo the and adolescents leads to an inflammatory response
transition to eriodontitis. It may therefore be referred to as gingivitis, the severity of which varies
practical to cgaracterize individuals as gingivitis or
periodontitis patients. among individuals. Experimental gingivitis in young
adults, which is caused by the overgrowth of gram-
positive species during the first 2-3 weeks following
the cessation of oral hygiene, presents clinically as
redness and edema that begins at a few interpapil-
periodontitis. Important new findings and perspec- lary and marginal areas and generally spreads to
tives are listed in Table 4. more sites, as it slowly becomes more severe at in-
Current evidence suggests that, whereas gingivitis volved sites. During this period of time neutrophil
probably represents the early stage in the natural infiltration, epithelial proliferation and subepithelial
history of initiating periodontitis, it may also exist as capillary proliferation dominate the lesion histolog-
an independent and stable clinical entity. The mi- ically. Biochemically, the barrage of neutrophil mi-
crobial composition of the biofilm associated with gration into the sulcus is marked by a rise in leuko-
both conditions seems to be quite similar; in fact, triene B4 levels in gingival crevicular fluid, a product
gingivitis- and periodontitis-associated microbes are of degranulating neutrophils (25). This reflects the
commonly found even in adolescents. And since neutrophils actively engaging the bacteria in the sul-
periodontal pathogens can be transmitted, it would cus, facilitating clearance. This represents the
appear that exposure to most periodontal pathogens earliest stage of the lesion that can be characterized
within a person’s lifetime is a rather ubiquitous by neutrophil and keratinocyte activation facilitating
event, but the biofilm must be sufficiently mature for neutrophil recruitment and ‘bacterial clearance.
these “late-blooming’’microbes to become resident Keratinocyte IL-8 is a potent signal for intracellular
within the biofilm. In human populations such as adhesion molecule expression and neutrophil re-
those in rural China (541, where oral care is minimal cruitment. Neutrophil leukotriene B4 and comple-
or nonexistent, the prevalence of most periodontal ment C5a are vasoactive and sufficient for marginal
pathogens is about 90-95%. In fact, many or most of inflammation with little destruction of deeper con-
these subjects are not infected with a few pathogens nective tissues.
but rather appear to harbor virtually all currently As the biota shifts and becomes more gram-nega-
recognized pathogens. This is somewhat surprising, tive by 3-4 weeks, bleeding on probing begins to
since the prevalence and severity of periodontal dis- rapidly increase concomitant with increases of
ease is diverse and not substantially greater than prostaglandin E2 in gingival crevicular fluid, a
that observed in populations in industrialized coun- marker of lipopolysaccharide penetration and mon-
tries. Since bacteria are necessary for the initiation ocytic activation (25). The ulceration from bleeding

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

on probing is classically considered to herald the an inflammatory response to local challenge in the
transition from gingivitis to periodontitis. Indeed, same way as adults. The reason may be that, in gen-
the biochemical trigger of prostaglandin Ez also sug- eral, the cellular response to lipopolysaccharide with
gests that neutrophil clearance capacity has been ex- resultant inflammatory mediator release is very weak
ceeded and lipopolysaccharide has penetrated into in children and increases with age. This is in part
the tissues, resulting in the release of prostaglandin due to the important role lipopolysaccharide in the
Ezr IL-1 and probably tumor necrosis factor a. gut plays in the maturation of the immune system
Prostaglandin E2 increases the chemotactic potency in children, especially thymus-directed processes.
of IL-8 by 10-100 fold (7), serving to exponentially Indeed, germ-free animals fail to develop normal T-
increase neutrophil recruitment. In contrast to neu- cell immunity if lipopolysaccharide is not present,
trophil enzymes that are predominantly anti- illustrating the key role of lipopolysaccharide as a
microbial in nature (lysozyme,lactoferrin, defensins co-evolutionary signal for the maturation of the im-
and P-glucuronidase), these mediators (prosta- mune system (2). This nonresponsiveness in
glandin EZ,IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor a) target children may in part account for the apparent resist-
host cells to initiate tissue catabolism. These provide ance children have to periodontitis.
signals that trigger fibroblastic apoptosis, matrix In young adults with experimental gingivitis, not
metalloproteinase release and the expression of all patients behave the same biochemically or clin-
homing receptors for lymphocytic recruitment. ically. The maturation of the biofilm by 4 weeks and
What allows sufficient lipopolysaccharide to enter acquisition of gram-negative anaerobes presents a
the tissue and activate monocytes? One possibility challenge that escapes neutrophil clearance in some
is that bacterial growth would bring high levels of patients and results in the penetration of lipopoly-
lipopolysaccharide in contact with the gingival saccharide. This is suggested by data showing that
pocket, resulting in the formation of more pocket some experimental gingivitis patients have prosta-
epithelium, which would allow more lipopolysac- glandin E2levels by 4 weeks identical to those in un-
charide to enter the tissues. This assumes, however, treated adult periodontitis. Other patients have low
that sufficient numbers of neutrophils are no longer levels of prostaglandin E2 that have not increased
available to separate the bacteria from the epithel- from baseline. The central question then is whether
ium. Another possibility is that the emergence of or- these different responses both represent gingivitis.
ganisms such as €?gingiuulis causes bacterial factors Instead it appears to represent a time-dependent es-
to enter the tissue and interfere with the dynamics calating response to the lipopolysaccharide burden
of neutrophil flux into the sulcus (see Darveau et al. that is absent in some patients. The magnitude of
(10) in this volume, page 21). This would reduce the the clinical severity would be directly related to the
numbers of neutrophils in the sulcus and shift the magnitude of the inflammatory response (that is, the
relative balance between neutrophils and the bac- amount of prostaglandin EZ,IL-1 and tumor necrosis
teria, allowing more bacterial expansion and more factor a produced). If gingivitis represents a neutro-
lipopolysaccharide to enter the tissue. Other factors phi1 lesion, then this rise in prostaglandin E2 does
that alter neutrophil function in the sulcus probably not represent experimental gingivitis but rather ex-
also allow a rapid bacterial shift that overwhelms the perimental periodontitis that begins with gingival in-
neutrophils. These factors appear to include intrinsic flammation, a nonprotective neutrophil response
neutrophil defects, acquired neutrophil modifiers and rapid lipopolysaccharide triggering of the in-
such as smoking and factors that alter antibody-neu- flammatory mediators of periodontitis.
trophil activity such as genetic variations in FcyII re- In nonsusceptible patients, a protective response
ceptors (see Hart & Kornman (23) in this volume, by neutrophils and antibodies limits the extent (and
page 209). severity) of attachment loss. In susceptible patients,
The increasing levels of prostaglandin EZ,IL-1 and neutrophil clearance is less protective and the extent
tumor necrosis factor a represent the beginning of a and severity of disease are governed by the magni-
new stage in the pathogenesis that involves the re- tude of the host inflammatory response to the mi-
sponse of monocytes and plasma cells. In children crobial challenge, especially the response to lipo-
this stage does not generally occur, unless neutrophil polysaccharide. The magnitude of the inflammatory
function is defective, such as that seen in leukocyte response is driven by microbial antigens and con-
adhesion deficiency syndrome 1. It also suggests that trolled by T cells. The T-cell response up- or down-
children do not respond to lipopolysaccharide chal- regulates the inflammatory component, plasma cell
lenge with a monocytic and plasma cell infiltrate as differentiation and antibody production based on

Pane et al.

the cytokine profile. Antibody is critical to enhance same microbial biofiim may serve as a more nurtur-
neutrophil clearance, which reduces the lipopolysac- ing and less combative incubator (see Hart & Korn-
charide and antigenic challenge. Thus, the relative man (23) in this volume), permitting the gram-nega-
balance between the inflammatory response and the tive, black-pigmented, anaerobic species that require
protective antibody response is regulated by the mix host-derived nutrients and growth factors such as
of cytokines that is produced primarily by macro- peptides and heme to occupy the biofilm. Any ex-
phages and T cells. ogenous exposure to periodontal pathogens in this
Studies of the natural history of new episodes of host could cause further attachment loss. Further,
periodontal attachment loss show that nonsuscep- this host environment will never permit stable gingi-
tible patients with existing gingivitis are not at sig- vitis, since the host is more reactive to the bacterial
nificant risk for attachment loss (37). Susceptible pa- challenge and the host conditions will drive the
tients with periodontitis are at high risk for new natural maturation of the biofilm, leading to the es-
attachment loss ( 2 2 ) . Thus, established gingivitis tablishment of a lush gram-negative biota contain-
does not appear to readily make the transition to ing high levels of periodontopathic bacteria. Gingi-
periodontitis. Stated another way, in some suscep- vitis probably preceded periodontitis in susceptible
tible individuals the gingivitis state that precedes patients, but the distinction between the two con-
periodontitis appears to have a very transient clin- ditions is probably blurred and transient at best.
ical presentation that is quickly passed along the Most importantly, the gingivitis that is prodromal to
evolving path to periodontitis. Further, all sites in periodontitis in this circumstance would follow a
these susceptible patients with periodontitis remain distinctly different clinical course than nonpro-
at risk of further attachment loss, even after treat- gressing gingivitis. In this context gingivitis and peri-
ment. In patients of this type, poor plaque control odontitis really represent two different clinical mani-
and gingival inflammation will virtually always result festations of the same pathological process. The dif-
in further periodontal breakdown. ference in clinical manifestations is due to intrinsic
In the last decade new appreciation has been differences in the host that modify simultaneously
gained of the essential role of bacteria in initiating both the destructive response to the bacteria as well
periodontitis, but the severity of disease is deter- as the natural growth and maturation potential of
mined by the magnitude and quality of the host re- the biofilm (in this volume, see: Hart & Kornman (23)
sponse to the microbial biofilm. An argument can be and Salvi et al. (60)).Perhaps the wrong question is
made that gingivitis and periodontitis share the being posed in attempting to understand the tran-
same causal factors but represent different clinical sition from gingivitis to periodontitis, since both
manifestations of the same fundamental disease conditions may represent the same pathogenic pro-
process due to differences in how the host responds cess with varying clinical expression in different
to the microbial challenge. For example, in simplistic people with differing levels of susceptibility.
terms the patient plays host to the microbiota and If this concept is proven valid, it may have some
serves to incubate the common oral flora. The bi- important ramifications. Individuals susceptible to
ofilm follows a predictable maturation process be- periodontitis would have a minimal or no discern-
ginning with gram-positive rods and cocci and fol- ible gingivitis phase but go rapidly into initiation of
lowed by gram-negative anaerobes. Some patients periodontitis. In such subjects, preventing gingivitis
serve as feeble incubators due to recurrent mechan- as a strategy for preventing periodontitis may not be
ical disruption of the dental biofilm and effective effective. These individuals may require more ex-
host neutrophil defenses. As a result, the natural treme control of bacteria andlor host modulation
maturation of the biofilm is stifled or perhaps ar- therapy. In subjects not susceptible to periodontitis,
rested and such individuals would present clinically the gingivitis phase may be so stable that preventing
as gingivitis patients who may have a site or two with gingivitis is not necessary to prevent the initiation of
bleeding on probing and some loss of attachment. periodontitis. In addition, therapies that block peri-
Even after many years of exposure from exogenous odontal disease progression may not affect gingivitis.
sources of periodontal pathogens, such as P gingi- The effects of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
ualis, the organisms can never really establish well on the progression of periodontal disease may be
enough in the environment provided by the host to such an example, since they are effective in prevent-
emerge as dominant members of the biofilm. Thus, ing attachment and bone loss but have only a small
the patient would remain nonsusceptible. effect on gingival inflammation in susceptible pa-
In contrast, another patient presented with the tients or in experimental gingivitis.

Advances in the pathogenesis OJ periodontitis

cases, such as IL-lp, perpetuate production of them-

selves. Important new findings and perspectives are
The cytokine network and listed in Table 5.
prostaglandins The cytokines act at very low concentrations gen-
erally in the range of 10-lo to lo-” M. They serve
Characteristics of the cytokine network as messengers that mediate cross-talk among cells
The cytokines comprise a large family of polypep- by binding to high-affinity transmembrane recep-
tides produced in the periodontium by infiltrating tors. Some cytokines such as IL-1 and tumor ne-
leukocytes and by resident fibroblasts, junctional crosis factor a are proinflammatory, whereas others,
epithelial cells, vascular endothelium, mast cells and such as IL-10, suppress the inflammatory response.
bone cells. The cytokines comprise the major regu- Cytokines can act synergistically or antagonistically
lators of the immunoinflammatory response charac- or be additive or subtractive. They function as a cas-
teristic of periodontitis, and they are the major de- cading network that manifests unusual complexity,
terminants of the outcome. The interleukins are a redundancy and pleotrophism. Many of the func-
subfamily of cytokines designated interleukin-1 (IL- tions of cytokines depend on concentration. These
1) through interleukin-15 (IL-15). The chemokines features of the network are difficult to explain but
comprise an additional subfamily of smaller pep- may be accounted for by the following explanation.
tides that serve as chemoattractants for specific Bacteria have very short generation times that per-
leukocytes. For example, IL-8 is specific for neutro- mit frequent mutation. As a consequence, they can
phils and monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 is evolve a variety of mechanisms to avoid and ma-
specific for monocytes, whereas other chemokines nipulate the host defense mechanisms. Further,
are specific for other mononuclear cells. Other cyto- whereas an encounter between the host defenses
kines that are important in the immunoinflamma- and a single species may be reasonably well defined,
tory response in periodontitis include interferon-y in periodontitis the ecosystem is exceedingiy com-
(produced by activated T cells, monocytes, natural plex, and co-evolutionary processes between diverse
killer cells) and transforming growth factor p (pro- bacteria species and the host most likely have al-
duced mostly by monocytes and macrophages). ready produced a variety of host molecules to cope
Cytokines can induce one another and, in some with the bacterial challenge. The complexity, redun-
dancy and pleotrophism of the cytokine network
may provide a mechanism to finely tune the host
response such that it properly limits the bacterial
challenge but is modulated to limit tissue destruc-
Table 5. The pathogenesis of periodontitis: tion and allow repair.
new findings and new perspectives on cytokines
and prostaglandins
‘The cytokines, chemokines and prostaglandins The Thl and Th2 paradigm: the cytokine profile
appear to comprise the major regulators of the directs the nature of the host response and
imunoinflammatory responses that characterize regulates connective tissue homeostasis
Different c y t o b n ey t t er n s haw been observed in In the mouse, CD4+ helper T cells fall into two dis-
tissues from erio onhtis sites, suggesting that
specific &tory patterns may be Invoked in tinct categories designated Thl and Th2 cells based
stable and active lesions. on the pattern of cytokines they produce (in this vol-
The disease active lesions do not appear to have
cytokine patterns that are characteristic of either a ume, see: Gemmell et al. (17), pages 113-115 and
Thl or a ThZ pattern. Ishikawa et al. (271, pages 90-91). It has been as-
The proinflammatory cytokines K - l p and tumor sumed that naive antigen-specific T-helper cells,
necrosis factor a have been strongly associated
with periodontltis. designated Tho, differentiate on repeated stimula-
I’rost@andin Ez is E primary mediator of tissue tion into Thl and Th2. This concept has been ques-
destruction in periodontitis.
Prostaglandin Ez levels are elevated in iridividuals
tioned and may not be true in humans. Thl clones
with high susceptibility for severe periodontitis. are generally characterized by the production of in-
Prostaglandin Fq levels are determined by the terferon y. A predominantly Thl infiltrate is thought
pmstagiandin endoperoxide synthase 2
(cyclooxygenase 2) enzyme, which is W y to result in a cell-mediated or delayed-type hyper-
regulated by lipopolysaccharide, and various sensitivity response with the activation of macro-
cytokines, including most prominently IL-10 and
tumor necrosis factor a. phages, the production of proinflammatory cyto-
__ . .~
~__________ - _______~_ kines, including IL-1 and tumor necrosis factor a.
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~

Page et al.

Interferon y stimulates neutrophils and appears to cytokines in gingival crevicular fluid and extracts of
be essential for neutrophils to control bacterial in- healthy and diseased gingival tissue, determining
fection. On the other hand, IL-1 and other proin- levels of cytokine messenger RNA in the tissue using
flammatory cytokines are found in inflamed peri- immunocytochemical techniques or polymerase
odontal tissues at significantly elevated levels, and chain reaction on tissue extracts and by measuring
these levels return to normal following successful cytokine production by mononuclear cells harvested
therapy. Monocytes from patients with severe peri- from gingival tissue. Based on their work and pub-
odontitis and those with high susceptibility produce lished studies by others, Gemmell et al. (17) postu-
more IL- 1 before and following stimulation than late in this volume that the Thl response is associ-
cells from periodontally normal individuals (15, 16, ated with stable periodontal lesions, whereas a Th2
58). A major role for IL-l is its direct action on the response leads to the production of nonprotective
promoter region of the matrix metalloproteinase antibody and disease progression. They have further
gene, resulting in enhanced matrix metalloproteina- suggested that a mixed Thl and Th2 lesion in which
se production. Individuals susceptible to severe both IL-4and interferon y are present may, depend-
adult periodontitis later in life manifest a unique ing on the relative concentration of each cytokine,
polymorphism in the IL-1 gene family that results in lead to the production of protective antibody. Other
the production of approximately four times more IL- investigators have postulated the opposite, and still
l p than individuals not having that genetic trait, and others have observed no skewing toward either Thl
their likelihood of developing severe disease in- or Th2. The data appear to be inconclusive. The pat-
creases significantly (31).IL-6 may also be important tern of cytokine production may result from a dis-
in periodontitis, as it can induce the formation of tinct cell phenotype, a specific state of cell differen-
multinucleated cells that can resorb bone. tiation or a transitional state. Which, if any, of these
Th2 clones are generally characterized by the pro- is correct is currently unclear.
duction of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-6. Both Thl and Th2 The controversial nature of the Thl and Th2 para-
cells produce other cytokines such as IL-10 and IL- digm studies may result from the complexity of the
13, tumor necrosis factor a and granulocyte-macro- experiments. Humans vary enormously in suscepti-
phage colony-stimulating factor. A predominantly bility to periodontitis and rates of disease pro-
Th2 infiltrate is considered to drive the differen- gression. Tissue destruction appears to occur in site-
tiation of B cells into antibody-producing plasma specific bursts of activity that are highly variable and
cells, which may be protective or nonprotective de- seem to be infrequent in most patients but common
pending on the nature of the antibody produced. A in others. There are no methods for distinguishing
strong Th2 response can inhibit a Thl response and between disease-active and -inactive sites except by
vice versa. For example, IL-4 can inhibit the Thl re- rather crude methods of assessing clinical attach-
sponse, and interferon y can inhibit the Th2 re- ment loss or alveolar bone destruction over time.
sponse. Whether a given response is Thl or Th2 or These factors have not been adequately controlled
mixed is determined by several factors. These in- nor have they been taken into account in the Thl
clude the nature of the activating antigen, the route and Th2 studies. The data appear to support the
of antigen administration and antigen concen- conclusion that Tho, Thl and Th2 clones participate
tration, the identity of the antigen-presenting cell, in periodontitis, and there is little evidence that any
major histocompatibility complex molecules and the single T-helper cell subset is associated with any spe-
nature of the interaction with the T-cell receptor. The cific clinical status. As stated by Gemmell et al. in
nature of the antigen-presenting cell, however, may this volume (17), a focus on which cytokines are
be of fundamental importance. present, their local concentrations and hence their
Whether the Thl and Th2 paradigm exists in biological activity may be more fruitful than con-
humans as it is manifested in mice remains un- tinuing to focus on helper cell clonal type.
proven and controversial. This is a key question for This makes it clear that the levels of various cyto-
periodontal pathogenesis since the Thl and Th2 kines are the chief determinants of the progression
paradigm could be a major determinant of the pro- or suppression of periodontitis. What remains ob-
gression from gingivitis to periodontitis, of the tran- scure is the identity of the agents and the mechan-
sition from a stable nonprogressive periodontitis isms that determine which cytokines or antagonists
lesion to a burst of destructive activity and of refrac- are produced, when and how long they are produced
tory or recurrent disease. The Thl and Th2 paradigm and their concentrations. Further elucidation of the
has been studied by measuring the levels of various details of the cytokine cascade will indicate new ap-

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

proaches to prevention, diagnosis and treatment of ated with a worsening clinical status. Rising prosta-
periodontitis. glandin E2 levels can be inhibited in experimental
animals and humans by systemic or topical appli-
cation of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs,
Arachidonic acid metabolites are key components which also inhibit bone loss. The cytokine cascade
of the pathogenesis of periodontitis
and arachidonic acid pathways present numerous
Arachidonic acid metabolites, especially prosta- opportunities to intervene therapeutically in the
glandin EL,are important mediators of the immuno- progression of periodontitis (see Gemmell et al. (17)
inflammatory response in periodontitis (see Gem- in this volume, pages 129-132).
me11 et al. (17) in this volume, pages 126-129). Al-
though prostaglandins can be produced by most
nucleated cells and by blood platelets, the major Mechanisms of tissue destruction
source in inflamed gingiva is activated macrophages in periodontitis
and fibroblasts.Arachidonic acid is generated by the
action of phospholipase A2 on cell phospholipids. It One of the highlights of the past two decades of peri-
is a substrate for the cyclooxygenase enzyme sys- odontal research is the major progress made in
tems (cyclooxygenase 1 and cyclooxygenase 2, also understanding the basic mechanisms by which bac-
referred to as prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 1 teria present in subgingival biofilms and their prod-
and 2) that produce a large family of prostaglandins, ucts and components mediate the pathological
thromboxane and prostacycline. It is also a substrate changes characteristic of periodontitis. These path-
for the lipoxygenases that give rise to the leuko- ways are now understood in sufficient detail to begin
trienes, the most important one of which (for peri- to devise treatments that alter events and outcomes.
odontal disease) is leukotriene Bq. Alterations in the junctional epithelium have already
Prostaglandins and leukotrienes are major in- been considered, and the focus now turns to path-
itiators and perpetuators of inflammation, and ological alterations in components of the extracellu-
prostaglandin E2 is the major mediator of patholog- lar matrix of the gingiva and periodontal Iigament
ical alveolar bone destruction (see Schwartz et al. and resorption of alveolar bone. Important new
(61) in this volume, pages 166-168). Prostaglandins, findings and perspectives are listed in Table 6 .
especially prostaglandin EZ, are present in gingival
crevicular fluid from disease active periodontal sites
at concentrations five or more times greater than in
samples from known inactive sites, and whole-
mouth scores for prostaglandin E2 have been re- Table 6. The pathogenesis of periodontitis:
ported to be a marker for concurrent or future dis- new findings and new perspectives on the
mechanisms of tissue destruction
ease activity. Successful therapy markedly decreases
prostaglandin E2 levels. Periodontitis involves the destruction of bone and
connective tissues, including collagens,
Mononuclear cells from patients highly suscep- proteoglycans, and other components of the
tible to severe periodontitis release significantly extraceuular matrix
more prostaglandin E2 than do cells from resistant 4 The tissue destruction is not unidirectional, but
rather is an iterative process that is constantly
individuals. Release is stimulated by lipopolysac- being adjusted by the host-bacterial interactions.
charide and by cytokines such as IL-1p. Prosta- The destruction of the extracellular matrix is
determined by the balance of matrix
glandin E2 participates along with cytokines in regu- metalloproteinases and their inhibitors.
lating IgG production. High concentrations inhibit The balance of matrix metalloproteinases and
and low concentrations acting synergistically with inhibitors is regulated locally by exposure to IL-la,
IL-lp, IL-10, transforming growth factor p and
IL-4 enhance IgG production. Prostaglandin E2 has lipopolysaccharide.
major catabolic effects on gingival and periodontal Alveolar bone destruction in periodontitis is a result
of uncoupling of the normally tightly coupled
ligament fibroblasts. It decreases DNA synthesis and processes of bone resorption and bone formation.
cell growth and the production of collagen and non- Tissue prostaglandin &, IL-1s and, to a lesser extent,
collagen proteins. Prostaglandin Ez also inhibits tumor necrosis factor a appear to mediate bone
resorption in periodontitis. IL-6may also be
fibroblast IL-6 production induced by TL-1 p or tumor involved.
necrosis factor a.In both experimental periodontitis Circulating factors, including the steroid hormones,
parathyroid hormone, calcitonin, and vitamin D3,
in monkeys and spontaneously occurring peri- regulate the overall bone remodeling process.
odontitis in dogs, a rise in prostaglandin E2 is associ-

Page et al.

roteinases. The iterative nature of the pathogenesis

Summary of the process
is reflected clinically by periods of apparent quiesc-
The changes in the connective tissues consist pre- ence of various lengths followed by bursts of de-
dominantly of destruction of the collagens, proteo- structive disease activity.
glycans and other components of the extracellular Although many details are lacking, the overall
matrix. Evidence of destruction is first seen in the events that result in connective tissue destruction
region of the vascular plexus just deep to the junc- and, to a lesser extent, alveolar bone resorption are
tional epithelium. As disease worsens, the area of in- reasonably well understood. Antigenic and other
flamed connective tissue enlarges and eventually components of periodontopathic bacteria, especially
comes to occupy virtually all the marginal gingiva. lipopolysaccharides, stimulate the infiltrating leuko-
The inflammatory infiltrate does not generally ex- cytes and resident cells to produce cytokines and
tend into the periodontal ligament. Instead, the prostaglandins, and they induce production of the
extracellular matrix of the ligament is destroyed as matrix metalloproteinases and other proteolytic en-
alveolar bone is resorbed. As the disease progresses, zymes and additional mediators by monocytes and
the fibrous connective tissue is replaced with a macrophages, resident fibroblasts, junctional epi-
dense infiltrate of inflammatory cells, and alveolar thelium and endothelium. The infiltrating neutro-
bone is destroyed. Destruction of the extracellular phils also participate. Collectively, these molecules
matrix is generally viewed as pathological and unde- mediate destruction of the connective tissue and al-
sirable, but it is an integral and essential part of the veolar bone. An illustration of the overall functioning
immunoinflammatory process since it is necessary of these events is presented in Fig. 1.
to create space for occupation by the enlarging
populations of infiltrating leukocytes. In advanced
lesions of long standing, manifestations of fibrosis Destruction of the extracellular matrix of the
and the scarring characteristic of chronic inflamma- gingiva and periodontal ligament is determined by
tory diseases can be seen histologically and clin- the balance of matrix metalloproteinases and their
ically. Specific species of bacteria in the subgingival
biofilm on the roots of the teeth ultimately initiate The matrix metalloproteinases comprise a large fam-
the destruction of the extracellular matrix and al- ily of related gene products with extensive homo-
veolar bone, and some species such as l? gingiualis logies (see Table 1 and Fig. 2 in Reynolds & Meikle
produce families of potent enzymes, including col- (57) in this volume). These enzymes are designated
lagenase. However, virtually all the collagenases currently as matrix metalloproteinases 1 through 17,
found in periodontally diseased tissues derive from and the list is still growing. They fall into classes in-
host cells, not the bacteria. The bacteria drive de- cluding collagenases, gelatinases, stromelysins, ma-
struction by attracting and activating host cells that trilysins, metalloelastase and membrane-bound
carry out the observed destruction. matrix metalloproteinases. All the matrix metallop-
Although most of the extracellular matrix of the roteinases are produced in latent precursor form and
gingiva and periodontal ligament is destroyed and require activation by plasmin or plasmin-like en-
variable amounts of alveolar bone resorbed in ad- zymes. Their activities depend on divalent cations.
vanced periodontitis, the progress of the disease is Collectively, these enzymes have the capacity to de-
not one dimensional or unidirectional. It is iterative grade all the components of the extracellular matrix.
and constantly being adjusted as a result of multiple In the periodontium, matrix metalloproteinases are
and changing microbial challenges and multiple lo- produced by macrophages and resident tissue
cal and systemic host defenses. Thus, in addition to fibroblasts, junctional epithelial cells and neutro-
the destructive activity, manifestations of attempts phils activated by bacterial substances such as lipo-
at regeneration and healing are also apparent in his- polysaccharide, proinflammatory cytokines and
tological sections. Destruction waxes and wanes prostaglandins (Fig. 1). Because of their large num-
with increases and decreases in the extent of immu- bers, the fibroblasts are a major source. Neutrophils
noinflammation, changes in the numbers and pro- carry a pre-made matrix metalloproteinase that can
portions of various inflammatory cells and their sub- be released. Because of their continuous influx, they
sets in the tissue and fluctuation in the levels of vari- too are a major source. At very early stages of in-
ous cytokines, prostaglandins and effector and flammation, neutrophil matrix metalloproteinase
inhibitor molecuies such as the matrix metalloprot- predominates. Fibroblasts can also express a mem-
einases and the tissue inhibitors of matrix metallop- brane-bound matrix metalloproteinase that could

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

function to provide the initial attack on intact native extracellular matrix in periodontitis and that tissue
collagen fibers in the absence of an inflammatory inhibitors of metalloproteinase, IL-10 and trans-
infiltrate. forming growth factor p participate in resolving in-
As might be expected for enzyme activities of high flammation and maintaining homeostasis. Gingival
destructive potential, matrix metalloproteinase pro- crevicular fluid from sites of active disease have elev-
duction and activity are tightly controlled and regu- ated levels of IL-lP and matrix metalloproteinase
lated. Tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinases and low Ievels of tissue inhibitors of metalloprotein-
play a major role, with tissue inhibitor of metallopro- ase, and the same is true for diseased versus healthy
teinase 1being the most important. Tissue inhibitors gingival tissue. Cultures of peripheral blood mono-
of metalloproteinases bind to matrix metalloprotein- cytes exposed to lipopolysaccharide produce IL- 1 s
ases and irreversibly inhibit enzyme activity. The ex- and matrix metalloproteinases, and cells from indi-
tent of degradative activity in the tissue is largely a viduals who are highly susceptible to periodontitis
function of the balance between the levels of matrix are more responsive than are cells from resistant in-
metalloproteinases and tissue inhibitors of metallo- dividuals. Successful treatment results in a signifi-
proteinases. It has been suggested that tissue degra- cant decrease in leveIs of matrix metalloproteinase
dation only occurs at locations where the levels of and IL-1p in the tissue and gingival crevicular fluid
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases are low (see and in increased levels of tissue inhibitors of metal-
Reynolds & Meikle (57) in this volume, pages 147- loproteinase.
149). Fibroblasts and macrophages are the major Several approaches for treating periodontitis by
sources of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases as decreasing the degradation of the extracellular mat-
well as matrix metalloproteinases, and the nature of rix are apparent (see Reynolds & Meikle (57) in this
the message received by these cells is a major deter- volume, pages 152-153). The most studied of these
minant of outcome. is the use of inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase
The overall regulation of matrix metalloproteinase activity based on the fact that activity depends on
and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase produc- divalent cations. Chemically modified tetracycline
tion in the periodontium is complex and involves and low-dose doxycycline inhibit matrix metallopro-
cytokines, hormones, growth factors, prostaglandins teinase activity by chelating divalent cations. Low
and bacterial factors such as lipopolysaccharide (see doses prevent collagen breakdown and alveolar bone
Reynolds & Meikle (57) in this volume, page 149). loss in animal studies and result in reduction in
Gingival fibroblasts produce prostaglandin E2 but pocket depth and clinical attachment loss in human
not matrix metalloproteinase following exposure to clinical trials. These drugs appear to work by binding
lipopolysaccharide; they produce matrix metallopro- enzyme-associated calcium ions, making the en-
teinase following exposure to IL-lp (Fig. 1). In gen- zyme more susceptible to proteolysis. Hydroxamic
eral, proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-lP up- acid derivatives also inhibit matrix metalloproteina-
regulate matrix metalloproteinase and downregulate se activity, but their usefulness in periodontitis has
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase production, not been studied. The isothiazolones can inhibit car-
whereas other cytokines such as IL-10 downregulate tilage proteoglycan degradation without decreasing
matrix metalloproteinase and upregulate tissue in- synthesis. These drugs appear to target the acti-
hibitors of metalloproteinase. IL- 1p upregulation ap- vation step of matrix metalloproteinase without
pears to occur through stimulation of nuclear factor being active against the active enzyme. There has
KB proteins and thereby acts on the promoter region been no work on the use of inhibitors of phos-
of the matrix metalloproteinase gene. Transforming pholipase A2, which controls the rate-limiting step in
growth factor p is especially important in downregul- prostaglandin production.
ating matrix metalloproteinase and upregulating
tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase. Cell-associ-
Mechanisms of destruction of alveolar bone
ated IL-la is a potent stimulator of matrix metallop-
roteinase release by other cells. These observations Progress in elucidating details of the mechanism of
demonstrate that the balance of cytokines in the gin- bone resorption and regeneration in periodontitis
gival tissue is the major determinant of whether has lagged behind considerably the progress related
tissue degradation occurs or homeostasis is main- to soft tissue. Far less progress has been made in
tained, and IL-1s plays a key role. understanding the basic events accounting for al-
There is strong evidence that IL-1-induced matrix veolar bone loss in periodontitis. Certain facts are
metalloproteinases participate in degrading the well established (see Schwartz et al. (61) in this vol-

Page et al. ~

ume, pages 160-164). Bone loss in periodontitis is a tium and in bone destruction in periodontitis re-
result of an uncoupling of the normally tightly main elusive, and they are sometimes contradictory.
coupled processes of bone resorption and bone for- For example, there is evidence that prostaglandin E2
mation; enduring pathogenic levels of prostaglandin actually stimulates bone apposition in vivo in some
E2,IL-10 and, to a lesser extent, tumor necrosis fac- situations. The roles of calcitonin and vitamin D3 as
tor a mediate the loss. IL-6, a cytokine that mediates well as factors released locally by bone resorption
the formation of multinucleated cells that resorb that inhibit resorption and stimulate formation, such
bone, may also be involved. It is also well docu- as transforming growth factor p, matrix metalloprot-
mented that the activities of osteoblasts and osteo- einase, fibroblast growth factor, and insulin-like
clasts and their precursor cells are highly integrated growth factor, remain obscure.
and coordinated with one another and with osteo- Age has dramatic effects on bone: both men and
cytes. There appear to be many feedback loops women lose bone mass after age 25-30 years. The
among these cells, with osteoblasts producing fac- prevalence and severity of periodontitis begin to in-
tors that enhance osteoclasts and vice versa. Details crease considerably after these same ages. Gender
of these cell-cell and matrix-cell interactions even in and hormone levels also appear to affect bone sta-
normal bone remain obscure. All these are regulated tus. Both estrogens and androgens affect bone sta-
in an overall long-term sense by circulating factors tus, but loss of bone mass is greatly accelerated
such as steroid hormones, parathyroid hormone, among postmenopausal women not on estrogen re-
calcitonin and vitamin DS.Fine tuning is achieved placement therapy. Nevertheless the prevalence and
by events occurring locally in bone such as the re- severity of periodontitis are greater among aging
lease of IL-lp, prostaglandin EZ, IL-6 and various men than among aging women. The relationship be-
other locally produced proteins and factors such as tween osteoporosis and periodontitis remains ob-
bone morphogenic proteins, fibroblast growth fac- scure.
tor, transforming growth factor p, platelet-derived Regeneration of periodontal attachment including
growth factor and epidermal growth factor released alveolar bone, cementum and functional peri-
from resorbing bone matrix. These enhance the odontal ligament has rapidly become a frequently
attachment and replication of various bone cells and attempted treatment procedure known as guided
regulate their activity. Virtually nothing is known tissue regeneration. Factors known to be related to
about the effect on these events of substances de- bone regeneration including bone morphogenic pro-
rived from infecting periodontopathic bacteria or teins, platelet-derived growth factor, insulin-like
the large families of cytokine and regulatory mol- growth factor 1 and transforming growth factor p
ecules produced during active disease progression. have to be assessed in experimental animals. The
A top priority for further periodontal research must role of these factors in the mechanisms underlying
be elucidating the details of normal and abnormal regeneration and the factors involved in its success
bone physiology, much as has already occurred with or failure remain unknown.
the mechanisms of destruction and reconstitution of A wide range of potential approaches exist for al-
the extracellular matrix. tering alveolar bone destruction in periodontitis (in
There is strong evidence that prostaglandin E2 is this volume, see: Schwartz et al. (61), pages 166-168
the major mediator of alveolar bone loss in peri- and Reynolds & Meikle (57), pages 152-153). Prosta-
odontitis and that IL-lp, tumor necrosis factor a and glandin E2 is well documented to participate in the
IL-6 also play important roles (see Schwartz et al. immunoinflammatory response in periodontitis in
(61) in this volume, pages 166-168). These mediators mediating connective tissue alterations and bone re-
can be produced by resident fibroblasts and leuko- sorption, and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
cytes in the inflammatory infiltrate, especially drugs effectively inhibit these activities. Neverthe-
macrophages. They are found in the inflamed gingi- less, these drugs are not currently used in treating or
val tissue and gingival crevicular fluid in elevated preventing periodontitis. When they are adminis-
concentrations, and these concentrations decrease tered systematically over long time periods, nephro-
following successful therapy. Inhibition of prosta- toxicity and other undesirable side effects can occur.
glandin E2 production suppresses or blocks alveolar There is strong evidence that their use topically in
bone destruction in both experimental animals and oral rinses or toothpaste is effective in slowing or ar-
spontaneously occurring periodontitis in humans. resting periodontitis, although more clinical trial
Nevertheless, details of how this group of mediators data are needed.
actually functions in normal bone in the periodon- The prostaglandin family of mediators is pro-

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

duced mainly by the cyclooxygenase 1, which is ex- understanding of this transition could shed con-
pressed constitutively. At sites of inflammation, siderable light on better approaches to prevention
cyclooxygenase 2, a recently discovered pathway that and therapy.
is not produced constitutively, can be induced by The transition from a stable to a disease-active
lipopolysaccharide, IL- 1p and tumor necrosis factor site may or may not be the same as the transition
a (82). Cyclooxygenase 2 is attracting considerable from gingivitis to periodontitis. Indeed, as discussed
attention as a potential target for intervention since in the previous section, gingivitis lesions and peri-
blocking cyclooxygenase2 could significantly reduce odontitis lesions may differ considerably from the
the production of prostaglandins specifically at sites very beginning of the microbial challenge. This
of inflammation and tissue destruction. Radicicol, a would not be the case for the transition from an al-
fungal antibiotic, inhibits cyclooxygenase2 probably ready existing but stable periodontal pocket to a dis-
by inhibiting protein tyrosine kinase. Substrate ara- ease-active site. If periodontal disease is to progress,
chidonic acid is made available by the action of the microbial challenge, subgingival biofilms, must
phospholipase A2 on cell phospholipids. Cortico- continue to be present, although in some individuals
steroids inhibit phospholipase A*, probably through the magnitude of the challenge may be surprisingly
lipocortin, and can thereby block the production of small in quantity. In addition. there must be per-
prostaglandins and leukotrienes. Whether any of sisting inflammation and destruction of the com-
these drugs will prove useful in controlling peri- ponents of the extracellular matrix manifested as
odontitis remains to be seen. There is a new family loss of clinical attachment and a net loss of alveolar
of drugs known as the cytokine-suppressing anti-in- bone. Pockets may or may not become deeper.
flammatory drugs (see Reynolds & Meikle (57) in this Theoretically, the characteristics of disease pro-
volume, pages 152-153). The prototype is SKF86002. gression may be expected to consist of the continu-
These drugs selectively inhibit the protein kinase ing presence of lipopolysaccharide and other bac-
family designated RK38, or CS binding protein. This terial components, an inflammatory cell infiltrate,
family is activated by lipopolysaccharide, proin- high levels of proinflammatory cytokines including
flammatory cytokines or physicochemical stress. Ac- IL-1p and tumor necrosis factor a and low levels of
tivation is required for production of IL-1, tumor ne- IL-10 and transforming growth factor p, cytokines
crosis factor a and probably prostaglandins. Cyto- that suppress the immunoinflammatory response,
kine-suppressing anti-inflammatory drugs strongly low levels of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
inhibit cyclooxygenase 2. The potential role of these and high levels of matrix metalloproteinases and
new agents in treating periodontitis will undoubt- prostaglandin EP. Macrophages, fibroblasts and to a
edly be an area of active investigation in the future. lesser extent other resident and inflammatory cells
activated by lipopolysaccharide and cytokines, es-
pecially IL-lf3 and tumor necrosis factor a,produce
matrix metalloproteinases and prostaglandin EZ,and
The transition from a stable can maintain them at pathogenic levels. The ques-
periodontal site to active disease tion now becomes, what factors and events regulate
progression and determine production and levels of these me-
diators? The following represents speculation on
Prior to the 1980s, the presence of periodontal mechanisms that can explain disease progression.
pockets was equated with active periodontitis. Sev-
eral longitudinal studies conducted in the 1980s (29,
Loss of the chemotactic gradient
35, 36) modified this view. These studies demon-
strated clearly that stable, disease-inactiveas well as In a stable periodontal pocket, normal host defense
progressing disease-active periodontal pockets exist. contains the microbial challenge. Leukocytes, mostly
Most periodontal sites (usually more than 90%) in neutrophils, leave the small vessels and migrate
most adult periodontitis patients are disease inactive through the connective tissue and pocket epithelium
and nonprogressing, and the occurrence of disease to form a “wall” of viable cells between the biofilm
active sites is relatively rare and episodic. Most dis- and the pocket wall (see Fig. 7 in Kornman et al. (32)
ease-active sites occur in a very small proportion of in this volume). This emigration is mediated by a
the patients. These observations focused attention gradient of chemoattractant molecules consisting of
on the nature of the transition from a stable peri- IL-8 produced by the epithelial cells and peptides of
odontal site to active disease progression. A clear the N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalaninetype

Page et al.

emanating from the biofilm. The leukocytes follow participate increasingly such that both Thl and Th2
this gradient and do not become activated until their like cells are probably involved. In this context, pro-
low-affinity receptors became occupied by high con- gression of the disease is probably related to the bal-
centrations of mediators they encounter as they ance and levels of both Thl and Th2 cytokines. High
reach the biofilm. Upon activation, these cells phag- levels of IL-lP and tumor necrosis factor a would
ocytose and kill bacteria and release chemoattrac- drive active disease, whereas high levels of IL-10
tants and killing agents such as oxygen intermedi- would downregulate inflammatory cytokines, such
ates. Under conditions that disrupt the chemoat- as IL-lP production by macrophages, and hence re-
tractant gradient, neutrophils recognize no guidance duce the potential for tissue destruction.
system and accumulate within the connective tissue,
where they become activated and release enzymes Anergy
such as matrix metalloproteinase that destroy the
tissue, resulting in attachment loss and bone loss. Recent data from experimental animals suggest that
Further, loss of the gradient can preclude contain- anergy may be an important component of both the
ment of the microbial challenge by neutrophils and transition from gingivitis to periodontitis as well as
antibody and can allow lipopolysaccharide to progression from a stable to an active lesion. Presen-
shower the connective tissues. Gemmell et al. (18) tation of antigen by nonprofessional antigen-pre-
have provided evidence for loss of the chemoattract- senting cells such as epithelial or endothelial cells,
ant gradient by showing that, as inflammation results in anergy (24, 75). The mechanism of this
worsens, pocket epithelium may become negative anergy is unknown, but it is well established that
for intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and neutrophil junctional and pocket epithelial cells express major
migration through the epithelium and into the histocompatibility complex class I1 antigens (67) and
pocket decreases. Loss of the gradient could also re- hence could be capable of antigen presentation,
sult from changes in the composition of the biofilm which results in anergy and possible apoptosis of the
or production of high levels of chemoattractant Thl cells and thereby allows cells with a Th2 cyto-
within the inflamed connective tissue. This hypo- kine profile to emerge. Endothelial cells, which in
thesis has not been proven but appears to merit humans constitutively express major histocompat-
further investigation. ibility complex class 11, could also present antigen
leading to anergy (75). In this context, regulation of
the immune response may reside at the level of anti-
Catabolic activities of resident cells
gen presentation such that presentation by pro-
The resident tissue fibroblasts and junctional epi- fessional antigen-presenting cells (such as dendritic
thelial cells may be hijacked by the bacterial chal- cells and macrophages) results in stimulation of de-
lenge and convert from their normal activities of cre- structive cytokines while presentation by nonpro-
ating and maintaining tissue homeostasis and health fessional antigen-presenting cells (such as epithelial
to destroying the structures they initially created and or endothelial cells) results in anergy and no tissue
maintained. There is evidence for this hypothesis, as destruction. There seems little doubt that levels of
presented on pages 226-227 of this chapter. The proinflammatory cytokines, matrix metalloprotein-
combinations and concentrations of bacterial sub- ases and prostaglandin E2 increase greatly and tissue
stances (lipopolysaccharide) and various mediators inhibitors of metalloproteinases decrease in tissues
that cause the resident cells to convert from an ana- manifesting periodontitis relative to those with gin-
bolic to an catabolic state may herald the transition givitis. Additional studies need to be performed to
from a stable to a disease active lesion. test this concept.

Thl and Th2 lymphocyte phenotype Leukocyte emigration

The nature of the Thl and Th2 responses may be a Suppression of leukocyte diapedesis and migration
major determinant of the progression to destructive may be involved in determining whether disease
periodontitis. Although studies aimed at determin- progression occurs. Administration of anti-neutro-
ing the possible association between the Thl and phi1 serum or drugs that cause severe neutropenia
Th2 lymphocyte phenotype ratios and disease status to rats or dogs results in the rapid onset and pro-
have been performed, the results are not conclusive. gression of periodontal tissue destruction (in this
In the active periodontitis lesion, Th2 cells appear to volume, see: Ishikawa et al. (27) and Dennison & Van

Advances zn the pathogeneszs oJ perzoaonnru

Dyke (11) page 67) (1). The release of soluble E-se- response to antigens and mitogens of the infecting
lectin by endothelial cells and the shedding of L-se- bacteria and beginning elucidation of the role of
lectin can modulate the diapedesis of leukocytes cytokines and prostaglandins in the pathogenesis
such as neutrophils. Decreased L-selectin levels have (19,21,49,56, 68). It was also during the 1980s that
been reported for neutrophils from gingival capillary the site-specific nature of periodontitis was demon-
blood from patients as compared with cells from pe- strated (72), that the prevalence of disease, especially
ripheral blood (33). These differences were not ob- severe disease, was shown to be much lower than
served in neutrophils from healthy subjects, sug- previously believed (61, and that progression of
gesting a change in the selectin-mediated ability of tissue destruction at specific sites was episodic and
neutrophils to interact with endothelial cells in the relatively infrequent (29, 35,361. Significant progress
chronically inflamed gingiva. Bacterial species in the was made in elucidating the pathways of connective
biofilm produce large quantities of polyamines that tissue destruction and alveolar bone resorption (5).
can inhibit neutrophil migration (79) and perhaps Prior to the 1980%periodontitis was thought to be
most importantly, I? gingiudis has been shown to universally prevalent in human adults by early
block multiple aspects of the endothelial signaling middle age. Because of this, no thought was given to
process critical to local recruitment of neutrophils, important roles for factors other than bacteria. The
which suppresses the primary host defense system role and importance of bacteria in the etiology of
protecting against the bacterial challenge. The enor- periodontitis dominated thought in the 1970s and
mous importance of neutrophils in fending off the 1980s, and almost all preventive measures and treat-
pathogenic effects of the subgingival bioflm has ments were targeted at eliminating or at least con-
been amply demonstrated (see Dennison & Van trolling the bacterial challenge. Consideration of a
Dyke in this volume (1I)). major role for the host was generally an afterthought
and played no role in diagnostic and therapeutic de-
cisions. This began to change dramatically in the
Changes in the composition of the biofilm and 1980s with the demonstration that the prevalence of
periodontitis was in fact much lower than previously
The transition from gingivitis to periodontitis may thought: disease of sufficient severity to cause loss
be related to changes in bacterial composition of the of teeth affects only about 15% of adults in most
biofilm or invasion of the tissue by bacteria from the countries (6).
biofilm. In other words, the bloom of certain species The 1990s are dramatically different; research has
in the flora may be causally related to the burst of discovered that bacteria are essential but insufficient
destructive activity characteristically observed in for disease, that bacteria account for a relatively
periodontitis. small portion of the variance in susceptibility for dis-
ease expression (about 20% by some estimates, and
tobacco smoking accounts for more) (20), and that
hereditary factors alone can account for up to rough-
Environmental and acquired risk ly 50% of the variance (42,431. This is the decade of
factors the paradigm shift; this is the decade of the host and
disease modifiers (see Fig. 1 in Page & Kornman (51)
A new paradigm for periodontal diseases is emerg- in this volume on page 10). In addition, this shift
ing. Progress in understanding these diseases can be provides a new perspective on the distinctly different
summarized more or less by decade. In the 1960% roles of the bacteria, the host and risk factors and
the major development was the demonstration that indicators in the disease process.
bacteria in dental plaque cause human gingivitis and So far this chapter has focused on the nature of
periodontitis (30, 34, 38). In the 1970%specific spe- the microbial challenge, assembling the cells and
cies of predominantly gram-negative, anaerobic bac- systems that participate in periodontitis, the role of
teria were associated with these diseases (28, 44, 71, the immune system, complement and the phago-
7 4 , and a wealth of evidence was presented that the cytic cells, regulation by the cytokine network and
immune system of people with periodontitis could mechanisms by which the connective tissues of the
recognize the antigens of these infecting bacteria gingiva and periodontal ligament are destroyed and
(28). The 1980s saw strong documentation of the as- alveolar bone resorbed. These components of the
sociation of specific bacteria with active tissue de- pathogenesis are shared by all forms of periodontitis
struction, beginning characterization of the immune (47, 48). The next section focuses on the factors that

Page et al.

influence the shared common events. Important odontitis may be more severe in patients with dia-
new findings and perspectives are summarized in betes of long duration and with poor metabolic con-
Table 7. In this volume, Salvi et al. (60) discuss fac- trol. There is evidence that diabetics with excellent
tors that can affect shared events in the pathogenesis metabolic control are no more susceptible to severe
in a manner that hastens the onset of disease, in- periodontitis than non-diabetics (see Salvi et al. (60)
creases its rate of progression or severity or causes in this volume). The diabetic state does not appear
the disease to be refractory to treatment or to reoc- to affect the composition of the subgingival biofilms;
cur. These include diabetes mellitus, tobacco smok- instead, numerous aspects and steps in the shared
ing, stress, HIV infection and osteoporosis. Other pathogenesis can be affected and thereby suscepti-
factors reported in the literature are alluded to but bility enhanced and severity worsened (see Salvi et
not discussed in detail. These include several ad- al. (60) in this volume, pages 181-183). Nevertheless,
ditional diseases and conditions that compromise diabetic individuals vary substantially; the diabetic
host defense, severity of disease at baseline, age, state may have multiple manifestations and conse-
presence of pathogenic bacteria in the oral flora, quent effects on periodontitis susceptibility in some
socioeconomic status, educational level, oral hy- individuals and none in others. This great variation
giene and frequency of visits to the dentist. Heredi- may be genetically based.
tary factors are considered in a separate section. The mechanisms by which diabetes enhances the
risk for severe periodontitis are poorly understood,
although some diabetics manifest pathological
Diabetes mellitus
changes that may be related (see Salvi et al. (60) in
Diabetes mellitus is well documented as a risk factor this volume, pages 181-183). Neutrophil adhesion,
for periodontal disease; diabetics have an odds ratio chemotaxis, phagocytosis and killing can be im-
of about 2-3 relative to non-diabetics. Individuals paired and the patient deprived of the major host
with diabetes mellitus have an increased prevalence defense against microbial challenge. Many diabetics
of periodontitis and respond poorly to therapy. Peri- manifest an upregulated monocyte phenotype re-
sulting from metabolic or genetic effects. Such cells
are proinflammatory in that they produce more IL-
l p , tumor necrosis factor a and prostaglandin E2
Table 7. The pathogenesis of periodontitis: both unchallenged and in response to lipopolysac-
new findings and new perspectives on the charide challenge than normal. The gingival tissues
environmental and acquired risk factors and gingival crevicular fluid contain elevated con-
Periodontitis appears to behave as a multifactorial centrations of these mediators, and their presence
disease in which multiple genetic and environmental can elevate levels of matrix metalloproteinase, en-
factors interact to produce the disease and modify
its clinical expression. One prime example of these hance tissue destruction and increase disease sever-
interactions is the IgG2 levels in early-onset ity. The connective tissues in diabetics may manifest
periodontitis,which appear to be influenced by
both genetic factors and smoking. pathological change. Collagen production by fibro-
Periodontitis is strongly associated with major blasts in the periodontal ligament and gingiva may
systemic diseases, including cardiovascular disease, decrease and the production of gingival matrix
diabetes and pre-term low-birth-weight delivery.
Diabetes is a well-documented risk factor for metalloproteinase may increase. Matrix metalloprot-
periodontitis. einase activity in gingival crevicular fluid can be el-
Many diabetics manifest an upregulated monocyte evated, and gingival fibroblasts in culture synthesize
phenotype that is characterized by expression of
high levels of prostaglandin E2,IL-10and tumor less collagen than normal. The excess matrix metal-
necrosis factor a in response to a lipopolysaccharide loproteinase appears to derive from neutrophils.
Diabetes is known to alter collagen metabolism and Under hyperglycemic conditions, collagen is nonen-
the basement membranes of small vessels. zymatically glycosylated and its solubility and turn-
Smoking is a well-documented risk factor for over rates change. Diabetics also have impaired pro-
Smoking inhibits neutrophil function, suppresses duction of bone matrix components by osteoblasts.
IgG2 antibody response, enhances rnonocyte A fundamental lesion is thickening of the base-
release of IL-1s and may directly affect osteoblast
function. ment membranes of small vessels with nonenzy-
Psychosocial stress may be associated with an matic glycosylation of proteins and accumulation of
increased severity of periodontitis. deposits within the vessel wall and on the luminal
HIV infection is a risk factor for an ulcerative form
of periodontitis. surfaces. These changes narrow the vessel lumen
and interfere with transport across the vessel wall.

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

Patients vary greatly in the development of such of immunoglobulin both in periodontitis patients
lesions; they are seen most frequently in individuals and periodontally normal individuals. Levels of IgG2
having a genetic predilection, diabetes of long dur- antibody specific for antigens of A. actinomycetem-
ation and poor metabolic control of hyperglycemia. comituns are significantly lower among smokers with
Advanced glycation end products induce oxidant adult periodontitis and rapidly progressive peri-
stress in periodontal tissues, and this may be related odontitis than among nonsmokers with the same
to enhanced periodontal disease. Immune regula- diseases. Since the predominant serum antibody re-
tion may also be affected. In subjects with type 1 sponse to the major periodontal pathogens is mostly
diabetes there is a clear association with HLA-BB of the IgG2 subclass, suppression of IgG2 production
and B15, and about 95% of such patients manifest may be a primary mechanism through which smok-
DR3 or DR4 or both. ing enhances susceptibility to severe periodontitis.
Of the possibilities described 'above, the elevated Smoking appears to have other effects on immune
levels of IL-1, tumor necrosis factor a,prostaglandin regulation: T-cell subset ratios appear to be altered
E2 and matrix metalloproteinases are likely to have in smokers. Nicotine also increases the lipopolysac-
the greatest influence on the common shared events charide-induced release of IL-1p by monocytes.
in the pathogenesis of periodontitis. Smoking may directly affect connective tissues
and bone. Cytotoxic substances such as nicotine and
its major metabolite, cotinine, can be detected in
Tobacco smoking
saliva and crevicular fluid and in serum and urine,

A wealth of data demonstrate that cigar tte smoking
is the known environmental risk mos strongly as-
sociated with periodontitis, and especially severe
demonstrating their systemic availability. These sub-
stances rapidly penetrate epithelium and affect
fibroblasts. Smoking decreases the intestinal absorp-
periodontitis (see Salvi et al. (60) in this volume, tion of calcium and may thereby affect osteoblast
pages 183-184). Indeed, in some studies, the impact function and increase bone loss. Toxic substances
of smoking actually outweighs the effect of the from tobacco smoke can coat the root surfaces of
pathogenic bacteria as a determinant of outcome. periodontally involved teeth and interfere with post-
Smoking has marked effects on the clinical features surgical healing. Finally, there is evidence that smok-
of periodontitis. The gingival tissue tends to be ing may affect the composition of the subgingival
hyperkeratotic and fibrotic with thickened margins flora and enhance subgingival infection. Smoking al-
and tends to manifest minimal erythema and edema ters the short-term oxidation-reduction potential in
relative to disease of equal severity in nonsmokers. plaque and may thereby result in an increased pro-
Attachment loss is generally more severe in the an- portion of anaerobic bacteria.
terior regions, especially on the palatal aspects of the Because cigarette smoking has extraordinary ef-
maxillary anterior teeth. The disease is more severe fects in enhancing the susceptibility to severe peri-
and widespread relative to a nonsmoking cohort of odontitis, which hinders successful therapy, smoking
comparable age. There may be no positive associ- cessation is now becoming an important part of suc-
ation between periodontal status and high plaque cessful prevention and management of peri-
and calculus scores. Surgical and nonsurgical ther- odontitis.
apies are less effective in smokers than in non-
smokers, and the disease is more likely to recur.
Psychosocial stress
Both locally and systemically induced effects on
the periodontium have been described (see Salvi et Clinicians have long suspected that stress is import-
al. (60) in this volume, page 185). Smoking tends to ant in susceptibility to periodontitis and in response
mask gingival inflammation by constricting the to therapy. Research is this area is still in its infancy,
blood vessels of the gingiva, as well as the coronary and documentation of an association between stress
arteries and vessels of the placenta. Smoking affects and the common forms of periodontitis is lacking.
leukocyte function. The functional activity of both Data support an association between stress and
salivary and tissue neutrophils is suppressed. Smok- acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, and stressed
ing has major effects on immune responsiveness. A acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis patients mani-
negative significant association has been shown be- fest depressed neutrophil chemotaxis and phago-
tween smoking and serum antibody levels to certain cytosis as well as reduced lymphocyte proliferation
periodontal bacteria. The effect may be specific. in response to nonspecific mitogen stimulation.
Smoking suppresses production of the IgG2 subclass Stress, distress and coping behaviors may be associ-

Page et al. -

ated with an increased severity of periodontal tissue minants of susceptibility to periodontitis and the
destruction. Salvi et al. (60) have evaluated the data rates and extent of disease progression and severity.
thoroughly and conclude in this volume (pages 185- New findings and perspectives are listed in Table 8.
186) that, although stress is a potential risk factor, it Evidence for genetic susceptibility comes from three
has not been adequately evaluated. sources: the association of periodontitis with specific
Cellular and molecular interactions between neur- genetically transmitted disease traits, twin studies of
oendocrine and immune systems have been well adult periodontitis and linkage and segregation
documented (see Salvi et al. (60) in this volume, studies of families with early-onset forms of peri-
pages 186-187). Corticosteroids inhibit several in- odontitis. Among the genetically transmitted disease
flammatory cells, including macrophages, neutro- traits are neutropenia, trisomy 21 and Papillon-Le-
phils, eosinophils and mast cells. These are mediated f h e syndrome, which confer abnormalities in neu-
by suppressing cytokines such as IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL- trophil number or function and thereby greatly en-
4, tumor necrosis factor a, interferon y and granul- hance susceptibility to periodontitis. Twin studies of
ocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and by adult periodontitis have shown greater concordance
inhibiting arachidonic acid metabolism and the pro- for periodontitis susceptibility between monozygotic
duction of prostaglandins and leukotrienes. De- twins than between dizygotic twins and demon..
pressed immune responsiveness resulting from strated that heredity accounts for about 50% of thc
stress has been postulated as one of several factors enhanced risk for severe periodontitis. Studies on
involved in destructive periodontal diseases. families with early-onset periodontitis have shown
one or more autosomal major gene loci linked to en-
HlV infection
A form of periodontitis designated as necrotizing ul-
cerative periodontitis has been described in patients Table 8. The pathogenesis of periodontitis:
with HIV infection or AIDS. The disease is painful, new findings and new perspective on the genetic
risk factors
rapidly destructive and frequently does not respond
to treatment. The frequency of this form of peri- Periodontitis appears to behave as a multifactorial
odontitis seems very low. Nevertheless, AIDS is disease in which multiple genetic and environmental
factors interact to produce the disease and modify
clearly a risk factor for this form of periodontitis (see its clinical expression. One prime example of these
Salvi et al. (60) in this volume, pages 188-189). interactions may be seen in the IgG2 levels in early-
onset periodontitis, which appear to be influenced
The subgingival flora is similar to that seen in by both genetic factors and smoking.
adult periodontitis, although Candida albicans and Genetics has been shown to influence both early-
onset periodontitis and adult forms of periodontitis.
enteric bacterial species may be present in the sub- There are currently five promising candidates for a
gingival biofilms. Patients may manifest decreased genetic influence on periodontitis.
neutrophil chemotaxis, phagocytosis and bacterial Given the critical protective role neutrophils play in
periodontitis, genetic defects in neutrophil
killing and impaired Fc receptor-specific clearance. function would be expected to alter the disease.
Monocyte chemotaxis may also be abnormal. The IgG2 subclass of antibody is prominent in both
T4:T8 lymphocyte ratio and the absolute numbers of early-onset periodontitis and adult periodontitis.
IgG2 levels are known to be genetically regulated at
T4 helper cells may be decreased. Levels of IL- 1p in the G2M23 locus, which has been associated with
gingival crevicular fluid are elevated. These abnor- early-onset periodontitis. IgG2 levels are also
reduced in some smokers.
malities taken together would be expected to result A polymorphism in the genes coding for the FcyII
in inadequate host defense against the microbial receptor on neutrophils has been associated with
early-onset periodontitis and with phagocytic
challenge and cytokine-mediated enhancement of function of neutrophils in conjunction with IgG2
matrix metalloproteinase-mediated connective antibodies.
tissue destruction and prostaglandin E-mediated al- A combination of two polymorphisms in the IL-1
genes has been associated with more severe
veolar bone loss. periodontitis in adults.
Given the apparent role of prostaglandin E2 in
periodontitis, genes controlling the prostaglandin
Genetic risk factors for periodontitis endoperoxide synthase enzymes may be good
candidates for genetic influences on periodontitis.
A recent linkage analysis in early-onset periodontitis
Evidence for genetic susceptibility families identified a disease associated with the
physical region on chromosome 9q32-33,which
contains the gene for prostaglandin endoperoxide
Genetic factors that act on and modify host re- svnthase-I .
sponses to the microbial challenge are major deter-

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

hanced susceptibility for periodontitis (see Hart & accumulating at the sites of challenge by chemotaxis,
Kornman (23) in this volume, pages 207-21 1). where they phagocytose and kill microorganisms that
have been opsonized. The major opsonin is specific
antibody, which is mostly IgG2 in periodontitis pa-
Candidate genes for enhanced periodontitis
tients. The phagocytic cells express a family of cell
The genetic traits that may confer enhanced suscep- surface receptors that recognize bacteria coated with
tibility to periodontitis are listed in Table 9 and dis- specific antibody by binding the Fc region and there-
cussed below (see Hart & Kornman (23) in this vol- by provide the recognition mechanism for phago-
ume, pages 206-211). cytosis and killing. More than one receptor can recog-
Abnormalities in neutrophil function have been nize bacteria opsonized by IgGl and IgG3, but only
demonstrated in approximately 75% of individuals one receptor, designated hFc-y-RIIa, recognizes bac-
with juvenile periodontitis. Cells from about 75% of teria coated with IgG2. This receptor is polymorphic
these individuals manifest suppressed chemotaxis at amino acid reside number 131, where either histi-
and phagocytosis in v i m . In addition, the cells are dine or arginine may be present (see Hart & Kornman
unable to mobilize extracellular calcium normally, (23) in this volume, page 209). When the receptor is
and intracellular signaling pathways appear to be homozygous for histidine, the receptor affinity is high;
abnormal. These abnormalities could hamper the when the receptor is homozygous for arginine it is low,
critical role the phagocytic cells play in fending off and when the receptor is heterozygous it is of inter-
the microbial challenge and thereby account for en- mediate affinity. Neutrophils from individuals who
hanced disease susceptibility (see Hart & Kornman are homozygous for histidine effectively phagocytose
(23) in this volume, pages 207-211) (26). and kill bacteria opsonized by IgG2. Individuals who
Serum IgG2 antibody appears to be the major are homozygous for arginine or those who are hetero-
serum antibody produced in response to periodontal zygous may manifest enhanced susceptibility to in-
infection. The capacity to produce IgG2 is genetically fections by encapsulated bacteria such as Huerno-
determined and varies greatly among individuals philus infuenzue and to meningococcal disease. The
(see Hart & Kornman (23) in this volume, pages 207- same may be true for periodontitis sites, since the pre-
209). Studies on more than 100 families with early- dominant humoral response for periodontal mi-
onset periodontitis have demonstrated a linkage of crobial infection is IgG2. Therefore, even though a
disease susceptibility to the human leukocyte anti- given individual may produce high titers of high-af-
gen region of chromosome 6 containing the immune finity IgG2 antibody, phagocytosis and killing of in-
response genes (81). Segregation analysis of such fecting bacteria may not occur if the low-affinity re-
families has revealed a major locus accounting for ceptor is expressed.
approximately 62% of the variance for IgG2 produc- Monocytes and macrophages are key in the patho-
tion (39, 40). Thus, a genetically determined reduced genesis of periodontitis because they are activated
capacity to produce IgG2 during the course of peri- by lipopolysaccharide and proinflammatory cyto-
odontal infection may in part account for the en-. kines and can produce large amounts of tumor ne-
hanced disease susceptibility. crosis factor a, IL-lp, prostaglandin E2 and matrix
The phagocytic cells, especiallythe neutrophils and metalloproteinase (Fig. 1). Cell responses are genet-
specific antibody, comprise the major host defense ically determined and unique for individuals. Vari-
against periodontal infection. These cells function by ation in responsiveness among individuals is pro-
found and stable over time. Blood monocytes from
individuals who are susceptible to severe peri-
odontitis release significantly more tumor necrosis
Table 9. Genetic traits that may confer enhanced factor a,I t - l p and prostaglandin E2 than monocytes
susceptibility for periodontitis
from individuals who are resistant (15, 16, 45, 58).
Abnormal phagocyte function Based on these observations, Offenbacher (46) pro-
Reduced capacity 10 produce IgG2. chromosome 6 posed a model for the pathogenesis of periodontitis
hFc-y-IUIa polymorphism
h m o r necrosis factor a polymorphism, in which susceptible individuals manifest a hyperre-
chromosome 6 sponsive monocyte phenotype relative to individuals
Variable rnonocyte and macrophage function who are resistant.
IL-10 polymorphism, chromosome 2q13 The proinflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis
Prostaglandin endoperoxide synthase 1 gene,
chromosome 9q32.33 factor a and IL-1p and prostaglandins (especially
- -___... - - ._ _
prostaglandin E2) are extremely important in the

Page et al,

for the hyperresponsive monocyte phenotype sug-

gested by others (46, 47).

The pathogenesis of periodontitis:

a new paradigm
Periodontitis is a family of related chronic inflam-
matory diseases, all of which are bacterial infections,
The bacteria most well documented to cause these
diseases include I! gingivalis, B. forsythus and A. acti-
nornyceterncornitans (8). Other species may be in-
Fig. 3. In sicu hybridization studies and analyses per- volved in causing periodontitis, but they act more
formed on gingival crevicular fluid and tissue extracts indirectly than these species, and other species such
have shown that periodontal health is characterized by as enteric bacteria may be involved in special cases.
low levels of proinflammatory cytokines, prostaglandin E2
Nevertheless, these species are the primary patho-
(PGE,) and matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and high
levels of tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases (TIMP) gens in most cases. Bacteria are necessary but insuf-
and cytokines that suppress the immunoinflammatory re- ficient to cause periodontitis. In studies appropriate
sponse. The opposite is observed in active periodontitis. for multivariate analysis, the bacterial component
TNF-a: tumor necrosis factor a; INF-1: interferon y; TGF- accounts for a relatively small proportion (roughly
f.k transforming growth factor p.
20%) of the variance in disease expression. Host fac-
tors are equally or more important than the bacteria
in determining disease development and outcome.
The complex interplay between the bacterial chal-
pathogenesis of periodontitis (Fig. 3). The levels of lenge and innate and acquired host factors deter-
these molecules and of matrix metalloproteinase are mines the outcome.
high at sites of active tissue destruction and low at We propose a new paradigm for the pathogenesis
healthy and successfully treated sites. The tumor ne- of periodontitis (see Fig. 1 in Page & Kornman (51)
crosis factor a gene has been mapped to chromo- in this volume). This paradigm is based on advances
some 6 , and a polymorphism exists in the gene pro- in knowledge in three specific areas. First, the sub-
moter region that results in greatly increased tumor gingival microbial flora is highly organized into bi-
necrosis factor a production (41, 80). Individuals ex- ofilms and manifests the characteristics of biofilms.
pressing this polymorphism manifest enhanced sus- The bacteria are largely protected from the host de-
ceptibility to certain infections. Although this poly- fenses and are highly resistant to chemotherapeutic
morphism has not yet been linked directly to suscep- agents. Physical disruption by scaling and root plan-
tibility to periodontitis, there is a strong possibility ing is an effective treatment. Second, major ad-
that such a link does exist. Similarly, the IL-1 gene vances have been made at the cellular, molecular
family located on chromosome 2q13 is polymorphic. and genetic levels in understanding the pathways
Individuals with one of the specific genotypes pro- and mechanisms by which the bacteria present in
duce about four times more IL-1p than do genotype- these biofilms initiate and perpetuate the immuno-
negative individuals, and they are about 20 times inflammatory response that destroys the connective
more likely to develop severe adult periodontitis at tissue of the gingiva and periodontal ligament and
ages beyond 40 years than are those who are gene resorbs the alveolar bone. It is now known that these
negative (31). Finally, studies on more than 100 fam- pathways underlie and are shared by all forms of
ilies with early-onset periodontitis have demon- chronic marginal periodontitis. Third, although bac-
strated a linkage with chromosome 9q32,33 contain- teria cause periodontitis and are essential for disease
ing the gene for cyclooxygenase 1 (prostaglandin en- to occur, bacteria alone are insufficient. A suscep-
doperoxide synthetase 1) (81). This is the enzyme tible host is required. Acquired and environmental
system responsible for producing prostaglandin EZ. risk factors such as tobacco smoking as well as gen-
The linkage of the gene to enhanced disease suscep- etically transmitted traits modify the shared path-
tibility is most likely related to enhanced levels of ways by which bacteria cause tissue destruction, and
prostaglandin E2 production. One or more of these they determine disease susceptibility, onset, pro-
genetic abnormalities may account at least in part gression, severity and outcome. This new way of

Advances in the pathogenesis of periodontitis

looking at the pathogenesis of periodontitis opens disease and that enhance the levels of those that
entirely new approaches to preventing and manag- characterize health may be expected to be effective.
ing this family of diseases. Interventions that reduce the levels or activities of
Although many of the details of the pathogenesis IL-lp, tumor necrosis factor a, prostaglandin E2 and
of periodontitis are complex and not yet well under- matrix metalloproteinases and those that enhance
stood, certain aspects stand out. Perhaps most im- the levels or activities of IL-10, transforming growth
portantly, the dynamic events of pathogenesis are factor p and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinases
determined primarily by the signaling and regulating could serve as the basis for effective treatment. The
molecules that direct cellular function. Elevated various chapters in this volume have suggested sev-
levels of bacterial substances characterize peri- eral such approaches.
odontitis, especially active progressing lesions. The Under the new paradigm, periodontics is rapidly
main substances are lipopolysaccharide, the proin- changing from diagnosing and treating existing dis-
flammatory cytokines (IL-1, tumor necrosis factor a ease to prevention and health promotion. Reduction
and, to a lesser extent, IL-61, prostaglandins (es- of risk becomes the primary objective of inter-
pecially prostaglandin E2) and the matrix metallop- vention for individuals and populations. Identifymg
roteinases. In marked contrast, an absence of or very the factors that place individuals and groups at en-
low levels of bacterial substance, especially lipopoly- hanced risk and managing risk as a means of preven-
saccharide, the presence of cytokines that suppress tion and treatment are of ever increasing import-
the immunoinflammatory response (IL-10 and ance. Some risk factors are immutable to change;
transforming growth factor J3) and tissue inhibitors others are not. For example, the data show that
of metalloproteinases combined with low levels of smoking cessation alone can reduce the risk of se-
prostaglandin E2 and matrix metalloproteinases vere periodontitis remarkably. The risk imposed by
characterize stable and resolving periodontal lesions diabetes, although immutable, can be significantly
and sites of periodontal health (Fig. 3). These are reduced or eliminated by measures ensuring the
central features of the pathogenesis shared by all highest level of metabolic control.
forms of periodontitis. Environmental, acquired and The most dramatic potential for future control or
genetic risk factors are major determinants of the virtual elimination of periodontal disease may ema-
presence and concentration of specific antibodies, nate from advances in understanding the role of her-
cytokines, prostaglandins and proteases. Many of edity in determining susceptibility to and the sever-
these risk factors can be modified to prevent or alter ity of disease. Although this field is still in its infancy,
disease onset or progression or used as tests to de- enough is known already to glimpse the future. Sev-
termine disease susceptibility. eral studies are linking susceptibility to early-onset
Since it was discovered in the 1960s and following periodontitis to the human leukocyte antigen region
years that periodontitis is infectious, therapy and of chromosome 6, the site of the genes regulating the
prevention have been targeted almost exclusively at IgG2 humoral immune response and the production
the bacteria and eliminating or reducing them to of tumor necrosis factor a. IgG2 is the major anti-
numbers below the threshold levels required to in- body class produced in response to periodontal
itiate and perpetuate disease. This approach, es- pathogens. The data indicate that a major locus,
pecially physical disruption and removal of the sub- possibly at that location, can account for 62% of the
gingival biofilms by procedures such as scaling and variance in IgG2 levels. If this is the case, a measure
root planing, will remain a central and essential part of the capacity of an individual to mount an IgG2
of periodontal therapy. Nevertheless, the new para- response could be a major indicator of disease sus-
digm modifies the traditional approach to account ceptibility, severity and progression. Several genetic
for host and risk factors. polymorphisms in the tumor necrosis factor gene
The presence and concentrations of factors char- family are known to exist. Polymorphisms in the tu-
acterizing destructive periodontitis lesions vary mor necrosis factor genes associated with suscepti-
greatly among individuals, and many are determined bility to periodontitis can be searched for and prob-
genetically. Environmental and acquired factors such ably exist.
as tobacco smoking also affect these factors signifi- The discovery of polymorphisms in the genes for
cantly, either directly or indirectly. These obser- the hFc-y-RIIa receptor on the phagocytic cells
vations point the way to new approaches for preven- further elucidates the possible genetic basis for sus-
tion, diagnosis and treatment. Approaches that sup- ceptibility to all forms of periodontitis. This poly-
press the levels of the agents that characterize active morphism results in the expression of receptors of

Pane et al.

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