Katelyn Hodges: Broad Run, VA, 20137 (540) - 878-1147 Hodgeskr@dukes - Jmu.edu

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Katelyn Hodges

Broad Run, VA, 20137

(540)-878-1147 hodgeskr@dukes.jmu.edu

Jame Madison University, Harrisonburg VA Expected Graduation:May 2027
Major: Bachelor’s in Dietetics
Major: Bachelor’s in Biology
Minor in Pre-Veterinary

Paid Work Experience

Old Town Athletic Campus
Kid care employee October 2020- April 2023
● Child Safety and Security for 5 to 20 children
● Behavior Redirection
● Identified warning signs of emotional and developmental problems in children.
● Communicated with parents regarding children's progress and development, raising
any issues.
● Supervised children engaged in physical activity, learning and social skills with peers.

Volunteer and Leadership

Piedmont Small Animal Vet
Shadowed December 2023- February 2024
● Assisted the veterinarian on duty
● Learned the online system used in the office
● Participated in hands on activities
● Assisted with the x-rays and ultrasound on a dog
● Learned how to properly trim cat and dog nails, and how to cauterize the quick
● Removed a broken dew claw
Marshall Veterinary Office
Shadowed December 2023
● Watched multiple reproductive removal surgeries
● Assisted the veterinarian on duty
● Assisted with the x-rays and ultrasound when needed
● Witnessed a dog with tick paralysis being treated

● Written Communication
● Oral Communication
● Computer Literate
● Customer Service
● Interpersonal
● Time Management
● Received a scholarship from the Patrick Ryan Gay Foundation
● Graduated highschool with a 3.9 GPA

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