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o Linear Perspective- involves the use of

CPAR REVIEWER vanishing points and receding hidden

Contemporary Art- the art that springs out of lines
the present-day events and passions of the o Atmospheric Perspective- utilizes the
society “newest form of art” 20th century properties of light and air in depicting
the illusion of distance
Modern Art- in the late 1800’s and continued to 2. Line- the extension of a point, a short or
grow for me or less a century. Idea of using a long mark drawn or curved on a surface
pure, simplified, and a streamlined form and 3. Shape and Form- when the ends of line
style “less is more” meet, they form a shape. It can also be
described as a figure separate from its
Post Modernism- in the west, late 1970’s then
surrounding area or background
give birth to what we know now as
4. Color- probably the most striking art
contemporary art. Exists up to this day, and no
element that catches the eye is color. It
one knows when a new period will arrive to veil
is a sensation created by visible
contemporary art in its shadow
wavelengths of lights caught in prism
Subject of Art- to create your own o Hue- basic or pure color
contemporary piece you must fully understand o Value- lightness and darkness of color
what makes an artwork a true work of art o Saturation- brightness and dullness
The Subject of Art:
5. Value- in visual arts, value is the degree
1. Realism- the subject is done the way it of lightness and darkness of a color
actually looks (ex. Arceli Dans, the Bridal 6. Texture- is the surface of an artwork
White) 7. Time and Motion- in the visual arts this
2. Distortion- artist uses his/her can be either be an illusion or an actual
imagination and alters the subject motion
according to his/her desire (ex. Norma
Belleza’s, the Fiesta)
3. Abstraction- artist breaks a part a Philippine Contemporary Arts- can be
subject and rearranges it in a different described into visual arts, literary arts, and
manner. (Paintings of the National Artist performing arts.
Vicente Manansala)
4. Non-Objectivism- there is no subject at
all just an interplay of pure elements,
like; line, shape, color, and so on 1. Music- appeals to the sense of hearing,
(painting of Roberto Chabet, on Acrylic composed by combining notes into
Paper) harmony
2. Literature- language through the
combined use of words, creating
1. Space- in visual arts can be defined as meaning and experience
void, an emptiness which can either be 3. Theater- performance. Dramatic text is
positive or negative portrayed, artist use their voices/bodies
often in relation to other objects, to
convey artistic expression
Literature- According to Lombardi (2020) term
used to describe written and sometimes spoken
4. Dance- Tinikling: involves two individua
performers hitting bamboo poles
Carinosa: national dance from the Maria -most commonly refers to works of the creative
Clara suite imagination, including poetry, drama, fiction,
5. Design and Art Purpose- Lapu Lapu nonfiction, and in some instances, journalism
Shrine: 20-meter bronze statue located and song
in the Mactan Shrine in Punta Engano
Latin Word:
6. Architecture, Designs and Allied Arts-
structure that meant to be used ass Literature “writing formed with letters”
shelter, its art relies on the design and
purpose of the structure
7. Visual Arts- visual sense and typically GAMABA and NATIONAL ARTIST
exists in permanent form (painting,
photography, sculpture) GAMABA- supports and spur artist who protect
their masterful legacy for the present and future
Visual Arts- an expression of artistic ideas generations.
through images, structures and tactile work.
Integrated which means it combines several National Artist- is the highest recognition given
mediums to create new and unique artwork to Filipino individuals who have made significant
contributions to the development of Philippine
1. Painting- the expression of ideas and Gawad sa Manlilikha ng Bayan
emotions, with the creation of certain
aesthetic qualities, in a two-dimensional Lamberto V. Avellana- director for theater and
visual language film, has the distinction of being called "The Boy
2. Sculpture- an art form in which hard or Wonder of Philippine Movies" as early as 1939.
plastic materials are worked into three- José María V. Zaragoza's- place in PH
dimensional art objects. (Filipino architecture history is defined by a significant
sculptors came to be known in the body of modern edifices that address spiritual &
middle of the 19th century) secular requirements.
3. Architecture- the art and practice of Haja Amina Appi- was a Filipino master mat
designing and constructing buildings weaver and teacher from the Sama indigenous
4. Film- form of visual art use to imitate people of Ungos Matata, Tandubas, Tawi-Tawi.
experiences that communicate ideas,
stories, or feelings with the use of Lang Dulay- was a Filipino traditional weaver
moving images (movie or motion who was a recipient of the National Living
picture) Treasures Award. She is credited with preserving
her people's tradition of weaving T'nalak, a dyed
Literary Arts- are an expression of ideas through fabric made from refined abaca fibre
writing. Can be categorized as poetry, prose,
and drama
Honorata “Atang” Dela Rama- was formally
honored as the Queen of Kundiman in 1979,
then already 74 years old singing the same song
(“Nabasag na Banga”) that she sang as a 15-
year-old girl in the sarsuela Dalagang Bukid.

Daisy H. Avellana- is an actor, director and

writer. Born in Roxas City, Capiz on January 26,
1917, she elevated legitimate theater and
dramatic arts to a new level of excellence by
staging and performing in breakthrough
productions of classic Filipino and foreign plays
and by encouraging the establishment of
performing groups and the professionalization
of Filipino theater.

Salinta Molon- a GAMABA awardee of

Tagabawa Bagobo of Bansalan, who was
awarded for fully demonstrating the creative
and expressive aspects of the Bagobo abaca ikat

o Born on October 9, 1915 and

christened Manuel Pabustan Urbano,
Manuel Conde grew up and studied in
Daet, Camarines Norte.
o In the decades before and after World
War II when Philippine society was
being inundated by American popular
culture, Conde invested local cinema
with a distinct cultural history of its
own through movies that translated
onto the silver screen the age-old
stories that Filipinos had told and retold
from generation to generation for at
least the past one hundred years.

Magdalena Gamayo (born 13 August 1924)- is a

Filipino weaver who is a lead-practitioner of the
Ilocano tradition of pingable.

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