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Drug Name Mechanism of action Indication/Contraindication Adverse Effects Nursing Consideration

Generic Name: Hydrochloric acid (HCl) secretion Indication: CNS: BEFORE:

Omeprazole into the gastric lumen is a process -Treatment of doudenal ulcers, pathologic Dizziness Assess for vital signs
regulated mainly by the H(+)/K(+)- hypersecretory conditions, Drowsiness Assess and teach significant
Brand Name: ATPase of the proton pump , gastroesophageal reflux disease. Fatigue others of the patient the
hyperzole expressed in high quantities by the Headache Weakness common side effects of the
parietal cells of the stomach. Contraindications: drug and to report any severe
Pharmacologic Source Contraindicated to hypersensitivity CV: adverse effects stat.
effect: Shirasaka Y, Sager JE, Lutz JD, Chest pain
a specific inhibitor Davis C, Isoherranen N: Inhibition Drug to drug interaction: DURING:
of H+,K(+)-ATPase of CYP2C19 and CYP3A4 by can interact with clopidogrel, warfarin, and GI: Perform 15 rights of
or 'proton pump' in omeprazole metabolites and their certain HIV medications. Other interacting Abdominal Pain Acid medication
parietal cells. contribution to drug-drug medications, like citalopram and St. John's regurgitation Constipation Assess patient routinely for
interactions. Drug Metab Dispos. wort, also exist. In some cases, your Diarrhea epigastric or abdominal pain,
Therapeutic effect: 2013 Jul;41(7):1414-24. doi: healthcare provider may need to adjust the Flatulence Nausea and frank or occult blood for
used to treat certain 10.1124/dmd.113.051722. Epub dosage of one or more of your Vomiting the
conditions where 2013 Apr 25. [ medications. Monitor CBC with
there is too much Drug to food interaction: DERM: differentid periodically
acid in the stomach. There are no specific foods that interact Itching Rash during therapy Take tablet or
with omeprazole, therefore there are no capsule with a full glass of
Route: foods that you need to avoid. MISC: water.
IV Allergic reaction
Dose: May cause serum gastrin
40mg/ml concentrations to increase
during first 1-2 weeks of
therapy. Levels return to
normal after discontinuation
Report to physician if any
allergic reaction occurs
Document findings.
Generic Name: Ceftriaxone works by inhibiting the Indication: CNS: headache, dizziness, BEFORE:
Cetriaxone mucopeptide synthesis in the Postoperative prophylaxis for potentially lethargy check doctor's order
bacterial cell wall.The beta-lac tam contaminated surgical procedure. perform handwashing
Brand Name: moiety of ceftriaxone binds to - Treatment for lower respiratory Gl: nausea, vomiting, - introduce drug to the patient
rocepin carboxypeptidases, endopeptidases, infections caused by streptococcus diarrhea, anorexia, and educate her about its
and transpeptidases in the bacterial pneumoniae. pseudomembranou s colitis purpose and importance
Pharmacologic cytoplasmic membrane. These - assess for hepatic and renal
effect: enzymes are involved in cell-wall Contraindications: GU: nephrotoxicity impairment, lactation,
Cephalosporin synthesis and cell division. Binding Contraindicated with allergy to pregnancy
antibiotic of ceftriaxone to these enzymes cephalosporin or penicillin Hematologic: bone marrow -assess skin status, LFTs,
causes the enzyme to lose activity; depression - decrased WBC renal function tests, culture
Therapeutic effect: therefore, the bacteria produce Drug to drug interaction: count,decreased platelets, of affected area, sensitivity
Cephalosporin defective cell walls, causing cell Antibiotic medicines can cause diarrhea, decreased Hct tests
Antibiotic death. which may be a sign of a new infection. If DURING:
you have diarrhea that is watery or bloody, Hypersensitivity: ranging administer the right drug at
Route: Source: call your doctor. Do not use anti-diarrhea from rash to fever to the right dose check the
IV Sivapalasingam S., Steigbigel N. medicine unless your doctor tells you to anaphylaxis patency of the IV site and IV
(2015). Mandell, Douglas and line have vitamin K ready in
Dose: Bennett's Principles and practice of Drug to food interaction: Local: pain, abscess case hypoprothrombinemia
500mg/ml infectious diseases (8th ed.). No food found occurs do not mix ceftriaxone
Elsevier.DailyMed Label: Others: with any other antimicrobial
ceftriaxone sodium injection, superinfections,disulfram-like drug
powder for solution [Link] reaction with alcohol -discontinue if
hypersensitivity reaction

-educate patient to avoid
alcohol while taking this drug
and for 3 days after because
severe reactions often occur
- monitor ceftriaxone blood
levels in patients with severe
renal impairment and in
patients with renal and
hepatic impairment
--report severe diarrhea,
difficulty breathing, unusual
tiredness or fatigue, pain at
injection site
-document and record.
Generic Name: Metronidazole is a nitroimidazole Indication CNS: seizures, dizziness, BEFORE
Metronidazole anti-infective drug used mainly in >amebic hepatic abscess headache >assess pts. Infection
the treatment of infections caused >intestinal amebiasis >watch carefully for edema
Brand Name: by susceptible organisms, >trichomoniasis EENT: Tearing(topical only) because it may cause sodium
erzol particularly anaerobic bacteria and >retractory trichomoniasis retention
protozoa. The nitro group of >bacterial infection caused by anaerobic GI: abdominal pain, anorexia, >assess skin for severity
Pharmacologic metronidazole is chemically reduced microorganisms nausea and vomiting, areas of local adverse
class: by ferredoxin and the products are >to prevent postoperative infection in diarrhea, dry mouth, glossitis reactions
Nitroimedazole responsible for disrupting the DNA contaminated colorectal surgery >record number and
helical structure, thus inhibiting >pelvic inflammatory disease Derm: rashes, urticarial, mild character of stools
Therapeutic class: nucleic acid synthesis dryness, skin irritation >assess pt’s and family’s
Antibacterial Contraindication knowledge of drug therapy
Antiptotozoal >hypersensitivity Hemat: leukopenia
>hypersensitivity to parabens DURING
Route: >first trimester of pregnancy Local: Phlebitis at Iv site >give drug with meals to
IV minimize GI distress
Neuro: peripheral neuropathy >to treat trichomoniasis, give
Dose: drug for 7days instead of 2-g
5mg/ml Misc: superinfection single dose
>use only after T.vaginalis
has been confirmed by wet
>tablets may be crushed for
pt’s. with difficult
>do not use aluminium
needles or hubs, color will
turn orange/rust

>tell pt. that metallic taste
and dark or red brown urine
may occur
>instruct pt. to take oral form
with meals to minimize
>instruct to complete full
course of therapy
>tell pt. not to use alcohol or
drugs that contain alcohol.
>may cause dizziness/ light

Generic Name: Clindamycin works primarily by Indication Systemic Before:

Clindamycin binding to the 50s ribosomal subunit > systemic administration: serious CNS: cardiac arrest (with > check doctor’s order
of bacteria. This agent disrupts infections caused by susceptible strains of rapid IV transfusion) > assess for allergy to
Brand Name: protein synthesis by interfering with anaerobes, streptococci, staphylococci, clindamycin, history of
klinbac the transpeptidation reaction, which penumococci GI: pseudomembranous asthma or other allergies,
thereby inhibits early chain > parenteral: treatment of septicemia colitis allergy to tartrazine
Pharmacologic elongation. Chloramphenicol and > topical dermatologic solution: treatment > assess history of renal
class: macrolides such as erythromycin, of acne vulgaris Hematologic: neutropenia, impairment, lactation,
Nitroimedazole clarithromycin, and azithromycin > vaginal preparation: treatment of leukopenia regional enteritis or
also act at the 50s ribosomal subunit bacterial vaginosis ulcerative colitis
Therapeutic class: and may compete for binding at this Hyppersensitivity: rashes > assess site of infection or
Antibacterial site. Clindamycin and the related Contraindication acne, skin color, lesions,
Antiptotozoal drug lincomycin are often discussed Contraindicated with allergy to Local: pain following > take client’s BP
along with the macrolides but are clindamycin, lactation injection, thrombophlebitis
Route: not chemically related after IV use During:
IV Interactions: > verify patient’s identity
> drug-drug:increased neuromuscular Topical dermatologic sol’n > administer the right drug
Dose: blockade with neuromuscular blocking CNS: fatigue, headache with the right dose at the
160mg/ml agents; decreased GI absorption with right time
kaolin, aluminium salts Dermatologic: contact > state the importance and
dermatitis, dryness purpose of the drug to the
GI: pseudomembranous > check the patency of the IV
colitis, bloody diarrhea site and IV line
> if hypersensitivity reaction
GU: urinary frequency occurs, stop the
administration immediately
Vaginal preparation
GU: cervicitis, vulvar
irritation After:
> regulate the IVF with the
prescribed flow rate
> monitor LFT’s and renal
function tests, and blood
> report severe or watery
diarrhea, abdominal pain,
inflamed mouth or vagina,
skin rash or lesions
> take full prescribed course
of oral drug. Do not stop
taking without notifying your
health care provider
> document and record.
Generic Name: Indication
Piperacillin Tazobactam inhibits beta-lactamase Moderate to severe pneumonia caused by CNS: fever, headache,  Observe the 14 rights in
Tazobactam piperacillin-resistant, beta-lactmase- insomnia, seizures, agitation, medication
and prevents the destruction of producing strains of S. aureus,or by anxiety, dizziness, pain administration.
Brand Name: piperacillin tazobactam susceptible
zosyn piperacillin. Therefore, tazobactam Acinetobacter baumannii,H. influenza, K. CV: arrhythmia, chest pain,  Monitor patient for
is given with piperacillin to enhance pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas edema, hypertension, diarrhea and initiate
Pharmacologic aeruginosa, tachycardia therapeutic measures as
class: the activity of piperacillin in needed.
penicillins and Contraindication EENT: rhinitis
beta-lactamase eradicating bacterial infections.  Contraindicated in patients  Monitor patient for
inhibitors hypersensitive to drug other GI: diarrhea, constipation, superinfection.
Piperacillin kills bacteria by penicillins. nausea, pseudomembranous
Therapeutic class:  Use cautiously in patients with colitis, abdominal pain,  Serious skin reactions
inhibiting the synthesis of bacterial bleeding tendencies, uremia, dyspepsia, stool changes,
penicillins and can occur. If rash
hypokalemia, and allergies to other vomiting develops, monitor
beta-lactamase cell walls.
drugs, especially cephalosporins, patient closely and
inhibitors because of possible cros-sensitivity. GU: candidiasis, interstitial discontinue if lesion
nephritis progresses.
IV Hematologic: leukopenia, Patient teaching
neutropenia,  Tell patient to report
Dose: thrombocytopenia, anemia,
1.4g IVTT adverse reactions or
eosinophilia signs of superinfections
Respiratory: dyspnea
 Instruct patient to report
Skin: rash, pruritus discomfort at IV
insertion site.
Other: anaphylaxis, pain,
hypersensitivity reactions
Generic Name: Gentamicin is an aminoglycoside Indication Dizziness or vertigo; acute · Avoid long-term therapies
Gentamycine that binds to 30s and 50s ribosomal Susceptible infections renal failure, interstitial because of increased risk of
subunits of susceptible bacteria Biliary tract infections nephritis, acute tubular toxicities. Reduction in
Brand Name: disrupting protein synthesis, thus Brucellosis necrosis; electrolyte dose may be clinically
erzol rendering the bacterial cell Cat scratch disease imbalances; transient indicated.
membrane defective. Cystic fibrosis elevation of serum bilirubin · Patients with edema or
Pharmacologic Endocarditis and aminotransferases; ascites may have lower peak
class: Endometritis purpura; nausea, vomiting; concentrations due to
Aminoglycoside Gastroenteritis convulsions, mental expanded extracellular fluid
antibiorics Granuloma inguinale depression, hallucinations. volume.
Listeriosis Atrophy or rat necrosis at inj · Cleanse area before
Therapeutic class: Meningitis sites. application of dermatologic
Aminoglycoside Otitis externa Potentially Fatal: preparations.
antibioticl Pelvic inflammatory disease Nephrotoxicity, ototoxicity · Ensure adequate hydration
Peritonitis and neuromuscular blockade of patient before and during
Route: Plague (may unmask or aggravate therapy.
IV Pneumonia myasthaenia gravis). · Monitor renal function
Septicaemia tests, CBCs, serum drug
Dose: Skin infections levels during long-term
10mg/ml Urinary tract infections therapy.
Prophylaxis of surgical infections Consult with prescriber to
adjust dosage.

History of hypersensitivity to
aminoglycoside; pregnancy; hepatic
impairment, perforated ear drum.
Generic Name: The short term effects of Indication • vision changes, Assessment
Dexamethasone corticosteroids are decreased • As an anti-inflammatory • swelling, ▪ History for systemic
vasodilation and permeability of medication. Dexamethasone • rapid weight gain, administration: Active
Brand Name: capillaries, as well as decreased relieves inflammation in various • sleep problems (insomnia), infections; renal or
dextar leukocyte migration to sites of parts of the body. It is used • mood changes, hepatic disease;
inflammation.3 Corticosteroids specifically to decrease swelling • acne, hypothyroidism,
Pharmacologic binding to the glucocorticoid (edema), associated with tumors of • dry skin, ulcerative colitis;
class: receptor mediates changes in gene the spine and brain, and to treat eye • thinning skin, diverticulitis; active or
Synthetic expression that lead to multiple inflammation. •bruising or discoloration, latent peptic ulcer;
adrenocortical downstream effects over hours to • To treat or prevent allergic •slow wound healing, inflammatory bowel
steroid days.3 reactions. •increased sweating, disease; CHF,
Glucocorticoids inhibit neutrophil • As treatment of certain kinds of •headache, hypertension,
Therapeutic class: apoptosis and demargination; they autoimmune diseases, skin •dizziness, thromboembolic
Anti-inflamatory inhibit phospholipase A2, which conditions, asthma and other lung •spinning sensation, disorders;
decreases the formation of conditions. •nausea, osteoporosis; seizure
Route: arachidonic acid derivatives; they • As treatment for a variety of •stomach pain, disorders; diabetes
IV inhibit NF-Kappa B and other cancers, such as leukemia, •bloating, mellitus; lactation
inflammatory transcription factors; lymphoma, and multiple myeloma. •muscle weakness, or ▪ Physical for systemic
Dose: they promote anti-inflammatory • To treat nausea and vomiting •changes in the shape or administration:
4mg/ml genes like interleukin-10.3 associated with some chemotherapy location of body fat Baseline body weight,
Lower doses of corticosteroids drugs. (especially in your arms, T; reflexes, and grip
provide an anti-inflammatory effect, • Used to stimulate appetite in legs, face, neck, breasts, strength, affect, and
while higher doses are cancer patients with severe appetite and waist). orientation; P, BP,
immunosuppressive.3 High doses of problems. Rare instances peripheral perfusion,
glucocorticoids for an extended Also used to replace steroids in prominence of
period bind to the mineralocorticoid conditions of adrenal insufficiency (low superficial veins; R
receptor, raising sodium levels and production of needed steroids produced by and adventitious
decreasing potassium levels the adrenal glands). sounds; serum
electrolytes, blood
Contraindication glucose
• visible water retention Interventions
• inherited deficiency of ▪ For systemic
argininosuccinate lyase administration, do not
• inherited carbamoyl phosphate give drug to nursing
synthetase deficiency mothers; drug is
• citrullinemia secreted in breast milk.
• infection caused by the varicella ▪ WARNING: Give
zoster virus daily doses before 9
• measles AM to mimic normal
• ornithine carbamoyltransferase peak corticosteroid
deficiency blood levels.
▪ Increase dosage when
• arginase deficiency
patient is subject to
• exposure to the measles
• exposure to the chickenpox ▪ Taper doses when
• muscle pain or tenderness with discontinuing high-
increase creatine kinase
• broken bone due to disease or dose or long-term
illness therapy.
• osteonecrosis ▪ Do not give live virus
vaccines with
doses of
▪ For respiratory
inhalant, intranasal
preparation, do not use
respiratory inhalant
during an acute
asthmatic attack or to
manage status
▪ Do not use intranasal
product with untreated
local nasal infections,
epistaxis, nasal trauma,
septal ulcers, or recent
nasal surgery.
▪ WARNING: Taper
systemic steroids
carefully during
transfer to inhalational
steroids; adrenal
insufficiency deaths
have occurred.
▪ For topical
preparations, use
caution when occlusive
dressings, tight diapers
cover affected area;
these can increase
systemic absorption.
▪ Avoid prolonged use
near the eyes, in
genital and rectal areas,
and in skin creases.

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