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Hello, I'm Hwang Kyung-ah from the Faculty of Cultural Heritage Convergence,

taking the class 'Global English 2'.

What I'm going to introduce today is 'Kiwi'.
Do you like kiwis? I like fruits including kiwis.
We know kiwis as a kind of fruit, but in New Zealand, kiwis mean New Zealanders.
In World War I, soldiers from other countries began calling New Zealand soldiers
by the nickname Kiwi, which became a national name.
Today, we will look at the characteristics of these kiwis.
First, Kiwis had a relaxed and friendly personality.
And, Kiwis themselves think the same.
Auckland, New Zealand is a city, so it's hard to feel this Kiwi character, but you
can feel Kiwi's unique relaxation and kindness as you go to the provinces.
Kiwis, for example, greet everyone they encounter while walking down the street
with an eye greeting or a "good morning" morning greeting.
These laid-back kiwis also give Koreans frustration.
Unlike Korea, which arrives in 2-3 days if you place an order for delivery, New
Zealand arrives in 2 weeks.
If Koreans travel to a slow Kiwi country like this, they should be a little relaxed.
Second, Kiwis love outdoor and barbecue.
Due to the nature of New Zealand, there is a blue sea and nature near they home,
so you can easily access and enjoy the activities.
It is also easy to see kiwis grilling sausages and steaks while drinking beer.
For these kiwis' characteristics, there are well-equipped barbecue and camping
facilities that can be shared near the beach or park.
Third, kiwis are far from fashion. In other words, they don't care about other
people's eyes.
When you travel to Kiwi country, you can easily see people without shoes.
It's not that they don't wear shoes because they don't have them.
Kiwis say they don't wear them because they are comfortable.
A typical Kiwi is a barefoot, loose sleeveless shirt, and a teenager who rides a
skateboard in shorts.
We learned about the characteristics of Kiwis.
I want to go to New Zealand where beautiful nature and relaxed kiwis harmonize!

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