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BFP Qualifying Written Examination

INSTRUCTION: Choose from among the suggested answers the word/s that means most nearly
the same as the underlined word/s.
1. Teenagers are easily susceptible to peer influence.
a. Flexible
b. Inspired
c. Dependable
d. Inclined
2. The lotto winners will be selected at random.
a. By chance
b. By competition
c. By testing
d. By interviewing
3. If you are ambivalent with the answers, analyze the given problem.
a. Confusion
b. Innocent
c. Uncertain
d. Unaware
4. Cleanliness is still at a discount in many parts of the country.
a. Valued fully
b. Not to be valued fully
c. Attended to
d. Believed
5. My mother is always adamant in eating breakfast before leaving the
a. Resolute
b. Uncertain
c. Forgetful
d. Clueless
6. He left the country because of the ominous experiences he had in the past.
a. Unforgettable
b. Threatening
c. Ugly
d. Remarkable
7. Reading words without understanding their meaning is futile.
a. Helpless
b. Useless
c. Unnecessary
d. Avoidable
8. Mr. Henry Sy is now rolling in money.
a. Very rich
b. Famous
c. Losing money
d. Successful in business
9. Carry on with your work.
a. Continue
b. Carry the workc. Stop
d. Be on time
10. She wears gold but people know how ostentatious she can be.
a. Pretentious
b. Ambitious
c. Gorgeous
d. Rebellious
11. Jek is the apple of his mother's eye.
a. Adored
b. Dearly loved
c. Always watched
d. Pride
12. He got the money to fund his checks in the bank at the eleventh hour.
a. 11:00 am
b. 11:00 pm
c. Just in time
d. 11th hour of the day
3. He submitted a grotesque artwork that nobody in the class could
relate to.
a. Different
b. Weird
c. Beautiful
d. Colorful
14. She is generous to a fault.
a. Excessively
b. Seldom
c. Rarely
d. Infrequent
15. Their clandestine affair remained unknown for three years.
a. Forbidden
b. Surprise
c. Secret
d. Unacceptable
16. The marketing officers were asked to go over the figures in their reports before the
a. Compute
b. Calculate
c. Revise
d. Review
17. Business, like life, is much too extensive and liquescent to be wholly contained by any
checklist, formula or theory.
a. Structured
b. Changeable
c. Complicated
d. Shapeless
18. They say love is like a firework, a fleeting moment.
a. Brief
b. Unforgettable
c. Shinnyd. Remarkable
19. We were forced to postpone the meeting.
a. Call off
b. Put off
c. Delay
d. Do without
20. Cara is repulsive and rebellious. She always speaks sordid words.
a. Dirty
b. Vulgar
c. Weird
d. Bizarre
21. Punctuality is imposed in this office.
a. Being cheerful
b. Being courteous
c. Being on time
d. Being efficient
22. Every time I see Cathy looking at me, I feel Euphoria in my bones.
a. Gravity
b. Ecstasy
c. Erotic
d. Numb
23. Recklessness always entails jeopardy.
a. Danger
b. Crisis
c. Apprehension
d. Control
24. Jomar resolved to act more wisely next time.
a. Promised
b. Hoped
c. Decided
d. Consented
25. I bought this book because when I read the blurb at the back, I fell in love with it.
a. Summary
b. Teaser
c. Blog
d. Plot
26. The woman reported that the diamonds snatched from here were genuine.
a. Valuable
b. Real
c. Imitations
d. Synthetic
27. Sanctuaries for wildlife have dwindled alarmingly in the last decade.
a. Disappeared
b. Changed
c. Decreased
d. Multiplied
28. Finding a way out of the labyrinth is the last challenge of the Vcompetition.
a. Castleb. Forest
c. Maze
d. Box
29. Myla loves to eat a prodigious amount of home-made bread.
a. Tiny
b. Moderate
c. Huge
d. Slight
30. There is still love in our hearts amidst our seemingly mundane existence.
a. Complicated
b. Modern
c. Worldly
d. Wealthy
31. Northstar Review Center and Crimzone Printing are going to merge by the middle of the
a. Change owners
b. Become one
c. Expand
d. Divide into two
32. Cassy has a strong penchant in collecting cars.
a. Belief
b. Fondness
c. Hobby
d. Route
33. The recommendation of the wage council is repugnant to the employers.
a. Acceptable
b. Objectionable
c. Beneficial
d. Degrading
34. It is futile to argue with the boss once he has made up his mind.
a. Useful
b. Useless
c. Hopeful
d. Encouraging
35. Diskettes and CDs are going obsolete.
a. Recycled
b. Refurbished
c. Updated
d. Outdated
36. One symptom of H-fever is nose-bleeding.
a. Symbol
b. Caused
c. Sign
d. Pain
37. The Queen of the Night dances vivaciously.
a. Lively
b. Awkward
c. Kindly
d. Sweetly38. The baffled owner acquiesced to the worker's demands.
a. Opposed
b. Reacted
c. Agreed
d. Resisted
39. The post is titled; please straighten it.
a. Sloping
b. High
c. Adjustable
d. Level
40. The court released a dogmatic statement that made people more
a. Naive
b. Unbelievable
e. Assertive
d. Unclear
41. The union's grievance committee met with the school directors to protest the teacher's
a. Retirement
b. Personnel
c. Scholarship
d. Complaint
42. This generation is prone to plethoric use of mobile gadgets.
a. Essential
b. Crucial
e. Important
d. Excessive
43. Pilo's insensitivity has created animosity to the worker's demands.
a. Distrust
b. Hostility
c. Fear
d. Distance
44. A conscientious teacher spends hours preparing lesson plans and computing student's
a. Creative
b. Careful
c. Proficient
d. Efficient
45. I am usually haphazard in composing my poetry but they turn out so well anyway.
a. Disorganized
b. Blank
c. Puzzled
d. Strategic
46. His boss appeared to be in an affable mood that Albert decided to ask for a raise.
a. Agreeable
b. Cheerful
c. Courteous
d. Uncertain47. Three authors collaborated in preparing this book.
a. Work together
b. Collate
c. Communal
d. Contribute
48. The DPWH secretary obeyed the president's order in a complaisant manner.
a. Obliging
b. Make perfect
c. Complaint
d. Making up for
49. Ang mga magbubukid ay nabihasa sa paggamit ng kalabaw bilang katulong nila sa
a. Nagsawa
b. Nagtiwala
c. Nasanay
d. Natuto
50. Mrs. Leny Ngo cannot keep her complicity in this affair secret very long.
a. Complication
b. Involvement
c. Comprise
d. Conspiracy
51. The search for a consort for the heiress of the throne ended happily.
a. Escort
b. Body guard
c. Husband
d. Prince
52. Miss Sabina's employer offered to defray the cost of her trip to Hong Kong.
a. Provide for the payment of
b. Charge
c. Turn side
d. Reduce
53. The Defense presented its case to the jury in a trenchant manner.
a. Legalistic
b. Dignified
c. Vague
d. Cautious
54. The Saudi Arabian Government decapitated three criminals in March, 1996.
a. Hang
b. Imprisoned
c. Beheaded
d. Release
55. Japanese cuisine is now famous in Manila.
a. Fast food
b. Chefs
c. Restaurant
d. Style of cooking
56. A special group in the police force is believed to be engaged in furtive activities.
a. Illegal
b. Suspicious c. Unusual
d. Secret
57. Her exemplary performance was mentioned in the meeting.
a. Effort
b. Effective
c. Outstanding
d. Ineffective
58. Dr. Antonio prescribes massive doses of antibiotics for his patients with tuberculosis.
a. Daily
b. Double
c. Heavy
d. Encourage
59. Ang pagal na guro ay sandaling tumigil bago muling nagpatuloy sa pagsasalita.
a. Pagod
b. Galit
c. Pihikan
d. Mabagal
60. When Lea was asked to sing, she did not falter.
a. Hesitate
b. Pretend
c. Give-in
d. Go-on
Vocabulary (Answer Keys)
1. D
2. A
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. A
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. B
14. A
15. C
16. D
17. C
18. A
19. A
20. B
21. C
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. B
26. B
27. C
28. C
29. C30. C
31. B
32. B
33. B
34. B
35. D
36. C
37. A
38. C
39. A
40. C
41. D
42. D
43. B
44. B
45. A
46. C
47. A
48. A
49. C
50. B
51. C
52. A
53. D
54. C
55. D
56. D
57. C
58. C
59. A
60. A

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