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( TERMINAL EXAM 2023-24 )


Max marks: 100 min marks: 40

Time allowed: 3 Hrs Sub Teacher : Syed Masood Shah

Q1: Write an essay any one of the following . ( 10 )

(a) Our school (b) My aim of life

Q2; write an application to your class teacher and request him for one day leave . ( 10 )


Q3: NOTE : Attempt any five questions all question carry equal marks . ( 25 )

I According to Abdullah what should people do to have a clean and beautiful Pakistan ?

ii. where was the board on which the park rules were written ?

iii. what was the last thing that kamal said in his dream ?

iv. what effect did the dream have on kamal ?

v. write any five city park rules ?

vi. what did Abdullah tell to Hamza not to do ?

Q4; write synonyms any five of the following words . (10)

(1) Trash (2) Heap (3) chatting (4) wrapper (5) high spirits (6) Realize

(B). Write Antonyms / opposite any five of the following words . (05)

(1) Laughing ( 2). Near (3). Clean (4.) Early (5). Weak ( 6). Quickly
Q5: Write 2nd and 3rd forms of the following verbs . ( 05)

(1) Help (ii). Call (iii) Sell (iv). Teach (v). Like

B . Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjective . (05)

(1)Good (ii). Sad (iii). Heavy ( iv) Fast ( v). Bad

Q6; Write the define any two of the following with example. (10)

(1) Pronoun ( 2) . Adjective (3). Article

Q 7: What is sentence , and define the types of sentence ?

Q8: Translate into English . (10)

SECTION “ C “ ( 10)

MCQS ( Multiple choice Question )

1. The park timing was …….. t0 ……..
(a) 8: 00 pm to 8:00 am (b) 7: 30 am to 8: 00 pm

(c) 8:00 am to 8:00pm (d) 9:00 am to 9:00 pm

2. Hamza threw a …… .. wrapper on the ground .

(a) Biscuit (b) ice cream (c) chocolate (d) NOT

3. The signs they would put up would say ………

(a) keep home clean (b) keep school clean

(c) keep Pakistan clean (d) keep ground clean

4. kamal was standing at ……..

(a) Radio station (b) police station (c) Railway station (d) bus stop

5. Hamza and Abdullah sat out of the park on a ……..

(a) rainy day (b) hot day (c) cold day (d) whole day

6. The opposite of Active…..

(a). inactive (b) unactive (c) Deactive (d) All of these

7. you should eat fruits and …….

(a) Meal (b) Bread (c) Vegetables (d) NOT

8. You should not eat too many ………

(a) fruits (b) vegetables (c) sweets (d) NOT

9. The opposite of ALWAYS IS ………

(a) Never (b) usual (c) Often (d) NOT

10. sentence is the group of ………

(a) letter (b) word (c) Verb (d) NOT

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