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26. What will happen if people do not rea the text? A. They won't benefit the steam ion optimally B. The steam will not wock property ©. They will press the strum bution ioe often 1D. They will only use it to iron smooth fabric E, The steam iron will not work accordingly “Many arboreal (uee-dweling) animals have Geveloped wing li exiowsons cali ‘tag, which are clastic membranes stretched between their limbs or toes. These flaps, skin are ideal for helping them to glide through the air either to evade predators orto catch ‘hei own prey The southern lying squirrel isa noctumal rodent capable of taking tothe sir and sliding from te to tree in a single leap. The length of single flight depends on the eight at which the squirrel launches, but some can reach distances of up 0 SO metres (165 fox). This foem of gliding is known ss volplening. Flying squires are found in Noh America and nocthera Europe, living in nsts or ‘Batra cavitics high in the trees When down on the ground, however, they ae a vuinerable is Flying squires are omaivorous and feat on 2 wide range of differen food from mats, ‘Sit and fang! to many insets bind eggs and even cerion from time to time. 27, What docs the frst paragraph tells us about? A. What patagiais BL Where putas is C When paragia i used D. How putagia is developed E_ Wht animals have pena 28. “These flaps of skin are ideal for helping them to glide through the air either to evade predators or to catch their own prey. What isthe similar meaning of the undetined word? A. Avoid B. Flee C. Fit D. Chance E Tp uestion for number 8 T know you like to lake picture of objects with a mobile phone camera, There are easy ways to improve the quality of you photo like those taking in the studio. You can do this by making mini studio using unused cardboard. With a min studio, your shots wil be very good. ‘Now, let's make a mini studio. First, take unused cardboard. Cover the inside with paper. then attach LED lightbulb in tothe box. Next, tur om the ligt and place the object that You want to take the picture in the box. Take the photo and observe the result. ‘8. Which picture matches the text? A a Question for number 9 My favorite watch isa dighal watch, The digital screen not only showing the time, b ‘day, date and year, time location, and also the digital version of analog watch. The brand of the |watch is written on the top ofthe screen. The shape ofthe watch and its framework is cele, with four setting button around it, two on the right side and two on the left side. It is made of plast but the back cover is made of stainless stcel. The colour is black. The strap is made of rubber and the colour is also black. 9. Which picture is being deseribed in the text above? Question for number 4 ml have Tmportant news Gia what is it? Boy the minister of education and eulture wil be visiting our school and he wants to have a chat with ws Girl ‘what's the point? Boy the point is that we ean share our ideas about our ideal education with the minister e right yous 4. What will they probably do? {A. They will have time to speak with the Minister of Education and Culture. BB. The Minister of Education and Culture ison his way to ther class, C. The Minister of Education and Culture graduated from their shoo). . The Minister of Education and Culture will share his ideas about good education. E, His friends are making «noise that disturbs other students Question for number 5 Man "you have been able to inorease the sales Income this Year, Woman: Thankyou, sit. Man, ', What will the man probably respond? ‘A. You deserve to peta promotion . Hope to see you soon B, Wish me luck! BE, You willbe fire . I'm sure you'll be fine did you know that Angela studies in Germany? Agus No, didn't, She must be smart. ‘She takes post graduate program majoring in mechanical engineering, (6. What is the best response forthe woman’s statement. ‘A. Thope she can achieve her C. I'm sony I'm busy with my dream, studies at the moment B, Ihave ever met Angela once D. Ihave relative living in Germany E, Lust ealled her sion for numt ‘Anita Look at youl You look so pane] Andra: Lo. Anita Is there anything serious? Anda 7. How will the man likely reply with? ‘The competition is held two weeks earlier. I suggest we reschedule the plan That's not what Ihave said. Yes, we may leave now. ‘You deserve ope D. EB Questions for number 29 & 30 7A poor man lived next to a rich man who sold oll fora living. The poor man envied his neighbor's wealth and riches and often talked about them. So the rich man gave the poor ‘man a flask of oil asa gift The poor man was delighted. “I could sell the oil,” thought the poor man, “Then ‘would have enough money to buy five goats. "Later he thought some more. “With five goats,” he said to himself, “a man would be rich enough to have a wife.” He liked this thought so much he added to it. “Of course, my wife would be beautifil and give me a fine son. ~But then the poor man hed a thought that worried him. *What if my son is lazy because his father is a wealthy man? What if he refuses to obey me and disgraces me?” “This thought made the poor man so angry that he began stomping around his hut, winging his staff. “Why, if my son refuses to obey me, then I'll teach him a lesson. 1"! beat hhim with my staf” ‘As the staff swung about, it nudged the flask of ol of ts shelf. The flask crashed to the ground and broke, spilling its contents on the dir. The man looked at the shards of the flask, realizing that his dreams were now just as broken. And once more he was just a poor ‘man living next to a wealthy neighbor. 29, What did the poor man feel towards his wealthy neighbor? ‘A. Jealous, B. Angry C. Worried D. Confused E, Embarrassed 30, We ean learn from the story that... We should control our emotion ‘We should work hard to achieve our goals ‘A bad person will always defeated ‘When there is smoke, there is fire Never give up before we succeed FopE> 431, John: Hello, Jean. Where have you been? ‘ean: Hi, John. [just bought few kilograms of apples in the market. “Toh: Do you need some help to carry the apples? Jean: The suitable respond to complete the dialogue is... A, [don't know 3. Why? . Of course, that’s very kind of you . Lill help you Good bye poop Stork Barrel is one of a kind of heron species. Stork barrel has a fairly large body size, size ranges from 110 om. It has a color of hair that i attached to his body like black and white, Itis disguised with a large bil that has many benefits Iti the same as the other stork with the swings, the back but the tal is black, while forthe body of the stork barrel has @ unique part of a xcklace, You must have seen the beauty of the stork while flying. The wide wingspan Question for number Trit isnt obvious already, theres one more reason not go near the lava that has already covered nearly ten square miles of Kilauea Voleaao's Eastem Rift Zoncon the southeastern comer of Hawaii Big Island: you might not be able to out-run it. ‘The Hawaiian Voleano Observatory reports that "standing waves" were visible in a channel of lava flowing at speeds up to 17 miles per hour. Of course, the eruption slows down as it spreads out, forming so-called "pahochoo" flows that creep along, But its important to know ust how fast the stuif can move because there's no reason a channel can't suddenly change. 11. Which picture is described in the text? 4’ a EEE docs the text mainly talk about? A. The importance of exercise B. The definition of exercise CC. The good way to exercise D. E BW Things to do when exercising The sides effect of exercise 14, “this allows us to move more easily and avoid injury.” Which word has the closest meaning to the underlined word? A. Wound B. Power . Laziness D. Weakness Control Question for number 15 & 16 Subject: Dinda Sekar Merah, Support General Manager IMPORTANT We are very excited to announce the promotion of Dinda Sekar Merah as Support General Manager in the Production Department. Sekar has been working as a Manager for seven years and has advanced progressively through more responsible position in planning and controlling the products. Besides, she has played an important role in improving the product quality and diversification. Thus, she has brought good income to the company. Asa form of appreciation for her achievement and dedication, she deserves to gain her new position. Please join us in welcoming and congratulating Dinda Sekar Merah as Support General Manager of the Production Manager. Regards, Allan Smith \Vice-Operational Director 15, What is the topic of the text? ‘A. Anew position D. Anew programmer B. A job description E. A vacant job C. Anew employee 16. What was Dinda’s former task? A. Planning and Controlling the products B. Supervising employees C. Controlling Product Delivery . Managing the production system E. Managing the selling system Questions for number 17&18 ‘Thousands of egg-shaped balls of ice have covered a beach in Finland, the result ofa rare ‘weather phenomenon, Amateur photographer Risto Mattila was among those who came across the “ice eggs" on Hailuoto Island in the Gulf of Bothnia between Finland and Sweden. Experts say itis caused by a rare process in which small pieces of ice are rolled over by wind and water. Mr Mattila, from the nearby city of Oulu, told the BBC he had never seen anything like it before. 20, When did Waris bright fiaure seem to appear? ‘A. Michael Goss saw her in the stret and took her picture. B. Her aunt sent her to modeling school . Her aunt and uncle returned to A fica, D. She found a great job FE, She took a part in James Bond film, Questions for number 21 & 22 Syariel; HRA Manager PT. Roda Wijaya J. Jend, Soedirman no 14, Pontianak, Indonesia 20% January 2021 Fawi J. Jambu no, 17 Pontianak, Indonesia Dear Fawzi, {hank you for submiting in your online application for the postion training center at PT. Roda Wiiaya. We have looked over your application and would like to invite you toa job interview ‘with our company on 30 January 2020, TEyou have any difficulties scheduling an interview, fee fee to e-mail at ha_cwi@eo id Regards, Fawzi HRA Manager 21. What should the receiver do after reading the letter? A. Reply the letter and confirm his attendance B. Contact the sender and ask what the letter is about C. Resend his application letter to HRA. D. Start working for the company E. Attend the interview right away 22. The receiver doesn't meet the interview schedule... he has to e-mail the HRA Manager A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Because: D. Because of E. Although Questions for number 23 & 24 ymmunicate. I can text my brother or family fenytime. They can reply as soon as possible, so I understand their condition, Second, mobile phones mean that we are never alone. “The mobile phone has saved my Nes telephones remove our privacy I allows my boss toring his staff all around the ord at any time of day to asa lot of things, including if the programs run as sched Fahermore telephones allow us to access the Internet, the Biggest library on Farha we can get any information or news quite easily. We may be smarter withthe phones, {rom the facts above itis obvious that we bound to our phones. Mobile phones have changed our lifestyle. However, we must realize tha telephones can separate ue, To avoid f. we should be wise when using our phones, 23. What is the writer's purpose to write the text? A. To present his opinion about the power of phones, B. To entertain the readers, ©. To explain how mobile phone works. D. To give a general description of a mobile phone. E. To relate his experience when using a mobile phone, 24. What is the writer's recommendation? ‘A. We should use our phones wisely . We should not bring our phone to B. We only use the phone to social gathering ‘communicate E. We should spend our time with ©. We'd better turn off our phones family Questions for number 25 & 26 [When using the water spray function, ensure that there is enough water in the water tank. You may have to pump the Spray Button several times at first ime inorder to start the spraying function |VERTICAL OR BURST OF STEAM IRON |. Press the Burst of Steam Button to generate a powerful burst of steam that can penetrate the fabric and smooth out the toughest of cesses, Wat for afew seconds before pressing again By pressing the Burst of Steam Button at intervals you can also iron vertically (curtains; hung garments, etc.) ‘Note: The Burst of Steam function can only be used at high temperature, Stop the emission when the Pilot Ligh illuminates, then start ironing again only after the Pilot Light is switches off 25. Where can you read the text? ‘A. Ona house appliance label. B. On mobile phone box. . Inan electronic manual book. D. Inhealth brochure. E. Ina magazine. “"Lwas with my wife at Marjaniemi beach. The weather was sunny, about -1C (30F) and it was quite a windy day," he told the BBC. "There we found this amazing phenomenon. There was snow and ice eggs along the beach near the waterline,” Mr Mattila said the balls of ice covered an area of about 30m (100f). The smallest were the size of eggs and the biggest were the size of footballs. "That was an amazing view. I have never seen anything like this during 25 years living in the vieinity,” Mr Mattila said, ‘Since I had a camera with me I decided to preserve this unusual sight for posterity." BBC Weather expert George Good fellow said conditions needed to be cold and a bit windy for the ice balls to form, 17. What do you think about this news? A. The “ice eggs” on Hailuoto Island. B. A weather condition in Finland. C. A common phenomenon on the beach. D. A fiozen stones phenomenon E. A general condition of Hailuoto Island. 18. The purpose of the text is? A. To tell the readers about worthy news. B. To describe a natural phenomenon in general. C. To explain how a phenomenon occurs. D. To present the good and bad sides of phenomenon. E. To describe a certain natural phenomenon Questions for number 19 & 20 Moving around with our animals. We were happy, and I loved my mother more than anything, was about 13 when my father called me at the end of a hot day. “come and sit here,” he said, “I've found you a husband. We have arranged that he will give me five camels, ‘That night Iran away. Iwas frightened. For almost three weeks, {walked through the desert, but finaly 1 arrived at my auntie’s house in Mogadishu. Aunts husband was an ambassador and in few months I flew to Britain to work at his London house. (One day, a photographer called Michael Goss saw me in the street. He took my picture and the photographs were beautiful. “you should try and do modeling.” He told me. ‘When my aunt and uncle retumed to fica, I stayed in London. I found a place to stay and got a job. Then one day I took Michael Goss photographs to an agency. They sent me to a studio, and my picture appeared on the cover of Pirelli calendar, Soon after that, the agency got me a part in the James Bond film The Living Daylights, Since then I've done modeling all over the world and I've appeared in magazines such as ‘Vogue and Be. I've seen hosted the US music program Soul train, Once, I was worth five ‘camels, Now I can eam up to five thousand pounds for one day's work. ['ve gone from the bottom to the top, 19. Why did Waris Dirie decide to flee? ‘A. She refused to marry at early age. D. She wanted to continue her B. She wanted to live with her aunt, studies in London. C. She needed a good job. E, She loved her mother more than, anything, Borobudur, scheduled on Nov 2-3,2019, with will pass through six tourist attractions along al eyeling race of Tour de 1,700 domestic and foreign participating eyeli its route in Central Java Province. "The number of participants in Tour de Borobudur always increases from year to year, as it always offers new routes, experiences, and challenges in each of ts stages,” Sinoeng R. Rachmadi, head of the Central Java Sports, Youth Affairs, and Tourism office, noted here on Wednesday. ‘Some $00 cyclists will take part inthe first stage that will start from Blenduk Church in ‘Semarang and pass Demak Square, Mrapen Eternal Flame, Salatiga City Hall, and finish in De ‘Tjolomadoe Karanganyar. The second stage, in which 1,700 cyclists will participate, wll start from De Tjolomadoe Karanganyar and pass the Prambanan Temple complex, and finally conclude in Borobudur ‘Temple. ‘The 19th Tour de Borobudur’s route, spanning 265 kilometers, will be guarded by some 3,500 police officers, asthe cyclists pass 11 regions in Central Java, Initiated by the Semarang Bicycle Association (Samba), Tour de Borobudut is organized ‘on a yearly basis. Initially, the race was held for just a day, withthe start line from Semarang and finish line in Borobudur Temple, 12, Why does the number of participants always increase? ‘The race always offers new routes, experiences, and challenges. ‘The race always starts on holiday. ‘The weather always well. ‘The bikers have an opportuni 10 speed up along the smooth way. moon > The route is guarded by police. Question for number 13 & 14 ‘We often see people doing exercise like jogging, ranning, or eycling. They always take time to exercise even if they only do it briefly. They who are accustomed to exercising definitely feel something missing if they haven't moved their bodies. They understand benefits of exercise. Exercise increases energy levels. Exercise improves both the strength and the efficiency ‘of your cardiovascular system to get the oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. When your cardiovascular system works beiter everything seems easier and you have more energy for the fun stuf in life. Doing exercise improves muscle energy. Staying active keeps muscles strong and joins, ‘tendons and ligaments flexible, allowing you to move more easily and avoid injury. Strong ‘muscles and ligaments reduce your rsk of joint and lower back pain by keeping joints in proper alignment. They also improve eoordination and balance. Furthermore, exercise can help us maintain a healthy weight. The more you exercise, the more ealories you burn. In addition, the mote muscle you develop, the higher your metabolic rate becomes, 90 you burn more calories even when you're not exercising. The result is you may Jose weight and look better physically which will boost your self-esteem Last, Exereise increases blood flow and oxygen levels inthe brain. It also encourages the ‘lease ofthe brain chemicals (hormones) that are responsible forthe production of cells in the hippocampus, the part ofthe brain that controls memory and learning. This, in turn, boosts concentration levels and cognitive ability, and helps reduce the rsk of cognitive degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. So, what do you think of doing exercise? Have you decided? Choose the right answer a, b, ¢,d or € ‘You look gloomy. Would you please tell me your problem? + you know, we will graduate in a few months ahead. + we will. So, what's the matter? +n fact, I'd like to continue my studies, but my parents are in a hard condition lately. 1. Whatis the dialogue about? The girl’s anxiety about her future The boy’s support forthe girl's education The boy’s prediction about her future ‘The condition of the git!’s parents ‘The girl's parents’ support for her edueation roos> jon for number 2 Talways see you arriving at the office two or three minutes before the bell but I never come late, do i? that’s right, but it’s too risky. You'd better arrive earlier, so you have enough time to relax before working, ‘you're right. PI try. 2. What does the woman suggest? The man should leave for work earlier. The man should arrive two or three minutes before the bell. The man should be relaxed while working, ‘The man should have enough time to finish his job ‘The man should start working earlier. moOOp> Question for number 3 Man | what's going on? Woman 1 don’t have my presentation with me. I left my USB stick at home. Man Let me drive you home to take it. We still have enough time. Woman: Okay, let's go. 3. What will the speakers do after the conversation? They will goto the woman’s house to collect her USB. . They will meet the committee to cancel the presentation. - They will go to the presentation room immediately They will work together to compose a new presentation. . They will goto the nearest shop to buy a new USB stick. PoOOR>

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