Human Trafficking Research Paper Example

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Title: The Challenge of Crafting a Human Trafficking Research Paper: Seek Expert Assistance

Writing a thesis is an arduous task, and when it comes to delving into sensitive topics like human
trafficking, the complexity multiplies. Crafting a comprehensive and impactful human trafficking
research paper requires an in-depth understanding of the subject, extensive research, and the ability to
communicate findings effectively. For many students, this can be an overwhelming and time-
consuming process, often leaving them grappling with the intricacies of the topic.

Human trafficking, a grave and pervasive issue, demands a meticulous examination that incorporates
legal, social, and humanitarian aspects. Students engaged in this subject often find themselves
navigating a vast sea of information, struggling to organize their thoughts, and facing the challenge
of presenting a coherent argument. Moreover, the emotional toll of researching and addressing such
a sensitive issue can further intensify the difficulty of the task.

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In conclusion, writing a thesis on human trafficking is a formidable challenge that demands time,
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This research paper hopes to examine how the dominant conception of human trafficking has
influenced both the formation of laws and the health care system, as well as how it has contributed
to preventing the continuation of this “modern day slavery.” The paper will particularly focus on
defining what human trafficking is, and is not. University of California Press, 2004 DeStephano,
Anthony. Social networks and online classified sites are being used by traffickers to market, recruit,
sell, and exploit for criminal purposes. This article will look at essential tips for a high-quality
argumentative essay about human trafficking. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded
papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Forced labor has been defined as where the servant
experiences blackmail, physical threats, threat of the abuse of the legal process or their immigration
documents are destroyed, concealed and confiscated (Cullen-DuPont 134). According Potrafke,
(2013), he observed that public confidence and trust has changed significantly in the fight against
Human Trafficking. Shively said their priority was to do no harm to participants and to not cause
distress or violate people’s privacy. What are the features of the data in this area that demand specific
methodology. Starting with the definition and the different forms of human trafficking, the essay
moves onto discussing the various issues that have led to the relatively recent increase in the
incidence of human trafficking. First I will give a general overview of two websites giving great
depth into the topic of human trafficking. The healthcare provider should not be discouraged if a
victim does not disclose their victimization, instead they must accept their patients fears. It is also
important for healthcare providers to provide culturally sensitive care to patients who may have been
trafficked from another country. The survey asked about contact with various social systems (i.e.,
shelters, drug and alcohol treatment, child and family services, faith-based organizations, and
immigration) over the individuals’ lifetime, with specific focus on the past year. It will focus on
previously collected data regarding trafficking. While online classified sites such as Craigslist have
already been under intense scrutiny for being used by traffickers, 1 little research is available on the
role of online classified and social networking sites in human trafficking, and the issue has yet to be
fully studied. The Federal Law and Department of Labor regulations provided for the basic
protection of the guest workers but the government was reluctant to enforce the rights hence the
guest worker was bound to a single employer and had no access to legal aid. In addition to this, the
availability of cheap labor lowers the competitiveness especially in manual jobs, for example farming,
mining and masonry, in terms of salaries and wages as well as opportunities (Bales 94). Reports have
shown that more than 70 percent women were forced to work as sex slaves or became a part of sex
racket. So, in order to fulfill their needs, people get involved in unethical acts, of which the most
common one is trafficking.(2) illegal acts in immigration: increased unethical conduct in every field
of life have emerged out. Sex Trafficking: The Global Market in Women and Children. The use of
Internet technologies in people’s daily lives has dramatically increased in recent years. Thailand is
predominantly disreputable for its high Human Trafficking volume. People who are looking for
chances and access to other countries may possibly be taken by traffickers and deceived into
believing that they will be liberated subsequent to being smuggled across the boundary. In some of
the most poverty stricken areas in the world, human trafficking has become a very serious problem.
Is there any advantage to making data available in an easily accessible public repository so that there
can be further research. Human trafficking involves the use of force which is conducted through
rape, beating, and confinement of the victims. Violence is mainly used during the early stage in order
to prevent the victim resistance (Cullen-DuPont 15). Human trafficking is not a new phenomenon as
it has its roots in ancient times when civilization was taking form, which is even before the 15th
century. We are grateful to be able to live and learn on these lands with all our relations. Trafficking
in persons include but are not limited to sex trafficking, child labor, and immigrant labor.
At the same time, this report urges private-sector technology firms to recognize the opportunity to
address human trafficking on their networks and services. These businessmen also find it difficult
and risky to find women volunteers to feature in pornographic films, which are also in high demand
in various societies (Karra 28). Yet, evidence from legal cases demonstrates that mainstream sites
such as Craigslist, Backpage, and Myspace have already been used for trafficking. 5 Facebook,
Twitter, and other social networking sites are susceptible to similar uses. They may also be abducted
or sold into trafficking by family members or acquaintances. Among them one man was a naval
recruiter which proves that all class of people is involved in this business. She was in a relationship
with her boyfriend when her boyfriend promised her to give her a good job. The research proposal
should present the main points required for the research, contain the predicted results, the purpose of
the investigation and list of the methods used for the study of human trafficking. Literature review
One of today’s leading human rights crises is the global trafficking of narcotics, and of women and
girls into sex slavery and of child labour. Along with poverty, comes many other underlying
problems. One area that poverty has shown to affect is human trafficking. Sex trafficking include
recruitment, transportation, harboring, provision and obtaining persons for the purpose of commercial
sex act. Most criminal charges against trafficking victims are minor offences of misdemeanour such
as soliciting under prostitution laws, working without required documentation under labour
employment laws, disorderly conduct under general criminal laws etc. Certain individuals are more
visible than others, perhaps because some people are more socially visible and therefore likely to be
known about by peers, or perhaps because some administrative lists collect data from certain
subgroups more than others. The hotline also fields calls from health care providers, who can use the
hotline to report data on individuals or to obtain useful information to share with their patients.
Vincent said his sampling strategy is resource intensive at the onset, but he emphasized the
importance of starting link tracing with a high-quality initial sample. It is an incredibly lucrative
business” (TED Case Studies web, n.d.). Lena, a young girl who was a native of Moldova became a
victim of woman trafficking. The issue of human trafficking needs to be addressed properly by
governments that want to break people out from the vicious cycle of human trafficking. Medical
colleges have now implemented a human trafficking intervention into their curriculum. The Scope
and Nature of Human Trafficking Although since the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s the
sale of drugs and arms have become the most profitable transnational crimes, human trafficking
remains well known in the 21st century. Third world countries have been noted as the major targets
for traffickers, while the developed ones such as the US are the recipients due to their high
economic growth and numerous opportunities. These remittances have also become crucial to the
survival of the governments of developing nations, which tax up to 25 percent of the remittances
(Kara 2010). Hearing about extreme trauma can change a health provider’s view of the world, of
other people and of him- or herself. Majority of the human trafficking victims are duped into the vice
by the false promises made regarding to job opportunities. 3 This is very common especially in the
developing countries or the so-called third world countries, where the level of poverty is extremely
high. This industry has become a major source of revenue for a lot of criminals throughout the world,
however some countries also profit off of this practice. Such consequences include death, beating,
being locked up or deported among others (Bales 41). The health care provider should be properly
educated and trained especially in regard to their dealing with trafficking victims. They are the ones
to whom the victims will likely encounter first. USA: Cambridge University Press, 11. Wilson J.M.
and Dalton E., 2007. Human trafficking in Ohio: markets, responses, and considerations. Guest
workers are denied medical benefits for the on-job injuries and are cheated out of wages (Cullen-
DuPont 214). Although the topic of human trafficking has received increased media and national
attention, there still remains a limited amount of research on the nature and scope of the
phenomenon. Bribery and corruption causes distortion in rule of law and damages operation of
legitimate business activities. The victims are forced to work against their will and they are informed
of the consequences of failing to do so.
Treatment offered to victims of human trafficking especially on sexual harassment, drug and
substance dependency are ways enforced by the government to reduce the problems suffered by
victims to mitigate the effects and antisocial adaptations acquired during the human trafficking
ordeal. Through education, the values of each country can hopefully improve and reduce the impact
of human trafficking. Notably, human trafficking is one of the fastest growing activities of
transnational criminal organizations and in most cases, it affects women and girls as compared to
men. Adapting these technologies and methods requires careful consideration of potential
implications for civil liberties, such as privacy and freedom of expression. Objectives Who are the
victims Human trafficking affects people of all genders and ages. Human Trafficking is a national
problem because current laws are ineffective and therefore action needs to be taken to reduce the
problem. Technologies used in anti-trafficking efforts should be carefully tailored to avoid recklessly
encroaching upon fundamental rights such as privacy, security, and freedom of expression. Many of
these sites are explicit in nature and some are underground. Let us write or edit the research paper on
your topic. What are some particular aspects of the problem that you may focus on in your essay on
human trafficking. The compensation is to be awarded by the District Legal Services Authority on
recommendation of the court or application of the victim. All the work should be used in accordance
with the appropriate policies and applicable laws. Owing to this fact and because of the
tremendously high poverty rate in the country; India also leads the world in human trafficking. But
she ended up being a prostitute in Dubai. (Fareell C, Pg 43. 2011). When trafficking of women is
becoming a serious issue, it’s very important to make new international and national laws which
would put a stop on this dirty business. Thus, unlike drugs and arms, which are usually sold to only
one customer for a one-time profit, humans can be resold to different customers and sold numerous
times for an exponential amount of profit. Because a significant number of persons who are
trafficked become vulnerable victims of this crime owing to grim economic circumstances in their
native countries, controversy also exists over the extent to which victims contribute to their own
victimization and whether the United States should provide any legal protection for them. First
enacted in 2000, the TVPA has since been reauthorized by three administrations, and it includes a
directive for the President to establish an Interagency Task Force to Monitor and Combat
Trafficking. The problem of human trafficking has thus attracted global concern on the three P's
strategy that entails prevention, protection as well as prosecution. In light of one of the key
objectives of the Bill, rehabilitation of trafficking victims, the expressly limited scope of Section 45
is an error on the part of law. Crime and deviance is a result of the economic, social and cultural
power struggles. He referred to the unknown number of people who are not captured in the data at
all as “Big K” (the equivalent of the “dark figure,” discussed above). Certain individuals are more
visible than others, perhaps because some people are more socially visible and therefore likely to be
known about by peers, or perhaps because some administrative lists collect data from certain
subgroups more than others. She noted how trauma presents itself differently in different individuals
and said that the media can also shape people’s perceptions of what a victim looks like. If physician
finds out that the patient is a victim of human trafficking, then he should called the trained personnel
from human and health services, which are in a better position to deal with such patients. Shively
said their priority was to do no harm to participants and to not cause distress or violate people’s
privacy. The reader will appreciate it if you refer to sources or even quote famous people. This is
100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. The
assessment of human trafficking would therefore differ from state to state as each country would
have its own definition of trafficking and self-reporting, regardless of how objective could not reflect
the real nature of the problem internationally. Is Trafficking in Human Beings Demand Driven?: A
Multi-Country Pilot Study. People smuggling involves providing people, mostly illegal immigrants,
with the means to enter into a foreign country or state without following due legal process and for a
Providing care for victims can be challenging for healthcare providers due to the magnitude of
diagnostic prevention. The US inhabitants are forced into trafficking that is most commonly related
to the sex industry. It has been reported that Human Trafficking is orchestrated by swiftly organized
crime groups. The paper, therefore, tries to examine the relevant laws that exist in the United States
to curb the menace, various innovations that encourage the growth of Human Trafficking online, the
role of social networking sites, and the development of technology such as computers that have
motivated the felony. In some instances, fines are imposed for failure to meet the daily quota of
service which further increases the debt. Human Trafficking has thrived licentiously on corruption
since human traffickers used links with state officials, business persons, politicians, customs officials,
police as well as border police to embolden Human Trafficking. Keep on browsing if you are OK
with that, or find out how to manage cookies. Globalization has resulted in increased growth of
tourism sector worldwide, which has reduced the national barriers between countries, which in turn
have increased the trafficking business (Shelley, 2010 ).This is the technology, which on one had
reduced the communication distance and increased the accessibility and on the other hand had
stimulated trafficking crimes including human and narcotics trafficking. Give me your paper
requirements and I connect you to an academic expert. Volunteers, in this context, would be difficult
and expensive to maintain owing to the nature of the business, which touches highly on integrity.
With regard to bonded labor, victims are made to work without pay so that they can clear a debt,
which they owe either the person whom they are working for or the agent who facilitated the
trafficking (Farr 22). Thus, if someone with a low likelihood of being observed does appear in the
data, it could be an indication that several more similar cases exist. It is a business, which can only be
compared with drug trafficking in terms of profits irrespective of the fact that governments and
institutions, especially human rights watch groups around world, have continued to spend numerous
resources in trying to curb the vice. Treatment offered to victims of human trafficking especially on
sexual harassment, drug and substance dependency are ways enforced by the government to reduce
the problems suffered by victims to mitigate the effects and antisocial adaptations acquired during
the human trafficking ordeal. Statistics indicate that more than 700000 people are trafficked on
yearly basis with approximately 70% of them being women. But the hotline seldom receives calls
from undocumented workers, who do not have access to the same information, which creates a
marked gap in the data. Majority of the human trafficking victims are duped into the vice by the
false promises made regarding to job opportunities. 3 This is very common especially in the
developing countries or the so-called third world countries, where the level of poverty is extremely
high. There could be no sex-slave industry without male demand for commercial sex (Kara 2010). It
involves the exploitation of individuals for the purpose of forced labor, sexual exploitation, or both.
The trafficked people virtually do not see their money that they earn, and finally they are sold. This
research paper overviews the problem of trafficking in humans and explores trends in women
trafficking, improvements in tackling the issue and potential threats to stopping it. It explains the
social and economic impacts of Human Trafficking, in Thailand. Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business
PROSTITUTED WOMEN IN CHICAGO-A Research Study. This research paper overviews the
problem of trafficking in humans and explores trends in women trafficking, improvements in
tackling the issue and potential threats to stopping it. However, it is only after the 15th century that
this form of trafficking took a global dimension as a result of new explorations and establishment of
colonies by the Portuguese, Dutch, British and French among others in territories outside their own
continent. Prosecuting problems with human trafficking entangle the legal enforcement agencies and
other anti-trafficking bodies to join forces in the bringing to records the violators of human dignity.
It can happen within a country's boundaries or trans-nationally. Content writing style guide years
human trafficking has essay writing topics on current issues an ongoing problem that people have
been reseaarch of and now many celebrities stepping up to bring awareness to the cause, like Jada
Pinkett Smith. Vincent explained that link tracing seeks to illuminate and exploit potentially
untapped social networks by selecting a subset of the population and asking them to nominate
additional individuals for the study with whom they are directly linked.
The trade in human trafficking entails recruitment, transfer, transportation, harboring, and or
movement through coercion, abduction, deception, abuse of authority over vulnerability, and fraud
for commercial exploitation especially vulnerable members of the society like women and children
for servitude, forced labor, commercial sexual exploitation, human trade, sex slavery, and extraction
of body organs (Berger, 2012). The article itself did mention the lower-end estimate of 10,000, but it
also noted that the National Referral Mechanism had initially estimated the prevalence to be less
than 3,000. They may stay for a period of time and then return to their country of origin, or they
may remain permanently as unauthorized immigrants. Living in America, we don’t have a great
gauge for how serious poverty is throughout the world. This shows the magnitude with which
Human Trafficking is rife in Togo. Exclusive to Global Issues In Context, Global Issues Viewpoints
contains more than 3,000 exclusive commentaries that provide background and guidance on
significant topics. This advertisement shows just how acceptable and normal this is in other parts of
the world. The victims are provided by temporary housing, clothing, food, healthcare, counseling and
legal aid. In the analysis, the researchers accounted for the fact that some of the individuals
interviewed may have had contact with more than one system over the past year. The Federal Law
and Department of Labor regulations provided for the basic protection of the guest workers but the
government was reluctant to enforce the rights hence the guest worker was bound to a single
employer and had no access to legal aid. Such an analysis will provide the basis for further research
and hopefully initiate further interest on how societal misconceptions shape the dynamics and trends
of human trafficking and the laws surrounding it. It goes without saying that there are people in the
country, who are capable of carrying out these tasks. There was a time when trafficking was
considered more like slavery, mainly referred to child slavery. This paper will provide an analysis of
Human Trafficking as international political science news. The guest workers were bound by their
initial job hence could not change to a new job even if one was mistreated. She said it is important to
note that many individuals who disclose being victims of trafficking are not in a place where they
can or want to immediately leave their situation, and they may not be able to share all of the details
of their condition. NGOs and Trafficked Persons Anti-trafficking non-governmental organizations
are contributing in providing a safe place to trafficking victim to recover from their suffering through
other survivors and advocate’s support. International governments have increased their efforts in
preventing human trafficking and related problems on the violation of human rights of movement
and expression. Most State Victim Compensation Schemes empower the District Legal Services
Authority to verify the claims and make due enquiry before deciding to award compensation to
victims. It is not clear whether the District Legal Services Authority can exercise these powers even
after recommendation from court. However, the benefit of the hotline is that, unlike discrete or point-
in-time surveys, the operational data received are continuously updated and can provide researchers
with. These businessmen also find it difficult and risky to find women volunteers to feature in
pornographic films, which are also in high demand in various societies (Karra 28). Finally, the paper
would also present suggestions as how to better address human trafficking in the United States.
However, the statistics of millions who are trafficked within their national borders are not available
(Cullen-DuPont 72). He acknowledged that 7 percent is a very conservative figure and noted that he
and Kling are aware that the method they chose can potentially work against finding people who are
currently trafficked. Importance of health care provider Health care providers play a crucial role for
trafficker’s victim. Sign up for email notifications and we'll let you know about new publications in
your areas of interest when they're released. The human trafficking industry is no different from any
other for profit business in the world, there is a demand for the service and people are willing to pay,
especially when it comes to sex slaves. The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed.
Rutgers University Press, 2008 Eichenwald, Kurt. “With Child Sex Sites on the Run, Nearly Nude
Photos Hit the Web.” New York Times. August 20, 2006.October 18, 2011 Farr, Katherine.
Furthermore, human trafficking is practiced more or less in every country around the globe. This
could be especially difficult if the patient exam requires forensic evidence to be collected.

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