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A Parents’

Guide to
From Preconception
to Early Childhood

March 2024
Table of Contents
Chapter One: Preconception Planning.......................................3
The Seed........................................................................................ 4
Factors Affecting Fertility............................................................... 5
Optimal Nutrition for Preconception, Pregnancy, and Postpartum...... 6
Foods to Avoid During Preconception.............................................. 12
Minimizing Exposure to Environmental Toxins.............................. 13
Chapter Two: What Happens During Pregnancy?...................15
Mind, Body, and Spirit...................................................................16
Common Discomforts During Pregnancy........................................18
Vaccination During Pregnancy...................................................... 24
Chapter Three: Planning for Childbirth....................................29
Exploring Childbirth Options........................................................ 30
The Rise of Hospital Births............................................................ 31
Hospital Birth Today.................................................................... 32
Home Birth...................................................................................35
Birth Centers............................................................................... 36
Natural Interventions During Labor and Delivery............................37
Support During Childbirth............................................................ 38
Day-of-Birth Medical Interventions............................................... 39
Chapter Four: The First Year......................................................43
Therapeutic Touch........................................................................ 44
The Infant Gut Microbiome and the Benefits of Breastfeeding......... 45
Antibiotics and the Microbiome..................................................... 47
Breastfeeding Challenges and Alternatives..................................... 49
Gastroesophageal Reflux................................................................53
Newborn Reflexes.........................................................................55
Infant Breathing...........................................................................57
Sleeping: When and Where........................................................... 60
Vaccination Risks......................................................................... 62
Skin: The Largest Organ............................................................... 65
Maternal Changes........................................................................ 67
Postpartum Depression................................................................. 68


Chapter Five: The Solid Food Transition...................................71
Introducing Solid Food................................................................... 71
Food Reactions and Food Allergies..................................................75
Chapter Six: Developmental Milestones..................................78
Teaching and Learning: The Joy of Communication........................ 80
Anticipating and Responding to a Child’s Needs..............................81
Children Set the Pace.................................................................... 83
Developmental Milestones............................................................ 85
Developmental Delays and the 2022
Revised Developmental Milestones................................................ 89
Vaccine Ingredients as Environmental Toxins................................ 97
Chapter Seven: Environmental Exposures...............................99
Synthetic Chemicals.................................................................... 100
Neurotoxic Metals....................................................................... 102
Fluoride...................................................................................... 106
Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs)..................................................... 108
Chapter Eight: Childhood Illness.............................................109
Detoxification and Restoration......................................................110
Medications and Warning Signs....................................................112
Chapter Nine: Toys.................................................................... 113
The Importance of Imaginative Play............................................. 114
The First Few Years..................................................................... 114
Toys to Avoid............................................................................... 115
Better Options.............................................................................. 115
Chapter Ten: Safety Tips...........................................................116
Babyproofing the Home................................................................116
Car Seats and Strollers..................................................................118
Choking and Accidental Ingestion..................................................119
Other Potential Child Hazards.......................................................119
Chapter Eleven: The Parenting Journey.................................120
Exercise...................................................................................... 122
Postpartum Nutrition.................................................................. 122
Social Support............................................................................. 123
A Journey.................................................................................... 123
Appendix: Typical Developmental Milestones,
2 Months Through 4 Years of Age............................................124


This eBook is in defense of the child, and in defense of parents’
and guardians’ freedom to make health and wellness decisions
for their children. Empowered and loving adults provide the
foundation for children’s healthy habits.1 Parents have the
innate ability to respond to their children in ways that promote
health and vitality.

This time in history is unveiling some of the deepest inconsis-

tencies in conventional Western medicine, both in the United
States and around the world. It was only in the 19th and 20th
centuries that practitioners of Western medicine began lim-
iting their practice to knowledge of the physical body, gained
through observation and experimentation. Before then, healing
took into account the spiritual dimensions of health as well.
Today, a growing number of people—both parents and profes-
sionals—recognize medicine’s narrow focus on the physical as
being detrimental to health and healing,2 and they understand
the importance of allowing children to grow up physically,
mentally, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. The time is ripe
for shifting the medical paradigm.


Over the last few years, people from all walks of life have
experienced governmental and pharmaceutical overreach,
negatively affecting their ability to make informed decisions
regarding medical treatments, their right to bodily autonomy,
and their right to full transparency. This has given rise to a
powerful new movement of parents and caregivers committed
to making health decisions and choices for themselves and
their children without interference. Many parents also want to
guide children so that young people:

• Trust their own ability to maintain and restore balance

and health
• Understand simple steps they can take to maintain health
and prevent and treat illness
• Grow up taking charge of their health and health care

Parents are their children’s best advocates, and they must

be able to make health decisions with confidence. No parent
should ever feel vulnerable or victimized when they seek
medical assistance for their child.3 This eBook provides readers
with resources they can use to support their children’s health
and the sometimes complex medical decisions that are unique
to each child and family. Though shaped by medical, psycho-
logical, social, and cultural forces, parental decision-making
should not be subject to pressure from outside influences.
Instead, parents should be able to obtain support from trusted
medical professionals who emphasize informed consent and
risk-based analysis.

There is no need for parents to fear speaking up or to feel

alone. All parents share a purpose: to protect the most precious
generation and raise vibrant, healthy, and happy children.


Chapter One: Preconception Planning
“If we hope to create a nonviolent world where respect and kindness replace fear and hatred, we must
begin with how we treat others at the beginning of life. For that is where our deepest patterns are set. From
these roots grow fear and alienation—or love and trust.” — Suzanne Arms

For many years, author However, as societal knowl-

Suzanne Arms has challenged edge and ideas shift, even
the status quo in terms of conventional medicine is
how society cares for child- evolving toward a focus that
bearing women and brings goes beyond merely “plant- Healthy women
babies into the world. Accord- ing a seed” to emphasizing and men are the
ing to Arms, society often fails preconception planning. This
to meet the needs of the moth- perspective recognizes that
foundation on
er-baby dyad and neglects baseline health and happi- which society can
children’s proper brain and ness at conception matter. cultivate healthy
immune development.4 Healthy women and men
are the foundation on which future generations.
This inattention often starts
society can cultivate healthy
even earlier, during precon-
future generations.
ception—the period before
a woman gets pregnant.


In this chapter, we will: Conventional approaches to
treating infertility—medica-
• Discuss factors that influ-
ence natural fertility tion, injections, intrauterine
insemination (IUI), or in
• Address daily stressors that
may interfere with fertility vitro fertilization (IVF)—can
be extremely stressful. Not
• Discuss the importance of
only are these treatments
reducing or eliminating
preconception exposure to expensive and rarely covered
environmental toxins by health insurance, but they
• Explore health and nutri- may not be for everyone.
tion options
Instead of or in addition to
• Share resources to facilitate medications or IVF treat-
support for future mothers
ments, a holistic and integra-
embarking on this journey
tive approach to fertility is an

The Seed alternative worth considering.

This approach encompasses
“I feel so alone; my partner and I the whole person, recognizing
are suffering from infertility. I have mind, body, spirit, emotions,
tried it all—I am in desperate need and lifestyle as key factors
of quality support and guidance.” that can maximize fertil-
ity—for both women and
Unfortunately, subfertility
men. Specific interventions
and infertility are increas-
may include meditation,
ingly common. A variety
Chinese medicine, yoga,
of internal and external
hypnosis, mitigation of
factors are contributing to
stressors, dietary change, or
this growing concern, with
supplementation. Chinese
diagnoses of “unexplained
medicine practitioner Dr.
infertility” on the rise. In the
Randine Lewis, whose book
United States, an estimated
The Infertility Cure has helped One in four
one in five women aged 15 to
numerous couples over-
49 with no prior births fails reproductive-age
come fertility challenges,7
to get pregnant after one
emphasizes the importance women has difficulty
year of trying; one in four
reproductive-age women
of women getting to know either getting
their cycle and learning how
has difficulty either getting pregnant or carrying
to positively affect it. The
pregnant or carrying a preg-
goal is to focus more deeply a pregnancy to term.
nancy to term.5 Both women
on the overall health of the
and men can contribute to
couple to increase the chances
infertility, and it is import-
of conceiving naturally. As
ant to consider the couple
one author puts it, “the best
“as a unit.”6
way to be fertile and have
a healthy baby is to have
vibrant health.”8


If infertility is a concern, Factors Affecting
we recommend consulting
with a trusted provider who
is willing to partner with “When a plant does not grow,
future parents in the deci- you fix the environment that it’s
sion-making process and subjected to, not the plant.”
provide meaningful support — Yashmayi Bhoi
and guidance. Fortunately, a
growing number of holistic Couples wanting to conceive
providers specialize in infer- need to understand the basics
tility treatment. Alternatives about the female and male Paying attention to
for Healing is a leading alter- reproductive systems and the both female and
importance of timing, with
native medicine site for find-
the five days before and the
male preconception
ing holistic and integrative
medicine practitioners.9 There day of ovulation being the health can help ensure
are also virtual and in-person “fertile window.”11 It also that after conception,
support groups that connect helps to trust that the moth-
er’s body—the home for the the baby will grow
individuals facing infertility,
such as the National Infertil- growing fetus—is designed to and flourish.
ity Association’s RESOLVE.10 properly nourish and nurture
The fellowship of a support a baby as long as it is treated
group allows individuals who gently and kindly, beginning
share the same challenges to during preconception. Paying
connect with one another and attention to both female and
facilitates courage, strength, male preconception health
and hope. can help ensure that after
conception, the baby will
grow and flourish.


For women, conception For men, exposure to environ-
requires a proper internal mental toxins, again including
environment. Each woman radiation from cell phones
has an innate body clock that and laptops, can contribute to
relates directly to the repro- abnormal sperm or interfere
ductive system. Research with hormonal balance.16
Recognizing that
shows that some causes of Other factors affecting male
infertility may be directly fertility include compromised an egg takes three
related to disorders in this baseline health status, older months to mature,
biological clock. For example, paternal age, poor nutrition,
stress can cause an imbal- and stress.
ance, while daily physical planning should
activity, wholesome nutrition, Optimal Nutrition begin six months
and other supports can aid for Preconception, in advance at
in restoring balance. Low
progesterone, high testos-
Pregnancy, and a minimum.
terone, low thyroid hormone, Postpartum
and insulin resistance are
“Our food should be our medi-
examples of imbalances that
cine and our medicine should be
can affect ovulation and make
our food.” — Hippocrates
it more difficult to get preg-
nant.12 Women who have been Recognizing that an egg takes
on hormonal birth control for three months to mature, pre-
any length of time also may conception planning should
have more trouble conceiv- begin six months in advance
ing; birth control pills also at a minimum,17 with two
deplete nutrients “critical to years being even more ideal.
the development of a healthy Currently, nearly half of all
nervous system in future pregnancies are unplanned,
developing babies.”13 however, which can place the
mother and infant at a great-
The external environment is
er risk for prenatal and post-
also important. For example,
natal complications. Whether
studies in mice show that cell
a pregnancy is planned or
phone radiation affects female
unexpected, it is never too
“reproductive performance”
early or too late to make
through multiple mecha-
conscious dietary changes
nisms,14 with multiple studies
that provide for parents’ and
indicating that it “poses a
baby’s optimal health.
serious hazardous health risk
for women of childbearing
age,” affecting their ability
“to conceive, carry and deliver
healthy children.”15


A successful diet that
supports fertility,
pregnancy, and the
needs of breastfeeding
infants should
emphasize whole fresh
foods that are

Eating habits greatly influ- • A variety of organic, grass-

ence both fertility and the fed meats
health of a growing baby.18 A • Wild-caught seafood (such
successful diet that supports as cod, salmon, crab,
fertility, pregnancy, and the shrimp, and fish eggs)
needs of breastfeeding infants • Organic organ meats
should emphasize whole (such as chicken liver)
fresh foods that are nutri- • Bone broths
ent-dense—including foods • Organic pastured eggs and
high in vitamins A, D, and K especially egg yolks
and minerals.19 As Sally Fallon • Organic, grass-fed, and
Morell, founder and presi- preferably raw dairy21
dent of the Weston A. Price • Whole grains, soaked or
Foundation (an organization sprouted to ensure proper
“dedicated to restoring nutri- digestion22
ent-dense foods to the human • Properly prepared (i.e.,
diet”) puts it, “you need to soaked or sprouted) nuts,
have extra nutrition during seeds, and legumes
that period of conception and • A rainbow of organic,
growth because that never antioxidant-rich fruits
comes back. You only have and vegetables
one chance to get it right.”20 • Sauerkraut, kimchi, and
other fermented foods
To support fertility and a
• Organic berries
healthy pregnancy, couples
should choose and consume
• Avocados

high-quality foods that • Plentiful butter, ghee, other

animal fats such as lard
may include:
and tallow, coconut oil, and
cold-pressed virgin olive oil


Animal foods rich in natural Also within a few weeks of
vitamin A—such as eggs, conception—and again, before
butter, cheese, liver, fish, many women realize they are
and high-vitamin cod liver pregnant—the neural plate
oil—are particularly important begins to fold inward, forming
during preconception. Vitamin the neural tube that will even-
A is the “concertmaster of tually become the baby’s brain
fetal development” and is and spinal cord. Defects in the
Defects in the fetal
essential for sending the sig- fetal neural tube may cause neural tube may
nals that ensure formation of a abnormalities in the infant’s
cause abnormalities
healthy heart—a process that brain and spine. Women can
begins around three weeks of decrease the risk of neural in the infant’s brain
pregnancy, well before most tube defects with an adequate and spine. Women can
women even know they are intake of folate and other
decrease the risk of
pregnant.23 Vitamin A in the essential vitamins and miner-
form of beta-carotene (called als. Foods rich in folate—liver, neural tube defects
“provitamin A carotenoids”) egg yolks, seafood, legumes, with an adequate
is present in orange vegetables and leafy greens—as well as
such as carrots and sweet omega-3 fatty acids, iron,
intake of folate
potatoes but absorbs poorly B-vitamins, choline, and vita- and other essential
compared to the vitamin A in min A during preconception
vitamins and minerals.
animal foods.24 and pregnancy will provide
the baby with the nutrients
Pregnant women sometimes
required for musculoskeletal
encounter the message that
and brain development (see
too much vitamin A can be
“Preconception, Pregnancy,
toxic, but it is important to
and Postpartum: Essential
understand that warnings
Vitamins and Minerals”).27
about vitamin A toxicity are
all based on synthetic forms
of vitamin A in supplements.
In fact, while synthetic
retinyl palmitate is a known
teratogen (something that
causes fetal abnormalities),25
“[n]atural food sources of
vitamin A are well tolerated
at even high doses.”26


The Weston A. Price Foun- The body has a particularly
dation does not recommend difficult time metabolizing
prenatal vitamins, generally the synthetic folic acid
full of synthetic ingredients included in many prenatal
which are poorly absorbed supplements; moreover,
and “don’t come with the synthetic folic acid does not
right kind of co-factors.”28 cross the placenta.30 Women
Prenatal vitamins are no sub- who nevertheless choose to
stitute for a nutrient-dense take a prenatal supplement
diet. They also may contain should avoid those containing
synthetic food dyes or food synthetic folic acid and look
colorings, synthetic retinyl for a methylated folate like
palmitate, synthetic folic L-methylfolate (600 to 800
acid, monosodium glutamate mcg of active folate daily).
(MSG), polyethylene glycol
(PEG), bisphenol A (BPA),
and/or GMO ingredients. The
Foundation’s “Diet for Preg-
nant and Nursing Mothers”
provides guidelines for an
optimal diet.29

Prenatal vitamins are

no substitute for a
nutrient-dense diet.


also important for immune
system function, skin health,
Pregnancy, and and eye development. Vita-
Postpartum: Essential min D3 facilitates sufficient
Vitamins and Minerals calcium and phosphorus
absorption; however, there
• Folate: Folate, recommend-
is a limit to how much of
ed three to six months prior
this active form of vitamin D
to conception and during
someone can absorb at once.
pregnancy, aids in protecting
Vitamin K plays an important
the rapidly dividing cells of
role in bone formation. For all
the baby and is known for its
three, good sources include
important role in decreasing
butter, egg yolks, and liver;
the risk of neural tube
other sources of vitamin K
During the first few
defects (brain and spinal
defects) in infants. Food
include hard and soft cheeses weeks of pregnancy,
and a fermented form of soy
sources of folate include
called natto. vitamin A from animal
liver, legumes, egg yolks,
seafood, and leafy greens. • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): foods plays a vital
Vitamin B6 supports the
• Choline: Choline (found in
luteal phase that primes the
role in healthy organ
liver, egg yolks, grass-fed
dairy, fish, meats, nuts, and
maternal body for embryo development.
implantation, and is essential
some cruciferous vegetables)
for central nervous system
also provides support essen-
development in the fetus.
tial for spinal cord formation.
Women who have used oral
• Vitamins A, D, and K: contraceptives are at risk of
Vitamins A, D (in the form a B6 deficiency. Animal food
of D3), and K work together sources (e.g., liver, red meat,
synergistically. During the salmon and other fish, raw
first few weeks of pregnancy, grass-fed milk and cheese)
vitamin A from animal foods provide much higher bio-
plays a vital role in healthy availability but are sensitive
organ development; it is to overcooking.


• Vitamin B12 and Selenium: • Calcium: Calcium supports
Both boost fertility and healthy bone growth; to be
mitigate the potential risk of fully absorbed, the body also
miscarriage. Vitamin B12 is needs vitamin D3.
almost exclusively in animal • Copper and Zinc: Copper
foods (meat, organ meats, aids in antioxidant produc-
fish, shellfish, milk products). tion, but is only needed in
Supplementation with isolated minute amounts and is more
B12 (but not B12 analogs, effective when balanced
which can be harmful) may be with zinc. Zinc supports the
indicated in individuals with body by making superoxide
severe deficiencies. As for dismutase, an enzyme that
selenium, sources include fish, helps keep maternal eggs
shellfish, poultry, organ meats, healthy. Because the most
Brazil nuts, and dairy products. reliable sources of zinc are
• Vitamin C: Vitamin C supports eggs and red meat, individu-
the immune system and helps als who eat plant-based diets
the body make progesterone, are more likely to end up with
needed for maintaining a copper-zinc imbalances.
healthy pregnancy. Heat-sen- • Iodine: Iodine plays a neces-
sitive vitamin C is found in sary role in making thyroid
many fruits and vegetables hormones; the thyroid is a
and some animal organs. vital hormone gland involved
• Vitamin E: Vitamin E protects in metabolism, growth, and
maternal eggs from damage development.
that could be caused by • Iron: Iron supports a baby’s Vitamin C supports the
unstable molecules in the development and is essential
body and works in concert immune system and
to build healthy blood cells,
with trace minerals such as which deliver oxygen to helps the body make
selenium and zinc. Sources mother and baby.
include butter, organ meats, progesterone, needed
grains, nuts, seeds, legumes, • Magnesium: Magnesium
and leafy green vegetables. provides necessary support for maintaining a
both for fertility and the
healthy pregnancy.
health of the baby.


Foods to Studies have linked diets
high in sugar and refined
Avoid During carbohydrates with fertility
Preconception difficulties.35 Nutritionists One study found that
recommend avoiding or sub- women who ate fast
During preconception, there
stantially decreasing intake of
are also foods that parents- food at least four
sweetened sodas and juices.
to-be should avoid—such as
There is also evidence that times a week had
fast foods and processed foods
devoid of nutrition and laden
artificial sweeteners—such double the risk of
as aspartame, acesulfame
with additives.31 One study
potassium (known as Ace-K),
infertility compared
found that women who ate fast
Splenda, sorbitol, Sweet’N to women who never
food at least four times a week
had double the risk of infertil-
Low®, and sucralose—pose ate fast food.
health risks.36 It would be
ity compared to women who
wise to avoid beverages fea-
never ate fast food.32 The goal
turing these sweeteners.
is to ensure that women and
their partners are functioning There are also many reasons to
at their highest potential to avoid soy both during precon-
allow for conception. ception and through the post-
partum period, with evidence
Unsaturated trans fats may
that “maternal consumption
increase the risk of ovulatory
of soy products transfers
infertility. In a study conduct-
estrogenic hormone disruptors
ed in 2007, the risk of ovu-
to [the] fetus” and also to a
latory infertility increased by
breastfeeding infant: “Several
more than 70% with every 2%
hundred studies overwhelm-
increase in trans fat intake.33
ingly conclude soy phyto-toxic
Women trying to conceive causation of an assortment
should completely avoid cer- of severe, painful and often
tain types of fish at the top of irreversible neurological and
the marine food chain, such as physiological disorders … more
white (albacore) tuna, bigeye often caused during develop-
tuna, swordfish, marlin, mental exposures.”37
orange roughy, king mackerel,
shark, and tilefish from the
Gulf of Mexico. These have the
highest mercury levels. How-
ever, there is some evidence
that eating fish with a higher
concentration of selenium
than mercury can help mini-
mize mercury risks.34


Research has established that Minimizing
consuming alcohol during
pregnancy can cause a host of
Exposure to
complications for the fetus, Environmental
but the effects of alcohol on Toxins
fertility are not as well stud-
ied.38 An occasional drink will Exposures to environmental
probably not have an impact toxins can have a negative
on fertility. However, studies impact on fertility (see
have linked excessive pre- “Toxins and Fertility”),
conception alcohol intake to decreasing the odds of nat-
infertility in both women and ural conception as well as
men due to its potential to lowering the success rate of
affect hormones adversely.39,40 infertility treatments.41 As
already noted, human fer-
After conception, maternal tility is declining worldwide.
nutrition continues to play According to an article pub-
a vital role, ensuring that a lished in 2018 in Integrative
baby will thrive prenatally Medicine, “While much of the
and after birth. The foods 50% decrease in the number
that a mother consumes will of children born per woman
strongly affect infant birth in the past 60 years is due to
weight, gestational age, choice, an increasing number
immune system functioning, of couples—now 1 in 7 to 10
and brain development. Neu- in North America—are have
rodevelopmental processes [sic] serious difficulty con-
occur rapidly during the ceiving.”42 The study singled
estimated 280 days that a out the growing body burden
baby is growing in the womb. of environmental toxins in
both men and women as a
“significant cause of this
progressive loss of fertility.”
As described in the article,
environmental toxins can processes occur rapidly
cause infertility in f0ur ways: during the estimated
endocrine disruption, damage
to the female reproductive
280 days that a baby is
system, damage to the male growing in the womb.
reproductive system, and
impaired fetal viability.


Toxins and Fertility
A wide range of environmental
toxins encountered in person-
al care products, household
cleaning products, textiles,
food packaging, and non-stick
products can disrupt fertility.
These include:

• Bisphenol A (BPA) found

in some food and drink
packaging and hard plastic
• Phthalates in soft
plastic products
• Parabens and benzophe- Although it can be difficult to
nones in sunscreens and completely eliminate all toxic
personal care products exposures, greater awareness
• Fire retardants in electron- can help in the selection of
ics and furniture less toxic cleaning, laundry,
• Mercury and PCBs (poly- and personal care options.
chlorinated biphenyls) in However, this requires
fish such as tuna
ascertaining the difference
• Organochlorine com- between products that are
pounds such as chlorinated truly organic, nontoxic, and A wide range of
pesticides, PCBs, and dioxins
better for the environment
present in many paper environmental toxins
and those that simply claim
to be “natural” or “green.” A encountered in
• Organophosphate pesti-
cides and herbicides
staff scientist at the Natural personal care products,
Resources Defense Council
• Other pesticides in conven- household cleaning
(NRDC) states that terms
tionally farmed produce
like “natural,” “green,” products, textiles,
• Additional chemicals,
metals, and air pollutants
and “nontoxic” are “unfor- food packaging, and
tunately not regulated and
For more details on these are not legal definitions,
non-stick products can
environmental toxins, see so they don’t really mean disrupt fertility.
Chapter Seven.
anything.”43 For cleaning
products, the most effective
solution can be to make
them at home. This can be
as simple as using white
vinegar and baking soda,
with the option of adding a
little lemon, ginger, or orange
essential oil.


Chapter Two: What Happens During Pregnancy?
“The mother’s body is the only environment to which the human infant is adapted.”
— Dr. Donald Winnicott

When couples are trying to In this chapter, we will:

conceive, they often experi-
• Discuss how mind, body, Pregnancy is a
ence a roller coaster of emo- and spirit play a crucial
tions. Being rewarded with role during pregnancy transformative
one of life’s most precious
• Consider common discom- experience, and the
gifts—pregnancy—can change forts of pregnancy
their outlook forever, causing divinity of creation is
• Outline the stages of a baby’s
parents-to-be to shift their growth inside the womb a journey that holds
focus and reevaluate priorities.
• Review trends and risks much promise.
Pregnancy is a transformative related to vaccination
experience, and the divinity of during pregnancy
creation is a journey that holds
much promise.


Mind, Body, Maternal prenatal stress
can cause alterations in six
and Spirit different types of hormones
Mind, body, and spirit are (cortisol, glucagon, prolactin,
interconnected and play testosterone, estrogen, and
crucial roles throughout the progesterone); this can affect
estimated 280 days of preg- both mother and fetus.45
nancy. Of course, mothers Studies showing direct effects
and babies are also connected of stress on babies have iden-
profoundly after birth. tified risks of preterm birth,
lower birth weight, alter-
A mother’s thoughts can be ations in circulatory activity,
as important as the physical and neurodevelopmental Mothers who
care she gives herself and the delays.46 A baby can feel the experience severe
foods she consumes during “fight or flight” response
pregnancy. Watching a hor- triggered by the sympathet-
psychological stress
rific story on the local news ic nervous system during during pregnancy
may evoke deep empathy
but can also elicit a visceral
stressful or traumatic expe- are at higher
riences. These experiences
fear response that can cause do not even have to pose an risk for prenatal
hypervigilance for days. This imminent danger. It might and postpartum
is just one example of how be a heated argument with a
uncomfortable thoughts can complications.
friend or partner or a stress-
take over. What a woman ful but hard-to-confront
feeds her mind shapes her situation at work; whatever
thinking and can directly the situation, the mind keeps
affect her character and how spiraling. Thus, cultivating
she interacts with others. a positive mind-space is an
What she reads and watches important key to unlocking
plays a role in overall health peace and serenity on the
and well-being. pregnancy journey.
Mothers who experience
severe psychological stress
during pregnancy are at higher
risk for prenatal and postpar-
tum complications.44 Negative
thoughts that lead to stress
have the ability to suppress
the immune system and affect
appetite and sleep patterns.
Stress is also a known culprit
for muscle tension, headaches,
and irritability.


Fortunately, there are many
“Your baby is in sync with
ways to develop healthy
your fear or your happiness.
coping skills to lessen the
Sing, talk, rub your belly
impacts of fear, anxiety,
and throw on some soothing
and stress in everyday life.
music that will help to create
One example is mindful-
connection between you and
ness-based practices, which
your baby. You will begin to
can be helpful in shifting
realize that calm is not too
one’s mindset. Mindfulness
far out of reach.”
enables individuals to prac-
— Thomson et al.,
tice sitting with what they
Natural Childhood (1995)
are experiencing without
judgment or shame. The
effects of mindfulness can
be life-changing. Everyone In addition to mindful-
is capable of learning mind- ness-based practices, other
fulness, though it may take everyday strategies for coping
with stress during pregnan-
practice to master the skill. Childbearing is
Support from a trusted friend, cy include getting enough
partner, or professional can sleep, exercising, eating a the ideal time to
be helpful. wholesome diet, and making enrich spirituality
the most of social support.47
and understand the
Paying close attention to
feelings and whether there is spiritual dimensions
a sense of lightness and ease of childbirth.
can help each woman learn
what works best for her.

Spirituality is an important
component of well-being.
Childbearing is the ideal
time to enrich spirituality
and understand the spiritual
dimensions of childbirth.48
This is true whether a woman
comes to the pregnancy
journey already deeply rooted
in faith or without previously
having had the opportunity to
sift through what spirituality
means to her.


In the previous chapter, we Everyone’s financial circum-
discussed the importance of stances are unique, and those
eating a nutrient-dense diet circumstances can either
from conception through improve access or create
pregnancy and also thereaf- barriers to healthy nutrition.
ter. A diet that emphasizes Fortunately, there are orga-
organic grass-fed meats nizations and food programs
(including organ meats and that can provide assistance to
bone broths), cold-water fish, those who need support.
pastured eggs, high-quality
dairy, fruits and vegeta- Common
bles, and properly prepared Discomforts During pregnancy,
(soaked, sprouted, or fer-
mented) whole grains—and
During Pregnancy the baby will grow
one that limits or eliminates During pregnancy, the baby rapidly, going from a
fast foods, processed foods, will grow rapidly, going from
and refined sugars—will
zygote that is the size
a zygote that is the size of a
help keep the body fueled for poppy seed to its final weight of a poppy seed to its
mother and fetus and may at birth (see “A Baby’s Pas- final weight at birth.
reduce birth complications. sage to Earth”).

Accessing organic foods can The mother may or may not

sometimes be challenging. experience varying degrees of
Resources that can facilitate discomfort, such as morning
access include coupons, sickness, fatigue, heartburn,
farmers’ markets, mail-order indigestion, backaches, or
companies that specialize in stretch marks. What follow
organically raised foods, and are some common discomforts
community-supported agricul- and suggestions about when
ture (CSA) groups. CSAs consist it may be necessary to seek
of a community of individuals professional medical advice.
who pledge support to a farm
operation, with the growers
and consumers providing
mutual support and sharing the
risks and benefits of food pro-
duction. The Weston A. Price
Foundation’s network of local
chapters is a helpful resource
for finding local sources and
small-scale producers of nutri-
ent-dense foods.49


Women can prevent
or reduce heartburn
and indigestion by
eating smaller meals
throughout the day and
avoiding lying down
shortly after eating.

Nausea and Vomiting For some pregnant women,

vomiting can be severe, a
Around 50% of all childbear-
condition known as hyper-
ing women experience nausea
emesis gravidarum. This can
and sometimes vomiting
lead to dehydration and even
in the first trimester. Some
hospitalization. Communicate
women have nausea and
with a medical provider or
vomiting throughout preg-
midwife if these symptoms
nancy. These symptoms are
are present.
due to changes in hormone
levels during pregnancy. Heartburn and
Factors that may make Indigestion
them worse include stress,
traveling, and spicy or fatty Both of these symptoms
foods. Eating smaller meals are also very common,
throughout the day is a especially in the second and
proven strategy to mitigate third trimesters, caused by
the severity of symptoms. pressure on the intestines
Protein- and gelatin-rich and stomach (which, in turn,
bone broth and chicken broth pushes the stomach contents
can help to heal the lining of back up into the esophagus).
the stomach. Women can prevent or reduce
heartburn and indigestion
by eating smaller meals
throughout the day and
avoiding lying down shortly
after eating.


Fatigue Swelling or Fluid
Fatigue can be common
during pregnancy as the body Mild swelling is common
is working hard to establish during pregnancy, but severe
a nourishing environment swelling that lasts may
for the baby. During the first be a sign of preeclampsia,
trimester, a feeling of drowsi- which is an abnormal con-
ness may be present through- dition marked by high blood
out the day. The body needs pressure. Lying on the left
to adjust blood volume and side, elevating the legs, and
other fluids to account for the wearing support hose and
growing baby. It is important comfortable shoes may help
to pay attention to this fatigue to relieve swelling. Notify a
as it can be related to low medical provider or midwife
iron, which is responsible for if there is sudden swelling,
the oxygen-carrying capacity especially in the hands or
of red blood cells. Low iron face, or if there is rapid
levels result in anemia. A weight gain.
hemoglobin blood test can
screen for anemia. Skin Changes

Hemorrhoids Brown, blotchy patches on

the face, forehead, and/or
During pregnancy, increased cheeks may appear due to
pressure in the rectum and fluctuations in the hormones
perineum can lead to consti- that stimulate pigmentation
The body needs to
pation. Hemorrhoids usually of the skin. This is called the
arise later in pregnancy and mask of pregnancy or chloas- adjust blood volume
can be caused by straining ma. It often disappears soon and other fluids to
during bowel movements. It after delivery.
is important to ensure that
account for the
the mother consumes an Pigmentation may also growing baby.
adequate intake of high-fiber increase in the skin sur-
foods, including complex rounding the nipples, called
carbohydrates, properly pre- the areola. In addition, a
pared whole grains, fruits, dark line often appears down
and vegetables. Increasing the middle of the stomach.
fluid intake and taking sup- Freckles may darken and
plemental magnesium citrate moles may grow.
can also be beneficial.


Although some health care
practitioners recommend
using sunscreen when out-
side to reduce the amount of
skin darkening, most sun-
screens—even products billed
as “safe”—feature endo-
crine-disrupting and other
toxic ingredients (including
homosalate, octinoxate,
octisalate, avobenzone,
oxybenzone, and micro- and
nanosize zinc oxide and tita-
nium dioxide) that everyone,
including pregnant women
and small children, would do
well to avoid.50 Fortunately,
coconut oil, a diet high in
antioxidants, and protective
clothing offer healthy alter-
natives to sunscreen.51

Hormonal changes can cause
Back Strain
headaches, especially during
the first trimester. Rest, As a woman’s weight
proper nutrition, and adequate increases during pregnancy,
fluid intake may help ease her balance changes and her
headache symptoms. Talk center of gravity is pulled
with a health care provider forward, straining her back. Hormonal changes
or midwife before taking any Pelvic joints may begin to
can cause headaches,
medicine for this condition. loosen in preparation for
Research associates excessive childbirth. Proper posture especially during the
use of acetaminophen with and proper lifting techniques first trimester.
an increased risk of autism throughout pregnancy can
and other adverse outcomes help reduce back strain.
in babies.52 If a mother expe-
riences a severe headache
or a headache that does not
resolve, she should contact a
healthcare provider, as it may
be a sign of preeclampsia.


A fertilized egg (known as a During the fourth month of
zygote) is the size of a poppy pregnancy, the fetus is the
seed. Replicating rapidly, it approximate size of a tomato.
makes its way down the fallopi- The head is half the size of the
an tube to the uterus, where it whole body. Taste buds have
implants as a blastocyst in the started to develop, and fetal
uterine lining about a week to programming begins to take
ten days after conception. place. A fetus learns to appre-
ciate different tastes when
Around the fourth week, cells
the mother eats a variety of
replicate at a rate of one million
different foods. (This can help a
per second. This ultimately
child become a less fussy eater
divides into the fetus and the
later in life.)
placenta. Note: Because clini-
cians count pregnancy from the During the fifth month of
first day of the last menstrual pregnancy, the fetus is the size
period, “four weeks” is usually of a dragon fruit. This stage
only two weeks post-conception kick-starts a steep growth spurt.
and about one week after The teeth, hair, eyebrows, and
implantation; for women with eyelashes all develop around
erratic menstrual cycles, preg- this time. The mother’s voice
nancy dating can sometimes be becomes clearer. If mom has
significantly “off.” not already felt her baby wriggle
or kick, she will soon! Her baby
During the secondnd month,
quickly learns that for every
the fetus is the size of a raspber-
action, there is a reaction. A
ry. The heart starts to beat, and
mother can rub her belly when
the brain grows 100,000 cells per
she feels her baby kick, letting
minute. The fetus is now 10,000
baby know, with a soft voice,
times bigger than at conception.
that she is present.
During the third month, the
During the sixth month of
Around the fourth
fetus is the size of a lemon. At
this time, the womb is a sensory
pregnancy, the fetus is the size week, cells replicate
of a small cauliflower. This is
playground. The fetus can now
the time when a baby can start at a rate of one
move hands, suck fingers, smile,
and hear mom’s voice and
to learn to communicate. The million per second.
baby’s eyes may open, and
heartbeat. Toxins from tobacco,
vaping, or marijuana smoke
simple facial expressions will This ultimately
begin. The cerebral cortex of
can have harmful effects on the
the brain splits into two hemi-
divides into the fetus
developing fetus and may actu-
ally cause the fetus to cringe.
spheres at this time. Believe it and the placenta.
or not, the baby only sees a blur
but can respond to light.


During the seventh month, the When the fetus officially enters
fetus is the size of a pineapple. the ninth month of the jour-
The sleep and wake cycle is ney, the baby will be the size of
developing. The hair is visible. a jackfruit. At this point, babies
The baby is now even more have coordinated reflexes and
aware of the mother’s voice and can close and blink their eyes,
language and can respond with turn their heads, and grasp
an increased heart rate and firmly, as well as respond to
movements. Teeth will have light, touch, and sounds.
formed under the gums.
Month 10, which encompasses
During the eighth month, the weeks 37 to 40, is the final During the seventh
fetus is the size of a small melon. month. Babies are preparing
The brain is now functional, for their debut on Earth. There month, the fetus is the
and the baby spends most of may be less movement as the size of a pineapple.
the time in a sleep state. The womb becomes tighter and
lungs are almost fully formed, the baby’s position changes to
and the baby has already prepare for birth. Ideally, the
practiced breathing by inhaling baby’s head should be face
amniotic fluid. The nervous down in the uterus.
system is ready! However, the
baby’s immune system is still
immature. Bodyguards from the
mother’s system will protect the
baby well into infancy.


Medical history validates
women’s innate caution and
indicates that they cannot
always count on healthcare
providers and regulators to
prioritize developmental
safety. For example, for two
of the 20th century’s most
infamous developmental
toxicity disasters,54 the Food
and Drug Administration
(FDA) turned a blind eye for
years or decades before halt-
Medical history
ing them. Though the FDA validates women’s
never approved the late-1950s
innate caution
drug thalidomide, the agency
allowed over 2.5 million doses and indicates that
to be administered to 20,000 they cannot always
pregnant women under cover
count on healthcare
of “clinical trials”; afterwards,
the FDA acknowledged seri- providers and
ous birth defects in just 17 regulators to prioritize
babies—a figure hotly disput-
developmental safety.
Vaccination During ed by U.S. thalidomide vic-
tims—later admitting that the
Pregnancy drug had adversely impacted
Many women instinctively “thousands of children”
know that pregnancy is a time worldwide.55 Meanwhile,
to be cautious about medica- the FDA approved diethyl-
tions. A 2018 study showed stilbestrol (DES) in 1947 but
that pregnant women’s top waited until 1971 to issue
concern about taking medica- a soft-pedaled warning to
tions during pregnancy had to pregnant women; DES caused
do with the drugs’ potential multigenerational effects that
impact on fetal development.53 persist to this day.


Industry and regulators like Why, then, does the Centers
to dismiss these incidents as for Disease Control and Pre-
ancient history, but modern vention (CDC) recommend
medical websites for the vaccines for pregnant women,
public continue to furnish beginning with flu shots?
long lists of drugs with Until around 2006, doctors
birth defect risks equal to and pregnant women largely
or greater than thalidomide, ignored the agency’s recom-
including widely prescribed mendations, but that changed
drugs for acne, hypertension, after the CDC stepped up
and depression.56 These same its aggressive promotion of
sites also describe heavy pregnancy flu shots. In 2011,
metals such as lead and mer- CDC and medical trade orga-
cury as known developmental nizations additionally began
toxins, yet they tell women recommending that pregnant
that flu shots (some of which women get the Tdap vaccine
contain mercury) are com- (tetanus-diphtheria-acellular
pletely safe “any time during pertussis),58 which, among
… pregnancy.” Toxicologists other ingredients, contains
warn that mercury toxicity neurotoxic aluminum.59
is time-dependent as well Following the 2011 recom-
as dose-dependent and that mendation, Tdap coverage in
even tiny doses “may cause pregnancy increased substan-
extensive adverse effects later tially.60 By April 2020, three
in life.”57 out of five pregnant women
(61%) were receiving flu shots,
and nearly that many (57%)
were getting Tdap vaccines.61

By April 2020, three

out of five pregnant
women (61%) were
receiving flu shots,
and nearly that many
(57%) were getting
Tdap vaccines.


Proponents of maternal The World Health Organiza-
vaccination sometimes pay tion (WHO), in 2013, acknowl-
lip service to the need for an edged “the limited amount of
extra-high evidentiary bar for clinical trial data on pregnant
pregnancy vaccines—stating women,”66 though a year ear-
that they “must provide effi- lier it had published a position
cacy in decreasing morbidity paper identifying pregnant
for the pregnant woman, her women “as the highest priori-
fetus, and the neonate” and ty group for countries consid-
“demonstrate safety or lack ering initiation or expansion
of evidence of harm”62—but of programmes for seasonal
the actual evidence base is influenza vaccination.”67 The
flimsy. As its 2006 proof FDA’s Center for Biologics As its 2006 proof of
of flu shot safety during Evaluation and Research flu shot safety during
pregnancy, for example, CDC (CBER)—which regulates
pointed to a grand total of two vaccines and other biologics—
retrospective epidemiological says that researchers should pointed to a grand total
studies of medical records— assess developmental toxicity
of two retrospective
one published in 1973.63 No in animal models “prior to
prelicensure studies of Tdap licensure of vaccines intended epidemiological studies
safety during pregnancy were for maternal immunization”68 of medical records.
available when the CDC later but admits, “lack of adverse
recommended maternal Tdap effects on embryo/fetal devel-
shots. An archived package opment in an animal study
insert for one Tdap brand does not necessarily imply
admitted, “It is also not absence of risk for humans.”69
known whether Adacel vaccine Still, the widely shared default
can cause fetal harm when position is that “there is no
administered to a pregnant documented causal evidence
woman or can affect repro- of developmental or reproduc-
duction capacity.”64 The insert tive toxic effects in humans
now omits that statement.65 following the use of [any]
approved vaccine.”70


Published reports point in the In addition to influenza and
opposite direction, suggesting Tdap vaccines, the CDC also
an increased risk of mis- recommends:
carriages and elevated risks
• COVID-19 shots for all
of birth defects and autism pregnant women, as well
in the offspring of mothers as lactating women and
who received influenza women who are trying
vaccines during pregnancy to get pregnant (or who
(as described by Children’s “might become pregnant in
Health Defense in multiple the future”)78
articles).71,72,73 Although Tdap • Five vaccines—hepatitis A
evidence is still emerging, the and B, meningococcal vac-
WHO’s global VigiBase data-
cines (ACWY or B), polio— There are only four
depending on the pregnant
base (which currently collects woman’s “circumstances,” vaccines...that the
reports of drug- and vac- or based on “risk vs. agency does not
cine-related adverse events benefit,” or “if otherwise
from 150 countries) provides indicated” or “if needed”79 recommend for
some clues.74 A search of • Five potential travel vaccines pregnant women at
the database’s public-facing
platform, VigiAccess,75 indi-
For several other vaccines, all. Meanwhile, many
the CDC takes no position
cates that over two-thirds more pregnancy
one way or another. In
(68%) of all adverse events
fact, there are only four vaccines are in
reported to VigiBase for vac-
cines containing diphtheria,
vaccines—human papilloma- the pipeline.
virus (HPV), live influenza,
tetanus, and pertussis active
ingredients have occurred
(MMR), and varicella (chick-
since 2010, half (49%) have
enpox)—that the agency does
been in women, and 8% have
not recommend for pregnant
been in the 18–44-year age
women at all.80 Meanwhile,
group. Moreover, the flu
many more pregnancy vac-
and Tdap shots have never
cines are in the pipeline.81
resulted in any statistically
significant reduction in the
outcomes they are supposed
to influence.76,77


A 2017 assessment of titani- • One American OB-GYN
um dioxide nanoparticles—a described an “off-the-
modern product included in charts” rise in sudden
fetal death87—“way, way
many cosmetics and drugs—
beyond” what the CDC
warned of the significant and
ordinarily would consider
potentially devastating effects a safety signal—as well as
of nanoparticle exposure on other adverse fetal outcomes
“millions of pregnant moth- (such as fetal malformation
ers and their offspring,”82 and fetal cardiac arrest) and
but there have been no com- significantly increased rates
of miscarriage and men-
parable studies or warnings
strual abnormalities.88
for nanoparticle-containing
vaccines. In fact, lipid • In October 2022, a
Florida-based OB-GYN
nanoparticles (LNPs)83 are key
components of the Pfizer and
shared observations on None of the vaccines
social media about a
Moderna COVID-19 shots that 50% decrease in new promoted for pregnant
the CDC continues to urge OB patients (suggesting women are safe for
on pregnant women, despite infertility) and a 50%
evidence that the LNPs are increased miscarriage rate babies or their moms.
in her practice, as well as
“highly inflammatory,”
substantial increases in
lethal in animal models, and,
abnormal pap smears and
in some scientists’ view, cervical malignancies.89
tantamount to “poison.”84
• Around the same time,
Increasingly, other vaccines the Scottish government
also contain nanoparticulate ordered an investigation into
ingredients (some intended the “spike in newborn baby
and some not).85,86 deaths” in 2021 and 2022—
describing the increase as
Medical experts have tried to “larger than expected from
sound the alarm about the chance alone.”90,91
COVID-19 shots’ impacts The bottom line, as available
on pregnant women and data show, is that none of
their babies. the vaccines promoted for
pregnant women are safe for
babies or their moms.92


Chapter Three: Planning for Childbirth
“The power of the birth plan is not the actual plan, it’s the process of being educated about all your options.”
— Jen McLellan, Plus Size Birth

Many believe that the This includes the choice of

awesome responsibility of obstetrician, midwife, doula,
parenting begins after new or other individuals to sup-
parents take their baby home port the mother during child-
from the hospital. However, birth, and the choices parents The choices parents
many important decisions make about day-of-birth make throughout a
affecting the health and medical interventions.
pregnancy can affect
vitality of the baby begin
long before that. The choices the baby’s future
parents make throughout well-being.
a pregnancy can affect the
baby’s future well-being.


There are certain
questions that
women should ask
when choosing
healthcare providers
who will become
intimate members
of a birth team.

In this chapter, we will: Couples who are embarking

on the journey of parent-
• Provide guidance and
resources to help parents hood deserve to have a
understand the differences birth plan that leaves them
and similarities between feeling empowered and
hospital births, home fully informed about all the
births, and birth centers options available to them so
• Encourage parents to they can make sound deci-
develop a birth plan that sions weighing the risks and
reflects their preferences as benefits of each option.
to what is safest for mother
and baby There are certain questions
• Review the risks of day-of- that women should ask when
birth vitamin K shots and choosing healthcare providers
hepatitis B vaccination who will become intimate
members of a birth team (see
Exploring “10 Questions to Ask When
Childbirth Preparing for Childbirth”).

Options Answers to these funda-

mental questions will help
Many parents place a lot of a mother get to know the
trust in the health care pro- provider and evaluate wheth-
viders who specialize in child- er they are suitable for her
birth and rely on providers to needs.93 Women or couples
help them develop an individ- can ask these questions at the
ualized plan. Unfortunately, initial prenatal consultation
the average obstetrician is or the next prenatal visit.
unlikely to ask a mother what This information can help
she wants. If the provider does parents-to-be to make the
ask, that person is probably a best decision for themselves
good choice! and their baby.


10 Questions to Ask
When Preparing for
1. Who can be with me during
labor and birth?

2. What happens during normal

labor and birth in this setting?

3. How does the facility/prac-

tice allow for differences in
culture and beliefs?

4. Can I walk and move around

during labor? What labor posi-
tions does the facility/practice
suggest during birth?
The Rise of
5. How will you make sure Hospital Births
everything goes smoothly
between my nurse, doctor, It hasn’t been that long
midwife, or agency? since it was common for
midwives to deliver infants
6. How do staff interact with a Although most of
woman in labor? in the comfort of the family’s
own home. Although most North America and
7. How do you help mothers
stay as comfortable as they
of North America and Europe Europe had public
had public and private hospi-
can be? Besides drugs, how and private hospital
will you help me relieve the tal systems by the mid-1800s,
pain of labor? having a baby in a hospital systems by the mid-
8. What if the baby is born
did not become common until 1800s, having a baby
the early 1900s.94 The change
early or has special problems?
occurred during the industrial
in a hospital did not
9. Do you circumcise baby boys? age when dirty and cramped become common until
living quarters made it more
10. How do you help mothers the early 1900s.
who want to breastfeed? difficult for women to give
birth at home safely. This
concern precipitated the first
birthing hospitals. However,
affluent women continued to
have their babies at home.


In 1914, Boston opened one Hospital
of the developed world’s first
maternity (baby) hospitals
Birth Today
for all income classes. By the Today, the majority of women
1920s, advances in medical in developed countries have
technology had led to the their babies in hospitals.
practice of minimizing labor Some countries’ profession-
pain with morphine and al obstetric organizations
scopolamine, which providers actively discourage home
used to induce an amnesic, births. Having a baby in a
semi-conscious state that hospital means there will
eventually became known probably be a higher level of
as “Twilight Sleep.” The care, more pain management
popularity of Twilight Sleep options, and healthcare pro-
and propaganda promoting viders present in case of an Today, the majority of
hospitals as the safest and emergency. Hospital births
most sanitary places to give also offer more medical tech- women in developed
birth led to the majority of nology, anesthetics, surgical countries have their
babies being born in hospitals procedures, and postnatal
by the end of the 1930s, with
babies in hospitals.
emergent care. However, for
hospital birth perceived as low-risk women in particu-
ideal by the 1940s. lar, these technical advances
are not without risks such
as excess cesarean deliveries
(“C-sections”). As birth
options expert Henci Goer has
observed, “We have abundant
evidence of the gross overuse
of tests, drugs, restrictions,
and procedures in hospitals,
the toll of its consequent
harms, and the low use of
practices known to promote
healthy, physiologic birth.”95


Parents-to-be should know 4. Ramifications if the pro-
that COVID-19 had a sig- posed drugs, procedures, or
nificant impact on hospital interventions are not used, or
birthing practices, and many if there is an extended wait
hospitals have retained some period before using them
or all of the new protocols put
5. Alternatives to the pro-
in place, such as masking,
posed drugs, procedures, or
testing, limiting the number
of support persons allowed,
and separating newborns from 6. Restrictions or other poli-
their mothers.96 A New York cies related to COVID-19
study of women who had hos-
pital births during the height There are circumstances
of the pandemic found that where hospital birth may
the women experienced lower seem preferable. For example,
birth satisfaction along with women who have a known
more postpartum anxiety, prenatal risk factor such as
stress, and depression, includ- preeclampsia or an under-
ing “birth-related PTSD.”97 lying health condition such
as diabetes or high blood
If parents and providers deem pressure may opt to give birth
a hospital birth the best deci- in a hospital setting where
sion, the obstetrician should advanced support is readily
provide full transparency for available, since these condi-
all medications and proce- tions may place a mother at
dures that the hospital staff increased risk for prenatal
will offer. The provider should and postpartum complica-
If a woman has
be able to address all of the tions. These types of con- experienced preterm
following prior to delivery: cerns can warrant access to
labor in the past and
technology to closely monitor
1. The names of the drugs,
mother and child. is at risk for preterm
procedures, or other inter-
ventions likely to be proposed If a woman has experienced
labor again, this,
2. The reasons (benefits) for
preterm labor in the past and too, might point to a
is at risk for preterm labor hospital birth plan.
proposing the drugs, proce-
again, this, too, might point
dures, or interventions
to a hospital birth plan. If the
3. The potential risks of the fetus has a prenatal diagno-
proposed drugs, procedures, sis that places the fetus at
or interventions higher risk, an expert team of
providers should be available
after the birth.


In the U.S., the cost of an
uncomplicated vaginal birth
varies from hospital to hospi-
tal, ranging from a few thou-
sand dollars to over $30,000;
more often than not, it
comes with a hefty price tag.
According to the nonprofit
organization FAIR Health,
the national average for a
vaginal delivery is $12,290,
and the national average for a
C-section is $16,907 (without
insurance).98 That’s 40% and
60% higher, respectively,
than in Switzerland, the next
most expensive country.
In 2014, researchers at the
University of California, San
Francisco, found that in
When having a baby at a
California, an uncomplicated
hospital, it is a good idea to
vaginal birth could cost up
ensure good communica-
to $37,227, depending on the
tion with the obstetrician.
hospital.99 The study showed
Because delivering a baby in
that C-sections ranged from
a hospital setting can elicit
$8,312 to almost $71,000. In the U.S., the cost
anxiety and feel unfamiliar
Insurance coverage for child- and restrictive, it can be of an uncomplicated
birth varies widely, depending wise to pack a bag of clothes vaginal birth varies
on the details of a particular (including some cherished
comfort measures) and enlist
from hospital to
plan and the individual insur-
ance company’s interpretation a support professional such as hospital, ranging from
of what it should cover. a doula,100 or involve a trusted a few thousand dollars
Expectant mothers should friend or family member who
speak to their insurance com- is willing to offer support to over $30,000.
pany and ask for the itemized during delivery. However,
estimated costs for a vaginal there may be limitations on
and cesarean delivery based on how many support individu-
their hospital (or birth center) als a hospital will allow to be
of choice. present during delivery.


Home Birth Each woman has the right to
make a medically informed
For centuries, women deliv- decision regarding how she
ered children in the comfort chooses to give birth. When
of their own homes, and considering a home birth,
there was little interference it is crucial that a mother
with the natural progression understand both the risks and
of giving birth. Today in the
Today in the United
benefits of home birth and
United States, however, only seek guidance from a trusted States...only 35,000
35,000 births per year occur provider.105 Most importantly, births per year occur
in the home, representing home birth providers should
just 0.9% of all births.101 inform women about factors
in the home,
An estimated one-fourth of critical to reducing perinatal representing just
home births are unplanned mortality rates and achieving 0.9% of all births.
or unattended. Since 2020, favorable home birth out-
restrictions related to COVID- comes. These factors include:
19 have prompted a growing
number of women to turn to
• The selection of appropri-
ate home birth candidates
home birth.102
• The availability of a certi-
Home birth allows for greater fied nurse-midwife, whose
privacy and offers mothers education and licensure
more choices about who may meet International Confed-
eration of Midwives’ Global
accompany them during
Standards for Midwifery
the birth process as well as Education, or a physician
different pain management practicing obstetrics within
approaches. For some women an integrated and regulated
who are preparing to deliver, health system
the pain experienced during • Ready access to consultation
childbirth can seem scary; • Access to safe and timely
having a home birth allows for transport to a nearby hos-
the use of nonpharmacologic pital in case of need
remedies to mitigate pain
during labor103 but limits access
to the more invasive pain
management interventions
that hospitals typically use.104


The substantial literature Birth Centers
addressing home birth safety
generally reports that for With less than one percent of
low-risk mothers in the care women choosing home birth,
of credentialed midwives, the 99% of women continue to
safety of planned home births opt for a dedicated space for
is comparable to that in birth giving birth. Freestanding
centers and hospitals. birth centers are an alterna-
tive to the hospital setting
Based on a nationwide study and have become quite popu-
conducted in 2021, the esti- lar.107 In contrast to hospitals,
mated average cost of a home freestanding birth centers
birth in the United States is offer a more home-like
$4,650, which is significantly approach. Although designed In contrast
below existing cost estimates to provide a non-medical to hospitals,
for an uncomplicated birth setting for birth, freestanding
center or hospital birth. The freestanding birth
birth facilities generally have
study indicated that “each partnerships with nearby centers offer a more
shift of one percent of births
from hospitals to homes would
hospitals and doctors in the home-like approach.
event that a woman requires
represent an annual cost sav- more specialized care.
ings” of at least $321 million.106
Stand-alone centers focus
on low-risk pregnancies and
births, and typically use a
midwifery or wellness model.
This means moms-to-be
go into labor without being
induced, and they receive
little-to-no pain medication
throughout the process.
This is often referred to
as natural or unmedicated
birth. Compared to hospitals,
research indicates that birth
centers result in lower rates of
preterm and surgical birth, as
well as “increased breastfeed-
ing success and overall posi-
tive experience of birth.”108


During Labor
and Delivery
No matter what option a
woman chooses, there are
a number of interventions
during labor that can help
with natural childbirth.

Lamaze, a method started

in Russia,109 uses distraction
during contractions (“psy-
choprophylaxis”) to decrease
the perception of pain and The Alexander Technique and
thereby reduce discomfort. the Bradley Method integrate
In a Lamaze class, partners natural interventions,113,114
learn controlled deep breath- including a focus on posture,
ing, massage, concentration, breathing techniques, and
and how to maintain control movement, to help mitigate
No matter what
during labor. There are discomfort during labor. Dr. option a woman
Lamaze classes all over Robert Bradley developed the
chooses, there
the country.110 Bradley Method in the late
1940s to help women deliver are a number of
There has been an increase
in the number of couples
naturally, with few or no interventions during
drugs. Bradley Method courses
who choose water deliveries, labor that can help
emphasize excellent nutrition,
with studies confirming their
exercise, relaxation techniques with natural
safety.111 Giving birth in a
warm tub of water can help a
to manage pain and the childbirth.
effective involvement of the
woman relax, and advocates
husband or partner as a coach.
also believe that water helps
the baby enter the world The Alexander Technique
with less light, sound, and encompasses techniques for
dramatic change.112 The buoy- sitting, standing, and moving
ancy also helps to alleviate with safety, efficiency, and
pressure and discomfort ease. Anyone, including a
during vaginal delivery. There pregnant woman, can learn
are some contraindications to to release muscular tension
water delivery, and childbirth to increase breathing capacity
providers do not recommend and restore the body’s origi-
it for high-risk pregnancies. nal poise and proper posture.


Support During • An increased likelihood of
vaginal delivery
Childbirth • Decreased use of epidurals
Women who are nearing the • Improved Apgar scores
estimated date of their baby’s (a five-category scoring
arrival may feel confident system, with a maximum
of 10 points, that clinicians
that they will be “ready to
use to assess newborns one
go” when the baby decides to
minute and five minutes
make his or her debut. How- after they are born)
ever, it is advisable to have
When couples discuss
• Greater maternal satisfaction
backup options. When couples birthing options with
discuss birthing options with Midwives and doulas are
their obstetrician or
their obstetrician or midwife, experts in the birthing pro-
they should agree on a “Plan cess. They can assist mothers midwife, they should
B” just in case “Plan A” does with education regarding agree on a “Plan B”
not go smoothly. pelvic floor physiotherapy
just in case “Plan A”
during pregnancy, which may
Communicating closely with
aid as a preventive measure does not go smoothly.
one’s chosen provider can
and serve as a way to prepare
be essential during the time
physically and mentally for
leading up to a baby’s birth.
labor and delivery. There
In addition, research shows
continues to be strong
how helpful it can be to have
evidence in favor of pelvic
the continuous presence of an
floor muscle training with a
individual who can provide
physiotherapist to prevent
emotional support, comfort
urinary incontinence during
measures, advocacy, infor-
pregnancy and after delivery.
mation, and advice during
labor. This individual can be
a trained person—such as a
doula, midwife, or nurse—or
a friend or family member.
The presence of a support
person leads to improved
outcomes that include:


Prenatal massage can help Vitamin K Injections
decrease tension and
The American Academy of
promote relaxation. The
Pediatrics (AAP), a medical
massage provider does not
trade group that frequently
have to be a professional; a
helps promote CDC policies,
loved one is capable of this
recommends intramuscular
therapeutic touch.
injections of synthetic vitamin
Birthing classes are available K (phytonadione) within
in most areas. The content hours of birth for all newborn
of prenatal classes varies, infants, including those born
with some classes focus- prematurely.115 AAP and CDC
ing on first-time parents’ promote the injections as
expectations of the birthing protection against rare cases
process, and others focusing of severe bleeding due to defi-
on promoting techniques to ciency—risks that are higher
prepare mothers physically when mothers have a history
and emotionally for birth. of taking anti-tuberculosis or
anti-seizure medications.116
Unless parents specifically
refuse, nearly all babies are
subject to two medical inter-
ventions on the day of birth:
vitamin K injections and
hepatitis B vaccination.

Prenatal massage
can help decrease
tension and promote


The two organizations Recent research indicates that
generally do not tell new synthetic vitamin K shots
parents about: also work against nature’s
plan. Babies “are born with
• The shot’s aluminum
content (the insert for levels of vitamin K that are
Pfizer’s vitamin K product lower than those of adults,
states, “This product con- for a reason”: their digestive
tains aluminum that may system needs to mature to be
be toxic”)117 able to absorb vitamin K.121
• The potential toxicity of Moreover, leaving the umbil-
the shot’s preservative ical cord intact after birth,
benzyl alcohol (including preferably until the cord stops
an association with a fatal
pulsing—a practice called
“gasping syndrome” in
premature infants)118 “delayed cord clamping”—
allows babies’ “inbuilt system
• The risk of fatal
[of umbilical stem cells] to
hypersensitivity or ana-
phylactic reactions119 protect against and repair
damage and bleeding in their
• The risk of red blood cell
breakdown (hemolysis) and organs.” Natural vitamin K
jaundice, especially in breast milk also reaches
in preemies infants, decreasing the risk of
• Other potential adverse deficiency bleeding.
reactions such as turning
blue, dizziness, rapid and Hepatitis B Vaccination
weak pulse, excessive
Since 1991, the CDC has rec-
sweating, hypotension, and
shortness of breath ommended hepatitis B vacci-
nation for all babies on their
• The absence of studies
on carcinogenicity or first day of life,122 followed
mutagenesis by two more doses in early
infancy. Whereas newborns
Alert to these risks and More parents than
of mothers who do not have
unknowns, more parents hepatitis B have virtually no ever before are saying
than ever before are saying chance of developing hepatitis no to vitamin K shots.
no to vitamin K shots, with a B illness, the vaccines impose
2020 study describing refusal significant risks.
rates of up to 3.2% in hospital
settings and 15% and 31% in
home and birth center set-
tings, respectively.120


In 1990 (the year before the In 2018, author and autism
CDC pushed for hepatitis B parent JB Handley described a
vaccination of all newborns), biological study in mice con-
the U.S. reported 661 cases ducted by Chinese researchers.
of hepatitis B in children age Assessing the effects of neo- By 2006, the CDC-
14 and under.123 By 2006, the natal hepatitis B vaccination
and FDA-administered
CDC- and FDA-administered on brain development, the
Vaccine Adverse Event Report- research team found that the Vaccine Adverse Event
ing System (VAERS) had aluminum-containing vaccine Reporting System
received over 23,000 reports of led to a spike in a biomarker
adverse events related to hep- for autism and produced neu-
(VAERS) had received
atitis B vaccination in children rological impacts that often over 23,000 reports
0 to 14 years old, including took time to show up.129 The
of adverse events
nearly 800 deaths.124 study was one of three con-
ducted by the Chinese group related to hepatitis B
From 1991 to 2001 (when
hepatitis B shots contained the
and, according to Handley, vaccination in
the three studies together
mercury-based preservative children 0 to 14
represent “clear, unequivocal,
thimerosal), vaccination in years old, including
replicable scientific evidence
early infancy resulted in up to
one million U.S. children being
that the first vaccine given nearly 800 deaths.
to most American newborns
diagnosed with learning dis-
causes brain damage.”130
abilities, representing lifetime
costs in excess of $1 trillion.125
Studies link other hepatitis B
vaccine ingredients (including
aluminum adjuvants and
yeast) as well as the shots’ use
of genetic engineering tech-
nology to a variety of adverse


The package inserts for The package insert for the
hepatitis B vaccines also Recombivax vaccine made
include other information by Merck states (Section 2.1)
that parents may not know that persons age 0 through
about. For example, the pack- 19 should receive a “series of
age insert for the Engerix-B 3 doses (0.5 mL each) given
vaccine manufactured by on a 0-, 1-, and 6-month
GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) states schedule.”132 In other words,
in Section 5.3: clinicians give the hepatitis
B vaccine according to age
rather than weight, such that
“Hepatitis B vaccine should be
a 4.5-pound neonate will
deferred for infants with a birth
receive the same dosage as a
weight <2,000 g if the mother is
documented to be HBsAg [hepa- 10-pound neonate. Similarly,
titis B surface antigen] negative an 11-year-old child will
at the time of the infant’s birth. receive the same dosage as a
Vaccination can commence at 15-year-old child, despite the
chronological age 1 month or weight difference.
hospital discharge. … The birth
dose in infants born weighing Both the Engerix-B (Section
<2,000 g should not be counted 5.4) and Recombivax inserts
as the first dose in the vaccine (Section 5.2) state that “Apnea
series and it should be followed
[cessation of breathing] fol-
with a full 3-dose standard
lowing intramuscular vaccina-
regiment (total of 4 doses).” 131
tion has been observed in some Clinicians give the
infants born prematurely.”
hepatitis B vaccine
Stated another way, this For breastfeeding mothers
according to age
means that the smallest who receive hepatitis B shots,
and most vulnerable infants both companies (Section 8.2) rather than weight,
(those born weighing less also acknowledge that there such that a 4.5-pound
than 2,000 grams or 4.4 are no data pertaining to the
neonate will receive
pounds), who will most likely presence of vaccine in human
already be struggling with breast milk and no studies the same dosage as a
other medical issues, will assessing possible effects on 10-pound neonate.
receive an extra dose of the the breastfeeding baby or on
vaccine compared to their milk production.
peers who weigh over 4.4 lbs!


Chapter Four: The First Year
“Every nerve ending under his newly exposed skin craves the expected embrace; all his being, the character
of all he is, leads to his being held in arms.” — Jean Liedloff, The Continuum Concept (1986)

Within a few hours of birth, experience the rhythm of

a baby can already recognize slow and steady growth
parents’ voices. Within a and development. Parents’
few days, a baby knows the support for babies as they
mother’s smell and can iden- adapt to this new rhythm Babies have the
tify her face. Babies have the will allow for optimal health
innate will to reach
innate will to reach toward and growth. Ideally, mothers
the world, represented by will dedicate the first month toward the world,
reaching for their mother. to the rhythm of mother and represented by
This is the impulse to be infant adapting and respond-
alive, learn, and become.133 ing to one another during
reaching for
feeding and holding. At the their mother.
During the first month, a
same time, maternal self-care
baby will grow daily and meet
is crucial in keeping a mother
developmental milestones
healthy and present for her
rapidly. Just as we experience
baby and other loved ones.
the rhythm of seasons and
sunrise to sunset, newborns


In this chapter, we will: After birth, infants’ primary
needs center around warmth,
• Describe factors that
positively influence a touch, comfort, and nourish-
baby’s health, including ment. Many researchers rec-
touch, breastfeeding, and ognize skin-to-skin contact
bedsharing as the glue in the bonding
• Review newborn reflexes process.134 Studies show that
and breathing patterns babies who have the opportu-
• Acknowledge changes nity to bond in this way after A baby looks for
that occur in the mother, birth are physically healthier,
including some women’s more secure, and more active constant contact
experience of postpartum than babies who do not. with his or her
• Discuss the likely link In addition to maternal ben- mother to cope
between sudden infant efits, skin-to-skin bonding with the separation
death syndrome (SIDS) also has benefits for fathers
and vaccination or other caregivers. Safe baby
from the womb.
Therapeutic Touch wraps and slings can make
bonding easier and allow
A baby spends approximate- for mobility while carrying
ly 280 days in the womb. a baby. Massaging a baby’s
The moment of birth is the skin will also help fulfill
moment babies are on their their need for contact and
own for the first time. A baby bring trust and cooperation
looks for constant contact into the relationship.
with his or her mother to
cope with the separation from
the womb. The connection
between mother and baby is
essential to the development
of the child’s mind, body, and
spirit. Mothers need to pay
attention to what their baby
is telling them and respond in
ways that are right for both.


The Infant Gut ance. Other environmental
insults during the immediate
Microbiome and postpartum period, such as
the Benefits of malnutrition or illness, can
Breastfeeding also disrupt optimal micro-
bial colonization. This can
The intestines house an contribute to “lifelong and
ecosystem of about 100 tril- intergenerational deficits in
lion living microorganisms, growth and development.”138
including bacteria, viruses,
and fungi that play important The newborn diet, and
roles such as breaking down breastfeeding in particular,
food, synthesizing vitamins, plays an important role
and defending against patho- in establishing a healthy
gens. This ecosystem is known microbiome in babies, which
as the intestinal microbiome.135 in turn has long-term impli-
cations for overall health.139
The infant gut microbiome is The CDC, AAP, and WHO all
not as diverse as an adult’s. recommend exclusive breast-
In the first year of life, the feeding for approximately
newborn intestinal tract six months or even longer.140
undergoes rapid microbial When the mother is eating
colonization, with “dramatic well herself, breast milk is The newborn diet,
changes in the composition a natural source of a wide and breastfeeding in
of the intestinal microbiome” range of nutrients unique
that vary from infant to to a mother and her baby, particular, plays an
infant.136 Maternal factors— including beneficial prebiotic important role
such as stress, medications, human milk oligosaccharides
or obesity—as well as neo-
in establishing a
that support the developing
natal factors such as surgical infant gut microbiota.141 A healthy microbiome
birth, exposure to antibiotics 2020 study confirmed the in babies, which in
(either in utero or postnatal- benefits of bacteria shared
ly), and feeding patterns can through breast milk, finding
turn has long-term
significantly influence infant that feeding directly from the implications for
microbiome development and breast is the best way to sup- overall health.
gut health.137 For example, port the transfer of beneficial
the gut flora of infants born organisms.142 A non-direct
vaginally will be similar to mode of breast milk delivery
the mother’s vaginal flora, such as breast pumping can
whereas C-section delivery affect the bacterial composi-
will alter the microbial bal- tion of breast milk.143


If the mother’s diet is filled In an interesting 2021 study
with “sugar, white flour, published in the Journal of
additives and commercial fats Translational Science,153 Chil-
and oils, which do not nourish dren’s Health Defense chief
and build,” her breast milk scientist Brian S. Hooker and
will not provide proper nour- coauthor Neil Z. Miller con-
ishment.144 However, assum- firmed the protective effects
ing a well-nourished mother, of breastfeeding, particularly
breastfeeding offers multiple in unvaccinated children. They
benefits for growing infants:145 examined the prevalence of six
“adverse health conditions”
• Developing a healthy emo- Breast milk helps
tional bond with the mother (allergies, autism, asthma,
chronic ear infections, gas- build and support
• Taking in the sum of nutri-
ents that an infant needs trointestinal disorders, and a baby’s immune
attention-deficit disorder/
• Acquiring immunity from system by providing
diseases and allergies
ity disorder [ADD/ADHD]) in protection against
Breast milk helps build and partially and fully vaccinated
common allergies
support a baby’s immune versus unvaccinated children
system by providing protec- and also assessed the influence and respiratory and
tion against common allergies of breastfeeding and type of gastrointestinal
and respiratory and gastroin- birth (vaginal versus C-sec-
testinal infections.146 Breast-
tion). For all six conditions,
feeding and an appropriately the “unvaccinated and breast-
diverse gut microbiome also fed” and “unvaccinated and
decrease the risk of chronic vaginal delivery” groups had
health conditions such as the lowest odds of having a
asthma and allergies,147 diagnosed condition—whereas
type 1 and type 2 diabe- children who were “vacci-
tes,148 inflammatory bowel nated and not breastfed” or
disease,149 celiac disease,150 “vaccinated and delivered via
autoimmune disorders,151 and C-section” had a significantly
some childhood cancers.152 higher odds of a diagnosed


A pregnant woman’s
microbiome “is
associated with both
the health of the
mother as well as the
developing fetus.”

condition. The two authors Antibiotics and

also noted that “vaccination
appears to decrease the bene-
the Microbiome
ficial effects of breastfeeding, It is by now common knowl-
as indicated by the higher edge that even a single course
proportions of diagnoses in of antibiotics can wreak havoc
the ‘vaccinated and breastfed’ on the gut flora,154 creating
group of children as compared an environment in which
to the ‘unvaccinated and pathogenic bacteria and fungi
breastfed’ group.” proliferate, no longer held in
check by the beneficial flora
In a separate analysis that
wiped out by the drugs.155 It is
just looked at the influence
also well known that a preg-
of breastfeeding, they found
nant woman’s microbiome
that breastfed children “were
“is associated with both the
less likely to be diagnosed
health of the mother as well
with allergies, asthma and ear
as the developing fetus.”156
infections,” while a separate
Studies have linked prenatal
analysis focusing on type of
antibiotics to health problems
birth found that diagnosed
in offspring that include
gastrointestinal disorders
newborn thrush and yeast
were “more common in chil-
infections,157 allergic condi-
dren delivered via C-section.”
tions,158 childhood obesity,159
and neurological conditions
like ADHD and epilepsy,160
among others.


Despite the potential risks for Doctors also routinely admin-
infants, at least 20% to 25% ister antibiotics to women
of women are given antibiot- who undergo C-sections.165
ics during pregnancy.161 This Unfortunately, according to
includes a blanket antibiotics researchers at the University
recommendation for women of California, Davis (UC-Da-
who test “positive” for vis), antibiotic overuse and
group B strep (GBS) (normal the rise in cesarean births
bacteria found in up to 30% have contributed to the
Despite the potential
of women that pose a “very near-eradication in American risks for infants, at
small” risk of passing to and infants of B. infantis, “a strain least 20% to 25% of
making the infant sick162), of bacteria … thought to have
despite mounting evidence been the dominant bacterium women are given
that this intervention is both in the infant gut for all of antibiotics during
ineffective and harmful.163 human history.”166 When B.
Fortunately, there are numer- infantis predominates in the
ous natural alternatives that infant gut, the researchers
can help pregnant women note, “it crowds all the other
prevent a positive GBS test guys out,” including patho-
altogether or eliminate GBS genic bacteria, but when it is
bacteria after a positive test missing, children are more
as well as offering options for likely to develop allergies and
labor; these include probi- other chronic ailments.
otics, vitamin C supplemen-
tation, vaginal rinses with
apple cider vinegar, garlic
vaginal suppositories, herbal
tinctures, and more.164


Challenges and
Breastfeeding is not a one-
size-fits-all approach. For
some mothers, breastfeeding
can be intimidating and over-
whelming as they attempt to
navigate other new challenges
at the same time. In the
fast-paced modern world,
women may also face socio-
economic barriers that make
breastfeeding difficult.169
Even formula manufacturers Some women may endure
recognize that B. infantis has extreme pressure to juggle
a “symbiotic relationship” academic, career, and mater-
with the human host “that nal aspirations. Mothers may Mothers may
also encounter breastfeeding
protects the preterm or term also encounter
neonate and nourishes a difficulties, such as challeng-
es in getting their infant to breastfeeding
healthy gut microbiota prior
to weaning.”167 However, latch properly. Some mothers difficulties, such
have low milk production or a
formula feeding has contrib- as challenges in
uted to the disappearance of B. medical condition that limits
infantis, because the bacteria’s their ability to breastfeed. getting their infant
nourishment relies on car- Even so, primary lactation to latch properly.
bohydrates unique to breast failure and medical contrain-
milk. The UC Davis research dications are relatively rare.
group and a probiotics man- Many community resources
ufacturer reported in 2022 in are available to support
Pediatric Research that B. infan- breastfeeding mothers,
tis probiotic supplementation including lactation con-
within a month of birth, “in sultants and postpartum
combination with breast milk, doulas.170,171 It can be helpful
resulted in stable colonization to explore or line up support
that persisted until at least 1 options before the birth, so
year postnatal.”168 that assistance will be at hand
in case of subsequent need.


Feeding should be comfort- milk are homemade formula
able for the mother. Some- and commercial formula. The
times, when milk becomes Weston A. Price Foundation
trapped in the breast, a recipes for homemade formu-
condition called masti- la,176 carefully developed by
tis can develop—causing nutrition pioneer and lipids
inflammation, pain, redness, expert Dr. Mary Enig,177 have
tenderness, fever, flu-like helped babies thrive for over
symptoms, and/or swelling of two decades.178
one or both breasts.172 Bac-
According to Drugwatch.
teria from the skin’s surface
com, a website that provides
and the baby’s mouth can
information on high-risk Two other
enter the milk ducts through
cracks in the skin of a nipple
pharmaceutical products and alternatives in
legal actions, there may be
or through a milk duct open-
concerns with formulas pro-
addition to human
ing. Stagnant milk in a breast
that isn’t emptied can provide
duced in the United States.179 milk are homemade
The 2022 recall of formula
a breeding ground for the formula and
manufactured by Abbott under-
bacteria.173 Fortunately, there commercial formula.
scored the basis for some of
are ways to prevent inflam-
these consumer worries.180 As a
mation and decrease the risk
result, some American parents
of mastitis and infection (see
choose to purchase European
“Mastitis Prevention Tips”).
baby formula to avoid potential
For women who, for various harms.181 However, in both
reasons, cannot directly Europe and the U.S., manu-
breastfeed but want to nourish facturers are now turning to
their baby with breast milk, synthetic biology and biotech to
alternatives include exclusive make formula ingredients; for
breast pumping and donor example, many formulas now
milk.174,175 (Mothers should feature a highly synthetic sub-
know that donated human stance called 2’-FL produced
milk from milk banks is using genetically modified
pasteurized.) Two other alter- strains of Escherichia coli.182
natives in addition to human


If using commercial formula, Although every baby is differ-
an organic, additive-free, ent, in the first month, a baby
soy-free formula is prefer- generally should be nursing
able.183 Compounds called 8 to 12 times per day (every
phytoestrogens in soy formula 2 to 3 hours) in a 24-hour
can accelerate puberty and period, with feedings lasting
cause reproductive and thyroid anywhere from 5 to 40 min-
disorders later in life, and utes. A breastfeeding baby Although every
researchers have also linked should be taking deep rhyth-
soy formula to seizures and mic sucks and swallowing baby is different, in
autism.184,185 Other problems hard throughout the feeding. the first month, a baby
with soy formula include the Babies will come off the
generally should be
manufacturing process— breast by themselves when
which introduces neurotoxic, satisfied. Feeding replenishes nursing 8 to 12
carcinogenic, and excitotoxic a woman’s milk supply; the times per day.
byproducts—and a high alu- more a baby breastfeeds, the
minum content.186,187 more milk the mother pro-
duces. Infants will eat when
Determining they are hungry. Parents
Whether Baby can observe infants’ desire
for food as the first step in
Is Getting determining if they are taking
Enough Milk in enough.

It is nearly impossible to
measure the milk from
breastfeeding. So, how will a
breastfeeding mother know if
her baby is getting enough?


For a newborn who is bot- stones while also growing out
tle-feeding, about 1.5 to 3 of their clothes. As a mother
ounces (45–90 milliliters) are and baby bond, the mother
appropriate every two to three will begin to feel more com-
hours. This amount increases fortable in knowing when her
as a baby grows and is able baby is experiencing satiety
to take more at each feed- — the feeling of fullness after
ing. At about two months, a eating. Trusting maternal
baby may take 4 to 5 ounces intuition is key. If a mother A well-fed baby
(120–150 milliliters) at each senses that her baby is contin-
produces about six
feeding, and the feedings may uously irritable after feedings,
stretch out to every three to has decreased wet diapers, or wet diapers a day and
four hours. is unable to gain weight, she about two stools.
should consider seeking trust-
A well-fed baby produces
ed medical advice.
about six wet diapers a day
and about two stools. A baby
should be content and happy
after each feeding. Babies
should be awake, alert, and
meeting developmental mile-


It has become
common for infants to
have intermittent spit-
ups following both
breastfeeding and
bottle feeding.

Gastroesophageal of five babies outgrow the

behavior by six months.189
Reflux This phenomenon is known as
“My infant will spit up a tea- physiologic gastroesophageal
spoon full of breast milk about reflux (GER) or “acid reflux.”
three times daily after feeding, GER is particularly common in
is this normal?” babies born prematurely.190

Due to a general decline Spitting up is often upset-

in adults’ and children’s ting to parents and can also
digestive health in Western be inconvenient, requiring
nations,188 it has become frequent changes of clothes.
common for infants to have Although doctors generally
intermittent spit-ups follow- tell parents that as long as the
ing both breastfeeding and baby is content and growing
bottle feeding. One estimate well, reflux is not a cause for
suggests that 65% of infants concern, acid reflux is invari-
regurgitate stomach contents ably a sign of poor digestion,191
at least once daily between is uncomfortable for babies,
the ages of three and six and can contribute to colic.192
months, although four out


Physiologically, between the Reflux medications are of
esophagus and the stomach “questionable efficacy and
is a portal called the lower safety.”193 Parents should
esophageal sphincter (LES). avoid giving their infants
Normally, when someone proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)
swallows, the food travels or H2 blockers that reduce
down the esophagus, and the stomach acid; these drugs
sphincter relaxes, permitting come with significant risks,
the food to enter the stomach including dysregulation of
where a pool of acid awaits the gut flora, food allergies,
to continue digesting it. The gastrointestinal infections,
sphincter then closes tightly. and adverse impacts on bone
In most newborns, the LES health.194 Moreover, there
is relatively lax and not fully is no evidence that stomach
mature, which can allow for acid plays any role in patterns
stomach contents to easily of unsettledness, irritabil-
flow back up. As “obligate ity, or reflux in infancy or
nasal breathers,” babies must that acid suppression does
learn to suck and swallow anything to improve these
while breathing through the distressing behaviors. On the
nose. A baby also needs to gain contrary, stomach acid (also
muscle tone to be able to sit called gastric acid) prevents
up for easier digestion. Even- unwanted bacterial growth in
tually, the LES will open only the stomach and upper intes-
when the baby swallows and tine, and helps babies digest
will remain tightly closed at the nutrients in their food or
other times, keeping stomach milk appropriately.
contents where they belong.
That said, it is important
Breastfeeding mothers can to distinguish between
improve their infant’s diges- physiologic GER in infants A baby also needs
tion by strengthening their and gastroesophageal reflux to gain muscle tone
own gut health and eating a disease (GERD). If an infant
to be able to sit up
nutrient-dense diet rich in is failing to gain weight, is
probiotic foods. Other steps consistently irritable after for easier digestion.
that parents can take to pre- feeding, refuses food, has
vent or manage GER include blood in their stool, has a
not feeding babies in a supine chronic cough or difficulty
(lying down) position, keeping breathing, or has progressive
babies upright for one hour projectile vomiting after every
after feeding (for example, in feeding despite interventions
a sling or wrap), and feeding to mitigate reflux, it is prob-
babies more often but with ably time to consult a trusted
less volume at each feeding. medical professional.


Newborn Reflexes Blinking Reflex
Babies arrive well-equipped Babies are sensitive to bright
with reflexes that help support lights. When babies encounter
them through the first couple a flash of light or a puff of air
of months of life and provide near the eyes, their eyes will
the foundation for more close. This blinking reflex is
complex reflex schemes later permanent and will stick with
When babies
in life. According to Svetlana the child throughout their life.
Masgutova, creator of the encounter a flash of
Babinski Reflex
Masgutova Neurosensorimotor light or a puff of air
Reflex Integration (MNRI) An adult can elicit the
near the eyes, their
Method, infant reflexes play Babinski reflex by gently
a major role “in maturation, stroking the sole of a baby’s eyes will close.
development, and normal life foot with a finger or a soft
function” and do not so much object. The baby’s toes will
disappear as “integrate.”195 fan out, with the foot perhaps
The newborn reflexes are a twisting inward. This reflex
common assessment tool that typically disappears after nine
healthcare providers use to months to one year.
evaluate infants.196


Grasping Reflex Rooting Reflex
An infant may grab tightly When infants are hungry, they
onto the mother’s finger— will turn their head to the
this is the grasping reflex. side and open their mouth as
An adult can elicit the reflex an indication that it’s time to
by touching the palm of the feed. Caregivers can elicit this
When infants are
right or left hand. This reflex rooting reflex by touching the
begins to weaken after three cheek or side of the mouth. hungry, they will turn
months and then disappears If an infant is often sleepy, their head to the side
after one year of age. stroking the side of the cheek
and open their mouth
or mouth will usually help
Moro Reflex them to be ready to eat. It is as an indication that
Hearing a loud noise or not uncommon for this reflex it’s time to feed.
experiencing the sensation of to disappear at around three
falling (such as when being to four months of age.
put down) stimulates the
Sucking Reflex
Moro reflex, also known as
the startle reflex. Babies will Placing a nipple or pacifier
arch their back and throw near a baby’s mouth elicits
their head back, flinging out the sucking reflex. This is an
arms and legs, and then rap- essential reflex as it allows a
idly curl them to the center of baby to consume nourishment.
the body. This reflex should
disappear after three to six
months of age.


Stepping Reflex Infant Breathing
Another reflex that disappears From the moment a baby
after three to four months comes out of the womb,
is the stepping reflex. If an parents wait eagerly to hear
adult holds an infant gently that first cry. However, many
above a flat surface and new parents become hyper-
slowly lowers them onto their vigilant out of fear that their
feet, the infant should move baby, when sleeping, will
their feet as if they are trying stop breathing. This parental From the moment
to walk or “step.” concern is so common that a baby comes out of
companies have made breath-
Tonic Neck Reflex the womb, parents
ing monitors; sometimes,
It is possible to elicit the tonic however, these monitors can wait eagerly to hear
neck reflex, also known as be counterproductive, elicit- that first cry.
the “fencing” position, when ing even more of a fear and
a baby is lying on his or her anxiety response.
back. If the baby’s head is
turned to one side, the arm
on that side stretches out and
the opposite arm bends up at
the elbow. This reflex typi-
cally disappears around six to
seven months of age.


To allay parental concerns, it tion and connection during
can be helpful to understand nasal breathing than during
infants’ unique physiological oral breathing,” indicating
breathing patterns and to that nose breathing is import-
know that a baby’s breathing ant for cognitive function.201
pattern is different from an
Some signs of respiratory dis-
adult’s.197 An adult’s breath-
tress may indicate the neces-
ing rate is normally about 12
sity of medical evaluation:202
to 20 breaths per minute, but
a newborn will take inhala- • Increased breathing rate
tions and exhalations about • Nasal flaring (an indication
30 to 60 times per minute, that the child is working
slowing to 30 to 40 breaths harder to breathe)
per minute when sleeping. As • Noisy breathing such as
a baby grows, breathing rates wheezing, grunting, or
slowly decrease. By about six high-pitched whistling
months of age, a baby may • Open mouth
breathe about 25 to 40 times • Blue-tinged skin (especial-
per minute. ly lips, fingernails, gums,
and under eyes)
The fact that infants are
• Skin pulling in around
obligate nose breathers bones in chest
sometimes is concerning for
• Increased coughing
new parents. However, even
beyond infancy, breathing • Difficulty sleeping
through the nose continues to In addition, some infants
be important for good health. experience irregular breathing
Nasal breathing “forces air patterns called “periodic Asthma researchers
to get heated, pressurized, breathing,” which can man- have suggested that
filtered, and conditioned, ifest as faster breathing,
allowing the lungs to extract unusual sounds, or long
mouth breathing
oxygen much more effi- pauses between breaths—for reduces lung function
ciently,” while oral (mouth) three or more seconds at a
breathing jettisons those
and may, in fact,
time. Several such pauses may
benefits.198 Asthma research- occur close together, followed contribute to the
ers have suggested that by a series of rapid, shallow development
mouth breathing reduces lung breaths. This irregular breath-
function and may, in fact, of asthma.
ing pattern is common in
contribute to the development premature babies in the first
of asthma,199 as well as the few weeks of life and can rep-
occurrence of “acute asthma resent a red flag for reduced
exacerbations.”200 Studies also oxygenation of the brain.203
point to “more brain activa-


Although conventional critical days on which there are
medicine has sought to nor- flare-ups of stressed breathing
malize periodic breathing in caused by [the administered In 1997, researchers
full-term infants, claiming vaccinations],” with “an reiterated that
it is harmless, researchers inordinate increase in episodes
“periodic breathing
from the late 1970s on have where breathing nearly ceased
disagreed. In 1979, researchers or stopped completely” for in the term infant is
documented the presence of several weeks following vacci- not a benign event,”
periodic breathing “in exces- nation.206 In 1997, researchers
sive amounts during sleep in reiterated that “periodic
arguing that it
infants with near-miss sudden breathing in the term infant is represents a risk
infant death syndrome” not a benign event,” arguing factor for SIDS.
(SIDS), compared to infants in that it represents a risk factor
a control group, with a statis- for SIDS.207
tically significant difference
between the two groups.204
Beginning in the mid-1980s
(1986–1993), Australia-based
scientist Viera Scheibner high-
lighted the “stressed breath-
ing” caused by vaccination as a
key culprit for SIDS (which she
renamed as “Sudden Immu-
nisation Death Syndrome”).205
Using breathing monitors, she
recorded the effect of vacci-
nation “on babies’ breathing
hour by hour and … demon-
strated the existence of …


Sleeping: When
and Where
“People often ask me how a
sailor gets any sleep when ocean
racing solo. While sleeping, the
lone sailor puts the boat on
autopilot. Because the sailor is
so in tune with his boat, if the
wind shifts so that something is
not quite right with the boat, the
sailor will wake up.”
— Dr. Jim Sears

New mothers often observe

that their baby seems not
to recognize the difference
between day and night, and
simply alternates between
periods of sleeping and “[I]t is perfectly natural,
eating. It is normal for new- absolutely normal, and totally
borns to sleep 15 to 18 hours expected for your baby to wake
in every 24-hour cycle; in up in the night and need nour-
fact, according to sleep expert ishment or your help to fall back It is normal for
to sleep. Sleeping all through
Elizabeth Pantley, “newborns
the night, every night, without newborns to sleep 15
do best with short awake
needing a parent’s assistance,
spans interspersed with to 18 hours in every
is like learning to walk or talk or
plenty of naps.”208 Describing drink from a cup—all kids get 24-hour cycle.
babies’ sleep systems as there, but they do so at their
“immature,” Pantley advises own speed, a little bit at a time,
parents not to harbor unrea- and in their own unique way.”
sonable expectations:


Parents with less rigid ideas growth.”210 Benefits for
about infant sleep are gener- mothers also include stronger
ally much happier and far less bonding, more sleep, and
likely to be disappointed when better management of their
their children cannot perform milk supply. Some dentists
the way they are “supposed argue that night nursing
to,” such as sleeping through contributes to early cavities,
the night. It may be wise to but research and empirical
gently acknowledge the new observation have discredited
rhythms and surrender to this theory,211 instead showing
them. As a mother is adjusting that “complete breastmilk
to a new rhythm of living, so with all its components”
is the baby. is protective and empha-
sizing the importance of a
When it comes to sleeping
nutrient-dense diet in both
arrangements, parents should
mother and child.212,213
do their own research and
make the decision they feel Groups like the AAP and CDC
is best for themselves and frown on bedsharing, blaming
their child. Many families the practice for some of the
develop and exhibit fluid 3,500 “sleep-related” deaths
notions of where and when experienced by U.S. babies
their baby “should” sleep, annually,214 including deaths
and three out of five (61%) classified as SIDS. However,
opt for some bedsharing (also McKenna and colleagues
called co-sleeping).209 Most criticize the organizations’
mothers understand that a blanket warnings as “scien-
strong connection with their tifically inaccurate and mis-
A strong
baby is important and that leading,” arguing that feeding connection with
skin-to-skin contact is vital. method and family context are
their baby is
In 2015, referring specifically important variables that need
to bedsharing in conjunction to be taken into account.215 In important and that
with breastfeeding, sleep the absence of hazards such as skin-to-skin
expert Drs. James McKenna parental drug or alcohol use,
contact is vital.
and Lee Gettler coined the they show that bedsharing “is
term “breastsleeping”—doc- not a significant risk factor
umenting through 25 years of for SIDS, and after three
research at the Mother-Baby months of age … may well be
Behavioral Sleep Laboratory protective.”216 They also point
that the two practices are out that breastsleeping “adds
“physiologically and behav- protection by helping infants
iorally interdependent” and to avoid the often dangerous,
together support “optimal deeper sleep associated with
infant breastfeeding, neo- formula feeding and solitary
natal attachment and brain infant sleep.”


McKenna’s research suggests Vaccination Risks
that a solitary infant sleep
environment “represents As of 2018, children born
a neurobiological crisis for in the U.S. were 76% more
the human newborn” and likely to die before their first
a failure to meet babies’ birthday than infants born in
basic needs.217 Public health 19 other wealthy nations.219
officials actually agree with Vaccination is a more likely
McKenna on this point, and logical explanation for As of 2018, children
acknowledging that sleeping these sudden baby deaths born in the U.S. were
alone in a room is a risk than bedsharing, but it is
factor for SIDS and endorsing an avenue that the CDC and 76% more likely to
“room sharing” strategies AAP will neither concede nor die before their first
explore. Clues come from
such as placing a bassinet birthday than infants
or crib next to the parents’ two studies published in 2011
sleeping space.218 Other “safe and 2023 by statisticians Neil born in 19 other
sleep” recommendations Miller and Gary Goldman, wealthy nations.
include keeping the sleep area pointing to a strong correla-
free of surrounding cushions, tion between infant mortality
stuffed animals, and passive rates and number of vaccine
smoke exposure. doses; countries like the
U.S. that administer 21 to 26
vaccine doses during infancy
tend to have the highest rates
of infant death.220,221,222


SIDS—which, by definition, Nowadays, two- and four-
is the “unexplained, sudden month-olds typically receive
death of a seemingly healthy five or six vaccines at a single
baby under the age of one”— “well-baby” appointment,
was and still is one of the and—with the addition of
top five causes in the U.S.223 COVID-19 vaccines to the
According to the CDC, infant vaccine schedule starting in
deaths from SIDS and other the first year of life—may
“unknown causes” represent- receive as many as eight at a
ed about 73% of the broader six-month appointment.228
category of sudden unexpected Between two and four months SIDS—which, by
infant deaths (SUID) in 2020, is exactly the window when definition, is the
with CDC attributing the nine out of ten SIDS deaths
remainder (27%) to “acciden- historically have occurred.229
“unexplained, sudden
tal suffocation and strangula- death of a seemingly
In a research paper published
tion in bed.”224
in 2021, Miller spelled out the healthy baby under
Historically, it was not until clear temporal relationship: the age of one”—was
after the launch of various 58% of infant deaths reported
and still is one of the
national immunization to VAERS over three decades
campaigns that medical (1990–2019) occurred within top five causes
certifiers, in the late 1960s, three days of vaccination, in the U.S.
first coined the term “sudden and nearly eight in ten (78%)
infant death syndrome.”225 occurred within a week of vac-
In the 1970s, children began cination.230 Moreover, case and
receiving 13 vaccines instead pathology reports have iden-
of seven and also went from tified plausible mechanisms
mostly receiving one shot at whereby vaccination triggers
a time to often getting two fatal brain swelling and
at once.226 The bifurcation respiratory distress in infants,
between infant mortality in including via the vaccines’
the U.S. versus other rich aluminum adjuvants.231,232
countries became particularly
noticeable in the 1980s,227
coinciding with a major shift
in U.S. infant and childhood
vaccination policies, including
a strong push to enact and
enforce vaccine mandates in
schools and, toward the close
of the decade, a significant
jump in the total number of
vaccines required—a trend
that continues to this day.


In European studies of SIDS SIDS is far from the only
and vaccination, hexavalent vaccine adverse event of
(“six-in-one”) vaccines have concern. In their compari-
been notable repeat offenders. sons of health conditions in
In 2018, the FDA approved the vaccinated and unvaccinated
first six-in-one shot for the children, Hooker and Miller
U.S. market—a Merck/Sanofi found that vaccination during
shot called Vaxelis intended the first year of life was
as a three-dose series at two, associated with increased
four, and six months—and odds of developmental delays, Since 2020, there
the U.S. began widespread asthma, and ear infections
has been a growing
distribution in 2021. In the (otitis media) by age three,
Vaxelis arm of the U.S. clin- and increased odds of gas- trend toward
ical trials, six infants died trointestinal disorders by age increased parental
within six weeks of receiving five—and the more vaccine
Vaxelis, and one infant died doses that infants received,
refusal of some or all
in a “control” group given the higher the odds.237 A 2017 childhood vaccines.
a five-in-one vaccine, with study by researcher Anthony
the causes of death reported R. Mawson and coauthors
as SIDS, brain swelling, and produced similar findings for
abnormal breathing—adverse children ages 6 to 12, show-
events identical to those ing that vaccinated children
described following hexava- “were significantly more
lent vaccination in Europe.233 likely to have been diagnosed
Vaxelis includes not one but with otitis media, pneumonia,
two aluminum adjuvants, allergic rhinitis, eczema,
including a proprietary and [neurodevelopmental
“super-powered” adjuvant disorders].”238 As with the
made by Merck.234 Hooker and Miller research,
the number of doses made
Interestingly, after childhood
a difference; “the partially
vaccination rates plummeted
vaccinated had increased but
during the intense lockdowns
intermediate odds of chronic
of 2020, there was a corre-
disease, between those of
spondingly precipitous drop
unvaccinated and fully vac-
in the number of SIDS reports
cinated children.” Related
received by VAERS—the lowest
research also suggests that
yearly number in the adverse
“vaccines are not only
event reporting system’s his-
associated with adverse
tory—and a decline in infant
health outcomes—they are
mortality generally.235 Since
also associated with more
2020, there has been a grow-
severe and chronic adverse
ing trend toward increased
health outcomes.”239
parental refusal of some or all
childhood vaccines.236


A baby’s skin is
delicate, and anything
placed on an infant’s
skin will be absorbed
into the body.

Skin: The expose the average baby to

27 chemicals a day—and as
Largest Organ if that were not bad enough,
Parents may find it confusing none of those chemicals
to make decisions regarding have ever “been assessed
skin care for their baby. A for safety by industry or
good guiding principle is that government.”240 If the ingre-
less may be more and simple dients listed on the bottle are
is often best. unpronounceable, it may not
be safe to use that product.
A baby’s skin is delicate,
and anything placed on an Diaper rash is one of the most
infant’s skin will be absorbed common skin issues parents
into the body. There is no encounter. Potential causes
need for fancy or expensive of diaper rash include irrita-
products that claim to be tion from contact with stool
“safe” but often are loaded and urine, overgrowth of
with toxins and chemicals. yeast (Candida albicans), and
Harsh soaps may also con- conditions such as eczema or
tain toxic ingredients. Even seborrhea. Other risk factors
baby lotions that claim to be for diaper rash include for-
organic, sensitive, or “pure” mula allergies, age (being 6-9
often contain hidden toxins. months old), diarrhea, anti-
According to one “eco” biotics that cause diarrhea, or
website, baby care products transitioning to solid food.241


The best and simplest reme-
dies for diaper rash are nat-
ural, with the most effective
treatment and prevention
being simply to keep a baby’s
bottom clean and dry.242 This
includes changing a baby’s
diaper frequently (six to eight
times per day), avoiding
plastic pants that reduce
air circulation to the diaper
area, and regularly allowing a
baby’s bottom to be exposed
to air and sunlight. Plain
water, mild soap, or hypoal- Diapering method—cloth
lergenic wipes are all pref- versus disposable—and dia-
erable to diaper wipes that pering brand may also make a
contain alcohol, perfumes, or difference. For example, many
chemicals, which can sting brands of disposable diapers
broken or irritated skin. use a chlorine bleaching
process that produces toxic
Coconut oil is a great skin
byproducts; “super-absor-
protector for a baby’s bottom
bent” diapers contain the
after diaper changes, espe-
same substance associated In 2020, tens of
cially for a yeast-related
with toxic shock syndrome.244
diaper rash; topical applica- thousands of lawsuits
There is no regulatory
tion of arrowroot powder or
requirement for diaper manu- forced Johnson &
bentonite clay can also help
facturers to test their materi- Johnson (J&J) to stop
babies stay dry. It is best
als for hazardous chemicals.245
to avoid commercial baby selling its well-known
If using disposables, choose
powders. In 2020, tens of
brands that are chlorine-free, baby powder due to its
thousands of lawsuits forced
Johnson & Johnson (J&J) to
latex-free and free of dyes and inclusion of asbestos.
fragrances, such as dispos-
stop selling its well-known
ables made of bamboo.246
baby powder due to its inclu-
sion of asbestos—a fact that Many brands of easy-to-use
J&J reportedly knew but hid cloth diapers are available.
for decades.243 Washing cloth diapers in a
mild, fragrance-free soap and
adding an extra rinse with
vinegar can help keep irritants
that might lead to diaper rash
away from baby’s skin.


Maternal Changes It can be helpful for mothers
to reflect on their nutritional,
“I looked on childrearing not emotional, spiritual, and
only as a work of love and duty social habits:
but as a profession that was fully
interesting and challenging as
• Nutritional: Is she limiting
refined sugars and processed
any honorable profession in the
foods, and focusing on
world and one that demanded whole, nutrient-dense foods?
the best that I could bring to it.”
• Emotional: Is she feeling
— Rose Kennedy, mother anxious or overwhelmed?
of former U.S. president Is she struggling with a Healthy and happy
John F. Kennedy situation at home or with a
children are the
friend? Is a toxic relation-
Bringing an infant into the ship affecting her ability to product of parents
world changes a mother release tension?
forever. After giving birth,
who take the initiative
• Spiritual: Is she paying
the mother, her baby, and attention to what she to find ways of
her husband or partner absorbs from TV, social
cultivating their own
will adjust to their new life media, news channels,
together. Sometimes, mothers and other media? Is she personal growth.
mitigating stressful media
may feel as if they have lost
consumption? Is she using
their identity; this feeling is healthy coping skills such
normal. Self-awareness is as journaling, reading
key for adapting to the some- inspirational passages, or
times-overwhelming transi- attending an adult or spiri-
tion that all new mothers go tual group?
through. Keeping mind, body, • Social: Is she feeling iso-
and spirit at ease can become lated or having difficulty
an important if challenging figuring out how to navi-
gate a social life?
everyday task. Healthy and
happy children are the product
of parents who take the initia-
tive to find ways of cultivating
their own personal growth.


There are many resources to looking after them. Mothers
assist new mothers.247 Social may have to learn to ask for
media can facilitate access what they need. Moreover, if
to groups that provide social mothers always put their chil-
outlets for new mothers or dren first, they are modeling
new parents. Reaching out to the behavior that their own
friends, or meeting up with a needs don’t matter; mothers
group at a park or for coffee, who look after themselves
or joining a fitness class in present their children with a
the community, are useful healthy role model.
tools that may allow mothers
to connect to others. Postpartum
While caring for an infant, Depression
a mother initially may find “Being a new mother is supposed
it difficult to find time for to be the happiest time of your
herself, but as the baby grows life, but postpartum depression
and becomes more indepen- and anxiety strip that away for a
dent, she will find time to time. But trust that it will not last
incorporate activities that forever.” — Judy Dippel (pro-
refresh and provide positive fessional author and speaker)
energy. However, mothers
often feel guilty about doing A mother will go through
things for themselves. Society many changes during and after
promotes the message that a pregnancy. If a new mother
mothers should sacrifice feels empty, emotionless, or When mothers
sad all or most of the time, or
themselves for their children. constantly fulfill their
The truth is that mothers if she feels as if she doesn’t
need to look after themselves, love or care for her baby, it is children’s needs but
too—both for their children’s likely postpartum depression. neglect their own,
sake and their own. When Researchers believe postpar-
they may reach a
mothers constantly fulfill tum depression in a mother
their children’s needs but may have effects throughout point where they
neglect their own, they may childhood, including poten- have no more to give.
reach a point where they have tially contributing to devel-
no more to give. They can opmental delays and learning
become exhausted, resentful, problems,248 and inhibiting
or angry because nobody is mother-child bonding.249


Postpartum Support Inter- after childbirth, these hor-
national estimates that 15% mone levels quickly drop back
to 20% of women experience to their normal, pre-preg-
“significant symptoms nancy levels. Researchers
of depression or anxiety” believe this sudden change in
after the birth of a child.250 hormonal levels—much more
Approximately one out of extreme than the changes
nine women suffers from that occur during menstrua-
postpartum or postnatal tion—can lead to depression.
depression. If the feelings
Levels of thyroid hormones
persist for longer than two
also drop after a woman gives
weeks during or after a preg-
birth. The thyroid is a small Hormonal changes
nancy, clinicians recommend
that mothers reach out for
gland in the neck that helps can trigger symptoms
regulate how the body uses and
help. In some instances of
stores energy from food. Low
of postpartum
postpartum depression, pro-
fessionals may recommend
levels of thyroid hormones, depression.
too, may cause symptoms of
treatments such as talk ther-
depression. In women where
apy or temporary pharmaco-
there are reasons to suspect
logic intervention.
thyroid issues, hormone expert
Hormonal changes can trigger Dr. Jolene Brighten recom-
symptoms of postpartum mends working with a post-
depression.251 When a woman partum thyroid expert, who
is pregnant, the female hor- can order a thyroid lab panel
mones estrogen and proges- and other relevant lab tests and
terone are the highest they’ll review natural and medication
ever be. In the first 24 hours treatment options.252


During pregnancy, maternal ments like zinc, copper and
zinc levels fall as copper magnesium have been impli-
levels rise, and zinc deficien- cated in various reproductive
cy is another possible cause events like infertility, preg- Untreated postpartum
of postnatal depression.253 nancy wastage, congenital
depression can affect
Zinc, a trace mineral, has the anomalies, pregnancy induced
second highest concentration hypertension, placental a mother’s ability
in the brain of all transition abruption, premature rupture to parent.
metals (metals important of membranes, stillbirths and
to the chemistry of living low birth weight.”
systems). Research also links
Untreated postpartum
zinc deficiency to behavioral
depression can affect a moth-
er’s ability to parent. She may
Clinicians and researchers struggle with low energy,
have found a lower zinc blood mood swings, an inability to
concentration in women fully care for her baby, and
with postpartum depression. maybe even a higher risk of
Ellen Grant, a physician suicide. Fortunately, help
and medical gynecologist is available for depressed
in the UK, has noted that a mothers. Postpartum Support
shortage of zinc, along with International offers expert
magnesium, in women prior guidance, resources, and peer
to conception may cause support group meetings.256
infertility and recurrent
miscarriages, also stating that
years of pre-pregnancy hor-
monal contraceptive use will
increase deficiencies of these
minerals.255 She adds that all
of this is likely contributing
to the “extremely high inci-
dence” of postnatal depres-
sion, “with increased risk of
long term adverse effects on
child development.” Further,
“Deficiencies of trace ele-


Chapter Five: The Solid Food Transition
“Let food be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” — Hippocrates

Parents should support Introducing

their children with natural,
unprocessed foods. Food is
Solid Food There is widespread
medicine—especially for a There is widespread agreement that
developing infant. The more agreement that sometime sometime between
processed a food is, the less between the fourth and sixth
nutritional value it has. months is the optimal time
the fourth and sixth
In this chapter, we will:
to introduce solid foods; in months is the optimal
combination with solid foods,
time to introduce
• Discuss how to approach the breastfeeding (or homemade
introduction of solid foods formula) can then continue solid foods.
• Describe how to watch for for as long as mother and
possible allergic reactions baby wish. Most organi-
zations do not recommend


introducing solid foods before Because of infants’ rapid
four months of age due to growth and development,
the risk of gastrointestinal Morell insists that nutri-
problems and allergies. Sally ent density is as or more
Fallon Morell of the Weston important for little ones as
A. Price Foundation points for adults. Infants’ immature Because of infants’
to research indicating that digestive systems are poorly
rapid growth and
introducing solids in the equipped to handle carbo-
four- to six-month window hydrates but can supply the development, Morell
may, in fact, “result in the enzymes needed to digest insists that nutrient
lowest allergy risk.”257 Morell fats and proteins. She takes
density is as or more
also emphasizes: issue with the suggestion to
let babies play with items like important for little
“There is no age at which
raw vegetables or extruded ones as for adults.
rice cakes and says, “above
baby is growing faster—and
all, babies need animal fats”:
forming more connections in
the brain—than the age from
zero to one. This is not the time
“[Animal fats] are critical for
to be casual about feeding your
growth, hormone production and
baby—because food before one
indeed practically all functions
matters a ton!” 258
in the body, right down to the
mitochondria. Animal fats
provide cholesterol for neurolog-
Morell disputes the notion ical development; arachidonic
that when babies push food acid for healthy skin, brains
and digestion; and fat-soluble
back out, it means they are
vitamins needed for just about
“not ready” or “not hungry,”
everything, including iron assimi-
instead noting that babies are lation and hormone production.”
simply “learning how to eat.”
They may also subsequently
appreciate a food that they
initially reject.


Morell advises starting with From a nutrient-density
homemade foods that parents standpoint, says Morell, there
have puréed, ground up, are two ideal first foods,
or finely minced. (Store- which can start as early as
bought baby foods often four months of age:
contain additives and other
• Soft or runny egg yolks
undesirable ingredients, and from pastured hens (either
frequently come in phthal- scooped out of a whole egg Organic foods and
ate-laden plastic containers boiled for three and a half
or aluminum-lined packag- minutes, or in the form of pastured meats
ing.) Morell also emphasizes a runny yolk taken from contain fewer
the critical importance of salt a fried egg, with a pinch
of salt added), building up pesticides and heavy
for infant digestion and brain
from half a teaspoon (if
development, criticizing those metals, no antibiotics
baby seems to react poorly,
who would deprive babies of parents can wait a couple of or synthetic hormones,
magnesium, trace minerals, weeks and then try again)
and healthy fats and
and sodium by putting them • Liver puréed with a little
on a low-salt diet. salt, broth, and butter healthy antioxidants.
or cream (“baby paté”),
Organic whole foods support obtained from healthy ani-
optimal development and mals that spend their lives
strong endocrine and immune on pasture or (as the next
systems.259 Organic foods and best choice) from organi-
pastured meats contain fewer cally raised animals261
pesticides and heavy metals,
no antibiotics or synthetic
hormones, and healthy fats
and healthy antioxidants.260


Around six to eight months, Morell cautions against
parents can add: introducing harder-to-digest
foods until a baby is at least
• Red meat, fish, or dark
chicken puréed “with one year old. Difficult-to-di-
water, bone broth, raw milk gest foods include grains, egg
or cream, and always with whites, and raw fruits and
added fat, especially butter” vegetables. One suggestion
• Well-cooked fruit and veg- for introducing whole eggs
etables, puréed or mashed is to scramble them with
with cream or butter extra yolks and cream. As for
• Creamed soups grains, parents should cook
• Custards them well after making them
more digestible by soaking
Over time, babies can prog- them overnight in water with Over time, babies
ress to finger foods cut into a small amount of lemon
small pieces, such as: can progress to
juice, vinegar, yogurt, or
• Ripe banana pieces (or kefir. A high-quality sour- finger foods cut
banana mashed with a little dough bread “spread thickly into small pieces.
cream and a pinch of salt) with butter” can also enter
• Organic cheese (preferably the repertoire at this time.
raw rather than pasteurized)
The Weston A. Price Founda-
• Bits of natural bacon
tion website offers many other
• Dried anchovies or fish eggs practical suggestions about
when and how to feed babies.262


Food Reactions An estimated 1 in 12 children
has food allergies,264 and the
and Food Allergies prevalence of pediatric food
When introducing new foods, allergies has risen by at least
it is best to add new foods 50% since the late 1990s.265
every five to seven days. A study conducted for the
Adding the new food at decade-long period from 2005
breakfast time allows parents to 2014 showed that pediatric An estimated 1 in 12
to watch for any reactions emergency department visits
for food-related anaphylaxis
children has food
during the day. Any food that
an infant has had without increased by 214%, with the allergies, and the
highest rates in infants and
any reaction for five to seven prevalence of pediatric
days is generally safe to give toddlers.266 Over roughly the
in combination with other same period, an analysis of food allergies has
safe foods that the infant can tens of billions of private risen by at least 50%
health insurance claims for
tolerate. since the late 1990s.
children and adults showed
Parents can watch for nega- that claims with diagnoses of
tive reactions that sometimes food anaphylaxis (two-thirds
follow the introduction of of which were for children)
new foods:263 rose by 377%, with peanut
• Redness around the mouth allergies topping the list.267
Other leading food allergens
• Bloating, gas
include pasteurized cow’s
• Frequent spitting up
milk (and related dairy prod-
• Nasal or chest congestion ucts), egg whites, tree nuts,
• Constipation sesame seeds, shellfish and
• Diarrhea fish, wheat/gluten, and soy, as
• Eczema-like skin rash well as unnatural ingredients
• Fussiness, irritability like preservatives, food addi-
tives, and monosodium glu-
• Difficulty sleeping
tamate (MSG). MSG is present
not just in many processed
foods but also as a stabilizer
in some vaccines such as the
chickenpox (varicella) and
icella (MMRV) vaccines.268


Mainstream medicine In The Peanut Allergy Epidem-
declares itself baffled as to ic: What’s Causing it and How
the causes of the food allergy to Stop It, author Heather
epidemic, but experiments Fraser drew attention to a Allergy symptoms
dating back over a century 1991 paper that put forth
suggest that the allergies the plausible view of allergy
such as vomiting,
are largely iatrogenic—and as a form of immunological sneezing, and
point to medical injections defense against certain decreased blood
and injected vaccines, in toxins.274,275 From this per-
particular, as likely cul- spective, allergy symptoms pressure are logical
prits.269 The major expansion such as vomiting, sneezing, bodily responses
of the childhood vaccine and decreased blood pressure
designed to expel
schedule since the late 1980s, are logical bodily responses
the day-of-birth hepatitis designed to expel toxic toxic substances.
B vaccines and vitamin K substances—such as those
shots, the widespread use present in vaccines—or slow
of immune-dysregulating their circulation in the body.
aluminum adjuvants,270 and
changes in vaccine technology
are all factors that can explain
the “immunoexcitotoxic”
cascade that is manifesting
in the form of food allergies
and other disorders such as
autism.271,272 As the authors of
a 2016 study summed up:

“The era of food allergy began

with the post-millennial gen-
eration, the same faction who
received new immunizations
during early childhood. Many
of these vaccines contain alum,
an adjuvant known to induce
allergic phenotypes.” 273


As noted in the preceding Avoiding the toxic exposures
chapter, studies comparing that contribute to the devel-
the health of vaccinated and opment of allergies and other
unvaccinated children and allergic conditions is the
adults consistently show that best prevention. If allergies
vaccination increases the develop, parents may wish to
likelihood of allergies and familiarize themselves with Avoiding the toxic
related conditions like eczema the range of options available.
and asthma.276 Although vac- Conventional medicine is exposures that
cines are not the sole trigger likely to advise over-the- contribute to the
for the development of food counter antihistamines like
development of
allergies, parents who wish to Benadryl but may not mention
minimize their babies’ risks the drug’s strong sedative allergies and other
would do well to understand effects or conversely, its ten- allergic conditions is
the probable relationship. dency to induce hyperactivity
in 10% to 15% of children.284
the best prevention.
Other factors linked to child-
For those susceptible to ana-
hood food allergies—and to
phylactic reactions, doctors
skin rashes, hay fever, and
recommend having epineph-
asthma—include early-life
rine (an “EpiPen”) on hand,
exposure to antibiotics and
though EpiPens are expensive
antacids prescribed for
and prone to regular recalls.285
reflux;277 exposure to tobacco
smoke and mold (as well as Many non-drug approaches
cockroaches and mites);278 to managing and healing
and exposure to GMO ingredi- allergies are available, includ-
ents,279 glyphosate and other ing making dietary changes
pesticides.280 On the other (including strictly avoiding
hand, many studies point to GMOs and glyphosate-ex-
farm and rural environments posed ingredients), increasing
as protective against allergies, intake of probiotics or fer-
with effects continuing into mented foods, and exploring
young adulthood.281 Specific natural alternatives such as
protective factors associated herbal remedies, homeopathy,
with those environments and acupuncture.
include exposure to livestock
and their fodder and con-
sumption of raw milk.282,283


Chapter Six: Developmental Milestones
“Learning springs naturally in newborn babies and young children. Though you do not need to teach your
baby how to see, you can place him in interesting and colorful environments. We do not need to teach him
how to feel, but we can offer him new things to touch and explore. Your newborn baby’s interests and
curiosity in people and the world are already there, inside him. They are in-built, as this is with other
senses. He just needs you to offer him the right opportunities and he will develop at his own inner pace.”
— John Thomson et al., Natural Childbirth (1995)

From the very beginning, a What is taking place between

baby responds to and also parent and baby is rather like
initiates interactions with the performance of a pair of What is taking place
people and responds to var- highly practiced dancers. between parent and
ious types of attention. Par-
baby is rather like
ents and babies share control
of their conversations and the performance of
negotiate an exchange that a pair of highly
includes facial expressions
such as smiling and laughing.
practiced dancers.


Unfortunately, exposure to Environmental toxins like
“ubiquitous but insidious” lead and fluoride are by now
environmental toxins can well-documented causes
threaten babies’ healthy of cognitive and behavioral
development, and “too little problems in children,290,291 but
has been done to protect in addition, vaccines demand
[them].”286 (For more details attention as a probable cul-
on environmental toxins, see prit, particularly given that
Chapter Seven.) The preva- the dramatic surge in devel-
lence of developmental delays opmental disabilities began
and disabilities has been around the same time that
increasing steadily since the the CDC started expanding
1990s; a government study the types and total number
published in 2019 concluded of vaccines on the childhood The prevalence of
that the percentage of children vaccine schedule.292
developmental delays
diagnosed with a develop-
mental disability increased
In this chapter, we will: and disabilities has
significantly between 2009 • Describe parent-child been increasing
and 2017, resulting in a grow- communication as a
ing population of children rewarding process of steadily since
(one in six) with one or more
teaching and learning the 1990s.
developmental disabilities.287 • Review how speech begins
Among children with any • Discuss how parents can
disability, cognitive difficulties anticipate and support
are the most common type, their children’s needs
affecting 4.4% of children • Outline typical growth and
ages 5–17 according to the development milestones
and note the CDC’s recent
U.S. Census Bureau.288 The
changes to those milestones
CDC’s most recent estimate of
autism prevalence, for sur-
• Describe types of develop-
mental delays
veillance year 2018, is that 1 in
44 eight-year-olds in the U.S. • Discuss the likely associ-
ation of vaccination and
had received an autism spec-
developmental delays
trum disorder diagnosis.289


Teaching and Many of the interactions
between babies and their
Learning: The Joy parents take place intuitively.
of Communication Babies behave spontaneously
in the only way they know
In their enduring 1995 book,
how, and their parents
Natural Childhood, John
respond intuitively. As
Thomson and co-authors
described in Natural Childhood:
describe many ways that
parents can support their
developing child. They note “As your baby grows and changes
that although nobody teaches you adapt your behavior to suit Although nobody
parents how to play face him. Face games turn into body
games with their baby, all games and body games develop teaches parents how
parents instinctively initiate
into nursery rhymes, without to play face games
anyone teaching you to do it. The
and join in such activities with their baby, all
pattern of a healthy relationship
with great sensitivity. Parents is there right from the start.
may raise the pitch of their What is important is that it is
parents instinctively
voice, slow down the rhythm maintained and can develop and initiate and join in
of their speech, or add a flourish. An important aspect
of the relationship between
such activities with
sing-song quality, speaking
in 5- to 15-second intervals.
parent and child is teaching and great sensitivity.
learning. Parents don’t think of
This combination of timing
themselves and their children
and sound is ideal for holding as teachers and students but
a baby’s brief attention span, teaching and learning go on
and resonates with the baby’s between them all the time.”
inbuilt rhythm.

Babies are sensitive to par-

ents’ responses from the
moment of birth. Researchers
call this process “attune-
ment,”293 and they believe
that it is a critical step in the
process of a baby learning
to speak.294 As babies’ needs
become more complex, they
will be motivated to start
using words. If they are
developing normally, they
will acquire language as they
need it.


Unfortunately, some parents Parents cannot know what
have lost touch with this goes on inside their child’s
innate human sense and rely head; they can only guess
on experts who “know best” what the child is thinking and
and tell parents what their feeling through their words
child ought to be doing when, and actions. As a young child
or advise remedial actions if explores and learns, some
they view the child as a “late needs will merely require the
developer.” Parents may feel parents to be observers, while
Parents must trust
great pressure for their child others will require parental
to achieve and may be tempt- participation. The parents’ themselves as to what
ed to push the child at too role is to sense, as best as their baby needs.
fast a pace. This may appear they can, what their child
to reap rewards in the short needs and when.
term, but it is likely to cause
A child “works” all day and
tensions in the end. Parents
every day, but at any given
must trust themselves as to
moment, all a parent may
what their baby needs.
need to do is just acknowl-
Anticipating and edge what the child is
learning about life. As the
Responding to a authors of Natural Childhood
Child’s Needs put it, children are “learning
all the time. For there is no
Children have three broad
distinction between learning
categories of essential needs:
and playing. There is no need
• Food, warmth, exercise, to set up special learning
and sleep opportunities for a child.”
• Love and a sense of
• Opportunities to explore,
question, experience, and


As human beings, we learn a series of attempts to stand
best when we feel good about upright, move one foot in
ourselves. If we are upset, we front of the other, and take
get distracted, and we may a few steps—punctuated by
need to take time to resolve moments of falling over or
our upset before being able screaming with frustration—
to concentrate fully on our before the child finally is able Every moment is
work. It is the same for a to walk unaided. Perseverance an opportunity for
child. When children are brings success. Along the way,
a child to learn, but
upset, they may not be able the child will benefit from
to learn. Helping a child deal active parental encouragement learning is also
with whatever is on their (see “How Parents Can Help a process.
mind will help them get back Children Learn, Grow, and
to the task at hand. Develop”). When a parent
says, “You can do it,” that
Every moment is an oppor-
affirmation guides the child
tunity for a child to learn,
toward success and helps
but learning is also a process.
them appreciate their achieve-
When a child approaches a
ments. This attitude will affect
new task, they are likely to
their approach to every task
find it difficult, and it may
throughout their life, helping
take them many weeks to
them develop confidence in
master it. For example, learn-
their ability to succeed.
ing to walk may proceed as


Children must learn through Children Set
their own successes and
mistakes. As much as parents
the Pace
might like to protect their Children learn at their own
children from life’s hard pace. They will learn to speak
knocks, they cannot, and it when they feel the need to Children learn at
is important that they don’t. communicate ideas to others. their own pace. They
Such experiences are an They will learn to walk when
essential part of growing up. crawling or shuffling fails to
will learn to speak
give them enough mobility. when they feel the
How Parents Can Help
Parents who are desperate for need to communicate
a child to learn a particular
Children Learn, Grow, skill at a particular time may ideas to others.
and Develop even find that their urging
• Listen to the child’s ideas. backfires, making it less
• Point out their achievements. likely that the child will want
to learn it. Children have
• Think through difficult
situations with them. invisible antennae that pick
up their parents’ unexpressed
• Let them learn from their
mistakes. wishes, and that does influ-
ence their behavior!
• Make time for them.
• Stop telling them what to do.
• Stop telling them what they
are doing wrong.


Adults sometimes find it hard A loving presence is invalu-
to hold back. When they offer able. There will be times
suggestions as to how a child when a child will play on
could do something better, their own, but when parents
the child may be hurt and try to slip away unnoticed,
might even tell the parents the child may demand that
to “leave them alone.” That the parent stay. Just because
said, the ability to give a child a child does not constantly
attention without interfering turn to a parent for reassur-
is a helpful skill to cultivate. ance and encouragement does
not mean that the child does
As parents observe the learn-
not want and need parental
ing in which their child is
attention and presence.
engaged, they may be able to
give appropriate assistance, If a child is playing quietly,
but in general, children need parents may consider merely
to explore and experience life. sitting with them quietly. If
At the same time, children the child is dancing, a parent
want the security of boundar- may try moving with them.
ies. As parents communicate Society conditions adults A child provides the
what is and is not okay, the to believe that they know
opportunity to love
boundaries should be flexible best because of their greater
enough not to interfere with knowledge and experience, nonstop, awakening
a child’s need to experience and they often find it hard a depth of loving and
life, yet firm enough to guide to let the child take the lead.
seeking a parent’s
a child who does not yet have However, children have a lot
a realistic sense of their own to teach their parents and can unconditional love
abilities and limitations. offer many new perspectives in return.
Ultimately, parents’ job is on life if parents are open to
to let their child’s curiosity receiving them.
and desire to learn unfold
It is said that human beings’
and develop in a healthy way,
need to love is greater than the
while ensuring that the child
need to be loved. A child pro-
does not put themselves in
vides the opportunity to love
harm’s way (such as pulling
nonstop, awakening a depth of
a plastic bag over their head
loving and seeking a parent’s
in the name of “exploration”)
unconditional love in return.
and only suffers the knocks
and bruises that inevitably
accompany day-to-day life.


Developmental Also between two and four
months, a baby will be able
Milestones to push up with his arms
For many years, milestones for when lying on his stom-
child development were those ach. “Tummy time” helps
set out in the Appendix, which strengthen the upper body
summarizes typical growth and neck muscles that a baby
and development from infancy needs to sit up. Allowing a
through toddlerhood.295 two-month-old baby to have
supervised tummy time at
Physical and Motor least three times per day for
Development several minutes each time
will help encourage the baby
Babies learn every day and
to meet this milestone.
experience rapid develop-
ment. Some of baby’s first A baby may start rolling over
milestones involve physical as early as four months of age.
and motor development. The baby may start by rock- An early motor
Physical development means ing side to side, which is the milestone is the
growth in height, increase in motion that is fundamental
weight, change of shape, and
baby’s ability to
to rolling over. Once babies
the completion of the struc- master rolling over from hold their head up
tures of the different organs tummy to back, they will without support.
of the body. It also implies master rolling from back to
increased control over the tummy. At four to six months
body, and the ability to move old, a baby should typically
the limbs, use the hands, roll over in both directions.
coordinate hand and eye To encourage rolling over,
movements, and stand, run, parents can place babies on
and jump. An early motor a blanket on the floor with a
milestone is the baby’s ability toy or book near them that
to hold their head up without they can reach toward with
support. Babies generally their arms.
reach this milestone between
two and four months of age.


At around six months, babies A child’s speaking ability
will have developed enough begins with coos, gurgles,
upper body strength to begin and babbling. At first, cer-
to sit up unsupported. Parents tain vowel-like sounds will
can help babies sit up by emerge, followed by sounds
supporting them with pillows. of consonants. After just six
weeks, a child will be able
At nine months, a baby should
to repeat strings of sounds
be able to sit well and be able
continually. Babies endlessly
to get out of a sitting position
rehearse, are aware of, and
with minimal help.
enjoy rhythms, changes of
At 12 months, a baby should pitch, and sound groups.
be able to get into a sitting Every vowel and consonant A newborn baby has
position without help. has a special quality. This is the potential to
why nursery rhymes are so
Speech and Early Play acquire any of the
enjoyable for children. Their
meaning can be strange, but 6,000 languages that
We do not inherit our lan-
guage. Rather, a newborn
their sounds are magical. For humanity speaks.
the child, words have magic
baby has the potential to
and power.
acquire any of the 6,000 lan-
guages that humanity speaks. A young child will combine
A baby placed among speakers gestures of reaching, point-
of one or more languages will ing, and pushing away with
acquire that language or those sounds that communicate
languages. Newborns have their needs, thoughts, and
the ability to vocalize and also feelings. With these actions
to respond to language and and sounds, they are deliber-
have an inborn capacity to ately trying to attract another
grasp the structure basic to all person’s interest and get them
languages. to act in the way they want. In
essence, they are communi-
cating without words.


By about two months of age, As a child becomes more
the communication between mobile, their world expands.
baby and parents will have Children start to learn names
developed into face games for people, objects, and
involving expressions and actions. They can reach and
Around six months
gestures, with each playing handle many new objects, and
a part. they need to be able to talk of age, babies begin
When a baby is around five
about these new activities. babbling as they get
From this point on, their
months old, parents may start better at controlling
communication will increase
to sing action songs and their vowel sounds
rapidly from baby language,
nursery rhymes intuitively.
Even though babies cannot yet
which only their own family and the pitch and
understands, to child language,
sing the words, they can learn
which others can understand.
quality of their
actions and respond to the
rhythms. They are not just imi- To help children learn lan-
tating their parents; they are guage and achieve expected
also following the rhyme and speech and language mile-
coordinating their hand and stones, parents should:
body movements in response.
• Talk, read, and play with
Around six months of age, their children
babies begin babbling as • Listen and respond to what
they get better at controlling a child says
their vowel sounds and the • Talk with children in the
pitch and quality of their language that they are
expressions. They have most comfortable using
reached a point where they • Teach a child to speak
want to communicate. Also another language if the
parents speak one
at six months, they can play
a game in which they follow • Talk about what they do
and what their children do
instructions, such as putting
during the day
wooden dolls into a toy truck
and taking them out again. • Use a lot of different words
• Use longer sentences as the
At around nine months, child gets older
another significant devel- • Encourage the child to play
opment takes place. For the with other children
last few months, the infant
has been able to either play
with an object or interact in
person-to-person games, but
now they learn to do both at
the same time.


Crawling Further discussing the
importance of crawling, the
Experts at Michigan State
MSU authors explain:
University (MSU) have iden-
tified as “prerequisites” for
children to begin crawling the “As children crawl their brain is
ability “to lift their head off making more and more connec-
the ground, to support their tions. Each connection is a solu-
tion to a problem that they have
upper-body with their arms,
solved by, and with crawling.
to get their knees underneath
The more they crawl the more
them and being stable on all streamlined these connections
fours.”296 Around six months become and the more automatic
old, children will get into the skill becomes. Crawling
provides them an opportunity to
By seven to 10
this position and just rock
back and forth on hands and explore their environment. Before months old, a baby
the skill becomes automatic, the
knees. This is a building block
child is using a lot of their brain will begin to crawl.
to crawling. As a child rocks,
just to move, and figure out what
he may start to crawl back- is going on and how to achieve
ward before moving forward. this great feat of independent
By seven to 10 months old, a movement. You should be able
baby will begin to crawl. The to see this skill becoming more
MSU experts note the impor- automatic as their speed increas-
es from very slow, to getting-in-
tance of crawling taking place
to-everything, fast!”
on hands and knees with a
cross-body pattern—“mean-
ing the right arm and left leg
go forward together”—that is
different from belly crawling
or scooting.

Crawling is important for

proper brain development as
well as for increasing bone
and muscle strength and
building future motor skills.
The MSU researchers note
that crawling is usually “a
result of reaching for a toy
that [babies] can’t quite get
to, and then they fall toward
their outstretched hand. After
they fall forward they realize
they just moved closer to the
object that they want.”


As crawling promotes the
development of cognitive
skills, children learn to locate
objects by sight or touch.
The MSU authors cite a study
showing that children who
had achieved hands-and-
knees crawling could find
a toy that had been hidden
more often than children not
crawling on hands and knees.
They noted, “This was true
no matter where in the room
the child started looking
for the toy,” demonstrating
crawling’s important role To support a child learning
in the development of both to crawl, parents should
spatial and cognitive skills. allow their baby to play on
the floor in a safe area away
The MSU authors also from stairs. They can place
emphasize another benefit favorite toys just out of reach
of crawling: “a more flexible as baby rocks back and forth,
memory when learning new encouraging baby to reach for
skills.” They describe a study their toy.
that compared children who
were crawling with those Developmental
not crawling, testing how
Delays and the To support a child
well the children remem-
bered a new skill taught to 2022 Revised learning to crawl,
them after the researchers Developmental parents should allow
changed the environment.
Milestones their baby to play on
The former group “showed
greater memory retention In February 2022, the CDC the floor in a safe area
when tested in both the same and AAP jointly revised the
away from stairs.
and different settings.” In pediatric developmental
other words, “Children who milestones—for the first time
were not crawling needed the since 2004—in the “Learn the
same stimuli and setting … Signs, Act Early” program.297
to show retention of a skill, This program, designed to
whereas children who were help parents identify devel-
crawling were able to show opmental delays in their
skills where either the stimuli children, includes milestone
or the setting were different.” “checklists” or “markers.”298


One of the organizations’
“Subject matter experts iden-
stated reasons for modi-
tified by the AAP established
fying the milestones were 11 criteria for CDC milestone
concerns about the “wait- checklists, including using
and-see approach” com- milestones most children (>75%)
monly employed by doctors would be expected to achieve by
and parents, which some specific health supervision visit
experts believe causes delays ages and those that are easily
observed in natural settings. A
in diagnosis of problems.
database of normative data for
Many times, pediatricians individual milestones, common
tell parents to “wait and screening and evaluation tools,
see” because the child is and published clinical opinion
too young to be diagnosed was created to inform revisions.
with a cognitive disorder. In Application of the criteria
some circumstances, it may established by the AAP working
group and adding milestones
be appropriate to merely
for the 15- and 30-month health
monitor a child, but often this supervision visits resulted in
“wait-and-see” approach This “wait-and-
a 26.4% reduction and 40.9%
causes delays in appropriate replacement of previous CDC see” approach causes
evaluation. milestones. One third of the
retained milestones were trans-
delays in appropriate
CDC authors explained their ferred to different ages; 67.7% evaluation.
revisions in a February 2022 of those transferred were moved
article published in Pediatrics: to older ages. Approximately
80% of the final milestones had
normative data from >1 sources.
Social-emotional and cognitive
milestones had the least
normative data. These criteria
and revised checklists can be
used to support developmental
surveillance, clinical judgment
regarding additional develop-
mental screening, and research
in developmental surveillance
processes. Gaps in develop-
mental data were identified
particularly for social-emotional
and cognitive milestones.” 299


With the revisions, there is now guidelines suggested chil-
a checklist for every well-child dren should have a 50-word
visit from two months to five vocabulary, on average, by 24
years of age, with a total of 159 months of age, but the new
milestones across 12 checklists guidelines list 30 months as
as compared with the previous the target age for reaching this
216 milestones across 10 check- milestone. In addition:
lists. As summarized by the
• The CDC removed more than
AAP, the new guidelines reflect half of the milestones from
the following changes:300 the original 216 milestones
(including “tries to use
• Addition of checklists for
things the right way, like a
ages 15 and 30 months
phone, cup, or book,” which
• Addition of new social and was a milestone noted
emotional milestones (e.g., across multiple age groups).
“Smiles on their own to
get attention” at age four
• The CDC added milestone
markers to show clearer
signs of autism. One exam-
• Removal of vague language ple, a social and emotional
such as “may” or “begins” milestone, is at two months,
when referring to some when babies ordinarily
milestones should calm down when
• Removal of duplicate spoken to or picked up.
milestones Another is at four months,
• Addition of new, when most babies are The CDC removed
smiling on their own to get
open-ended questions
attention. At 15 months, more than half of
for use in discussion with
families (e.g., “Is there children should be able to the milestones
anything that the child clap when they get excited.
from the original
does or does not do that • The CDC moved about one-
concerns you?”) third of the previous mile- 216 milestones.
stones (such as fine motor
• Revision and expansion
of tips and activities for skills) to older age groups.
“developmental promotion • Another change is the
and early relational health” removal of crawling as a
CDC developmental mile-
One of the biggest changes to stone. This change is con-
the developmental milestones troversial because crawling
involves language develop- is very important, building
ment, with a number of speech up neck strength and con-
trol, developing strength
and language milestones
for walking, and using both
pushed up to older age groups.
sides of the brain together.
For example, the CDC’s 2004


Although the stated aim of hospitals, identified barriers
the CDC’s revised devel- to evaluation by develop-
opmental guidelines is to mental pediatricians that
increase surveillance of included long wait times and
potential developmental inadequate Spanish language
delays, by moving approxi- accommodation. Of the 140
mately one-third of the mile- unique programs, only 55%
stones, such as fine motor (75 programs) even offered
skills, up to older age groups, a wait time estimate, which
the guidelines no longer sup- was, on average, nearly five
port early intervention. Clos- and a half months. Among Early intervention
ing off opportunities for early these, just 62 were able to is critical to help
assessment, the guidelines respond in Spanish within 24
families develop
may actually worsen chil- hours of the initial contact,
dren’s developmental delays, and nearly one-third did not strategies to
pushing a child who was offer any Spanish-language manage behavioral,
originally one standard devi- services. A March 2022 phone
ation below the norm to two call to the Children’s Hospital
emotional, social,
standard deviations below. By of Philadelphia Division of and educational
the time someone identifies a Developmental and Behavioral challenges.
problem, the child may need Pediatrics indicated a wait
to be caught up even more, time of seven months for an
which in turn means more initial consultation with a
time in therapy and increased developmental pediatrician.
costs. In short, there are con- The 2017 study highlighted
cerns that the guidelines will the need to identify optimal
increase potential setbacks strategies for connecting chil-
and delay the start of timely dren displaying developmental
interventions. concerns with the appropriate
evaluation facilities.
Early intervention is critical
to help families develop
strategies to manage behav-
ioral, emotional, social, and
educational challenges.301
Unfortunately, a study pub-
lished in 2017 in the Journal
of Developmental & Behavioral
Pediatrics found that there
were only 1,000 pediatri-
cians in the United States
specially trained to treat
developmental disorders. The
study, involving a national
sample of U.S. children’s


Government researchers who
focus on developmental dis-
abilities have noted the press-
ing need for additional studies
to better understand:302

• The characteristics of
children with developmen-
tal disabilities
• The “complex risk factors”
associated with such
• The accessibility of services
and interventions “shown
to improve long-term out-
comes for those diagnosed
with a developmental that children develop at their
disability” own rate, with some children
walking and talking earlier
Unfortunately, there has
and others taking longer, but
been no follow-up study
most children learn skills
even though the measures
within a certain age range.
adopted during SARS-
A child who takes longer to
CoV-2—including lock-
learn a skill may have a prob-
downs, extensive restrictions
lem. In shifting the milestone One of the most
to social environments, and
facial coverings—appear to
of a 50-word vocabulary (on concerning aspects
average) from 24 months to
have increased the percent-
30 months, the CDC guide-
of CDC’s revised
age of children with develop-
lines contradict the American developmental
mental delays.303 It is essen-
Speech-Language-Hearing guidelines is the
tial to honestly investigate
Association (ASHA), which
the reasons for the increased
considers saying less than 50 lowering of standards
prevalence of developmental
delays and develop better
words at two years old a red for speech and
flag (see “Signs of Language
strategies for assessment, language milestones,
Problems”).304 Lowering the
intervention, and prevention. now pushed to older
standards for speech and
Delays in Language language could prevent a age groups.
Milestones child from getting an Individ-
ualized Family Service Plan
One of the most concerning (IFSP) and could result in a
aspets of CDC’s revised late Individualized Education
developmental guidelines is Plan (IEP) when the child
the lowering of standards starts school, delaying access
for speech and language to much-needed assessments
milestones, now pushed to and services.
older age groups. It is true


Children need successful
Signs of Language intervention early in life to
Problems correct potential language
Language includes speaking, delays and prevent further
understanding, reading, and setbacks. If providers iden-
writing. A child with a language tify a child’s developmental
disorder may have trouble delay at 30 months of age,
with one or more of the chances are that there will
following skills:
be at least a six-month wait
• Birth–3 months: Not smiling time for intervention, given
or playing with others. the current critical shortage
• 4–7 months: Not babbling. of professionals available to Children need
• 7–12 months: Making only a properly evaluate the delay.
few sounds. Not using ges-
successful intervention
Speech-language pathologists
tures like waving or pointing. early in life to correct
(SLPs) work with children
• 7 months–2 years: Not under-
who have language, speech potential language
standing what others say.
• 12–18 months: Saying only a
sound, stuttering, or voice delays and prevent
problems. Audiologists help
few words.
children who have trouble
further setbacks.
• 1½–2 years: Not putting two
hearing. It is best to find an
words together.
SLP or audiologist who has
• 2 years: Saying fewer than
earned a Certificate of Clinical
50 words.
Competence (CCC) from ASHA.
• 2–3 years: Having trouble ASHA-certified SLPs have
playing and talking with
“CCC-SLP” after their name,
other children.
and ASHA-certified audiol-
• 2½–3 years: Having prob-
ogists have “CCC-A” after
lems with early reading and
their name. The ASHA ProFind
writing. For example, your
child may not like to draw or website can help parents find
look at books. an SLP or audiologist.305
Source: American Speech-Language-
Hearing Association


During 2020–2022, many Reflex” and may be indicative
children who suffered from of a neurodevelopmental
delayed language milestones concern. Thus, the CDC’s
did not have access to an removal of crawling from the
in-person SLP. Imagine a developmental milestones
two-year-old with language checklist is both puzzling and
delays trying to communicate counterproductive.
with a person over a virtual
Zoom call, or a child who was Delays in Cognitive
able to see a professional, Milestones
The CDC’s removal
but one or both had to wear
Cognitive delays refer to chil- of crawling from
a face covering. Sensitivity
dren “whose intellectual func-
to facial and vocal emotion
tion and adaptive behavior are the developmental
is fundamental to children’s
significantly below the expect- milestones checklist
social competence. Previous
ed average for their age.”308
research has focused on is both puzzling and
Many factors may contribute to
children’s facial emotion
delays in cognitive milestones. counterproductive.
recognition, and some studies
have investigated non-lin- Genetic factors, such as the
guistic vocal emotion pro- inheritance of abnormal
cessing in childhood.306 The genes or a chromosomal
extent of harm experienced disorder, are one possible
by children during the events contributor. Examples of
of 2020–2022 is incalculable. chromosomal disorders
include Fragile X syndrome,
Delays in Movement Down syndrome, and phenyl-
and Gross Motor ketonuria (PKU).
Cognitive delays can also
As already mentioned, crawl- develop as a result of expo-
ing is an essential milestone, sures during pregnancy, such
influencing “the motor devel- as maternal drug or alcohol
opment that is required for use. Adverse effects from
conscious reaching and other vaccines administered during
movements, the infant’s pregnancy, such as the flu,
orientation in space and time, Tdap, or COVID shots, also
multitasking, and cognitive fall into this category. In
development.”307 A delay in addition, complications at
“early unconditioned crawl- birth—such as prematurity,
ing,” says neurosensorimotor a labor complication, or
expert Svetlana Masgutova, inadequate oxygenation of the
will negatively affect “all infant—can affect cognitive
other phases of the Crawling development.


Other contributors to cogni-
tive delays include external Signs of Cognitive
factors such as malnutrition Developmental Delays
and exposure to heavy metals, Parents can observe some
including in vaccines. A 2010 forms of cognitive delay as
study found that boys who early as 24 months of age:
received thimerosal-con-
• Sitting, crawling, or walking
taining hepatitis B vaccines later than other children
as neonates “had threefold
• Having difficulty speaking
greater odds for autism diag-
• Having a short attention span
nosis compared to boys never Other contributors to
vaccinated or vaccinated after • Being unable to remember
things cognitive delays
the first month of life.”309
• Displaying a lack of curiosity include external factors
Most often, parents, care-
• Having trouble under- such as malnutrition
givers, or teachers are the standing social rules or the
first to identify a concern consequences of behavior and exposure to heavy
(see “Signs of Cognitive • Having trouble thinking metals, including
Developmental Delays”). It is logically
crucial that parents make a in vaccines.
• Exhibiting infantile behavior
primary care physician aware that persists into the pre-
of the concern and request school and school years
an evaluation of the child, • Lacking age-appropriate
particularly given the limited adaptive or self-help skills
number of developmental
Source: “What Are Cognitive
pediatricians in the U.S. and Developmental Delays,” The
Warren Center, accessed Jan.
the sometimes lengthy wait
5, 2023,
times to access their services. help-information/cognitive/what-are-


Developmental pediatricians Vaccine
evaluate and diagnose cog-
nitive delays or disorders by
Ingredients as
assessing both intellectual Environmental
functioning (using sensitive Toxins
tests that measure a child’s
ability to learn, solve prob- A 2015 article in the Annual
lems, and understand the Review of Public Health explains
world) and adaptive func- why various environmental
tioning (the ability to develop toxins pose such a threat to
independent living skills). the developing brain:
Following a thorough evalu-
ation, a child may qualify for
“The developing brain is par-
early intervention services.
ticularly vulnerable to environ-
The most beneficial strategy mental toxins. The blood–brain
is to use an individualized of the developing brain is not
multidisciplinary team fully formed, and it is more
approach that encompasses permeable to toxins than is the
mature brain. The rapid growth
The goal is to
intervention, family therapy,
and therapies for the child— of the brain during the second support the child and
trimester of fetal development is
which may include occupa-
followed by neuronal migration, family to achieve
tional, nutrition, speech, and/
or physical therapy. The goal
differentiation, proliferation, goals that are realistic
and pruning throughout early
is to support the child and childhood. Growing cells are and emphasize health
more vulnerable to toxins, and
family to achieve goals that and happiness.
are realistic and emphasize the brain forms over a longer
period than do other organs.
health and happiness.
Finally, the brain is composed of
many different types of neurons,
each type having a distinct
growth phase and potentially a
different toxicity profile.” 310


The alarming statistics on the
prevalence of developmental
delays and their increase
raise many questions about
which environmental toxins
might be contributors. The
surge in developmental
delays—and in many other
chronic illnesses that plague
today’s children—began in
the early 1990s and coincides
notably with the ballooning • Neurotoxic metals such as
of the childhood vaccination aluminum and mercury
schedule. In the 1970s and • Carcinogenic formaldehyde
1980s, American children • Gene DNA fragments
typically received three types
• Carrier proteins
of vaccines against seven
diseases,311 but by 2017, they
• Glyphosate

were receiving (beginning • Antibiotics such as neomycin

prenatally and continuing on • Squalene nanoemulsions
the day of birth and up to age • Metallic micro- and
18) up to 56 doses of injected nanoparticles
or oral vaccines for 16 dis- • With the advent of Covid Bypassing the body’s
eases.312 Moreover, whereas injections, lipid nanoparticles
normal defenses,
only about half of American that encapsulate messenger
two-year-olds completed RNA (mRNA) and are coated vaccines introduce into
with polyethylene glycol
their recommended series of
the body a range of
vaccines in the late 1980s,313
toxic and potentially
by 2017, about nine in ten When combined, these ingre-
children under three were dients likely have synergistic troublesome
receiving all or most recom- effects that could result in ingredients.
mended vaccines.314 exponentially greater adverse
effects on the brain.326,327
Bypassing the body’s normal
defenses, vaccines introduce Unfortunately, analyses of
into the body a range of toxic the Covid injections suggest
and potentially troublesome that dubious ingredients and
ingredients—including dis- “lousy” manufacturing pro-
closed substances as well as cesses are par for the course
undisclosed ingredients and and that at least some vac-
contaminants.315 A partial list of cines are “toxic by design.”328
vaccine components includes:


Chapter Seven: Environmental Exposures
“[E]vidence has accumulated over the past century that implicates ubiquitous, low-level exposures to an
ever-growing litany of environmental toxins in the development of diminished birth weight, shortened
gestation, intellectual deficits, and mental disorders in children.” — Bruce P. Lanphear, MD, MPH

In recent years, people’s It is important for parents to

awareness has increased understand where exposures
regarding the negative health most often occur and what
effects of environmental they can do to protect them-
toxins ranging from synthetic selves and their children.
chemicals, neurotoxic metals, Many of these
In this chapter, we will:
and fluoride to electromag-
netic fields (EMFs). • Review some common exposures take
environmental toxins place unknowingly
Although exposure to envi-
• Discuss where they are found
within the home.
ronmental toxins can pose a
health threat to everyone, the
• Describe how they impact
effects are particularly detri-
mental to developing fetuses • Outline basic steps parents
can take to mitigate expo-
and young children. Many of
sures for both themselves
these exposures take place and their children
unknowingly within the home.


Synthetic Pregnant women and young
children are particularly
Chemicals vulnerable to phthalate expo-
Synthetic chemicals are sure because the chemicals
present in many everyday can cross the placenta and
products, such as plastics, interfere with development
mattresses, carpets, cook- at crucial stages. Phthalates
ware, and food.329 Many of most commonly enter the
these chemicals have a broad body through ingestion or
impact on health and may inhalation. Young children
disrupt hormones, damage spend a lot of time on the Many of these
vital organs, and even cause floor and often put objects chemicals have a
cancer. Some of the more in their mouths to explore,
which can place them at broad impact on
common chemicals known to
be dangerous to humans are greater risk of exposure. health and may
phthalates, flame retardants,
Parents can reduce their disrupt hormones,
bisphenol A (BPA), and poly-
fluoroalkyl substances (PFAS).
child’s phthalate exposure damage vital
by checking labels and
organs, and even
Phthalates purchasing products that
are phthalate-free, as well cause cancer.
Manufacturers use a group of as being cognizant of what
chemicals called phthalates in items the child is putting into
many plastic products as well their mouth. Additionally,
as some cosmetics,330 includ- parents can use a vacuum
ing vinyl flooring, shower with a HEPA filter or a wet
curtains, plastic packaging, mop to regularly clean floors
wood finishes, detergents, and floor dust, which may
soaps, and shampoos. Expo- accumulate phthalates as
sure to phthalates can disrupt phthalate-containing prod-
the endocrine system by ucts degrade.
mimicking or blocking male
and female sex hormones.


Flame Retardants Bisphenol A (BPA)
Consumers commonly Manufacturers use BPA in
encounter flame retardants, a the manufacture of plastics,
group of chemicals intended with BPA-containing products
to reduce burning in the event including some canned food
of a fire, in furniture (such linings, shopping receipts,
as couches and mattresses), water bottles, food containers,
curtains, electronic devices, and children’s toys.332 Most of
and construction materials.331 the time, BPA enters the body In babies and
Flame retardants disrupt when someone consumes young children,
immune function, cause food that has been in contact
endocrine dysfunction, and with BPA-coated surfaces or BPA can affect brain
can be associated with cancer. places BPA-containing objects development, thyroid
in the mouth. A pregnant
Fetuses and children in early function, and behavior.
mother exposed to BPA can
stages of development are
also expose her developing
most vulnerable to the effects
fetus. BPA is another chemical
of these toxic chemicals. Over
that interferes with hormones,
time, products that contain
namely estrogen. BPA mimics
flame retardants break down
estrogen by binding to estro-
and turn into dust, at which
gen receptors on the surface
point children may inhale
of cells.
or ingest them. Similarly
to phthalates, parents can In babies and young children,
reduce their own and their BPA can affect brain develop-
children’s exposure to flame ment, thyroid function, and
retardants by purchasing behavior. Steps that parents
products that are flame-re- can take to lessen their chil-
tardant-free. Today, safe dren’s BPA exposure include
mattresses, car seats, and avoiding canned foods, not
furniture are available from heating plastic food con-
select manufacturers. As tainers or baby bottles, and
a child gets older, parents purchasing wood rather than
should be sure to continue plastic toys.
reading product descriptions
Unfortunately, parents also
and labels to find items that
need to beware of products
reduce the child’s exposure to
labeled “BPA-free,” as man-
flame retardants.
ufacturers often replace BPA
with even more toxic chemicals
in the same chemical family.


Polyfluoroalkyl PFAS chemicals accumulate
Substances (PFAS) in the body and are associated
with decreased immune func-
PFAS are a group of chemicals tion, cancer, low birth weight,
that are pervasive in the birth defects, and high blood
environment,333 sometimes pressure and pre-eclampsia
referred to as “forever chem- in pregnant women. Parents
icals” due to their ability
Due to their
can lessen PFAS exposure by
to persist for years without avoiding products coated with widespread use,
breaking down. Manufac- PFAS, such as non-stick cook- PFAS have
turers use PFAS in non-stick ware, waterproof clothing,
cookware, clothes, carpets, contaminated water
and stain-resistant carpets. It
foams, and construction and is also important to check the supplies, soil,
electronic products. Due to quality of the household water and the air.
their widespread use, PFAS supply to ensure no PFAS
have contaminated water contamination.
supplies, soil, and the air.

Testing in late 2022 identified

Neurotoxic Metals
detectable levels of PFAS Among the metals of concern
chemicals in almost a third to fetuses and young children
of tested baby products.334 are lead, arsenic, mercury,
Products tested included baby and aluminum.335
bedding, bibs, diaper chang-
ing pads, and snack bags.


Lead Sources of lead today include
old house paint (the gov-
Manufacturers used lead for
ernment banned lead-based
decades to make products
paints for residential use in
ranging from paint to gas-
1978), contaminated drink-
oline.336 During the 1970s,
ing water, ceramic pottery,
as lead’s detrimental effects
and old toys. Lead has been
came to greater public aware-
detected in some baby foods
ness, companies and legis-
and candy.338 In addition,
lators began taking steps to
manufacturers use lead in the
eliminate it from many prod-
flexible coatings of electrical
ucts. Notwithstanding con-
wires and cables. (Additional
siderable progress in reducing
materials of concern used in
lead exposure, lead is still
the wire and cable industry Lead has been
widely present and continues
include other metals such
to pose a health risk for detected in some baby
as cadmium and antimony,
many. Exposure to lead, par-
brominated flame retardants, foods and candy.
ticularly in young children,
and phthalates.339) The EPA
can lead to decreased intelli-
explains, “Lead-based heat
gence, behavioral problems,
stabilizers are added to PVC
stunted growth, abdominal
for wire and cable applica-
pain, attention problems, and
tions because they provide
delayed speech. The Envi-
long-term thermal stability
ronmental Protection Agency
and electrical resistance with
(EPA) also notes that some
low water absorption.”340
lead compounds are likely
The agency admits that these
carcinogens and observes
stabilizers “have potential
that in adults, even “[s]mall
adverse health and envi-
amounts of lead cause hyper-
ronmental effects due to the
tension … and permanent
known toxicity of lead.”
mental dysfunction.”337


It is important to know Arsenic is a known carcin-
whether one’s home contains ogen, and exposure is also
lead-based paint and, if it associated with cardiovascular
does, take measures to pro- illness, diabetes, and devel-
tect children from exposure. opmental problems. Parents
Other protection measures can protect children from
that parents can take include arsenic exposure by making
checking local water quality sure their drinking water Arsenic is a known
reports (or having well water is free from contamination
tested), making homemade and by limiting foods known carcinogen, and
baby food, and becoming to contain elevated levels of exposure is also
very cognizant of the items arsenic, such as rice.
associated with
a child is placing in their
mouth. Stringing Christmas Mercury cardiovascular
tree lights is often a family Mercury is a highly toxic metal illness, diabetes,
activity, but because many of
the wires are coated in lead,
that occurs both naturally and and developmental
with industrial manufacturing,
some medical websites advise resulting in widespread pol- problems.
that only parents handle lution in the environment.344
them—“ideally while wearing Today, some of the main
gloves”—and keep them sources of mercury include
away from young children.341 electrical products, old ther-
mometers, amalgam dental
fillings, fluorescent light
Arsenic can accumulate natu- bulbs, and seafood products.
rally in soil and water or it can
be a result of industrial pro-
cesses such as mining.342 Today,
the most common exposures
to arsenic are through drink-
ing water and through foods
cultivated in soil containing
arsenic. Arsenic-based com-
pounds were in common use in
both industry and agriculture
throughout the 20th century,
and some researchers have
expressed concern regarding
potential “delayed effects” of


According to the FDA,
the mercury preservative
thimerosal (which is 49%
mercury) is still present in
varying amounts in some
childhood vaccines.345 For
example, inactivated influ-
enza vaccines that come in
multidose vials contain 24.5
to 25 micrograms of mercury
per full dose; the CDC rec-
ommends two such flu shots Children are extremely vul-
for children at six and seven nerable to mercury exposure
months of age and “does not in utero, through breast
preferentially recommend milk, or through vaccination.
vaccines that do not contain These and other avenues of
thimerosal.”346 Moreover, the mercury exposure can result
FDA states that babies are in learning deficits, lower
more likely than not to get IQ, organ damage, vision and
thimerosal-containing flu hearing problems, epilepsy,
shots because “the amount of autism spectrum disorders,
thimerosal-preservative-free and more.349
[influenza] vaccine that is
available based on current In addition to evaluating the
manufacturing capacity is mercury risks of childhood
well below the number of vaccines, parents may wish to Children are
doses needed to fully vac- avoid use of fluorescent light extremely vulnerable
cinate this age group.”347 bulbs, including compact
fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs),
to mercury exposure
Meanwhile, other “thimer-
osal-reduced” childhood which contain mercury. in utero, through
Breaking a bulb of this type
vaccines use thimerosal in breast milk, or
the manufacturing process, releases dangerous mercury
vapor; the EPA cautions through vaccination.
leaving what the FDA refers
to as “trace amounts” that vacuuming debris from
(defined as up to one micro- a broken fluorescent bulb
gram of mercury per dose). “could spread mercury-con-
Because of mercury’s known taining powder or mercury
neurotoxicity, scientists vapor.”350 Do not throw away
have argued that “[f]rom a broken or used-up CFLs in
toxicological point of view, household trash, as the mer-
the Intentional exposure of cury they contain can taint
humans … to any form of local water supplies; they
mercury is illogical.”348 must be taken to designated
retailers or hazardous waste
recycling locations.


The same public health For babies and young chil-
authorities that claim that dren, vaccination constitutes
thimerosal-containing baby a significant exposure. About
shots are safe recommend 80% of vaccines rely on one
that mothers limit their or more aluminum adjuvants
intake of mercury-contain- (aluminum compounds added
ing seafood while pregnant to vaccines to augment their
or breastfeeding. They also immune impact).353 A 2015
advise that children under study conducted by CDC and
age 12 not consume more Kaiser Permanente showed
than 8 to 12 ounces of high- that for fully vaccinated two-
About 80% of vaccines
er-mercury-level seafood (for year-olds born after 2004, rely on one or more
example, tuna and swordfish) exposure to aluminum was
aluminum adjuvants.
per week. Fish that are low 11% to 26% higher than for
in mercury include sardines, children “under-vaccinated”
salmon, and cod. before age two.354 This has
resulted in a high degree of
Aluminum chronic aluminum toxicity.
The modern world—what Dr. Exley has stated, “Expo-
aluminum expert Dr. Chris- sure to aluminum through a
topher Exley refers to as the vaccine is, in comparison to
“aluminum age”—contains diet, an acute exposure.”355
many routes of aluminum
exposure, including through Fluoride
food and cookware but also The U.S. is one of only 11
“via the skin” (for example, countries in the world where
in antiperspirants) “or the more than half of the popu-
nose or the lung”351—as lation consumes artificially
well as through vaccination. fluoridated drinking water,
Across many studies, Exley and more people in the U.S.
has demonstrated alumi- drink fluoridated water
num’s “incontrovertible” “than the rest of the world
neurotoxicity, additionally combined.”356 Fourteen other
describing aluminum as an countries have smaller-scale
excitotoxin (a substance that water fluoridation programs.
overstimulates the brain) and
a mutagen (something that
causes genetic mutations).352


A preponderance of evidence
“This blanket approach fails
indicates that in utero and
postpartum fluoride expo-
to address the smaller size of A preponderance of
infants and children and the
sure lowers IQ and produces larger proportions of water and evidence indicates
neurodevelopmental toxicity other fluoridated beverages they
that in utero and
“comparable to the effects of drink. Significantly, a formu-
lead.”357 A 2019 study showed la-fed infant drinks its weight in postpartum fluoride
water every three to four days,
that when mothers were
resulting in the most vulnerable
exposure lowers IQ.
exposed during pregnancy
members of the population
to what the CDC defines consuming by far the largest
as “optimally fluoridated dose of fluoride.” 363
water,” it led to lower IQ
scores in their offspring.358
The researchers noted that
Notably, water fluoridation
fluoride can cross the placenta,
also increases the toxicity of
accumulate in brain regions
dietary aluminum exposures.
involved in learning and
In fact, Exley describes
memory, and alter brain pro-
aluminum as the “elephant
teins and neurotransmitters.
in the room” where water
In addition to effects on cog- fluoridation is concerned,
nition, studies link fluoride observing that “Fluoride
to preterm birth,359 behavioral increases the absorption of
symptoms of inattention,360 aluminum across the human
and health risks such as bone gut and hence increases the
disease and bone cancer.361,362 body burden of aluminum.”364

The “one dose fits all”

approach to water fluorida-
tion poses particular risks to
children. The International
Academy of Oral Medicine and
Toxicology (IAOMT) states:


Electromagnetic • Children have smaller heads
“and consequently have a
Fields (EMFs) greater proportional expo-
sure to the field of radiof-
A wide variety of home elec- requency radiation that is
tronic products emit EMFs,365 a emitted by cell phones.”
type of non-ionizing radiation
• Children have “the poten-
that is invisible to the naked tial of accumulating more
eye and undetectable unless years of cell phone expo- There are thousands
using special equipment to sure than adults do.”
measure levels. Common of studies linking
Parents can take steps to limit
sources of EMFs include power
their children’s EMF exposure,
EMFs to significant
lines, Wi-Fi, cell phones,
for example, by using hard- adverse biological
wireless tablets, cell phone
towers, so-called “smart
wired Internet connections in effects, including
the home instead of Wi-Fi,
meters,” and other wireless
and not allowing children to evidence that
devices. For example, the
multiple antennas in wireless
play with parents’ cell phones associates EMF
or tablets, including iPads.
tablets—popular with young exposure with cancer.
Make sure children never have
children—emit constant
a cell phone near their body,
bursts of pulsed radiation (up
and avoid taking children
to 900 times per hour), even
into places that are in close
when not in use.366
proximity to cell towers and
Historically, this constant EMF high-voltage power lines.
exposure is a relatively recent Parents who do use Wi-Fi in
phenomenon. Even so, there the home should turn it off
are thousands of studies link- when not in use, and particu-
ing EMFs to significant adverse larly at night during sleep. For
biological effects, including multiple reasons, many health
evidence that associates EMF experts also warn against
exposure with cancer.367 using microwave ovens.369

According to the National For more information on these

Cancer Institute, three factors exposures and their impacts
increase children’s cell phone on children’s health, see the
risks in comparison to those free Children’s Health Defense
of adults:368 eBook, The Sickest Generation:
The Facts Behind the Children’s
• Children’s nervous systems
Health Crisis and Why It Needs
“are still developing and,
therefore, [are] more vul- to End (second edition), avail-
nerable to factors that may able at the Children’s Health
cause cancer.” Defense website.370


Chapter Eight: Childhood Illness
“Too often, the risk of careless or needless medical intervention is greater than the dangers of the illness itself.”
— Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn

Most acute illness is ben- life-threatening, they should

eficial in the sense that it seek professional medical help
allows people, and especially as soon as possible.
children, to undergo repair
In this chapter, we will:
and restoration. Parents often
observe that after an illness, • Describe the important role
a child goes through a devel- of fever Parents generally
opmental level change and • Review ways that parents
need not be fearful
experiences a refreshing sense can provide comfort and
of vitality. What this means support during a child’s when their child
is that parents generally need feels sick.
not be fearful when their child • Describe considerations
feels sick. As Hippocrates regarding the use of over-
the-counter and prescrip-
said, “Nature itself is the best
tion drugs
physician.” At the same time,
parents know their child best;
• Discuss warning signs
that may call for medical
if an illness appears serious or attention


Detoxification and be counterproductive, causing
them to suffer repeated bouts
Restoration of the same illness.
A child’s immune system
When a fever is present,
is constantly operating and
parents can dress their child
restoring itself. Inflammation
warmly with layers of either
is a natural process that
cotton or wool.373 For higher
destroys and removes toxins
fevers (103 degrees Fahren-
and waste from the body
heit or higher), most doctors
through coughing, sneezing,
will push fever reducers
vomiting, fever, diarrhea,
(antipyretics); however,
and the buildup of mucus.
growing controversy sur-
When inflammation arises,
rounds the pediatric use of
sometimes accompanied by a
fever, it is an opportunity for
antipyretics like Tylenol,374
cleansing and healing.
with some studies also
A fever helps the body by linking maternal use during
filtering out toxins and pregnancy to autism or other Actions taken to
problems in offspring.375
necessitating rest, offering lower a fever and
an opportunity to strengthen Applying a cool washcloth
the immune system. A fever to the forehead is a way to inhibit undesired
stimulates immunological provide relief. Herbs that are symptoms deprive
safe for babies and helpful for
resistance, thermoregulation, the body of an
and blood circulation, and is a fever—in teas or tinctures—
healthy response to the pres- include chamomile, catnip, important mechanism
ence of toxicity in the body. lemon balm, ginger root, of overcoming
Dr. Aviva Romm describes spearmint, and elder blossom
(see Dr. Romm’s discussion
the illness.
fever as “part of a natural
and healthy inflammatory of how to use these herbs at
response that mobilizes white her website).376 The Weston A.
blood cells, antibodies, and Price Foundation offers other
cytokines to fight infection.”371 suggestions as well.

With fevers, the golden rule is

to not fight the temperature
but “treat the whole child.”
Actions taken to lower a fever
and inhibit undesired symp-
toms deprive the body of an
important mechanism of over-
coming the illness.372 Rushing
children into getting better can


Hydration is
particularly crucial
during a fever.

When ill, it is important Touch from loved ones pro-

for children to get plenty vides comfort and connection
of water and sleep,377,378 when a child is experiencing
which help the body fight suppressed vitality. One
off illness. Children should long-time family physician
drink as much as they desire has stated,
during this time. Hydration is
particularly crucial during a
fever. Hot drinks such as tea “[T]he most important thing I
have observed in determining
with honey and lemon can be
the outcome of a child’s illness
helpful. Warm soups and bone is the attitude of the parents. If
broths are also supportive to a the parents have a deep belief
body undergoing the healing that their child is strong and that
process. In addition to nutri- the illness, if it doesn’t become
tional and herbal approaches, too severe, will serve the child
homeopathy can be a helpful in his future development,
their attitude of resolve and
and nontoxic way to support
confidence will translate into an
children during illness. environment of peacefulness and
effectiveness that truly allows the
When parents support their
child to rest and to comfortably
child’s immune system
go through the process.” 379
through love and care instead
of fear, it can be a breeze for
the child to heal from illness.
Surrounding a sick child
with love and attention can
support physical healing as
well as emotional well-being.


Medications and
Warning Signs
Most of the time, according to
former family practice physi-
cian Dr. Philip Incao, parents
should hesitate before using
medications such as antibi-
otics, aspirin, or ibuprofen,
because they suppress symp-
toms and potentially prolong
the illness.380 When doctors
prescribe antibiotics for ill-
nesses such as ear infections,
for example, they rarely tell
parents about the counter-
Dr. Aviva Jill Romm’s 2003
productive longer-term con-
book, Naturally Healthy Babies
sequences, which—according
and Children: A Commonsense
to gut specialist Dr. Natasha
Guide to Herbal Remedies, Nutri-
tion, and Health recommends
destroying beneficial gut
medical intervention under
bacteria and laying the
the following circumstances:
groundwork “for the next [ear
infection] to come.”381 For ear
infections, Campbell-McBride “If a child is severely ill, hemor-
recommends that parents rhaging, unconscious or display- Most of the time...
stick with tried-and-true ing symptoms of a serious illness
the parents should seek immedi- parents should
home remedies such as
dressing the child warmly and
ate medical care. If a child is not
hesitate before using
responding to the treatment of a
keeping them indoors until mild condition, and the condi- medications such as
the ear infection resolves, tion persists or worsens, medical
providing hot drinks (either care may be required. Some
antibiotics, aspirin,
water with lemon and honey conditions such as meningitis, or ibuprofen, because
or herbal teas such as cham- appendicitis, bacterial pneumo-
nia, and blood infections can they suppress
omile), using garlic–olive oil
drops (parents can make these
progress rapidly. Symptoms to symptoms and
watch out for include fever, stiff
at home or purchase them at neck, severe abdominal pain, potentially prolong
natural food stores), or “the red streaks emanating from a
the illness.
old onion remedy” (a chopped wound and an unremitting fever
onion wrapped in cotton cloth, and/or cough accompanied by
warmed, and placed on the severe chest pain.” 382
child’s ear).


Chapter Nine: Toys
“Play is a child’s work.” — Alfred Adler

Playing with toys represents However, every child is on

an enjoyable activity for their own developmental
children, but in addition, path, and they do not always
toys are learning tools which conform to what is expected
can help children develop of them for their age group.
problem-solving and motor
In this chapter, we will:
skills. Toys also foster a
child’s intuitive and creative • Explain the importance of
Toys also foster a
development. imaginative play
• Describe the types of play child’s intuitive and
The National Association for
the Education of Young Chil-
and toys appropriate during creative development.
the first few years
dren (NAEYC) recommends
• Review toys and toy mate-
keeping in mind a child’s rials that can be harmful to
stage of development and children’s health
abilities and choosing toys • Suggest types of toys that
that are age-appropriate.383 are not harmful


The Importance of From seven months to one
year of age, children like to
Imaginative Play explore and roll over, scoot,
Stimulating the imagination bounce, and stand. At this
is one of the backbones of stage, they can understand
learning. Over time, imagina- their name and concepts such
tive play will cultivate con- as “playing pretend.” Baby
centration, support language dolls, puppets, and wooden
development, and offer an vehicles with wheels are
energized approach to prob- appropriate toys for this age
lem-solving. group, as well as large soft
blocks and wooden cubes,
If adults force a child to con- which allow children to build
form to intellectual pursuits and construct according to
and standards before the child their imagination.
has developed their capacity
for creativity, imagination, A one-year-old child also
and fantasy, it may inhibit loves to experiment and
the child’s love of learning. enjoys stories and playing
with other children.
The First Few Years A distinctive stage in develop-
From birth to six months ment occurs when a child turns
of age, children find imag- two. Two-year-olds become A one-year-old
ery and facial expressions better able to communicate, child also loves to
captivating. At this stage of have more control of their
hands and fingers, and have a
experiment and
development, parents can
enjoy being facially expres- heightened interest in jumping, enjoys stories and
sive when talking and singing climbing, and tumbling. playing with other
to their baby.
By age three, some children children.
Infants are also interested in may be preschoolers. At this
objects that they can hold, point, they enjoy talking and
suck on, and shake. Rattles, asking questions. They are
squeeze toys, and teething curious about their environ-
toys are appropriate for this ment, and they like to play
stage of development. and share with other children.


Toys to Avoid One safe option are wooden
toys produced from ethically
Numerous materials involved sourced forests that are
in the production of toys can be free of plastic, batteries,
harmful to children’s health. It and lead paint, available at
is best to shy away from toys sustainable toy shops. From
containing plastic. Toys made wooden puzzles and rattles
from plastic likely contain to blocks, dollhouses, and
phthalates or BPA; research has slides, there are numerous
linked both to cancer, hormone options for appropriate toys
disruption, and developmental for each stage of development
problems.384 with simple and unadorned
It is best to shy
designs to effectively foster
The National Center for
a child’s imagination. Toys away from toys
Healthy Housing recommends
that families also shy away
made from safe recycled containing plastic.
materials or bamboo are also
from painted toys, which may
great choices.
contain lead and other heavy
metals linked to developmen- Materials such as beeswax and
tal impairments.385 silk are great creative instru-
ments that foster children’s
Parents may also wish to avoid
creative development and
toys incorporating themes that
capture their imagination.
normalize violence or inhibit
the imagination. Parents also can make their
own toys. Allowing children
Better Options to participate in cooking,
Parents may ask, “What toys gardening, and other activ-
can I buy that are not harmful ities that give children an
to my baby?” opportunity to explore the
world through experience is
another way for them to play
creatively while developing


Chapter Ten: Safety Tips
“When to step in and when to step out is a fundamental parenting question…. At the same time that we
want children to build skills and confidence, we also want to ensure that they are safe.” — Judy Frizlen386

For new parents, few things Babyproofing the

seem more important than
safety. Most parents are
endowed with an intuitive Admittedly, a newborn will
sense of what is best for their not be crawling around the
little ones. In addition, there house on day one. Neverthe- It is prudent to
are some common precau- less, it is prudent to prepare prepare early on
tions that can be useful in early on for the day when
keeping children safe. a baby becomes mobile and
for the day when
In this chapter, we will:
begins exploring their envi- a baby...begins
ronment. A few simple steps exploring their
• Describe steps parents can can go a long way toward
take to babyproof their home making the home a safer environment.
• Note considerations regard- place for children as they
ing car seats and strollers begin to crawl and eventually
• Review choking and chem- to walk. Taking these steps
ical hazards


early on will provide peace of Parents will additionally want
mind that a child will be as to be cognizant of suffocation
safe as possible in the home risks (for example, from
as they develop. plastic bags) or items that
may pose a risk of stran-
Covering electrical outlets is
gulation, such as cords for
an inexpensive and effective
blinds or any materials that a
intervention to prevent electric
child could potentially wrap
shocks. Outlet covers are readi-
around their neck. Parents
ly available at stores and online. Outlet covers are
can minimize risks by placing
They should cover any outlet readily available at
these items out of reach or
that is at floor level or may be
accessible to a young child.
removing them from areas stores and online.
where a child may be able to
Another precaution is to access them.
identify furniture with sharp
Last, gates or barriers that
corners and either remove the
obstruct access to stairs,
item or place padded covers
pools, and water are safety
over the corners. All children
features that can prevent falls
will fall and get bumps and
or drowning.
bruises as they begin to stand
up and learn to walk, but
parents can minimize serious
injuries by covering particu-
larly hazardous edges.

At some point in toddlerhood,

a child will begin to climb,
turning the living room or
other rooms in the house
into a jungle gym. Securing
furniture such as bookcases
or dressers to the wall can
prevent them from falling
over and crushing a child.


Car Seats and
Before the birth of a child, it is
important to select a safe car
seat for the drive home from
the hospital or trips around
town. Given the wide variety
of car seats available, it can
be difficult to decide which
is best. Considerations may
include selecting a car seat
that is nontoxic and ensuring
that the seat is designed for
infants. Some car seats are
infant-only, while convertible
or adjustable car seats are
Many parents purchase
designed to accommodate
strollers so they can get out
children as they grow.
and about with their new-
It is important that infant born. When shopping for a
car seats be rear-facing and stroller, parents need to make
installed in the back seat. sure it is appropriate for
Follow the manufacturer’s infants and fits the family’s
weight recommendations to lifestyle. In the first two to It is important that
maximize safety benefits. four months, infants do not
Local fire departments often have the ability to hold their infant car seats be
provide car seat installa- heads up, so a stroller should rear-facing and
tion for parents who want be able to recline enough
installed in the
to ensure that they have that the baby’s head can rest
installed a seat properly. The back comfortably. Addition- back seat.
National Highway Traffic al stroller safety features
Safety Administration offers include the brake placement
more information about car and wheel width. Parents
seats at its website.387 Newer should be able to apply the
cars include tethers and brakes with ease, and the
latches that make increased stroller should be stable on
safety easier. uneven surfaces.


If a child swallows a foreign
Choking and object such as a coin or small
Accidental toy, contact a health care
Ingestion provider immediately for
guidance. The Mayo Clinic
Few things are more ter- offers more information on
rifying than a young child choking at its website.389
choking.388 Choking occurs
when food or a foreign object Other Potential
obstructs the airway and
causes suffocation. When
Child Hazards The main thing
children begin exploring Another potential child parents can do to
by putting objects in their hazard are dangerous clean-
prevent choking is to
mouths and start eating solid ing agents, medications,
foods, choking can become cosmetics, and other chem- keep small objects out
more of a concern. ical-containing products. of a little one’s reach.
The first line of defense for
The main thing parents can
preventing this danger is to
do to prevent choking is to
store these products in an
keep small objects out of a
area inaccessible to the child.
little one’s reach. Addition-
ally, parents can keep their If a child does come into
child’s mouth occupied by contact with a dangerous
providing toys designed to be substance, the first thing
chewed on that do not pose a to do is call Poison Control
choking hazard. (reachable 24 hours a day at
800-222-1222) or emergency
When a child transitions to
services for guidance. It used
solid foods, parents should
to be common practice to
make sure to cut pieces of
induce vomiting, but we now
food to a size that the child
know that some products can
can easily swallow if they
cause additional harm while
forget to chew. Always moni-
being evacuated. By quickly
tor children during mealtimes
contacting a poison control
to ensure safety and be there
expert, parents will learn
to assist if needed. If choking
what steps to take to keep
does occur, parents should
their child safe and healthy.
know the Heimlich maneuver,
which can help remove the
obstruction. To learn the
proper technique, check for
local infant first-aid courses
or review online resources.


Chapter Eleven: The Parenting Journey
“Parenting is too important not to enjoy it.” — Simplicity Parenting website390

Becoming a parent is a time Wellness, according to one

of great change—it’s joyous definition, is a holistic,
and exciting, but it can also all-encompassing concept
be disruptive and stressful. with eight separate dimen-
From experiencing lack of sions—physical, social, emo-
sleep to balancing relation- tional, spiritual, intellectual, It is prudent to
ships, employment, child care, vocational, financial, and
anticipate the
and leisure activities, many environmental.391 Depending
transitions take place when on parents’ circumstances, challenges that
a new child arrives. Although having a new child won’t may arise with
each person’s experience will necessarily affect all of these
be different, it is prudent to areas. At the same time,
caring for
anticipate the challenges that however, these dimensions a newborn.
may arise with caring for a often overlap and may influ-
newborn and have strategies ence each other, as when
in place to optimize health something affects a person
and well-being. not only physically but also
emotionally (and vice versa).


In this chapter, we will: Mothers also can lean on their
spouse/partner or other sup-
• Touch on a few of the most
salient disruptions which port persons in the home, if
may occur in the early available, to help with night-
stages of parenthood time diaper changes or, if the
• Suggest coping strategies child is bottle-feeding, with
to help during the first few feedings. Ultimately, a moth- Many children sleep
months of a child’s life er’s best friend is time—as
through the night by
children develop, they will
Sleep sleep for longer intervals. six months of age.
Many children sleep through
Adequate sleep is vital for
the night by six months of
good health.392 Sleep depri-
age. Until then, families will
vation can have a detrimental
need to experiment to figure
effect on the immune system,
out the strategies that work
mood, and cognitive function.
best for them.
Newborns typically wake
every two to three hours
for feedings, which means
the mothers or parents are
usually up every two to three
hours as well, particularly
if the baby is breastfeeding.
Mothers of newborns will
likely not be sleeping through
the night.

Although nothing can be done

about this unfortunate aspect
of caring for a newborn, there
are a few things that can help
mothers get through this
phase. Per one researcher,
newborns sleep approximate-
ly 14 to 20 hours a day.393 To
the extent that other respon-
sibilities allow, mothers can
nap while their baby sleeps,
allowing them to catch up on
sleep and avoid some of the
pitfalls of sleep deprivation.


Exercise Postpartum
It’s no secret that exercise is Nutrition
integral to physical and mental
In addition to exercise, con-
health. Though most new
suming nutritious food is a
mothers will not be ready to
great way for a mother to
run a marathon after giving
maintain her health during
birth, incorporating light
the postpartum period.
exercise into their daily routine
Whole, unprocessed foods
can help them stay healthy and
contain the most nutrients.
grounded. On the other hand,
Conversely, processed foods,
increased postpartum bleeding
including fast food and
can be a sign of too much
frozen meals, lack nutrients
physical activity. Mothers
and contain high levels of
should consult with a health
unhealthy vegetable oils,
care provider before beginning
refined sugars, and chemical
any new exercise regime.
additives. The Weston A. Price
Walking and stretching are Foundation’s article titled
great ways to stay active and “Nourishing the New Mother:
ease back into other forms The Lost Art of Postpartum
of physical activity with- Care” offers an extensive
out risk of over-exertion. discussion of the importance
Research also indicates that of “deep nutrition” during
postpartum physical activities the postpartum period.395
like walking and stretching Planning and preparing
promote cardiovascular health meals before delivery can
and weight loss, and reduce help ensure parents will have Mothers should
the incidence of depression
and anxiety.394
healthy, nutritious meals on consult with a health
hand. Cooking and freezing
meals in advance or receiv-
care provider before
Many areas offer exercise
classes designed for new ing meals from a support beginning any new
network are strategies a new
mothers and their babies. exercise regime.
These group classes may be mother can use to reduce her
a good option for those who burden after birth, helping
enjoy a motivational and her to maintain adequate
social atmosphere. nutrition while she establish-
es new routines.


Everyone will feel
differently and
find their own ways
of navigating the
first months of

Social Support A Journey

Strong social support is Everyone will feel differently
another important element and find their own ways of
of maintaining overall well- navigating the first months of
ness during the postpartum parenthood. It can be helpful
period. Having a network of for parents to reflect on what
family and friends to lean on they value most—ranging
can help with all aspects of from relationships to leisure
the newborn period. From activities—and brainstorm
helping with shopping, strategies for maintaining
meals, and cleaning to caring some of these priorities.
for other children, social Considering what is realistic
support is indispensable. and planning early on can aid
parents in achieving optimum
The aforementioned sugges-
wellness during this life
tions regarding exercise and
transition and help set them
nutrition will be easier to
on a strong footing for their
implement when others are
journey into parenthood.
there for support. That said,
not everyone is in a situation
where family or close friends
are nearby. If this is the
case, communicating with
loved ones remotely may
provide moral support and
give mothers and fathers a
sounding board when they
are feeling stressed or tired.


Appendix: Typical Developmental Milestones,
2 Months Through 4 Years of Age


• Develops ability to briefly self-calm by bringing hands to mouth

and sucking on hands
• May begin to smile at people
• Begins to look at parents’ faces

• Develops ability to coo

• May make gurgling sounds
• Starts to turn head toward sounds

• May learn to pay attention to faces

Cognitive • May begin to follow things with eyes

(Learning, Thinking, • May recognize people at a distance
• Begins to act bored and cry or fuss if an activity does not change
quickly enough

• May be able to hold head up

• May begin to push up when lying on tummy
• Leg and arm movements may become smoother



• May smile spontaneously—

especially at people
• May be able to copy some move-
Social/Emotional ments and facial expressions
such as smiling and frowning
• Enjoys playing with people (and
may cry when the playing ends)

• Able to babble with expression

Language/ • Able to copy sounds they hear

Communication • Learns to cry in different ways to
convey hunger, pain, or fatigue

• Able to indicate happiness

or sadness
• Able to respond to affection
• May reach for a toy with
one hand

Cognitive • Uses hands and eyes together in

(Learning, Thinking, coordination—such as seeing a
Problem-Solving) toy and reaching for it
• Can follow moving things with
their eyes from side to side
• Can watch faces closely
• Recognizes familiar people and
things at a distance

• Able to hold head steady with

no support
• May push down on legs when
feet are on a hard surface
• May be able to roll over from
Movement/Physical tummy to back
• Can hold a toy and shake it
• Can swing at dangling toys
• Brings hands to mouth
• Can push up on elbows when
lying on stomach



• May learn to recognize familiar faces and know if someone is a stranger

• Likes to play with others—especially their parents

Social/Emotional • Responds to other people’s emotions

• Often seems happy
• Develops a desire to look at self in a mirror

• Responds to sounds by making sounds

• Can string vowels together when babbling (“ah,” “eh,” “oh”)

Language/ • Likes taking turns with parents while making sounds

Communication • Begins to respond to own name
• Makes sounds to show joy and displeasure
• Begins to say consonant sounds (jabbering with “m,” “b”)

• May look around at things nearby

Cognitive • May show curiosity about things and try to get things that are out of reach
(Learning, Thinking,
• Brings things to mouth
• Begins to pass things from one hand to the other

• May roll over in both directions (front to back and back to front)
• When standing, legs can support weight

Movement/Physical • May be able to bounce

Development • Begins to be able to sit without support
• Can rock back and forth
• Will sometimes crawl backwards before moving forward



• Becomes afraid of strangers

Social/Emotional • May cling to familiar adults

• Chooses favorite toys

• Can understand the meaning

of “No”
• Can make a variety of different
Language/ sounds (e.g., “ma-ma-ma,”
Communication “ba-ba-ba”)
• Can copy sounds and gestures
of others
• Uses fingers to point at things

• Will watch the path of something

as it falls
Cognitive • Will look for things they see their
(Learning, Thinking, parents hide
• Can play peek-a-boo
• Will put things in mouth

• May be able to stand while hold-

ing on to something or someone
• Can pull up to a standing position
• Can get into a sitting position

Movement/Physical • Can sit without support

Development • Can crawl
• Can move things smoothly from
one hand to the other
• Can pick up things like cereal O’s
between thumb and index finger



• May be shy or nervous with strangers

• May cry when parents leave
• Chooses favorite things and people
• May demonstrate fear in some situations
• Will hand parents a book when wanting to hear a story
• Will repeat sounds or actions to get attention
• Will put out arms or legs to solicit help with getting dressed
• May play games such as peek-a-boo or pat-a-cake

• Can respond to simple spoken requests

• Can use simple gestures such as shaking head to mean “no” or waving to
indicate “goodbye”
Communication • Can change verbal tone
• Can say “mama” and “dada” and exclamations such as “uh-oh”
• Will try to parrot words said by parents

• May learn to explore objects in different ways such as through shaking,

banging, or throwing
• May find hidden things more easily
• May be able to choose the right picture or thing when it is named
Cognitive • May copy gestures
(Learning, Thinking,
• Will put things in and take things out of a container
• Will start to use objects for their correct purpose, such as drinking out of a
cup or brushing hair with a brush
• May let things go without help
• Can follow simple directions such as a request to pick up a toy

• May be able to pull up to stand

• May be able to stand up alone

Movement/Physical • May be able to walk holding on to furniture

Development • May be able to take a few steps without holding on to anything or anyone
• May bang two things together
• May poke people with index finger



• May like to hand things to others

• May have temper tantrums
• May be afraid of strangers
• May show affection to familiar people
• Likes to play simple pretend games such as feeding a doll
• May cling to a caregiver in a new situation
• May point to show others something of interest
• May be willing to explore new spaces alone with parents close by

• May have the ability to say several single words

• May shake head and say “no”
• Will show someone something they want

• May be able to recognize what ordinary things are for (such as a phone,
brush, or spoon)
• May point to several body parts
(Learning, Thinking, • May pretend to feed and care for a doll or a stuffed animal
Problem-Solving) • May point to get the attention of others
• May scribble on their own
• Follows one-step verbal commands without any gestures

• May be able to walk alone

• May walk up steps and run

Movement/Physical • Can pull toys while walking

Development • Can help get undressed
• Can drink from a cup
• Can eat with a spoon



• May copy others—especially adults and older children

• May get excited when with other children
• Will demonstrate more independence
• May show defiant behavior and deliberately do things told not to do
• Will play mainly beside other children (parallel playing), but may also begin
to include other children in chase games

• May be able to point to things or pictures when named

• May know the names of familiar people or body parts

Language/ • Can say sentences with two to four words

Communication • Can follow simple instructions
• Can repeat words overheard in conversation
• Can point to things in a book

• May be able to find things when hidden, even under two or three covers
• Can begin to sort shapes and colors
• Can complete sentences and rhymes from familiar books

Cognitive • Can play simple make-believe games

(Learning, Thinking, • Can build towers with four or more blocks
• Can choose to use one hand more than the other
• Can follow two-step instructions such as “pick up your shoes and put them
in the closet”
• Can name items in a picture book such as cat, bird, or dog

• May be able to stand on tiptoes

• Can kick a ball
• Can begin to run
• Can walk up and down stairs holding on to something
• Can climb onto and down from furniture without help
• Can throw a ball overhead
• Can make or copy straight lines and circles



• May be able to copy adults and friends

• May show affection for friends without prompting
• May be willing to take turns in games
• Will demonstrate empathy for a crying friend

Social/Emotional • Can get dressed and undressed

• Understands the idea of “mine” and “his” or “hers”
• Will reveal a wide range of emotions
• Separation from parents becomes easier
• May be upset by major changes in routine

• May be able to follow instructions with two or three steps

• Can name most familiar things
• May understand words such as “in,” “on,” and “under”

Language/ • Can say first name, age, and sex

Communication • Can name a friend
• Can talk well enough for strangers to understand most of the time
• Can say words such as “I,” “me,” “we,” “you,” and some plurals
• Can carry on a conversation using two to three sentences

• May be able to work toys with buttons, levers, and moving parts
• Can play make-believe with dolls, animals, and people
• Can work puzzles with three or four pieces
Cognitive • Can understand what “two” means
(Learning, Thinking,
• Can copy a circle with a pencil or crayon
• Can turn book pages one at a time
• Can build towers with more than six blocks
• Can screw and unscrew jar lids and turn door handles

• May be able to climb well

Movement/Physical • Can run easily

Development • Can pedal a tricycle
• Can walk up and down stairs with one foot on each step



• May enjoy doing new things

• May become more creative in make-believe playing
• Would rather play with other children than alone

Social/Emotional • Learns to cooperate with other children

• Enjoys mimicking “Mommy” and “Daddy”
• Often can’t tell what is real and what is make-believe
• Will talk about likes and interests

• Will enjoy telling stories

• Can sing a song or recite a poem from memory, such as “Itsy Bitsy Spider”
Language/ or “Wheels on the Bus”
Communication • Will understand some basic rules of grammar, such as correct use of “he”
or “she”
• Can say first and last name

• Can name some colors and numbers

• Understands the idea of counting
• Begins to understand the concept of time
• Can remember the parts of a story
Cognitive • Understands the idea of “same” and “different”
(Learning, Thinking,
• Can draw a person with two to four body parts
• Can use scissors
• Can start to copy capital letters
• Can play board and card games
• Can predict what may happen next in a book

• Can hop and stand on one foot for up to two seconds at a time
• Can pour, cut with supervision, and mash food
• Can catch a bounced ball most of the time

Source: Dawn Lee Garzon et al., Burns’ Pediatric Primary Care, 7th Edition, Elsevier, 2019.


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