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In today’s interconnected world social media has become an integral part of the youth experience,
shaping the way young individuals perceive themselves, communicate, engage with the world, and build
connections. As one of the users, today’s youth navigate a landscape where social media is not just a
platform for connection but a powerful force shaping opinions, aspirations, and relationships. Today, let
me tell you how social media influence the youth.
Social media often to describe what we post on sites and apps like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and
others. So, you can infer that social media are web-based communication tools that enable people to
interact with each other by sharing and consuming information. In social media, it allows teens to create
online identities and communicate with others, teens also use social media for entertainment and self-
expression. And this platform can expose teens to current events, that allow them to interact across
barriers. I will ask you right now, for you is social media bad or good. I am sure there are as many
answers to this question, on both sides, as there are people using social media. It is clear that there are
good and bad to everything in everyone’s life, and that includes our social networking habits. Social
media can have a positive impact and negative impact. The positive impact of social media is that it
inspires young people to develop healthy habits, learn new skills, follow their dreams, and speak up about
things that matter to them, they can also find role models that inspire, support, and encourage them.
Someone that they may look up to as a good example. Someone who is worthy of imitation. And with that
they will think about how they can get there too one day if they work hard enough at building their
identity. However, social media use can also negatively affect teens, distracting them, disrupting their
sleep, and exposing them to cyberbullying, rumor spreading, unrealistic views of other people's lives and
peer pressure.
We may all agree that social media have many benefits, especially during the pandemic, it enables us
to stay connected with our family and friends. It helps us to overcome barriers of distance and time when
connecting with others, and provide access to information, opportunities and strengthening personal but
always remember when using social media, you should know how to use it, you should set boundaries, be
mindful of the information’s you share online to protect your privacy and personal well-being.
and take a break when using social media to reduce stress, improve your mental health, and maintain a
healthy offline life. As a teenager, you should know your limits, handle your digital footprints like a
masterpiece because each steps leaves an impression. So, before you post, pause, and ponder if it is worth
to share, remember, the internet never forgets be intentional in what you leave behind. ‘’Do not let virtual
reality distort your actual reality; balance is the key.’’

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