Some People Believe That Family Is More Important Than Friends

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Write an article in which you argue that family is more important than friends.

 How friends could have more influence on teenagers

 Why family is more important

Model Answer:
Many believe that family obligations outweigh those towards friends. In my opinion,
though this varies by individual to some extent, family holds the stronger claim.

Those who feel friends are more important argue that as an adult, friends are more
influential. While still living at home, there is little doubt that one’s family has more sway; this
reverses after university when a person lives on their own. They will probably end up spending
more time with friends from work or school, especially if they are living far from home.
Additionally, friends are chosen and family is not. This autonomy in selecting a circle of friends
means that they are more likely to, relative to one’s family, share similar beliefs and personal

Nonetheless, friends pass in and out of life and family lasts forever. Family has,
naturally, the greatest influence in the developmental years of life when researchers believe
the majority of identity formation takes place. Coupled with genetic factors, this is why family
members have similar attitudes and beliefs, in general. Unlike friends, a person’s relationship
with their family, assuming they are not estranged, will span their entire life. At various points
throughout adulthood, most people will turn to their immediate or extended family for critical
advice or support, strengthening familial bonds. This enduring link makes family a more
powerful force than friends.

In conclusion, though friends can take on increasing value, family has the greatest
importance taken as a whole. It is therefore key that families stay in touch and maintain
friendly relations.

1. Many believe that family obligations outweigh those towards friends. 2. In my opinion,
though this varies by individual to some extent, family holds the stronger claim.
1. Paraphrase the essay topic.
2. Write a clear opinion.

1. Those who feel friends are more important argue that as an adult, friends are more
influential. 2. While still living at home, there is little doubt that one’s family has more sway;
this reverses after university when a person lives on their own. 3. They will probably end up
spending more time with friends from work or school, especially if they are living far from
home. 4. Additionally, friends are chosen and family is not. 5. This autonomy in selecting a
circle of friends means that they are more likely to, relative to one’s family, share similar
beliefs and personal qualities.
1. Write a topic sentence (the main idea of the whole paragraph)
2. Explain your first support (or reason).
3. Write about it specifically.
4. Add another support (or reason).
5. Write about it specifically.

1. Nonetheless, friends pass in and out of life and family lasts forever. 2. Family has,
naturally, the greatest influence in the developmental years of life when researchers believe
the majority of identity formation takes place. 3. Coupled with genetic factors, this is why
family members have similar attitudes and beliefs, in general. 4. Unlike friends, a person’s
relationship with their family, assuming they are not estranged, will span their entire life. 5. At
various points throughout adulthood, most people will turn to their immediate or extended
family for critical advice or support, strengthening familial bonds. 6. This enduring link makes
family a more powerful force than friends.
1. Write a new topic sentence.
2. Begin to explain your main idea.
3. Continue developing it.
4. Add another support.
5. Explain it more.
6. Relate it back to your main idea and the overall question.

1. In conclusion, though friends can take on increasing value, family have the greatest
importance taken as a whole. 2. It is therefore key that families stay in touch and maintain
friendly relations.
1. Summarise your main ideas and repeat your opinion in different wording.
2. Add a final thought.

Obligations: duties
Outweigh: stronger than
Varies: there is difference
to some extent: to a degree
stronger claim: better belief
influential: shape/sway
there is little doubt: not much question
sway: influence
reverses: changes course
end up: finally
especially: in particular
far from: distantly
autonomy: freedom
selecting: choosing
circle of friends: closest friends
relative to: related to
personal qualities: characteristics, personality
pass in and out of life: not permanent fixtures
lasts: stays
naturally: of course
greatest influence: biggest force
developmental years: when growing up
researchers: scientists
majority: most of
identity formation takes place: personalities begin to form
coupled with genetic factors: combined with natural elements
attitudes: views
beliefs: opinions
in general: overall
unlike friends: in contrast to friends
estranged: no longer have a relationship with, became strangers
span: entire width
entire life: whole life
various points: different parts
throughout adulthood: as an adult, during this period
turn to: seek help from
immediate or extended family: close family and more distant relatives
critical advice: good suggestions
support: help
strengthening familial bonds: making families closer
enduring link: strong relationship
more powerful force: influential
take on increasing value: becoming more important
taken as a whole: overall
therefore: thus
stay in touch: keep in contact
maintain friendly relations: still on good terms with

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