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1. Group 1 Feb. 28
1. Obong, John Michael, Sazon
2. Bautista, Ken Joseph, Dela Cruz
3. Bundalian, Jasmine, Lising
2. Group 2 Feb. 29
1. De Jesus, Louise Anne Karyll, Matawaran
2. Lorenzo, Jhona Mae, Abuda
3. Aquino, Ryan Dominique, Custodio
3. Group 3 March 13
1. Licudini, Isaiah Mikaela
2. Miguel, Gizelle Anne, Pampanga
3. Bartolata, Jañerle, Labrador
4. Group 4 March 14
1. Carlos, Shermel, Ramos
2. Dela Cruz, Charley
3. Bitago, Jennyrose, Sallan
5. Group 5 April 3
1. Pamesa, Elhanan, Dela Cruz
2. Coronel, Ramil Jr., Dilao
3. Santos, Gendrix Neil, Rumeral
6. Group 6 April 4
1. Rivera, Rhona Mhae, Alonso
2. Trinidad, Maria Czarina Liann, Echiverre
3. Gabuc, Jhon, Fernando
7. Group 7 April 17
1. Abayon, Rommel
2. Calizo, Precious Iya, Riodique
3. Rojas, Julia Nicole, Henoves
8. Group 8 April 18
1. Isabelo, Clarissa, Sapiot
2. Gravanzo, Ivan Tristan, Zilmar
3. Castro, Dariel, Vilog
9. Group 9 May 2
1. Medrano, Mark Lloyd, Diñoso
2. Navarro, Godwyne, Bringas
Ethics Topics:

1. The Moral Agent

• Character Vs. Personality
• Moral Character and Virtue
• Moral Character as Disposition
• Kohlberg’s Stages of Development

2. Feelings in Moral Decision-making

• Feelings as Instinctive Response to Moral Dilemmas
• Cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism vs. Logical Positivism
• 7 steps Model for Making Moral Decisions
• The Importance of Will and Courage

3. 3 General Subject Area in Ethics

• Meta-ethics
• Normative ethics
• Applied ethics
• Difference to virtue ethics

4. Socrates and Plato’s Moral Philosophy (Theory of Forms, Life of Virtue, and
Cardinal Ethics)
5. Aristotle’s Ethics (Nicomachean Ethics and Eudamian Ethics; and Concept of
Golden Mean)
6. Thomas Acquinas Theory of Morality (Natural Law)
7. Immanuel Kant’s Ethics and Rights Theory (Legal vs. Moral Rights)
8. The concept of Utilitarianism (Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill)
9. Globalization and Pluralism (Identify pluralism and globalization in current time
and how it affects our society)
Rubrics of Reporting:

CATEGORY 50 45 40 30 TOTAL
All supportive Almost all Most supportive Few or no facts
Content facts and supportive factsfacts and and examples
Accuracy examples are and examples examples are are reported or
reported are reported reported most are
accurately accurately accurately inaccurately
The group is The group The group is The group does
Preparedness completely seems pretty somewhat not
prepared. prepared. prepared. seem at all
Use of visual Use of visual Use of visual Few or no visual
aids/video/ aids/video/ aids/video/ aids of any sort
PowerPoint PowerPoint PowerPoint were used.
Artistic Merit presentation is presentation is presentation is
and accuracy sufficient and almost sufficient and
is sufficient and fairly done
excellently averagely done
All the group Almost all group Some of the The group
Speaks members members speak group members cannot be
Clearly speak clearly. clearly. speak clearly. understood.

Rate your groupmate in every criterion; 1 being the lowest and 5 being the


Available for discussions /


Ability to frequently contact

including over the phone and email

Sense of responsibility

Timely completion of work

Commitment to Quality

Helping other team members


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