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Essay Lesson 6

Aura M Guzman


MGT 210

Professor Karen Spindler

Essay Lesson 6

1. In this scenario, it's crucial to consider Aimee's situation empathetically and fairly. Here's

an action plan for management.

 Understanding Aimee's Situation: The manager should first seek to understand

Aimee's new circumstances as a mother of a newborn. Having a child often

requires significant adjustments to one's schedule and priorities, including the

need to leave work at a reasonable hour to attend to family responsibilities.

 Evaluate Performance Objectively: Instead of focusing solely on the number of

hours Aimee spends at work, the manager should evaluate her performance based

on her productivity, quality of work, and contributions to the team and company

objectives. If Aimee continues to demonstrate dedication and commitment to her

role, despite adjusting her work hours, she should be considered for promotion

based on her performance.

 Consider Flexible Work Arrangements: Management should explore the

possibility of implementing flexible work arrangements, such as telecommuting

or adjusted work hours, to accommodate Aimee's needs as a new mother. This

could help maintain her productivity and commitment to her role while allowing

her to fulfill her parental responsibilities.

The decision to pass over Aimee for a promotion solely based on her adjusted work

schedule as a new mother would be unfair. Instead, management should evaluate her

performance objectively, considering her productivity, quality of work, and contributions to the

team. They should also consider implementing flexible work arrangements to accommodate

Aimee's needs as a new mother, provide supportive resources, address any biases, communicate

clear expectations, and foster a positive and inclusive work environment. (Smith, 2019)
Essay Lesson 6

2. The decision to choose John over Jack for the assignment based solely on their marital

status is unfair and potentially discriminatory. Marital status should not be a determining

factor in such decisions. Instead, management should evaluate the relevant skills,

experience, and qualifications of both candidates to determine who is the best fit for the

assignment. If both employees are equally qualified, other relevant criteria such as

language skills, adaptability, and career aspirations should be considered. Making

decisions based on marital status can create an unfair and biased work environment and

may lead to legal implications. Therefore, it's important for management to ensure that all

decisions regarding assignments are based on merit and relevant criteria rather than

personal factors like marital status. (Dessler, 2020).

3. Yes, the manager should investigate the situation further. It's essential to approach this

matter with sensitivity and respect for the employee's religious beliefs. Assuming the

manager's disbelief regarding the employee's religious reasons is not sufficient grounds to

deny the request outright. By investigating the situation and engaging in a constructive

dialogue with the employee, the manager can ensure that the request for leave is handled

in a respectful and fair manner, while also addressing any concerns or doubts they may

have. (Werther & Davis, 2020)

4. In this scenario, it's essential to prioritize the health and well-being of the sales employee

while also considering the impact on the rest of the team. The sales employee's request

for accommodations due to migraines should be approached with empathy and

consideration for her health needs. While the manager's concerns about fairness are valid,

it's crucial to prioritize the employee's well-being. A collaborative approach involving

dialogue, exploring solutions, educating the team, and reviewing policies can help strike
Essay Lesson 6

a balance between accommodating the employee's medical condition and maintaining

productivity and fairness in the workplace. (Kleiman & Kleiman, 2021).

5. The department manager faces a dilemma of hiring an overqualified candidate with 30

years of cashier experience for an entry-level position. While concerns about potential

boredom and quick turnover are valid, it's crucial to assess the candidate's fit, interest,

and potential for long-term commitment. Exploring career development opportunities and

considering other candidates with suitable experience can help make an informed hiring

decision that balances the department's needs with the candidates' abilities and

aspirations. (Phillips, 2020)

Essay Lesson 6


 Dessler, G. (2020). Human Resource Management (16th ed.). Pearson.

 Kleiman, L. S., & Kleiman, M. (2021). Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion:

A Psychological Perspective. Routledge.

 Phillips, J. M. (2020). Employee Recruitment, Selection, and Assessment:

Contemporary Issues for Theory and Practice. Routledge.

 Smith, S. (2019). The Essential HR Handbook: A Quick and Handy Resource for

Any Manager or HR Professional (11th ed.). Career Press.

 Werther, W. B., & Davis, K. (2020). Human Resources and Personnel Management.

McGraw Hill.

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