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Powers and abilities

T’Challa gets his superhuman powers from the Heart-Shaped Herb, a

Wakandan plant that grants enhanced abilities and links each Black Panther
spiritually to the Panther god Bast. These abilities allow him to fight on an
equal level with chemically enhanced super-soldiers like Captain America.
T’Challa’s combat skills and intelligence, however, are all his own.

Superhuman senses, including ultraviolet vision and scent tracking

Enhanced physical attributes, like strength, speed, endurance, etc.

Master of all forms of unarmed combat


gggGenius intellect; master strategist and tactician

Suit is made of vibranium weave, which absorbs the kinetic force of
impacts like punches and bullets. It can also redistribute that force
and release it as an energy pulse to attack.

Suit also has cloaking technology that allows it to disappear and

appear at will. Manifests from a special necklace.

Gloves house powerful clawsthat are strong enough to leave marks on

Captain America’s shield. In the comics, these claws are made of
“anti-metal,” which can dissolve other metals on contact.

Boots have vibranium alloy pads that allow T’Challa to leap great heights
without injury on landing, walk on water and scale buildings.
Asgardian/Elder God Hybrid Physiology


Godlike Strength


Superhuman Speed

Superhuman Stamina

Superhuman Senses

Regenerative Healing Factor


Super Breath


Self Sustenance

Earth Control.

Transcend Dimensions

Vast Energy Manipulation


Rain Manipulation

Memory Alteration


Electrical Hammer

War suit winged helmet


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