Emtech Reviewer

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Media Sharing- sites that allow you to upload

EMTECH REVIEWER and share media content like images, music, and
Information and Communication Technology video

Information- facts provided or learned about 5. Microblogging - sites that focus on short
something or someone updates from the user. Those who are
subscribed will receive updates.
Communication- imparting or exchanging of
information or news 6. Blogs and Forums - sites that allow users to
post their content
Technology- machinery and equipment
developed from the application of scientific INTERNET THREATS
knowledge Malware – or malicious software, is any
ICT- deals with the use of different program or file that is harmful to a computer
communication technologies user.

World Wide Web (WWW/ W3)- an Types:

interconnected system of public webpages Virus - a malicious program designed to
accessible through the Internet. replicate itself and transfer from one computer
-invented by Sir Tim Bernersl Lee in 1989 to another (internet, local networks, FDs, CDs,
-its either be static or dynamic
Worm - a malicious program that transfers from
TRENDS in ICT one computer to another by any type of means.
- industry has focused on several innovations. Trojan - a malicious program that disguises as a
useful program
1. Convergence- the combination of two or
more different entities of technologies to create Spyware - a program that runs in the
a new single device background without you knowing it (thus called
“spy”). It has the ability to monitor what you are
2. Social Media- a website, application, or
currently doing and typing through keylogging.
channel that enables web users to create, co-
Ex. Keylogger – used to record keystrokes done
create, modify, and exchange user-generated
by the user. This is done to steal their password
or any other sensitive information. The key
TYPES OF SOCIAL MEDIA logger software typically uses log file to store its
1.Social Networks- sites that allow you to
connect with other people with same interests Adware - a program designed to send you
or background advertisements, mostly as pop-ups.

2.Bookmarking Sites- sites that allow users you Ransomware - or ransom software is a type of
to store and manage links to various websites malicious software from cryptovirology that
and resources, and to tag threatens to publish the victim's

3.Social News- sites that allow users to post Spam - an unwanted email mostly from bots or
their own news items or links to other news advertisers. It can be used to send malware.
Phishing - its goal is to acquire sensitive 7. Mail Merge- allows you to create a doc
personal information like passwords and credit and merge them with another doc/ data
card details file
8. Text Wrap- adjusts how the image
Protecting Reputations Online- before you post
behaves around other objects or text
something on the web remember the rules
Copyright Infringement- it is the use of works
protected by copyright law without permission Ctrl+A Select All
for a usage where such permission is required
Ctrl+B Bold Text
Ctrl+C Copy Text
Word Processor- electronic device/ computer
Ctrl+D Show Font Dialog Box
software application that performs the task of
comporing, editing, printing, etc. Ctrl+E Align Text to Center

o Open office ▪ File

o Libre ▪ Insert
o Polarize ▪ References
o King soft ▪ Review
o Word perfect ▪ Home
o Word pad ▪ Page Layout
o Microsoft word ▪ Mailings
▪ Review
Microsoft Word- word processing program that
allows for the creation of both simple and Home Tab- allows you to change document
complex documents settings such as the fort. Adding bullets, number
list, adjusting styles, other common features
-released on October 25 1983
Advance Spreadsheet Skills- the ability to
produce graphs and tables, use spreadsheets
1. Auto Correct- corrects common spelling efficiently, and perform calculations and
errors, and capitalization mistakes automation to process large volumes of data
2. Auto Format- applies formatting to text
Spreadsheet- allows users to organize data in
(number listing bullet hyperlinks)
rows and columns
3. Grammar Checker- proof reads
document for grammar, writing style,
sentence structure errors and reading
statistics. Libre Office- freely available, fully featured
4. Template- document that contains the office productivity suite
formatting Open Office- design plan that removes physical
5. Thesaurus- provides synonyms for a barriers in the workplace to create a more open
word in a document and inviting environment for employees
6. Tables- organize info into rows and
Google- search for information about (someone COMMONLY USED EXCEL FUNCTIONS
or something) on the internet
Sum- adds all the numbers in a range of cells
Apple iWork Number- spreadsheet application
Count- counts the number of cells that contain
developed by Apple Inc. as part of the iWork
productivity suite alongside Keynote and Pages
Min- returns the smallest number in a set of
King Soft- worksheet application alternative to
Microsoft Excel- spreadsheet developed by Ms
Word. Features for calculation , graphing tools, Max- returns the largest value in a set of values
pivot- visual basic for application
Average- returns the average (arithmetic mean)
KEY TERMS of the arguments
Rows- horizontal line Sumif- adds the cells specifies by a given
Columns- vertical line Computer graphics- visual representations of
data made on a computer and is displayed on a
Cell- place where information is held a
computer screen or monitor
Layout- the arrangement of graphic elements
Active Cell- Selected Cell
on a page
Column Heading- box at the top of each column
Balance- describes the placement of elements
Cell Reference- cell address of the cell usually of equal weight on the page
combine letter and number (A1,B1,BC)
Movement- describes the flow of elements on
Merge- combining/ joining two or more cells the page

Functions- predefined formulas and are already Unity- the sense of oneness of the elements
available. that creates balance and harmony

Formula Bar- displays the contents of the cell Repetition- describes the consistent and
balanced repetition of a design or element
Proximity- describes the organization and
relationship of the elements included in the
Multiplication- * design

Division- / Contrast – it is the combination of the opposing

characteristics of an element like color, size,
Addition- + thickness, and among others. It allows emphasis
Subtration- - on key elements.

= first before formula Emphasis - An area in the design that catches

viewer’s attention. The area may appear
Functions- are pre defined formulas that are different in size, color, texture or shape.
already available in Ms Excel
Infographics- used to present information,
statistical data, or knowledge in a graphical
manner usually done in a creative way


Thesis/Story. The subject and the main idea of

your infographic must be clear.

Data. Data must be well-organized and

supports the main idea.

Simplicity. (color, style, and illustrations). You

must be able to create your own palette; your
style must be able to attract readers so as not to
make your infographic full of text. Do not use
stock photos.

Sources. You must cite your sources so as to

give credibility to your data.
Branding/Shareability. Your infographic must be
creative and innovative


JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group. It is

the most popular image format used on the

GIF – Graphics Interchange Format. It is limited

to the 8-bit palette with only 256 colors.

PNG – Portable Network Graphic. This file

format is best with line art, text, and logo. It is
capable to display transparencies.

TIFF – Tagged Image File Format. It is considered

as a high-quality image format, where all color
and data information are stored

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