The Jerusalem Post November 2023

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Volume XCI, Number 27771 NIS 22.00 (EILAT NIS 18.80)

F R I DAY, N OV E M B E R 10 , 2 02 3  2 6 H E S H VA N , 578 4

g them
th home 13
1 3 1
4 Avigdor
talks tough


As resolute Taking about Hamas

as dayy one control and his
former boss, MK Avigd
or Liber
once a Netan

calls on

Adi Shoham, age 38, A month since Families of Hamas-held Netanyahu confidant, nsibility
to take

kidnapped from
Kibbutz Be’eri
October 7, Israelis remain
determined and united
hostages embark on their
own global campaigns M AGAZIINE
Top military
brass enters Israel agrees
deep into
to four-hour

IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen.

daily pauses
Herzi Halevi and Shin Bet
(Israel Security Agency) Islamic Jihad indicates it
Director Ronen Bar on Thurs-
day rode deep into Gaza with
IDF troops to see up close the
may release two hostages
ground invasion’s progress, • By TOVAH LAZAROFF, have been at odds over the
which included seizing con- ALEX WINSTON and Reuters details relating to humani-
trol of a key Hamas base in tarian pauses, including the
Gaza City and killing dozens Israel agreed to a daily four- length of their duration,
of terrorists. hour pause in the fighting particularly given that such
The trip allowed them in northern Gaza as Palestin- steps have been linked and
to personally delve into ian Islamic Jihad published a are expected to be linked to
what the situation is on the FAMILY AND FRIENDS of Sgt. Rose Lubin bid her a final farewell at her funeral yesterday at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in video of two of the hostages the release of 239 hostages
ground as opposed to just Jerusalem. (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) it indicated could be released. held in Gaza.
reading reports from the “We’ve been told by the Israel is looking to avoid a

‘She was everything the world needed’ Israelis that there will be no
military operations in these
areas over the duration of the
situation in which the fight-
ing in Gaza is repeatedly halt-
ed due to such pauses thereby
Family, friends, unit mourn Atlanta native Sgt. Rose Lubin, killed in Jerusalem attack pause,” US National Security increasing the timeline of the
AT WAR Council spokesperson John war, and preventing it from
• By JUDITH SUDILOVSKY socks never matched, her live in Israel and join the IDF. who a month earlier took Kirby said, adding that “this achieving its military objec-
clothes were always a fashion After graduating from high part in fending off Hamas ter- process is starting today.” tive of ousting Hamas from
Day 34 The length and color of
Border Police officer Sgt. Rose
statement, and she was the
only student in her Atlanta,
school, she did just that and
joined the Border Police as a
rorists attacking her adoptive
home, Kibbutz Sa’ad.
The localized pauses limited
to specific areas in northern
the coastal enclave.
US President Joe Biden told
Lubin’s hair could change Georgia, high school to have lone soldier in March 2022. On Monday morning, Gaza would allow people to reporters he had asked for
‘Photojournalists from one day to the next – lettered both in wrestling and On Thursday, hundreds of Lubin, 20, died from her flee along two humanitarian a three-day pause in Gaza.
from purple to green to blue, cheerleading. people came with her family wounds after being stabbed corridors and were significant Prime Minister Benjamin
embedded with from long to the waist, or And she knew by the age and friends to pay their last first steps, Kirby explained.
Oct. 7 terrorists’ completely shaved off; her of five that she wanted to go respects to the young woman See WORLD, Page 10 The United States and Israel See AGREES, Page 10
Page 4

“The main strength for

now in this war, which I feel
all the time, is the cooper-
ation,” Halevi said. “I turn
around and see the IDF in
every corner; everyone is
doing everything just so that
you will be as strong as pos-
sible. There is nothing they
will not do to make you work
well. Keep moving forward,
thoroughly, and increase the AMERICAN CHRISTIAN COWBOYS join other faith-driven
pace. We are behind you.” volunteers in Israel through the Hayovel organization. (Hayovel)
Bar said: “There is an
unprecedented appreciation
for you with the public, on
the political level, and with-
Christian cowboys
in Hamas. It is getting better
and better. As a representa-
tive of the Shin Bet, we work
defend the heartland
for the IDF in this war.” • By MAAYAN HOFFMAN “We want to live for Israel;
The IDF on Thursday that is our goal,” said 24-year-
named three more soldiers Fifteen American Christian old Yosef Strain from Mon-
who died in battles in the cowboys with their wide- tana, his voice carrying a sub-
Gaza Strip. St.-Sgt.-Maj. brimmed hats, denim shirts, tle twang.
(res.) Eliahou Benjamin tight Wrangler jeans, leather The young men, mostly in
Elmakayes, 29, from the 8219 belts with large buckles and their early 20s, hail from across
Battalion in the Engineer- well-worn boots have come to the southwest: Tennessee, Mis-
ing 551 Brigade, originally Israel to protect residents of souri, Texas, Arkansas, and
from Jerusalem, was killed the biblical heartland – Judea
on Wednesday. St.-Sgt.-Maj. and Samaria. See COWBOYS, Page 10
(res.) Dov Moshe Kogan, 32,
from the IAF’s special forces
Shaldag Unit, originally from
Nov, was killed on Thursday. This ad
u to a
Sgt. Roni Eshel, 19, a lookout entitles yo
observer in the Border Pro- 5% discojob
tection Force’s 414 Battalion, on the
originally from Tzur Yitzhak,
was killed on October 7. The best
time to pr
Earlier Thursday, troops epare
for winte
cleared significant areas in r is

the center of Gaza City that

were the military headquar-
ters of Hamas. Although an
IDF statement said the bat-
tle had gone on for several
Barak Waterproofing and
hours, The Jerusalem Post has Leak Detection

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2 ISRAEL AT WAR F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

‘9,500 rockets fired on

Israel since October 7’
IDF: 12% of Hamas projectiles have fallen in Gaza
• By YONAH JEREMY BOB Unlike past rounds of con- Rockets from Yemen
flict, the IDF has stalwartly Yemen has also tried to
Around 9,500 rockets refused to share the exact attack Israel with ballistic
have been fired on Isra- shoot-down success percent- missiles and drones in a few
el by Hamas in the South age, saying that the current incidents, with the IDF’s air
and Hezbollah in the North conflict is the first full-scale defense using the Arrow mis-
since the start of the war on war when information secu- sile system to shoot down a
October 7, according to the rity and keeping Israeli ene- ballistic missile at a height
IDF. mies in the dark is more of over 1,500 km., and other
Of those 9,500, around critical than in the smaller Israeli and American air
3,000 were fired in only the many prior “rounds of con- defense systems shooting
first four hours by Hamas. flict.” down other threats.
That number is even higher That said, in prior rounds, Shooting down ballistic
than the already staggering Iron Dome usually had a missiles is more complex
widely reported 2,200 rocket success shooting down rate not only because they must
number most media carried of around 85-90% and top be shot down much farther
in the early days of the war. IDF officials have said that away, but also because they
It dwarfs the number of during this war, the IDF’s have many components to
rockets ever fired on Israel air defense has been com- them and the Arrow must
in a day by any enemy until parable. strike the component that
now, with Hamas firing The IDF did say it has shot contains the explosives, and
4,500 rockets on Israel over down thousands of rock- not the engine or various
PALESTINIANS IN the northern Gaza Strip flee to the south yesterday. (Mohammed Salem/Reuters) 50 days during the entire ets, including dealing with other pieces that break off
2014 Gaza conflict, a num- 2,000 more complex rockets from the rocket.

In Gaza, thousands flee

ber which itself at the time and around a dozen drones. To defend against all of
was a major new high. Besides the general infor- these threats, the IDF said
Despite this enormous mation security consid- that its air defense during
threat, the IDF’s air defense eration, the current war is this war has been both the
shield has shot down the the first real multifront con- most comprehensive and

south, many remain stuck

vast majority of rockets flict Israel has fought since the most spread out ever.
which threatened a civilian the 1973 Yom Kippur War, This defense includes as far
population (an algorithm given that Hezbollah has south as the Red Sea and as
leads the air defense not to been regularly firing rock- far north as Mount Dov.
waste interceptors on rock- ets and anti-tank missiles The IDF said that to date
• By NIDAL AL-MUGHRABI itarian catastrophe unfold- to help wounded civilians ing in tents in the hospital ets which will clearly only from the North to supple- 12% of Hamas rockets, or
and DOINA CHIACU ed. Hamas-run Palestinian escape the siege, now in its grounds and say they have land harmlessly in an open ment Hamas’s threat from around 900, have fallen
tallies said 10,812 Gaza res- second month. nowhere else to go. field.) the South. within Gaza.
GAZA/WASHINGTON (Reu- idents had been killed as “Without a ceasefire, lift- The UN humanitari-
ters) – There were no imme- of Thursday, about 40% of ing of siege and indiscrimi- an office OCHA said Israel
diate reports of a lull in fight- them children, in air and nate bombarding and war- had again told residents of
ing raging among ruined artillery strikes while basic fare, the hemorrhage of the north to move south,
buildings in the north of supplies are running out and human lives will continue,” and that shelling around
the Gaza Strip, while Isra- areas laid waste by unrelent- Jan Egeland, Secretary Gen- the main road continued,
el agreed to pause military ing Israeli bombardments. eral of the Norwegian Ref- endangering evacuees.
operations in northern Gaza In northern Gaza, Israeli ugee Council, said before “We saw decomposed bod-
for four hours a day from forces fought Hamas mili- the White House announce- ies, people from civilian cars,
Thursday, according to a tants and inched their way ment. civilians like us, not military
the White House announce- closer to two big hospitals. Israel and its main back- cars or resistance men,”
ment. This is the first sign Thousands more Palestin- er the United States say a Khaled Abu Issa said after
of a respite in more than a ians were fleeing from the full ceasefire would benefit crossing into the south with
month of fighting that has embattled north to the south Hamas. his family at Wadi Gaza.
killed thousands and stoked along a perilous frontline Residents in Gaza City, Another resident, who
fears of a regional conflict. path after Israel told them a Hamas stronghold, said asked not to be named, said
Israel unleashed its assault to evacuate, people on the Israeli tanks were stationed he had crossed with his wife
on Gaza in response to a route said. around the area. Both sides and six children.
cross-border Hamas massa- Many are however staying reported inflicting heavy “You have to hold your ID
cre attack on southern Israel in the north, packed into casualties on one another in card in your hand and raise
on October 7 in which ter- the Al Shifa Hospital and intense street battles. it as you go past the Israeli
rorists killed 1,400 people, al-Quds Hospital as ground Israel, which has vowed to tanks and then walk several
mostly civilians, and took battles rage around them wipe out Hamas, says 33 of more kilometers searching
239 hostages. and more Israeli airstrikes its soldiers have been killed for a lift,” he said.
It was the single worst rain down from above. Isra- in its ground operation as Southern areas have also
day of bloodshed in Israel’s el says its Hamas foes have they advanced into the heart come under regular attack.
75-year history and drew command centers embedded of Gaza City. In Khan Yunis, residents
international condemnation in the hospitals. Thousands of Palestin- picked through the rubble
of Hamas and sympathy and In Paris, officials from ians have sought refuge at and debris of a building
support for Israel. about 80 countries and orga- Al Shifa hospital inside Gaza destroyed by an Israeli air-
Israel’s retaliation in the nizations were meeting to City despite Israel’s orders strike, hoping to find survi-
Hamas-ruled enclave caused coordinate humanitarian to evacuate the area it has vors, on Thursday morning, ROCKETS ARE fired from the southern Gaza Strip toward Israel last week.
(Said Khatib/AFP via Getty Images)
great concern as a human- aid to Gaza and find ways encircled. They are shelter- witnesses said.

Drones continue to define war for IDF, Hamas Netanyahu issues

• By SETH J. FRANTZMAN rare condemnation
wants to focus on, as they
can drop munitions and do
IDF said on Thursday that
“terrorists fired at an IDF UAV
in the area of Har Dov, north-
drone, that was developed as
part of the IDF Storm Clouds
program for the 144th UAV
how to identify him in time
using diverse methods and
attack him, we will extend the
Drones continue to be a key
part of the battlefield in the
war between Israel and Hamas,
a war that includes drones
of settler violence
The IDF added that it “dis-
covered a Hamas weapons
manufacturing and storage
facility used to produce and
ern Israel. An IDF UAV struck
the source of the fire and IDF
soldiers are responding with
artillery fire.” Hezbollah uses
squadron, is playing a role in
the war in Gaza, according to
a Walla report.
These drones, based on the
achievement that will lead to
the destruction of Hamas.”
Israel has a plethora of other
drones as well. It uses the
beyond Gaza, not to mention store UAVs and weapons. The drones and tries to down Israe- Israeli company Aeronautics Hermes 450 or Zik to carry ‘There is a small handful of people
Lebanon and Yemen, and now site was located in a residen- li ones, as there have been a Orbiter family of drones, can out surveillance and strikes,
Israel. A drone struck a school tial building, in close proxim- number of incidents of the perform many missions, as the IAI Heron as well as Elbit who do not represent this public’
in Eilat on Thursday, which is ity to schools in the center of IDF downing drones that were the drones are not particu- Systems Thor and Magni sys-
still being investigated. the Sheikh Radwan neighbor- flown from Lebanon. larly large or heavy. The IDF tems, and Rafael’s Firefly loi- • By TOVAH LAZAROFF
The IDF said that a “UAV hood in northern Gaza. In the In the West Bank, the IDF doesn’t provide specifics, but tering munition, known as
hit a civilian building in Eilat. building, Hamas explosives uses drones for attacks and other Orbiter models can Maoz. These all form a kind of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday issued
The identity of the UAV and and operational plans were surveillance. On Thursday, weigh from several kilograms multi-layered drone air force a rare condemnation of West Bank settler violence under
the details of the incident are found right next to a chil- “IDF soldiers conducted coun- to dozens, and some have a that can be used against adver- pressure from the United States.
under review.” dren’s bedroom.” terterrorism activity in the range of 100km or 25 hours of saries – adversaries that also “I condemn this, and we will act against it,” he said.
In Gaza, the IDF uncovered The drone factory discov- Jenin Camp and an IDF UAV flight time. use drones. Netanyahu issued his statement after meeting with
a Hamas drone factory in a ered in Gaza shows new com- struck an armed terrorist cell The Walla report quoted an Hamas uses drone to try to settler leaders from the Yesha Council on Wednesday
residential building, illustrat- ponents for drones, though it in the Jenin Camp,” the mil- IDF official praising the drone target armored vehicles. Vehi- night and two days after he spoke with US President Joe
ing once again the complex- is unclear whether these were itary said. Drones aided IDF and noted that the Spark cles in Gaza now are seen with Biden.
ity of targeting and prevent- made in Gaza or smuggled. soldiers to identify an armed drone can “greatly assist the cages over them, apparently According to the White House, Biden “discussed the
ing drone threats. Drones It shows how much Hamas terrorist cell. maneuvering forces, with an to interdict drones, and the situation in the West Bank” with Netanyahu and “the
are small and can be made capabilities have increased in Drones are transforming the emphasis on the brigade com- Houthis also use drones, such need to hold extremist settlers accountable for violent
in civilian areas, and they do the last several years on the IDF’s way of war. While drones bat team. The enemy is in no as the Samad-3, meaning that acts” against Palestinians.
not require huge factories, drone front. can’t do everything, they are hurry to show himself and the current conflict and dif- At the meeting with settler leaders, Netanyahu said
because small drone threats The importance of drones helping soldiers do a lot more. when it happens it is for short ferent fronts are now all part he told “Biden that the allegations against the settlers
are the type that Hamas isn’t limited to the South; the For instance, the new Spark periods of time. If we know of the new era of drone wars. are baseless,” adding that the violence stems from “a
small extreme minority that does not come from the
“We condemn it and deal with it with all the severity of
the law,” Netanyahu said he told Biden.
Similarly, Netanyahu in his public statement on
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Wednesday emphasized that Jewish extremists who attack
Palestinians in the West Bank represent a small fraction of
mourns the passing of the overall Israeli population in Judea and Samaria.
“There is a tiny handful of people who do not represent

MR MARC BESEN AC this public and that take the law into their own hands,”
he said.
“We are not prepared to tolerate this. We are not
Australia prepared to accept this. We will take all action against
them. This causes severe international damage to the
Philanthropist, Governor, Honorary Doctorate recipient State of Israel, and it does not represent the public here.”
According to the United Nations, eight Palestinians,
Heartfelt condolences to his children including one child, “have been killed by Israeli settlers.”
and to all the family The attacks have inflamed an already volatile situation
in the West Bank.
Mr. Daniel I. Schlessinger Prof. Asher Cohen In Tokyo on Wednesday, US Secretary of State Antony
Chairman of the Board of Governors President of the Hebrew University Blinken said he had spoken with Israeli officials during
his visit last weekend about the need to stop Jewish
extremist violence.
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 ISRAEL AT WAR 3

Pro-Palestinians heckle witnesses at Congress

• By ANDREW LAPIN/JTA anti-Black views instead. that, if a violent antisemit- speech are being inconsistent.
One Democrat, Georgia Rep. ic action followed anti-Israel “I am reminded of the great
As Amanda Silberstein tes- Hank Johnson, said the hear- speech, the prior speech could philosopher Austin Powers,
tified before the US House of ing itself was hypocritical in be policed as an example of pre- who said, ‘There’s only two
Representatives on Wednesday light of the House’s vote the dicting that conduct. things I can’t stand: people
about how a student at her uni- previous night to censure Tlaib “Conduct often follows who are intolerant of other
versity had threatened to kill over speech related to Israel. words,” Silberstein said in people, and the Dutch,’” Gaetz
and rape Jewish students, she “It’s ironic that we’re holding agreement, linking chants at said, referencing the series of
was interrupted. this hearing today about cen- Cornell of “From the river to spy comedies starring Mike
“Free Palestine,” a protester sorship and speech on campus, the sea” to antisemitic threats Myers. “And a similar tension
shouted from the audience but last night, MAGA Repub- to students. “Speech advocat- seems to be on display today.”
during Silberstein’s testimony licans and others censured ing for violence should not be Silberstein and Marcus were
at a hearing on free speech and the only Palestinian voice in tolerated on a college campus,” joined on the witness panel by
antisemitism on college cam- the House of Representatives she added. Stacy Burdett, a senior executive
puses. “Anti-Zionism is not because they didn’t like what “Well, what about the eradi- at the Anti-Defamation League;
antisemitism.” she had to say,” Johnson said. cation of Hamas?” McClintock two non-Jewish conservative
Silberstein is an undergrad- “She didn’t threaten anybody. asked her. Silberstein respond- campus activists; and Pamela
uate at Cornell University, She did not advocate for vio- ed that Hamas is “a recognized Nadell, the director of Ameri-
where a student was recently lence. She stated a view, as hap- terrorist organization,” which can University’s Jewish studies
arrested for making antisemit- pens on college campuses.” led McClintock to ask, “So it program and the author of a
ic death threats. Silberstein, a Nearly two dozen Democrats AMANDA SILBERSTEIN, a Jewish Cornell University student, testifies before Congress on depends upon your viewpoint, forthcoming book on antisem-
member of the student board also voted to censure Tlaib, say- Wednesday about the antisemitism she has experienced on campus, as pro-Palestinian hecklers is that what you’re saying?” itism in America.
demonstrate behind her. (Screenshot via YouTube)
at Cornell’s Chabad-Lubavitch ing that they believed her use Gaetz, too, pushed Marcus Nadell sparred with Gaetz
movement chapter, had just of the phrase “From the river on whether punishing students over whether criticism of “glo-
described how “professors and to the sea” implied threats of speech should be protected “banned or punished.” el speech under the Education who voice support for Hamas balists” or progressive Jewish
student organizations have violence toward Jews and Israel. on campus. He asked Mar- In his answer, Marcus Department’s civil rights pro- amounts to the suppression of philanthropist George Soros,
been fueling Jew-hatred and McClintock grilled Sil- cus whether “the mere repe- referred to an executive order tections. Speech, he said, could legitimate speech. He suggest- both frequent targets of Gaetz’s
spreading it across campus berstein and Marcus about tition” of the phrase “From by president Donald Trump be used “as an indicator of the ed that those who have called ire, should always be seen as
with disregard or potentially whether certain Israel-related the river to the sea” should be that included some anti-Isra- nature of conduct.” He added for the suppression of bigoted antisemitic.
even with deliberate intent to
It was one of several times
when pro-Palestinian protest-
ers interrupted witnesses at the
House Judiciary Committee
hearing titled “Free Speech on
College Campuses.” Through-
out the more than three-hour
hearing, they called for a cease-
fire in the Gaza Strip; decried
a purported silencing of Pal-
estinian students on campus;
and protested the recent House
censuring of Michigan Demo-
cratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who
is Palestinian-American, for her
use of the genocidal Palestinian
phrase “From the river to the
sea,” which refers to the elimi-
nation of the State of Israel.
This was not the first time
in recent days when pro-Pal-
estinian protesters disrupted
congressional proceedings.
Last week, hecklers also tried to
derail US Secretary of State Ant-
ony Blinken, as he implored
Congress to allocate emergency
funds for Israel.
Although Silberstein, unlike
Blinken, was not using her tes-
timony to advocate for Israel,
her heckling exemplified the
tense atmosphere, as Repub-
licans and Democrats alike
openly pondered the question
of whether, and how, speech
about Israel and Jews should be
policed on campus and in the
“I happen to believe in the
eradication of Hamas. The
same freedom of speech that
protects my right to advocate
that position is at stake here,
is it not?”, California Repub-
lican Rep. Tom McClintock
said at one point to Kenneth
Marcus, a witness who served
in the Trump administration’s
Education Department and
chairs the Brandeis Center for
Human Rights Under Law. The
latter is a pro-Israel group that
has repeatedly brought legal
challenges against universities
it says fail to properly discipline
anti-Zionist speech.
The hearing was originally
intended to focus on the issue
of conservative college stu-
dents allegedly being silenced.
But in light of Hamas’s October
7 attack on Israel, it largely cen-
tered on antisemitism on cam-
pus and beyond, as student and
faculty rhetoric around Israel
has reached a fever pitch.
Silberstein had been invited
to testify in part because Cor-
nell recently canceled classes
for a day because of the threats
against its Jewish students. That
incident followed a professor
at the Ivy League university
publicly praising the Hamas
attacks, turning the school
into a flashpoint for the rising
temperature around antisemit-
ic and anti-Zionist speech on
Some Republicans, includ-
ing hardline right-wing Flori-
da Rep. Matt Gaetz, suggested
that efforts to restrict pro-Pal-
estinian or pro-Hamas speech
on campuses were misguid-
ed. Another, California Rep.
Kevin Kiley, accused university
administrators at schools such
as Harvard of relying on free
speech as an excuse to avoid
condemning students with
pro-Hamas views.
A Cornell alum, Texas Rep.
Wesley Hunt, condemned
the school’s administra-
tion for not immediately
firing a pro-Hamas profes-
sor, suggesting administra-
tors would have done so if
he had shared anti-trans or
4 ISRAEL AT WAR F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

‘Photographers embedded with Oct. 7 terrorists’

• By Jerusalem Post Staff Meyer. “AP’s role is to capture macy Directorate in the Prime inhumanity, and evil.”
and Walla news and images from events Minister’s Office stated that International news organiza-
happening worldwide, at any it “views with utmost gravity tion Reuters denied on Thurs-
Media watchdog Hon- point, even if they are terrible that photojournalists work- day any suggestion it had prior
estReporting published an and involve victims. AP uses ing with international media knowledge of the October
investigative report late on photos from freelancers from joined in covering the brutal 7 attack by Hamas on Israe-
Wednesday showing that all over, including Gaza.” acts of murder perpetrated by li civilians and soldiers, in a
photojournalists from leading The Jerusalem Press Club Hamas terrorists on October 7 statement responding to the
news outlets, including The stated that “if indeed repre- in the communities adjacent report by HonestReporting.
New York Times, AP, Reuters, sentatives of news agencies to the Gaza Strip. “We are aware of a report by
and CNN joined Hamas ter- and significant networks “These journalists were HonestReporting and accusa-
rorists from the Gaza Strip on were aware in advance of the accomplices in crimes against tions made against two free-
October 7 to document the expected massacre, it raises ini- humanity; their actions were lance photographers who con-
horrific events with their cam- tial concerns about complicity contrary to professional eth- tributed to Reuters coverage of
eras. in a crime or failure to prevent ics,” the directorate said. the October attack,” Reuters
The report questions how the murder. “Overnight the GPO issued said.
they were able to be on site “The investigation raises dif- an urgent letter to the bureau “Reuters categorically denies
at such critical and horrific ficult ethical questions, not chiefs of the media organi- that it had prior knowledge of
points of the day, if they did only about the behavior of zations that employed these the attack or that we embed-
not know of the plan ahead those on the ground, but also photographers and sought ded journalists with Hamas on
of time. And even if they did PALESTINIAN TERRORISTS surround a disabled Merkava tank on the Israeli side of the border fence of the network and news agen- clarifications on the matter. October 7,” the news agency
not, why they didn’t alert their near Khan Yunis on October 7. (Said Khatib/AFP via Getty Images)
cy executives,” the club added. The National Public Diploma- added.
agencies to the atrocities. “The question is whether they cy Directorate demands that “Reuters acquired photo-
HonestReporting, which news reporters have approval Ali Mahmud, and Hatem Ali, the photos with AP credit. knew about Hamas’s intent immediate action be taken.” graphs from two Gaza-based
works to expose anti-Israel to enter Israel alongside the with Eslaiah also freelancing Mohammed Fayq Abu and still gave it their tacit Communications Minister freelance photographers who
bias in the foreign press, raised terrorists? Did the photogra- for CNN. HonestReporting’s Mostafa, a Reuters photojour- approval. Dr. Shlomo Karhi contacted were at the border on the
weighty ethical questions in phers inform their editors that piece shows since-deleted nalist, according to the report, “We urge them to conduct CNN, Reuters, The New York morning of October 7, with
the investigation regarding they were accompanying the tweets of Eslaiah standing in even photographed a “lynch a thorough investigation Times, and the AP on Thursday whom it did not have a prior
the presence of those photog- terrorists as they carried out front of a burning Israeli tank, mob brutalizing the body of to examine what they knew in light of the report, saying relationship. The photographs
raphers alongside Hamas ter- the attacks against the Israelis? as well as photos he took at the an Israeli soldier” dragged before the massacre and “The gravity of the situation published by Reuters were
rorists. According to the investi- very moments the terrorists from the burning tank. whether a different course of demands a swift and thorough taken two hours after Hamas
Among other things, it begs gation, the photographers entered Kfar Aza. It is important to note that action on their part could have response. It is now a time for fired rockets across southern
the question of whether the documented up close the Masoud, who also freelanc- HonestReporting was the first, saved the lives of many inno- individuals, journalists, insti- Israel and more than 45 min-
photographers were aware in kidnapping of civilians and es for the Times, added to the and by press time, only agency cent people. We demand that tutions, unions, and organi- utes after Israel said gunmen
advance of the intent to carry soldiers, an attack on a tank, tank photos, while Mahmud to present the evidence and they publish their findings as zations around the world to had crossed the border.
out the massacre and how and the lynching of an IDF and Ali photographed abduc- raise these ethical questions. soon as possible, just as they make a clear choice. We must “Reuters staff journalists
they arrived on the scene so soldier. Four of them appear tions of Israelis to the Gaza “AP had no advance knowl- disseminated the reports and decide whether we stand on were not on the ground at the
quickly. Did Hamas allow in photo credits to the AP, Has- Strip, according to the report, edge of the October 7 attack,” horrific images.” the side of life and good or on locations referred to in the
them to be there? Did these san Eslaiah, Yousef Masoud, which supplied screenshots of said spokesperson Nicole The National Public Diplo- the side of depraved terrorism, HonestReporting article.”

‘Nasrallah is holding his cards close to his chest’

An analysis of the Israel-Hamas war by leading strategic expert Ayelet Frish
course and headlines around ing to safety while waving white of the Israeli people,” Frish his cards close to his chest. The revealed new images this week
the world, and that is just this flags as IDF troops ensure their states confidently, “I only see number of ballistic and guided from Southern Lebanon, clearly
week. Amidst the layered com- safe passage. Thousands of civil- the immense strength and the missiles that Hezbollah has are identifying an Iranian airstrip
plexities surrounding Israel’s ians marching with white flags resolve of the families of the fall- greater than you can imagine,” used to bolster Hezbollah’s ter-
war against the Hamas, there is is usually considered a victory en soldiers are giving to more Frish notes that the missiles are rorist capabilities. The world
one unobjectionable truth – the photo for the other side. In this soldiers to fight for Israel’s exis- primed and not just targeted at knows that Iran has been esca-
global implications of the Isra- case however, this photo tence.” the northern villages but have lating its nuclear capabilities,
el-Hamas War permeate all lev- doesn’t represent victory or It’s that spirit that should the capability of unleashing and advancing its exportation
els of society and will leave a glory, but what it does show is frighten Israel’s enemies. Rather unforeseen destruction on the of terrorism through its axis,
lasting impact throughout the the sad reality of the evil of than deal a devastating blow to Israel major urban centers of Tel and Frish reaffirms the growing
Middle East and the rest of the Hamas against its own people. Israel’s fervor through the Aviv and Haifa with precision accessibility of the greatest dan-
world. Israel has deployed a large demonstration of their commit- accuracy and more destructive ger to Israel- the enablement of
Ayelet Frish, CEO of Frish Stra- number of troops to its north- ment terror, the actions of capabilities. an Iranian nuclear threat.
tegic Consulting Ltd. and lead- ern border with Lebanon and Hamas, Iran and other terrorist “After October 7th, there is no Frish bluntly states the end
ing international strategic advis- Syria, and is readily prepared to organizations have only Israeli leader that can stand goal of this radicalism ideology,
er, breaks down the events that act against any terror threat on emboldened the Jewish nation, behind the strategy of contain- “All day and all night, Iran only
have unfolded over the past its northern front, with ground seen through unprecedented ment, living from round to wants to spread global terror,
week as Israel to continues its troops and the air force operat- military recruitment, social round [of attacks]. Even if it kill all the Jews and destroy Isra-
most crucial campaign for the ing to deter future attacks. action and cohesion of a coun- doesn’t happen in the coming el. We cannot fool ourselves
future of the Jewish Nation. Israeli Spirit try that was battling civil unrest weeks, in the ongoing timeline into thinking this is an issue of
Key Events from the Week The trials and tribulations of just a few months ago. of the State of Israel, there will terrorism. This is religious
IDF troops completed the the Jewish people have become It is a fundamental part of need to be a major incursion on extremism.”
encirclement of Gaza City, the ingrained in their culture and Israel’s DNA to protect all its citi- the northern front against Hez- While Israel should not insti-
nucleus of the Hamas terror religion, but for Frish, the Octo- zens, and in that vein, Israel’s bollah.” Nasrallah may not have gate a two front war until it has
machine, and continue operat- ber 7th massacre ranks high as military and intelligence forces said much of anything concrete eradicated the cancerous Hamas
ing inside Gaza, engaging in one of the most pivotal events are determined to rescue the in his hour-long speech, but he threat in Gaza, the world should
complex, close-range, urban in recent Jewish history. The more than 230 hostages that has demonstrated that Israel’s prepare for the inevitable neces-
AYELET FRISH warfare. Israeli forces have elimi- need to explain the significant Hamas is utilizing as its insur- enemies are fearful, and in sity of the impending war in the
(Sivan Farag) nated thousands of terrorists and horrific loss of life may ance policy for its survival. “The Frish’s opinion, they should be. north. For those that support
thus far, including senior Hamas sound redundant, but as the terrorists think that they can kid- The notion of safety and secu- the globalization of terrorism
leaders behind the October 7th world continues to ignore the nap our babies, toddlers, chil- rity in Israel has been shattered, and ideals spread by Iran, Frish
• By ERIC NARROW publicly on the War for the first massacre. catalyst for the ongoing war, dren, women and elderly and and Israel now understands that reaffirms that they should be
Soldiers enclose around Gaza time, Congress votes to censure The IDF continues to call on Frish feels that it is critical to use them as human shields the unconscionable massacre scared. The rest of the Arab
City, Houthis in Yemen claim to Rashida Tlaib, and antisemitism residents of Gaza City to evacu- understand that this event is a while cowering in their terror empowered by Iranian support world may not outwardly sup-
have launched drone attacks runs rampant throughout major ate to the south, opening turning point for Israel. Follow- tunnels underneath schools and and more frighteningly, danger- port Israel’s actions, but Frish
towards Israel, Hezbollah Leader global cities as the war contin- humanitarian corridors for ing years of continued rocket hospitals, and that this strategy ous terrorist ideology, can hap- believes that the eradication of
Hassan Nasrallah speaks out ues to dominate public dis- Gazan civilians who are march- fire, provocation, and endless will protect them from Israel,” pen again. Highlighting the dangerous radicalism primarily
rounds of military operations Frish asserts, noting that they renewed spirit and resolve of focused on creating weapons of
against the Hamas terrorist continue to use their own civil- the Jewish people, Frish adds mass destruction will be quietly
organization that has repeatedly ian population as cover above that “there is no mother in the appreciated, by millions of
called for Israel’s destruction, we ground, highlighting the stark northern communities of Mis- Arabs who are partners for
are seeing an unprecedented contrast of how each side values gav Am, Metula or Kiryat Shmo- peaceful resolution.
unification of the Israeli people the lives of its people, “If the Ira- na after October 7th that can College Campuses
around the simple principle of nian ISIS [Hamas] thinks that put their children to sleep Even with indisputable,
the survival of a nation that has they can exploit Israel’s adher- knowing the enemy in the empirical evidence to support
succumbed to hate, fear and ence to the preservation of life north shares the same goal. On the response of the Israeli gov-
systematic extermination for as a weakness, they need to October 7th we understood the ernment and military forces, the
thousands of years. know that they will still die like clear picture. Hezbollah, like rhetoric that echoes throughout
Historically, Israel will concede dogs in those tunnels.” Hamas, is planning and laying college campuses and the legis-
to a ceasefire when they reach a Israel’s number one priority is the groundwork, not just to fire lative halls is becoming increas-
point that will result in inevita- the safe return of its citizens and massive missile attacks against ingly dangerous. “We are see-
ble military casualties or a hos- foreign nationals abducted by Israel, provided by the Iran, but ing a large percentage of young
tage situation. However, this the terror organization, and its to spread terror and fear within people, 18-25, in the United
point was already breached at elite intelligence and special tac- Israeli villages.” States who are very active on
the onset of the Israel-Hamas tical teams are committed to the In 2018, Israel uncovered a social media and getting their
War and Israel now understands complete extermination of the web of tunnels on its northern information from ‘fake news,’
that the military and civil situa- Hamas terrorist threat so that border with Lebanon, cross-bor- standing on the side of Hamas
tion calls for an unprecedented the massacre of October 7th der tunnels which were con- and fervently against Israel,”
shift in strategy to change this will never happen again. Frish structed by Hezbollah in order Frish explains, shocked by the
reality and return Israel’s deter- explains that the Shin Bet has to infiltrate Israel from Lebanon. rising trend that has allied edu-
rence and military strength. recommissioned the NILI arm, a Israeli intelligence and military cated American liberals on the
Frish directs her message clearly special clandestine national forces unveiled plans by Hezbol- side of terrorism.
to Hamas, who are looking to a security unit committed to the lah to enter Israel and attack The trajectory is growing
ceasefire as a means to rearm elimination of the terrorist lead- Israeli towns and villages by sur- more dangerous each day, and
and regroup. “The nation is ers involved in deaths of the prise, just as Hamas did on the responsibility to correct this
united, and we will hurt and cry 1,400 Israelis murdered on October 7. should not fall squarely on the
for every fallen soldier. We will October 7th. To the barbaric We have seen the evil shoulders of Israel and its sup-
fight to bring every single hos- terrorists who perpetrated such unleashed in the South, the porters, but on the members of
tage home, but we are deter- heinous atrocities and to their extent of which we could have congress who claim to be on
mined to fight. Even though we proponents who think they can never imagined, and this is the the side of freedom, on the col-
are devastated to lose so many mistake the crisis in Israel as an exact same agenda of Hezbol- lege professors who are
soldiers, the spirit of the people opportunity to strike, Israel lah, perpetuated by the Iranian impressing their own beliefs on
is different than anything we warns, “There is nowhere you axis and influence, spread their students, and on the uni-
have ever seen.” will be able to hide.” throughout its proxies in the versity presidents and leader-
The Israeli people recognize The Threat in the North Mideast, and continues to ship, who are standing idly by
that the fight in Gaza is a fight Inspired by the perceived vic- inspire radicalism. as their campuses continue to
that are now willing to take on tory of the Iranian enabled Since Operation Protective spread rampant antisemitism. “I
in order to ensure that Hamas Hamas on October 7th, Frish Edge, Iran has bolstered its sup- feel deep shame for them for
and the threat of terror is elimi- has no doubt that the war will port of its proxies in Lebanon, allowing racism, antisemitism
nated. This is the first time that extend to Israel’s northern bor- Syria and Gaza, sharing military and allowing their students to
there is no debate about the der, and we will have no choice technology, resources and praise the [barbaric] actions of
need for boots on the ground in but to deal with the imminent assisting in the rapid establish- Hamas, who burn and behead
order to win this war. Israel can threat of Hezbollah. The lacklus- ment of factories that manufac- babies,” Frish expresses, hoping
only move forward if we wipe ter speech of Hezbollah Leader ture weapons of mass destruc- that these educators will answer
out the extremist Iranian proxies Hassan Nasrallah has garnered tion, with the ultimate goal of the call to correct the mounting
of Hamas and Hezbollah at its jokes from both sides of the Ira- the annihilation of Israel, even at hatred, but adds, “It’s not too
source. nian axis, but Frish is not inter- the cost of their own humanity late. Today it is in Israel, but
“I do not recognize any weak- ested in the commentary. “I and civilians’ lives. Israeli tomorrow it will be in Boston,
ness or concession on the part believe that Nasrallah is holding Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in your playgrounds. Wake up!”
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 ISRAEL AT WAR 5

‘Post-war recovery must not be spendthrift’

COMMENT same page as the ministry pro- another NIS 13b. amounting to about 8% of the
• By DAVID BRODET fessionals. This means that government workforce, mainly men aged
It seems that Smotrich has spending between October 7 21-45, harms GDP. The con-
The IDF has switched from his own dreams and his own and December 31 will grow by struction industry is the main
defense to attack. This will be agenda. This means that the some NIS 45b. victim, since Palestinian work-
a war that entails military and following forecast depends on Assuming that the govern- ers are not being allowed in,
civilian expenditure the likes of a return to talking about the ment diverts about NIS12b. foreign workers have left, and
which we have not seen since economy, and talking much to financing this expenditure Israeli Arabs fear to go out to
the Yom Kippur War. less about politics and ideology. form existing budgets (includ- work. For similar reasons, there
The goal of destroying the The minister of finance must ing coalition party allocations), is a shortage of manpower in
military and governing capac- listen much more to his pro- and that the damage to state agriculture.
ity of Hamas requires a mas- fessional staff, and to the Bank revenues will be about NIS 10b., Supply chains and logistics
sive military effort. The need to of Israel. This applies not just then the fiscal deficit will grow have been disrupted by the
fight in the extensive and con- vis-à-vis the Budgets Division, by about NIS 42b., 2% of GDP, mobilization of drivers and
voluted system of tunnels that which is supposedly the most bringing it to 3.5% of GDP, warehouse workers, and in
Hamas has built over a decade miserly. The minister has an without any military opera- service sectors the number of
means a long war, and the lon- economic adviser called the tions in the north. layoffs will grow. The decision
ger it goes on, the greater will be Bank of Israel, and its view is Government debt will be rea- that entitlement to unemploy-
the economic damage. very clear. The business sector sonable, and will amount to ment benefit for unpaid leave
Our recent wars have too, while it has its interests, about 63% of GDP by the end will not be as it was during the
involved the home front as still talks sensibly. He should of 2023. Financing the deficit COVID-19 pandemic, but will
well. The residents of the West- listen to it. will increase the debt servicing be partial, is important.
ern Negev were hard hit by the At the moment, the Bank of burden further, because of the In the fourth quarter, GDP
murderous assault of October 7, Israel is fulfilling its function high interest rates in Israel and will shrink by 5%, as a result of
and, together with the rocket as the central bank, dealing abroad. the decline in activity in some
fire at other places, the damage with exchange rates, the capital industries, and the switch of
was estimated at NIS 5-6 billion market, and monetary policy, 2024 budget civilian product to military
in the first week alone: houses and I haven’t heard it speak in The budget for 2024 will product. Instead of forecast
destroyed, vehicles burnt, fac- a strong voice as an economic have to go back to the drawing annual GDP growth of 3%,
tories and installations out of adviser. It would be good if it board, since it is irrelevant to GDP will rise by about 2%.
action, and unharvested crops. were to become more involved A TANK moves to a position during a drill in the Golan Heights yesterday. (Jalaa Marey/AFP via Getty Images) the new reality. Military and Mobilization of the reserves
The war has caused the most in that respect. civilian spending will grow for an extended period in 2024
extensive ever evacuation of further, and will challenge the will cause a loss of industrial
settlements in Israel, in the
South and in the North. Some
125,000 people have been dis-
Good opening position
Israel’s opening economic
position in this war was good,
Knesset approves aid plan budget and the economy.
Financing of the deficit must
first of all come from diverting
manpower, and a full outbreak
of war in the North will entail
further, prolonged mobiliza-

for businesses affected by war

placed. Rehabilitation of the even though economic trends budgets from less vital items tion, and additional costs, and
settlements in the Negev will before the war deteriorated to the needs of the war and will lead to greater harm to the
require rebuilding of houses, because of the judicial over- its civilian consequences. Dis- economy.
production facilities, and infra- haul proposals. Foreign cur- tortions caused by coalition A continuation of the fight-
structure, to the tune of NIS rency reserves were high, the • By ARIELLA MARSDEN ble to start receiving money after 14 days, as pressures, the contribution of ing, at low intensity, and con-
3-4b., in order for existing resi- balance of payments was good, opposed to the regular 30. which to the economy and tinued mobilization of the
dents to return and new ones to and the fiscal deficit for 2023 The Knesset passed a financial aid plan for Displaced Israelis from the South and the society is minimal, and even reserves, will affect growth in
be absorbed. was expected to be under 2% businesses in the South and the North almost North will be eligible for an automatic exten- negative, will have to be fixed. 2024, forecast at 1.5%, while
The economy is a second- of GDP. five weeks after the beginning of the war, in a sion of their benefits, and people over the age A temporary rise in the fiscal the unemployment rate will
ary problem. It will take time, The Ministry of Finance special plenum session on Wednesday night. of 67 who lost their place of work will be given deficit and in government debt reach 5%. Military expenditure
but if we deal with the securi- should not be complacent The plan passed its second and third read- a special grant. is unavoidable. will have an impact in 2025-
ty problem, the economy will about this opening position, ings into law after the Finance Committee had The benefits in the plan will be valid The main way of financ- 2027 as well.
sort itself out – Israel has been given the challenges facing the spent hours finalizing the details throughout between October 7 and November 30. ing the war is through issues To the extent that fiscal and
through such crises before. economy, but it should be gen- the day. The financial aid plan went through many of government bonds, since monetary policy work correct-
That is on the assumption that erous in the right places. The plan contains a continuity grant for changes over the last few weeks. When the the availability of finance on ly in a coordinated way, they
the approach is responsible and businesses with an annual cycle of between Finance Ministry first presented its plan in the overseas debt markets has been will have a beneficial effect on
not spendthrift. This is where I 2023 budget NIS 12,000 and NIS 400 million, that have Finance Committee, it was faced with heavy impaired. growth and inflation.
feel concern. Three weeks of the defensive suffered a decline of at least 25% bimonthly criticism from people who said the compen- In my view, because of both Given the Bank of Israel’s
I don’t know, for example, posture cost NIS 8b. in pay for or 12.5% in October and/or November. The sation offered wasn’t enough. short-term and medium-term $200b. in foreign currency
what the economic implica- some 360,000 military reserv- sum of the grant will be determined for each It also applied only to businesses located considerations, the fiscal deficit reserves, and the governor of
tions are of extending the area ists, keeping them fed and business according to its regular cycle com- at most seven kilometers from the border. for 2024 should be set at no the bank’s declaration that
entitled to compensation to up watered, and equipment and pared to its loss. Businesses further out would be given less more than 5% of GDP, or 7% $30b. will be used to stabilize
to 40 km. from the Gaza Strip. If weapons procurement (exclud- For businesses that were started after Sep- compensation. The final plan that passed in if the northern front becomes the currency, the shekel-dollar
it amounts to NIS 1b. and calms ing munitions for the Air Force, tember 2, 2022, the calculation will be dif- Knesset extended the limit to 40 km. in order active. Government debt will exchange rate will not go sig-
the population there, then it paid for out of US military aid). ferent. to include towns that were heavily affected, then be 66-68% of GDP, and nificantly higher than NIS 4/$.
may be that the cost is worth- The government’s extra civilian In order for employees to maintain an but originally wouldn’t have been included. the deficit will be between NIS Inflation in 2024 will be in
while. expenditure was about NIS 4b., income if they were placed on furlough, the During the same meeting, Economy Minis- 100b. and NIS140b. This takes the range of 4-5%.
The problem is that I don’t including housing for 125,000 plan also changes the requirements for unem- ter Nir Barkat presented his own plan, which into account a reduction in tax The writer was budgets commis-
trust Minister of Finance Beza- evacuees, compensation pay- ployment benefits to allow them to be paid didn’t include the seven-km. limit and award- receipts, and assumes that Air sioner in the Finance Ministry from
lel Smotrich. Disputes between ments and arrangements for sooner. As such, employees will no longer ed higher compensation to affected business- Force munitions will continue 1991 to 1994, and director-general
the minister and the Budgets those harmed financially, and have to use their remaining vacation days es. The final plan that passed on Wednesday to be supplied from US aid and of the ministry from 1995 to 1997.
Division are practically normal. special expenditure on health, before getting paid, and they will be eligi- night was a combination of both plans. will be external to the budget. He has served as chairperson at
It has always been that way. welfare, and education. several Israel companies, among
The assumption has been that In November and Decem- The labor market and them Bank Leumi (2010-2019)
the minister has political con- ber 2023, the fighting and the will continue, and I estimate another NIS 20b., and that run into management and GDP and El Al (2020-2021).
siderations but is still on the mobilization of the reserves that the military cost will be the civilian cost, which has operational difficulties, will be Mobilization of the reserves, (Globes/TNS)

Budgets Division defeats Smotrich in ministry power struggle

ANALYSIS extra powers. Smotrich decided. If they do recently come out with bud- order to finish the year without
• By OREN DORI “The team formed at the not reach agreement between getary decisions without agree- breaching statutory spending
Finance Ministry is intended themselves, the matter in ques- ment with the ministry profes- limits. The ministry has been
Senior Finance Ministry offi- to streamline and shorten pro- tion will go to the minister to sionals, such as expansion of scratching around everywhere
cials turned up to work yester- cesses, and the ministry will decide, as is normal practice in the area in which businesses for sources of these funds.
day amid confusion over who operate by means of it until any case. will be entitled to extra com- The Ministry of Environmen-
is responsible for the 2024 state the end of the war,” Smo- In any event, it looks as pensation for war damage to 40 tal Protection has had its clean-
budget. This is what happens trich’s associates said. They though the matters that will kilometers from the Gaza Strip liness fund taken away. The
when the minister of finance added a veiled threat to the come before the team will not border, or the instruction to budget for rehabilitating quar-
decides to upend the division ministry’s professional ranks: be broad macro issues in the freeze interest on deferred loan ries has also gone, and even the
of responsibilities within the “The finance minister does budget, but rather short-term repayments. Knesset has contributed NIS 80
ministry. not intend to allow anyone to problems. A budget led by the Budgets million of its budget (without,
Minister Bezalel Smotrich harm the public and prevent it It should be mentioned that Division will presumably be heaven forbid, touching Knes-
wanted to strip powers from from receiving the response it the hierarchy at the ministry tighter and more restrained set members’ pay).
the Budgets Division, among needs at this time of war.” unusual, in that the divisional than one exposed to political All this is not enough, and
other things so that it would So what will actually hap- heads are at the same level as motives. Even before any refor- the Finance Ministry will have
not prevent him from main- FINANCE MINISTER Bezalel Smotrich approaches the Knesset pen? Will the team convene the director-general, and not mulation of the 2024 budget, to submit changes to the 2023
taining the allocations to the podium to address matters of aid to evacuees from the North
to set the budget, giving the subordinate to him. the most acute need at the budget for rapid approval.
and South last week, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu
haredi parties in the original last word to Heisler, Smotrich’s In the end, it doesn’t mat- moment is to deal with soaring The battle will mainly be over
looks on. (Hadas Porush/Pool/Haaretz)
budget, according to ministry personal appointee? ter whether meetings between expenditure up to the end of money allocated to coalition
sources. The conclusion from conver- senior officials are designated the current year. parties, of which NIS 1.5-2.5
Yogev Gardos, head of the trying to circumvent the legal budget,” they wrote. sations with Finance Ministry as a “special team” or as rou- Senior Finance Ministry billion remains unspent in the
Budgets Division, stood his opinion. He has refrained from In Smotrich’s circle, they people past and present is that tine management meetings. In officials estimate that NIS 5-6 current year.
ground, and on Monday eve- saying explicitly that he will are trying to give the impres- Smotrich lost and the Budgets practice, the preparation of the billion needs to be found in (Globes/TNS)
ning ministry legal adviser Asi not accept the ruling, but he sion that they will carry on as Division won. budget will be in the hands of
Messing ruled against Smo- appointed associates to den- planned, that is, to manage the The team, consisting of the entity whose job that is,
trich and found that the deci- igrate it. “The State of Israel budget through a special team Heisler, Gardos, and Accoun- the Budgets Division.
sion could not be carried out,
as this would turn the posts
is at war, and we don’t have
time to read 16 pages of ver-
set up by the minister, headed
by ministry Director-General
tant-General Yali Rothenberg,
will convene. There is nothing
The realization that Smotrich
will be forced into a U-turn
of budgets commissioner and biage detached from reality, Shlomi Heisler. He is supposed exceptional about that. But it is bad news for anyone who COATS FOR THE COMING WINTER
accountant general into polit- designed to create bureaucratic to receive powers taken away is now clear that Heisler will hoped that the state would
We urgently need your help with donations to purchase
ical appointments. impediments and prevent the from ministry professionals, not have a veto over the divi- loosen the purse strings and
coats for all of the battalion's soldiers. The cost of each coat
Smotrich, however, has been efficient management of a war is reluctant to take on these sion heads, contrary to what pour out money. Smotrich has
is NIS 117 including VAT. The battalion has 308 soldiers, and
so far 95 coats have been donated. We will be grateful for
your help in donating more coats.

Reservists’ minimum wage raised to NIS 300 a day You can pay through the attached PayBox link
or directly to the coat supplier:
Ideas Manufacturing Ltd., B.R. 513649483
• By ARIELLA MARSDEN the approval of Labor Minister will still get the average of their In order to allow this, the Bank Hapoalim | Branch 655 | Acct # 532696
Yoav Ben-Zur, Finance Minister last three salaries if it comes out Knesset called a special plenum
The Knesset passed a temporary Bezalel Smotrich, and Defense higher. session on Thursday and decided Donations of any amount will grant the donor a certificate
minimum wage for reserve Minister Yoav Gallant. Some MKs had wanted to add to legislate the days off separately. of appreciation from the battalion and photos/videos of the
soldiers of NIS 300 a day, in a Usually, a reservist’s daily wages a clause to the new law giving Yesh Atid MK Moshe Tur-Paz soldiers of the battalion with the new coats.
special plenum session yesterday. are calculated by dividing their reserve soldiers at least one day said the new wage repaired “the
A reservist’s daily wage was civilian salaries over the previous off for every 10 days they serve, insulting minimum wage” that Thanks in advance
raised from NIS 215 and will three months by 90 days, while but Israel’s National Insurance reservists were paid before.
remain at NIS 300 until the end of ensuring that they get at least NIS told the Labor Committee that if “I want us to remember the For more details:
December or the end of the war, 6,455 a month for their service. they passed the law by the end reserve soldiers in the days after Maj. Shlomi Dahan
whichever comes first. If the war The raise means that reserve of the week, the reserve soldiers [the war],” he said. “They are right 462nd Deputy Battalion Commander
continues after December, the soldiers will get a minimum could get the higher salary for now risking their lives to protect Tel. 054-7806660
provision can be extended with monthly wage of NIS 9,000, but October. us all. This is only the first step.”
6 ISRAEL AT WAR F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

War-wary markets start to attract investors back

ANALYSIS Israel’s response to the MONEY RETURNS very aggressive action,” said
• By STEVEN SCHEER attacks, which included the Just two days into the war, Gil Moshe, the head of mar-
and MARC JONES abduction of more than 240 the central bank said it would kets at the Israel unit of US
Israelis, has been an unre- sell up to $30 billion of for- bank Citi. “Whenever [mar-
A month on from the Octo- lenting air bombardment of eign currency to defend the ket] players are seeing that
ber 7 attack by Hamas terror- the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, shekel and provide $15b. of the liquidity is there, and the
ists that killed 1,400 Israelis, followed by a ground offen- liquidity to the market via Bank of Israel is on top of
investors are gradually return- sive. swap transactions. things and willing to inter-
ing to the country’s financial The initial fear of many Data shows it spent less vene whenever it’s necessary,
markets, warily accepting the analysts was of it spilling into than a third, or $8.2b., of then they get more confi-
descent into its worst security a more incendiary region- that pledge during October. It dent.”
crisis in decades. al conflict involving Iran- still has more than $190b. of Local bid-offer spreads have
Although a significant backed Hezbollah in Leba- foreign-exchange reserves at come right back in after ini-
weakening of the dollar over non. But so far, the terrorist its disposal and has executed tially widening when the
the last week has helped, Isra- group has not waded in. $400 million of dollar-shekel worries hit, he said.
el’s shekel marked a remark- Israel’s central bank has swaps. Pagot said Israeli institu-
able comeback on Tuesday as played its part too, with a The shekel appreciated tional investors who had
it recouped the last of the 5% flurry of support measures, another 0.7% versus the dol- moved money abroad earli-
it lost in the days after last and has stayed away from lar to move back to a prewar er this year due to concerns
month’s atrocities. rate cuts. It has acknowl- level of 3.86 to the greenback about changes in the judicia-
The country’s stocks and edged the economy will slow, on Tuesday. ry system have now increased
bonds prices have been but points out it was in solid The government’s cost of exposure to local stocks and
clawing back ground too, shape prior to the war and THE HEAD of trading at the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange said Israeli institutional investors who had borrowing, measured by the bonds.
although they and the main should bounce back, as in moved money abroad earlier this year due to concerns about changes in the judiciary system benchmark 10-year bond “Institutions are bringing
have now increased exposure to local stocks and bonds. (Avshalom Sassoni/Maariv)
market gauges of risk aver- past conflicts, if it eases. yield, has also fallen back to money back home,” he said.
sion, such as credit-default “We have known how to 4.22%, almost where it was “They think the low shekel
swaps, are still flashing warn- recover from difficult periods the government’s contested est rates again. That caused At the same time, Israel’s before the attack and well is an opportunity for invest-
ing signs. in the past and to return rap- plan to overhaul the judicia- the dollar to wilt significant- central bank “has been seen below the 4.67% it peaked at ment.”
“The fact that the fighting idly to prosperity,” Bank of ry, tumbled 5% and reached ly. as putting together a credible in the aftermath. Looking to next year,
is only in Gaza [for now] and Israel Governor Amir Yaron an 11-year low. “Market sentiment has been package [in reaction to the MSCI’s dollar-denominated Shmuel Katzavian, a strate-
not in the North is helping said. “I have no doubt that it The tide changed last week stabilizing, and more broad- war’s escalation],” he added, Israel share index has recov- gist at Israel’s Discount Bank,
local investors to focus on the will do so this time as well.” after Hezbollah signaled ly, this is a dollar move,” said which has helped ease con- ered more than half of its expects the shekel to contin-
[economic] fundamentals,” At the outset of the war, it was likely to stay on the Geoff Yu, a senior foreign-ex- cerns about a major dive in initial losses too, and it was ue to strengthen. It has been
said Yaniv Pagot, head of markets were stunned. The sidelines for now, and the US change and macro strategist the currency, creating finan- down 6.3%, compared with falling for roughly two years
trading at the Tel Aviv Stock shekel, which had already Federal Reserve flagged that it at BNY Mellon, referring to cial instability and fueling 15% lower in late October. as sentiment has weakened
Exchange. shed 10% in 2023 partly on might not need to raise inter- the fall in the greenback. inflation. “The Bank of Israel took generally. (Reuters)

Financial compensation update End of year tax-loss selling

on size of revenues. Once the online of Iron) was enacted on October 18. of speaking with your accountant
YOUR TAXES system is opened up, businesses will It applies to soldiers, hostages, peo- YOUR INVESTMENTS before implementing these strate-
• By LEON HARRIS have 90 days to file compensation ple who were missing, evacuees, the • By AARON KATSMAN gies. The reason is because offsetting
claims. According to reports, the 22% estate of persons who died, hospital- gains and losses have different rules

he Israeli government is grad- may be increased in exceptional cases ized people, police personnel, prison in different jurisdictions.
crust eaten in peace is better

ually getting its act together to 33%. personnel, fire personnel, full-time some years that were good for inves- In Israel one can sell a stock and
in providing financial support Expedited down-payment grants of volunteers, spouses of the aforemen- than a banquet partaken in anx- tors. Now is the time to review your use the loss to offset gains and can
for people and businesses. Here is a up to NIS 500,000 may be available tioned, and companies owned by five iety. – Aesop portfolio to see if you have any posi- repurchase the stock the next day.
brief update as of Tuesday. It is not for frontline southern and northern or fewer people directly or via a parent I know that for most of us invest- tions that are currently at a gain. I It’s different in the US. There is a
complete as the measures are still businesses. Evacuated individuals can company. ing and personal finance seem far know that many investors shudder at rule in the US, called the Wash-sale
evolving. claim getting-organized grants of NIS The law suspends a range of con- from our minds currently as we are the thought of selling something at a rule, where the IRS disallows a loss
1,000 each, or NIS 5,000 per family. tractual, governmental, court, pay- dealing with a war. Many of us know loss or hate selling a favorite position deduction from the sale of a security
EVACUEES: Relocation grants are to The Israel Innovation Authority ment, and tax deadlines. The law someone who has been killed, or sol- that has appreciated a lot, but even if if a ‘substantially identical security’
be paid automatically by the Nation- has an expedited R&D grant facility does not apply to alimony or salary diers who have been injured, or are you believe that a certain stock will was purchased within 30 days before
al Insurance Institute (NII) into the for hi-tech of up to NIS 7.5m., called deadlines. Initially, the stated delay in Gaza fighting. The level of nation- appreciate over the long-term, sell- or after the sale. The wash-sale rule is
bank accounts of evacuees not in sub- “Runway,” (https://innovationisrael. period is October 7-November 7, but al anxiety is high. And yet while it ing off the losers/gainers can actually designed to prevent investors from
sidized accommodation, according it is likely to be extended by the gov- may seem cruel, life continues. For make you money. making trades for the sole purpose of
to an announcement the NII pub- Regarding layoffs and unemploy- ernment if approved by the Knesset investors, the time is ticking as year- Market drops can be beneficial. avoiding taxes.
lished last week. Payments may range ment pay, the minimum period has Foreign Affairs and Defense Commit- end approaches, and with it the need When the position is sold, the inves-
up to NIS 100 per day per child and been reduced from 30 to 14 days, tee. Note that various exceptions and to be smart about your portfolio to tor realizes the loss, which has certain REBALANCE
NIS 200 per day per adult. The evacu- and vacation time may need not be conditions apply. make it efficient tax-wise. tax advantages. The loss can be used Much has changed in the world
ees must file an online declaration to offset for the October 7-November This year has been good for very to offset other gains, thus lowering over the last year. Investors should
start the process ( 30 period. OTHER MEASURES: E-invoic- specific sectors of the market and the tax bill. In fact, for many inves- take the time to make sure that their
he/service/yachad). ing adoption is postponed by three been quite bad for others. As infla- tors, tax-loss selling may be the most portfolios are well positioned for
RESERVIST SALARY REIM- months to March 31, 2024. tion surged early in the year, interest important way to reduce their tax current conditions. Rebalancing a
BUSINESS SUPPORT: Last week, BURSEMENT: Employers of smaller People wishing to arrange imports rates were raised aggressively. This bill. If done correctly (be sure to speak portfolio is critical. It’s important for
the government announced a finan- businesses with up to 10 employees of protective and other equipment for has caused a very high level of vol- to your accountant before making two main reasons. First, it keeps your
cial support package for businesses called up to the IDF reserves may soldiers should contact the Defense atility, especially in what would be any trades), it can save a tremendous portfolio in tune with your long-term
indirectly impacted by the 2023 Isra- request expedited reimbursement of Ministry ( deemed as ‘conservative’ type invest- amount of money. goals and second, it keeps your asset
el-Hamas war. The announcement their salaries from the NII (https:// il). ments like bonds. We are closing in Let’s use a real-life example. A allocation in line with your risk level.
updated earlier proposals but is Soldiers returning from abroad to on a second year of big losses in what woman has a huge loss in We Work Use this time of the year to sit down
subject to Knesset approval, which MarctMkovnet.aspx). There is no volunteer for the IDF may receive are thought of as ‘safe’ investments. stock (which declared bankruptcy) and reassess your financial situation.
is expected “in the next few days.” need to provide details of how long minimal NII support. If they do not This is coming on the heels of and she decides to sell it. But let’s say If there are changes, take the time
The proposed program would apply they were called up for, nor must they have an Israeli identity card, that 2022, which was a disaster for inves- that she also bought shares of Nvidia now to re-allocate your funds to get
to businesses with annual revenue provide the usual IDF confirmation. must be arranged first. tors. There is a good chance that years ago, and she has a big gain on back to the type of allocation that
between NIS 18,000 and NIS 400,000 Injured people and/or their families somewhere in your portfolio, there the investment. She can sell part or makes sense for you.
that suffer a 12.5% drop in month- COMPANY CARS: Last week, the may apply to the NII, depending on are losses. Whether it’s from bonds all the Apple stock and realize the Speak with your accountant and
ly revenues, or 25% for bimonthly Israel Tax Authority said employees various things. or stocks, it may be hard to believe gain. Then she can use the amount financial adviser to fine-tune your
revenues, in the October-November with a company car who are called The Bank of Israel has issued guid- but some good can actually come of the loss and offset it against the portfolio before year’s end.
period as applicable. Most small and up to the IDF reserves or laid off may ance regarding a three-month post- of these losses. You can be strategic gain in Nvidia, drastically reducing May all the families of the fallen
medium-sized businesses with annu- notify their employer that the vehi- ponement of loan repayments for and potentially save thousands and the taxes owed. be comforted. May the hostages be
al revenues below NIS 1,615,000 are cle is back “at the employer’s dispos- businesses and households. thousands of dollars. Here are some You might ask why she should sell released. May the injured have a
bimonthly VAT filers. al” and stop paying tax on car-usage Customs is reportedly leaving tips to make your portfolio more tax the Nvidia stock. By selling it and speedy recovery. May our dear sol-
The package contains a number fringe benefits from that date, “even transportation costs out of the value efficient as well as make sure that it using the loss from We Work to offset diers be safe and protected.
of sliding scales based on revenue if it is left in the field” (i.e., not at of imports for customs and import still matches the goals and risk toler- any capital gains tax, the investor The information contained in this
decline and payroll. If revenues are the employer’s premises). Moreover, taxes. ance levels set forth. can reset their cost basis at a much article reflects the opinion of the author
between NIS 300,000 and NIS 400 the employee or someone on their As always, consult experienced pro- higher level, without incurring and not necessarily the opinion of Portfo-
million, government grants may behalf may make that notification fessional advisers in each country at an LOSSES ARE NOT SO BAD any tax liability. Meaning that you lio Resources Group, Inc. or its affiliates.
range from 7% to 22% of the drop in retroactively up to seven days after early stage in specific cases. With all the market volatility you can buy back the Nvidia shares at a Aaron Katsman is the author of Retire-
revenues plus 75% of payroll multi- the reserve duty ends. may have sold positions at a loss and higher price than you had originally ment GPS: How to Navigate Your
plied by the % drop in revenue. This The writer is a certified public accoun- now have substantial capital losses. purchased them, thus creating tax Way to A Secure Financial Future
would be subject to monetary caps of DEADLINES: The Law for Post- tant and tax specialist at Harris Consult- But keep in mind that prior to last efficiency in your portfolio. Again, I with Global Investing. www.gpsinves-
NIS 300,000 to NIS 1.2m., depending poning Deadlines (Ad Hoc Swords ing & Tax Ltd. year, the market surged, and we had can’t stress enough the importance;

Brown Hotels CEO on hosting evacuees: We need to open our hearts

• By ALAN ROSENBAUM ty began sending evacuees to the have had a negative effect on for children, offer full board,
Brown hotels. the local hotel industry, includ- and have sufficient resources to
“Hosting evacuees is not like Brown Hotels staff immediate- ing the corona pandemic, the weather the downturn, medium
hosting regular guests,” says Leon ly shifted into entertainment Ukraine-Russia war, and the and smaller hotel groups in Israel
Avigad, founder of the Brown mode, says Avigad, bringing in interest-rate crisis, which affect- are having difficulty during this
Hotels Group in Israel. “They are entertainers to boost the spirits ed demand from Germany and time. Avigad adds that even after
families that have been trauma- of their special guests, offering the United Kingdom. the war is over, it will take time –
tized, and we need to be there free hairdressing services, and He adds that the protests perhaps a year or more – for tour-
for them. They are not regular ensuring that guests were able against the government in the ists to return in full force.
guests.” to have their laundry needs met. summer also harmed tourism Despite the difficulties, he says
On Sunday, October 8, the “We are doing beautiful work in Tel Aviv. “No one wanted to that the staff at the Brown hotels
day after the Hamas terrorist with them,” he says. spend the weekend in Tel Aviv have made a huge difference in
massacre in Israel’s South, the The issue, continues Avigad, is because of the demonstrations,” helping the evacuees staying in
group, which includes 25 hotels that, to date, the government has he says. their hotels. “I am proud of our
in Tel Aviv, Eilat, and Jerusalem, not taken charge, and no one In Avigad’s view, the Israeli teams, and I have great apprecia-
closed all of its hotels for a week. knows who will cover their costs. government needs to bear this tion for the staff who has opened
“Toward the end of that week,” “We just need to open our hearts history in mind. “The govern- their hearts,” says Avigad. “We
says Avigad, “we understood we and our pockets, and hopefully, ment needs to remember that had to send people on unpaid
had to be flexible. The Brown at a certain point, the govern- the hospitality industry suffered leave, and they still want to
hotels in Tel Aviv began hosting ment will reimburse us.” in the last three years. They have volunteer. They bring toys and
hospital personnel in between Most of the evacuees elected to LEON AVIGAD, founder of the Brown Hotels Group in Israel: It is beautiful to provide us with flexible ways clothes and things for kids.
shifts at no cost. “We opened our go to the Brown hotels in Eilat, to see all the hotel lobbies packed with singers. (Brown Hotels) to employ team members. Taking “All the hotels have a full daily
hotels at the beginning for med- says Avigad. Tel Aviv was the unpaid leave (halat) is very rigid, schedule of entertainment. It
ical staff, when no one was even second-favored destination on Israel’s North. now hosting pre-teens for soft but what happens if we need to is beautiful to see all the hotel
speaking about evacuations.” the Brown list, with Jerusalem “We had to make all of our drinks and children’s entertain- lower the capacity and not zero lobbies packed with singers
Avigad says that the Brown running third. The Brown Hotels hotels kosher, and even though ment as part of the kids’ clubs it completely?” Avigad suggests and donations. It is a beautiful
Hotels contacted local munic- Group is known as a boutique some are boutique hotels, we that the hotels have organized for that banks can also be helpful, example of Kol Yisrael Haverim
ipalities in cities such as Ash- collection of hotels and has had have had to provide full board.” their special guests. “It is part of by extending payment deadlines (‘All Israel is united’). I am really
kelon and Sderot, offering their to make adjustments to absorb Chuckling, he adds that many of what we do as hoteliers,” he says. without charging interest. proud of it.”
rooms to residents, even before the many families that have been the Brown Hotel Group’s sophis- Avigad points out that recent Unlike the largest hotels in Isra- The story was written in coopera-
the National Emergency Authori- evacuated from the Negev and ticated nightclubs and bars are events in the past three years el, many of whom have clubs tion with Brown Hotels.
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 ISRAEL AT WAR 7

Scholz ‘ashamed,’ ‘outraged’ at antisemitism wave

• By SARAH MARSH not German risked their resi-

BERLIN (Reuters) – Chancel-

dency status.
Indeed, new citizenship rules
make clear that anyone who is
Berlin Jews hide bar, bat
lor Olaf Scholz said he was
“ashamed and outraged” at
antisemitic cannot receive Ger-
man citizenship, Scholz said on
mitzvah children’s names
a recent wave of antisemitic Thursday. • By ZVIKA KLEIN
incidents in Germany, warn- Teaching about Germany’s
ing Berlin would not tolerate historic responsibility in the Due to a surge in antisemitic incidents in Germany, the
such anti-Jewish hatred as he wake of the Holocaust is espe- Berlin Jewish community has decided to conceal the full
marked the 85th anniversary cially important as the gener- names of young individuals celebrating their bar and bat
of the Nazis’ “Kristallnacht” ations who experienced it first mitzvahs.
pogrom of Jews. hand are no longer around to As reported in the community’s official monthly publica-
Scholz was speaking at a cere- share their testimony, Scholz tion, Jüdisches Berlin, the privacy measure limits the disclo-
mony at a Berlin synagogue to said. sure of names to only the first name and the initial of the last
mark “Kristallnacht” alongside It is also important given the name for both 12-year-old girls and 13-year-old boys at their
Jewish leaders. The synagogue fact Germany is now a major bar and bat mitzvahs, respectively.
was among 1,000 that were destination for immigrants, This practice has also been extended to include the abbre-
damaged or destroyed across and many immigrants have viated first names of older members marking their birth-
Germany and Austria by Nazi not learned about the Shoah days.
mobs during the “Night of Bro- in their countries of origin – or The November edition of Jüdisches Berlin contained an edi-
ken Glass” in November 1938. have learned about it different- tor’s note addressing the community members: “In light of
At least 91 Jews were mur- ly, he said. the current anti-Israel and anti-Jewish incidents, including
dered, about 7,500 Jewish busi- He added: “At the same time, those in Berlin, we are currently publishing only the first
nesses ransacked and some we must not be taken in by names and last name initials of our children celebrating
30,000 Jewish men and boys GERMAN CHANCELLOR Olaf Scholz cleans the ‘stumbling blocks’ for the couple Hans Goslar those who are now seeing an birthdays and bar/bat mitzvahs.
arrested during the assaults and Ruth Judith Goslar (née Klee) in the government district not far from the Federal opportunity to deny the place “This decision aims to prevent any potential harm or
Chancellery, yesterday in Berlin. (Henning Schacht/Getty Images)
which preceded the Holocaust, of more than 5 million Muslim endangerment to our community members.”
or Shoah, in which about six citizens in our society.” The magazine listed five community members set to cel-
million Jews were killed. dents in Germany related to kippah, the traditional Jewish past and drawing from it a his- “Never again” also means ebrate in November, presenting the names in the adjusted
The synagogue where Scholz those attacks, a 240% increase head covering, as is customary toric duty to fight anti-Jewish friendship with Israel, Scholz format: Rebecca S., 17.11; Constantin K., 18.11; Judea D.,
was speaking was also attacked from a year ago. Police said in a synagogue for men. “We hate. said. 24.11; Daniel B., 25.11; Lea H., 25.11.
with Molotov cocktails in a mosques were also targeted will not tolerate it.” A 10-minute video by Ger- “Israel has the right to defend Jüdisches Berlin, established in 1998, is under the purview
surge of antisemitic incidents over the same period, with as Incidents of antisemitism man Economy Minister Rob- itself against the barbaric terror of the Board of Directors of the Board of Representatives of
that followed the Hamas mas- many eight receiving parcels have surged globally since the ert Habeck expressing concern of Hamas,” he said, reiterating the Berlin Jewish community, which ensures content adher-
sacre on October 7 and the sub- with torn-up Koran fragments outbreak of the Israel-Hamas over rising antisemitism went his government’s commitment ence to German press laws.
sequent Israeli retaliation. mixed with fecal matter. war, causing particular viral last week. In it, he warned to do anything it can to ensure The Department for Research and Information on
In the week following “Every form of antisemi- soul-searching in Germany that Germans would have to the release of the innocent Antisemitism (RIAS) Berlin highlighted a concerning 240%
Hamas’s attack, watchdog RIAS tism poisons our society,” said which has prided itself on its answer for antisemitism in civilians taken hostage by the increase in antisemitic events in Germany since October 7.
reported 202 antisemitic inci- Scholz, who was wearing a culture of remembering its dark court, while anyone who was extremist Islamist group.

US Rep. Smith: UNRWA schools Israel rally shows unified

are breeding grounds for hatred support among US Jews
• By ZVIKA KLEIN further highlighting the orga- ANALYSIS message from Agudath Israel that we believe needs to be
nization’s shortcomings. • By ZVIKA KLEIN on Tuesday read. said. But we will not cede this
The Committee on Foreign Smith shed light on UNRWA’s “Accordingly, and in consul- ground to those with whom we
Affairs and Global Health on role in perpetuating hatred Two very different Ameri- tation with our rabbinic lead- disagree. We will stand togeth-
Capitol Hill, led by Congress- against Jews among Palestinian can-Jewish organizations have ership, we are circulating to our er as a community alongside
man Chris Smith (R-New Jer- youth. He referred to reports by called upon their constituents friends and constituents infor- other Jewish organizations in
sey), took aim at the United UN Watch and IMPACT-SE that to participate in next week’s mation about the rally,” the our Peace Bloc, and yes, along-
Nations’ long-standing bias document the deliberate hir- mega-rally for Israel in Wash- message concludes. side those who do not share
against Israel on Wednesday. ing of teachers by UNRWA who ington: the ultra-Orthodox Hadar Susskind, president our views.
The focal point of this gather- praise Hitler, glorify terrorist Agudath Israel of America and and CEO of the left-wing APN, Why is this so dramatic?
ing was UNRWA and its trou- attacks against Israeli children, the left-wing Americans for also sent out an email blast on Agudath Israel acts as a prin-
bling promotion of antisemi- and spread antisemitic conspir- Peace Now (APN). Tuesday. cipal organization for Haredi
tism among Palestinian youth. acy theories. The somewhat-surprising “Thousands of American Jews in the US, encompassing
Smith delivered a power- “The United Nations often invitations extended by Agu- Jews, along with friends and most yeshivas and numerous
ful message, highlighting the hides behind the veneer of dath Israel – traditionally, a allies, will gather for a rally on hassidic sects, despite some,
urgency of addressing this legitimate criticism of Isra- non-Zionist organization – and Washington’s National Mall – like the anti-Zionist Satmar, not
issue. He emphasized the need el to promote antisemitism. APN exemplify the huge sup- and we will be there,” Susskind aligning due to differing views
for the United States and the AT CENTER, Subcommittee chairman Rep. Christopher Smith UNRWA, in particular, has been port for Israel among Ameri- wrote. on Israel.
international community to addresses a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Global criticized for perpetuating the can Jewry since the Hamas “There will be progressive Agudath Israel originally
Health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations
hold the UN accountable for its conflict by fostering hatred of massacre on October 7, which Jews and conservative Jews. opposed the Zionist movement
hearing on Wednesday. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
actions and to demand an end Jews among Palestinian youth was immediately followed by There will be observant Jews but joined the Israeli govern-
to these biased practices. through its textbooks, curricu- an explosion of antisemitism and secular Jews,” he wrote, ment after the state’s formation
“Recent genocidal atrocities singling out of Israel and calling allocated to UNRWA, despite la, summer camps, and official around the world. adding that “together with in 1948 in order to protect the
committed by Hamas, includ- for a shift in the international the fact that the previous media,” Smith stated. A broad coalition of Amer- our colleagues at like-minded ultra-Orthodox community’s
ing acts of terrorism and indis- community’s perspective. administration, led by [former] The Orthodox Jewish Cham- ican communities will gath- groups, we are organizing a interests. Unlike vehemently
criminate missile attacks, are a Witnesses who testified president [Donald] Trump, had ber of Commerce, represented er for the “March for Israel” Peace Bloc and will be there in anti-Zionist groups, Agudah
direct outcome of the unbri- included Hillel Neuer, Execu- halted this funding, due to by its Founder and CEO Duvi rally on November 14 at the solidarity. In solidarity with the actively participates in Israeli
dled antisemitism fomented tive Director of UN Watch, who concerns about the prevalence Honig, submitted testimony National Mall in Washington. people of Israel, in solidarity politics to advocate for Haredi
and enabled by the United called for the dismissal of Fran- of antisemitism within these to the Committee on Foreign The event, scheduled take place with the hostages held in Gaza concerns.
Nations. Israel has an absolute cesca Albanese, Special Rappor- institutions. These schools Affairs Hearing, underscoring under tight security, is expected and with their families, and in For decades, APN has advo-
right to defend itself against teur on the situation of human are, unfortunately, breeding the unjust treatment Israel to be a display of near-unani- solidarity against the alarming cated against what it calls the
such cowardly invasions and rights in Palestine. grounds for hatred.” receives at the hands of the UN. mous support for Israel among rise in global antisemitism.” “occupation.” It promotes the
massacres,” Smith said. Smith told The Jerusalem Post Manning pointed out how Honig highlighted how the American Jews as well as a pro- Susskind explained that two-state solution and often
The hearing, which featured that “Recently, Albanese made the UN’s anti-Israel bias under- UN’s original purpose, to pro- test against the surge in antise- although APN encourages criticizes Israel’s actions.
distinguished House represen- concerning statements about mines prospects for peace in mote global peace and security, mitic incidents in the US. participation at the rally, orga- The call by these organiza-
tatives, including Rep. Kathy Israel’s right to self-defense. She the region and unfairly isolates has been increasingly under- “In light of the ongoing, nized by the Jewish Federations tions to join the rally signifies a
Manning (D-North Carolina), argued that Israel has no such the Jewish state. Other repre- mined by bias against Israel. life-threatening danger con- of North America and Con- change in the American Jewish
Rep. Joseph Markowitz (R-Flor- right, which is both absurd and sentatives voiced similar sen- “The appointment of Iran to fronting Israeli soldiers and all ference of Presidents of Major community, displaying strong
ida), Rep. Brad Schneider dangerous. timents, stressing the need for head the UN Human Rights of our dear brothers and sis- American Jewish Organization, support from surprising direc-
(D-Illinois), Rep. Susan Wild “During the hearing, we paid fairness and justice in interna- Committee, despite its own ters in Eretz Yisroel [the Land “we are not co-sponsoring the tions for the Jewish state.
(D-Pennsylvania), Rep. French extensive attention to the issue tional forums. human rights violations, of Israel] and with great con- event, nor will we be among The organizers of the rally are
Hill (R-Arkansas), Rep. Mike of UNRWA and children being Schneider drew attention to while simultaneously con- cern about the extremely vol- the speakers. And yes, it is near- seemingly striving to make it
James (R-Missouri), and Rep. exposed to antisemitic hate. the UN’s failure to take action demning Israel for its actions, atile political climate here in ly certain that some speakers the largest show of unity and
Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina), It’s alarming that the United on critical issues, such as the raises questions about the the United States, we feel it is at the rally will say things that support for Israel in decades,
sent a resounding message con- States, under [US] President Joe plight of 240 hostages, men, UN’s commitment to justice,” important... that there be a we disagree with, and they will hoping that hundreds of thou-
demning the UN’s consistent Biden, contributes $1 billion women, and children in Gaza, Honig asserted. large turnout at this event,” a certainly not say everything sands will attend.

Evangelical Christians to plant 1,400 red tulips on Gaza border

• By MAAYAN HOFFMAN climate. At the dedication ceremony, shelters that you help us to buy and edy on a mission organized by the
ICEJ President Dr. Jürgen Bühler had to put here in the area, we live better Knesset Christian Allies Caucus and
Christians worldwide will come said that the project was meant not lives. And I promise to do everything its co-chair MK Sharren Haskel. The
together during the winter season only to be beautiful but to help “visi- to keep the Land of Israel and build it visit included a briefing by the IDF on
to plant 1,400 vibrant red tulips bly shield Israelis from harm coming stronger.” the likely events that led to the death
in remembrance of the 1,400 lives from Gaza.” Parsons said: “We had a relation- Libstein, his mother-in-law, and son.
lost to Hamas terrorists on October KKL-JNF’s Ronnie Vinnikov, head ship with Mayor Libstein and all the “He came here to defend his own
7, according to David Parsons, vice of KKL-JNF’s resource development regional council leaders. We were family,” an IDF officer explained,
president and senior spokesman for and external relations division, said, the first ones to start putting mobile pointing out Libstein’s home.
the International Christian Embassy “We heal the environment, and bomb shelters here – almost 150 – and “The ICEJ roundly condemns this
in Jerusalem. during the process, we have also to deliver firefighting equipment [to evil and horrendous assault on Israel
Just two days before the Hamas established safety and security mea- stop the balloon fires]. We’ve come on a Jewish holy day by Hamas and
massacre, ICEJ led a group of 700 sures for the residents of the area.” down with the Jewish National Fund its patrons in Iran,” Parsons shared
Christian pilgrims to the Negev and Unbeknown to them, a mere to replant some of the burned areas. that day among the ruins. “We have
along the Gaza border fence to dedi- two days later, a group of terrorists We’ve invested millions of dollars.” urged Christians worldwide to pray
cate the “Christian Embassy Nature breached the fence, wreaking havoc He said that October 7 “touched a for Israel’s safety.”
Park,” land that had been rehabili- upon the serene forest and slaughter- raw nerve” for the pro-Israel Chris- Parsons said many of the people
tated through Christian gifts in part- ing Israelis. tian community, which has dedicat- in Kfar Aza were peace-loving people
nership with Keren Kayemeth LeIsra- Parsons noted that Israeli tanks had ed so much of its efforts to restoring who, like Libstein, wanted a better life
el-Jewish National Fund. also been traversing the area as part broken ties with the Jews after years for both Israelis and Palestinians.
The Christians had chosen to reha- of their response, but said he is not ICEJ PRESIDENT Dr. Jürgen Bühler plants a tree in the Christian Embassy of Christian persecution. “The Jewish people has faced this
bilitate a section of Be’eri Forest that worried about the trampled flowers. Nature Park near Gaza two days before the Hamas massacre. (ICEJ) “This is unlike anything we’ve seen before and, somehow, they managed
had been burned over recent years by “There’s time to replant,” Parsons or endured or witnessed here in the to survive – and today they have the
Gaza arsonists launching incendiary said. “You cannot regain the lives Gaza border to learn resilience. That in Sha’ar Hanegev, we are keeping land since ICEJ was founded 43 years IDF,” Parsons continued. “I thank
kites and balloons from Gaza. lost.” event was hosted by the head of the the Land of Israel. We are keeping ago,” Parsons told The Jerusalem Post. God that Israel has an army and a
The 126-acre forest was replant- When the Christian delegation Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council, the border with the Gaza Strip… We “But we’re committed to helping nation.
ed with native oak, eucalyptus, and came to the Gaza border on October Ofir Libstein, who became the war’s have doubled our population in the these communities rebuild.” “We’re going to stay with this
other broadleaf trees that are less 5, they also took part in a mass soli- first named casualty. last 10 years, and everything is with Earlier this month, Parsons and a nation and help do what is necessary
flammable, provide plenty of shade, darity rally at the local high school During his speech that day, Lib- your help. Because with your help, handful of other Christian leaders to bring peace and security to the
and grow fast even in the dry desert to encourage Israelis living along the stein said, “The people who live here we feel safe here. With your [bomb] went to visit the scenes of the trag- whole region.”
8 ISRAEL AT WAR F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

NYC hate crimes against Jews US antisemitism

surge by over 200% amid war strategy ‘under
using age-old tropes,” the SPLC
said. “This increase in antise-
antisemitism,” he said.
Torres believes social media
pressure’ – WH
mitic activity has been coupled has a big role in fueling antise- • By RON KAMPEAS/JTA “We understand that people
NEW YORK – The breakout of with an increase in anti-Mus- mitic rhetoric. “Social media are scared in this moment,”
war in Gaza and Israel in Octo- lim and anti-Arab activity as enables antisemitism to spread WASHINGTON – The Biden she said in the webinar. “Peo-
ber led to a surge in hate-filled well.” at a pace and on a scale and to administration’s plan to com- ple are scared who have gone
incidents aimed at Jews, new Institutes of higher educa- an extent never seen before.” bat antisemitism is “under a their whole lives without being
NYPD crime data shows. tion have seen outbreaks of “I feel the Jewish community lot of pressure” because of the scared.”
Bias crimes in the city anti-Jewish hate. has been victimized and trau- sharp rise in antisemitic inci- Just before the briefing, Jew-
increased by 124% in October Jewish students at Columbia matized not only by October dents since the launch of the ish organizational leaders met
compared to October 2022, University, Cooper Union and 7th (when Hamas terrorists war between Israel and Hamas, with the top two US law-en-
according to the Police Depart- other higher-education insti- unleashed an invasive attach according to a top White House forcement officials, Attorney
ment data released Wednesday. tutions have said they have of kidnapping and killing in official. General Merrick Garland and
Police counted 101 bias inci- felt particularly vulnerable as southern Israel) but by the Neera Tanden, President FBI Director Chris Wray, to ask
dents in New York City in Octo- tensions from the war between antisemitism that has taken Joe Biden’s top domestic pol- for greater protections against
ber, up from 45 in October last Israel and Hamas spill over hold in its wake.” icy adviser, held an online antisemitic harassment since
year. onto college campuses, where Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg briefing with national Jewish the launch of the war, especial-
Leading that surge was a threats and antisemitic inci- joined lawmakers on Monday communal leaders on Wednes- ly on campuses.
spike in anti-Jewish incidents, dents have been reported. to announce legislation that day, about one month after “We are comforted by the
of which 69 were reported last POSTERS OF some of the civilian hostages kidnapped by Upstate, a Cornell University would expand the definition Hamas’s October 7 invasion very active focus of the Depart-
month in the city compared Hamas are displayed on a pole outside of NYU in Manhattan. of Israel. The landmark strate-
student was charged by federal of hate crimes and close loop- ment of Justice and the FBI in
(Spencer Platt/Getty Images)
to 22 in October 2022 – a 214% authorities with making online holes that protect perpetrators gy Biden launched in May to investigating and prosecut-
increase, officials said. threats “calling for the deaths of bias crimes. combat antisemitism created ing the tsunami of increased
“We’re feeling it 100%,” Bob don’t get paid for this. We’re Palestinian flags. He said people of Jewish people.” He could “If a group of people beat a cross-department “architec- cases since October 7 of hate-
Moskovitz, executive coordina- the eyes and ears for the Police also wake up to find the Israe- face five years in prison. someone up because of their ture” to track and respond to ful crimes against members of
tor of the Flatbush Shomrim Department because they are li flags they put outside their The rise in bias crimes has race, that gang assault, as the reported incidents of antisemi- the Jewish community,” Wil-
Safety Patrol in Brooklyn, said of simply overwhelmed with 911 homes stolen or destroyed. sparked reaction among elected law calls it, cannot be charged tism, especially on college cam- liam Daroff, the CEO of the
the uptick in hate crimes. “Our calls and running all over the “For the most part it’s the officials. as a hate crime. That needs puses, she said, adding that the Conference of Presidents of
hotline, which the community place.” youth,” he said. “They’re just “It’s been well-known that to change,” Bragg said. “Hate system is now being strained. Major American Jewish Orga-
utilizes to report any incident, He said many of the calls are lashing out. They don’t even the Jewish community makes crime does not discriminate. It “Unfortunately, that archi- nizations, said in a statement
has probably increased in this from Jewish institutions, syn- have an idea of what’s going on up about 2% of the population has targeted all of our commu- tecture is under a lot of pressure immediately after the meeting
last month and a half by 300%. agogues and yeshivas, asking overseas.” but has long been the target nities.” now with the rise of events” ended at noon.
The phone is simply not stop- them to post someone outside. New York City is not alone in of the majority of religiously Meanwhile, US Sen. Majority since October 7, Tanden said. The meetings are among a
ping.” “Now it’s to the point where seeing a hate crime surge. motivated hate crimes,” Rep. Leader Chuck Schumer, D-New “The last several weeks we have flurry of efforts by American
In October, the same month people are panicking,” Mosko- In recent weeks, research- Ritchie Torres, D-New York, York, has said he is pushing for seen, on campus and off, a Jewish organizations to back
highlighted by the NYPD’s vitz said. “There’s a definite, ers for the Southern Poverty told the Daily News. $1 billion in federal funding to real rise of targeting of Jewish Israel, fight antisemitism, and
crime stats, the Shomrim definite high level, increased Law Center “have tracked an “Antisemitism takes on a new protect places of worship and people and antisemitic slurs, advocate for the hostages. Jew-
patrol received nearly 1,600 level of stress in the communi- increase in documented and intensity when a war breaks religious schools that have actions, threats of violence.” ish organizations are planning
calls, Moskovitz said. A normal ty. A lot of the stuff that would reported incidents of antise- out in the Middle East,” Torres been the target of antisemitism Jewish watchdogs have a mass rally next week in Wash-
call volume is about 500 per have been swept under the rug mitic harassment of individu- said. “It feels to me there are and Islamaphobia in New York recorded a spike of antisemit- ington to galvanize support for
month. is now being reported.” als and ‘fake’ bomb threats to more incidents, not only more City and across the nation. ic incidents worldwide and in those goals.
“The community is obviously Moskovitz said most calls Jewish institutions,” the center reporting of incidents, but inci- “At-risk religious-based orga- the United States since Octo- Tanden said she and Educa-
anxious and stressed by every- involve kids from middle said in an email. dents. Antisemitism is like a nizations across New York and ber 7, when Hamas terrorists tion Secretary Miguel Cardona
thing that is going on overseas school to high school, and oth- “In addition, antisemitic graf- cancer that can go into remis- the nation not only want more invaded from the Gaza Strip, had met with Jewish students
and here,” Moskovitz said. ers in cars driving through the fiti has also been reported and a sion but it resurfaces every so help – they desperately need killing 1,400 people, wounding on campuses recently.
“We are out there 24/7. Keep neighborhood shouting at peo- large number of online activity often.” it,” Schumer said. thousands, taking more than “We spent a significant time
in mind we are volunteers – we ple on the streets and waving that denigrates Jewish people “It’s a global outbreak of (New York Daily News/TNS) 200 captives, and sparking an hearing from kids, honestly,
Israeli counterattack in Gaza. who are being threatened for
The Hamas-run Health Min- who they are, for being Jew-

Colleges could face funding cuts if they don’t

istry in Gaza said more than ish,” she said.
10,000 Palestinians have been On October 30, Jewish lead-
killed in the fighting. ers had a meeting with Car-
A Jewish man died after being dona, days before he warned

address Jew-hatred – US education secretary

• By RON KAMPEAS/JTA Cardona is prepared to be aggressive in In her second paragraph, Lhamon ties leaders, Cardona said the Biden admin-
wounded in an altercation with
pro-Palestinian demonstrators
this week near Los Angeles.
Jews have also been assaulted
federally funded colleges that
they could lose funding if they
failed to address harassment of
religious and other minorities.
pressing colleges to act. In a release on the money the schools get from the istration had already, prior to the Octo- and faced death threats on col- Shelley Greenspan, the White
WASHINGTON – Education Secretary Tuesday formally announcing the letter, government to their legal obligations to ber 7 Hamas deadly attack on Israel, lege campuses. House Jewish outreach director
Miguel Cardona said colleges could lose Cardona tied the letter’s instructions to protect minority students. Both public extended Civil Rights Act protections “We continue to see an alarm- who was on the webinar, said
federal funding if they fail to address what Jewish organizations have said is a and private universities receive federal to religious minorities, including Jews ing trend of antisemitic threats the Education Department’s
antisemitism, following up on a meeting massive spike in antisemitism on cam- funds through a variety of pathways. and Muslims. He promised a two-week and attacks targeting Jewish Office of Civil Rights com-
last month with Jewish leaders alarmed puses since Hamas terrorists struck Israel “I write to remind colleges, univer- deadline to come up with a plan. communities across the coun- plaint form now had “antisem-
by rising antisemitism on campuses in on October 7, launching the war. sities, and schools that receive federal Jewish leaders at that meeting said try,” White House press sec- itism” designated as an area of
the wake of war. “The rise of reports of hate incidents financial assistance of their legal respon- the federal government in recent years retary Karine Jean-Pierre told harassment.
Cardona made his warning in an on our college campuses... is deeply trau- sibility under Title VI of the Civil Rights has expanded Title IX of the same act, reporters just before Tanden’s “There is an actual drop-
interview on CNN on Monday ahead matic for students and should be alarm- Act of 1964 and its implementing regu- which bans gender discrimination, to briefing. “Disturbing acts like down, so if you feel like you
of the release the next day of a letter ing to all Americans,” he said. “Antisem- lations (Title VI) to provide all students a allow for funding to be withheld from ripping down posters of Jewish are being targeted at a universi-
reminding federally funded schools itism, Islamophobia, and all other forms school environment free from discrim- universities that do not address sexual hostages held by Hamas, van- ty, you can actually click [that]
of their obligation to protect Jews and of hatred go against everything we stand ination based on race, color, or nation- harassment and assault. They suggested dalizing Jewish institutions, it’s because of antisemitism,”
other minorities. for as a nation.” al origin, including shared ancestry or that the department could apply similar threatening to commit acts she said. “The department will
“I would want to provide support for The letter sent Tuesday to colleges that ethnic characteristics,” Lhamon said in measures to Title VI as an incentive for of violence against Jewish stu- then investigate.”
these universities, provide guidance,” he receive federal funds, signed by Cath- her letter. “It is your legal obligation compliance. dents, Jewish faith leaders, and Other organizations repre-
told the network. “And if there are egre- erine Lhamon, the department’s assis- under Title VI to address prohibited dis- Sen. Jacky Rosen, last week sent a letter Jewish communities inflame sented at the Justice Depart-
gious acts, I want to make sure that we’re tant secretary for civil rights, describes crimination against students and others to the Education Department, urging tensions, stoke fear, and are ment meeting included the
investigating. Ultimately, if we have to in its first paragraph “an alarming rise on your campus – including those who it to issue “updated guidance to college completely unacceptable.” Anti-Defamation League, the
withhold dollars from a campus refus- in disturbing antisemitic incidents and are or are perceived to be Jewish, Israeli, and university administrators making Tanden said the White House Jewish Federations of North
ing to comply, we would.” threats to Jewish, Israeli, Muslim, Arab, Muslim, Arab, or Palestinian – in the clear the consequences of failing to was aware of how deep fears America, the American Jewish
Cardona’s comments do not repre- and Palestinian students on college cam- ways described in this letter.” ensure the safety of Jewish students,” are running among American Committee, and Hillel Inter-
sent a new policy, but they suggest that puses and in P-12 schools.” In his October 30 meeting with Jewish among other measures. Jews. national.

‘Finish them’: GOP hopefuls unite at debate In rare move, House censures

It was one of the few questions that united

to him when it happened was, I said ‘Finish
them. Finish them.’”
Vivek Ramaswamy, an entrepreneur who
munity and appreciate you guys rallying
together in difficult times,” DeSantis said.
Brooks’ first question was whether the
Rashida Tlaib for Israel remarks
all five candidates at what was a no-holds- often bucks the Republican establishment United States should use military force • By RON KAMPEAS/JTA
barred Republican primary debate: What on foreign policy, hewing to isolation- against Iran given strikes by its proxies
would they advise Israel’s prime minister as ism, was as bellicose, but also pivoted to on US forces. DeSantis and Haley, who WASHINGTON – The US
he wages war against Hamas? a favored topic, the Mexican border, and answered the question, avoided saying House of Representatives has
The uniform answer: “Finish them.” suggested that he would seek to kill people explicitly they would hit Iranian territory censured Michigan Rep. Rashi-
Israel and antisemitism featured large in there. but said that they would retaliate more da Tlaib, a Palestinian Ameri-
the latest GOP primary debate in Miami “I would tell him to smoke those terror- robustly than Biden has against the strikes can Democrat, for her rhetoric
on Wednesday, in part because a cospon- ists on his southern border,” he said. “And by the proxies. in the wake of Hamas’s October
sor of the debate was the Republican Jew- then I’ll tell him as president of the United Brooks’ second question was about the 7 invasion of Israel, including
ish Coalition, which got to ask two ques- States, I’ll be smoking the terrorists on our spike in antisemitism at US universities. using the term “from the river
tions, a first for a Jewish group. But they southern border.” “Jewish students across the country are to the sea.”
would have been asked even without the South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott said he threatened and under attack,” he said. The 234-188 vote late Tues-
RJC’s influence, because Hamas’s October would tell Netanyahu, “Not only do you “What do you say to Jewish students on day night, in which 22 Dem-
7 attack on Israel and the resulting war in have the responsibility and the right to college campuses who feel unsafe, given ocrats voted to censure Tlaib,
Gaza has roiled the world and US politics. wipe Hamas off of the map, we will support the dramatic rise in antisemitism?” was sure to sharpen divides
NBC moderator Lester Holt made his sec- you, we will be there with you.” He took it DeSantis noted that he recently barred among Democrats over Israel’s
ond question what the candidates would a step further, saying he would also strike some pro-Palestinian groups from operat- war with Hamas in Gaza. Some
advise Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Net- Iran, which is a sponsor of Hamas. ing on Florida campuses, and Scott sim- Democrats vehemently defend-
anyahu. First to answer was Florida Gov. “You actually have to cut off the head of ilarly backed pulling federal funds from ed Tlaib’s right to free speech,
Ron DeSantis. the snake and the head of the snake is Iran universities that do not adequately deal while others said the “from the RASHIDA TLAIB addresses a pro-Palestinian rally in Washington
“I will be telling Bibi finish the job once river to the sea” term signifies last month. (Ali Khaligh/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)
and not simply the proxies,” he said. with antisemitism, something the Biden
and for all with these butchers,” said Chris Christie, the former New Jersey administration this week said would be its the elimination of Israel.
DeSantis, using Netanyahu’s nickname. governor, said Israel should have free rein, policy. Christie spoke about his experience The vote was largely on party mick, a Georgia Republican, used the phrase to describe a
“They’re terrorists. They’re massacring but also, unusually for a foreign politician, dealing with antisemitic and anti-Muslim lines, reflecting the Republican and focused on statements by democratic outcome for all in
innocent people. They would wipe every criticized Netanyahu for not being pre- attacks as a US attorney immediately after majority, though four Repub- Tlaib since Hamas launched the region.
Jew off the globe, if they could.” pared. 9/11. licans voted against censuring the war. The resolution said “From the river to the sea is
The unalloyed backing for Netanyahu Absent was Donald Trump, the front- Haley gave one of the most impassioned Tlaib. Tlaib had used the phrase an aspirational call for freedom,
comes as President Joe Biden, who also at runner who is so far ahead in the polls he responses, saying that rising antisemitism Tlaib said she would not be “from the river to the sea” on human rights, and peaceful
first unquestioningly backed Netanyahu, does not feel the need to join the debates. revealed a country with a troubled soul. intimidated by the censure November 3 on social media, coexistence, not death, destruc-
has in recent days faced Israeli resistance The first question posed by NBC moder- “We don’t need to celebrate terrorists,” vote, which will require her to adding that it is “widely rec- tion, or hate,” she said. “My
to his pressure for humanitarian pauses in ator Lester Holt was how each of the five she said, referring to protesters who have stand in the well of the House ognized as a genocidal call to work and advocacy is always
the fighting. candidates would defeat Trump. That out at times characterized Hamas’s actions as chamber and listen to House violence to destroy the State of centered in justice and dignity
All four candidates echoed DeSantis’s of the way, Trump, who attended a rally “resistance.” “We don’t need to celebrate Speaker Mike Johnson explain Israel and its people to replace it for all people no matter faith or
reply. Nikki Haley, the former US ambas- elsewhere in Florida while the debate was genocide. We don’t need to celebrate vio- why she is being censured. with a Palestinian state extend- ethnicity.”
sador to the United Nations, suggested she under way, was barely mentioned again. lence towards anybody. We need to go “I will not be silenced, and ing from the Jordan River to the Several Jewish Democrats
had spoken with Netanyahu since Octo- RJC’s CEO Matt Brooks posed two ques- back and soul-search in our country and I will not let you distort my Mediterranean Sea.” decried the use of the phrase,
ber 7, when Hamas terrorists invaded Isra- tions and earned a shout out from DeSantis remember what we are about and we are words,” Tlaib said. Tlaib in her November 3 post but they said limiting her
el, killing 1,400 people, mostly civilians, for enduring a tough month. “I know it’s about taking care of people not going and The censure resolution was on X, the platform formerly speech set a dangerous prece-
launching the war. “The first thing I said been very difficult for the [Jewish] com- making them live in fear.” initiated by Rep. Rich McCor- known as Twitter, said she had dent.
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 9

Actors reach deal with studios to end strike

• By LISA RICHWINE, “digital doubles.” raised hopes among actors alarmed by recent advances in
DAWN CHMIELEWSKI “We have arrived at a con- who had spent months pick- artificial intelligence, which
and DANIELLE BROADWAY tract that will enable SAG-AF- eting outside studio offices in they feared could lead to stu-
TRA members from every New York and Los Angeles, dios manipulating their like-
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – Hol- category to build sustainable instead of working on sets. nesses without permission, or
lywood actors reached a ten- careers,” the union said in a “Preliminary chatter was replacing human actors with
tative agreement with major note to members. that a vote was imminent,” digital images.
studios on early Thursday SAG-AFTRA president and said Rati Gupta, best known George Clooney and other
to resolve the second of two The Nanny star Fran Drescher as Anu in the CBS comedy A-list stars voiced solidarity
strikes that rocked the enter- wrote on Instagram: “We did The Big Bang Theory. “Hearts with lower-level actors and
tainment industry, as writers it!!! The billion plus dollar have been pounding for sev- had urged union leadership
and performers demanded deal!” eral hours today.” to reach a resolution.
higher pay in the streaming Celebrations erupted across When SAG-AFTRA’s bar- Many film and TV sets shut
TV era. Los Angeles. The resolution of gaining team voted to sup- down when the Writers Guild
The 118-day work stoppage the actors’ strike means Hol- port the deal, “there were of America called a strike in
ended just after midnight on lywood can ramp up to full definitely some tears, a lot the spring. While WGA mem-
Wednesday, the SAG-AFTRA production for the first time of big smiles, a lot of hugs,” bers returned to penning
union said in a statement since May, when film and TV chief negotiator Duncan scripts in late September, the
after its negotiating commit- writers went on strike. Crabtree-Ireland said. “It is ongoing SAG-AFTRA work
tee unanimously backed the At one brewpub, a jubi- a really intense thing to be stoppage left many produc-
deal with Walt Disney, Net- lant crowd of actors cheered, going through a strike that’s tions dark.
flix, and other companies. pumped their fists and chant- PEOPLE CELEBRATE at a brewery in Los Angeles after the SAG-AFTRA TV/Theatrical Committee this long and so challenging.” The disruptions cost Cali-
Valued at more than $1 bil- approved a tentative agreement with the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers,
ed: “When we fight, we win!” Actors had similar concerns fornia more than $6 billion
which ended the 118-day actors’ strike. (Mario Anzuoni/Reuters)
lion, the three-year contract “It’s just such a feeling of joy to film and television writ- in lost output, according to a
includes increases in min- and of triumph over adversity, ers, who argued that compen- Milken Institute estimate.
imum salaries, and a new and not quitting,” said actor on Friday, and the union said ment represented “a new par- difficult for most people in sation for working-class cast With little work available,
bonus paid by streaming ser- Evan Shafran. it would release further details adigm” that gave the union the industry, especially peo- members had dwindled as many prop masters, costume
vices, the union said. Another SAG-AFTRA mem- after that meeting. A final rat- its “biggest contract-on-con- ple of color. As it is, we don’t streaming took hold, making designers, and other crew
The deal also provides pro- ber, Jessica Brown, was still ification vote by members is tract gains” in its history. have as many opportunities. it hard to earn a living wage. members struggled to make
tections against unauthorized absorbing the news. “My expected to take place in the The organization said it We aren’t big celebrities that TV series on streaming have ends meet. FilmLA, the group
usages of images generated brain is still just trying to coming weeks. “looks forward to the indus- have money in the bank for not offered the same residual that approves filming permits,
by artificial intelligence in an catch up and process,” she The Alliance of Motion Pic- try resuming the work of tell- months.” payments that actors enjoyed reported scripted production
area that had emerged as a said. “Oh my god. We did it.” ture and Television Producers, ing great stories.” Word of a potential agree- during the heyday of broad- during the week of October 29
major concern for performers SAG-AFTRA’s national board which negotiated on behalf “I’m relieved,” actor Fanny ment had spread across Hol- cast TV. had fallen 77% from the same
who feared being replaced by will consider the agreement of the studios, said the agree- Grande said. “It’s been really lywood earlier on Wednesday, Performers also became time a year earlier.

US concerned by N. Korea-Russia ties Argentina election puts


SEOUL (Reuters) – US Secretary of State

Antony Blinken said on Thursday he
expose, and as necessary, to counter
these efforts.”
Blinken’s two-day visit to South Korea
is his first in two and a half years and
Blinken said North Korea was sup-
plying military equipment to Russia
for use in its war with Ukraine, while
Russia was in turn providing technical
BRICS relations in spotlight
shares South Korean concerns about part of a broader Asia trip that included support to help the North make mili- ANALYSIS helped cash-strapped Argentina pay back its
growing military cooperation between a visit to Japan and will include a stop tary progress. • By LUCILA SIGAL IMF debt. China is also a big investor in local
North Korea and Russia, which he in India. “That’s a real concern for the security lithium, hydro, and nuclear projects.
called a “two-way street” involving He came to Asia from the Middle East, of the Korean Peninsula, a real concern BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) – Argentina could “What we are not going to do are secret con-
arms flows and technical support. where the conflict in Gaza has com- for global nonproliferation regimes, it’s see a resetting of some global ties depending tracts,” Mondino said. “Argentina, this gov-
Blinken and South Korean Foreign bined with the war in Ukraine to over- a real concern for the Russian aggres- on the result of its runoff presidential elec- ernment, in the last 20 years has had multiple
Minister Park Jin also said they had shadow Washington’s efforts to focus sion of Ukraine and a real concern for tion later this month – although the value secret negotiations. That is not normal, and it
discussed a so-called extended deter- on the Indo-Pacific region. the violation of multiple UN Security of trade with partners such as China and is what we have said we are not going to do.”
rence strategy in countering threats North Korean weapons have report- Council resolutions,” he said. Brazil may outweigh any short-term political A current senior Foreign Ministry source,
from North Korea, meaning the use of edly appeared in use in Gaza, and Blinken said the US and its two east posturing. from the same Peronist coalition as Massa,
US military assets, including its nuclear the United States and its allies have Asian allies were increasing coopera- While Economy Minister Sergio Massa, a predicted that Argentina’s ties with Brazil and
forces for protection from attacks, and condemned what they say is the tion on North Korea, which has been pragmatist in the ruling Left-leaning coali- China would continue regardless of who won
improving cooperation with Japan. flow of arms and military equipment developing its nuclear weapons and tion, has signaled policy continuity, radical the election.
“We have real concerns about any from North Korea to Russia for use in missiles in defiance of UN Security libertarian candidate Javier Milei has sharp- “Relations with China are going to go as
support for North Korea’s ballis- Ukraine. Council resolutions. ly lambasted China, Brazil, the pope, South they have until now with either of the two
tic-missile programs, for its nucle- North Korea and Russia have denied Park said China had a constructive America’s Mercosur trade bloc, and the Chi- candidates,” the source said. “The intense
ar technology, for its space launch any arms deals, although their leaders role to play over the tensions that the na-led BRICS group. trade that exists with them cannot be dis-
capacity,” Blinken told a press con- have pledged closer military coopera- ties between North Korea and Russia Massa and Milei will compete in a November solved. The same thing would happen with
ference in the South Korean capi- tion when they met in September in were creating, describing them as not 19 head-to-head contest that looks likely to be Brazil; bad personal relations do not affect
tal. “We’re working to... identify, to Russia’s far east. in Beijing’s interest. a tight race, with angry voters deeply divided trade.”
amid inflation running at nearly 140%, two-
fifths of the population in poverty, sky-high Trade blocs: Mercosur and BRICS

‘You’re just scum’ interest rates, and capital controls hurting the
The vote could impact the global position-
Massa and Milei have also clashed on Mer-
cosur, the regional trade bloc led by Argentina
and Brazil that has faced internal tension from
Haley swipes at Ramaswamy during Republican debate ing of Argentina, South America’s No. 2 econ-
omy, which is a major grains exporter as well
other members who say it is not an effective
trade mechanism for negotiating global deals.
• By ALEXANDRA ULMER as a lithium and shale producer. But years The Peronists want to strengthen the bloc,
of volatility have made some international while Milei has threatened to pull Argentina
Presidential candidates Nikki Haley investors wary, and it is the top debtor to the out of it.
and Vivek Ramaswamy make no secret International Monetary Fund (IMF). Member countries needed to “modernize
of their dislike for each other, and Gustavo Martinez Pandiani, currently the Mercosur to make it more efficient,” Pandiani
their animosity came to a head at Argentine ambassador to Switzerland and said, adding that a Massa government would
the Republican debate on Wednesday, Massa’s likely foreign minister, said a future consider it their “main platform” for global
with Haley muttering under her Massa government would seek to improve the trade.
breath that her rival was “just scum.” country’s global partnerships. “Argentina has a very promising future
Ramaswamy, a pugnacious “While some promise to cut ties with Brazil because it has what the world demands: pro-
entrepreneur who delights in making or China, we want more markets and more teins; traditional, green, and transition ener-
outrageous statements, provoked trading partners, not less,” he said. gy; critical minerals, such as lithium and cop-
groans from the audience during a Milei has said he “won’t make deals with per; rare earths and qualified human resourc-
discussion on banning TikTok when communists” in China or Brazil, although es,” he said.
he mentioned that Haley’s daughter he does back private trade. He has described The current government has also pushed to
had used the Chinese short-video app. climate change as a “lie of socialism” and have Argentina in the China-backed BRICS
“You might want to take care of your said Argentine Pope Francis is “on the side of group of developing countries, which also
family first,” he told Haley, a former US bloody dictatorships.” includes India, Brazil, Russia, and South Afri-
ambassador to the United Nations and Diana Mondino, Milei’s likely foreign min- ca. Argentina was invited to join the group in
a former governor of South Carolina. ister, said some of his statements had been August. Milei opposes joining.
“Leave my daughter out of your FLORIDA GOV. Ron DeSantis is flanked by former South Carolina governor Nikki blown out of context, and that, in fact, he “The BRICS are not a trading bloc,” Mondino
voice,” Haley shot back, adding under Haley (left) and former biotech executive Vivek Ramaswamy at the third Republican
would look “to reinsert Argentina into the said. “As of now, it’s not clear why we would
presidential candidates’ debate in Miami on Wednesday. (Mike Segar/Reuters)
her breath, “You’re just scum.” world.” want to have membership in this group.”
It was not the first time Haley, a “Not only is there not a problem with Brazil, The BRICS are a relatively loosely formed
foreign-policy hawk, and Ramaswamy, On social-media platform X, Haley’s to front-runner former president but we hope to be able to trade as much as group with diverse political and geographical
an anti-interventionist on foreign son, Nalin Haley, said Ramaswamy’s Donald Trump in the Republican possible with Brazil,” she said, adding that positions.
conflicts, have clashed over TikTok. attack was “desperate,” adding that his nominating contest. Ramaswamy, a with China – a key trade partner, creditor, and Pandiani disagreed.
“Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit sister’s TikTok account was deleted a relative unknown at the start of the investor – Milei would simply stop opaque “Rejecting entry into BRICS is nonsense,”
dumber,” Haley said after they crossed “very very long time ago.” year, gained buzz earlier this year but state-to-state deals. he said. “We believe that Argentina should
swords about the app during a previous Haley is vying with Florida Gov. Ron appears to have since lost momentum. That could include the country’s $18 billion always sit at the negotiating tables where
encounter in September. DeSantis to become the top challenger (Reuters) currency-swap line with China, which has important issues for our future are discussed.”

Tehran’s proxy war in Syria against Washington, Jerusalem escalates

ANALYSIS said America, at the direction of US rine. Yet Iran’s allies also continue to arm these groups, but also to send the US and Israel. Iranian-backed since, the threats have only grown.
• By SETH J. FRANTZMAN President Joe Biden, had conducted attacks on the US, with the Houthis a strong signal of deterrence,” adding groups have said they see this as a Iran began attacks on US forces in
a “self-defense” strike on a “facility” in Yemen targeting a US Reaper drone that it was not clear how much Iran joint conflict, a “single” front, a con- 2019. A while later, in January 2020,
Syria is once again in the spot- used by the Iranian IRGC in Syria. just this week. has been deterred. cept that Iranian media – and the the US killed IRGC commander
light in the Middle East, after the The strike was carried out by two “Syrian state media said Israeli air- Pro-Iranian news site Al Mayadeen Houthis – have broadcast. Qasem Soleimani in Iraq, and the
US carried out airstrikes against Ira- F-15s. The US has said further action strikes hit military sites in southern reported Thursday: “The Islamic In 2018, the Syrian regime retook attacks continued. The US has carried
nian-backed militias on Wednesday. could be taken if the threats contin- Syria on Wednesday, causing mate- Resistance in Iraq announces the an area near the Golan Heights, out retaliatory strikes in the past, usu-
This follows more than 40 attacks on ue, as Iran remains undeterred. rial damage,” Al Arabiya reported targeting of the American base in thrusting it back into the spotlight. ally when US soldiers or contractors
US forces by Iranian-backed militias US Central Command said: “Fol- Wednesday. “At approximately 22:50 the Green Village deep in Syria, the At the time, US-Hamas tensions also have been killed or wounded. This
in Iraq and Syria. lowing a series of attacks against US p.m., the Israeli enemy carried out an American base in Al-Shaddadi, south escalated. Foreign reports said Iran puts a low bar in terms of retaliation.
Iran has openly bragged in its persons in Iraq and Syria, US Central air attack from the direction of Baal- of Al-Hasakah, and the one in the had moved missiles to Iraq’s Anbar Iran feels impunity to use rockets
media about these attacks. The US Command (US CENTCOM) forces bek in Lebanon, targeting some mil- Conico gas field in the countryside of province, making it possible for Iraq and other threats against US forces. It
has, so far, responded twice. conducted an airstrike against a facil- itary points in the southern region, Deir ez-Zor.” and Syria to retake the border area of is clear now that the conflict is grow-
On October 7, the Associated Press ity in Syria used by Iran’s IRGC and causing some material losses,” official Clearly, Iran is openly bragging Albukamal and Al-Qaim. Iran then ing in Syria. Tehran has also sought to
reported: “Fighter jets launched affiliated groups. We will take all nec- news agency SANA said, quoting a about its attacks on US forces. established its Imam Ali base in Syria, use militias to attack the US-backed
airstrikes early Friday on two loca- essary measures to defend our people military source. The 40 attacks that took place and Kataib Hezbollah in Iraq moved Syrian Democratic Forces.
tions in eastern Syria linked to Iran’s against those who are responsible for Last month, “Israeli strikes had put before Wednesday may rise, and they units to Syria. The US has a deconfliction mech-
[Islamic] Revolutionary Guard Corps, the attacks and will respond at a time Syria’s two main airports in Damas- could reach unprecedented levels if Israel has systemically opposed anism with Russia in Syria in terms
the Pentagon said, in retaliation for and place of our choosing.” cus and Aleppo out of service several Iran is not deterred. Pro-Iranian mili- this Iranian entrenchment in Syria, of use of the airspace, but Russia-US
a slew of drone and missile attacks CENTCOM has many more assets times in two weeks,” Al Arabiya also tias carried out about 70 attacks prior known as the “war between the wars” tensions have escalated. Turkey-US
against US bases and personnel in the in the region now after the Hamas reported. to October 7. The attacks are now campaign, or MABAM in Hebrew. In tensions have also grown, creating a
region that began early last week.” attack on October 7: two US aircraft White House spokesman John spreading, and Iran has encouraged 2019, tensions grew as Iran sought to combustible mix in Syria. This week
One month later, on Wednesday, carriers and other vessels in its arma- Kirby told CNN: “We know that it its militias to attack the US because move Hezbollah members and drone brought more wood to the base of
US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin da, even more aircraft, and a subma- had a practical impact on their ability Tehran believes this is a war against threats toward the Golan. In the years that potential fire.
10 ISRAEL AT WAR F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Grant protected status to Public defense refuses to

Palestinians, Dems tell Biden represent Oct. 7 terrorists • By ARIELLA MARSDEN was praised by Justice Minis-
ter Yariv Levin.
with terrorism in general and
Hamas’s atrocities specifical-
• By TED HESSON or other extraordinary cir- Gaza’s 2.3 million popula- former president Donald Israel’s Public Defender’s “I support the public ly,” he said. “We need a new
cumstances. tion are internally displaced Trump, have backed immi- Office (PDO) in the Justice defense’s refusal to represent infrastructure that’s suited to
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A “In light of ongoing due to the fighting, accord- gration restrictions against Ministry refuses to represent the Hamas murderers who dealing with lowly murder-
group of Democratic law- armed conflict, Palestin- ing to UN figures. people coming from Gaza. captured October 7 terror- carried out the war crimes of ers who committed crimes
makers on Wednesday urged ians already in the United The lawmakers called on Last week, Republican ists who are awaiting trial, it the October 7 massacre,” he against humanity, such as
US President Joe Biden to States should not be forced Biden to use the Temporary Rep. Ryan Zinke and 10 announced on Thursday. said. “The Justice Ministry barbaric rape and massacre
allow Palestinian tourists, to return to the Palestinian Protected Status (TPS) or other Republicans intro- “Thus far, no lawyer from under my leadership will con- that criminal law cannot pos-
students, and workers in the territories, consistent with Deferred Enforced Depar- duced a bill to expel Pal- the public defense has been tinue to work toward bring- sibly understand.”
United States to remain in President Biden’s stated ture (DED) programs to pro- estinians from the US on appointed to a single case of ing the captured terrorists to Public defense generally
light of the conflict in the commitment to protecting vide the relief. Biden has security grounds and bar Hamas terrorists or any other justice.” acts as legal representation
Gaza Strip and unrest and Palestinian civilians,” the granted TPS to hundreds entry of people holding terrorist related to October 7,” Legislation Committee for people facing charges
violence in the West Bank. lawmakers wrote. of thousands of people passports issued by the Pal- said the PDO. “In our opin- chairman MK Simcha Roth- who cannot afford lawyers, as
In a letter to Biden, more The humanitarian protec- since taking office in 2021, estinian Authority, a gov- ion, the procedure against man also said the public every person on trial has the
than 100 Democrats led by tions would only be avail- including Venezuelans and erning body set up under these terrorists is not suited to defense shouldn’t have to rep- right to legal representation.
US Sen. Dick Durbin called able to Palestinians already Haitians. the Oslo interim peace the judicial procedure avail- resent the terrorists. Another case in which Isra-
on Biden to grant residents in the US, not those in The White House did not accords 30 years ago. able today to deal with terror- “From the beginning of the el’s public defense refused to
of the Palestinian territories the war zone or refugees immediately respond to a Some Democrats, civ- ists and terrorism.” Swords of Iron war, in numer- represent someone on trial
deportation relief and access in other countries. It was request for comment. il-rights and immigrant The office added that, in the ous Legislation Committee was the trial of Holocaust
to work permits through US not clear how many Pales- The Democratic pres- advocates criticized the bill, current situation, a solution meetings and outside them, architect Adolf Eichmann in
programs for people whose tinians in the US would be sure on Biden comes as with Democratic Rep. Bill is needed for a judicial system I repeated my principled 1961. Due to their refusal, a
homelands are affected by covered. some Republican presiden- Pascrell calling it “absolute- that suits the extreme circum- opinion that criminal law lawyer was brought in from
conflicts, natural disasters, Around two-thirds of tial candidates, including ly despicable.” stances. The announcement isn’t the correct tool to deal Germany to represent him.

IAI signs $1.2 billion deal to supply defense systems to foreign customer
• Jerusalem Post Staff tems to a foreign customer, IAI tem in all areas – on land, sea, The transaction between IAI The air defense system has of transactions in air defense sys-
announced Thursday. air, and in space – and at the and the foreign customer is being advanced technological capabili- tems signed recently, strength-
Israel Aerospace Industries has “IAI is in an accelerated process same time, it is also working with carried out through the Defense ties, which have been operation- ening the company’s position as
signed a major $1.2 billion agree- of supplying systems and solu- its customers around the world,” Ministry. The IAI will serve as the ally proven. a world leader in the field,” Levy
ment to supply air defense sys- tions for the Israeli defense sys- said Boaz Levy, CEO of IAI. primary contractor in the project. “This transaction joins a series said.

crazy. You are killing us, hostag- allow for foreign passport hold- If you ever had an interaction for urban warfare, military out- trol of the security forces,” Israel “Everyone is talking about a
AGREES es. You don’t return the water, ers to leave, Satterfield stated. with Lubin, you knew you had posts, warehouses, and various Police Eilat Region Ch.-Supt. proportionate response,” he
the electricity, or medication. We He cautioned Israel to protect something special, Friedman munitions factories, which have Moshe Karadi said. added. “A proportionate Chris-
Continued from Page 1
as hostages also need this.” civilians as it conducts is military said. been used to produce rockets, The IDF said an unmanned tian response would be to bring
Netanyahu, however, had pre- The approval of the pauses campaign but stated that he “Rose was different; she was anti-tank missiles, UAVs, and aerial vehicle (UAV) had hit the the supplies needed to stop
ferred one that lasted for an and the video release came after understood this was difficult somewhere else,” he said. other weapons. building, but it did confirm another Jewish massacre from
hour or two. the CIA and Mossad chiefs met given that Hamas has placed its Yifat, a relative from Moshav As the IDF has documented whether it was an Israeli drone. happening.”
Biden told reporters as he left with the Qatari prime minister in infrastructure in civilian areas. Bethlehem of Galilee, recalled throughout Gaza, these military “A short while ago, a UAV hit a He said Gaza is only one front.
the White House for a campaign Doha on Thursday to discuss the “For 15, for 16 years, Hamas how Lubin was always positive installations are located under or civilian building in the city of Syria and Lebanon are two other
stop on Thursday that he had parameters of a deal for hostage has deliberately embedded itself about her experience in the Bor- close to civilian facilities, includ- Eilat, in southern Israel,” the IDF fronts, and the West Bank is the
sought a longer pause. releases and a pause in the fight- in, around, and under many der Police and never com- ing schools, kindergartens, med- said in a statement. “The identi- fourth front.
“I’ve asked for a pause longer ing in the Gaza Strip, a source ..humanitarian sites. It increases plained, saying everything was ical clinics, and mosques. The ty of the UAV and the details of “This is one of the most severe
than three days.” briefed on the meeting told Reu- the complexity of any campaign wonderful, and that she was IDF and the Shin Bet have the incident are under review.” fronts. You have around
Asked if he was frustrated with ters. of this kind enormously,” he exactly where she wanted to be. released documentation of Hagari said the IDF would 500,000 Jewish people scattered
Netanyahu, Biden said, “It’s Qatar, where several Hamas said. • Lubin learned how to cook Hamas terrorists admitting that probe why the drone had not among 200 different communi-
taken a little longer than I political leaders are based, has not only kosher meals but also tunnels and operation rooms set off warning sirens. ties living next to two- to
hoped.” been leading efforts to mediate WORLD vegan dishes, Yifat said. are located under hospitals, At the time of the explosion, three-million Palestinians, and
Kirby said the agreement on a between Hamas and Israeli offi- Continued from Page 1 “My heart is breaking now, especially Shifa Hospital. some 37 students of the kinder- there are no security fences
daily humanitarian pause cials for the release of hostages but I know one day I will be able The IDF also said Thursday it garten and six communication between them and us,” Waller
emerged out of discussions when they rampaged into Israel by a 16-year-old Palestinian in a to look at your photos and hear had found a rocket and drone students were in the lower added.
between US and Israeli officials on October 7, killing 1,400 peo- terrorist attack near the Herod’s your voice singing, and that is production site in the middle of building. They were immediate- “No one wants to say it, but
in recent days, including talks ple. Gate entrance of Jerusalem’s Old exactly what you would want,” a residential building and close ly evacuated to the bomb shel- these Palestinians, many of them
between Biden and Netanyahu. Israel then launched an aerial City. Another border policeman she said. to schools in Gaza City’s Sheikh ter. With the approval of the are also involved with Hamas or
Israeli officials hastened to and ground campaign to oust was wounded in the attack. Lubin’s mother read an edited Radwan neighborhood. Home Front Command, the stu- another terrorist organization,
underscore the fact that the Hamas from Gaza. Hamas has Breaking down as he spoke at version of her bat mitzvah The IDF published a phone dents were then evacuated and and if they believe they are
pause was localized, that the asserted that 10,000 people her funeral, her immediate com- speech in which she had urged number alongside a Telegram picked up by their parents. strong enough and Israel is
military campaign would con- have been killed in war-related mander said he wanted Lubin to people to “care for each other channel for Gazan residents to “Due to concerns about a weak enough, they will strike.”
tinue, and that all ceasefire violence, with 40% of them know that he had been there and forgive each other.” report when Hamas terrorists security incident that occurred The cowboys stay on Har Bra-
requests had been rejected. believed to be children. with her, and that he had run to “Let’s make the world a better are preventing them from flee- in the last hour at the Tze’elim cha with Hayovel, but work
The Prime Minister’s Office US officials have been increas- the scene as quickly as he could place, one apology at a time,” ing southward. The phone Elementary School, Eilat Mayor throughout Judea and Samaria,
said on Thursday there will be ingly clear that humanitarian to change her fate. she had written. number to contact is +972 Eli Lankri has ordered the cancel- including in the southern
no ceasefire without the release pauses are linked to hostage “I want you to know that Happiness, the young Lubin 50-341-0322. The Telegram lation of after-school activities Hebron Hills. They participate in
of the hostages. releases, with reports on though my heart has been shat- had written, is not something account is called @gaza_saver. today in all settings,” the Eilat what they call “farm watch” –
The pauses, it explains, allow Wednesday of a potentially larg- tered, it will always love you and you search for; “it is something “I am addressing the Gazan Municipality said in a statement. staying up all night to catch cat-
for a safe transit corridor from er swap of 10 to possibly even remember you,” he said. you find within the people and public: Your power is stronger Studies were also canceled on tle and sheep thieves and terror-
the north of the Gaza Strip to 50 people for a three-day pause There was no denying Lubin’s things you love.” than you think,” IDF Arabic-lan- Friday. ists.
the south. It noted that 50,000 in the fighting. uniqueness, said her younger She had all the happiness she guage spokesman Lt.-Col. Avi- Eilat had been relatively quiet These boys are the real deal.
Palestinians in Gaza traveled this Last month, Hamas freed four brother, Alec, as he eulogized needed with her friends, family, chay Adraee said. “Share with us since the IDF response to “A lot of people think we are
route on Wednesday. women in two separate releases her. and… the Internet, she wrote. if Hamas prevents you from Hamas’s October 7 attacks, but dressing up,” Strain, 22, wear-
“We once again call on the believed to be tied to humanitar- Despite her petite stature, he “We argue and get frustrated moving south on the Telegram it has now come under multiple ing a large Star of David metal
civilian population in Gaza to ian pauses. said, “She always stood tall, with with each other, but we will account at the attached num- attempted attacks from Yemen’s belt buckle, told The Jerusalem
evacuate to the south,” the The United Nations as well as her head held high. Rose was always love each other,” Lubin ber.” Houthis. • Post. “We just have a different
Prime Minister’s Office said. many in the international com- strange, but not so strange. She had written about her relation- In the North on Thursday, style and culture.”
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant munity have called for an imme- lived life free of judgment… She ship with her friends and family. Hezbollah continued firing small COWBOYS Strain, whose family farm
stated, “We are undertaking diate ceasefire in Gaza, explain- had the ability to block out the “For all eternity I will love them rounds of rockets and anti-tank trains horses and rides them in
Continued from Page 1
localized and pinpoint measures ing that the death toll due to IDF white noise that didn’t matter. and stand by them.” missiles into Israel. No casualties rodeos, said he had been to Isra-
to enable the exit of Palestinian aerial bombardments was dis- She was the most understand- Her father said he would miss or damage were reported. Montana. They join other el three times before, and his
civilians from Gaza City south- proportionate and unjustified. ing person I’ve ever met. She most the Shabbat dinners with The IDF responded with multi- faith-driven volunteers in Israel parents were “pretty support-
ward so that we do not harm France on Thursday held a could take a bad situation and Rose, when the conversations ple counterattacks each time to through the Hayovel organiza- ive.”
them. These things do not special conference to discuss make it bearable. I will never were inspiring and full. the sources of the attacks. tion, which for two decades has And none of the cowboys
detract from the warfighting.” ways to provide humanitarian have another person I can talk to “She was everything the In the West Bank on Thursday, been bringing several hundred seemed very afraid of violence.
Israeli forces completely encir- relief to Gaza and to promote a like I did with Rose.” world needed and everything 14 Palestinian terrorists were Christians to Israel each year to Charles Hutsler, 19, from
cled Gaza City in recent days UN campaign to raise 1.2 billion Alec called her his “first friend” the world will need,” Alec said. killed in armed clashes with help harvest the grapes of the Huntsville, Arkansas, said he
and the military has been allow- for the enclave. and “first best friend.” She loved “Shewasthebest.” • Israeli forces in Jenin. The IDF biblical heartland. was “not scared” about being
ing civilians safe passage along US Special Envoy for Middle to laugh and had an infectious conducted multiple drone These Evangelical Christians in the country during a war,
the main route south for three East Humanitarian Issues David laugh, he said, adding: “If Rose strikes in Jenin amid the clashes, are usually focused on restoring because “God has my back.”
or four hours each day, with Satterfield told reporters that began to laugh, everyone began GAZA including one that targeted a Christian-Jewish relations and Ezekiel (“Zeek”) Strain, 20,
ever-growing numbers of fami- while the situation had laughing.” Continued from Page 1 building, according to Palestin- confirming Israel’s right to its Yosef Strain’s brother, said he
lies opting to escape. improved in the last weeks, Members of Lubin’s family, ian reports. ancestral homeland. However, believes in Israel, in the prom-
There would be no full cease- more needed to be done. including her parents, David been told there were multiple During the clashes in Jenin, after the October 7 Hamas mas- ised land, specifically, the bibli-
fire for now, Gallant told report- Israel has closed its two pas- and Robin, stepmother Stepha- rounds of battles in the area over the IDF reportedly dropped leaf- sacre, “We understood the mor- cal heartland.
ers. sages into Gaza until such time nie, siblings Alec, Joseph, Lily, a period of days. lets that said: “The IDF remains bid reality that we are facing, a “I ain’t scared of what could
“We will not stop fighting as as the hostages are released. It and half-brother Isaac, and peo- Soldiers from the Givati Bri- here and will return again and serious enemy, and the world happen or might happen. I
long as our hostages are in Gaza has since allowed for an alterna- ple from the Atlanta Jewish com- gade, along with the 162nd again until terrorism is com- does not recognize it,” just want to help,” he said.
and as long as we have not tive system of limited aid to munity, including Rabbi Biny- Armored Division and special pletely eradicated. Stay away explained Hayovel Director of “God put a special calling on
completed our mission, which is enter Gaza through the Egyptian omin Friedman of Congregation forces, raided Hamas’s military from terrorism; live in peace.” Operations Joshua Waller. “If we my life and has given me cer-
toppling the Hamas regime and border at Rafah. Ariel flew to Israel for the funeral. quarter, which is situated near Since the beginning of the did not say yes [to helping Judea tain talents, direct my life in a
eliminating its military and gov- Satterfield said that 100 trucks Her funeral was attended by Shifa Hospital, where some top war, more than 1,430 suspects and Samaria], no one was.” certain path, that I can do
ernance capabilities,” Gallant a day are now entering Gaza hundreds of people, including Hamas officials are said to be have been arrested in the West Hayovel launched Operation something when the time
said. with the goal of increasing that her friends, family, and other hiding. Bank, and at least 900 of them Itai to raise $29 million for secu- comes,” added Johnny Plocher,
PIJ on Thursday afternoon to 150. “Fuel is now available Israelis. Her friends from Kibbutz IDF forces killed 50 Hamas were affiliated with Hamas or rity supplies for Judea and 24. “I am not on Earth for
released a video, which showed from within Gaza for their use Sa’ad also were present, along members in some of the fiercest other terrorist groups, the IDF Samaria. So far, more than $2 money, a new truck or proper-
two of the hostages, Hanna Kat- for desalination plants, for provi- with her adoptive kibbutz par- combat of the invasion to date, reported. million has been raised from ty, a vacation – that is not my
zir, 77, and Yagil Yaakov, 12, sion to hospitals in the south ents, Idan and Tamer James, the IDF said. They also secured The Arrow missile-defense sys- American Christian Zionists for purpose. I feel called here now
both of Kibbutz Nir Oz. Yaakov and center, and for the move- who recalled how the vibrant and neutralized a wide under- tem had shot down another bal- bullet-proof vests, helmets, night and am glad to be here.”
was kidnapped alongside his ments of the UN implementers Lubin quickly became a part of ground network of tunnels. listic missile in the Red Sea area, vision binoculars, drones, flash- The cowboys stressed that
father, his father’s partner, and themselves. their family. The IDF found Hamas military which appeared to be targeting lights, and more. they do not represent the
his brother Or, 16. “We are working to make cer- It has become customary at intelligence documents and Eilat, Hagari said Thursday night. Itai was the non-Jewish com- Biden administration or liberal
“I am Hanna Katzir, from Kib- tain that there will be further the funerals of lone soldiers – destroyed several significant Defense Minister Yoav Gallant mander of King David’s 600- Americans. “Biden does not
butz Nir Oz,” the silver-haired fuel available for the UN – who often have not been in the underground tunnel access said the indications were that men army, mentioned in II Sam- represent these cowboys,”
Katzir said. “I am currently here UNRWA, the ICRC, World Food country long enough to have points, factories for the produc- the impetus for the attack was uel, chapter 15. Waller said. “Americans sup-
in a place that isn’t mine, I miss Program – as this moves ahead,” formed a large network of tion of anti-tank missiles, and from Iran, which sponsors the “We did not set a budget,” port Israel, including Judea and
my home my children, my hus- he stated. friends – for scores of Israelis to anti-aircraft rocket launchers. Houthis in Yemen who have said Waller. “We asked the com- Samaria. The Biden administra-
band, Rami, and all my dear The availably of fuel, which at come to pay their respects, “We have killed several Hamas started to fire missiles and munities what they needed, and tion believes in a two-state
family. I am sending regards, present is coming from storage despite not having known them, commanders of anti-tank battal- launch drones against Israel. Operation Itai responded.” solution and would like to see
telling you I love you. I hope I areas in Gaza, has meant that to give support to the family. ions,” IDF Spokesman R.-Adm. An explosion was heard in In addition, Hayovel decided 500,000 Jews pushed out of
will succeed in seeing you next water can now be purified. Israel “Rose was skipping and Daniel Hagari said Thursday Eilat on Thursday afternoon after to bring a group of “hardcore here, their biblical heartland.
week. I hope everyone is has also opened up its two pipe- laughing, painting and writing,” night. an unmanned aircraft crashed in guys” to help install security “These cowboys represent
healthy.” lines of water into the Strip, he Friedman said. “Rose was as The military quarter of Gaza the Tze’elim Elementary School. roads, build warehouses for sup- the America behind Israel and
Yaakov states in his message. said. bright as possible. She was light City consists of strategic Hamas Israel Police officers, including plies, deliver supplies, and do the Bible,” he continued. “We
“I miss my family like crazy, and “I hope that the four to five- itself. She was bright and installations, including its central bomb-disposal units, were 24/7 guard duty, Waller said. are here to say: No way to have
my friends, and I love you all.” hour humanitarian pauses for focused, and lived every intelligence headquarters and investigating the incident and These 15 cowboys were select- to cut the State of Israel in half
He also urged the IDF to halt its safe passage north to south” moment with focus. In her few government offices, including closed off several roads in the ed. “Because of their farming- and the ability to create an
aerial bombings of Gaza. will allow for increased humani- short decades of life, she gave the Interior Ministry. city. Local residents were asked can-do attitudes, we knew these Arab state in the cradle of Isra-
“I want to say to Netanyahu, tarian aid as well s “getting her life absolutely to God and The area also contains the to keep away from the site. would be the right guys,” Waller el’s heartland. These cowboys
that all these explosions are wounded civilians out” and her people.” largest training facilities in Gaza “Everything is under the con- said. arenotgoingtoseeit.” •
SPORTS F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Blue-and-white aims to lift country’s spirits

• Sports Editor: URIEL STURM

Weather Tiberias
Soccer secondary to situation as National Team embarks on 4-games-in-10-days qualifying stretch
Euro 2024 Qualification
Today Haifa Group I
Partly Cloudy 25/18 29/18 GP W D L GF GA Pts
Romania 8 4 4 0 13 4 16
Switzerland 7 4 3 0 20 8 15
Israel 6 3 2 1 7 7 11
Netanya Kosovo 7 1 4 2 8 8 7
Saturday Ariel
Belarus 8 1 3 4 7 14 6
Unchanged Andorra 8 0 2 6 3 17 2
Tel Aviv 24/14
27/19 “As Yossi said, many things have now
become very marginal. ”
The bench boss knows that he can’t
Mostly Sunny Jerusalem look too far ahead in preparing for such
25/15 a jam-packed schedule and will need to
Ashkelon take it game by game, while also appre-
27/19 PREVIEW ciating the players who have all come to
Dead Sea • By JOSHUA HALICKMAN play for the blue-and-white during the
28/22 country’s time of need.

he Israel National Team won’t have “I know you are looking at this stretch
28/16 an easy path in order to punch its of games as 10 days, but we are just focus-
ticket to the 2024 European Champi- ing on the first game. At the moment,
onships as it begins a stretch of four match- we only have one game and that is Koso-
es in nine days on Sunday at Kosovo. vo. They are a quality opponent and our
Saturday Mitzpe Ramon Head coach Alon Hazan’s 31 players ISRAEL COACH Alon Hazan (left), midfielder Neta Lavi (middle) and Sports Director Yossi group is very tight and competitive. We
Kiryat Shmona 24/13 24/13 Benayoun speak ahead of the upcoming set of Group I Euro 2024 qualifiers. (IFA/Courtesy)
will be returning to action after having are a good team and from the beginning
Tiberias 30/18 had two of their qualification games post- of this campaign we have encountered
Haifa 25/18 poned from October due to the atrocities those who were murdered and I pray that or if it just woke everyone up here in the some obstacles. We have the best players
Netanya 27/18 committed by Hamas against the State the injured recover and that the hostages country. I think about the horrors that in the most ideal situation that we can get
Ariel 24/14 of Israel and the subsequent war that is are returned quickly. One of the Nation- the country experienced from that day them in and with that we will go out and
Tel Aviv 27/19 being waged in Gaza. al Team doctors’ daughter has been kid- and event and now the war that is going do the best that we can.”
Jerusalem 26/16 Israel is currently in third place with 11 napped and we are doing everything we on right now. I don’t think it stopped One of the players who put his differences
Ashkelon 27/19 points in Group I, behind Romania and can to support her and we want everyone time, but set the wheels of time in motion aside with Benayoun after a disagreement
Dead Sea 28/21 Switzerland with 16 and 15 points, respec- to come back home swiftly.” for the State of Israel. with the National Team is Zahavi, who will
Beersheba 28/16 tively, and will need the entire roster with “I want to share some of what the Israel “Maybe we forgot what our reality is a be available for these four critical matches.
Mitzpe Ramon 24/13 so many games in very few days. Football Association has been doing over little bit. We are trying to find a way to have “Eran can only add to the team. Everyone
Eilat 32/21 Following Sunday’s contest at Koso- the past little while, which includes receiv- a routine during the war, but every time we knows that professionally there has never
vo, Israel will then “host” Switzerland on ing the support of the President of the Hun- try and the fact that our people are being been a problem and the players are also
Eilat Wednesday and Romania on Saturday garian Association as well as UEFA’s in order held hostage, including children, brings me happy that he is coming back. I have no
32/21 in Felcsut, Hungary, with the final group to move the games around. Without their back to that day and it gives me the tremen- doubt that he will only give us more con-
North America Weather Today game taking place on Tuesday, November support, as well as the support of respective dous meaning of what it is to be the State of fidence and help us complete the goal of
21 at Andorra. associations of the countries we are facing, Israel and how important it is to appreciate advancing to the Euro.”
Just ahead of the challenging journey this all would not have been possible. We the country we live in.” Zuares is aware as to what is at stake for
ahead, the Israel Football Association insisted on playing in front of our fans even Benayoun also spoke about the tragedy the team, but also knows they will do their
Chairman Moshe “Shino” Zuares, Sports though we will not be playing in our home, that has occurred and the role that soccer utmost to achieve the goal of going to the
Vancouver Director Yossi Benayoun and Hazan spoke but this will allow Israelis and Jews to come can play for the country. Euros for the first time ever.
10/6 Montreal
Toronto 5/2 about the upcoming games and the return and support us. I am happy that we were “From October 7, everything has “We all understand the magnitude of
11/8 Boston of Eran Zahavi to the national team fold, able to accomplish this. become marginal, yet soccer is perhaps the hour and the mission in front of us
12/4 while also reflecting on the country’s diffi- “We will be playing in a small stadium, one of the only things that can bring a and the joy that it will bring by advancing
Denver 10/3
New York cult situation. but I believe that it will be full. We will be smile - though it’s hard to say that it can to the Euros. I admit that during these
San Francisco 11/-2 13/6
Washington DC “Normally, I would not be speaking ahead trying to bring some of the families and make people happy. I do hope that we can days it’s hard to know how happy we can
14/5 of National Team games, but after Octo- children from the Gaza periphery in order bring a smile to the State of Israel. We can be, but I wish we could bring a bit of com-
Los Angeles Dallas Atlanta
22/10 21/10 ber 7, normalcy ended,” Zuares began. to give them some joy and make them feel only pray that the hostages return home fort to our people.
Orlando “That day saw 1,400 people slaughtered, that they are part of us.” as soon as possible.” “I want to wish the greatest success to the
31/20 240 kidnapped and being held hostage Hazan reflected on the horrific events Hazan picked up on Benayoun’s com- players and the team and explain to all of
Miami and over 3,000 people injured in a diffi- that unfolded on Simchat Torah and ment about how everything has become you that we are strong and that we all have
29/24 cult event that is still unfolding. I want to showed appreciation for the State of Israel. marginalized since the attacks and what one goal - to do everything we can to get to
offer my condolences to the families of “I don’t know if life stopped that day the National Team’s role is during this time. the Euros.”

S PO RT S S H ORT S Mac TA’s Jake Cohen reflects on war and basketball

and Israelis because I have a long connection to Israel and are not
INTERVIEW history with both. What hap- Jewish still sent me messages to
Israeli women’s Nations League moved • By JOSHUA HALICKMAN pened last month was unprece- check in and to make sure our
Israel’s home games in the Women’s Nations League which were to dented and something like that situation was good. That really

be played in Tel Aviv in December have been moved to Armenia and ake Cohen has always been has not happened the entire meant a lot to me.”
Hungary, Europe’s soccer governing body UEFA said on Thursday. a voice of reason, a voice of time I was in Israel and can’t just Maccabi will be playing its
Israel was due to host Armenia and Estonia next month, but due honesty and a voice of con- be explained away. There is no “home” games at the Pionir
to the Israel-Hamas war, the matches have been moved. scientiousness. formula for this and we have to Arena, the same facility that the
Israel will now play Armenia on December 2 in Yerevan, Arme- In good times as well as bad, do the best we can.” club won its first ever European
nia, while the game against Estonia will be played three days later Maccabi Tel Aviv’s Israeli-Ameri- Maccabi players were offered championship back in 1977.
in Felcsut, Hungary. UEFA added that both games will be played can forward has always been the opportunity to head to However, fans will not be
with spectators in attendance. • Reuters there to offer just the right Cyprus, while others opted to allowed to attend the games and
words. stay in the Holy Land. Whatever those home contests where a
Tottenham faces test of top-4 ambitions Cohen always gives his opin- decision each individual and
family made was respected by
packed Yad Eliyahu would make
a huge difference against any
ions and thoughts straight to the
LONDON (Reuters) – Ange Postecoglou has transformed the point and he recently did so in a everyone, whether it was to stay Euroleague club will now be
mood at Tottenham Hotspur in his first three months as manager, special session with The Jerusa- or whether it was to go. played in front of the teams
but faces the biggest test of his short reign over the next few weeks, lem Post from the yellow-and- “When things unfolded I was themselves and media.
starting with Saturday’s trip to Wolverhampton Wanderers. blue’s temporary home in Bel- in the same boat as everyone “12,000 yellow fans in Menora
Before the mayhem of Monday’s home defeat against Chelsea, grade, Serbia. else. I had to see what was best is really special. We miss them
Wolves away would have been viewed as another opportunity When speaking about the situ- for me and my family, whether and we’re going to miss them a
for Tottenham to underline its top-four credentials. ation that everyone in the coun- in Cyprus or in Israel we were whole bunch for this next month
But that 4-1 reverse, Postecoglou’s first setback in the Premier try was thrust into following the kind of riding the wave, so to or however long it is. We’re going
League, could cost the north London club more than a return to Hamas attack and massacre on speak, whatever we could do to to try to make them proud and
top spot and the loss of three points. Simchat Torah, Cohen began: get them into a good situation.” us proud at the same time.”
A tumultuous derby ended with Spurs having only four of their “My heart goes out to all of the For the past month, Cohen Many Maccabi fans had to trade
starting line-up left on the pitch. Victory at 14th-placedWolves on victims and their families who and his teammates have been in their yellow-and-blue T-shirts
Saturday would see Tottenham move two points clear of Manches- have been affected by the events nomads flying around for their IDF uniforms in order to
ter City at least until Sunday when the leader travels to Chelsea. Europe, from Cyprus to Valen- protect the country, and some MACCABI TEL AVIV big man Jake Cohen has played in Israel for more
of October 7. It was an unspeak-
A home game against City will perhaps say a lot more about cia and from Athens to Bel- fans made a video for the players than 10 years and is also part of the National Team. (Yehuda Halickman)
able tragedy and our hearts are
whether or not Chelsea has turned a corner. with them. grade, having to live out of which made a huge impact on
Chelsea, in 10th, has struggled at home, winning only one of “We want to thank all those suitcases and hotels. Cohen and his teammates. The Israeli league has been watching what is going on
six games at Stamford Bridge, that against promoted Luton who have been able to help us “It’s definitely something new “The message from the fans speaking about ramping up oper- around the world. Seeing how
Town back in August. continue on in Belgrade and and we have to keep things in was really great and shows the ations near the end of November, people are treating Jews concerns
Manchester United’s late 1-0 victory at Fulham last weekend eased continue to do our job which is perspective. We are playing bas- love that they have for us. It really but for Cohen that is eons away me, not only for my safety but for
a little pressure on manager Erik Ten Hag but he found himself a big blessing. Thanks to Macca- ketball for a living, what we are brings everything into perspec- from the here and now. my kids because I have one of the
immediately back under the microscope on Wednesday after losing bi, Serbia, Partizan, Red Star and going through is nothing com- tive when you see the fans who “I don’t have any idea, if they most Jewish names possible. It’s
4-3 at FC Copenhagen in the Champions League despite at one the government who have all pared to what is going on in we see in the arena now in uni- say we are playing then that’s it. I very hard to go under the radar.
stage leading 2-0. Anything less than victory against Luton on Satur- helped us being here.” Israel. Flights and being away form who are protecting our have to worry about what’s So what is going on concerns
day will have the alarm bells ringing again for the Dutchman. The 33-year old Bryn Mawr, from our families are hard, but country and our families. It goes going on today and tomorrow me. I wish I had a solution for it,
Fourth-place Arsenal hosts Burnley on Saturday while Liver- Pennsylvania, native spoke about we are keeping in mind the situ- beyond words and I’m not artic- before I can worry about what but a lot of people smarter than
pool, which sits in third, entertains Brentford on Sunday. the fateful morning and his initial ation as a whole. We are fortu- ulate enough to explain what it will be in two weeks from now.” me haven’t been able to figure it
thoughts and reactions as Israel nate and we are lucky to have means for them to put their lives As one of four Israeli teams out to cure racism, or antisemi-
England eyes proper effort vs Pakistan was under invasion. these jobs which allows us to on the line to defend me, my currently competing in Europe- tism or hatred at all for that mat-
“I woke up with the siren early keep playing basketball.” family and my children, it means an competition, Cohen is sup- ter. What I can do is worry about
England captain Jos Buttler said the team has shown a desire to
in the morning and an hour after Cohen is very involved with everything to me. porting each and every one of what I can control.”
“put things right” in India after a dismal World Cup campaign and
that we started seeing what was the Euroleague Players Associa- “I can’t imagine the sacrifice them as he usually does because Although Cohen is well spo-
is determined to secure a spot in the 2025 Champions Trophy with
going on. That day was really tion and has been an active par- that they are making for all of us, the better they play, the better ken and is somebody who is
a top-eight finish.
tough, we didn’t know what was ticipant. With that, he was very for us to give back a little bit with for the country. part of both the Israeli and Amer-
The 2019 champion earned a 160-run win over the Netherlands
going on and it was something thankful as to how many peo- the game of basketball is some- “I’m always rooting for the ican fabric, he doesn’t want to
in Pune on Wednesday to end a five-match losing streak and climb
off the bottom of the standings to seventh place on four points. that had never happened before. ple reached out to him during thing that is super special. It Israeli clubs in Europe, the better consider himself as some sort of
Ahead of the bottom three – Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and the It was hard to figure out what to this trying time to offer a word seems kind of silly that playing they are then the better for Israeli ambassador.
Neteherlands – on net run rate, England heads to Kolkata for its do with my kids and what to do of support. basketball can have such an basketball. But I don’t think I am “I don’t consider myself an
final match against fifth-placed Pakistan, wich will host the next with my wife while a lot of peo- “I have received a lot of posi- impact compared to the people cheering them on more than ambassador. I am just a guy who
edition of the eight-team Champions Trophy. ple were reaching out back tive support from the people who put their lives on the line, usual. With all four teams getting has lived in the US and Israel for a
“We haven’t performed the way we wanted to this whole trip home. It was a really tough day.” around me whether it’s players but it does and I don’t take that wins, we want to see that con- long time. I’m Jewish, if that
and we’d like to leave India putting in a proper performance,” said While there have been flare- on opposing teams, friends of lightly. It’s a privilege to represent tinue. If it helps Israeli basketball, makes me one, fine, that’s not up
Buttler.“I think everyone’s been frustrated, but the guys have stayed ups over the years from Gaza, mine from around the league things that those people care I am in favor.” to me. All I can do is represent
tight... the guys probably trained as hard as they trained all trip, foreign players signing with and even guys that I have never about and we want to make There has been a massive rise myself, I don’t pretend to repre-
which shows the level of commitment and desire to put things right. Maccabi Tel Aviv have never spoken to before sent me mes- them proud when we win in antisemitism in the United sent someone else and I just rep-
“Not playing for what we wanted to be playing for, but a really been thinking that a full out war sages, which I really appreciated. games and it’s astonishing really. States, around Europe and the resent my opinion and what I
vital match for us in the grand scheme of things,” he added. “It’s would break out. That’s the positive side of things I want to continue to represent world and that is something that think. Whether someone wants to
great to be heading there with something on the line.” • Reuters “I am in a unique position in the face of this darkness and to the best of my abilities that as is very concerning to Cohen. listen to me, it’s up to them, those
that I can relate to the Americans hatred; that players who have no much as I can going forward.” “Of course it worries me titles are not up to me.”

Desperately seeking Spielberg

Holocaust survivors call on the ‘Schindler’s List’ director to speak out about the massacre
By HANNAH BROWN filmmaker in the world, your silence now was incorporated in 2001 and joined by 40
is a comfort for our enemies... We do not Holocaust survivor organizations through-

hile the Hollywood Jewish need another film in three years about the out the US, at the time representing some
community has been look- horrors of October 7th. Instead, we need 20,000 survivors. Over the years, many
ing to Schindler’s List direc- you and others to speak out NOW, when it have passed away, but the group continues
tor Steven Spielberg, perhaps truly matters.” to represent thousands of them, along
the most influential and respected Jew in He signed off with the words, “With with many organizations that include sec-
the movie industry, to comment publicly great sadness.” ond- and third-generation survivors.
about the massacre of thousands of Jews Spielberg has spoken out about his Jew- While many Hollywood celebrities
and the kidnapping of hundreds by Hamas ish identity in recent years, saying that including Barbra Streisand and Natalie
that started the current war, an organiza- the antisemitism he experienced while Portman, among others, have raised their
tion of Holocaust survivors has decided it growing up was a key part of his semi-auto- voices about the massacre, Jews in Hol-
can no longer wait patiently. biographical 2022 movie, The Fabelmans, lywood have privately expressed surprise
On November 2, nearly a month after which was nominated for seven Oscars. and sadness that Spielberg, who has spo-
the horrific slaughter of October 7, the When he was awarded the Honorary Gold ken out on other issues, has stayed silent
Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation-USA Bear at the 2022 Berlinale, the Berlin Inter- on this issue. Hollywood insiders whom
published an open letter by its president, national Film Festival, he said, “This honor I interviewed for this article, who pre-
94-year-old David Schaecter, calling on has particular meaning for me because I’m ferred not to give their names, all told me
Spielberg to make a statement condemn- a Jewish director. I’d like to believe that that notwithstanding the eloquence of
ing the massacre. this is a small moment in a much larg- Schaecter’s letter, it will not inspire Spiel-
Schaecter begins the letter by expressing er, ongoing effort of healing the broken berg to break his silence. “If he were going
his admiration for Spielberg, especially for places of history – what Jews call Tikkun to comment, he would have said some-
documenting the horrors of the Holocaust Olam, the repairing and restoring of the thing right away,” one said.
in Schindler’s List. He went on to describe world... I established The Shoah Foun- Asked whether Spielberg is afraid of
how most of his family members were mur- STEVEN SPIELBERG on the set of ‘Schindler’s List.’ (HBO) dation because I’m convinced that what offending those in Hollywood who are
dered in the Holocaust and how he sur- historian Yosef Hayim Yerushalmi wrote is focused only on Israel’s response to the
vived four years in Nazi camps Auschwitz out for the children, women, and men including 1.5 million children? On Oct. true: The opposite of justice is forgetting. attack without even mentioning the
and Buchenwald, where he watched his kidnapped and held hostage, and in sup- 7, Hamas committed the worst atrocities Reconciliation is possible only when we attack itself, one of them said, “That, and
brother die. port of Israel and Israel’s right to defend against the Jewish people since the Holo- remember what’s happened.” he doesn’t want to be seen as supporting
Expressing his frustration, Schaecter herself.” caust.” A member of the Holocaust Survivors’ the Israeli government in any way... Could
wrote: “That is why I, along with countless Referring to the USC Shoah Foundation Schaecter praised celebrities such as Gal Foundation confirmed that the letter was he have made a statement that would have
other survivors, are so heartbroken that, that Spielberg founded, which collects Gadot and Jerry Seinfeld, who did speak sent to a representative of Spielberg, who condemned the massacre and made it clear
since Oct. 7, 2023, you have not spoken out the testimonies of Holocaust survivors, he out to condemn the massacre, adding: works for the director’s company. Spiel- that he is very critical of Bibi [Netanyahu]
and publicly taken a stand against terror- wrote: “Wasn’t the purpose of recording “Mr. Spielberg, Schindler’s List was about berg’s representative confirmed that the and his policies? Sure. But he didn’t. And
ism, against Hamas and the millions who 50,000 testimonies of our fellow survivors one man having the moral courage to risk director had read the letter. About a week he won’t.”
celebrate the shedding of Jewish blood – to make sure the world would never be his life to save others. We are not asking later, the representative stated that no The full text of the letter can be seen at
and want more. able to deny, and must never forget, the you to risk your life. We are asking you response would be forthcoming.
“With all my heart, I urge you to speak Nazis’ systematic murder of 6 million Jews, to use your voice... As the premier Jewish The Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation spielberg/

Broadway stars sing ‘Bring Him Lifeline project offers fine art print
Home’ in tribute to Gaza hostages to help rebuild Kibbutz Re’im
(Andrew Kelly)

video released on t was 6:25 a.m. on October 7, and
Wednesday docu- Gal-Lee Maroodi’s husband Omer
ments Broadway com- put his ear to the window as dozens
munity members join- of rockets fired from Gaza hit his
ing together to sing a rendition agricultural village, Kibbutz Re’im, 5
of the Les Misérables classic, km. from the Gaza border area.
“Bring Him Home” (in which “We were used to hiding in the safe
the protagonist begs God to save rooms to protect us from rockets,” she
and return Marius to Cosette – said. “But this time it sounded different
even if he has to sacrifice his because there were rockets raining down
own life for Marius’s safety). on us non-stop. I told him, “It’s not safe
Broadway stars, including by the window,” but coming from a spe-
Debra Messing and Jeremy cial guerrilla unit in the IDF, he told me,
Jordan, gather together in a “Something doesn’t sound right.” He
recording booth and recorded heard AK-47s, machine guns that Israel
GAL-LEE MAROODI (Karin Kloosterman)
both voice and film. would never use. He told me to take the
At the beginning of the baby and run.
video, before the Broadway “We dodged rockets and sped off down friend’s arm was in the way.
stars are shown, an introduc- the road, warning others from the com- THE LIFELINE art print and historical “It’s a strange situation now because
tion is made. munity that we are being attacked by project. (Gal-Lee Maroodi)
we are terrified about going back to
“On October 7, 2023, over terrorists. If we had been two minutes the kibbutz, but we also miss it terribly
240 people were abducted and later on the road, we would have been written in cursive Hebrew by kibbutz because it’s our home.”
taken hostages. They represent shot,” she said. member Adi Drimer. She created the Maroodi’s home was used as a com-
over 30 nationalities.” Her kibbutz is a community of 400 peo- pattern, a mandala, as a form of therapy mand center by Hamas. When her
The words, “Members of the ple who farm and run a factory producing after the terror attack. husband went back he found blood on
Broadway community have laser-cut machine parts. Five people from Mandala means “circle” in Sanskrit. the floor, pictures broken. “They went
come together to send out the kibbutz were murdered. Another six Mandalas are used as spiritual guidance through everything. We heard them
love to their families and our are now being held hostage in Gaza. tools, in meditation, or for creating through our baby monitor.”
prayers for their safe return,” Maroodi, 25, has become the spokes- sacred spaces. For Kibbutz Re’im and “It is such a beautiful area and we can’t
are seen as the captivating person for Lifeline, an art print and his- Jews everywhere, this mandala will be let them win. If we don’t go back and
piano intro grabs the atten- torical project that is documenting the a symbol of standing against terror, as rebuild the kibbutz, then they’ve won. So
tion of the viewers. painful communication between the well as historical evidence to ensure we need to rebuild, even if it’s painful.”
THE BRING Them Home Now poster featuring photographs of
At the bottom of the video, kibbutz members on October 7. They that October 7 will never be forgotten. Lifeline is not an easy object to hold
the hostages. (Screenshot)
the names and ages of all of hope to raise money through sales of The project’s name, Lifeline, was but it is essential: “We must never forget,”
the hostages are shown as the the prints to rebuild the kibbutz. chosen because the kibbutz WhatsApp Maroodi insisted.
stars sing. sing in an empty theater in They finish the song by The prints include the sentences: “They group chat was the actual lifeline for kib- “People risked their lives helping
In another tribute, filmed Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Their soulful changing the lyrics from are coming closer. They are in my back- butz members on that day. Through the each other here. That’s the beauty of
shortly after the start of the voices can be felt through the “bring him home” to “bring yard. Urgent, urgent to Dvir’s house. app, they managed to save two children the kibbutz. We are really family. Every-
war, the Israeli Opera singers screen as their emotions shine them home” as a way of beg- Daria and Levi are alone. Dvir was mur- whose father and partner were mur- one feels the pain of the other. As a Jew,
offer their rendition of “Bring through. ging for the release of all the dered. Urgent. Please! Friends, lock the dered right in front of them. It helps or even non-Jew standing by our side,
Him Home” from the timeless The video shows short clips of hostages, so that they may house and stay inside. Urgent, urgent. the members tell their story: how they Lifeline is art that every single one of us
Broadway musical based on a some of the children who were return to Israel. Please. The children are alone. Please.” warned each other about the invaders; should have; it looks like a fingerprint
novel by Victor Hugo. kidnapped and are now held in Both of the videos end with These words are a sample from several about the heroic acts of men who ran and it’s to make sure we will never for-
In the viral video, direct- Gaza with captions like “first a photo collage of the hostages hours of WhatsApp messages during the through hellfire to rescue children who get October 7.”
ed by Tal Almog, two singers time saying my name,” and and the hashtag #BringThem- morning of the Hamas attack. They are couldn’t close the door of their bomb All the proceeds will go towards rebuilding
Anat Czarny and Oded Reich “first time meeting my brother.” HomeNow. inscribed on a high-quality art print, shelter because their dad’s dead girl- Kibbutz Re’im:

National Library of Israel online program helps children cope with the war
• By HANNAH BROWN the spirit and promise of the National teachers about the power of writing and These include worksheets to foster con- letters written by children in past wars,
Library of Israel will not be put on hold. the written word during times of crisis. versation about communal responsibility will be collected and preserved in the NLI

he National Library of Israel (NLI) In the meantime, we continue to work, “Children are being exposed to the and solidarity; texts and primary sources collections.
had planned to hold an open- remaining focused on the noble mission news about what is happening in Israel that highlight the idea of support and “We, in Israel, have felt the outpouring
ing celebration for its new build- of Israel’s renewed National Library − a and there is already a need to help them collaboration between Jewish communi- of concern and goodwill from abroad,”
ing in October, but since the war resource not just for this country but for process these events,” said Neta Shapira, ties and individuals around the world at said Shuvi Hoffman, NLI Global Jewish
broke out it has delayed the festivities and the world. In the words of our country’s the head of the Israel Center for Human- different times in history; and letters writ- Education Manager.
instead is offering a program of online national anthem, ‘Hatikvah’ (‘The Hope’) ities Education (INCHE) at the NLI. ten by children during times of war – as “We wanted to give children in com-
materials to help children in Israel and we do not lose hope.” “We realized that we would have to well as lesson plans for guiding students munities around the world the chance to
around the understand and cope with the Since late October, several reading move fast – as fast as the 24-hour news in trying to understand the thoughts and do something that can really lift people’s
conflict and tragedy. rooms have been opened and many schol- cycle – to equip teachers with relevant emotions of the children who wrote the spirits here during this very difficult time.
Oren Weinberg, the CEO of NLI, ars and readers have been enjoying the classroom materials and tools. We intend letters. A lesson plan for reading and Letters and drawings that kids can upload
thanked supporters from all over the new building, ahead of its official open- to continue producing more, based on discussing the power of prayer in difficult directly to our site are a wonderful way
world in a statement and offered prayers ing. the feedback we receive from our online times is also part of the program. to make contact and express support and
for the families of those who were killed For Israeli children, with many schools educator communities because we expect In addition, the Global Education Cen- care.”
and kidnapped, as well as for soldiers and closed due to the war, NLI has launched that these events will reverberate and ter is offering an initiative, called, “Words ‘Words Can Make a Difference’ at: edu-
their families. He promised that the new a series of online writing and creativity raise questions for a long time to come.” Make a Difference,” giving students out-
building would open as soon as possi- workshops for schoolchildren. The initial For teachers and students abroad, the side of Israel the opportunity to express can-make-a-difference
ble, and said that the National Library is Hebrew-language activity was over-sub- Global Education Center has created a their thoughts and feelings about the English-language worksheets and source
working on programs that will be helpful scribed almost immediately with 100 reg- program to help teachers abroad talk events in the country through letters and materials at:
during the war: istrants. The program was then expanded about the war, using materials from NLI’s drawings that will be sent to Israeli sol- Hebrew-language resources for students and
“While the celebrations are delayed, to 10 sessions, including a session for collections. diers and families. These, like the many teachers at:

T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3

Why are the Houthis
attacking us?

Page 15

A reservist’s journal
Page 16

PEOPLE HOLD Israeli flags during a ceremony this week in Jerusalem to mark the one-month anniversary of the October 7 Hamas massacre. (Ronen Zvulun/Reuters)

As resolute as on day one Coming to

A month into the war against Hamas, the atrocities of October 7 Page 17

have instilled a sense of solidarity and purpose not felt in Israel for decades Battles
of states

sraeli history will, for at of fallen soldiers, perhaps have never seen this degree forward so that the enemy of minds
least a generation if not because of the enormity of NATIONAL AFFAIRS of keenness. The morale is understand that we are here.” Page 24
longer, be divided into the crime against humanity • By HERB KEINON
high from all segments of That sentiment is heard
before and after. Before perpetrated – again – against the nation. It is moving to repeatedly by soldiers lying
October 7, 2023, and after the Jewish people. see – people from all over, in ambush on the northern
October 7, 2023. The Jewish laws of mourn- having dropped the ball, first instilled a sense of solidarity all different lines of work, are border or blowing up tunnels
The Simchat Torah massa- ing are structured so that in not protecting Israel’s cit- and purpose not felt here for all harnessed together toward in Gaza. And it is a sentiment
cres on that date will be the by the shloshim, life starts izens as it should have, and decades. one task. It is very strong.” that is as strong on the 35th
point of reference marking returning to normal. second for not rising to the “How is the morale?” Lt.- A people disastrously divid- day of fighting as it was on
the time when Israel changed Life in Israel, however, has occasion and providing solu- Col. (res.) Ido, the command- ed before October 7 has uni- the first. Even as the num-
fundamentally, when its not begun to return to nor- tions to those displaced from er of a tank battalion in the fied afterward: “From all seg- ber of IDF casualties inside
security philosophy changed, mal a month after the slaugh- their homes as fast as it could. Harel Brigade, was asked in ments of the population,” Ido Gaza mounts, even as hun-
when its political landscape ter. a radio interview on Thurs- said, “haredim and religions, dreds of thousands of reserv-
was rearranged, when its Normal in Israel is happy BUT IT is not a country inca- day from “somewhere in the Ashkenazim and Mizrahim, ists have now been away from
attitude toward the enemy and vibrant and joyful and pacitated or paralyzed by south.” Druze and Jews – everyone, their families for more than
was altered, and when its optimistic. A month after this sadness, grief, and fury. “I’ve been doing reserve with a fighting spirit and a
solidarity and cohesion were October 7, the country has Rather, these emotions have duty for 15 to 20 years, and I willingness to keep moving See RESOLUTE, Page 23
regained. slipped into a certain war-
Historians will talk about time routine, but the nation-
a pre-October 7, 2023, Israel, al sense of grief, bereavement
and a post-October 7, 2023, and deep, deep sadness has
Israel, and they will not be not dissipated.
the same. It’s everywhere. It’s on the
A grieving nation marked television. It’s in the papers.
30 days this week to the hor- It’s in conversations around
rific events of October 7. the Shabbat table. It’s on peo-
In Jewish tradition, the ple’s faces in the supermar-
mourning period for close ket. It’s on everyone’s mind,
relatives, particularly for par- and it’s in everyone’s heart.
ents, is divided into separate You can feel it.
units of time – there is the Those not directly mourn-
period before the burial, the ing anyone killed on October
seven-day shiva period, the 7 or its aftermath are wor-
30-day – or shloshim – period, ried about sons and daugh-
the 11 months of saying kad- ters, fathers and mothers,
dish, and the yahrzeit that husbands and wives, or just
marks the end of 12 months friends and co-workers called
of mourning. up to defend the north-
As time passes, the laws of ern border, keep Judea and
mourning are relaxed. Things Samaria from exploding,
permitted during the shiva, and fight Hamas and Islamic
are not permitted before Jihad terrorists inside Gaza,
the burial; things permitted often in face-to-face battles in
during the 30 days are not narrow alleyways, or through
permitted during the shiva, the ruins of bombed out
and on and on. The under- buildings. And that, too, is a
lying philosophy is that the worry you can almost taste.
enormity of the grief lessens A month after Kibbutz
as time passes. Be’eri and Kibbutz Re’im, Kfar
Israel marked the shloshim Aza and Nir Oz were seared
this week to the October 7 into the nation’s conscious-
massacres, but the national ness, Israel is sad and bereft.
sense of grief and bereave- It is also full of fury and
ment has not eased with the anger. Fury at those who
passing of this time, perhaps did this to us. Fury at those
because there are still 240 around the world who cele-
hostages cruelly and inhu- brated the massacre of Jews
manly held in Gaza, perhaps and gave cover to those who
because each day additional perpetrated this crime. And
names are added to the list anger at the government for
FRONTLINES F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Founded in 1932 by GERSHON AGRON
‘We’re taking matters

ZVIKA KLEIN, Deputy Editor-In-Chief DAVID BRINN, Managing Editor

into our own hands’
Families of hostages held in Gaza embark on global campaigns
TOVAH LAZAROFF and BENJAMIN GLATT, Deputy Managing Editors
HERB KEINON and SETH J. FRANTZMAN Senior Contributing Editors
LIAT COLLINS, International Edition Editor

Media redlines
arlier this week, Palestinian social media
accounts were filled with eulogies for the two
men who kidnapped Yaffa Adar on the day of

any questions arise from the HonestReport- Hamas’s brutal assault on Gaza border com-
ing media watchdog report published earlier munities last month. Adar, an 85-year-old resident
this week that showed several major news of Kibbutz Nir Oz, has become one of the best-re-
outlets, including the Associated Press (AP) and Reu- membered hostages due to a video of her abduction
ters, had Palestinian photojournalists on the ground that her captors filmed and published on social
during the early hours of the October 7 Hamas inva- media. Now Israeli media outlets, which reported
sion and terrorist atrocity. the deaths of the two men, were claiming that the
The introduction to the HonestReporting study pair were not directly affiliated with the terrorist
notes: “On October 7, Hamas terrorists were not the organization ruling the Gaza Strip – a development
only ones who documented the war crimes they that could influence any deal to release the hostages.
had committed during their deadly rampage across This was the second time in one bleak and sleepless
southern Israel.” month that the Adar family had received updates
The NGO noted some serious ethical concerns: about their beloved matriarch through social and
“What were they [the photojournalists] doing there traditional media. The first report, the heart-cur-
so early on what would ordinarily have been a quiet dling affirmation that their grandmother was indeed
Saturday morning? Was it coordinated with Hamas? kidnapped and taken into Gaza, came in the form of
Did the respectable wire services, which published a blurry video showing the elderly Adar seated in a
their photos, approve of their presence inside enemy golf cart, covered in a pink blanket and flanked by
territory, together with the terrorist infiltrators? Did Hamas terrorists on all sides.
the photojournalists who freelance for other media, A day after the attack, Adva Adar, one of Yaffa’s AN HOURGLASS stationed in front of Germany’s Reichstag as part of a global campaign by the Roman
like CNN and The New York Times, notify these out- grandchildren, published a snapshot of the video family meant to raise awareness of the situation of Israeli hostages in Gaza. (Roman family)
lets? Judging from the pictures of lynching, kidnap- showing her grandmother and followed by a written
ping, and storming of an Israeli kibbutz, it seems like plea for help: “This is my grandmother! Kidnapped
the border has been breached not only physically, but into the Gaza Strip with nothing standing in the way
also journalistically.” [of the abductors]. Her name is Yaffa Adar, she is 85!!
The National Public Diplomacy Directorate in the My grandmother – who founded the kibbutz with
Prime Minister’s Office issued a statement, saying her very hands, who believed in Zionism, who loved
it viewed the matter “with utmost gravity,” adding: her country, which abandoned her – was kidnapped.
“These journalists were accomplices in crimes against She is probably dumped somewhere, suffering from
humanity; their actions were contrary to professional severe pain, without medicine, without food or
ethics.” water, scared to death, alone. No one is talking to us,
The Journalists Association in Jerusalem also issued no one has any answers, all the information we have
a statement, saying: “If indeed representatives of was gleaned from videos that have been spread.”
news agencies and major networks knew in advance The video left no room for doubt, and soon there-
about the planned massacre, this raises a prima facie after Adar and her family were officially notified by
concern of complicity in a crime or failure to pre- the government that Yaffa Adar is held hostage in
vent murder. The investigation raises serious ethical Gaza.
questions, not only about the conduct of field per- In the time that lapsed between then and now,
sonnel, but also about the management of networks four whole agonizing weeks passed by before they
and news agencies, and the question is whether were told that Adva’s cousin Tamir Adar had been
they knew about Hamas’s intention, and yet lent it kidnapped, too. Leaving behind his wife and two
a hand.” children, who hid in the safe room of their home,
Like other organizations, the Journalists Associa- the 38-year-old Adar, a member of the kibbutz’s
tion called for a thorough investigation – not only to emergency standby squad, set off to protect his com-
determine whether the photojournalists knew of the munity from the terrorists who had infiltrated that
THE ROMAN siblings together (from left): Liri, Roni, Yarden, who is held in Gaza, and Gili. (Roman family)
massacre ahead of time, but whether they could have Saturday morning.
acted differently and saved the lives of the more than “At first we were told he was kidnapped. Then we
1,400 murdered in the mega-atrocity and prevented were told that he was actually unaccounted for, that in the US, where it is using the symbol of an hour-
the abduction of the more than 240 people of all ages he is missing. Then we were updated again that there glass to remind people overseas that each passing
still being held hostage in Gaza. is a high likelihood that he had been abducted. We minute could be crucial for Yarden and the rest of
Israeli journalist Amit Segal shared on X (formerly still have no idea what condition he is in; we don’t the hostages.
Twitter) disturbing footage, showing freelance pho- know whether he’s alive, dead, wounded. Nothing.” Roman, an architect by training who works in
tojournalist Hassan Eslaiah, who has done work for In the interim, Adar decided that she cannot sim- hi-tech and lives in Tel Aviv with his husband, has
both AP and CNN, riding on a motorcycle equipped ply sit and wait. When she is not tending to her one- been staying at his parents’ home in Givatayim
with a grenade. year-old baby daughter, she is constantly speaking to since the first few days after the family learned
Government Press Office Director Nitzan Chen local and foreign press as well as to foreign diplomats that the eldest daughter, 36-year-old Yarden, was
demanded explanations from the bureau chiefs of AP, and delegates in order to apply pressure on the inter- kidnapped into Gaza. The family home has become
Reuters, CNN, and The New York Times. national political landscape. Her hope is that these an operation center from which the Romans are
In a KAN Reshet Bet interview on Thursday, Chen endeavors will eventually lead to the release of all strategizing, reaching out to international figures,
said regardless of whether the photojournalists had 240 hostages. interviewing with the press, and setting out on dip-
arrived with the first wave of terrorists who broke “Since the second week of the war, my family has lomatic missions.
through the fence or with the second wave of those joined forces with the headquarters of the families Roman, in the meantime, has been focusing most
who carried out the atrocities, they had clearly violat- of the hostages. Through them we constantly give of his efforts on caring for his sister’s three-year-old
ed journalistic ethical codes and perhaps internation- interviews and hold meetings with envoys and rep- daughter, Geffen, who survived an attempted kid-
al law. The networks should not hide behind excuses resentatives of countries from all over the world,” napping with her father, Alon.
that these were freelance stringers, he said. she tells The Jerusalem Post in a telephone conversa- “My brother and sister have been traveling the
These so-called photojournalists made no effort to tion from her home in a moshav in the South. world, speaking to leaders and waging this cam-
stop or distance themselves from the barbaric events. “Two days after the attack I was approached by the paign. I decided with a heavy heart that I won’t join
On the contrary: They were mobilized by the Hamas Israeli Foreign Ministry and asked to join a meeting them overseas for the time being, because Geffen
terrorists to glorify their acts, help promote their ter- with the Czech foreign minister. Last week I trav- needs to be surrounded by the people she knows
rorism, and spread fear among their enemies – Israel eled to Paris as part of a delegation of families in and loves in order to maintain a sense of normalcy;
and the West. In this way, too, Hamas recalls ISIS, order to hold diplomatic meetings and speak to the she’s already been so traumatized,” he explains, ADVA ADAR (right) embraces her grandmother, Yaffa
which deliberately recorded its beheadings and other Adar, who is held hostage by Hamas in Gaza.
European press,” Adar shares. “We believe that the adding that his little niece is fully aware of the hor-
(Adar family)
barbaric murders. international powers have sway over Hamas, as well rific ordeal she and her parents had gone through.
Looking ahead, the HonestReporting report’s find- as over Qatar, Turkey, and Egypt, who are all assumed “When she plays with her toys she reenacts the
ings have implications regarding future coverage by to play a part in the negotiations. Their support also scenes she has been through, and she keeps asking Roman, “out of the understanding that this is an
these major networks and others as Operation Swords means Israel gets diplomatic backing. for mommy, whom she knows is ‘lost.’” event of a scope our country was simply unprepared
of Iron progresses in Gaza. It calls into question, of “But that’s not the only reason [it is important to On October 7, Yarden, a physical therapist, was for. We constantly speak to officials who are well-
course, the objectivity of foreign media coverage of do this diplomatic work and speak out]. When peo- celebrating the holiday weekend in Be’eri with her versed in handling cases of hostages, and they all say
the events in Gaza and elsewhere and how Israel is ple hear names and numbers, it all seems very dis- partner and daughter. The trio, who previously lived no one was prepared to deal with the sheer amount
portrayed. tant. But when they can connect the name to a face, on the kibbutz, had left it a month earlier due to of hostages currently held in Gaza. The rules of the
Many Israeli journalists have faced a painful dilem- to a life story, to a family, it’s harder for them to look Yarden’s concerns that it wasn’t a safe place to raise game have changed; we live in a world where Hamas
ma during the endless waves of Palestinian terrorism away. I feel it each time I talk about my grandma. a child. They had just returned from a family trip to uploads videos of abductions on TikTok.”
and during other humanitarian disasters: whether to When people suddenly understand that this video South Africa, a long-awaited vacation that came in Roman says his family will continue doing its best
carry on recording the events or to put down their they saw of an elderly woman on a golf cart in Gaza the wake of the death of Yarden’s mother less than to spread Yarden’s story “because we know that pub-
cameras and help save lives. is Yaffa, that she has children and grandchildren, a year ago. lic opinion influences the decisions of policy-mak-
In the case of the photojournalists who arrived that there are things she loved to do in life – they Yarden, Alon and Geffen were all kidnapped by ers. When we just began our campaign vis-à-vis Ger-
from Gaza specifically to record the acts of terrorism, can’t remain indifferent.” terrorists and taken into a vehicle that sped toward many, we were making moves that the government
they have made a clear statement on which side The beginning of the military ground incursion as Gaza. At the last minute and under heavy fire, the wasn’t making yet. Germany is an important and
they stand. They used their cameras as weapons, well as Israel’s intensifying retaliatory aerial assault couple jumped out of the car in an attempt to escape influential country, and now it’s on our side. But
shooting footage to help promote terrorism against on Gaza, where her grandmother and cousin are and started running for their lives. Yarden, who had where was the state in all of this? So we said: ‘Ok, we
an innocent population. They breached the border, held captive, are all causes for concern. Nonetheless, been carrying her toddler in her arms, realized that won’t wait.’ We literally met with anyone important
they breached journalistic ethics, and they crossed a Adar says she “wants to believe that the military and Geffen would have a better chance of surviving if who was willing to listen, because we wanted them
redline clear to all decent human beings. the political powers have the hostages at the top of Alon carried her. She handed her daughter to him to be better informed and much more empathic
their priorities. I have to believe that because I need and tried to hide. Alon kept running, with Geffen when they finally met with [Prime Minister Benja-
INBAR ASHKENAZI, CEO Jerusalem Post Group a reason to wake up in the morning. I need to believe in his arms, until he was able to reach what he min] Netanyahu.”
MAAYAN HOFFMAN, Deputy CEO - Strategy and Innovation
DROR RONEN, Director of Circulation that they will come back home. But I don’t have any thought was a safe hiding spot. After many hours of The Roman family is also acting to keep the hos-
GALIT SASSON, Deputy CEO Commercial and Strategic Partnerships special intel. I can’t know for a fact that when Israel hiding with his daughter in an open field, he came tages on the minds of Israelis, too.
EDITORIAL OFFICES AND ADMINISTRATION is bombing Gaza it isn’t hurting my family. One can back out, walked in the direction of the kibbutz and Asked what he would tell his sister if he could
The Jerusalem Post Building, PO Box 81, Romema, Jerusalem 9438302. only hope that they know what they’re doing and was able to join an IDF force that was in the area. A talk to her, Roman says: “I would tell her that I’m
Telephone 02-531-5666, Fax 02-538-9527. are not jeopardizing my family.” thorough search mission led by the family in col- doing my best to watch over her daughter. I would
• CUSTOMER SERVICE *2421, 03-761-9056, 1800-574574, Fax 03-561-3699.
PO Box 9344, Tel Aviv 6109202
Her real concern, Adar admits, is the passage of laboration with the military in the following days tell her that her daughter is alive and well, because
• ADVERTISING 15 Ha’achim Mislavita, Tel Aviv 6701027. time. “A month in captivity is way more than a made it evident that there was no trace of Yarden she [Yarden] doesn’t know that, and I imagine she
Telephone 03-761-9000, Fax 03-561-0777. woman my grandma’s age can or should bear. This left behind. Since then, she has been assumed kid- must wonder all the time whether Geffen made it
• ADVERTISING E-MAIL TRAFFIC@JPOST.COM is a race against the clock. My grandma suffers from napped by Hamas. out alive.
• READERS LETTERS LETTERSJPOST@GMAIL.COM all sorts of medical conditions: Heart failure, high At first the family directed its diplomatic efforts “People here need to realize that it’s no one’s duty
• SALES SALES@JPOST.COM blood pressure, kidney problems, four prolapsed mostly at Germany because Yarden holds German to care. It’s our mission to make the world care about
• COMMERCIAL GALITE@JPOST.COM discs – which means she can hardly sit, stand, or citizenship. In the past month it has expanded its the hostages,” Roman concludes.
Published daily except Saturday, in Jerusalem, Israel by The Jerusalem Post Ltd. walk. She’s not a healthy woman. Time is not on our campaign, gearing it at anyone who would listen. “I feel sorry and sad for the Palestinians of Gaza
Registered at the GPO. © All rights reserved to The Jerusalem Post Group Ltd. side.” The campaign includes a website, an Instagram because I know that Hamas doesn’t care about them.
Do not copy, distribute, replicate, photograph, translate, store on a database, account that has amassed a large following, hun- So when I approach my task of explaining to the
transmit in any way (writing, printing or other media) or by any electronic
means, optical, mechanical or otherwise, any part of this newspaper (including: “It’s our mission to make the world care” dreds of interviews given to the media by Yarden’s world what happened to my sister and to the other
text, drawings, photographs, pictures, maps and graphics) in textual form or on The 32-year-old Liri Roman, Yarden Roman-Gat’s three siblings, mass rallies in large cities such as New hostages, I keep in mind that this terror organization
designed pages, including voice recording and typing, without the express brother, shares Adar’s feeling that time is of the York and Berlin, and meetings with diplomats from has changed the rules of the game, and they are
permission, in writing, from the publisher The Jerusalem Post Group Ltd.
essence. This sentiment has been captured by his all over the world. treating both Israeli civilians and their own people
family in a campaign it has started in Europe and “We’re taking matters into our own hands,” says as pawns in that game.”
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3

Why are the Houthis attacking Israel?

The Yemeni Shi’ite Islamist group is Iran’s preferred instrument for strategic attacks

srael last week made history Hussein al-Houthi was killed by
when its Arrow air defense Saleh’s forces. The leadership of the
system intercepted a mis- movement and its insurgency then
sile aimed at Israel – in space. passed to Abd al-Malik al-Houthi,
While this first Arab-Israeli battle Hussein’s brother, who continues
in space caught the imagination of to lead it today.
many news outlets, the identity of
the force responsible for launching THIS BACKGROUND is important
the missile was equally notable. because it is noteworthy that Ansar
The Yemeni Houthis, known also Allah resembles Hamas and differs
as the Ansar Allah movement since from the Lebanese or Iraqi Hezbol-
2012, immediately claimed respon- lah movements in that it is a client
sibility for the launch. This was the of Tehran but not entirely a proxy
fourth attack by the organization of it. Hezbollah in Lebanon, Kataib
on Israel since October 7. Hezbollah in Iraq, and the other
For many Israelis, the involve- militias that resemble them, such
ment of this distant organization as Badr in Iraq, are direct franchis-
in the current war effort against es of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary
Israel is one of the most mysteri- Guards Corps (IRGC).
ous, even outlandish, aspects of Tehran established them and
the current moment. No one is stewarded them in their formative
entirely surprised by the desire of period. They are directly support-
Lebanese Hezbollah to try to tie ive of the Iranian form of govern-
down Israeli forces in the North as ment and would have little basis
part of an effort to relieve the pres- for their existence without Iranian
sure on its Gaza ally. financial and other support.
But the Houthis? What can they Hamas, by contrast, is a move-
possibly be looking for? And no ment with genuine roots in the
less interestingly, how did a Yeme- local Palestinian Sunni context.
ni insurgent movement acquire Ansar Allah/Houthis, similarly,
the capacity to launch a stream emerged from an authentic local
of drones and missiles, including context and have ideological and
long-range ballistic missiles, at religious roots distinct from the
Israel? IRGC’s various franchise groups.
Answering this question requires For this reason, it was for a time
understanding a little more about common to hear analysis that
the Ansar Allah/Houthis move- depicted emphasis on Ansar Allah’s
ment itself, and also regarding its links to Tehran as overly formulaic.
relations with its patron, the Islam- Such criticism, however, tended A VIEW of missiles during a military parade held by the Houthis on September 21 to mark the anniversary of their takeover in Sanaa, Yemen.
(Khaled Abdullah/Reuters)
ic Republic of Iran. to overlook the fact that (again
The Houthis are a north Yemen similarly to Hamas), Ansar Allah’s
Arab tribe, originating in Saada military capacities derive not from Allah, the Saudi-backed official IN RECENT years, Iran has begun tion on itself and is indifferent to pretense of a formal political pro-
province in northwest Yemen. its local status, but entirely from its government of Yemen, and the to use Ansar Allah as its preferred the lives of those who crew or live cess. And while a 2014 UN embargo
Along with around 35% of the alliance with Tehran. UAE-supported separatists of the deniable client for strategic-level under its proxies. against weapons transfers to the
Yemeni population, they are As a result of Iranian arms and Southern Transitional Council. strikes on its regional enemies. But the Houthi-controlled part of Houthis has been in place since
adherents to a stream of Shi’ite training, Ansar Allah was able to Iran officially denies arming the Until the current war, the most Yemen has additional advantages. 2014, it remains poorly enforced.
Islam known as Zaidiya, which dif- leverage the period of internal Houthis, but such denials are no famous instance of this was the Iran controls or maintains a mili- For these reasons, the Houthis
fers significantly from the more unrest in Yemen in 2011, first par- longer taken seriously. The weight September 14, 2019, attack on the tary capacity in several Arab states have become Tehran’s preferred
familiar Twelver stream followed ticipating in the unrest and demon- of evidence is formidable, show- Saudi oil processing facilities at – it is dominant in Iraq and Leba- tool for the carrying out of strate-
by Iranian and most Arab Shi’ite strations that brought down the ing that Tehran has been in recent Abqaiq and Khureis. non and has freedom of action in gic attacks by proxy. The use by the
Muslims. Saleh regime, then from 2014 join- years supplying by sea routes the In this sophisticated, two-wave parts of Syria. But in all three of Houthis/Ansar Allah of ballistic
The political movement bear- ing forces with the deposed Saleh, small arms, missiles, and rockets attack, a swarm of drones and these areas, the Iranian proxy must missiles against Israel brings this
ing their name was established by and seizing control of the capital that have enabled the organization cruise missiles overcame Saudi take into account complex local process to its highest point yet.
tribal leader Hussein Badr al-Din city, Sanaa, and much of north and to transform itself from a rag-tag air defenses and caused seri- political realities and the interests The remaining question is wheth-
al-Houthi in the 1990s. Then in west Yemen. militia into a force that can strike ous damage to the two facilities. of other players – the Russians er, and for how long, Israel and
2004, it turned to insurgent activi- The Houthis turned on Saleh in at Israel and Saudi Arabia. Ansar Allah claimed responsibil- and the Assad regime in Syria, the the West will continue to indulge
ties against the regime of president 2017 and executed him. The Saudi Tim Lenderking, UN Special ity. The sophistication and range non-Iran aligned Shi’ites, and non- the obvious fiction of the Houth-
Ali Abdullah Saleh. intervention of 2015 failed to Envoy on Yemen, told Reuters of the attacks led to this claim Shi’ite populations with their own is’ independent advanced missile
Saleh, also a Zaidi Shi’ite Mus- reconquer areas lost to Ansar Allah in May 2023, “The Iranians have being immediately dismissed by political connections and interests capacity. On the one hand, this
lim, was a military officer who but prevented the disaster of an continued to smuggle weaponry US, Saudi, and Western officials, in both Lebanon and Iraq. is a clear absurdity. On the other
seized power in 1978 and presided Iran-backed militia seizing control and narcotics toward this conflict, who concluded that Iran itself was In Yemen, this is not the case. hand, pointing that out would
over the reunification of Yemen in of the Bab al-Mandeb, a strategic and we are very concerned that behind the strike. There, the country is divided, and mean acknowledging that Iran has
1990. His regime was backed by the choke point between the Gulf of this would continue, despite the Ansar Allah is of particular use to in the Houthi-controlled areas, the launched drone and missile attacks
US and Saudi Arabia. The Houth- Aden and the Red Sea. benefits that would come from a Iran for attacks of this kind for sev- movement maintains a monop- on Israel – i.e., carried out clear acts
is, meanwhile, were from the out- Yemen remains divided between Saudi-Iran deal. So I think that is a eral reasons. Firstly, and obviously, oly of power by openly coercive of war – on four occasions since
set supported by Iran. In 2004, the Iranian-backed Houthis/Ansar space we have to watch.” Iran doesn’t want to invite retalia- means, with only the most flimsy October 7.

Who are we fighting?

s the Black Sabbath war
enters its second month, MIDDLE ISRAEL
a strange question aris- • By AMOTZ ASA-EL
es: Who is the enemy – A city?
An organization? A country? A
nation? An idea? THE ARAB challenge to Israel was Kristallnacht’s sequel.
It used to be a simple question. originally secular. Gamal Abdel Jihadism, then, is the moral
The enemy was the Arab world, Nasser, Hafez Assad, and Saddam engine that drives the people
and its enmity’s fuel was nation- Hussein were all secular. Yes, they fighting us these days from their
alism. The enemy was the Arab deployed religious rhetoric, espe- foxholes in Gaza, Lebanon, and
world because every Arab govern- cially against Israel, but domesti- Yemen. Even so, the ultimate
ment denied Israel’s right to exist cally they fought Islamism, often enemy we face nests not in Gaza,
and actively fought it, if not mil- violently. Beirut, or Sanaa but in Tehran.
itarily, then diplomatically and
That’s not what we face today. Technically, Israel faces Hamas,
With more than 150 million Arabs
formally at peace with Israel, this Hezbollah, and the Houthis,
war is not with the Arab world. but strategically it all leads
If anything, many Arab govern-
ments detest Hamas and would
to one address – Tehran
welcome its decimation. In fact, IRANIAN DEMONSTRATORS burn US and Israeli flags during a protest in Tehran on October 18.
Israel’s current fighting is not with (Majid Asgaripour/WANA/via Reuters)
any state but with three seditious If anything, what we now face is THE ENEMY’S transformation took
organizations. this record’s inversion: religious a while to notice, not only because The extent to which Iran has aftermath of the fighting in Gaza, have let our blood.
In Gaza, Hamas won a legislative fanatics citing nationalist con- its cause shifted from nationalism been directly involved in the Black Iran emerges from this cataclysm The Iranian nation, by con-
election, but it never won a general cepts in which they don’t believe. to religion but also because its eth- Sabbath massacre has yet to be as an active aggressor toward the trast, was Israel’s friend for three
election. Instead, its goons violent- Most laughable in this regard is nicity shifted, from Arab to Persian. established. Intuitively, millions of Jewish state, and also of the Jewish decades. We Jews don’t forget
ly removed the Palestinian Author- their usage of terms like “resis- The new enemy’s transfigura- Israelis, as well as many elsewhere, people, as Tehran openly and con- such things, just like we don’t
ity’s representatives in 2006 and tance,” “occupation,” or “decol- tion became even trickier to notice especially in foreign intelligence sistently denies the Jews’ right to forget Cyrus, the Persian king
have since ruled Gaza’s streets. onization,” all of which connote because it was careful to deploy services, assume Iran was involved, their ancestral land, in addition to who restored the Land of Israel
In Lebanon, Hezbollah was one land’s fight for freedom. In non-Iranians wherever it kindled at least in conceiving and planning having assaulted Jewish commu- to the Jews; just like we don’t for-
never elected to lead the country. fact, they are part of an effort to its revolution’s fires. In some cases, the slaughter, and in training and nities abroad. get Haman, the Persian minister
Even so, it has effectively hijacked impose their faith on the whole Tehran deployed Arab Shi’ites. equipping its perpetrators. What this implies in terms of who sought “to destroy, kill, and
the Lebanese government, ignored world and eradicate the freedom That’s what happened in Iraq and But even in the unlikely event action is a separate discussion, one annihilate all the Jews, young and
Lebanon’s army, and paralyzed they claim to hail. Lebanon. that Iran played no role at all in which had best be conducted in old, women and children”; just
its parliament. Lastly, in Yemen, The jihadist scourge is not In others, they harnessed Arabs this atrocity, it had enough of a arenas less public than a news- like we don’t forget how that man
the Houthis, who have just fired local. It’s global. It has stuck with looser affiliations to Shi’ism. role elsewhere. Hezbollah’s artil- paper. Two principles, however, of hatred ended up hanged on the
missiles at us from across the Red everywhere, from London, Paris, That’s what happened with Syr- lery barrages are clearly ordered should be said publicly. The first very gallows he had built for the
Sea, are also rebels, insurgents who and New York to Bali, Mumbai, ia’s Alawites and Yemen’s Houthis. from Iran, and clearly an act of is that, unlike Arab nationalism, first man in any literature to be
launched a gruesome civil war in and Sharm el-Sheikh. So yes, And in some cases, they inspired war, as are the Yemeni shots. The Iranian fundamentalism threatens called “the Jew.”
2004 and seized the capital, Sanaa, morally speaking, the enemy Arab Sunnis. That’s what happened casus belli that sparked the 1967 not only Israel, and not only the
in 2014. we face is jihadism, for which in Gaza. Six Day War – Egypt’s blockading Middle East, but the entire world.
The common denominator Israeli Jewry is a version of the Strategically, all this is academ- of the Red Sea – was less flagrant The second is that the enemy, The writer, a Hartman Institute fel-
among these three insurgencies, warm-up act that German Jewry ic. What matters is that all the than firing rockets into Israelis’ liv- as argued here in the past (“Don’t low, is the author of the bestselling
besides their hostility toward Israel, was for Nazism while it prepared violence we now face has a clear ing rooms. This is besides Tehran’s bomb Tehran,” November 4, Mitzad Ha’ivelet Ha’yehudi (The
is that they are driven by religion, for World War II. If it’s up to source, not only ideologically and enthusiastic applause of the Black 2011), is not the Iranian people. Jewish March of Folly, Yediot Sefar-
and more specifically by Islamist the jihadists, the Black Sabbath spiritually but also financially and Sabbath massacre. The enemy is the Iranian regime; im, 2019), a revisionist history of the
jihadism. Is this, then, the enemy? massacre will be recalled as militarily. It follows that whatever the the ayatollahs and mullahs who Jewish people’s political leadership.
FRONTLINES F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T


Uncertainty and death in Kissufim

keeping watch for further terrorist
MILITARY AFFAIRS infiltrators. Rumor was that higher-
• By MICHAEL STARR ranking officers were going in and out
of briefings to decide deployments, as
their own superiors were in deliberation

he sickly sweet odor of death hung on final strategies. Then, finally, we were
heavy in Kissufim as my battal- transported to Kibbutz Urim, where we
ion entered the kibbutz. We were slept in our vests and bags under the
greeted by the bloated body of a awning of the kibbutz dining hall.
Hamas terrorist, dressed in a black com-
bat vest and dark clothing. Milky white IN THE morning, we were sent to Kissufim,
eyes popped from his engorged face like one of the towns that had been attacked.
a fish on display at the shuk. Nearby lay a We filed into the dining hall, which
tattered IDF uniform, a sticky stain, and a became our temporary headquarters.
tourniquet. Another terrorist’s corpse lay on the lawn
Our infantry unit was the first full bri- less than 50 meters away. They couldn’t yet
gade of reservists called up in response to be moved until the site had been secured
Hamas’s October 7 massacre of Israelis. and sappers could be brought in – some
My phone had rung just after the first of the bodies had been booby-trapped.
rocket warning sirens echoed throughout The terrorist, and his companion who also
Jerusalem. It was Shabbat and the holi- lay dead in the bushes, had attacked in
day of Simchat Torah, but the sickening an ambush a day or so prior. They leaped
feeling that something was terribly wrong from the bushes where they had been
twisted my stomach. I broke the Sabbath hiding, wounding IDF commandos. The
and answered the sergeant of my reserve kibbutz had been searched multiple times,
platoon. but they had remained hidden, and the
“Starr, pack a bag and come to the meet- suspicion was that there were more Hamas
ing site,” he said. operatives waiting to strike, surviving on
I stepped out of my apartment into a dates and cherry tomatoes, just like the
changed country. Jerusalem on Shabbat now rotting terrorists.
is usually calm, but on this day it crackled We set out into the kibbutz, weapons
with tension. Some families on their way raised, every corner a potential ambush.
back from synagogue stared curiously at The town was a scene straight out of a zom-
me as I marched in uniform down the city bie horror film: a town that should have
street to meet with other members of my been bustling and full of life but was all but
company. Other reservists trickled out of devoid of it. We weaved through burned
their apartments, exchanging solemn nods. husks that were once homes. Cars and
“Do you need a lift anywhere?” one offi- windows were riddled with bullet holes.
cer asked me. IDF RESERVISTS unpack their belongings after being called up to duty after the October 7 massacre. (Michael Giladi/Flash90) Between frequent patrols, we managed to
I hopped into the car with my reservist sleep for only a few minutes at a time,
friends, and we asked the same question lined up, registered in, and signed out kit step as darkness fell, falling asleep in our The next day, more exercises, more wait- fading in and out of consciousness before
to soldiers waiting on the side of the road bags of equipment which were marked by boots and gear. Our expectation was to be ing, more expectations that any second heading back out into another area of the
at the exit from the capital. The exchange specialization. awoken and sent into the fray. we could be loaded onto another bus with abandoned town.
of glances, the queries about hitchhiking, What the mission was, we had no idea. yet another unset destination. Finally, the A team from Bezeq came in the night to
all spoke to a shared feeling: This was an No officer within sight had a clue either. WE AWOKE to exercises, inducting mem- buses came, and by nightfall we were in repair a communications array. The terror-
emergency unlike any we had faced, and The general sense, as more information bers new to our units into the order of a field near the Gaza border. The sense ists had struck systematically, cutting off
we needed to act. We had no idea what we and rumors about the attacks on the Gaza movement for each platoon and squad. was that we were supposed to be headed connection to the outside, and shooting
would face, but until we did we needed to border towns proliferated, was that we Then the word came, as sudden as the to an attacked town, but we had stopped electrical transformers and water mains.
help each other to prepare. There wasn’t could be sent from the warehouses straight first phone call, that we were heading out. in the field while orders were being reca- They reportedly knew where the head of
time to question the situation. I couldn’t into combat. We could soon be in the We loaded onto the bus, each of us like so librated. Rocket launches from the Strip the civilian security team had lived, but he
help but be reminded of the accounts of besieged Israeli towns, which had yet to be many bullets in a magazine, expecting to were a shockingly loud rumble, like an had managed to fight them off.
the early hours of the Yom Kippur War fully secured, or we could be sent straight be chambered and released at any second. avalanche rising into the air. Red alerts Another escort mission allowed sappers
when soldiers and reservists dropped into the Gaza Strip itself. We arrived at another base in the South, sent us leaping to the ground since we were to mark down unexploded ordnance and
everything at a moment’s notice and cob- We quickly unloaded the bags, prepared where were quickly zeroed our sights and right under the interception zones, where bodies at the entrance near the cowshed.
bled together informal public transporta- our gear, and tried to filter out what we scopes. Night fell again. Instead of stars shrapnel could fall. At one point, my rifle, Once they saw humans, the cows moaned
tion and rides to the front lines. would and wouldn’t need. When the we saw only flares released by aircraft and a marksman-type Micro-Tavor, fell over and screeched, begging to be milked,
We arrived at the meeting site for our armaments and ammunition arrived, the interception of rockets launched from and the Picatinny mount bridge broke. pleading to be fed. They licked desperately
brigade, a base full of warehouses of equip- we unloaded the cabinets and crates and Gaza. Another night in boots, another It was a light fall, and I had never seen a at their metal fence. A few dead cows lay
ment. We pulled in to see a sea of cars assigned them. As we slid cartridges into night of waiting. If we had known what rifle break in such a way in over a decade. in fetid water that sloshed at the knees of
parked in a typically chaotic fashion. Even magazines, we shared details of Hamas we were doing, what came next, perhaps Nothing felt safe, nothing felt in control, the living cattle. In the course of combat,
the massive parking lots of American atrocities that had been reported in the it would have been more bearable, but the and the impossible break seemed to make a water main must have been destroyed.
mega-malls were rivaled by the assembly news or videos we had seen on social unknown was more daunting than any perfect sense. After the initial attack, a rancher had
of vehicles. From the rows upon rows of media. Our vests were soon loaded with enemy. No one wanted to go into combat, “Great, now I’m going into Gaza with snuck back into the kibbutz in a bid to take
cars, the trickle of reservists had become a full magazines, and our hearts laden with no one wanted to go into Gaza – but if we a broken gun,” I grumbled to any officer care of the cows but had been murdered by
mighty current. We joined them and filed grief and fury. had to, we would. If the army had to go who would listen. a terrorist squad that had lain in ambush.
into the warehouses, which were marked The frantic pace of preparations came in, perhaps it would be best that it was us, We waited forever for our orders,
for each battalion, each company. We to a pregnant halt. We waited for the next many of us said. patrolling the perimeter of the field, See UNCERTAINTY, Page 23

The young, unsung heroes of October 7

IDF Medical Corps soldiers tended heroically to the wounded in the South

hinking about grades, sports, teams are brought quickly to talk
girl/boyfriends, and maybe MEDICAL AFFAIRS in small groups with commanders
a trip abroad before enlist- • By JUDY SIEGEL-ITZKOVICH and mental-health officers to relate
ment, they graduated from high what they saw, describe their feel-
school only a few years ago. ings, and prevent the development
Today, these highly motivated Israeli universities do that. The Post’s four interviews with Bahad of post-traumatic stress disorder.
men and women – graduates of Hebrew University-Hadassah Med- 10 soldiers, he recalled: “I woke up Mahdoon said that “the women in
the Israel Defense Forces’ Bahad ical Faculty has a special program at home. Sirens were screaming. I the teams were as strong emotion-
10 Training Base (Medical Corps for preparing medical students to called officers who work for me and ally as the men. No one suffered
School) – think obsessively about serve in the military; Magen David tried to calm them down.” acute trauma, and all were ready
saving the lives of fellow soldiers Adom (MDA) and United Hatzalah His team arrived at the base in the to return to their work. Our teams
and civilians by stopping bleeding, (UH) train people to be paramedics South at around 9.30 a.m., about trust their commanders. We had
relieving pain, and treating the and EMTs. But Bahad 10 is the only three hours after the Hamas ter- many heart-to-heart discussions.
physical trauma of the wounded. Israeli facility that trains people for rorist infiltration. Seventeen teams We know what our enemy is like
They wouldn’t admit it, but they military service in these specialties. of five got to work treating some – lacking human values. They are
are heroes. Thirteen years ago, Bahad 10 90 wounded soldiers and civilians, our opposites. Our people are eth-
Early on the accursed Shabbat of was accredited by the prestigious women, children, the disabled, ical, humane, strong, and united.”
October 7, teams were awakened by American Association of Surgeons and the elderly. “We witnessed
messages from medical officers of and is the only body of its kind in very difficult things. Our people SGT. EVIATAR KIRSHENBOIM, a
“something big, something unusu- Israel that holds such an American were under fire. But we did what 21-year-old Bahad 10 paramedic
al” that required them to rush to license. The facility has a simu- we were trained to do – applying from Rishon Lezion who graduated
a base in the South and treat large lation center – one of the largest tourniquets, administering pain from his course two years ago, told FROM LEFT, Eviatar Kirshenboim, Barak Mahdoon, Ariel Yalonensky, and
Ziv Meir. (IDF)
numbers of wounded soldiers and in Israel that enables trainees to medication, and tying bandages. the Post that he will soon begin
civilians. Taking with them their practice procedures on real-look- The bread-and-butter of paramed- teaching around 50 others.
medical equipment that is always ing dummies whose “bodies” react ics and EMTs is to stop bleeding, “Like hi-tech professionals, we his Negev base on the day of the marketing at a hi-tech company
ready for use, they raced to their like those of humans. and we spend months in Bahad 10 always try to learn new things and Hamas incursion (launched at 6.30 – and his mother – who teaches
mission and were shocked by the learning the various techniques.” update ourselves. After going out a.m.). sports to special-needs children –
unprecedented number of people BAHAD 10 Company Commander What they saw was acutely trau- on missions to treat the wounded “I got a call at 7.30 a.m. from a worry about him, of course, but “I
who needed their urgent care. Capt. Barak Mahdoon, a 25-year- matic, but Bahad 10 graduates and sick, we always meet, exam- good friend who was also on week- tell them that I am protected with
Located in Tzrifin until Septem- old raised in Rehovot who lives are taught to work professionally ine statistics, and try to reach end duty. He said that, apparently, people who back me up, so they
ber 2015, Bahad 10 was then trans- in Ashkelon, is in charge of 100 without allowing emotions to take conclusions – and suggest how to we have to prepare because we are shouldn’t be concerned.”
ferred to “Bahad City” in the Negev people. In one of The Jerusalem over at catastrophic events. All the do things even better.” He was at being brought in on an emergency. After the teams had finished
for training for all medical posi- We got into our military ambu- treating the wounded for several
tions needed in the IDF. Its cur- lances and were the first military days, they returned to Bahad 10 for
rent commander is Lt.-Col. Miki medical force to arrive at the base debriefing and emotional support.
Almakias. in the South where the wound- “We got all the help we needed in
Every year, thousands of soldiers ed were brought. We had all our our talks. We knew that our pro-
interested in becoming paramed- equipment – which is always ready, fessions involve dealing with the
ics, combat and general emergen- even for the most extreme events, seriously wounded. We have a holy
cy medical technicians (EMTs), but since so many needed treat- mission; and we felt strong. We are
registered nurses, mental-health ment, we had to call for replenish- now united as a people.”
officers, ambulance drivers, dental ment, and everything was brought
assistants, and more, take courses to us.” SGT. ARIEL YALONENSKY, a
for up to 14 months at Bahad 10. According to instructions they 20-year-old Haifa resident and
The proportion of male and female received, almost all the wounded EMT, has a physician role-model
trainees is about equal. Some go they treated were transported to in his family. His father, Sergei, is a
on afterward to study for a degree Soroka-University Medical Center cardiologist; his mother an English
in medical school, while others in Beersheba because it’s a tertiary teacher who made aliya (immigrat-
continue in the IDF as reservists. medicine center, with some of the ed) from Russia. Yalonensky was
The courses are taught by senior less-seriously hurt going to Barzilai born in Israel and has a 14-year-old
expert doctors, paramedics, and Medical Center in Ashkelon. brother.
EMTs, most of whom are Bahad 10 Kirshenboim said he is used to “We were raised with the idea
graduates. being at home one weekend, and that we would be physicians. I
It isn’t a medical school teach- then at Bahad 10 the following
ing students to become MDs – the MANEUVERS AT the Bahad 10 Training Base. (IDF) week. His father – who works in See HEROES, Page 23
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 FRONTLINES 17

Coming to America
Israelis who left Israel find themselves embraced
by day schools in the American Jewish community

n October 7, Danielle a Jewish early childhood center,
Zuckerman woke up in a sponsored by a local donor. (Her
panic to sirens and yelled sister’s kids are also in a Jewish
to her husband, “We day school there). “We feel very
need to go!” but he was calm, tell- safe here, and we’ve been very wel-
ing her, “Everything’s fine, we have comed by the Jewish and Israeli
to see where it’s coming from.” The community.”
38-year-old Danielle grabbed their Zuckerman is one of thousands
14-month-old daughter and head- of Israeli parents who left the coun-
ed for the stairwell, since the old try because of the war. Many left in
Tel Aviv apartment building has no order to protect their children, to
working bomb shelter. get help with the kids while their
“From that point on, everything husbands are serving reserve duty,
changed,” she recalled. They went and to provide children with some
to her parents’ house in Herzliya, sense of normalcy. Since Israeli
where her sister’s family was also schools and daycares are on hia-
staying. Even though it has a shel- tus or only open intermittently,
ter, and is in the center of the coun- the first stop for Israelis coming to
try, she still felt a mounting panic. America is Jewish day schools.
“It was terrifying: we didn’t know “After Hamas attacked Israel on
what was happening, so at any October 7, 2023, many Jewish day
given moment we thought there schools and yeshivas began shar-
would be terrorists jumping over ing that they were receiving inqui-
the fence and shooting [through] ries from families that included
the window and killing everyone. Israelis who were already located
There were messages circulating in or had traveled to North Amer- A FIRST GRADE class at Hillel Day School posts a sign on their door to
welcome a new student from Israel to their classroom, at the Hillel Day
that they’re going to attack our ica who wanted their children
School of Metropolitan Detroit. (Arielle Endelman)
electricity and our water and all in a Jewish setting at this time,”
the major things we need, like the according to “Enrollment Trend
Internet, and we won’t know what’s Report: Israeli Transfers to Jewish
going on – everything’s going to Day Schools and Yeshivas during
be down.” Like most Israelis, her the War in Israel,” published by
social media feed was filled with Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day
obituaries or people kidnapped. Schools. In October there were
Four days after the attack, Zuck- almost 1,000 inquiries requesting
erman got her family group of 10 enrollment for Israeli students at
to go to Athens. But soon her hus- 114 Jewish schools in North Amer-
ERELA NORNBERG, founder of the Israeli Hug program at Rodeph Sholom
band wanted to return to Israel, ica that participated in the survey,
in New York. (Amy Klein)
so for the sake of marital harmo- with 80% of the schools reporting
ny she went back with him. That they are already enrolling students.
night, though, she found herself “It’s mostly new Israeli families communities like Las Vegas. Since students in our class?’” she said,
in the stairwell with the baby three who are coming to North America Israel joined the Visa Waiver Pro- noting that the community has
or four times because of rocket and Canada – they’re thinking it’s gram on November 1, Israelis no been more than generous to help
attacks. temporary, but they’re not sure for longer need a visa to get to the US. situate families, donating school
At any other time, Zuckerman how long they’re going to stay,” “Many of these families are seek- supplies, art supplies, clothes, and
says, she might have been okay, said Sarah Eisenman, chief com- ing safe and supportive places for car seats, sponsoring lunches for
going to a shelter, dealing with the munity and Jewish life officer at their kids where they wouldn’t see new students. One family that
sirens, but this was her first time in the Jewish Federations of North antisemitism,” Eisenman said. owns a car dealership even offered ACTIVITIES IN the Los Angeles ‘war room’ for displaced Israelis. (Liat Franco)
wartime with a baby. America. “Our students are beyond excit- cars, she said. “Our students have
“It was really, really, terrifying,” She said Israeli families coming ed to welcome the new students been so warm and welcoming to in New York City with 137 students ing and disorienting. I think all
she said. “I couldn’t do it with my here are comprised of working to the classroom,” said Arielle make these students feel like this is that has taken in 13 Israeli students parents, no matter what’s going
daughter.” professionals, mothers whose hus- Endelman, director of enrollment their school and home.” to date. “It was pretty obvious to on in your life, if you know kids
Zuckerman returned to Athens bands were called up for reserve management, Hillel Day School of Even though it may be difficult us that this is what we had to do. are being taken care of, your whole
and ultimately went to Florida duty, with kids “in and out of Zoom Metropolitan Detroit, a day school for schools to absorb new students Everyone was on the same page: level of anxiety is substantially
with her daughter, her parents, her school.” Israelis are going to places with 585 students that has accept- on the spur of the moment – espe- ‘Yes, let’s do it, let’s figure it out.’” reduced. Part of our role, of the
sister and her kids, while their hus- where they know people, to com- ed some 20 Israeli students in the cially during fall enrollment sea- While Israelis who can come to Jewish people, is to help these par-
band stayed in Israel. munities that have “significant last month and is expecting five son for next year – it is something America now may be privileged ents have slightly less anxiety,” she
“We’ve been here in Miami/ Israeli populations,” she said, like more. “The classes that don’t have that must be done, said Stephanie – with citizenship, or family in said. “There’s never been a time in
Aventura for three weeks,” said New York, Boston, Miami, Boca, new students are complaining, Ives, head of school at Beit Rabban, America, or financial means to stay
Zuckerman, whose daughter is at Toronto and LA, as well as growing ‘Why don’t we get to have new a nondenominational day school here, Ives said, “it’s so destabiliz- See AMERICA, Page 23

Putting the October 7 culprits on trial

f you are failing to plan,

‘I you are planning to fail.”

(Henry Thoreau)

Like the special public trial

of Hitler accomplice Adolf framework used today for tri- October 7 attack was part
Eichmann in Jerusalem in als of terrorists. of a plan involving Iran,
1961 and 1962, Israel is fac- Israel’s criminal court sys- Hezbollah and Hamas to
ing an unprecedented sce- tem and military justice sys- destroy Israel.
nario for the perpetrators of tem include all the necessary A special court hearing
the October 7 massacre in the institutions for prosecuting would also provide survivors
South. prisoners of war. These courts of the massacre an opportu-
Recent media reports indi- have extensive experience, nity to appear and be heard in A SCREEN CAPTURE from video released last month showing a
cate that the attorney-general Hamas terrorist who was captured on October 7. (IDF)
professional judges, prosecu- public. We recall the opening
and the Justice Ministry are tors, defense attorneys, and speech of chief prosecutor
considering a law to estab- the required administrative Gideon Hausner at the Eich- court to try the Hamas crim- and this could be considered
lish an ad hoc court to try infrastructure. mann trial, held in 1961 and inals. a war crime.
the Hamas prisoners who on However, prosecuting 1962: “Where I stand before A special trial would require
October 7 committed mon- ADOLF EICHMANN during his trial in Jerusalem. (Reuters)
Hamas prisoners within the you, judges of Israel, to pros- the most talented and experi- FINDING AN Israeli defense
strous acts of sadistic murder, general or military court sys- ecute Adolf Eichmann, I do enced state attorneys to han- attorney willing to represent
torture, sexual violence, rape, tem appears to be unsuitable. not stand alone. With me, at in 1960 according to this law. Iraqi provisional government dle the prosecution. The only the Hamas criminals may be
kidnapping, and other hor- A unique crime demands a this hour, stand six million German courts prosecut- established The Iraqi Special comparable instance was the challenging. While pro-Pal-
rors that go beyond what we special trial to ensure that prosecutors.” ed 22 Nazi war criminals in Tribunal, consisting of Iraqi Eichmann trial, where the estinian NGOs represent or
typically associate with ter- justice is served and for edu- Telford Taylor, who was the what is called the “Frank- judges. Saddam and other prosecutors were among the provide representation for
rorism or war crimes. cational purposes. prosecutor at the Nazi doc- furt Auschwitz trials,” held defendants were tried; he was most talented Israeli jurists. terrorists, they may be reluc-
Since the crimes were com- A special law and court tors trial, said in his opening between December 1963 and convicted and sentenced to An additional difficulty tant to defend those who
mitted within Israeli bound- would underscore the remarks on December 9, 1946: August 1965. In this highly death, his appeal was denied, is who to try in the special committed the October 7
aries, Israel should prosecute uniqueness of the crimes “The defendants in this case publicized trial, most of the and he was hanged December court. Past experience indi- heinous crimes. If an Israeli
the perpetrators, but many committed on October 7. are charged with murders, Nazi war criminals, many of 30, 2006. American White cates it should be the Hamas defense attorney cannot be
legal experts believe that the This trial is not just a typi- tortures, and other atrocities whom held senior postwar House spokesman Tony Snow leaders and those terrorists found, perhaps an attorney
existing legal frameworks for cal murder case. Israeli courts committed in the name of government and business expressed approval of the pro- against whom there is clear from abroad can be allowed
court proceedings against deal with many cases involv- medical science.... To their positions, were convicted of cedure and praised the Iraqi evidence that the specific to appear in the special Israeli
these criminals are unsuit- ing rape and sadistic murder. murderers, these wretched war crimes. This trial exposed people for replacing “the rule prisoner committed a partic- court.
able. Therefore, it is necessary This trial involves unimag- people were not individuals the German public to the of a tyrant with the rule of ular heinous act. Some have Some might argue that
to establish a special court inable horrific actions, at all.... The victims of these horrors of the Holocaust. law... today, the victims of already confessed to mur- establishing a special court
that will emphasize the sever- including murdering groups crimes are numbered among World War II was the first this regime have received a dering Israelis, and there are diminishes the uniqueness
ity of the crimes and serve as of bound children, burning the anonymous millions who major conflict where victors measure of the justice which recorded phone calls made of the Eichmann trial. No
an educational tool for both babies in ovens, shooting or met death at the hands of conducted trials and pun- many thought would never by specific terrorists bragging trial can truly compare to the
Israelis and people around kidnapping children who the Nazis and whose fate is ished war criminals who come.” about murdering or raping Eichmann trial, which pre-
the world. watched their parents being a hideous blot on the page had committed horrific war Another reason for a specif- Israelis. These are the terror- sented the Holocaust in full
Israel has existing laws to tortured and murdered, rape, of modern history. [Prosecu- crimes which were outside ic law is that it could include ists who can clearly be tried detail and horror, capturing
try terrorists for crimes com- sadistic acts of murder, and tion of these defendants] is the scope of regular warfare. provisions for the death pen- by a special court. the attention of the Israeli
mitted within its official kidnapping. These actions owed... to the victims and to Thus the Nuremberg trials of alty, even though it is not Another situation involves public and arousing inter-
borders and in Judea and go beyond the scope of war the parents and children of Nazi war criminals and the allowed under existing Israeli Hamas terrorists who partici- national interest. The Eich-
Samaria. Trials take place in crimes and are a stain on the victims....” Tokyo war crimes trial of Jap- court precedents. It could also pated in the October 7 attack mann trial was educational,
both the general court sys- humanity. There are parallel historic anese war criminals. include provisions allowing and massacre, but for whom highlighting the immensi-
tem and military courts. In addition, the Hamas trials that addressed crimes Another relevant trial, those injured by the Hamas there is no specific evidence ty of the Holocaust and the
Terrorists can be prosecuted prisoners are not soldiers of a committed against the Jew- although not concerning massacre and their survivors of their actions. Is participa- importance of “never again.”
under existing laws, such as recognized army or country; ish people. In 1950 Israel the Jews or Israel, was the to sue countries sheltering tion enough to warrant pros- However, this does not mean
the Penal Law, the Military they are zealots whose enacted the Nazi and Nazi 2003-2006 trial of Saddam Hamas leaders and/or that ecution under a special law? that there cannot be other
Justice Law, the Counterter- ultimate goal is to destroy Collaborators (Punishment) Hussein, the deposed dic- are patrons and financiers of There are also Hamas sol- unique events of horrendous
rorism Law, and laws relat- Israel. The motivation Law, which provided a legal tator and president of Iraq, the Hamas terrorist organi- diers involved in combat crimes, on a lesser scale, that
ing to arrests and imprison- behind these acts is not framework for prosecuting by the Iraqi Interim Gov- zation. against Israel from October 8 merit a special trial. Such a
ment of illegal combatants. purely criminal but driven by crimes against Jews by Nazi ernment, for crimes against We must, however, be aware onward, and who were cap- trial of Hamas leaders and a
These laws define terrorism, religious fanaticism. There is Germany. The planning paid humanity while in office dat- of the challenges associated tured. They are Hamas terror-
set penalties, and establish a adequate evidence that the off, and Eichmann was tried ing back to the 1980s. The with establishing a special ists, fighting to destroy Israel, See TRIAL, Page 23
18 COMMENT & FEATURES F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

The PA cannot govern Gaza

• By SANDER GERBER direction.” (Perhaps there’s a home for
and EZRA GONTOWNIK some of these students on American cam-
puses, where they’ll enjoy the company

t is a maxim among policymakers that of many whose calls for Jewish genocide
there are no good choices in the Middle and blatant antisemitism go unheeded by
East – only options that are less terrible university administrators).
than others. Others in the Fatah faction urged indi-
Hamas’ eventual defeat and the after- viduals and groups in the West Bank to
math of Israel’s Operation Swords of Iron emulate Hamas’s brutality. These students
will present challenges that embody the are the supposed level-headed, reasonable,
rule, chief among them the question and moderate crop of future “leadership”
of who will govern Gaza. Naturally and from which the PA will select Abbas’s suc-
justifiably, Israel is focusing its political cessor. He is presently in his 18th year of a
and military capital on victory instead of four-year term.
addressing this question. Society cannot accept any arrangement
Nonetheless, it seems that the Biden installing PA rule over Gaza due to the
administration has reached an early con- sheer laziness or willful blindness of West-
sensus on this looming quandary. At a ern leaders, as the PA fosters, funds, and
congressional hearing on November 1, Sec- furthers violence.
retary of State Antony Blinken floated that Downgrading Hamas, a regime of boil-
a “revitalized” Palestinian Authority (PA) ing, bloodthirsty killers, to a “moderate”
might oversee Gaza after Israel hopefully simmer and expecting positive results is
cripples Hamas’s military and governing delusional. Groupthink and age-old “solu-
capabilities. Just four days later, Blinken tions” have yet to yield positive outcomes
met with PA President Mahmoud Abbas in the region.
and is said to have envisioned the PA tak- If there is to be a more peaceful and
ing center stage in Gaza after the war. prosperous future in Gaza, world leaders
This would be a terrible mistake. must think outside the box and not mono-
Proponents of the US administration’s lithically.
idea tend to frame the PA’s credo as “mod- We must tap into the creativity and inno-
erate,” relative to Hamas’s explicit goal vation that yielded the Abraham Accords,
from their founding charter to actualize which have produced positive diplomatic
Israel’s destruction. But being “moder- and economic results. The powers that
ate” does not equate to being palatable: be must not settle on a failed, corrupt,
exchanging masks and fatigues for suits and terror-sponsoring PA to govern Gaza
and ties hardly changes the character of after Israel defeats Hamas; it is a genera-
the individuals donning either. It also US SECRETARY of State Antony Blinken meets with Palestinian Authority head Mahmoud Abbas at PA headquarters in Ramallah, this tional opportunity to implement new and
week. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters)
fails to recognize history: After Israel’s creative solutions of governance that can
unilateral disengagement from Gaza in drive economic growth and carve a path
2005, the PA was put in charge of the In fact, the PA makes its “pay for slay” among friends, but not in foreign policy Jews and Israelis – this is truly a govern- toward a better future for Palestinians and
territory and failed miserably to maintain payments while thumbing its nose in and especially not in war. The American ment by terrorists for terrorists. Israelis alike.
power or order, or to bring any peace or the face of the US taxpayer. Much of the and Western obsession with defaulting to The PA’s true intentions are evident in Sander Gerber is the chief executive of Hud-
growth. money the PA distributes comes from US the PA governing a post-Hamas Gaza is their invidious cradle-to-martyr project. son Bay Capital Management, a distinguished
While it was Hamas terrorists who com- foreign aid, despite the 2017 Taylor Force myopic. The reality is that the PA finan- Rather than encouraging tolerance and fellow at the Jewish Institute for National
mitted the October 7 genocide, it is the Act prohibiting the PA from distributing cially incentivizes and rewards terror – spe- cross-cultural understanding, the PA pro- Security of America (JINSA), and a mem-
PA’s “pay for slay” program the PA will US foreign aid to terrorists or the fami- cifically terror that targets Jews and Israe- vides its young pupils with textbooks that ber of the State Department’s Middle East
provide financial rewards to families of lies of “martyrs.” As long as incentives to lis. Additionally, once these Palestinian glorify terrorism and the prospect of Isra- Partnership for Peace Act (MEPPA) advisory
the thousands of Hamas terrorists killed slaughter exist and the US remains ambiv- prisoners are released, they are guaranteed el’s destruction. The curriculum’s results board. Ezra Gontownik is the founder and
and captured that day. On a low estimate, alent on the misuse of its foreign aid, the employment in the PA. While reputable are clear as day. Fatah’s student group at managing partner of private equity firm Rock-
the PA will provide almost $3 million per only thing a “revitalized” PA will accom- companies hire those with capable back- Palestine Polytechnic University penned post Capital, a former investor at Berkshire
month to these monsters who explicitly plish is refilling the powder keg for yet grounds and impressive prior employ- a response to the October 7 massacre that Partners, and the co-founder and president of
targeted and butchered 1,400 innocent another round of violence. ment, the PA intentionally hires those called upon Allah to slaughter Jews “one Kol HaNearim, a nonprofit supporting at-risk
Israelis on October 7. Believing the best of people is admirable who have committed terror acts against by one” and to “scatter them in every Israeli youth.

The ‘crime’ of grieving

while Israeli
• By LIZA ROSENBERG let them go instead of forcing them to stay,
which also happens), but I never saw it as a

uring my 32 years in Israel, my politics “good” solution – one that would serve any of
have shifted Left, and, while I certain- us well or somehow lead to something better,
ly have Israeli friends whose political even when I also believed that Hamas needed
leanings are considerably further to the Left to be stopped somehow.
than mine are, I’m more to the Left than
quite a few of my friends here. I’ve never been TO THE best of my ability, I tried never to lose
afraid to call out and criticize the Israeli gov- my humanity, to think about and mourn the
ernment, its policies, or military policy vis a losses on both sides. To cling to the notion
vis the Palestinians. I’ve been called a traitor that both sides deserve to live in safety and
for being a vocal proponent of a two-state security, in Israel and in Palestine – two sov-
solution – which I still believe should happen, ereign countries side by side (I still want that,
though at this moment, I have no idea how. for all of us). Sometimes, it made me feel quite
At times, my writing has been controver- alone – never patriotic enough for some on
sial, causing explosive exchanges. I’ve been my own side, and never vocally condemning
chastised by some Jews and Israelis for being my own side enough for some on the other
too far Left, and I’ve been chastised by leftists side and others. But despite these periodic
outside of Israel for not being Left enough. clashes (a word that some probably believe is
I’m an Israeli who will often take the time to inadequate), I thought we managed to hold
point out that the Palestinians elected Hamas on to the good bits, and that’s what got us
in 2006 because at the time, the Fatah lead- over the bumps.
ership was seen as being very corrupt, while On October 7, though, the murderous ram-
Hamas was providing the bulk of social wel- page of Hamas broke it all, including the
fare services that were desperately needed by illusion that these “friends” would, at the PROJECTILES ARE launched during a military maneuver near Sanaa, Yemen, last week. (Houthi Media Center/Reuters)
the local population. very least, deem my anguish and anger fol-
Their terrorist activities might not have
been a red line, but for most civilians in Gaza,
they were voting for what they hoped would
be a better, easier life – who wouldn’t want
lowing the massacre of 1,400 people and the
kidnapping of hundreds more to be valid and
understandable. Even before Israel began to
respond, though, I witnessed almost no words
The Yemen front: Contain or respond?
that? So much has happened in the 17 years of condemnation from them for what had • By YOEL GUZANSKY tions for other countries in the region, to Yemen, have struggled to deal with
since that election, but the one thing that happened, no words of comfort, no words of particularly Saudi Arabia and the United Houthi attacks over the years.

hasn’t happened since is more elections, and horror (though I have been moved to tears of he ongoing ground operation by Arab Emirates (UAE). There have been Any Israeli response to Houthi attacks
I’d be willing to bet that this is not the life that gratitude by those who have). No concern for the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) accusations that these Gulf states col- would require coordination and consul-
the people of Gaza envisioned for themselves me or my loved ones. in the Gaza Strip has had ripple laborate with Israel in its conflict with tation not only with the United States,
when they cast their votes so many years ago. And after years of showing support, of effects in the wider Middle East region. Hamas, further complicating the situ- which seeks to prevent a broader con-
I’ll be the first one to say that stating that “the neither trying to delegitimize their pain and Notably, it has heightened the motiva- ation. flict, but also with regional partners like
Palestinians voted for Hamas” is not the argu- anger nor judging them for it, I’ve been hit tion of Iranian proxies in the area to The Houthi militia’s involvement and the UAE and Saudi Arabia, who share an
ment or the justification you think it is. with the harsh reality that they have no align with Tehran’s pressure and inten- statements have added to the regional interest in containing the conflict and
Over the years, I’ve managed to connect interest in doing the same for me. I’ve been sify acts of aggression against Israel. complexity, particularly regarding Saudi avoiding its spread to their territories
online with others around the region – Pales- quietly unfriended, called a supporter of war These actions aim to present a “united Arabia. While the conflict between the – Israel has an interest not to risk its rela-
tinians, Egyptians, Jordanians, and Lebanese, crimes, and more. People who don’t see my front” and demonstrate solidarity with Saudi-led coalition and the Houthi forc- tions with them. This dilemma places
as well as other Israelis and Jews with views grief and rage as acceptable. People who the Palestinian cause. One such proxy es has continued for years, a ceasefire Riyadh in a complex position; while it
similar to mine. While some of these online have chosen to block out all of the good that is the Houthi militia, which controls had been in place since April 2022. The seeks to undermine Hamas and the “axis
connections were limited to the occasional they’ve ever seen in me and leap to erroneous substantial portions of Yemen and has Houthi government recently reached of resistance,” it prefers to remain out-
“like” or comment, others have felt more like conclusions instead of acknowledging that received support from both Iran and a draft agreement with Saudi Arabia, side the conflict.
friendship, inasmuch as friendship is pos- I have been writing from a place of over- Hezbollah. according to which many of their finan- Israel’s primary focus should remain
sible without meeting in person, or having whelming pain – as I have acknowledged in The Houthi militia joined the fight- cial demands were met. The ongoing on the conflict with Hamas. Houthi
met only once or very long ago. Beyond the them for years. ing against Israel by launching a series ceasefire allowed the Houthis to focus attacks, while concerning, do not pose
politics, we talked about our lives, we cracked If they had chosen to speak to me instead of of missile, cruise missile, and drone on military buildup, making it less likely as significant a threat as groups like Hez-
jokes. We got to know each other as people, judging me, or if they had chosen to give me attacks. These attacks aimed to strike for them to risk their newfound gains by bollah and Hamas. Efforts should be
and I really liked these people! I’d be lying if I space to grieve and be angry, they would have at Israeli targets but were intercepted provoking a wider regional conflict. made to contain Houthi attacks as long
said there were no challenges along the way, discovered that my beliefs haven’t changed. I successfully by Israeli defense systems. The Houthis receive substantial sup- as they do not escalate. However, if the
especially during Israeli incursions into Gaza still want peace for Israel and Palestine, and The Houthis declared their intent to port from the Quds Force branch of Iran’s situation worsens, Israel should be care-
after repeated rocket attacks. I still hate that innocent civilians are dying participate in the conflict on the second Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. This ful with its response in order to avoid
It was always during those times when I regardless of what side of the fence they’re on. day of hostilities, emphasizing their sol- includes assistance with weapons smug- wider regional implications. The Houth-
hated Hamas the most. I hated them for not I grieve for this catastrophe that Hamas has idarity with the Palestinian people and gling, combat training, funding, and is, under pressure from Iran, Hamas, and
caring about their own people. I hated them violently foisted upon all of us – Palestinians their role within the broader “axis of weapons manufacturing. However, their Hezbollah, could seek alternative meth-
for poking us repeatedly until we responded. and Israelis. resistance.” They stated that they would influence over the Houthis is relatively ods of attack, potentially with more sig-
I hated that innocent Palestinian civilians Maybe I’m naïve, but it never occurred to continue to attack Israel if they per- limited in comparison to Hezbollah, and nificant consequences.
were dying as a result. When people would me that my grief wouldn’t count. It never ceived Israel’s actions as detrimental to the lack of territorial connection also While the Houthi attacks are not as
point out that Israel was telling the Palestin- occurred to me that condemning evil could the Palestinian cause. makes direct support more challenging. imminent a threat as other regional con-
ians to leave their homes before air strikes, I be conditional. And it never occurred to me One of the most significant attacks The challenges and restraints that flicts, they should not be underestimat-
would ask where they were supposed to go, as that I would be thrown away by people I cared occurred on October 18, involving the influence the Houthi militia’s actions ed, and careful consideration of respons-
though displacing hundreds of thousands of about for the “crime” of grieving while Israeli. launch of cruise missiles and drones. also apply to Israel. The geographical es is crucial.
people already living in hell should be seen as The writer is an American Israeli living in These missiles briefly entered Saudi Ara- distance and the complexity of the The writer is a senior fellow at the Insti-
a good thing. northern Israel. She has written for various local bian airspace, leading to a heightened Yemeni front make it difficult for Israel tute for National Security Studies, an inde-
If we are comparing this to seeing them get and international publications and news organi- state of alert in Saudi Arabia, which to develop effective responses to deter pendent think tank affiliated with Tel Aviv
killed instead, I suppose it’s the less worse zations and works as a grant writer for a nonprofit shares a border with Yemen. The Houthi further Houthi attacks. Even Saudi Ara- University, and a non-resident scholar at the
option (and that’s if Hamas would actually organization in the education sector. involvement in the conflict has implica- bia and the UAE, despite their proximity Middle East Institute.
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 OBSERVATIONS 19

This war is not just about security

It is also about Jewish peoplehood
really do “stand together,” then there are
significant changes that Israel needs to make
to the way it treats Jews who do not fit into
the Orthodox way of life.
This war has shown us that no matter

t was a period of euphoria. In June 1967, where a Jew lives, their identity and feeling
Israel defeated three Arab armies in just of safety is connected to the State of Israel.
six days and tripled in size. The country That brings with it a responsibility that Israel
was on a high and Jews from around the cannot ignore.
world responded in kind.
If aliyah to Israel in 1967 was just 15,000, ***
by 1968 it had jumped to 20,000 and by Tuesday marked a month from the Hamas
1973 to almost 55,000. During this five-year invasion on October 7 and I spent it moving
period, some 30,000 American Jews moved between two very different experiences. In
to Israel, an unprecedented number. In 1966, the morning, I watched as our daughter,
for example, only 826 Jews immigrated from who has been in the IDF for the last 18
North America. By 1973 that number had months, graduated from Bahad 1, the IDF
skyrocketed to almost 5,000. Even today, Officer Training Academy and became an
despite the existence of special organizations officer.
to ease the aliyah process from the US, the In the afternoon, I went to Kibbutz Nir
numbers are barely half of what it was 50 Oz along the border with Gaza and walked
years ago. between the burned and bullet-ridden
And while this large number of olim homes to see up-close what had happened
(immigrants) seemed impossible just a few STUDENTS DEMONSTRATE in support of Israel at Columbia University in New York City, last month. All Israelis have been moved to see there a month earlier.
years earlier, it was clear why it was happen- how Jews from around the world have stood up to assist Israel during this difficult time. (Jeenah Moon/Reuters)
Nir Oz was attacked like the rest of the bor-
ing: Israel was perceived as successful and derline communities and while the death
powerful. Fresh out of a miraculous victory, security paradigm in southern Israel. It is and European Jewry. While Jews in Israel are What Israel needs to do now is twofold. On toll was lower than Be’eri as an example,
Israel was a place to which people wanted to operating in Gaza to degrade Hamas’s mili- obviously most at risk of physical harm, the the one hand, it should prepare for a possi- more than 70 of the 240 hostages are from
tie their fate. It was riding a wave that came tary capabilities, to kill or capture its leaders, killing of Paul Kessler at a pro-Israel rally in ble increase in aliyah. As Jews face growing Nir Oz. The reason was because of Nir Oz’s
crashing down with the outbreak of the Yom and to remove it as the governing authority Los Angeles, and the death chants against antisemitism, there might be a rise in the proximity to Gaza but also the fact that there
Kippur War in October 1973. in the Gaza Strip. The days of containing the Jews in Dagestan, as well as on the streets of number of people who want to move here. are roads that cut through the field and con-
Aliyah came crashing down as well. In all Hamas enemy are clearly over. London, indicate how antisemitism shows, The second step is to empower Jews around nect Gaza directly to the Kibbutz making it
of 1974, about 32,000 people moved to Isra- No matter how this war ends, Israel will to some extent, how all Jews are in a similar the world with the knowledge that Israel easy for Hamas to drive straight there with
el, a drop of 23,000 and by 1975, the number also now need to change the substance of situation. is the home of all Jews, no matter where pickup trucks and load up hostages.
was down by almost 70%. its relationship with Diaspora Jewry and What we have to keep in mind is the they come from and how they practice their The sequence of events – watching my
The lesson was obvious. Perception of Isra- declare that what was, will no longer be. All objective of the protesters against Israel and religion. daughter become an IDF officer and then
el and its power is important, not just for Israelis have been moved to see how Jews the threat it poses to Jews. They want people When Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, visiting Nir Oz, makes it clear what this
the country’s efforts to deter its enemies, from around the world have stood up to to be afraid to speak up, to appear in public for example, praised Diaspora Jewry this country is about and what it is fighting for.
but also for how it is perceived by fellow assist Israel during this difficult time. There in support of Israel and to proudly identi- week for donating over $1 billion to Israel When the hundreds of soldiers stood
Jews around the world. When the country is are those who donated money, others who fy as Jews. They want Jews to be afraid, to Bonds, he wrote that “Diaspora Jews and the on the parade ground at the Bahad 1 near
perceived as strong and successful, Jews rally have come here on solidarity missions to removed mezuzot from their front doors like people of Israel stand together in the battle Mitzpe Ramon and took upon themselves
behind it and decide to tie their fate to it. volunteer, and even more who have lined in Paris and to remove their kippot (skull- for the victory of light over darkness.” the mantle of command in the IDF, they do
When, after the Yom Kippur War, Israel was the streets of New York, London, Sydney, caps) or any other Jewish markings. While that sounds nice in a tweet, Smo- not have to wonder what they will be asked
perceived as vulnerable, weak, and failing, and Paris, with posters of the hostages and The explosion in antisemitism shows just trich needs to back that up with practi- to do. This country is at war, and these youth
the number of people who wanted to be Israeli flags, at rallies in support of Israel’s how intertwined the fate of Jews around the cal steps. Over the last decade, his party are our inspiration.
connected to here fell. battle to defeat Hamas. globe is to Israel, whether they support or members have been some of the most vocal As a parent, as an Israeli, and as a Jew I
And this is an important lesson today as care about what is happening here or not. opponents to allowing Diaspora Jews to pray could not be prouder.
Israel’s war against Hamas continues in the THEY HAVE done so despite the explosion They are immediately blamed for the IDF the way they want at the Western Wall, to The writer is a senior fellow at the Jewish
Gaza Strip. On the surface, in wake of the of antisemitism and the risk that it now action and, as a result, Israel cannot ignore convert to Judaism the way they want and People Policy Institute and the immediate past
attacks on October 7, Israel is creating a new poses to the future of American, British, the Diaspora plight. to simply believe in what they want. If we editor-in-chief of The Jerusalem Post.

Diaspora Jews are also at war Harvard’s bankruptcy

Antisemitism is spiraling out of control • By YEDIDIA STERN

• By REVITAL YAKIN KRAKOVSKY arvard University’s coat of
arms, essentially its logo,

ours after Hamas’ terror attack on the State of depicts three open books
Israel, the attack on the Jews of the Diaspora with the Latin word “veritas” (Latin
began. Hundreds of thousands of pro-Pales- for “truth”) written across them. Yale
tinians took to the streets with the message that the University, its chief competitor, also
State of Israel is a murderous state that has no right has an interesting coat of arms: an
to exist. Swastikas returned to the demonstrations open book with the Hebrew words
and took us eighty-five years to the Kristallnacht “Urim v’Thummim” inscribed upon
pogrom marked yesterday on November 9. On it. Yale scholars have interpreted
that date, November 9, 1938, a mob that had been these words as “light and truth.”
brainwashed for years under the Nazi propaganda What remains of the pursuit of
machine took to the streets and murdered 91 Jews, “truth” on these campuses today?
burned and smashed 1,400 synagogues and Jewish Jewish students at Harvard are
businesses throughout Germany, Austria, and parts forced to conceal their Jewishness:
of Czechoslovakia. THE OCTOBER 7 massacre carried out by Hamas has They are harassed, insulted, and spit
This year, the anniversary of Kristallnacht comes flooded Holocaust survivors with painful childhood upon, and there have been reports of
memories, says the writer.
in chilling proximity to the thirty-day anniversary physical attacks on Jewish students
of the Hamas massacre – the pogrom in the south of
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post)
on the campus pathways; the iden- GRADUATING STUDENTS hold up a sign that reads ‘Justice for Palestine’
Israel. Then and now, Jews were defenseless against tity of the attackers remains unclear. during Harvard University commencement exercises, in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, in May 2022. (Brian Snyder/Reuters)
the enemy who came to destroy them. There are ment agencies against those who riot against Jews, On the steps of Harvard’s iconic Wid-
many differences between the two pogroms, but the deface homes, and those who sow fear among Jews ener Library, a temple of knowledge
motivation for exterminating the Jews is the same. on the streets and on campuses. The normalization and American culture, placards were I remember different times: My wife of course) to the world between Bos-
Since the massacre, I have spoken with a number of calls to destroy the State of Israel must stop now hoisted emblazoned with the slogan: and her friends built a glorious Suk- ton’s Charles River and the Hudson
of Holocaust survivors around the world. These before it is too late. “Intifada, intifada, from the river to kah in the center of the campus, and River in New York.
heroes travel each year – some have attended for We are one step away from significant harm to the sea, Palestine will be free.” This everyone, Jews and non-Jews, flocked And today? It seems that Harvard,
the past two or three decades – to the March of Jews. The moment when a grenade will be thrown is a clear and unequivocal call for the to it. At their request, the univer- along with a significant number of
the Living in Auschwitz-Birkenau, accompanied at a synagogue or when someone will shoot stu- annihilation of the State of Israel – sity agreed that its commencement campuses on both the East and West
by thousands of youth from around the world, dents on their way to synagogue is not far off. One all of it. The issue is not “occupation” ceremonies, the most momentous Coasts, no longer extols human rights
Jews and non-Jews, to show them what happens Jew was beaten to death in the United States when or “human rights,” but a fundamen- day in the lives of many, would not (unless you are deemed by the trend
when antisemitism is rampant, and no one does he defended the State of Israel holding an Israeli tal opposition to the right of Jews to take place on the Shavuot holiday so setters to belong to an “oppressed
anything. flag, and a Jewish woman was stabbed in her home have a national home. that observant Jews could attend. On group”). Harvard’s face wears a thick
The Holocaust survivors I spoke to are heart- in Lyon. We cannot close our eyes to this. This is And what is the response of the Yom Kippur, due to the great demand layer of makeup: It has a special office
broken. The massacre flooded them with painful not a horror scenario detached from reality but is a president of the world’s most ven- of Jewish students to participate in dedicated to promoting “equity,
childhood memories. But more than that, they real threat. It has already happened. It happened in erable university to this blatant prayer services, the campus syna- diversity, inclusion, and belonging”
are afraid. Some are afraid to leave their homes. the synagogue in Halle in Germany, in 2019 and in antisemitism? “Harvard is commit- gogue, Beit Hillel, was too cramped to on campus. But if you are Jewish, as it
Some are afraid for their families, “They mark us,” Pittsburgh the year before. We already understood ted to preserving freedom of expres- accommodate them all. So, a spacious turns out, you don’t “belong.”
a Holocaust survivor from Europe told me. Another that we cannot rely on the empty promise of ‘Never sion.” lecture hall at the Law School hosted
survivor from the United States said to me that Again’ – not then and certainly not today. After some criticism, the president the Conservative community’s ser- I DREAD to think about the nature
Jews had never been attacked with such intensity Israelis and Jews around the world are going attempted to balance her response vice, and Memorial Church in the of American leadership in the next
since the Holocaust, and a Holocaust survivor from through difficult days, the toughest in recent somewhat with tepid, unsatisfactory center of Harvard Yard – how strange generation. Barack Obama was
Canada begged me to “fight antisemitism before decades. In the midst of shared grief and fear, there rhetoric. for us Israelis – hosted the Reform ser- president and editor of the Harvard
it’s too late.” is shared comfort. During the past two weeks, at the This is disgraceful hypocrisy. In vice. The church became a synagogue Law Review, the best of its kind in
They’re not alone. A wave of terror is sweeping initiative of the Ministry of Diaspora Affairs, delega- the United States, there is a rank- for a day. Today, Jewish students hide the world. From there he went on
Diaspora Jewish communities in response to their tions of the families of the victims of the massacre ing of the preservation of freedom their identity: kippot, mezuzot, and to become president of the United
support for Israel. This is nothing new. Every time and the families of the abductees have embarked on of expression in colleges. Harvard, Stars of David have become danger- States and leader of the free world.
Israel acts to defend itself, the “quiet” antisemi- a public information campaign around the world. which is ranked first academically, ous in Boston 2023. The current editor of that same Law
tism that is constantly on the ground erupts in They traveled to London, Rome, Brussels, the Unit- is, shamefully, in 254th place among During my tenure as dean of a Review was seen last week, together
monstrous proportions. It has become normalized. ed States, and Canada and received a huge embrace American universities in terms of Faculty of Law in Israel, I awarded with a group of students, blocking
We have become accustomed to calls to destroy from Diaspora Jews. Hundreds greeted them with freedom of expression on campus. subsistence scholarships to dozens the path of a student on campus,
the State of Israel in the streets and seeing people Israeli flags at airports, and thousands showed up Unrelated to us, the Jews, Harvard of outstanding Israeli students to forcibly waving a keffiyeh in his face
holding signs bearing the symbol of the regime that for demonstrations of support. Galit Goren, the has long betrayed its commitment pursue their master’s and doctorate while taunting him with insulting
exterminated six million Jews. aunt of Tiferet Lapidot, of blessed memory, who to “truth” by suppressing voices con- degrees in law at elite universities in and racist chants, just because he is
Nevertheless, there are points of light opposite was murdered at the Supernova Festival in Kibbutz sidered politically incorrect more the United States. Many of them are Jewish. It appears that antisemitism
the enormous darkness and the wave of hatred Re’im, told me how much the embrace she received than almost any other US campus. now serving as professors in Israeli is no longer the exclusive domain of
sweeping through Europe and the United States. from Canadian Jews encouraged and strengthened This is no coincidence; Harvard universities. At the time, I believed ignorant rednecks in the back rows.
Austrian Chancellor Karl Nehammer declared that her. And she’s not alone, as other participants said excels in everything. that alongside the excellent pro- Harvard University, as an institution,
the call ‘Palestine will be liberated from the Jordan the same. However, when 34 student orga- fessional education these students is very far from antisemitic, but the
River to the sea’ would be considered incitement to The cliché of ‘we are one people’ has become a nizations placed all blame for the would receive, they would also be cowardly conduct of its current lead-
murder and would be a criminal offense. German reality. Monise Neumann’s pain in Los Angeles is Hamas massacre squarely on the exposed to, and internalize, the ership may very well normalize it.
Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced a sweeping ban the same as Galit Goren’s pain in Israel. The lives shoulders of the State of Israel, the commitment to liberal values and Harvard is richly endowed with
on Hamas activity in the country and said regard- of Diaspora Jews also came to a halt on October 7. university administration decided to the discourse of human rights. As assets exceeding 50 billion dollars
ing the antisemitism that has raised its head in Ger- They, too, are at war. sanctify freedom of speech at the a Religious Zionist yeshiva student (2.5 times the annual education
many: “In times like these, it should be very clear: The cry of world Jewry, including Israelis, must expense of the truth. Can a worse who was beneficially influenced by budget of the State of Israel). Never-
antisemitism cannot be tolerated in any way. The be heard. Jewish blood is not free for the taking, “double standard” be imagined? the education I received at Harvard, theless, it is in serious risk of bank-
antisemitism we see at the demonstrations requires and Israel’s allies around the world, who have come I wanted to enable others, promis- ruptcy. A moral bankruptcy. Will it
a tough political response. There is no place for here and demonstrated unwavering support for I EARNED my advanced degrees at ing young women and men, to have wake up?
antisemitism in Germany.” Israel’s right to defend itself, should be concerned Harvard, as did my wife and others similar opportunities. I thought The writer is president of the Jewish
These responses are welcome but are not enough. about the security of Jews in their country. in the family. There, on that amazing that those who grew up between People Policy Institute (JPPI) and holds
What is needed is a more aggressive and harsh The writer is deputy CEO of the International March campus, my wife and I first met, and Israel’s Yarkon and Kishon Rivers a doctoral degree from Harvard Law
response by Western governments and law enforce- of the Living. there our first daughter was born. should also be exposed (not only, School.
20 OBSERVATIONS F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

What do we tell our kids?

As global antisemitism surges, parents struggle to advise their children
faced such a dilemma. Her child lives in stu- of this, including one that hit the headlines
dent accommodation on campus. One of his from my alma mater, Leeds University. Can
• By ANDREA SAMUELS neighbors put up a Palestinian flag, which anyone in the current circumstances sensi-
made him feel uncomfortable, nevertheless, bly argue that these types of incidents will
he thought it would be a good idea to put up not grow in frequency? Further, does anyone

he Hamas atrocities of October 7 an Israeli flag in response. When he asked his really believe that this will remain restricted
brought the IDF into sharp focus mother for advice, she was torn. to universities and not spread into the work-
for the entire nation and Jews across What would your advice be? Keep your place?
the globe, as tens of thousands of reserv- head down and don’t cause a scene, or go for
ists were called up, while those who were it – be proud to support Israel – knowing that POTENTIAL EMPLOYERS present similar
already in active service were mobilized your child may be on the receiving end of ver- issues. Will parents feel compelled to advise
for the difficult, dangerous, and crucial battle bal, or even physical abuse, as a result. their children to craft their CV carefully in
that lay ahead – Operation Swords of Iron. order not to reveal anything that might stir
Israel was forever altered on that day when SIMILAR ISSUES will doubtless have to be antisemitic sentiment and result in rejection,
thousands were injured, hundreds were kid- addressed when considering which universi- whereas omission might produce the oppo-
napped into Gaza, and over 1,200 were mur- ties to apply to in the first place. In my day, it site result?
dered. was easy. Although a couple of universities in And having secured the job, what of the
Tragically, the death toll arising from the Britain were not particularly “Jew-friendly,” working atmosphere in the office or work-
ground operation continues to rise. We check back in the late ’80s, most welcomed Jewish place? Of course, ultimately, it’s up to our
the news with dread each hour, fervently students. children to make those decisions for them-
hoping that it won’t contain announcements Alarmingly, nowadays, some universities in selves, but it’s hard for parents to have to
of more fallen soldiers. Britain are considered off-limits for Jews, such watch them go through this.
And yet, despite our ongoing torment and is the level of antisemitism, not just among We all control what personal information
heartbreak, which is far from over, I – and the students, but the staff too, who in some we give out when chatting with colleagues.
many others like me, who made aliyah when cases are even more of a threat. Even those In order to ensure a quiet life at work, do you
their children were younger, knowing that institutions which had previously been safe conceal the fact that you are Jewish? If you’re
one day, they would be called upon to serve havens for Jews in the past are less so now. going on holiday to Israel, should you men-
their country – don’t regret making Israel my And then there are the problems that Jew- tion it or simply lie and say you’re going to
home. ish students face when actually applying for a Spain, for example?
While it’s extremely tough to have a child place at university. In order to avoid potential If, having decided that the course of least THE WRITER visits her alma mater, Leeds University, where life for Jewish students is
in the army, especially at a time like this, my becoming increasingly difficult. (Jeff Samuels)
discrimination, does one omit references to resistance is to keep schtum, what happens
heart still goes out to all of my old friends in anything Jewish – and Israel? A gap year in when the office banter is mocking Jewish
Britain, whose children are facing a battle of a Israel? Never happened. Summer spent vol- victims of October 7 or replete with talk of to me by friends in Britain since October 7: comes to an end. The idea that this will all
different kind: antisemitism. unteering on a kibbutz? Not me. You get the Palestinian resistance? What then? Do you In Manchester, for example, a certain taxi blow over is misguided. It’s here to stay. This
The antisemitic genie, now truly out of flavor. keep your head down? Do you join in? firm has fallen out of favor with the Jewish is now the new normal in Britain and it’s only
the bottle, is not going to go back in and the Antisemitism, thinly veiled as anti-Israel Or is that the moment when you speak out community there, as the drivers are known to going to get worse.
issues that arise are only going to become sentiment, is something that has already and risk isolation in the office or even losing make their Jewish clients feel uncomfortable Just as we fear for the safety of our young
more acute and intense as time goes on. begun to blight academic life in recent years. your job? with antisemitic remarks. soldiers here in Israel, the fear among Jews
It seems to me that one of the difficulties There have been instances where universi- Even if there’s no office banter to contend Many have started to hide items that give in the Diaspora for the younger generation
for my British contemporaries, which I don’t ty professors, consumed by their singularly with, what happens when you’re scrolling away their identities, such as the Magen is very real too, due to the rise in antisemi-
face, is what advice to give to their children unhealthy obsession with the one Jewish through social media to find the person who David (Star of David) necklace and kippa tism.
when dealing with such problems on a direct, state, have made life for their Jewish students sits next to you has added “free Palestine” to (skullcap) which is either removed or cov- While the anxiety that goes hand in hand
personal, and immediate level. extremely uncomfortable. their bio? Do you say something? Carry on ered with a baseball cap when out of the with living in Israel – namely, having children
The balance between encouraging your The very real problem for these students going to Starbucks together? Or slowly detach house. Some have even gone to the lengths in the army – can be paralyzing at times, the
children to be proud of their Jewish identi- is that standing up for themselves and their yourself, hoping no questions are asked. of removing their mezuzot from their front fact that I, and more importantly, they, don’t
ty, while remaining safe, is now something beliefs in such circumstances could lead to If you think this is fanciful, only this week, doors so passersby and delivery drivers won’t have to hide the very essence of their being,
which all Jewish parents in the Diaspora must poor grades and limit their job prospects. a Jewish journalist from The Guardian blew know that Jews live there. And of course, it their Jewishness, makes it easier to bear.
wrestle with. Knowing this, should they keep quiet to max- the whistle (anonymously) detailing all this won’t stop there. The writer is a former lawyer from Manchester,
For example, a friend in London, who imize their chances of success? and more. It is difficult to see how these are mere tem- England. She now lives in Israel where she works
prefers to remain anonymous, has recently There have already been isolated examples Other troubling things have been related porary expedients until the current conflict at The Jerusalem Post.

Why is it so hard to be a Jew? Guns and governance

• By JONATHAN LIEBERMAN Arming civilians while maintaining law and order
y article in last week’s Jerusa-

• By RUTH WASSERMAN LANDE icant number of officers and personnel is needed
lem Post, in which I suggested than that which currently exists in the Firearms

that the Golden Era for Brit- nce upon a time, before October 7, I Division of the ministry of National Security and in
ish Jewry was over and it was time for thought that allowing civilians to buy and the Israeli National Police forces.
them to consider their future, seems own guns was definitely not a desirable Much has been written about the severe shortage
to have hit a nerve. step. There are many cases in which such a weapon of police forces in the country. During Operation
I have had literally hundreds of could be used to harm innocent people, lead to the Guardian of the Walls in May 2021, when the streets
responses, most of them agreeing with murder of women suffering domestic violence, cause ignited in the mixed Arab-Jewish cities and then
the sentiments expressed. Jews from the unnecessary bullet discharges, and more. The reality beyond, the lack of police officers was evident. Too
US, Canada, France, Belgium, and South practiced in the US – where any person, provided he/ little was done following those events to change
Africa also said that the same phenome- she does not have a criminal record, is allowed to pur- the situation. In order to shorten the time frame
non of ugly antisemitism was rife in their chase firearms – is certainly a worthy example of the for integrating police officers into the police force,
countries too. grim reality that may arise when someone’s unstable the training of police officers was shortened to mere
But there were two responses in par- mental state and/or murderous ideology could lead weeks, which does not allow for proper training at
ticular which made me sit up and think to the murder of innocent civilians. all, and the criteria for accepting new police officers
deeply about their implication. However, following October 7 and the atrocities became less strict.
The first was from a man, named perpetrated that day against unarmed and harm- This “band-aid” solution is faulty and far from
Chaim in his late thirties in the UK who less civilians, including gang rapes, beheadings, sufficient. A national and strategic plan is needed
I have known from the day he was born, murders, carnage, and massacre, my worldview to strengthen the policing mechanisms in the
who has himself suffered significant ver- has changed. Not only have I asked for a personal country, including raising the salaries of police
bal antisemitic abuse since the latest war license for owning and carrying a firearm, but I officers, who clearly risk their lives for the pro-
broke out. also practice, methodically, at the range, in order to tection of Israeli civilians – a fact that became
He agreed with me that it was time to make sure that I become very skilled at using it, if abundantly clear during the recent horrific attacks
leave Britain, but “Where should I go?” A NEW immigrant kisses the ground upon his arrival at Ben-Gurion Airport. necessary. Furthermore, I welcome the plan led by in the South. The criteria for accepting police
he asked, before continuing, “I’m really Come home to the one place that unequivocally welcomes Jews, says the writer. the ministry of National Security for the establish- officers into the ranks of the organization must be
not sure about Israel, I’m not sure it’s for ment of an orderly and wide array of armed local maintained and become even stricter, rather than
me – where else can I consider?”. emergency units, whose civilian members under- softer, in order to preserve the level and quality of
This response shook me a little because millennia-old question has plagued our being different can be tough, it is also go professional training in order to protect cities, those who protect the citizens. It is also import-
I couldn’t answer him. people since the first Jew trod the earth. a privilege, a responsibility, a charac- towns, and villages across the country. ant to allocate a budget for their enrichment and
The fact is, unpalatable as it is, nobody The term Ivri or Hebrew, attributed to ter-building, strength-inducing life expe- The State of Israel has an excellent army, one of training including additional courses, as well as
wants us. our Patriarch Avraham, originates from rience, which gives deep meaning to the best in the Western world. Any thoughts to the creative and out-of-the-ordinary tools with which
This is the same phenomenon that the idea that he stood apart from the existence on this earth. contrary, which may have arisen before the horrif- to perform their work, due to the extraordinary
occurred before and during the Second world, recognizing the One God amid When you are different for a reason ic events of the past month, have vanished given challenges facing Israelis. Police officers must be
World War – many countries closed widespread polytheism. – because you have a faith, a history, a the courage, determination, wisdom, and fighting tasked not only with protecting, but also with
their doors to Jewish refugees fleeing From then on, it has been the Jew’s people to be part of, and a rich culture to spirit currently seen on the battlefield in Gaza. enforcing the law in a non-aggressive manner on
the Nazis, while others had strict quotas destiny to be “different” from the rest of cling to, then it is no longer being differ- And that is coupled with a unique characteristic the one hand, while at the same time, in a manner
and very harsh criteria to fulfill before the world. ent – it is being unique. shared by no other army in the world - humanitar- completely unforgiving of any violence.
being allowed in – and we know how And that is the answer to the question The more the world rails against us, the ianism, despite the unforgiving and often hypo-
that ended. – it is hard to be a Jew because we are more we are seen as different, and the critical criticism seen in the foreign press. THIS, UNFORTUNATELY, was not been the case
Only this time it is different, because different and being different is a hard- more our resolve to be special surfaces. Nonetheless, despite these exceptional qualities, before October 7, due to a lack of manpower, a lack
this time, we have somewhere to go. We ship, a burden, an opportunity for others Never is that clearer than today. neither the IDF nor the Israel Police forces can of funding, as well as a too-tolerant culture. From
have “Home” – The State of Israel which to treat us as scapegoats for the world’s provide an individual response to each citizen now on, it is key that the policy of zero tolerance
passed the Hok Ha-Shvut (The Law of problems. DESPITE THE very welcome support in real time in the face of the challenges we face towards any kind of incitement – on social net-
Return) on Theodore Herzl’s birthday, When you stand out from the crowd, from the leaders of many Western coun- – at least not in the first and critical minutes of a works, in houses of worship, and more– which the
July 5, 1950. you are under intense scrutiny and your tries, we know full well that we are dif- potential attack. Hence, responsible handling of police began to enforce after October 7, will indeed
The criteria applied were, with a deli- every action is pored over and analyzed. ferent. As Jews, we are seen as different, private weapons, along with appropriate training, continue. It is just as important to make sure that
cious but tragic irony, those used by the When you are different as a kid, you are and as Israelis, we are held to different is inevitably needed for self-defense and for the violence of any kind is treated with severity, wheth-
Nazis: anyone with one or more Jew- the subject of bullying and teasing, or standards. But that shouldn’t faze us, it protection of our children. er in schools, on the roads, or anywhere else.
ish grandparents and their spouses were worse. should spur us on, encourage us, and Furthermore, there must be a proactive, system-
given the right to come to Israel and As an adolescent, If you don’t fit in strengthen our resolve to continue to ONE OF the things we learned following the atroc- atic and uncompromising national effort to collect
acquire Israeli citizenship. with the milieu, you may be ostracized, be different and to be true to that very ities perpetrated on October 7 is that there is no all illegal weapons from criminals, given the fact
From that moment on, we, the Jews of and excluded. In adult life, being differ- difference that defines us. geographical area in the country that justifies the that over the last few years, tens of thousands of
the world knew, and know now, that we ent can lead to fewer opportunities at We are part of a nation stretching back title “geographic periphery.” The country is small, them have been being held mostly by Arab-Israeli
have a Home. work or in social scenarios. to that very first Ivri, Avraham, the con- and the locations for potentially hostile activity citizens. Until now, the criminals among them
As Robert Frost, the American Poet, All of these negative feelings and con- trarian Hebrew. He stood alone, unwav- are many. Thus, the widespread creation of the have used their weapons mainly against other Arab
wrote as early as 1914: “Home is the place notations around being different have ering in his convictions, and his legacy is aforementioned civilian emergency units – not citizens – a serious and horrid phenomenon in and
where, when you have to go there, they applied to the Jews for over 2,000 years. one of courage and determination. solely in the South or the North, but throughout within itself. However, these weapons could one
have to take you in.” So, Chaim, my Jews have, at various times in history, That history, replete with its spectacu- the entire country – is important and appropriate. day be used against Jewish citizens out of national-
dear friend, where should you go? Come tried not to be different, to blend in, lar successes and heartbreaking failures; Also important is the fact that the entire operation istic or ideological considerations or simply because
Home to the one place that unequivocal- to assimilate, only to have the door its times of profound joy and its times is overseen and under the overall command of the a foreign role-player, with completely foreign inter-
ly welcomes Jews. of acceptance slammed in their faces, of unimaginable tragedy; that knowl- National Police and that there is, and will contin- ests – for instance, Iran – would be willing to pay
because at the end of the day, you’re a edge that, “YES! We are different – and ue to be, a well-controlled oversight mechanism. generously for such violence.
AND THIS brings me to the next response Jew, like it or not. proud of it!” This is the response to the Moreover, there is a need to continue to make sure In conclusion, given the current complex reality,
which stopped me in my tracks. This was The assimilated, cultured German question. that all firearm carriers undergo regular profession- Israel must allow and even encourage the arming of
from the very intelligent and insightful Jews ended up in the same place as the Yes, sometimes it can be hard to be a al training, in order to preserve their abilities and citizens, but, at the same time, invest careful thought,
editor of this column. conspicuously distinct shtetl Jews from Jew, but always it is a privilege. We must repeat the safety instructions relevant to the issue. planning, and execution to the confiscation of illegal
She complimented me on my article Poland and Lithuania. A Jew is a Jew, never lose sight of that, because if we do, Yet, most important is the issue of enforcement; weapons and make the strict law enforcement that
(which was nice!) and then asked, “Why regardless of the attempts to blend in. So the world will remind us pretty quickly. that is, the constant control over weapon carriers began the day after October 7 permanent policy.
is it so hard to be a Jew?” it has been our lot throughout history to The writer, a rabbi, lives in Ramat Poleg, – their conduct, compliance with the conditions, The writer is a former MK from the Blue and White
Of course, she was not the first Jew in be different and, yes, to suffer for it. Netanya, and is a co-founder of Techelet – and prevention and arrest if they violate any of the party, a former adviser to president Shimon Peres, and
the world to express this sentiment. This But that’s not the whole story: While Inspiring Judaism. procedures. For this purpose, a much more signif- past deputy ambassador in Cairo.
T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 OBSERVATIONS 21

Don’t you dare!

Israeli leaders have no mandate to scale back the assault on Hamas
deepest desire – and, in retrospect, I guess so that others will have to die in yet another
KNOW COMMENT his ultimate task in life – was to fight for the war in two or five years’ time. The price that
• By DAVID M. WEINBERG freedom and safety of the Jewish People in Israeli society has paid since that evil, horrible
the Land of Israel. day of massacres on October 7, Simchat Torah
5784, is intolerable. No more!

ressures on Israel from Washing- YONADAV’S ELDEST brother, Elnatan, a “Therefore, I call from here upon the prime
ton and other Western capitals are prominent lawyer and rising community fig- minister, the minister of defense, other gov-
mounting to curtail the campaign to ure, is a fighter for the Jewish People too, hav- ernment ministers and decision-makers:
destroy Hamas, because of the humanitar- ing served in an elite, secret commando unit Don’t you dare stop! Don’t you dare hesitate!
ian toll in Gaza. on Israel’s southern border, and this month Don’t you dare fold!
Israeli government leaders must resist these in an elite reserve unit on the northern bor- “Don’t you dare allow even one drop of
pressures with all their might. They must der. I see Elnatan and his cohort as the next fuel into accursed Gaza until the rats, the
persist in pounding Hamas-ISIS to smither- generation of Israel’s leaders, a new genera- evil terrorists of Hamas-ISIS, those who mur-
eens until every last Hamas commander is tion of principled and wise leaders whom this der Jewish babies and rape little Jewish girls,
dead, every last Hamas terror attack tunnel is country desperately needs. those who rain rockets down upon all Israelis
destroyed, and every last Hamas missile bun- Elnatan was laying in ambush against Hez- without discrimination – until they come out
ker is obliterated. bollah when he was called offline to travel of their rat holes and are eliminated. Don’t
That is the only justification for the ten- home for Yonadav’s funeral on Mount Herzl you dare!
ure of this government; that is its promise in Jerusalem. Standing over the fresh gravesite “It is the obligation of the government of
to Israeli society. That is the only way Israel of his youngest brother, Elnatan gave majestic Israel to ensure that every Israeli can live in
can restore basic security to a battered and voice to the defiant demand that the Israeli quiet, peace, and security without fearing
traumatized public, the only way Israelis will government stand firm in pursuing the war that terrorists will overrun their homes or fire
return to their homes in the Negev and the goals without flinching. This is what he said: missiles at them.
Galilee. “Yonadav, you were intimately familiar “David Ben-Gurion once said that ‘Our
It is the only way Israel can restore some with our people’s history. You loved this future is not dependent on what the goyim,
of its deterrent posture and survive in the YONADAV LEVENSTEIN is one of the more than 30 brave warriors, pressed into military country with all your heart. You built your- the nations of the world, say, but on what
predatory Middle East. It is the only way Israel service to defend their country, whom Israel has buried over the past 10 days.
self up and fought to be accepted as a warrior the Jews do.’ And now is the time to do, to
(Levenstein family)
stands a chance of pushing back against rad- in the Givati reconnaissance unit, where you act decisively. We did not want to lose in bat-
ical Islam’s attempt to strangulate Israel and excelled. tle Yonadav or any of our brave young men
achieve regional hegemony. Israeli leaders have no mandate from the avenge his death. Yonadav was a physical “Alas, now you too are part of our history; and women. But this war has been forced
The war cannot and must not end until Israeli public to call off or scale back the giant (known as the “Viking” of the Giva- part of a bloody war that is a historical turn- upon Israel, and we must finish it once and
Israel has achieved its legitimate military assault on Hamas. Should they do so, under ti brigade’s elite reconnaissance unit) and a ing point. A tough but necessary war. A war for all.
objectives in full, with no fudging, no obfus- pressure from well-meaning and fickle allies singer-scholar of a soul. He fought heroically for the future of our people in our land. A war “I say to our government: The People of
cations, and no hesitations. Israel cannot tol- alike, Israelis will explode in anger, assuredly in Nahal Oz on October 7-8, and then in that should have been over a long time ago, Israel stand firmly behind you for this pur-
erate ceasefires along the way – no truces, no filling the streets of every city in this country Jabalya and Shati in Gaza before being felled a war that your generation should not have pose, putting aside all internal disagreements.
armistices, no fall backs, no restrictions on with millions of protesters demanding that by Palestinian barbarians who popped out of had to fight. We, our family, already have paid the highest
its use of (overwhelming and simultaneously the war against Hamas be fully prosecuted. a terrorist attack tunnel. “In Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, I price in grief. Our lives will never be the same.
precise) force – until total victory is achieved. Compromise with Hamas would be defeat. Just two months ago, I danced with him at and my army unit, along with the entire IDF, Now you must finish the job, for us, for the
Complete capitulation or annihilation of Bending to US President Biden (who, it must his wedding to the delicate Hadar Karavani, were trained and ready to complete the task. fallen soldiers, for our people, for the sake of
Hamas is the goal, nothing less. No more be acknowledged, thus far has been rock solid singing together about happiness and joy in We had detailed battle plans and received future generations.
Hamas in Gaza, or in Judea and Samaria (the in his backing of Israel) would be considered the streets of Jerusalem. clear instructions – only to have these plans “And if you are not up to the task, if you
West Bank). No more Hamas terrorists alive collapse. Yonadav was the youngest son of my closest and orders canceled repeatedly at the last don’t have the guts to win the war – stand
elsewhere in the world either. They all must friends, Leora and Dr. Michael (Mordechai) moment. And over the years since then, aside, vacate your seats at the cabinet table,
be hunted down and eliminated. OVER THE past 10 days, Israel has buried Levenstein of Ma’aleh Adumim, who, like there were other opportunities (to crush the so that others, better leaders, can take your
In the history of modern warfare, there is more than 30 brave warriors – fine and fear- me, made aliyah from Canada many decades enemy) that were not taken. place.”
no more justified military campaign than this less young men pressed into military service ago. Tragically, Michael died of cancer three “And now, you, little Yonadav, the baby of The writer is senior fellow at the Misgav Insti-
one. And only such a campaign to absolutely to defend their country, many of them with years ago. our family, were forced to fight this fight on tute for National Security & Zionist Strategy. The
end the Hamas threat to Israel justifies the tender wives and beautiful, little, now-or- Michael’s last request, pressed on me the behalf of us all. views expressed here are his own. His diplomatic,
heavy losses that Israel already has suffered phaned children. night before he passed away, was to assist “This war must be Israel’s last war! Other- defense, political, and Jewish world columns over
and the pain of what almost certainly will be One of them was my beloved young friend Yonadav in his wish to serve in a frontline IDF wise, the price is too high. Yonadav, you and the past 27 years are at
further losses. Yonadav Levenstein, may the Heavens combat unit. Michael knew that Yonadav’s your comrades-in-arms did not die in battle

Recognizing Druze inclusion and sacrifice


n addition to the letter that he sent to Prime Min-
ister Benjamin Netanyahu requesting that the
Nation-State Law be revised to ensure equality for
Israel’s minority populations, Druze leader Sheikh
Mowafak Tareef also raised the issue in person with
President Isaac Herzog when the latter paid a con-
dolence call on the families of two Druze officers who
fell in battle. Lt. Col. Salman Habak, who was among
the first to fight Hamas terrorists on October 7, and lat-
er moved with his forces to Northern Gaza, where he
was killed; and Lt. Col. Alim Saad who was killed in
battle along the Lebanese border.
Both men were married residents of Yanuh-Jat, and
left behind widows and young orphaned children.
Each was known for being an inspiring commander,
who cared for his men, and who was staunchly patri-
otic. The Druze are very circumspect about making
their traditions public, but one thing that is known is
that they have a rule about fierce loyalty to their host
This has created a degree of family friction between
Israeli Druze and their relatives in Syria, although they
do communicate, and wave to each other from safe
distances. Following Habak’s death, his relatives and
friends disclosed how angry he had been at the enact-
ment of the Nation-State Law which causes the Druze
community to feel excluded, despite the fact that they
have given so much to Israel’s security and defense, as
well as to diplomacy, politics, and journalism.
Herzog told the grieving families and members of
the Druze community in general, that he had come in
the name of the whole nation of Israel to try to com-
fort the families in their sorrow.

■ FOR THE past 126 years, the masthead of the New

York Times has carried the slogan “All the news that’s
fit to print.”
Devised by the paper’s former owner Adolph Ochs, it
is of course an idle boast in that no newspaper is large
enough to publish all the news that’s fit to print, and PRESIDENT ISAAC HERZOG pays a condolence call to the Druze community. (Courtesy President’s Spokesman’s Office)
editors of every newspaper are selective in what they
consider to be news. starved, beaten, experimented on, and humiliated. under the guidance of the owner of the farm. A week were postponed for several months, and her appoint-
Since the advent of the internet, readers have been Whoever launched this memorial chain wrote: later, they picked and packed cherry tomatoes. Bar ment did not immediately take effect. But that did not
exposed to a much wider selection of both genuine “Now, more than ever, with Iran, among others, claim- Hilel intends to take four lawyers to the south every deter her. When an invitation came to be the keynote
and fake news, so many people who are neither profes- ing the Holocaust to be a myth, it is imperative to week to help the farmers. speaker at the Texas Association of Business (TAB) on
sional reporters nor editors have become de facto jour- make sure the world never forgets. This was not his first foray into agriculture. When December 7, she replied in the affirmative, adding yet
nalists choosing items that interest them to forward “How many years will it be before the attack on the he graduated High School, he joined the Nahal Bri- another link in the chain of Israel-America coopera-
to followers of the various social media platforms on World Trade Center ‘NEVER HAPPENED’ because it gade, and spent three months on Kibbutz Ein Tzurim tion.
which they have accounts. offends some Muslims in the United States? If our picking cotton. He realized that this was not what he “Fleur is instrumental in implementing the Abraham
The amount of news moving across countries and Judeo-Christian heritage is offensive to Muslims, they wanted in life and went back to the army full time, Accords, which have changed the course of the Middle
continents is mind-boggling and has been given addi- should pack up and move to Iran, Iraq, or some other completed an officers course, and served in the Six Day East,” said TAB CEO Glenn Hamer. “The Deputy
tional impact through Zoom meetings and podcasts, Muslim country. War, the Yom Kippur War, and later in Lebanon. Mayor is a mastermind, not only in public policy, but
both of which are used extensively to broadcast Israel’s “We must wake up America, England, Australia, and Like the farmers, he is currently short-staffed, in innovation and communications. We are honored
message to the world. Europe before it’s too late!” because one of the lawyers in his office is serving in to have her speak at the TAB Policy Conference.”
Someone who has been extensively engaged in the army. But Bar Hillel believes that the needs of the “Texas and Israel are bound by economic and cul-
doing this is Atlanta-born educator and public speaker ■ A HUGE number of people have responded to farmers are more important than his own. tural ties. Following attacks from Hamas, TAB came
Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel, who is a Sgt. Major in the IDF the call by farmers to come and pick and pack fruit out in strong support of Israel and maintains that
reserve forces Givati Infantry Brigade. and vegetables. Among those who answered the call ■ IN SEPTEMBER of this year, Jerusalem Deputy peace is vital to a country’s ability to flourish eco-
Now his mother Lynn Gimpel is also disseminat- is Jerusalem lawyer Isachar Bar Hillel, 76, who Mayor Fleur Hassan-Nahoum was appointed by the nomically,” said TAB Board Chairman Massey Vil-
ing information and has forwarded an article written says “I’m too old to be a soldier, but I wanted to do Ministry of Foreign Affairs as Israel’s special envoy for larreal. “We look forward to hearing how we can
more than a decade ago by Sebastian Vilar Rodri- something to help.” In particular, he wanted to help innovation. The Ministry was impressed by what she further strengthen ties between the Start-Up Nation
guez and published in a Spanish newspaper in Janu- farmers near Gaza, because he feels that their needs had done as a co-founder of the UAE-Israel Business and the Scale-Up State.”
ary 2008. are more urgent. So far, he has been to farms on two Council. Realizing that she could not go beyond her Hassan-Nahoum, who is a dynamic public speaker,
Lynn Gimpel sent the email of this article as a link in moshavim near Netivot – and he hasn’t gone alone. present role in local politics, Hassan-Nahoum accept- has been appearing regularly on CNN, BBC, and on
a memorial chain, in memory of the six million Jews, He has room in his car for four passengers, so he took ed the appointment, and was looking forward to visit- Spanish language networks Telemundo, and CNN
20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1,900 four lawyers from his firm, including his daughter, and ing the Gulf States this month to start work. Argentina Univision to state Israel’s case.
Catholic priests who were murdered, raped, burned, they went to pick oranges at a moshav near Netivot But then came the war, and municipal elections
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T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T  F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 2 3 FRONTLINES 23

was severely wounded in the leg, and two others were

RESOLUTE lightly wounded. The concussive force of a second gre-
Continued from Page 13 nade sent the platoon officer flying out of the house
– unharmed besides ringing ears. As the terrorist came
a month, even as the difficulties for the families of running out of the safe room where he had been hid-
those mobilized add up, even as the economy is strug- ing, our company commander took him down with a
gling. few quick shots. The wounded reservists were quickly
Israel, a small country with an acute sensitivity to evacuated in stable condition.
military casualties, is not built for prolonged wars. Its In a separate incident in another town, a sister
wars need to be short. And, for the most part, its wars company was not so lucky – one reservist was killed
have been short. This war, at 35 days as of Friday, is and four more were grievously wounded by a mortar
already longer than the 1956 Sinai Campaign (100 bomb.
hours), the Six Day War, the Yom Kippur War (19 House-to-house searches became all the more nec-
days), and the Second Lebanon War (34) days. Only essary after the incident. What was in these homes
the War of Independence and the First Lebanon War was unknown. Sweeping through home after home,
lasted longer. we checked for more terrorists. At this range, the
Yet there is little sign of a nation tiring, losing its broken sights of my rifle hardly mattered. We found
resolve, or questioning the need for the war or even homes riddled with bullets, bloody smears across clos-
how it is being prosecuted. Israelis across the board et doors, and kitchen knives abandoned in safe rooms.
view this as a war of no choice, an undeniably just war, In one home, I recognized the picture of a man I had
one that is necessary to win convincingly in order to seen on the news. Saar Margolis had been killed in
ensure the country’s existence down the line. the Hamas massacre, bravely defending his commu-
As the war enters its second month, not only are nity. In many of the houses, we found dogs and cats,
almost no dissenting voices being heard, but – on the quivering with fear and hiding under furniture. Some
contrary – there are calls for the government to stand of the dogs, though shaking and crying from the trau-
firm, hang tough, and not give in to pressure for a matic attack, were just happy to see people after days
ceasefire. And these calls are coming from all sectors of isolation.
of the population, even from the Left, even from fam- We fed and cared for any pets as best we could, until
ilies of those kidnapped in Gaza who are concerned they could be reunited with their families. Finally, a
that the ground incursion could endanger their loved replacement rifle came for me. Electricity, water, and
ones. communications had been mostly restored. Slowly, we
On Sunday, one voice calling for the government to were securing the kibbutz.
“finish the job” was heard at the Mount Herzl Military Another reservist battalion soon replaced us in Kis-
Cemetery in Jerusalem. It was the voice of Elnatan sufim, and we moved to another town, not far from
Levenstein, who eulogized his younger brother, Yona- where the Supernova music festival slaughter had
‘THERE’S NEVER been a time in Jewish history not to open your doors to other Jews,’ says Stephanie Ives,
dav, 23, married just two months ago, a soldier in unfolded. One platoon member discovered on the
principal at Beit Raban. (Amy Klein)
Givati’s commando unit, who fell Friday fighting in night we moved towns that a friend had died at the
northern Gaza. party.
“Now you are, unfortunately, part of history,” Elna- Rest became more frequent, and we had more time new families – up to 10% of students at some schools. to postpone their flight back to Israel, and heard about
tan said of his brother, who loved Jewish history. “Part to hone our gear. Some of us stood guard as kibbutz The Prizmah survey found that 52% of the schools are Rodeph’s “Hug” center through a friend. Her husband
of a bloody war that we will never forget. A hard but members held funerals for their murdered loved ones. offering free tuition, with others extending “pay as went back to Israel, and their three girls (ages eight,
necessary war. A war over the future of our people in The intensity of Kissufim faded, mortar and rocket you can” programs. seven, and four) started attending Rodeph, while Nili
our land. A war that should have ended a long time attacks became less frequent, and we felt like we were In New York, UJA-Federation is offering a grant to worked at her hi-tech job from the workspace.
ago and which your generation was not supposed to again waiting for the next mission. We went out on help Jewish schools, with $5,000 per new Israeli stu- Coming to the center every day, being with other
fight. patrols, searched for more victims, and staked out dent. displaced Israelis, crying, talking about what was
“In 2012, Operation Pillar of Defense, my com- vulnerable sites, but it seemed that we were feeling out “It’s fluid, it’s evolving; we don’t know how long going on, “gave me a connected feeling to the Amer-
rades and I, with the whole army, were prepared and in the darkness, our objectives unclear. The company families will be here,” said Chavie Kahn, director of ican Jewish community,” she said. “That surprised
trained for this exact objective. We received orders and expressed its frustration to our commanders. day school & yeshiva strategy at UJA-Federation of me. I didn’t think I would feel like that as a refugee far
detailed plans that were postponed again and again at “War is a state of uncertainty,” said one of the dep- New York. “If they’re here for 30 days, it’s different from home,” she said. “During such a horrible time
the last minute. And there were many opportunities uty company commanders. Chaos was normal, and than if they’re here for six months. There’s an ongo- for the State of Israel and for the Jews, the open hearts
over the years that were not taken advantage of [to it was part of the battle that we had to appreciate. As ing conversation with the schools and UJA-Federation that the Rodeph community showed are the light in
finish the job]. soldiers, we had to conquer territory from chaos, and as they meet the needs of the students and the crisis the darkness. This will enable to keep the connection
“The price we paid since that cursed day in October establish whatever positions we could in these bul- continues,” Kahn said. alive.”
2023, Simchat Torah 5784, is unbearable. No more. I warks of sanity. The battlefield for order was not just But not every local Jewish Federation is offering But now she feels it’s time to return to Israel, even
want to call from here to the prime minister, defense in the kibbutzim, more than just in our hearts – the funding to offset the cost to schools or to help Israeli though her girls are begging her to stay – going so far
minister, ministers, and all the decision-makers: Do entire state was on the front lines. refugees. Although the Jewish Federations of North as writing her letters campaigning not to leave. Her
not dare to stop, do not dare to hesitate, do not dare We often take the sanctuary of homes for granted, America surpassed $600 million for its Israel Emergen- husband wants her to stay in America, but her parents
to fold.” but we reservists had seen how they had crumbled. cy Fund, that is devoted to helping people in Israel, want her to return. “They’re a different generation,
A month after the war, that sentiment reflects the We hold the conviction that our towns are constant not Israelis abroad – even if they were displaced by [the type that think], There’s a war here; you don’t
national attitude – both on the Right and on the Left: fixtures of our environments, but concrete and brick the war. leave!” So she’s going back on Shabbat. “In the end,
Finish the job this time; convincingly and unques- can be leveled as easily as paper torn. The whole state Some day schools have found themselves at capacity, I’m a citizen of Israel and it’s my home,” she said.
tionably defeat Hamas this time. felt as though it were on unstable ground. and have even asked Israelis to “apply” on the regular “What can I do? We want to go back and lend our sup-
It is not that the country is unaware of suffering With grim resolve, no matter how great or small the application form before they give them an answer. port. I hope it will be okay.”
taking place in Gaza, but it is just that the magnitude mission, bit by bit, stone by stone, we had to work to That’s what happened to “Beth,” who preferred not Not all Israelis feel that way. “People are saying that
of the atrocities on October 7 – the sheer barbarism, shore up the country’s broken fences and its breached to use her real name. She came to New York hoping we need to be one and help each other, and everybody
sadism, and unadulterated evil on display – has seeped sense of security. to send two of her children to school here, but after needs to be doing something for the soldiers protect-
deeply into the Israeli psyche and created a sense that I haven’t yet been back to Kissufim, but I hope that one Conservative Jewish high school told her to fill ing us, for the people who were evacuated from their
in this war either Hamas’s capabilities are destroyed, the stench of death has faded away. • out extensive application forms with no guarantee of homes,” said Zuckerman, who noted that as a new
or Israel’s ability to survive and flourish here as it has admission or financial aid, she decided to go to Bos- mother, she couldn’t do much in Israel: she couldn’t
done in the past is in question. ton, where Gann Academy has a full-service system in cook meals or volunteer on farms. She feels that
For most Israelis, the choice seems that stark. And HEROES place to help displaced families. there’s judgment in Israel about the people who left.
this explains why the morale of the army is so high, Continued from Page 16 Other organizers find themselves trying to help They say, “Where are you guys? How can you leave in
why the nation has come together in ways not seen Israeli refugees, only relying on private donations. such a situation? This is the time to be here, to show
since the Yom Kippur War a half century ago, and hope to attend the Technion Faculty of Medicine [in Liat Franco and three other Israeli-American women you’re Israeli, to show you’re strong – not to run away,”
why – 35 days after the war started – nary a voice in Haifa] and specialize in trauma medicine. Before I (Meytal Busani, Liat Lehavi, Dikla Egozi) set up a “war she said.
Israel is being raised questioning the justice, morality, came to Bahad 10, I was a fighter in an engineering room” in Los Angeles trying to help some 70 refugee Everyone who was in Israel during the attacks has
or necessity of what the IDF is doing. unit. They are all very proud of me.” families who arrived from Israel because of the war. PTSD – even if you leave, she said. “If you hear a motor-
While around the world the horrific images from On October 7, he was at home when informed that One girl survived the Supernova music festival. Anoth- cycle and that vroom, you think that’s an alarm. If you
October 7 have been mainly replaced and surpassed he must go to the base about 7 km. from Gaza where er five teenage boys were displaced from the South. hear an ambulance, you immediately turn around and
by pictures of the war’s toll in Gaza, those images he arrived by military ambulance in the evening. “It’s so hard – who do you help first? Some people are look for some type of terrorism event; it doesn’t matter
have not been eclipsed in Israel. Instead, the images of ”We kept working there for about a week. There were displaced from their homes, others just left Tel Aviv,” if you leave.”
October 7, as well as the stories that accompany those many civilian wounded, most of whom had been shot, Franco said, noting that they don’t differentiate. “You She has a ticket back to Israel but is not sure she will
images, stories that still come out day after day – tales so bleeding was the most common problem.” can’t judge people who left Israel; they’re in trauma.” go. “On the one hand, I want to be in my home with
both of agony and of heroism – have deeply pene- There was a report in the Yisrael Hayom newspaper But LA – specifically, the San Fernando Valley – pres- my husband and have stability. On the other hand, if I
trated the Israeli psyche, surely not to be overtaken that some seriously wounded who bled profusely ents its own unique challenge. “Some families are got out, am I being naive to want to go back? •”
or overshadowed by anything else for the foreseeable were treated with tourniquets that were tightened living in people’s houses, others need cars because
future. • too much; as a result, according to that report, some you can’t go anywhere without a car,” she said. She
victims lost limbs because their blood supply had said some of the Jewish schools in the valley, like Ilan TRIAL
been cut off completely. However, Yalonensky said Ramon Day School, are admitting Israeli students, but Continued from Page 17
UNCERTAINTY that every soldier upon enlistment and those trained other Jewish schools will not offer free entrance. “If
Continued from Page 16 at BAHAD 10 learn to use tourniquets by being shown I had funds to help Israelis, I could get them all into few Hamas criminals may not carry the same weight
how to do it, with videos and even practicing upon schools,” she said. as the Eichmann trial, but it would serve as an edu-
At the nearby gate, motorcycles, bags of armaments, themselves. They are taught. I haven’t heard of any In the meantime, she has arranged for tickets to Dis- cational tool, informing Israelis and people around
and Kalashnikov rifles were still strewn about. cases of improper use of tourniquets to stop bleeding neyland and a visit to a Kfar Saba Urban Farm. the world about Hamas terrorism and inhumanity, its
Each platoon moved into a house on the edge of the among the wounded in the South.” “It’s all therapeutic; it’s a very healing and support- goals and its actions.
kibbutz, our new outposts in the apocalyptic waste- Like the others, Yalonensky was very pleased with ive place,” said Israeli-American farm owner Limor It would also take place when highly political inter-
land. We felt guilty about living there, but we told the emotional support he and his team members at Ness. “The animals give you support and uncondition- national organizations are calling for trials against
ourselves it was necessary to safeguard what was left their base received. We saw terrible things – bodies al love,” she said, talking about the 75 animals, goats, Israel for conducting what we define as a defensive
and restore it to as close as it had once been. We even and body parts. But we have emotional strength.” alpacas, tortoises, parrots, and “a turkey that adores war, while ignoring Hamas crimes.
cleaned it up, sweeping up and washing the floors. hugs.” When the Supernova party survivor came to Attorney Amos Hausner, the son of Gideon Hausner,
We had our first showers, one by one, as the others BAHAD 10 PARAMEDIC Sgt. Ziv Meir, who was born the farm, she sat in the barn and let the animals come and coauthor of the Hebrew book When Eichmann
took up defensive positions around them. One night, 22 years ago at Moshav Ramat Magshimim on the to her. “They have a sixth sense – the horse came and Knocked at our Door, told me that, in principle, he
my friend Marco presented me with a rations can of southern Golan Heights, now lives in Rehovot. He is put her nose on the girl’s back for hours, and gave her favors a specific law establishing a special court to
halva. He lit a lighter in lieu of a candle, illuminating due to finish his IDF service in another week but has energy,” she said. “It’s a process: it’s very relaxing and try Hamas criminals. Such a move should specify the
the words “happy birthday,” which he had written resolved to remain enlisted until the Gaza war ends. very healing.” court’s jurisdiction, and its introductory explanation
on the can in black marker. I had forgotten it was my He was at home when the sirens went off and half should reference laws passed after Israeli indepen-
birthday. I didn’t even know what day it was anymore; an hour later, he and his teammates were told to go IN EVERY home front war effort – whether it’s supply- dence, related to Nazi war crimes. In his opinion, such
the days had bled together as one. to the base. ing equipment for soldiers or sending letters to Israeli a law would be upheld by the Supreme Court.
Mortars were constantly shrieking overhead. The “We really didn’t know much about what had hap- schoolchildren or helping refugee families – there’s Another obstacle to a specific law and court is the
hum of our own mortar teams returning fire became a pened in the South, except that there were many usually one powerhouse of a person who manages to current political and legal climate. While the attor-
comfort, a lullaby to which we would close our eyes for wounded. On the way, commanders briefed us on pull it all together. ney-general is widely respected, her authority is to
our meager night’s sleep. what the specific problems were and how to treat the On New York’s Upper West Side, that person may recommend that the government approve enacting a
victims.” be Erela Nornberg, a parent who founded “Israeli law to establish a special court. At the political level,
THE NEXT day, contact: A sniper team reported seeing He said that he avoided watching the videos collect- Hug Center,” a one-stop location for families arriving it would be difficult to find a highly respected senior
an unknown individual running on the periphery ed from body cameras of dead Hamas terrorists that from Israel, housed at Congregation Rodeph Sholom, jurist in the current government to justify establish-
of the kibbutz. An officer from a mandatory service had been compiled by the IDF Spokesman’s office. a Reform synagogue. “Everyone just kept saying yes,” ing a special court and persuade world opinion of its
brigade came in on the radio: “It’s me, don’t shoot!” “It’s for foreign ambassadors, leaders, and journal- said Nornberg, a family and marriage therapist whose credibility. The justice minister and chairman of the
he assured, but his location didn’t match up. The inci- ists. Ordinary Israelis shouldn’t watch, because it’s bad children attended Rodeph Sholom school (one is still Knesset Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee
dent was just about dismissed as a mistake, but our vig- for morale and can cause nightmares.” in fifth grade). When she asked Rabbi Ben Spratt for are still involved in damaging restructuring of the
ilant company commander held on to his suspicions “We are young, but we are professionals. We were space in the synagogue, it gave her half a dozen spaces prestigious Israeli court system. They do not have the
and another platoon was sent to investigate. joined by orthopedists, surgeons, paramedics, and for the “hug” center, which has served dozens of Israe- national or international status to undertake excep-
“We’re under attack!” our sergeant alerted us, as EMTs in the reserves who hadn’t been called up for li families who fled the war. It’s open from 9 a.m. to 1 tional legal measures. It seems that a special court
explosions erupted down the block. In a flash, we were quite a while. Maybe they have to undergo refresher p.m. every day, offering breakfast, a workspace, a play would only be considered reliable if the judges were
maneuvering along the houses to where the other courses more often. But we all did good work. We space for children, mental health support, as well as appointed by the president of the Supreme Court and
platoon had engaged with the enemy. As we moved, have high morale. Nobody planned to experience this activities for young children and older ones awaiting not by a politician.
an enemy drone hovered in the air, directing mortar catastrophe, but we did the best we could,” he con- temporary admission into day schools. Furthermore, a special law and court must be imple-
fire against us. The sky sang with the shrieking of cluded. • “People have said ‘it’s such a mitzvah,’ but it’s really mented swiftly, and the Knesset is not known for
incoming mortar bombs, until they were intercepted a blessing to our community,” said Rodeph Sholom acting quickly. However, during the war, some gov-
just above our heads. Shrapnel rained down onto a car Head of School Danny Karpf. “It’s really valuable for ernment ministries have acted promptly to address
nearby. We didn’t know we had an anti-mortar system AMERICA our students to feel more proximate to the situation challenges within their jurisdiction. It is possible that
set up in the area until that moment. We took up posi- Continued from Page 17 [in Israel], to feel they are doing something meaning- the justice minister and chairman of the Knesset law
tions outside the flashpoint house, covering the team ful to support children from Israel at this time.” committee could redirect their efforts from disman-
still inside. Jewish history not to open your doors to other Jews.” Many parents are overwhelmed by the support they tling the independent court system and focus on laws
A terrorist had ambushed the platoon, which was unexpectedly found here, displaced during the war. and regulations relating to the war effort, especially if
still under the impression that the sniper team report NONETHELESS, WITH the high cost of Jewish edu- Nili Shalam came with her husband and three girls directed to do so by the prime minister. Preparation is
was a false alarm. He had thrown an improvised cation a constant concern, some question who will to the city for the holidays, when the war broke out, the key to success. If Israel plans for the future, it will
grenade from a blind spot down a hall. One reservist bear the financial burden of hosting more than 1,000 affecting her relatives in Kibbutz Be’eri. They decided get there prepared and successful. •
OBSERVATIONS F R I D AY, N O V E M B E R 10 , 2 0 2 3  T H E J E R U S A L E M P O S T

Why they tear down hostage posters

dead, and the entire people of
EDITOR’S NOTES the victims, and are, without
• By AVI MAYER doubt, continuing manifesta-
tions of the kinds of dehuman-
ization and disentitlement that

arlier this week, a hand- those removed from the events we know are the basic psycho-
ful of other journalists on the ground, many of us logical substrates that make
and I sat down with a have experienced an unusual genocide possible, to begin
senior Israeli official to hear feeling: disbelief. with,” he noted.
his insights into the military Yes, we know that some While comparisons between
campaign against Hamas in people hate us. We knew the events of October 7 and
Gaza. Before we began, his staff that events in Israel are often the Holocaust are largely off-
directed our attention to a large exploited by antisemites as a base – “Jewish blood now has
television opposite the confer- pretext for attacks on Jews and a price,” said the senior official
ence table and pressed ‘play.’ on the Jewish state. But the with whom I met this week,
It took me a few moments ferocity of the loathing, and the referring to the ongoing mili-
to realize that we were being swiftness and openness with tary operation targeting Hamas
shown a condensed version of which it has been expressed, in Gaza – efforts to deny them
the infamous 43-minute video have taken many Jews aback are strikingly similar.
of Hamas’s atrocities on Octo- – as have concurrent efforts to Like Holocaust denial, the
ber 7 – a video I had studiously alternately celebrate, deny, and minimization, erasure, and
avoided seeing, even as some erase our suffering. denial of Hamas’s atrocities tar-
of my more intrepid colleagues In the weeks since October 7, get both the dead and the liv-
subjected themselves to the a new phenomenon has swept ing, seeking to perpetuate their
horrors it depicts in a series of through the streets of major pain with breathtaking cruelty.
screenings for the press. cities around the world: posters They are, as Charny says, acts
As I watched the raw footage bearing the faces of the 240 of utter dehumanization.
– much of it captured by the Israelis held hostage by Hamas Those who tear down posters
perpetrators themselves using in Gaza have been plastered by bearing the faces of 10-month-
bodycams, GoPro devices, Jews and their allies on walls, old Kfir Bibas or 84-year-old
and their own mobile phones lampposts, and bulletin boards, Ditza Heiman, 13-year-old
– I could feel my pulse quick- only to be torn down by an Alma Or or 59-year-old Michel
en and my mouth turn dry. assortment of bigots from a Nisenbaum cannot counte-
I saw headless bodies strewn variety of backgrounds. nance the notion that Jews
on the ground, small chil- Social media platforms have can be victims – or that oth-
dren sprawled unnaturally in been flooded with videos of ers might see them as such. To
pools of blood, a head shrunk- confrontations between the them, Jews are invariably evil,
en and blackened by fire. I vandals and those who have always the aggressors. There is
found myself torn between caught them in the act. A no such thing as an innocent
the knowledge that what I was blond student at the University Jew. “Perpetuating the nar-
watching had taken place just a of Southern California can be rative of the victimization of
couple of weeks prior, roughly seen giggling as she carefully the Israelis,” as the bigot cited
an hour’s drive from where we removes the hostage posters above said, cannot stand – and
were, and the powerful sense from a campus bulletin board. POSTERS BEARING the photos of Israelis being held hostage by Hamas in Gaza are seen on a street in Port Washington, NY.
facts be damned.
(Shannon Stapleton/Reuters)
that I had seen it all before, in A woman in Paris says, “It’s The response to these acts of
grainy black-and-white footage all propaganda.” A man with malicious vandalism should
from a dark time, far away. oversized headphones walking that the events of October 7 gram, and other platforms family learned of her death. “Denials of known events be obvious. We should plaster
It is difficult to describe away with a wad of crumpled were staged. Attendees at a Los have been awash with graph- What is happening here? of genocide must be treated our abducted loved ones’ faces
the maelstrom of emotion in posters explains that they are Angeles screening of the full ic depictions of the carnage. Professor Israel Charny is one as acts of bitter and malevo- everywhere. We should make
which Israelis and Jews around “perpetuating the narrative of 43-minute video of the Hamas A Hamas “abduction manual” of the world’s foremost Holo- lent psychological aggression, them impossible to avoid. We
the world have found them- the victimization of the Israe- atrocities were physically recovered following the massa- caust and genocide scholars. certainly against the victims, should project them on build-
selves since October 7. The lis, which is completely false.” assaulted by protesters; activists cre instructed the perpetrators He is also a prominent psychol- but really against all of human ings, print them in newspa-
shock, horror, grief, and fear A young woman in a green had tried to dissuade invitees to livestream their actions. “Do ogist and has written exten- society, for such denials literal- pers, broadcast them on tele-
produced by the massacre and Nike hoodie peeling posters off from attending the event, call- not waste the camera battery sively about the psychology of ly celebrate genocidal violence vision, and post them online.
its aftermath have intermin- a New York City wall simply ing the footage “propaganda.” and storage but use them as Holocaust and genocide deni- and in the process suggestively Every poster that is torn down
gled with glimmers of hope, says, “They’re fake.” The irony, of course, is that much as possible,” the manual al. call for renewed massacres – of should be replaced with ten.
pride, and steely determina- At the same time, activists it is Hamas that has made a read. In at least one case, the In a 2001 article published the same people or of others,” Our message is simple: These
tion, as embodied by our col- have been claiming that pho- point of documenting and terrorists used an elderly wom- in the academic journal IDEA, he wrote. people are real. They are inno-
lective response. tos of the blackened bodies of broadcasting its savagery. The an’s phone to upload a video Charny described the motives “Such denials also mad- cent. They are being held
But as we have witnessed the Israeli babies were generated number of videos from that of her murder to her Facebook that drive those who deny den, insult, and humiliate the against their will. And they
reactions of those around us, by artificial intelligence and day is staggering; TikTok, Tele- profile, which was how her genocides and other atrocities. survivors, the relatives of the need to be brought home now.

The battle of states of mind

beyond the world’s understanding. to know better is stunning.
Gaza is not a “vast open-air prison,” Mooted plans to place the Pales-
MY WORD as the Palestinians like to portray it, tinian Authority in control of Gaza
• By LIAT COLLINS but a huge underground terrorist are misguided or disingenuous.
base. The prisoners being held in its PA head Mahmoud Abbas is not
warrens of terror tunnels are the 240 the good guy. He’s not even a nice

ust before the start of the Sab- innocent people of all ages who were guy. And he can’t control the areas
bath in Israel last Friday after- abducted from Israel on October 7. currently under his authority, let
noon, there were two notable Were Hamas to stop launching rock- alone Gaza where his Fatah regime
speeches. One was by US Secretary of ets and free the captives, there could was brutally overthrown in 2007.
State Antony Blinken and the other be a ceasefire. When people call for a There’s a reason that he hasn’t held
by Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasral- humanitarian gesture, this is how it elections for years: He knows he
lah. They were complete contrasts, needs to be interpreted. would lose to Hamas.
of course. Israel is rightly cautious of agreeing The terrorism emanating from
Blinken spoke in English – in fact, to a broad ceasefire unless it includes the West Bank (Judea and Samaria)
he spoke in “Western.” While he a provision for the return of the hos- is supported by the PA’s “pay-for-
seemed to understand the problems tages. A break in Israel’s anti-terrorist slay” policy, cult of martyrdom, and
Israel is facing in its war on Hamas operations in Gaza would be exploit- anti-normalization fixation. The PA,
and Islamist jihadi ideology, he ed by Hamas to strengthen its posi- whoever heads it, is not going to turn
nonetheless could not bring himself tions. Or worse. During the 2014 war the Gaza Strip into Singapore or a
to break away from the standard call – an Israeli operation to counter the Gulf-state success story.
for “a two-state solution.” thousands of Hamas rockets being There is no “two-state” solution:
Nasrallah, on the other hand, launched from Gaza – the terrorists The Palestinians of the West Bank
preached dramatically in literary Ara- exploited a UN-sponsored ceasefire and those of Gaza are united only in
bic. While distancing himself from to kill and abduct the bodies of IDF their desire to destroy Israel. Inevita-
the Hamas mega-atrocity in which soldiers Oron Shaul and Hadar Gol- bly, creating an artificial link between
1,400 people were slaughtered in din. It’s well beyond time to bring the two entities would be followed
southern Israel, saying it was a “100% back their remains for burial in Isra- by a call to build a physical link – a
Palestinian” operation, the Hezbol- el – and to return civilians Avera road that would cut across the Jewish
lah leader nonetheless came to praise Mengistu and Hisham al-Sayed. state. As if being stuck between the
it rather than bury it. A WOMAN looks at posters in Tel Aviv showing hostages who are being held by Hamas in Gaza and people still Good people – people who really devil and the deep blue Mediterra-
According to Al Jazeera, he praised missing following the October 7 mega-terror attack on Israel. (Ammar Awad/Reuters) support humanity – are campaign- nean Sea wasn’t enough.
the “martyrs,” thanked the “strong ing for the return of the captives – Promises that international forces
and brave Iraqi and Yemeni hands were normal. Terrorist armies cannot is difficult, but not impossible. But a Where is Western democracy if only ranging from a 10-month-old baby would help keep the peace are some-
who are now involved in this holy be allowed to build their strength religious, ideological clash is some- one side is able to hold protests – vio- who has spent one of those months where between a dream and a delu-
war,” and he described it as “a big while Israel refrains from adequately thing altogether different. Hamas is lent ones at that – while the Jews and in Hamas hell, to people in their sion. UNRWA has helped perpetuate
event to shake this oppressive… responding. Just how many rockets not involved in a border dispute with supporters of Israel are meant to stay late-eighties and nineties. But the the refugee crisis and indoctrinated
occupying, usurping Zionist regime would Western countries tolerate if Israel: It wants to eliminate the Jew- home? Ask the Jews in France, the forces of evil are evident everywhere. generation after generation to hate
and its supporters in Washington their cities were the targets? ish state. It is literally written in its UK, and elsewhere, taking the mezu- When Palestinian supporters tear Israel – “The Jews.” And how well
and London.” There is a message European Union foreign policy charter. zot off their doorposts, how safe they down the posters displaying photos have the UNIFIL forces in Lebanon
there that I hope Blinken didn’t miss chief Josep Borrell is someone else The pro-Palestinian protesters feel in their homes. Why are Ortho- of the missing, they leave behind the succeeded in preventing Hezbollah
because of the scheduling clash of who seems to have got the picture marching in various cities around dox Jews covering their kippot in proverbial writing on the wall. from building up and using its rock-
their speeches. This is a battle that – but then distorts it. He told a con- the world chanting “From the River public? Consider what it means that Most people who pass a poster of a et arsenals? (Hezbollah, like Hamas,
goes beyond words. ference of ambassadors in Brussels to the Sea, Palestine will be free,” Jewish students are afraid to wear a missing dog either ignore it or – like directs its funds to terrorism rather
And while Nasrallah said he would on Monday that he now realizes that: are not calling for the map to be star of David on university campus- me – note the details and hope it than the betterment of its own cit-
not be joining in the war at this stage, “The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is no tweaked. They’re calling for Israel to es, the bastion of enlightened val- is speedily reunited with its fami- izens.)
the Shi’ite extremist does not invite longer an Israeli-Arab [one] but a be wiped off it. ues, with their safe spaces for those ly. You don’t rip the poster up, try- We are living in the same world, but
trust. More to the point, with con- religious and civilization fight.” His There are at least 22 Arab states threatened by micro-aggressions. ing to erase evidence of the missing a different universe. The world needs
stant rocket attacks on northern Isra- solution? Two states, what else? and an even greater number of Mus- There is a constant delegitimiza- pet. Who is so driven by hatred that to listen to the threats being made in
el from Lebanese territory under his The Hamas massacre – which he lim countries, but having one Jewish tion and dehumanization of Israel; they can’t stand to see the picture Arabic by terrorists and understand
control, it could be argued that he at least described as a “barbarity” state? Perish the thought. Or perish it is the modern manifestation of of a missing Israeli child? And what not only the words but the mindset
has already joined in. If Israel has – underscored the importance of the Jews. antisemitism. are the implications for the society that goes with them. Global jihad
learned anything from the collapse resolving the Israeli-Palestinian con- The rise in antisemitic incidents While the plight of the Palestin- where they dwell? has declared war on the “infidels.” It
of its security “concept” culminat- flict, according to Borrell. Does he since the start of Operation Swords ians is discussed endlessly in interna- doesn’t pretend to say otherwise.
ing in the October 7 Hamas terror listen to himself, let alone to what of Iron is frightening. The death of tional bodies like the United Nations THIS WEEK, the focus moved to “The Israel is, yet again, the canary in the
monstrosity, it is that the Jewish Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and Paul Kessler as he bravely countered a and parliaments around the globe, Day After,” what happens when the coal mine – or in this case, fighting in
state cannot afford to allow sporad- their Iranian sponsor are saying? pro-Palestinian protest in Los Angeles the fact that this is a self-afflicted – war in Gaza ends. The lack of under- the terror tunnels.
ic rocket fire and attacks as if they Resolving a conflict over territory is particularly tragic – and alarming. and self-perpetuating – condition is standing among those who pretend *

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