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The Case for Selective Discrimination

Renatha Kizenga

Department of English at Lone Star College

Professor Carolina Ruiz


"The Case for Selective Discrimination."


In recent years, the issue of reverse discrimination has grown into a poignant topic of

discussion, shining a light on intricate cases such as that of David Duvall, which intricately

weave through the complex tapestry of diversity and inclusion efforts. David Duvall, despite

being a fervent advocate for diversity, found himself in the middle of a legal battle with his

former employer, Novant Health, where he brought forward allegations of racial and gender

discrimination against himself as a white man. This incident serves as a critical reminder of

the necessity for a nuanced, balanced approach to diversity initiatives to ensure they do not

inadvertently give rise to instances of reverse discrimination. This research paper is

committed to diving into the depths of this complex issue, aiming to uncover potential

solutions, meticulously examine the evidence backing these solutions, engage in a dialogue

about the advantages of adopting a fair and equitable stance, and thoughtfully address

counterarguments to selective discrimination.

In her compelling piece, "The Case for Selective Discrimination," published on November

18, 2021, Anastasia Reesa Tomkin offers a critical examination of the burgeoning issue of

reverse discrimination, with a particular focus on cases like that of David Duvall. Through

Tomkin's investigative lens, the intricate challenges tied to diversity and inclusion initiatives

are brought to the forefront. Despite Duvall's unwavering support for diversity, his lawsuit

against Novant Health, in which he claims discrimination as a white man, starkly highlights

the critical need for a carefully considered approach to diversity efforts, one that can navigate

the treacherous waters of reverse discrimination.

This extended analysis delves even deeper into the multifaceted issue of reverse

discrimination, expanding upon the nuanced complexities, proposed solutions, and the

broader societal implications of diversity and inclusion initiatives. Building upon Tomkin's

foundational work, this comprehensive discussion seeks to chart a path toward equitable

diversity strategies that confront and surmount the challenges posed by reverse

discrimination, all while steadfastly holding onto the values of fairness and inclusivity.

Problem Explana)on:

The narrative surrounding reverse discrimination, exemplified by David Duvall's experience,

illuminates the intricate challenges and unintended effects of diversity policies. While these

initiatives aim to rectify historical injustices and promote inclusivity, they can inadvertently

foster division, highlighting the critical need for strategies that balance aspirational goals with

practical implementation. Tomkin's critique offers a pivotal foundation for reevaluating these

initiatives, emphasizing the importance of a recalibrated approach that ensures fairness and


In the evolving discourse on equality and inclusion, the narrative around reverse

discrimination, particularly through the lens of David Duvall's experiences, casts a spotlight

on the complexities and unintended ramifications of diversity initiatives. These initiatives,

while aimed at fostering a more inclusive and just society, can sometimes veer off course,

inadvertently seeding tension and discord within the very communities they seek to unite.

The broader societal implications of such missteps underscore the urgent need for a

recalibrated approach—one that harmonizes the noble aspirations of racial justice policies

with the practical realities of their implementation.

Anastasia Reesa Tomkin's insights into this conundrum offer a nuanced critique and a

forward-looking perspective on rectifying the imbalances that can emerge from well-meaning

but poorly executed diversity programs. By championing transparency and a meritocracy that

genuinely respects and reflects the diverse tapestry of human talent and potential, Tomkin

argues for a reimagined framework. This framework would not only uphold the principles of

equity and inclusion but also ensure that the pursuit of diversity does not inadvertently

marginalize any group. Through such thoughtful recalibration, the ultimate goal of creating

an environment that celebrates and nurtures diversity in all its forms becomes a more

attainable reality, ensuring that the journey towards inclusivity remains both just and

equitable for everyone.

Solu)on Explana)on:

A merit-based selection framework emerges as a compelling solution to the quandaries of

diversity efforts. This strategy prioritizes objective measures of skill, achievement, and

potential, fostering a culture where diversity is naturally engendered through equitable

recognition of individual merits. Tomkin's endorsement of this approach is supported by

empirical evidence demonstrating the unparalleled benefits of diverse, meritocratically

assembled teams, including enhanced innovation, productivity, and cohesion.


In the quest to harmonize diversity efforts with fairness, the proposal to adopt transparent,

merit-based criteria stands out as a beacon of hope. This approach pivots on evaluating

individuals by their skills, accomplishments, and potential, ensuring decisions are anchored in

objective assessments rather than subjective biases linked to race or gender. Such a strategy

not only champions the ethos of equality but also nurtures a culture where talent and hard

work are the cornerstones of advancement. It's a visionary step towards leveling the playing

field, promising a future where diversity flourishes naturally, underpinned by a foundation of


Anastasia Reesa Tomkin's advocacy for this model is bolstered by a wealth of research and

real-world examples that illuminate the myriad benefits of diverse, meritocratically formed

teams. These teams, studies show, are bastions of innovation and success, embodying the

myriad advantages of a workplace where diversity is genuinely valued and equitably


The historical trajectory of diversity initiatives paints a picture of evolving awareness and

adaptation. From initial efforts aimed at correcting past inequities to a more inclusive

embrace of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and viewpoints, the journey reflects a

deepening understanding of diversity's multifaceted nature. This ongoing evolution highlights

the need for strategies that are both responsive and resilient, capable of fostering an

environment where every individual, irrespective of their background, can thrive.


Evidence Support:

Empirical research substantiates the efficacy of merit-based diversity strategies, illustrating

how such approaches cultivate environments ripe for innovation and success. Tomkin's

analysis, enriched by theoretical and empirical insights, advocates for a meritocracy that not

only addresses the pitfalls of discrimination but also leverages the full spectrum of human

potential, underscoring the intrinsic value of diversity in fostering organizational excellence

Research and case studies illuminate the efficacy of merit-based diversity initiatives,

showcasing how diverse teams excel in innovation, productivity, and success. These findings

advocate for a balanced diversity strategy that prioritizes qualifications and performance,

enabling organizations to cherish diversity without falling into discriminatory practices.

Anastasia Reesa Tomkin amplifies this narrative by highlighting the myriad advantages of a

merit-based approach—drawing superior talent, enriching team dynamics, and cultivating a

culture of trust and loyalty. Emphasizing fairness and equity leads to a more inclusive

workplace that honors diversity authentically.

Tomkin's argument is further enriched by theoretical frameworks that underline the

importance of cognitive diversity in enhancing problem-solving and creativity. These theories

support the notion that a workforce diverse in backgrounds and perspectives is better suited to

tackle complex challenges and drive innovation, reinforcing the merit of selection processes

that value diverse experiences.

Expanding the lens to a global perspective, the discourse on diversity and inclusion

showcases a variety of approaches, reflecting the unique demographic and historical contexts

of different regions. This global comparison underscores the significance of adapting


diversity strategies to fit local contexts, highlighting the universal quest for more inclusive

and equitable workplaces.


The implementation of a merit-based framework for diversity initiatives offers profound

benefits, both organizational and societal. By prioritizing fairness and equity, such strategies

not only attract and nurture talent but also promote a culture of loyalty and innovation.

Tomkin confronts potential criticisms by demonstrating how a balanced, evidence-based

approach can achieve diversity objectives without succumbing to the risks of reverse


Adopting a merit-based framework for diversity initiatives enriches organizations immensely.

This strategy foregrounds qualifications and performance as the cornerstone for attracting

stellar talent, fostering dynamic team collaborations, and spearheading innovation. A staunch

commitment to fairness and equity cultivates a workplace where trust and loyalty flourish

among employees, enhancing overall morale and productivity. Such an environment

celebrates diversity genuinely, without resorting to discrimination, thereby nurturing a vibrant

and inclusive culture that appreciates every individual's unique contributions.

Anastasia Reesa Tomkin tackles potential criticisms head-on, challenging the misconception

that a focus on diversity inevitably discriminates against certain demographics. She

underscores the nuanced nature of this debate, advocating for a carefully considered,

equitable approach that champions meritocracy as the basis for ensuring equal opportunities

for everyone. This perspective not only refutes simplistic criticisms but also underscores the

importance of a thoughtfully balanced strategy in achieving a truly diverse and inclusive


Counterargument Refuta)on:

Critics of focused diversity initiatives often raise concerns about fairness and reverse

discrimination. Tomkin's preemptive counterarguments, grounded in ethical and practical

considerations, dismantle these critiques by illustrating how well-conceived diversity

strategies can enhance organizational effectiveness and societal equity, thus refuting the

notion that diversity efforts inherently disadvantage any group.

While some may argue that any focus on diversity inherently discriminates against certain

groups, it is crucial to recognize the complexity of the issue. Addressing potential reverse

discrimination does not diminish the importance of diversity and inclusion efforts but rather

underscores the need for a thoughtful and balanced approach. By implementing transparent,

merit-based criteria, organizations can ensure equal opportunities for all individuals based on

qualifications and performance, thus promoting equity and inclusivity.

Tomkin's preemptive refutation of potential counterarguments against selective

discrimination is expanded upon by examining the ethical and practical dimensions of

diversity efforts. Critics of diversity initiatives often cite concerns over fairness and the

potential for reverse discrimination. However, by framing diversity efforts within the broader

context of societal equity and organizational effectiveness, it becomes clear that these

initiatives are not about giving undue advantage but about leveling the playing field and

recognizing the intrinsic value of diverse perspectives.



The discourse on selective discrimination concludes with a strong endorsement of nuanced,

evidence-based strategies that navigate the complexities of diversity and inclusion. By

advocating for a transparent, merit-based framework, this paper aligns with Tomkin's vision,

proposing a future where diversity initiatives evolve to more fully embrace intersectionality

and inclusivity. The journey towards equitable diversity practices is ongoing, requiring

continuous refinement and a commitment to balancing diversity goals with fairness and


In the concluding remarks, the discourse on selective discrimination is eloquently expanded

to emphasize the criticality of nuanced, balanced strategies in the realm of diversity and

inclusion. By advocating for transparent, merit-based selection frameworks, the argument

posits that such methodologies not only champion diversity but also adeptly navigate the

potential pitfalls of reverse discrimination. This comprehensive exploration delves into the

intricate dynamics at play, proposing solutions, substantiating these proposals with evidence,

and engaging with counterarguments in a manner that highlights the paramount importance of

equity and fairness. Anastasia Reesa Tomkin's insightful research further enriches this

narrative, offering a robust foundation for future endeavors aimed at crafting workplaces that

are as diverse as they are innovative and successful. The discussion beckons a forward-

looking perspective, suggesting an evolution of diversity efforts to more deeply integrate

intersectional considerations, thereby enhancing the sophistication and inclusivity of

organizational cultures worldwide.

The journey towards truly inclusive diversity practices is ongoing. As Tomkin suggests, the

key to mitigating the risks associated with reverse discrimination lies in the continual

reassessment and refinement of diversity initiatives. The future of diversity and inclusion

efforts will likely be characterized by a greater emphasis on intersectionality, recognizing the

complex ways in which different aspects of identity intersect to shape individuals'


Anastasia Reesa Tomkin's "The Case for Selective Discrimination" serves as a critical

touchstone in the ongoing dialogue about diversity and inclusion. By advocating for a

balanced, evidence-based approach to diversity initiatives, Tomkin contributes to a more

nuanced understanding of how to achieve equitable outcomes. This expanded analysis builds

on her work, offering additional context, evidence, and perspectives to enrich the

conversation and provide a roadmap for future efforts to foster truly inclusive environments.


Tomkin, A. R. (2021). The Case for Selective Discrimination. Nonprofit Quarterly. Link

to the article.

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