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Plastic Bending of beam

Test beam Travel indicator

Magnetic contactor

Back board
Fixing plate with
capacitive screws



Digital force display

Load cell

Note: Read the lab manual thoroughly and answer the questions asked in the manual in the results and discussion part while
writing report. Also don’t use the diagram provided in this presentation for writing report. Find the bending moment diagram for
each condition yourself and append to your report.
Pinned - Pinned ends or Simple Beam
Deflection (mm) Force (N)

0 0

3 24

6 45

9 67

12 80

15 97

18 102

21 112

24 118

27 125

30 127

33 129

36 129
𝑀𝑝 = 𝑉 ∗ 2 (Area of shear force diagram gives bending moment value. This is
symmetric loading condition.)
Area Or
Mp is equal to the sum of moments calculated after the point of application of
load in BMD.
Bending moment diagram

Mp =
Pinned - Fixed ends
Deflection (mm) Force (N)

0 0

3 51

6 98

9 140

12 185

15 224

18 244

21 248

24 247

27 249

30 249

33 249

36 249

Bending moment
Mp = 𝑽𝟐 ∗ 𝟐 (Area of shear force diagram gives bending moment value.
This is symmetric loading condition)
Mp is equal to the sum of moments calculated after the point of
application of load in BMD.
3𝑃𝑙 5𝑃𝑙
Mp = +
16 32
Fixed - Fixed ends
Deflection (mm) Force (N)

0 0

2 45

4 94

6 131

8 173

10 198

12 229

14 241

16 252

18 258

20 262

22 262
𝑀𝑝 = 𝑉 ∗ 2 (Area of shear force diagram gives bending moment value.
This is symmetric loading condition)
Mp is equal to the sum of moments calculated after the point of
application of load in BMD.

Bending moment diagram

𝑃𝑙 𝑃𝑙
Mp = +
8 8

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