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The Social Security Act makes sure that older Americans and Americans with disabilities will get
a pension when they retire.

12. The reason why the Soviet Union accepted United States’ money after World War II was because
they were excited about spreading capitalism throughout the Soviet bloc.

13. The reason why Japanese-Americans were put in internment camps during WWII was because
Fred Korematsu threatened President Roosevelt.

14. The Nuremberg Trials were over suspected communists in the U.S. government and their access
to nuclear weapons.

15. Marcus Garvey and Booker T. Washington believed the same thing, that African Americans
should temporarily accept discrimination while bettering themselves through education and job skills.

16. The idea behind rationing was to promote civilians limiting their use of strategic resources so
that they can be forwarded to the military.

17. America authorized the Lend-Lease Act first, and then followed up with the Cash and Carry Act.
This showed that America was trying to remain neutral with the war in Europe.

18. The Truman Doctrine gave money to anyone in Europe that needed economic assistance post-
WWII which made Joseph Stalin super happy because it made communism look really good on a national

19. The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance of Western countries such as Great Britain, the United
States, West Germany, and France and was created to fight the Soviet group, NATO.

20. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation helped reform the country by creating an
administration that overlooks and helps regulate the stock market.

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