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Projects on MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel


 Students

Create a folder using your index number, put all your work inside, and send it to your course

Course Reps

Course reps should create a folder and name it Assignment + class name, for example:
Assignment CE A, Assignment CE B, Assignment CE C, and Assignment CE D.

Course reps should zip their folders and send them to my email

Submission deadline: 3rd May, 2023

1. Create a Word document and name it Home.

Use =rand(5) to create five paragraphs.

 Bold the first paragraph.

 Italicize the second paragraph.
 Underline the third paragraph.
 Strike through the fourth paragraph.
 Change the font size of the fifth paragraph to 20.
 Change the font color of the first paragraph to green.
 List five examples of computers and bullet them.
 List five examples of input devices and number them.
 List five examples of software and center them.
 List five examples of output devices and align them right.
 List five examples of software. Use line and paragraph spacing, and space them 2.0.

2. Create a document and name it Insert.

Use =rand(4) to generate a random message.

 Insert a table of four rows and five columns after the first paragraph.
 Name the columns animal, fruit, vegetable, drink, and town.
 Bold the them
 Center them
 Fill rows two and three with examples.
 Merge the last row.
 Split them into two parts.

 Insert your picture after the second paragraph.

 Select the picture, and from the layout option, choose inline with text.
 Insert SmartArt after the third paragraph.
 Select the SmartArt, and from the layout option, choose inline with text.
 Insert a shape and color it.

3. Create a document and name it "Design."

 Create the first page of your assignment.

 Use page borders.
 Use page colors.
 Insert watermark

4. You have been selected to sensitize the public about the introduction of computer
science and engineering. Create a presentation about any topic in introduction to
computer science and engineering. The presentation should contain at least 10 slides.

Use the following in your PowerPoint:

 The presentation should contain 10 slides.

 Insert tables, video, pictures, or clipart where applicable.
 Insert notes in your PowerPoint
 Use appropriate animation schemes to view your presentation.
 Use an appropriate transition for your show.
 Apply appropriate design templates and background colors.
 Use bullets and numbers.

5. Open Excel to a blank worksheet.

Create a spreadsheet like the one below. Enter all the numbers.

o Change the formatting of the numbers to dollars.

o Insert the title “Monthly Budget” and center and merge it.
 Change the font to Baker Signet, size 18.
 Make the text white and the fill black.
o Insert the subtitle “January 2005 – June 2005.”
 Change the font to Baker Signet, size 10
 Make text white and fill black.
 Center and merge it.
o Total the expenses at the bottom of each month.
 Widen columns if necessary so numbers can be seen.
o Put a dark border around the edges of the document.
o Change the amount for gasoline in June from $60 to $70.
o Figure out the average for each row. You must know the formula on your
o Center and bold the headings (months and average)
 Change the font to BakerSignet on the headings
 Bold the headings in column A.
 Change the font to BakerSignet.
o Add a header with your name and date
6. Watch the video given and design grading system for UMaT with the following

1. 90–100 = A.
2. 80–90 = B.
3. 70–80 = C.
4. 60–70 = D.
5. <60 = F.

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