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| jstening i Sally talking to her fri yp Liste to meng) er friends and fami which problem did each person have? wen about their ties there is one example. ea letter in each roe Ben Cc ao 2 Kim 3 Grandpa ay 5 Peter 6 Aunt Jane iExambrip) Check your answels carefully when you listen again. Escaneado con CamScanner Tee 1 Reading and Writing Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines There is one example. Earth and Its Moon The planet Earth is around 45 billion years old. It's the fijth largest... planet. It's (N) ccoeevssceseseneeese away from the Sun than Mercury or Venus but closer (2) eeevsosssveeeeees- the other planets. Earth only has one moon, but other larger planets have (3) .... moons. The Moon goes around Earth and its (4)... takes 27.3 day We call the side of the Moon that you can’t see from Earth “the dark side of ‘ Moon.” It isn’t always dark. Like Earth, the Moon spins around, and the Sun shines on every part of it. It’s just that we (5)... see it. Example large larger Gged) 1 far farther farthest 2 than then as 2 too a lot of much | . galaxy rocket orbit couldn’t can't didn’t Escaneado con CamScanner gustening y) Listen and write. There is one example, Space Log Number of planets ____ four 1 First planet — color of rings: redand 2 Second planet has nine 2.2.2... 3 Size of meteor: ......:2c0--s meters. 4 Year Buzz traveled to Mars: .........-------- Name of the fourth planet: Escaneado con CamScanner + 3 Speaking . Then read, listen again, and ti p ple. ce lv) the a) 1 Look expressions Yo and listen to the exam u hear. It’s not ... |p | He can/can't ... | The .. is different. | / Its the (biggest). These are (smaller). 2. Work with a partner. Which is different? Why? ”” 3 Now listen and comy you chose? are. pare. Do they choose the same pictures that Don't worry ‘correct’ about choosi ‘ C choosing the Say which Picture you think is different Sc Picture. iv give a reason, to explain your an: and swer, a] Escaneado con CamScanner ta Plea St Booster spending and Writing geod the text and choose the best answer. George is talking to his friend Scott. Example George: Hi, Scott. How are you? Scott: A Yes, Lam. : Orm fine, thanks. C I'm eight. Questions 1 George: Have you seen the movie Shark Attack yet? Scott: A Yes, I have. B Yes, I'd like that. C Yes, I do. 2 George: Have you met your favorite actor? Scott: A No, I haven't seen it. B Yes, I've met her. C Yes, she has. 3 George: Has the composer written the music yet? Scott: A No, he hasn't. B Yes, he can. C No, I haven't. 4 George: Have you finished writing your story yet? Scott: A No, it isr’t. B Yes, I've already started it. C No, I haven't finished it yet. Escaneado con CamScanner 2 Listening ») Listen and tick ¥} the box. There is one example, Which type of movie does Sally like best? yet? Escaneado con CamScanner geo and Writing % the text and choose the best answer xample ie: H eet Crazy Cars Yet? It’s q comedy : , Alice: A Ive seen a lot of action Movies B No, I haven't seen it yet. I love funny movies, Ores, Tve already seen 20 comedies, Questions 1 Charlie: Have you seen many horror movies? Alice: A Yes, I have. I've seen a lot of them. I love the special effects. B No, I haven't seen many romances. C T’ve been to the movie studio to watch them make a horror movie. 2 Charlie: What's the most interesting movie you've seen? Alice: A Tve seen a few fantasy movies but they weren't very interesting. B Thaven’t seen many action movies. I don't like them. C Giant Galaxy was a great movie! It was really interesting. 3 Charlie, Would you like to have a job in the movies? Alice: A The director tells the actors what to do. B Pd like to be a designer. I like art. C Composers write a lot of songs for musicals. [ExamTip) x in the questions. Underline the key woe in the answers. Look for similar voce! Escaneado con CamScanner hapter > Exam Booster 1 Reading and Writing Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example, Secret Messages The Ancient Greeks and Romans ... Wrote ---- Secret Messages With invisible ink over 2000 years (1 ~~ Th wars like the American Revolution, SPIES 2) et to eet oS Now, people tS) lots of different types of Invisible ink Have you ever (4) Jones invisible ink? You can use lemon juice ‘age. When the writing is dry, you cant OB) it. Example write Guroid) have written 1 away before ago 2 have used used using 3 invented invention have invented 4 have made making made 5) communicate see ad Escaneado con CamScanner ening st? yu user and write. There is one example, . . Message: a Message'about: = party Message for: Party date: At: How to reply: To bring: ssseeeeseeeenetteennnens Escaneado con CamScanner 3 Listening ») Listen al is le. nd write. There is one eany 1 The museum is in... eee + 24 At the museum you can listen to Qo. 5 3 | Inthe space gallery, you can see a map of the 02... People used hieroglyphics about... years ago. Jack should make notes about the most .... objects. EXcampTip) Read the questions c = ‘ f ‘arefully to see what - ee ot information to listen for, Is it a 7 lame? A number? An object? Escaneado con CamScanner Ca Tee Cy Ley yg get and Writing icture and read the st i sok at the pi ory. Write some words to centences about the story. You can use 1, 2, or 3 words. ce The Princess and the Dragon A beautiful princess lived in a palace with her father, the King. She wanted to find the King's lost treasure. So she put on her father’s cloak and hat and took his sword. She went out into the forest. Itwas dark and she couldn't see well. She fell over something. What was it? She looked. carefully and saw an old lamp. When she rubbed it, a yellow light appeared. Now she could see the path through the forest. The princess arrived at the mountain, She went into the dark cave, holding her magic lamp. She saw a treasure chest full of jewels. She heard a noise She turned around and saw the dragon. “That treasure is mine,” said the dragon. “No, it isn't. It belongs to the King — it’s his!” She picked up the treasure chest. Then she rubbed the lamp — and disappeared! The dragon was very surprised and unhappy because he lost the treasure. Example The princess decided to find her -. father's... treasure. Questions 1 When she went into the forest, she wore a cloak and .... 2 She found __ in the forest. 3. The treasure chest WAS UN n-ne + 4 The dragon thought that ......---s-csessssennees Were his. 5 The dragon wasn't . ... when the princess took the treasure. Escaneado con CamScanner Escaneado con CamScanner json to the beginn yr usten to the beginning of the Story and complete the sentences, Treasure Tale ()- _Teday...... , Paul played soccer. Afterward, he.felt-verg.@2).02 2 * He has already finished reading fiS (3) oe aecensesetseeeets Now he is (4) ...... aoe . Work with a partner. Look at the pictures and tell the story. Where is Paul? What can he see? What happened? What is he doing? = What is he wearing? ifferent to the story 1) 3 Now listen and compare. Find one detail that is di that you told. me of the character and the tory. Listen for these names ee te De rain describes the first picture, Escaneado con CamScanner footprints clue On Friday, I was in the par| when I saw a man running hel) ee eee lt The thief ran away. When G). ek under k with my friends. I was playing soccer very fast. He was carrying a handbag - I think rom a woman. He was wearing a dark coat with and big buttons and he had black gloves. was talking to my friends, I saw there were the trees by the gate. I called the police on my cell phone. Then a detective arrived. He was looking for a 0) ee when he found the empty handbag. 2N . choose the best title for the story, @ A Hel pful Man L] © The Lost Handbag a : c Helping t Escaneado con CamScanner stenting Liste 4 Jane 3 her mom. 5 her grandma nto Jane talking about her friends and pusy last week? What were they doing? List box. There is one example. Fr 2 her brother 4 her dad 6 her friend Eva family. Why was each person. en and write a letter in each Escaneado con CamScanner i tin ; 3 Reading oe toes a word from the box. Write the correct word ee mubets 4-5, There is one example. xt. message... that said “Meet me in town!” from Last Saturday, Igota te, my friend Ben. I was waiting for him when I saw some strange people, d carrying a a : ‘Aman was wearing @ long cloak an n was wearing a long dress and @ (2) --e-e--e--se with jewels, __.... ina treasure chest. A womal She was trying t0 (3) oe Twas watching them when an old man shouted “Cut!”. I realized they were ilming a movie and the old man was the (4) .... . Tt was an action movie about a (5)... _. who stole some treasure! Example ere necklace thief : sword 2 Now choose the best name for the story. b Catching a Thief c Movie Magic oO ficnniig) Look at t | gap to nee (ords before and after each © what kind of word fits. a The Lost Treasure Escaneado con CamScanner aR ee Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example. 4 Reading and Writing Example —library- birthday &S Wt costume decorations Example This is a place where you look at books and work quietly... library...... Questions This is a place where you keep your books at school. This is a time when your friends give you a gift. These are special clothes that you wear for a celebration. B WN Some children who live in other countries light this to celebrate a festival. wo This is a kind of celebration when people march and sing in the street. Escaneado con CamScanner 2 Listening ») Listen and color and write. There is one example. Escaneado con CamScanner g Listening 4) Listen and color and write. There is one example. i ee ic: << A ~ "3 ® © 26 =o 2s $2 ek = Pac TOSS oo Eo Lo Be 338 og aS g3 2 pe, Exam}Tip) & 9 Exam Booster i Writing 1 Reading and Read the story. Choose 2 wore) im numbers 1-4. There is one example. Example | oS sil m the box. Write the correct word Next to stargazin dolphins sticks Tm only ten, but I've achieved a lot! I've been to adventure camp and learned lots of things. I've built a......den_.... in the forest with a lot OF (1) eeessececsceneee + We lit a fire and camped out — it was exciting! And we went (2)... - .-- at night. Tve been to the ocean on vacation and Tve swum with (3) oe Tt was really cool. Next year, I'm going on vacation to Africa. I've never traveled @)... ~~. before or eaten foreign food. And I’ve never ridden 4 camel, but I'd like to, Have you ever done that? 2 Now choose the best title for the story, a A Trip to Africa J b My Adventure Blog c Swimming with Dolphins Escaneado con CamScanner 2 Listening ») Listen and tick |v] the box. There is one example. What has Julie done? 1 How has Pete traveled? a b c 2 What hasn't Kim done? a 3 What has Tom won? Zz aime 1S @ Escaneado con CamScanner 3 Speaking ») 1 Listen and complete. There is one example, Me and my world. Where are you from? What (1) languages... can you speak? Have you ever been (2) aot Which countries did you visit? Activities What's your favorite hobby? you done recently? Which activities (3)... What new activities would you like to try? ... done anything exciting? Have you (4).......--- Celebrations What (5) .... are there in your country? What do people who live in your country do to (6)... 0 Do you have a feast? Are there any special costumes? 2 Work wit fork with a partner. Choose a topic. Ask and answer the questions. 3 Now listen and compare, How many activities does the girl talk about? Bm ip Tr 5 Se 2 ae sates with more than one s much information as you can. Escaneado con CamScanner

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